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ELLESMERE ISLAND — 79°50'N 78°00'W
The Arctic Archipelago,the most northerly point of land in Canada
More than one-fifth of the island has been turned into a national park. Quttinirpaaq National Park, in Inuktitut language, means "top of the world." The physical geography of Ellesmere Island is stunning, with breathtaking scenery and enchanting wildlife. Due to the lack of industrialization, its Arctic air is among the clearest on Earth.
Ellesmere Island Geographic Information
Ellesmere Island has low temperatures, low annual rainfall. It has low evaporation due to lack of heat, lack of vegetation, little tundra and mostly bare rock. There are less than 200 people on the island, most of whom are scientific researchers and observers. The number and species of animals on the island are also very few, the more outstanding are the arctic fox and the snow rabbit.
30km from Hyperloop station
Transport:30 minutes bus / 60 minutes sleigh
2km to the sea
Transport: 5 minutes bus/ 30minutes walk /10minutes sleigh
Weather a.Winter: can be - 45 ℃ , Summer(June-Sep.): often lower than 7 ℃ b. Hadly rains. The annual average precipitation (snow, rain and Frost) is only 60mm, and the ground evaporation is very little due to lack of heat. a.Plants:The Arctic willow /moss b.Terrestrial animal: musk oxen, caribou, polar bears, Arctic fox, Arctic hare, Arctic tern(Birds usually appear in Summer)
Marine animal: Seals, Whale, Cod, salmon, flounder, Halibut
Cause the effect of Ocean current, July-Dec.is better for salmon eating
The World Map
noth celestial pole
Sun’s Path
Vancouver, Canada x Moscow, Russia
Sun’s Path at North Pole south celestial pole Ellesmere
Bubbled Diagram
c.The period of Aurora: from September to April of the following year, the weather will be relatively warm in June to August, and outdoor activities can be carried out.
The peak season is between May and October.
a.Proposed Hyperloop tunnel connecting Vancouver–Moscow for EHC’19-Arctic : Over 8200 km, is claimed by Virgin Hyperloop One to be covered in less than 10 hours b.Every year, the polar day phenomenon starts from March 21, and the whole day sunshine lasts about 187 days, and the polar night phenomenon starts from October 21, which lasts about 163 days. In the Arctic Circle, the sun will never be able to direct, and the height of the sun is not high, reaching the maximum height on the summer solstice. c.Cold winter and cool summer climate.
Location: in the Arctic Archipelago,the most northerly point of land in Canada Coordinates:79°50′ N 78°00′ W
Archipelago:Queen Elizabeth Islands
Area:196,235 km2 (75,767 sq mi)
Basic situation a.World's tenth largest island b.The Arctic Cordillera mountain system covers much of Ellesmere Island.More than one-fifth of the island has been turned into a national park. c.Population of these settlements is less than 200. d.Ventured called it "Horizontal Himalayas."
I divided the function of the restaurant into the entrance, the restaurant, the kitchen and the stay area. And then further divided the restaurant into the viewing and dining areas. Since this is a restaurant where seafood is the main food, I used the pictograms of fish on the plane and facade.
Though much of the island is ice or snow covered, the vegetation of its snow-free areas supports herds of musk oxen, caribou, and polar bears, as well as the Arctic Hare and birds such as the majestic Artic Tern.
Ellesmere Island
Ellesmere Island — World's tenth largest island
The Arctic Archipelago,the most northerly point of land in Canada