Synopsis ECOCITY 2013 - EN

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Preliminary Synopsis of ecocity 2013 Nantes 27 September 2013 Pierre Calame, General Rapporteur of ECOCITY 2013 A summary of this paper was presented at the closing plenary 1. A collective intelligence challenge Dear participants, it is now that you will discover what you actually said in the workshops! This is a joke of course, but perhaps only partly, as many references made during the sessions, apparently specific, sometimes anecdotal, appear to have a different scope when compared to topics in the same vein. Just a word about the approach we adopted to produce this summary in «real time.» Many sessions focused on the process of collective creativity based on new policies. The organizers wanted the Summit to be consistent with these beliefs to become, in itself, a process of collective creativity. Hence they took the risk of this «no safety net» exercise in the production of a realtime synopsis for a very large number of sessions. This would seem an impossible challenge, if only because of the inability of the rapporteur to attend a number of workshops taking place at the same time. To resolve this contradiction, we adopted a rigorous procedure combining audacity and rigour. Taking the risk to summarise each session in real time is a bold move. We have opted for a rigorous approach, on the one hand, by adopting a unified note-taking template for each session and on the other hand, by not pretending to cover all the issues that were discussed, but focusing on a key topic that is common to all: what are the changes being undertaken or what are the changes necessary to effectively lead the transition towards sustainable societies. Real time note-taking was made possible thanks to the mobilization of a large number of students who attended each session and looked at the most significant elements raised by the speakers or during the discussions, with a specific focus on the issue of necessary changes. We decided to put our trust on young people. They did a great job. Please applaud them. But I also hope that this ‘preliminary’ summary, fully enriched by the students who did not have personal, professional experience on the topics you covered, will be the be all and end all, just as this real time summary can only be the starting point for a truly collective synopsis of the Summit which has allowed, by the diversity of angles of approach, to «fix» a point in time: where what appears more and more clearly is a vast collective change process without centralized guidance. We need to go further and the most difficult part still lies ahead, that is to start a second, post-summit phase of work. It is the most difficult one because everyone, after this important event, has returned to their everyday activities. In this second phase, each of the participants will enrich the collective material by feeding into the collective thinking, the way the students did it and with the same tools, but this time starting from their own experience, ie what are the changes underway and what changes are necessary. What are the scope and the legitimacy of what I am presenting to you tonight? This preliminary summary benefits from what I call a procedural legitimacy: it derives from the process it came from. To benefit from this legitimacy, the synopsis must be both controllable and refutable, like scientific research. Why controllable? You saw in the main hall a display of the “desmograms” (conceptual maps) reflecting what the students retained of your discussions. All of them are already on a website. You can therefore check what has been selected from your comments, and you can also modify and add to it.

Synopsis - ECOCITY 2013


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