Hepburn 2021 Issue 3

Page 47

Your Money, Your Wealth, Your Estate Jacqueline Hodges

We all long for a healthy life in our retirement and enough funds in retirement, enough funds to enjoy ourselves, and some left over for our family. If you can relate to this, then you need consider how you wish to live in your retirement, establish your goals, start planning for your future, and decide how to share your estate among your family and love ones after your death. If you haven’t considered your retirement yet, now is the time to start planning. Because the earlier you start the more likely you will have plenty to enjoy in your later years.

We are fortunate in Australia, that we have guaranteed future retirement savings in the form of superannuation. Those of us we are employed, have the benefit of our employers pay at least 9.5% of our wage into our superannuation fund. If you are selfemployed you, your superannuation savings may be more sporadic than you desire. Shaping your future can be confusing and not only involves navigating a myriad of rules, regulations and tax laws but also managing the family dynamics. You should seek the help of your financial team but as an introduction you will need to establish a retirement plan and an estate plan.

Hepburn | 47

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