Once upon a raindrop

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From sensing to transforming From sensing to transforming is a process that links the abstract site feelings to physical landscape drawings.

Figue1(Xinran, Landscape Architecture Design: Terrain and Ecologies,2021)

Preface Building the path to nature—My story with water

The principal virtue of my life is guided by awareness. I call this the nature path. This abstract feeling has influenced my learning of landscape in all aspects. In the exploration of landscape design, I always take this awareness as guidance and inspiration to push forward on what to do next. Simply, I define myself as a perceptual ecological designer. For me, water is one of the most evocative elements in the landscape. It brings life and reflection and creates movement and sparkle in the dullest of scenes (Blanc, 1996). Growing up by the coast, water has always been very important in my life. Even on dark and rainy days, enjoying the sights, listening to the sea, feeling the sea breeze, walking in the waves, and feeling the smells of the sea delight me more than the sunshine. I spend time having fun in the sea, knowing that the marine animals are sharing this wonderland with me. I am often awed by its vastness, making me realise how small my worries, my puzzles and I myself am. The water can always bring me a sense of belonging no matter in what form. I think this is why I am also sensitive to the water elements, water patterns, water sounds. Throughout my studies, my main interest has always been in water-related elements. On the one hand, I think of this as a starting point for how to design and balance the tension between social and environmental systems. On the other hand, it allows us to be sustainable and resilient to future pressures working within a multitude of capacities for a multitude of users, whether human or non-human. Based on my passion for ecological design and water, this essay is divided into three sections. The first part contains the basic theories and terms discussed in ecological design and landscape hydrology. Then, the second part discusses water as a part of nature, whilst the third part thinks about how to transform water into a landscape design. The ‘Goodbye Algae Green’ project in the Azores archipelago could be regarded as the link to my practice, from sensing to transforming.

Figue2(photo taken by Xinran, Ocean elements, Saint Abbs, Dunbar, Dundee,Edinburgh, Jan.&April 2022)



My concern with water

This part focuses on some aspects that I am concerned with relating to water and some critical thinking I consider when designing with water. I will list these in the form of questions. In the three main chapters, I discuss my approach to determining the answers to these undecided areas, as well as my practice process through landscape architecture learning.

Contents Preface Building the path to nature Indeterminations My concern with water Practice process

Question 1: How do we control and balance the distance and relationship between water and people, so people can get close to water without affecting water ecology? First, in any ecological design, we are always thinking about positive and negative relationships between human beings and the natural world. This is a many-faceted, complicated relationship due to the varied human interests and purposes and the vastness of nature itself (Parsons, 2008). I believe that people's attitudes towards water are the epitome of nature: some regard it as a resource that can be consumed and acquired; some try to get close to water, want to understand it, and finally live in harmony with it.

Chapter1-Ecological design and Landscape hydrology 1.1 Ecological design 1) How to think ecological? 1.2 Landscape hydrology 1) How to define Landscape Hydrology? 2) How to create a sustainable water system?

Chapter2-Sensing water through fieldwork and google earth Question 2: I am curious about what water looks like from different perspectives. For example, surface runoff, which is based on seasonal precipitation – is there any way to trace it? How do we derive the plan form of water? As a colourless, odourless liquid, water is usually refracted by background, container and light to produce various colours, textures, shapes and sounds. Question 3: When developing a water-related design, how do we switch between the perspective of a large water system and the creation of a small microclimate habitat? Planting design and management of a place where there is no perennial water: how do we build aquatic plants if we want ponds or wetlands that can store water? And what are ideal and suitable sources of aquatic plants? How do we maintain and manage the follow-up? Also, when thinking of timescale in water design, how do we think about the changes in the water environment in time latitude without external human intervention? For example, soil deposition, erosion and, a few years later, what will the shape of the waterway develop into?



2.1 Fieldwork: Present in the site, absent from the site 1)Wild nature water——Pentland Hill, Edinburgh 2)Artificial urban water——Diana Memorial Fountain, London 2.2 Google earth: Seeing from above

Chapter3-Transforming water into a dynamic system


3.1 Imitate and test the water in physical and technical model 1)Physical concept model 2)Technical analysis model 3.2 Dialogue between scales and dimensions 1)Plane dimension-Hydrology system analysis and strategy development 2)Spatial dimension-Habitat construction and plants selection 3)Time dimension-Dynamic system and future

Rreference List 2


Chapter1 Ecological design and Landscape hydrology Question 1: How do we control and balance the distance and relationship between water and people, so people can get close to water without affecting water ecology? My practice: imagining myself as a part of nature, flowing with the water, flying with the birds, growing with the plants, and combining ecological ideas to feel these dynamic processes.

1.1 Ecological design Write a poem about ‘the experience of encountering the rock’ (Morton, 2018, p.xxxv). 1) How to think ecologica? In the book Being Ecological, Morton argues that we are now using conventional thinking to understand and define nature. Our common and traditional idea of nature is a kind of 'picturesque nature’, like the photos printed on a postcard, usually with a beautiful sky, lush vegetation and often a foreground tree. However, in this way, it is easy to forget that we are symbiotic beings entangled with other symbiotic beings. So the author gives an interesting answer: thinking ecologically means letting go of this idea of nature (Morton, 2018, p.xxxiv). I agree that human beings are a part of nature; people come from nature and return to it (Zumthor, 2006) so we should place ourselves into nature to explore. Then, after establishing this idea about nature, what I keep practicing and exploring is using the senses, the body, to feel nature, to enjoy these unfamiliar and uncertain aspects of nature. I believe that when we realise nature is not a landscape painting, we are amidst it and a small part of it, we are walking on the nature path. In chapter 5 of The Dynamic Landscape, Darrel Morrison writes, ‘In ecological landscape design, this approach should not be replicated from nature, not merely mimicking but inspired by it’ (Morrison et al., 2004). This can be understood as a design based on the natural framework, that conforms to the rule of natural development. Therefore, it is unrealistic to recreate; instead, what a landscape architect can do is restore the native area that needs to be protected, reinforce the local landscape character, and reconnect the existing natural habitats. In a word, the key to ecological design is nature-based design.



Chapter1-Ecological design and Landscape hydrology

Chapter1-Ecological design and Landscape hydrology

1.2 Landscape hydrology 1)How to define Landscape Hydrology? Landscape hydrology is a field that combines landscape science, hydrology, water conservation and other disciplines to conduct a study and practice. It focuses on the impact of hydrological phenomena on the formation and evolution of landscapes, as well as how to alter the hydrological landscape through planning and design. It stresses study and analysis in the fields of science and engineering application, as well as regional, site, space, culture, and art research and analysis. The interdisciplinary field of water science and design, which combines the research and practice of aesthetics, puts forward the overall strategies and measures to solve the water problem and improve the water environment (Ferguson, 1991). Bruce defines ecology, landscape ecology and hydrology, and the relationship between the three, in his essay ‘Landscape Hydrology, a Component of Landscape Ecology’. Landscape ecology is a convergence or synthesis of a range of natural disciplines that interact in a geographic area if the term ecology is used in its broadest sense to mean the entirety of earth systems with all its biophysical interactions. Hydrology is unquestionably one of nature's sciences (Ferguson, 1991).

Ecology———— Landscape ecology—— Hydrology————————

To me, hydrology is also an environmental process that has connectedness at its centre. As a result, the hydrological cycle is a foundational activity. At the same time, the relationship between human and water can be viewed as the pinnacle of our relationship with nature.


Figure3(Xinran, Landscape Architecture Design Exploration Part1,2021)


Chapter1-Ecological design and Landscape hydrology

Chapter1-Ecological design and Landscape hydrology

2)How to create a sustainable water system? We should always consider water bodies as a whole system. This is not only about the relationship between the water body and its water source, or its downstream, but also about the interaction with the entire ecosystem, including intimate ties with plants and soil, and biodiversity as a part of nature. Firstly, a stream or river system is not homogenous; instead, it varies in the way water and waterborne material move (Ward, 1998, cited by David et al.,2007). For example, the water accumulated in the alluvial aquifers of rivers and flood plains maintains relatively complete and dense riparian vegetation. This vegetation stabilises the riverbanks, provides shelter and habitats for animals, and regulates river flow. The discharge of groundwater makes the landscape show obvious patches or current situation characteristics in terms of ecology and hydrology. Secondly, it is precisely because the water body is a link with the natural system that when one section is intervened with, this imperceptibly affects the whole system. Of the many processes involved in the water cycle, the most important are evaporation, transpiration, condensation, precipitation and runoff. Although the total amount of water within the cycle remains essentially constant, its distribution among the various processes is continually changing. Take the key process of infiltration as an example: just like the flow-driven process on the scale of a stream and river-reach scales, the links between landscape characteristics, particularly the spatial patterns in geomorphology and land cover and rivers, are a vital and integral part of the functioning of streamflow (Ward 1998; Hancock,cited by David et al.,2007). When something happens like soil degradation and landslides, these alter the equilibrium between overland flow and infiltration, resulting in increased erosion of sensitive soils and changes in river flow patterns (Snyman and van Rensburg, 1986; Friedel et al., 1990; Keay-Bright and Boardman, 2006,cited by David et al.,2007). These features will also be discussed in the next chapter about how to understand and observe the water line from above. Therefore, the responses of large spatial units may not simply be the sum of the smaller units nested within them. For the Azores archipelago, due to the combined effects of climate change and the ever-increasing population, the pressure of water self-adjusting is increasing. This results in an increased occurrence of natural disasters and water issues with both surface water and groundwater. Therefore, the site analysis of the Azores is based on the surface and ground of these two water layers. 13 8

Before-water circulation

Figure4(Xinran, Landscape Architecture Design Exploration Part1,2021)

After-water issues

14 9

Chapter2 Sensing water through fieldwork and Google Earth Question 2: I am curious about what water looks like from different perspectives. For example, surface runoff, which is based on seasonal precipitation – is there any way to trace it? How do we derive the plan form of water? My practice: observing, touching, and recording water through fieldwork in different forms, different areas, no matter whether in nature, in the urban space, or on a map. I've given this process a name: sensing water.

2.1 Fieldwork: present on the site, absent from the site 1) Through physical immersion in the landscape, design fieldwork is an emotion-driven aesthetic experiment, or emotional experiment (Highmore, 2011,p38). I don't like to name this part site research or a site analysis; instead, I prefer to call it fieldwork. As far as I am concerned, this is the part where I can use my personal feelings to the greatest extent in the whole design process; I enjoy the uncertainty but am also more flexible during the process. So I cannot agree more with Highmore’s quote above. Before the artform is formed, some indescribable feelings enter the process of creation and become part of the work. So usually fieldwork will start at the very beginning, giving us the inspiration from the field. 2) Fieldwork is presented as a practice, as a complex site of concern and action, with associated repertoires of inherited and invented techniques (Ewing, S., et al., 2011,p5). For landscapes, design is also about creating a participatory ecological design, so fieldwork is a good way to integrate the relationship between people and nature. For me, this entails first understanding the site attributes (natural attributes and humanistic attributes) in a wide range, understanding the situation around the site and the ground of the site, positioning myself: what kind of site I am going to make, what kind of association I have when I enter the site, and so on. 3) Reading a place, becoming involved with it, working out the purpose, meaning and goal of a brief, drafting, planning and designing is, therefore, a convoluted process that does not follow a straightforward, linear path (Zumthor, P. ,2000,p7). Just as the design process is not a single line, the same is true for fieldwork. We may need to repeat this step and observe the site dynamics in different seasons at different times. We cannot have framed or set expectations, we should expect a lot of change, we may not be able to achieve the result of beautiful rendering, so the design and implementation of each link can be adjusted according to need. Meanwhile, these nodes are also an opportunity that needs to be adjusted to form a more suitable design, a social reality. Nothing can be the perfect choice for the present; there are only relatively better choices. So the understanding that 'processes are the emergent basis for all landscapes’ (Milligan, 2018, p.39) manes that we need to embrace uncertainty.



Chapter2-Sensing water-through fieldwork and google earth

1)Wild nature water——Pentland Hill, Edinburgh

Chapter2-Sensing water-through fieldwork and google earth

We choose a route that is almost along the waterline, so I can record different types of water.

I would like to share a short paragraph from my dairy here, just to show my feelings about going into the Pentlands. It is a rare sunny day. I have to say, when there is sunshine, everything around me becomes lovely. When we walk along the road I can gradually feel the trees sounding taller and taller, we are now entering the mountains, the woodlands, nature. I feel so excited and moved when I realise this. Everything moves me. I mean the things themselves. The fresh air, the mild sunlight, the babbling brook, the grass colours, rock material, woodland textures. I am not sure whether it is my mood, my feeling, or the sense of expectation that moves me.


Figue5(sketch , Pentland Hill, Edinburgh, March 2022)

Figue6(photo taken by Xinran, Water detail record, Pentland Hill, Edinburgh, March 2022)


Chapter2-Sensing water-through fieldwork and google earth

Chapter2-Sensing water-through fieldwork and google earth

2)Artificial urban water——Diana Memorial Fountain, London

In March, I went to London to visit the Diana Memorial Fountain in Hyde Park. There are many connecting entrances and exits between Hyde Park with the city, among which the branches extend in all directions, so my friend and I stopped to check a guide map of the whole park. Then, accidentally, we recognized this beautiful ring on the plan. Because I heard this landscape case when I was an undergraduate, so I was impressed by the plan shape of this non-circular ring. I can still remember that it was introduced that the designer express Princess Diana's life through flowing and changing water rings. So we immediately decided to walk toward it. I forget to say it was a lovely sunny day. You can see child chasing and playing everywhere on the whole ring. Although it is a memorial landscape, it does not have the eye-catching sign of the traditional memorial park. Only a small introduction board is set up on one side of the entrance garden road. The changes of water flow are indeed rich, but what moved me a lot is the detailed depiction on the stone holding up each section of water flow. The progression of water flow from swift to sluggish, rushing to whirlpool, and finally settling. These minute differences are what give us an unrivalled visual and auditory impact. When I initially saw the simple aircraft, I couldn't believe how much movement there was.


Figue7 (photo taken by Xinran, Diana Memorial Fountain, Hyde Park, London, February 2022)


Chapter2-Sensing water-through fieldwork and google earth

Chapter2-Sensing water-through fieldwork and google earth

2.2 Google earth-Seeing from above Even a tiny water flow has its width, depth and colour changes. With the aerial view of Google Earth, we can observe the different patch textures of the site and speculate as to the current situation of the site we can't reach based on other material data. For example, through Google Earth, we can observe the landslide area and fault zones on the island. The colour, morphology, vegetation and drainage of these lands have typical characteristics (Marques et al., 2015). Therefore, we can use this method to locate the primary area requiring vegetation restoration.


Figue8(Xinran, Landscape Architecture Design Exploration Part1,2021)


Chapter2-Sensing water-through fieldwork and google earth

Chapter3 Transforming water into a dynamic system

Question 3: When developing a water-related design, how do we switch between the perspective of a large water system and the creation of a small microclimate habitat? My practice: The ‘Goodbye Algae Green’ project can be regarded as a step of exploration on my path to the water, and to nature.


In Azore, based on the physical attributes of the Caldera Lake, the island is characterised by a variety of water forms, which also create rich water-related human activities; from agricultural domestic water to tourism hotspots, water permeates people's lives. However, at the same time, human activities also affect the water body on the island. So human activities (in red) and the natural water cycle (in blue) become two main lines of interaction.

Figure9(Xinran, Landscape Architecture Design Exploration Part1,2021)


Chapter3-Transforming water into a dynamic system

Chapter3-Transforming water into a dynamic system

3.1 Imitating and testing the water in the physical and technical sphere 1)Physical concept model Clay is a good material for conceptual and morphological models. I embrace the fact that I enjoy shaping, changing and adding texture to it with my fingers and any other tools possible. For me, this is also the fastest way to translate a form. Output can usually be obtained in an afternoon. But, at the same time, clay has many limitations. For example, it can look relatively rough compared to laser-cut models. In general, this model makes it difficult to accurately reflect SCLA. For example, the width of the channel and the height of the island in the middle seem exaggerated. Therefore, in the subsequent detailed design model, I tried to combine clay and other materials to reflect the design more accurately. The purpose of this model is to test the feasibility of the narrow tunnel on the waterside of the 'island' in the idea stage. If feasible, this clay model will help me understand and model this detailed form. However, after communicating with Hazel, we found that this small area may not be able to store a large amount of water and, in the actual construction process, it is difficult to realise the two structures similar to barriers because they will face different water erosion pressures. Increasing water tributaries can be greatly reduced.


Figure10(Xinran, Landscape Architecture Design Exploration Part1,2021)


Chapter3-Transforming water into a dynamic system

2) Technical analysis model The biggest difference from the entity model is the accuracy and quantification of the technical model, which is very suitable for exploring the change of results under multiple influence variables. In the ‘Save Coral Bleaching’ project, the purpose is to mitigate coral bleaching by building a terrain system to lower sea temperature. The angle of the inlet, outlet and then the river bend degree are the main two aspects of impact of terrain effect. By unifying the single variable, I finally determined suitable angles that could convert the thermal energy of water into hydrodynamic potential energy to the greatest extent.

Chapter3-Transforming water into a dynamic system







α B

First Law Of Thermodynamics ΔU = Q+ W (Q: thermal energy, W: kinetic energy) T1+W1 /(2c)=T2+W2 /(2c)=T0 In the experiment, given a constant potential energy, kinetic energy and heat energy can be converted into each other.









FLOW SPEED V(m/s) 1.50+ 1.35


1.20 1.05 0.90











Outlet FLOW SPEED V(m/s)

Experiment 2 River Bend Degree 30°


Experiment 3 Vertical Channel

Deposition Effect ∝ S 90°




1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00


5.00 5.00+



Figure11(Xinran, Save coral bleaching,2019)


Chapter3-Transforming water into a dynamic system

3.2 Dialogue between scales and dimensions Continuing to transfer the scale, zooming in and out, understanding the lake system, keeping to reframing, reorganising the structure, and finally relinking the sustainable water system. This process is like developing a dialogue between scales. 1)Plane dimension-Hydrology system analysis and framework development Hydrology system analysis In the introduction part on landscape hydrology, I explained the importance and necessity of considering the overall water system when undertaking water design. Therefore, when developing the 'Goodbye Algae Green' project, I believe the scale should not be limited to Furnas Lake itself, even though it is my core water system-focusing subject. One island was selected from a group of nine archipelagos to the entire Furnas Lake nature reserve scale. Then, zoom to the framework scale of 1 to 2,000, to the detailed design of 1 to 500 and 100. Finally back to the framework scale, to assume what will happen based on the current design framework in the future. As a crater lake, Furnas Lake is surrounded by a western high-altitude pasture woodland area, and northeastern village areas. Therefore, the lagoon connects the natural area and people's lives. The main sources of lake water are divided into three: natural rainfall (rainfall is highest in winter and lowest in summer), surrounding surface runoff (mainly in the west and southwest), and water flow from underground. Due to the development of animal husbandry, sewage containing many chemical components is flowing into the lagoon through surface runoff, resulting in serious eutrophication of the water body, which not only endangers the water quality but also threatens many organisms. Simultaneously, there are severe landslides around the lagoon, which cause soil erosion and indirectly affect the lake water quality. Based on this, through the purification of upstream water bodies, I hope to intervene in the water circulation system, build a sustainable wetland ecological habitat to purify the water source for the lagoon and alleviate the problem of landslides, so the eutrophication can be alleviated. Meanwhile, by establishing retention ponds to store rainwater and supply water to agricultural orchards, part of the shortage of groundwater supply can be alleviated, which makes an indirect improvement to seawater intrusion. Consequently, residents and tourists can also enjoy a variety of water activities on the island. 24

Figue12(Xinran, Landscape Architecture Design Exploration Part2,2022)



Figue13(Xinran, Landscape Architecture Design Exploration Part2,2022)


Chapter3-Transforming water into a dynamic system

Chapter3-Transforming water into a dynamic system

Framework development Even though we should consider the water system as a whole, as landscape architects we are sometimes limited. It is difficult to change the existing landscape on a large scale or in a short period due to the considerations of ecology and economy. I plan to make a tiny intervention through three water circulation aspects: water collection, purification and usage, and to develop a 15-year schedule for this project. Based on the existing geographical location and site problems, I divided the intervention design of the first stage into two parts, situated on the left and right sides of the lagoon respectively. On one side is the grazing area, the source of the lagoon's pollution, and, on the other, the Furnas Village Settlement area, the area of the lagoon most associated with humans.

Seasonal rainfall and storm effected by global warming Isolated,easily influenced by outside factors Water supply rely on groundwater

Volcanic Based

Different water types eg. lagoons, hot and medical springs Special geographical conditions

+ Human Activities (occupy land for production and living)


Based on this, hoping to intervene in the water circulation system and build a sustainable wetland ecological habitat to purify the water source for the lagoon and alleviate the problem of landslides, so that local residents and tourists can enjoy a variety of unused water activities on the island.

Volcanic type of soil(hardly for water storage)

can be alleviated by establishing reasonable water drainage system

Special vegetation habitats distribution

ansfer forest Tr to agriculture areas.

N.P chemical elements polluted rivers and lagoons

Intervention Point

N-fixed forest system

Improvement Area

Nature-based toursim system

Linking Line

Serious flooding and easily landslide Serious water and soil erison

Over use groundwater

Water eutrophication

Sustainable Water Drainage System


Lack of groundwater resources supplyment

Figue14(Xinran, Landscape Architecture Design Exploration Part2,2022)

A-Water Collection

A1-Retention Basins A2-Domestic,Farmland Rain Garden

B-Water Purification

B1-Island Wetland B2-Vegetaion Buffers B3-Oxygen Exposure Drop B4-Nitrogen Fixation Planting B5-Reef Barrier Prevention

C-Water Usage

C1- Agriculture Irrigation Use C2- Entertainment Use • Viewing Leisure Wooden Platform • Enter Water Observation Staircase C3- Water Quality Testing& Management • Water Level Control Device


Chapter3-Transforming water into a dynamic system


Chapter3-Transforming water into a dynamic system

PART A is in the pasture area on the west side of Furnas lake.

PART B is on the right side of the lagoon.

We build swamp wetland reservoirs and connect the collected and purified rainwater with the surrounding farms/ orchards for use, which can alleviate the problem that the island's freshwater is completely dependent on groundwater supply. Increase the diversion of water flow and add plant protection zones around the water body to slow down the scouring speed of water flow and increase biodiversity. This also alleviates landslides. A purified wetland island is set in the area where the water flows, which can absorb the surface runoff from the pasture containing high NP and other chemicals, to solve the problem of water eutrophication in the lagoon from the root.

A stream flowing through the village is connected to the lagoon water underground. By establishing water purification and control valves at the intersections of streams and lagoons, we can better regulate and deal with seasonal precipitation. On the upper side of the device, a viewing and hydrophilic platform is designed so people can enjoy the beautiful scenery of the lagoon and get close to the water without causing too much interference to the water body. During periods of low rainfall, such as summer, when water flows from the stream into the lagoon the device helps purify the water that enters the lake. When the rainy season comes, if the lake level is too high, the control valve can be opened to divert water into the stream.

Figue15(Xinran, Landscape Architecture Design Exploration Part2,2022)


Chapter3-Transforming water into a dynamic system

Chapter3-Transforming water into a dynamic system

2)Spatial dimension-Habitat construction and plants selection Habitat construction After searching the literature, I have summarised the basic structure of the wetland system using a series of purification measures for rainwater surface runoff, including from the inlet zone to the dominant wetlands, exposure to oxygen devices, to retention basins (Ellis et al., 2003). • After searching the literature, I have summarised the basic structure of the wetland system using a series of purification measures for rainwater surface runoff, including from the inlet zone to the dominant wetlands, exposure to oxygen devices, to retention basins (Ellis et al., 2003). • Live water system – this is the premise for the water purification system. It uses the current water system and relevant measures to form a live water system, promote the flow of the water source, help to dissolve more oxygen into the water, and to clean the water. • Island wetland – the most suitable landscape pattern of island wetlands is the distance between accumulation, that is, the size, shape and location distribution of the island need to be changed. The subsurface flow terrain can efficiently absorb TP, TN, NH3-N and other chemicals in rainfall runoff. • Constructed wetland – this is the most effective measure for water purification. More than 80% of the pollutants in the water are degraded by the adsorption, filtration and oxidation of plants. This is the core link that must exist in the water purification system. The wetland type built by the conservation pond in this project is peatland, in which the plants have an efficient carbon fixation capacity. • Exposure to oxygen device – this is a series of water-falling landscapes that fully dissolve oxygen, increase the oxygen content in the water and clean the water quality, which is also an essential link in the water purification system. • Sedimentation tanks, facultative tanks and anaerobic tanks are mainly used for sedimentation and microbial decomposition of large particles of harmful substances.

Step1-Purificiation B1-Island Wetland

Step2-Purificiation B3-Oxygen Exposure Drop Step3-Collection A1-Retention Basins

Step1-Purificiation B1-Island Wetland

In addition to functional placement, the next step is to think about how to develop reasonable placement based on the site and appropriate connections. The existing low-lying area is dug into a reservoir so the water flow direction of Part A moves from the surroundings to the centre. In the direction of the water source, the island wetland is set for primary purification, followed by oxygen exposure drop as secondary purification, and ultimately flowing into retention basins. After deciding to build a retention pond, then is to think about what type of pond this is, the overall area, the depth of the pool, the plants to be planted, and so on.


Figue16(Xinran, Landscape Architecture Design Exploration Part2,2022)


Chapter3-Transforming water into a dynamic system

Chapter3-Transforming water into a dynamic system

Plant selection Plant selection is particularly important in islands like the Azores. Since this is an island ecosystem, any alien species can upset the existing island ecological balance. The wild expansion of alien invasive plants has become a serious ecological problem in the Azores Islands, threatening many native habitats. Darrel Morrison lists four principles of plant selection in chapter 5 of The Dynamic Landscape. These are: aesthetic, functional, environmental, tolerance and commercial (Dunnett and Hitchmough, 2004, p.152). I will elaborate on how the plant selection part of ‘Goodbye Algae Green’ corresponds to these principles of plant selection. (1) Aesthetic characteristics The aesthetic feelings created by plant space are constantly changing and growing with the seasons. (2) Functional capabilities One of the largest ecological management objectives of the project is to purify the surface runoff with high nutrients, thereby mitigating eutrophication in the downstream lagoons. Therefore, the ecological purification function is a core consideration for the plants chosen. For example, one strategy is to establish peatland in existing pasture areas, because peatland is a habitat with a strong carbon sink capacity (Zheng et al., 2019); many species in the peatland have a biological nitrogen fixation capacity, including Spergularia azorica, Medicago sativa, Asplenium azoricum and so on. The space enclosed by plants can also meet different people's needs, such as rest and recreation. (3) Environmental tolerance In addition to plants suitable for growing on slopes, since many patches of bare soil are formed in the transition, it is necessary to select plants that can tolerate poor land as pioneer plants to fix the soil and conserve water, thus further enhancing soil fertility. As wetlands have different depths of water, we need to consider a range of species from emergent/floating/submerged plants. (4) Commercial availability Upland orchards are places where local fruits, including apples and blueberries, can be grown as cash crops. Crop planting also attracts tourists to visit and pick fruit. Suitable herbs can be used as food supplements for cattle and sheep, and these also have economic benefits. *(5) Substitution I also add substitution to this rule, based on the previous four plant selection principles mentioned above, and due to the specific plant ecology of the Azores Islands. Substitution here means using foundational plants similar to native species to replace the invasive plants. Besides providing ecological value, native species provide a link with the native history of a site, therefore they can reflect the local and regional identity.


Figue17(Xinran, Landscape Architecture Design Exploration Part2,2022)


Chapter3-Transforming water into a dynamic system

Chapter3-Transforming water into a dynamic system

3)Time dimension- Dynamic system


Like spatial patterns, ‘natural’ plant communities also show temporal patterns: they are dynamic and change over time scales due to ecological processes. These spatial and temporal changes are directly related to each other and are expressed in the emergence and function of natural vegetation (Nigel Dunnett, 2004). The great advantage of eco-based planting is that it is possible to achieve a complete creative vision through relatively few site modifications.

Finally, to return to the framework scale, which is 1 to 2,000 at A1, to continue these kinds of ecological intervention approaches and predict what may happen within the next 15 years. As the number of red intervention points keeps increasing, the benefits of the designed water system have increased, and the woodland area around Furnas Lake has expanded. At the same time, the boundary of the original pasture area has been transformed into a grazing forest area, making it more ecologically friendly while maintaining economic benefits.

During periods of low rainfall, such as summer, when water flows from the stream into the lagoon, the device helps purify water that enters the lake.


When the rainy season comes, if the lake level is too high, the control valve can be opened to divert water into the stream.

Figue18(Xinran, Landscape Architecture Design Exploration Part2,2022)

Figure19(Xinran, Landscape Architecture Design Exploration Part2,2022)



Sensing water is a process of continuing to explore as a way to observe and feel the natural world. Transforming water is the process of applying our scientific ecological theories and unique feelings to drawings during landscape design.


Figue20(Xinran, Landscape Architecture Design Exploration Part1,2021)


Reference list


[1]Blanc, A. 1996. Landscape construction and detailing. London: Batsford.

[8]Ewing, S. et al. 2011. Architecture and Field/Work. Vol. 6. [Online]. London: Routledge.

[2]Parsons, G. 2008. Aesthetics and nature. London: Continuum International Pub.

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