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Alberta Report
An extremely busy fall run has come to an end in Alberta as winter has come hard and fast. I’m hoping enough feed has been put away as the province has seen everything from extreme drought to above average yields.
Calf prices have for the most part remained fairly steady which has been crucial to keep up with higher than ever feed costs. The cull cow and bull market has recently backed off but held on remarkably well considering the sheer number of cows on the market. There are dispersals and bred sales happening daily which speaks to the state of the cattle business. Every available acre seems to be being tore up and put into crop. At some point one would think demand will outreach supply, provided imports from South America don’t fill the gap as their low cost of production is a huge advantage in the marketplace. As a board we have just come off a successful show season that started with the Alberta Hereford Showcase in Red Deer. I believe it was the largest show hosted in Canada with well over 200 entries. This consisted of the Genes Event where despite the horrible roads and weather we hosted over 350 commercial cattlemen. This was followed up by the Gene’s of the Future Female Sale with a strong set of heifers selling to a strong demand. The open show kicked off on the Friday and the Junior Show and Heifer Futurity rounded out the week on the Saturday. Thanks to all the many volunteers and board members for hours of dedicated work.
Farmfair International was once again held in Edmonton. A big thank you to the Skyvirtu Ranch, Kevin Schaub for carrying the lion’s share of the work. All positive reports from the show as many breeders made their way to Edmonton to take it in. We are quickly moving into the Bull Congress Season. Stay tuned to your area as Grande Prairie, Lloyminster, Camrose, and Stettler all host forms of a Bull Congress. As we speak the Pen Show in Medicine Hat will kick off that is always a well-attended and successful event.
Good luck to all the production sales that are in progress and yet to come. Early sales have been positive and the quality of animal on offer has never been higher.
Alberta AB
Provincial Report
Alberta Hereford Association President
Alberta Hereford Association
Site 6, Box 19, RR2, Okotoks • Alberta • T1S 1A2 780.888-7178 • albertaherefords@gmail.com www.albertaherefords.com