friday MARCH 14, 2025 • 2:00PM at the farm, Inglis, Manitoba

friday MARCH 14, 2025 • 2:00PM at the farm, Inglis, Manitoba
It’s our pleasure to welcome you to another bull & female sale here at High Bluff Stock Farm. As always, we take great pride in offering you cattle that combine quality, consistency, and performance—traits we’ve worked hard to build into our program over many years. The beef industry continues to be an exciting place to be. With strong market demand and prices, there’s a real sense of optimism about what lies ahead for us all as beef producers.
It’s been an exciting and rewarding year on the show front! High Bluff Main Event and High Bluff Marksman both claimed titles as National Intermediate and Senior Bull Calf Champions, and we couldn’t be more pleased with their success. While we didn’t bring home the main prize at the Player Club Classic Champion, we were incredibly proud to have had three bulls make it to the finals, standing strong among some of the toughest competition in the industry. And you’ll find brothers to the Player’s Club Champion from last year in the bull pen and we can tell you - you’re going to like them.
When you browse through this year’s catalog, you’ll notice again the inclusion of HRJ cattle, representing the Johnson family genetics - we manage our HRJ and HBSF cattle all the same with the same principals for breeding and same breeder guarantee. You will once again see PAX Angus bulls in the sale from Tyler Digby - it’s been great to add this new Angus division to the bull salemake sure you get a visit in with Tyler, you’ll be impressed with the depth of genetics and performance on these Angus bulls.
We’re excited to have another strong group of females on offer. We’re proud of our herd of Momma cows. We expect them to be sound, productive, efficient, wean in a big calf, have a good disposition and look good while doing it. Our sale heifer pen follows these principles. Whether you are looking for foundation female, junior show prospect or bull builder we think you’ll find something you like.
As always, we’re excited about our bull pen this year. We’ve worked on building a consistent and uniform herd. The bulls in this year’s sale are uniform in their appearance—offering excellent depth, thickness, hair quality, and functional conformation. Disposition remains a top priority in our program, and we’re confident that these bulls will be valuable assets to your operation. If you are able to stop by, our pens are always open to tour. We’d be pleased to take you through the bulls and heifers anytime before the sale or give us a call to talk about your next herdsire or female needs.
To all our customers thank you for your continued support, we sincerely appreciate doing business with you. To all our family, Tomina and Ang who we are lucky to work with, and everyone who has helped us along the way, thank you for all everything. We’re lucky to make our living doing what we love. We look forward to catching up with you all this sale season.
The tradition continues,
couple years ago during calving
Turns out the Aussie who started not liking being outside during winter has had a change of heart and now happily tolerates working outside all winter as long as it includes working with baby calves.
Donna 204-773-0017
Erin 204-821-4110
Stephen 780-305-9196
Fawn Jackson Spanish & French contact 587-435-3296
Tyler Digby, Paxhill Black Angus 250-681-3270
Barb Airey 204-761-1851
Ray Airey 204-724-3600
Jay Good 403-556-5563
Darren Paget 403-323-3985
Glenn Norton 780-542-0634
Cody Coupland 403-877-0799
Scott Bohrson 403-370-3010
Nate Marin 306-869-7130
Martin Bohrson 306-220-7901
Cody Haney 403-845-8806
Ward Cutler, Auctioneer 204-851-2614
Kolton McIntosh, Ringman 204-280-0359
Helge By 306-536-4261
Justin Harcourt Charolais Banner 306-383-7168
Jon Wright 306-807-8424
Lois McRae 204-728-3058
Keystone Livestock Services
Mark Shologan, DLMS 780-699-5082
42 Charolais Yearling Bulls • 23 Red & Black Simmental Bulls
6 Black Angus Yearling Bulls
34 Charolais & Simmental Females
SALE DAY WEIGHTS will be available a couple days prior to the sale.
All bulls are fully guaranteed to be a breeding bull as outlined by the Charolais, Simmental and Angus Breeder’s Guarantee Guidelines. If a problem occurs with your purchase, please notify us as soon as possible and if needed we will get you a bull of equal quality to cover your cows that season. Any bull or female that does not prove to be a satisfactory breeder if in healthy condition may be returned to High Bluff Stock Farm at the buyers expense. The seller will have the right and the privilege of six months from date or return to prove the bull or heifer a breeder. Should the animal prove to be a breeder, they will be returned to the buyer and the matter will be considered closed. If the bull fails his semen test or proves not to be a breeder we will give you a sales credit or replace your bull with another bull of equal quality or lend you a bull to make sure your cows get bred. No guarantee is given that semen collected from a bull will freeze. If the female fails to get pregnant, the seller may either provide a sale credit to the buyer or replace the animal with another of equal value.
HERD HEALTH The health of our herd is excellent. We are committed to raising cattle the best we can in the environment we have. Animal health, temperament, fitness and longevity are important to us and key to our own and our customers success. We work with a nutritionist to make sure all our cattle’s dietary needs are met. Our bulls and heifers are developed on a TMR ration to promote growth and longevity. We have a complete herd health and vaccination program with Roblin Vet Clinic. Prior to the sale all bulls and heifers will have been poured and vaccinated with Bovi Shield Gold and evaluated by a licenced veterinarian.
TERMS & CONDITIONS The sale will be conducted under the standard Transcon Livestock Corp Terms & Conditions. Copies will be available at the settlement desk.
PHOTOS & VIDEOS Pictures taken by High Bluff Stock Farm Crew Videos taken by John Wright - Wright Livestock Marketing Services Videos can be found at
RIGHT TO SEMEN We reserve the right to draw semen on any bull in the sale for in herd use, at our expense and the buyer’s convenience.
DELIVERY Free delivery to your farm free of charge up to 200 km. Other destinations can be arranged at cost. We will Deliver bulls from March 16 to May 1st at our convenience. If you are unable to take your bull when we are going by you can pick up your bull when it works for you. Board free until May 1st or until we are able to deliver your bull- whichever comes first. $5/day after that. All animals left at the farm after the sale must be insured. The High Bluff team will provide the best care we can to the animals that stay on the farm but all bulls and females become the risk of the buyer once sold.
DISCLAIMER We take every effort to make sure everything in the catalog is correct. If there is any discrepancy between the catalog and breed association websites, the website is correct. All descriptions are opinion.
Welcome to the 22nd annual High Bluff Stock Farm Bull and Female Sale!
The Jackson family is a multi-generation mixed farming operation and highly respected in the agriculture industry. Not only running a multi-breed registered cow herd but are also pedigreed seed growers. Family is priority to Carman and Donna, and this really shines through when you see the involvement of all their daughters and their spouses. Definitely an all hands-on deck operation, which keeps the Family Tradition going on the ranch at Inglis MB.
I highly recommend that if you’re looking for a summer getaway, give the Jackson’s a call and stop by for a multiple pasture tour of the Mamma cows out on grass with their impressive calves at side. You won’t be disappointed, I can assure you!
Winter bull sale travel is always a highlight for me and something I look forward to. The anticipation of walking into a bull pen and seeing how a breeding program has progressed from one year to the next. The satisfaction of being able to write down numerous tattoo’s on bulls that will work for other breeders’ programs, as well as the most critical commercial cowman. This is a testament to the HBSF program, and goes a long way down the line when you see the number of repeat buyers from year to year. To be able to do this in two different breeds is a big task and a huge success
The bull pen this year is very strong from top to bottom in both the Charolais and Simmental respective divisions. There will be something for everyone and a bull that will fit your budget! Sire groups that have some numbers, which tells me HBSF believes in the sires they chose to use and know how to translate that to the powerful cowherd.
You will find both power bulls as well as more calving ease type bulls as you study the offering. Bulls that are the right kind and type for today’s cattle industry: big topped, big assed, soft sided, loose made, nice headed and smooth shouldered bulls with tons of hair and length of spine, along with super quiet dispositions. In today’s cattle market those extra pounds are a huge dividend on your paycheck POUNDS = PROFIT $$$$. Consistency and uniformity in both the Charolais and Simmental bulls is very notable and really rises to the top.
Once again, this year you will have the opportunity to tap into the High Bluff replacement heifer pens. Many of these females will be sisters to the bulls selling. These are a great representation of cow families at HBSF. Don’t miss your opportunity here to sit in and buy females from a foundation/reputation cowherd. Whether you are a newer young breeder or a life timer in the industry, the opportunity to get a piece of the program is today.
You will also be able to bid on and purchase Black Angus bulls from Paxhill Angus, Tyler Digby. Although not big in numbers, these are a great representation of the Angus breed. Great bulls to add to your cross-breeding programs.
We hope to see you all on Friday, March 14th for some great hospitality and the opportunity to bid on and purchase quality cattle as the Tradition Continues.
In the event you are unable to attend the sale and would like to purchase cattle, give one of us at Transcon a call and we would be happy to go over the sale offering with you and give you our unbiased professional opinions.
Darren Paget
Transcon Livestock Corp
For 22 consecutive years, the Jackson Family of High Bluff Stock Farm has been hosting an annual bull sale that has certainly been well recognized across North America as a trusted source for your Charolais and Simmental needs. Their program is one to be admired as they have worked diligently to assemble a very uniform and consistent set of cows across both breeds with a heavy emphasis on the fundamentals of what makes a good cow a good cow. Foot and udder quality, do-ability and productivity with immense eye appealing would be a few great terms to use when you think of a HBSF cow no matter the colour. It really is evident that they have a type that they deem is the ideal type of cow and they have stuck to their guns in these breeding philosophies putting together one of the most impressive sets of cows you will see on grass. This in turn perfectly represents their bull pen as the uniformity and consistency in it is commendable. We wish to help invite cattle folks on behalf of the Jackson families to this must attend event on March 14th!
The Charolais Bulls for the 2025 offering are a set of powerful, performance orientated rascals with many calving ease options as well. These bulls are thick made, long bodied with awesome hair coats.They are lead by an impressive set of “JJ” sons that are truly the Cattlemans type and kind. Other sire groups such as Maximum Impact, Three Thieves, Ballyhoo and Jack Daniels, to name a few, have put together one of the stoutest and deepest pens of Charolais Bulls you will find. Many options lay in these Charolais Bulls including a great selection of red factors.
The Simmental Bulls are made up of some of the most exciting genetics in the breed and the type and kind of these bulls certainly backs that up. They are lead by a special son of Favour in lot 43 and feature many exciting bulls by the walking 5015C son, industry leader for performance and maternal Walk The Line, as well as the popular and proven Playmaker. These Simmental Bulls are bred with the same principles as the Charolais Bulls and are expected to get out and work to add a positive impact to your bottom line.
The Angus bulls on offer from Tyler Digbys Paxhill Farms operation although small in numbers and anything but that on a scale standpoint. Performance bulls represented by the exciting Mindbender 141D, and calving ease options by the world renowned Rainfall 6846 give you a good selection of Angus bulls that you won’t want to miss!
Again this year is a great sampling of open papered heifers from the heart of the HBSF replacement pen. These females represent the powerful cow families at work in the herd and are sisters to the bulls on offer giving you a real taste of the maternal side of the sale bulls pedigrees. This is a great opportunity to get a High Bluff Female early in the year to take home and breed how you wish and in many cases, select one that can have a halter hung on her as there is many great Junior Member projects just waiting to get started.
We do encourage you to make plans to be in Inglis on March 14, 2025 to evaluate this impressive set of cattle on offer. The combination of people and stock is something you won’t want to miss. Give anyone from High Bluff a call to visit about the cattle and make a trip to the bull pen anytime prior to view the offering. If for whatever reason your busy schedules keep you away from sale day, feel free to give any of us at BMS a call as we would be happy to go through the cattle with you and assist in your bidding and buying needs. We look forward to hearing from you and hope to see you sale day!
Best regards, The Bohrson Marketing Team
Marksman has been right on the mark from day one. A true stand out from the day he hit the ground. With the combination of Innovation and Natassia 44E you are bound to construct one exciting individual. You will be hard pressed to find a stouter and bigger hipped bull in the pen that is so robust in rib shape. Masculinity, muscle and movement make their mark amongst some of the top attributes. The early days for Marksman were bright, he had a successful fall season on the halter but we feel the best is yet to come from this individual.
Natassia 44E is a powerful female from a proven and productive cow family. She has a spot on production record- 7 calves in the last 7 years, each calving around the same time each year. 3 top end power females that have all been retained in the herd and are in production. 1 calf on the ground, and 2 bulls in the bull sale, 1 of which was our high selling bull in 2021.
A pedigree that is becoming a staple in the Charolais breed. Keystone was used in our AI program with great results in quality; producing a couple top end heifers in the replacement pen and Main Event. Main Event made a number of friends this past fall on the show road. He has tremendous length, depth of side, athleticism and attractive look. Set Main Event in motion and this guy can really get out and go. The greatest characteristic to Main Event undoubtedly is his dam; Lady Slipper 72F. Not only is 72F a stunning front pasture type female with a near perfect udder, her track record is impeccable. In last year’s sale catalog we wrote that we were excited about her Keystone bull calf already. We’re excited that she had another Keystone bull calf at side this year, and we’re going to cross our fingers for a heifer calf next year. Main Event’s maternal brother was one of our high sellers last year to P&H Ranching.
One of the most complete and eye appealing JJ sons on offer. Moving On Up is so correct in his skeleton and one super hairy individual. He has that added depth of side, admirable in hip structure and robust in dimension. He is backed by a beautiful Triumph 50B dam that knocked it outta the park with every chance she has had. Movin On Up’s full brother was one of our high sellers in last year’s sale going to Ferme Coujo Charolais. His Grand dam had one of our high sellers last year and has another pen favourite this year as lot 41 who is a full sib to Movin On Up’s dam.
Mastermind is the powerhouse of the pen posting the highest actual WW and YW. Powerful constructed yet maintaining that sought after calving ease. An individual that combines performance yet maintains great phenotype and structural soundness. In a business where pounds pay, this bull is sure to add profitability to any program.
His dam is a good looking, big bodied, no miss, herd bull building machine. She has sired 5 top end sale bulls in a row for the bull sale and a female that we retained in the herd. Each year the bull calf that she raises comes to the top of the pen in weaning and yearling weights. With Mastermind, you’re getting a bull that is built on strong, reliable genetics and the performance to match.
Maximus is the real deal with herd bull written all over him. He is explosive in muscle pattern and density yet lays in a tidy smooth shoulder. The JJ x Deputy mating may as well be a match made in heaven cause it flat out works and produces some great results. A JJ x Deputy female might be our favourite female in the replacement pen. The Paris cow family is among the elite, producing greats like Crowd Favourite, Bulletproof and Limitless. Maximus is a bull that we feel could really go out and do some exceptional things.
A combination of power and calving ease. A bull that carries a tremendous width of base yet maintains a smooth overall skeletal design. Midas has great hair, a small skull and solid structure. A maternally stacked pedigree that has the potential to produce elite females.
The JJ x Deputy combination is fast becoming a go to mating with the overall consistency in offspring. Not only does this combination produce bulls but the females look to be just as exciting. Montana is big ribbed, stout hipped and has a great muscle pattern. Comes from the same cow family as the popular HRJ Maverick 556C.
High Bluff Maddox continues to impress us. His depth of quarter, loads of middle, and a natural thickness that is evident in his structure, he is a bull with real presence. His muscle and overall structural balance give him an edge in both performance and appeal. His blend of power, natural thickness, and proven pedigree makes him a bull to keep on your radar. His dam, a moderate, nice uddered Monsoon female, is proving to be a consistent producer and is a prime example of the strength of the Gellia cow family that she comes from. The Gellia females are known for their longevity and reliability in producing topquality offspring.
High Bluff Maxwell is a bull that truly excels across the board numbers wise. Maxwell’s pedigree is a powerhouse blend, combining some of our most proven and consistent lines, including JJ, Triumph 2135, and Casanova. Maxwell’s dam is a pen favorite. He is a bull that will be a valuable addition to any herd looking to enhance both performance and consistency. You want a reliable genetic package, he’s your man.
High Bluff Merrit is a bull that combines moderation, substance, and complete structure in one impressive package. He’s tanky, thick and hairy. Merrit’s dam goes back to 15Y who has had a big impact on our herd being the dam of Casanova as one of her many accomplishments. One of the most consistent sire groups we’ve ever worked with has been the JJ sire group, and Merrit is a prime example of what they bring to the table. JJ passes on length, style, a standout hair coat, and a great disposition to his offspring, and Merrit embodies all of these traits. He’s a stout, thick bull that has the genetic backing to consistently produce highquality calves.
Matrix is one of the heaviest muscled and stoutest hipped JJs on offer. He is loaded with red meat, carries that muscle low in his hind quarter and is heavy loined. Out of one of the top Grand Design females. As we’ve said above - JJ is one of the most consistent sire groups we have ever had the pleasure of working with.
High Bluff Magnum follows the proven JJ x Triumph stamp, showcasing great hair, natural muscle expression, and consistency that is a hallmark of these genetics. This bull has a blend of power and style, with the genetic foundation to back it up. Magnum’s dam is a 50B Triumph female, purchased from Happy Haven at the No Borders Sale, where she was offered alongside her dam. This cow has proven to be a solid investment, having produced her second calf for the bull and female sale in two years.
Max is all bull! So masculine in design and covered in quality. He has an impeccable hair coat, great herd bull skull, displays great maturity and has that low key all is cool personality. His dam at 12 years of age continues to be a no maintenance cow that produces the good ones. 100K TESTED/HOP.
A couple of very unique breeding pieces with Maximum Impact x Bronco mating. Outcross pedigree. A pair of bulls that get it right in terms of the fundamentals; built right from the ground up solid in foot and joint structure. These bulls are so similar in design it takes the tag to tell them apart. They are deep made, level topped and have a great disposition.
They are backed by some of our most consistent genetics and cow families. Both 87B and her dam 176W are known for their youthfulness, fertility, udder quality, structure and for consistently producing top end bulls and females for the sale. The Maxim Impact daughters in the Johnson Charolais herd are looking like the right type. 100K TESTED/ PARENT VERIFIED. LOT 15-HOP
Manhatten was made to be admired. He has been a pen favourite right from the beginning with his overall style and presence. Manhattan is admirable in his structure and design; from his elegance through his front third to his explosive hip. Whether you’re looking to add style and quality to your breeding program or searching for a bull that will make an impact on your herd, this bull is a top contender.
His dam is a good looking Triumph 2135 daughter with a nice udder. We really love our Triumph 2135 females in production. They are nice to look at, nice to work with, and consistently produce the kind of offspring we aim for.
Magistrate’s dam was the lead-off heifer calf from Steppler’s a few years ago, she is a solid female that has proven herself as a capable producer. Over the past four years, she’s raised three bulls and one heifer for the sale. High Bluff Magistrate carries the distinct Three Thieves stamp, known for his exceptional hair, attractive build, and overall eye appeal.
High Bluff Man Friday is a bull that stands out for his impressive middle, length, and overall look. Man Friday’s dam, 179F, is a Triumph 50B female from the renowned Gellia cow family. She’s an attractive, well-built female with a great deal of presence, depth of body, and style. With his solid pedigree and balanced, attractive build, Man Friday is a bull that brings a lot to the table. If you’re looking for a bull with plenty of middle and the right look, Man Friday is a great option for your herd.
Man for the Job is a long, hairy, complete bull. His dam is the most photographed cow on the farm, and for good reason. She’s a big, beautiful, and correct Triumph daughter that always catches your eye in the pasture. She goes back to a big, beautiful Hank cow and over the last six years, she’s raised six bulls for the bull sale, proving her reliability as a top producer. This year, she finally gave us a heifer calf, which we were sure happy to see as these are the kind of females we love to have. You’re going to love the Three Thieves x Triumph genetic combo we have no doubt.
High Bluff Mountain Man is a standout March calf that has proven his ability to grow and perform. With solid growth and impressive performance, he’s smooth-made and well-constructed, with the added bonus of a great hair coat. His dam is a High Bluff Express female, a sire group known for their exceptional longevity. With his performance-driven pedigree and smooth, well-balanced build, High Bluff Mountain Man is a bull that offers both genetic potential and the kind of look that makes him an asset to many herds.
Memphis comes to the top of the pen. His confirmation, muscle expression, depth and shape of quarter are admirable. He is a good mix of calving ease and performance. Memphis is backed by a great cow family. His dam is a beautiful Esperenza/Symbol female that we really appreciate for her power, femininity and attractiveness. Memphis’ full brother Law Maker was the high seller to Harvie Ranching last year and he was used in our own AI program; the offspring are looking exciting for sure!
A Ballyhoo calf we really appreciate for his muscle expression, length of spine, big hip, and front third. Mantra is a bull that really caught our eye all summer. Ballyhoo has proven to be a good fit for our herd- producing bulls that are right for the times and beautiful females that are easy to work with and milk well.
High Bluff Manifesto is the most powerful Ballyhoo son in the pen and he’s so sound on the ground, giving him the foundation of a bull built to last. His width of top, depth of quarter muscle, and added muscle mass make him a standout when it comes to both phenotype and performance. The Ballyhoo cattle are known for their good feet, long spines, and excellent dispositions, and Manifesto is no exception. His natural structural integrity and calm temperament make him a bull that’s as easy to work with as he is to admire. Manifesto’s dam is a good-looking El Paso daughter that goes back to the powerful Laura cow family, a line that has consistently produced top-quality cattle with both maternal strength and performance. High Bluff Manifesto is a bull that will work in many herds. He’s a powerhouse of power, growth, and quality.
High Bluff Merrick brings a nice combination of temperament and phenotype. This ultraquiet bull is complete in his build, with a deep forerib and a stout, powerful base. His overall structure and muscle expression are top-notch, making him a bull that will add both performance and depth to his offspring.
High Bluff Messier is a heavy-haired, soft-middled bull that combines eye-catching style with real muscle and substance. His big rib shape and depth of body make him a standout, offering both performance and phenotype in a balanced, attractive package. Messier has extra width of base and the natural thickness that adds to his overall power.
He’s sound on the move, showcasing the solid structure he has. His pedigree is just as impressive as his build, with a beautiful Mescalito dam that brings both quality and consistency to his genetics.
A Deputy bull that is level topped, square hipped and structurally complete in his phenotype. He has a herdbull look with a strong, masculine skull and big muzzle. With ½ French genetics he brings that extra outcross and punch french genetics are known to have.
High Bluff Mario is a carbon copy of his sire Deputy, showcasing the same impressive traits that have made the Deputy line a standout in our program. Mario is deep-sided with added hip and length of spine. KayR Deputy, Mario’s sire, has been used successfully for multiple seasons at both Johnson Charolais and High Bluff Stock Farm. What stands out about the Deputy sire group is the consistency in growth, hair quality, and disposition. We’ve been particularly impressed with the weaning and yearling weights from the Deputy offspring, as well as the ability of first-calf heifers to raise calves that perform at the same level as mature females—no small feat!
High Bluff Mateo is another son of KayR Deputy, offering the same consistent qualities that have made the Deputy line so successful. Mateo is a smoothmade bull with a flat-laid shoulder. His added bit of stature and stretch make him a bull that can add extra length and frame to his offspring, while still maintaining a clean and balanced build.
High Bluff Makaveli is a bull that combines calving ease with natural masculinity and impressive phenotype. He has a small, masculine head and is smooth-made, with a level top that adds to his overall appeal. Makaveli’s dam is a very nice, moderate, stout female with a beautiful udder type. Notably, his dam is a full sister to the Lot 16 bull.
There is a lot to appreciate in this tan bull. High Bluff Mack is ultra hairy, has a square hip, good rib shape, is a soft-sided, soggy made bull. Mack’s quiet temperament is a nice added bonus. His tan Legit dam is a very nice, young female with an udder type that is next-level good - we hope for more Legit females this calving season.
High Bluff Madden is a hairy, moderate, stout and soft made bull with extra width in the hip and a big top.
High Bluff Matchup is a bull that stands out with his extra length of body, strong top, and smooth, well-balanced design. The Triumph x Casanova cross has been a consistent, no-miss combination in our program, and Matchup is a prime example of the success this pairing brings. Casanova females have worked well in our herd, adding both maternal strength and performance.
High Bluff Mojo is a long-made, smooth, and stylish bull. Mojo’s sire, HRJ Judge, was added to our AI list for his tan genetics, muscle pattern, and strong maternal background. His maternal sister was the lead-off heifer in our sale last year, his dam JWX Lady Bug is a good-looking, tan, big-bodied female from Wilgenbush Charolais. She has consistently proven herself as a top producer, having had five bull calves and one heifer calf go through the sale, along with one female retained in the herd.
Marshall brought his A game to picture day! A complete Jack Daniels son that has that extra shape, stoutness and length. A bull that very much has his dam’s friendly disposition. His dam is a no maintenance, tan Red Vinaza female who is most likely to come up for a scratch in the pasture with a solid production record. We wish we had more Red Vinaza semen in the tank, they have been good cows for us.
Makers Mark is a nice made tan Jack Daniels bull. He’s long spined and extended out through his front third. He has a nice big hip and natural muscle shape. He comes from a good line of tan and red females top and bottom.
A very complete sound individual from the ground up. Moneymaker carries the depth from his chest floor right to his twist. A big square hip, attractive in the front third and quiet disposition. His dam is a cherry red top producing cow and his full sister can be found in the 2 yr old pen with a Three Thieves calf at side. His full sister is dark cherry red in color and has a near perfect udder type. A pedigree that is sure to keep the color in his offspring. 100K TESTED/ PARENT VERIFIED.
Momentum is the result of a mating that continues to work. This bull commands attention and respect. It is hard to find a fault in him. He offers so much to the red factor Charolais world; length of spine, rib shape, muscle dimension with character and great disposition. Dandy 960G is fast becoming a top producer. Her first two sons were retained and herd bulls for Johnson Charolais here at HighBluff. We’re glad to be getting some red hairy females off of this flush this year.
Motive is smooth in design and offers that little darker color than flush mate Momentum. Level topped, long spined and small attractive skull.
Here is a real growthy type bull with added stretch and hip. Making Moves can really get out and move with his fault free motion. He is extended through his front end, smooth made and has the statue and build to get out and cover big cows.
Innovation continues to sire bulls with the characteristics the Charolais breed is known for. Moonshine has impeccable length and overall attractiveness. He has that skeletal build to sire high index, big growthy offspring. Superb in hip structure and highly maternally made.
High Bluff Medallion is one of the most intriguing 50B sons to date, offering a combination of quality and presence that is truly hard to match. A bull that offers so much quality it’s hard to find a hole in him. He is so robust in skeletal design and massive in muscle definition yet structurally complete and sound. Medallion is level topped with great stoutness. He is sound from the ground up, square on all four and really stands out once you set him in motion hitting his track with every step. He is a bull that probably hits you the hardest in the pen with his overall presence and character; with his great skull, herd bull look and construction of his front third. And for his dam, well check out her picture, she’s a beauty. The Gellia cow family are no stranger to raising great ones.
High Bluff Manchester is a true meat wagon of a bull. He has so much natural muscle mass through his loin, twist and down through his quarter. If you’re looking for a bull that brings muscle, power, yet a smooth, functional build, High Bluff Manchester is a bull that offers that. He’s built to perform while maintaining the structural integrity you want in a herd sire. His dam is a beautiful, front pasture Escobar female. She has a strong production record, and has calved first cycle every year.
If you’re searching for a black bull that combines exceptional quality with a standout presence, look no further than High Bluff MVP. This bull is truly a one-of-a-kind individual. Even if black simmentals aren’t your usual choice, taking the time to view MVP is worth it—he brings everything to the table in terms of structural integrity, power, and style. MVP is remarkably solid in his makeup. He’s extremely masculine, with excellent bone structure, and moves effortlessly, showcasing his balance and fluidity. His impressive width, big top, and overall depth further highlight his impressive presence. Add to that his “look at me” charisma, and you’ll quickly see why MVP is so special. His dam is a consistent producer of both top-quality bulls and females, and she has proven herself as one of the best in our herd. This calf is a direct reflection of that excellence and is truly one of the top bulls we’ve raised. Don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions—MVP is a bull you’ll want to consider adding to your operation. Retaining a ¼ semen interest for in herd use.
Take a look at these handsome devils, loads of character and hip. Their dam is a family favourite - Ms. Splash is a friendly and gentle cow that is always up for a scratch. She goes back to the Lashes/ Muchmore cow family who are some of our most beautiful and consistent producing females. This cow family has exceptional longevity, structure, fertility and moderates birth weight. Her bull in the 2023 bull sale was one of our high sellers to Niwa Ranching. You’ll note that these two bulls did an impressive job of competing with their peers when it came to weaning and yearling weights. A feat more impressive when you know that Splash raised both of them herself and bred and calved the same time this year as she did last.
100K TESTED PARENT VERIFIED RED CARRIER. HOMO POLLED. High Bluff Mind-Bender is a bull we have been admiring for quite some time. We really appreciate a herdsire with a cool look, a bull with character and masculinity. It’s something that when we are bull shopping we always look for and Mind-Bender definitely has the look we search for. Mind-Bender is nice headed, deep bodied, has a solid quarter, and an impressive structure. If you are looking to keep replacements we would recommend taking a look at this cross. Last year we used his full brother as clean up in our heifer pen. His dam is an attractive, big bodied, nice uddered Lashes female who is a direct daughter of the matriarch of the Lashes cow family 72P. She’s a friendly female who is always up for a scratch.
High Bluff Mateus is a moderate, attractive bull with a strong, masculine skull and a well-balanced, functional build. He has excellent foot structure, deep heel depth, and hair coat. His dam 4C is a moderatesized, eye-catching, and structurally sound female with an excellent temperament. She’s a prime example of our Lashes genetics, known for their longevity, fertility, and consistent performance. This year, 4C raised her 9th calf, all born in the first cycle—true testament to her reliability.
High Bluff Merle is a black bull with plenty of character, presence and hair. With an 80 lb birth weight, he’s moderate and functional, combining calving ease, performance with eye-catching appeal. We have found his sire, a 5015C son is a good fit for our second calver pen and has sired a very nice group of females. His dam is a nice blazed face female with a good udder.
We really appreciate the look and style of the Anarchy cattle, they’ve got that little extra “look on over here style” that grabs your attention. His dam has clicked well with Anarchy. Last year’s full brother went to our friends at M and J Farms. SIRE VERIFIED. HOMO BLACK. HOMO POLLED.
High Bluff Major is another standout from 11G, Driller daughter who is a proven producer who consistently delivers exceptional calves. Last year, her son, High Bluff Legend, was one of the top sellers and Major is continuing that trend. This calf is the result of another excellent mating with Walk the Line, a combination that has produced consistent, high-quality offspring that are at the forefront of the breed for performance. Major’s performance is exceptional, ranking in the top 1% for both yearling and weaning weights. 11G herself is a big, beautiful, quiet female with a good udder, tracing back to the Wanda cow family we purchased from Friday Night Lights. We’ve had great success with the Wanda females. We AI’d to Major’s full brother a bit last year.
A combination of Harvie Wallbanger and Mader Walk the Line genetics, this red bull is correct in his make-up with strong structure and balance. His pedigree speaks for itself, and his solid build makes him a reliable choice for any breeding program looking for consistency and quality. He’s very near the top of the class on yearling and weaning weights. The Walk the Line females we have in production have near perfect udders, Murdoch’s full sister might be the nicest Walk the Line female we have, the chrome on her and 105C’s face is a nice added bonus.
We really appreciate what the Playmaker females can wean in. Major League ranks #1 in his group for both weaning and yearling weights. The Walk the Line first calf heifers are simply beautiful. We’re really happy with them. Whether you are looking for a bull to sire a great group of market animals or hoping to build a replacement pen of females as well we think Major League is the right type. HOMO
An attractive made Playmaker bull. Strong quartered, good length of body and masculine through his front end. His maternal sister went to River Morse in Quebec last year and had a successful show career over the summer.
The type of bull we aim to produce- a good mix of power, presence, look and that great hair coat that’s a real valuable asset on winters like the one we have been having this year. High Bluff Marlow is a dark red bull with a strong top and crest. He’s got a masculine head and that herd bull presence.
Take a look at this dark red soggy fellow from our Bonnie cow family. He’s got a nice skull, tons of hair and lots of predictability in his pedigree. I like the top and hip on this bull and with that Simmental masculinity through his crest you know this guy is ready to go and get the job done. His dam had a similar looking bull in last year’s sale dark red, thick and soggy.
A Playmaker bull that we like quite a lot. We think Playmaker bulls are a good fit for the industry. The calves are born easily, a dark red colour with great vigor. They are a nice combination of calving ease, grow and eye appeal. Malone ranked highly at weaning and yearling time. High Bluff Malone comes from a dam that consistently produces dark, deep, big-quartered, and nicely patterned bulls. His Grand dam is still in the herd at 11 years of age, looking as youthful and as sound as ever.
A Playmaker x Lashes 77B bull that we think would have a fit in many programs. The right combination of muscle, length of body, calving ease and grow. Playmaker has worked well for us siring hairy, dark red, highly marketable cattle with good grow and performance.
We have a few full sisters to Marcos in production that are working out really well in our program. Last year his full sister 75J raised the heaviest bull in the pen (being a first calf heifer this is no small feat!) and this year his full sister 158K raised lot 52 who if you tour the bull pen you are sure to find. 100K TESTED. PARENT VERIFIED. HOMO POLLED.
His dam is a nice looking Driller female with a distinctive blaze face and a great temperament. Notably, his dam produced 2023’s heaviest bull High Bluff Kaboom, one of our highest selling Simmentals to D Double J Ranch that year. In 2024 she raised another standout bull who was also top of his class in yearling and weaning weight. While McCoy is a bit younger in the pen, he weighs right in there with the older bulls. He’s a nicely made bull that we think would be a good fit for a lot of herds and there is proven performance built into his pedigree.
100K TESTED. PARENT VERIFIED. HOMO POLLED. These two full brothers are a cross of Playmaker and our Foundation Flush Female 77B are the kind of bulls you can count on for both calving ease and performance. They have that “Cattleman” style—muscular yet smooth-made, with plenty of length in the spine to add extra stretch. Square from the ground up, they offer a balanced and powerful presence while remaining structurally sound and functional. Their wooly hair coats give them added appeal.
HOMO POLLED BY PARENTAGE Everyone likes a blaze! Money Stripe’s dam and Grand dam both have it. His dam, who calved a bit later her first year in production, jumped right up and calved first cycle this year. We are sure glad she did, she is a young female that we like a lot. Her mother, 88E, is a big bodied blaze-faced female who consistently raised top-tier calves, both in quality and yearling and weaning weights, many of which have ranked among the best in our Simmental sales. With Driller and 72P in the pedigree, you can expect good longevity, structure and disposition. If you’re focused on building a quality female program, this is a calf we recommend that you consider. And as for the money stripe—well, that’s just the icing on the cake! Don’t underestimate the potential in this young bull—there’s a lot of value and opportunity here. HOP by parentage.
High Bluff Monty is a very handsome, dark red bull with an excellent quarter and impressive muscle expression. His dam goes back to our Lashes cow family who are some of our most beautiful females. Last year her daughter sold in the sale to CJL Livestock and the boys took her out on the show road. I’m not sure she could have gone to a better home, getting the pictures and videos of their show journey and successes really was the best.
Here’s a nicely patterened red bull from the Lashes cow family. He’s a soft sided, hairy, sound and well balanced bull. You can really appreciate foot structure as well as the depth of flank and depth of chest in Milwaukee. He has a calm and easy going disposition much like his dam. A bull that will sire a strong set of steers or replacement females.
MacGyver is a very complete bull in terms of muscle pattern, density and design. A character and look to him that reads herd bull. He is level in his top and stout through his hip with that extra dimension and depth in his quarter. MacGyver is bold sprung in terms of rib shape and capacity. He is out of a beautiful Driller female that is becoming one of the top end females.
Welcome to the Paxhill Farms Black Angus bull offering for 2025! What a great time to be in the cow-calf business with record high prices that just seem to be defying gravity. If you are as excited about the future of our industry as I am, you will be looking for bulls to produce those replacement heifers to grow your herd, or to package up and sell as replacements or breds to help others grow their herds. These bulls proudly represent some of my favourite and most consistent cow families and are sired by some of the best maternal making sires in the breed in my opinion.
The Bar-H Mindbender 141D females are consistently deep sided and soggy, calve easy by shortening up the gestation, milk heavy and bring home the pounds in the fall. SAV Rainfall 6146 is quickly climbing the ladder as one of the legendary SAV female makers with his very consistent, moderate framed, smooth and feminine daughters. If you take a look through the pedigrees of my cow herd, it will become pretty obvious that I am a Rainfall fan.
Please accept my invitation to come to our farm to view these bulls, their mothers, siblings and half siblings. I am proud of the herd that calls Paxhill Farms home and am happy to show them off and discuss how they could fit into your program over a cup of coffee.
Here is a big powerful bull off a big powerful cow. If you are looking to add frame size and performance to your cow herd this is the bull to do it. His Banknote dam sports a perfect udder and with the reputation that the Mindbender females are getting for themselves this is a bull you are going to want to keep the heifers off. Gestation: 276 days RECOMMENDED FOR COWS.
This bull is off my favourite cow purchased from Brian McCarthy’s Red Rose Angus dispersal sale. With a quiet disposition that he comes by naturally from his mother, and a graceful smooth look he is sure to put together a great looking pen of calves that start off small and grow fast. Heifer safe, homo black (his mother is a red carrier). Gestation: 269 days HEIFER SAFE
This bull has a bit softer look than most of the Mindbender offspring with a graceful neck extension. His moderate framed but huge barrelled dam is a favourite around our farm with her docile nature that she shares with this bull. Her name appears in the pedigree of many of the Paxhill Farms cowherd for good reason. Recommended for cows, although I would try him cautiously on a few heifers with easy calving pedigrees. Gestation: 274 days
New genetics this year purchased from KT Ranches that we tried on a few cows and are sure glad we did, just look at the top width on this bull! Well muscled and masculine I think this guy is going to add a lot of pounds to the calves he sires. Gestation: 275 days RECOMMENDED FOR COWS
Great disposition, easy calving, Rainfall has made his mark as one of the great SAV female makers. This one and 46M are ¾ brothers sharing the Rainfall sire and Excitement maternal grandsire. Those of you who have been following my program the last few years know how much I like my Excitement females and the consistency of their offspring, and you don’t need to take my word for it, come see this bull’s full sister at the farm! Gestation: 279 days
Rather than copy and paste, I will just say please look at 45M, these bulls are so similar, right down to their performance and gestation, and come see how consistent their Excitement half sister dams are. If you are running a large group of heifers or cows, use that consistency to your advantage by taking home both these bulls and put together a pen of calves that look like they came out of a photocopier! Gestation: 280 days HEIFER SAFE
We’re excited to have another strong group of females on offer. We’re proud of our herd of momma cows. We expect them to be sound, productive, efficient, wean in a big calf, have a good disposition and look good while doing it. We try our best to build a strong, consistent and diverse genetic bank. Whether you are looking for a foundation female, junior show prospect or bull builder we think you’ll find something you like.
Ballyhoo stamps all of his offspring with a bit more of a rounded muscle shape and a great disposition. The Ballyhoo cattle are good footed and long spined. The Ballyhoo females in production are beautiful cows that milk well. He has spent the last few seasons walking at both High Bluff Stock Farm and Triple C Charolais. HOMO POLLED
Three Thieves is a bull we bought a couple years ago to use on our 2nd calvers. Since then we have used him very successfully on 2nd calvers and in our cow herd. The first couple years of calving to Three Thieves all of his calves have been born unassisted. Three Thieves is a smooth made, eye-appealing bull that leaves a very consistent set of bulls – attractive in their makeup, hairy, smooth made, and controls birthweight quite well. He is a HBSF Bodacious son that goes back to ELH Ms Gellia 12W that was a real asset to our farm. She was a beautiful big volume cow that produced some exceptional bulls and females. Bodacious is a HD bull that we really admired and he has done exceptionally well at Palmers with close to 200 animals registered off of him. On his dam’s side he is backed by HVA Whistle 66A a female that Carman really admired when we saw her. HOMO POLLED
JJ walks the pastures here and in AB at MJT Cattle. We retained an interest in JJ and we are sure glad we did. JJ is a nicely made bull who is smooth made but well muscled and soft sided. He has a tremendous amount of depth of body and natural thickness. He has that herd bull presence, lots of nuts and a ton of hair and a nice big foot under him. As an extra bonus he is about as good-natured as they come- a quality that he passes onto his calves. JJ is backed by some of our favourite dams 942D is an easy keeping, big ribbed female with a good disposition and udder. 176W was one of our nicest made, most consistent, top-producing cows in our herd. At 10 years of age she looked great, maintained her youthfulness and impeccable udder quality and had a great disposition. 176W was known to shorten gestations, which JJ himself often does. We successfully showed JJ at Agribition where he was Intermediate Bull Calf Champion as well as on the international stage as People’s and Judges choice at the International Charolais show. HOMO POLLED
Deputy is a heifer bull that has been successfully used at Johnson Charolais for 5 seasons and High Bluff Stock Farm for 3 seasons. What I first noticed about the Deputy sire group was the consistency in their growth, hair and disposition and was impressed with the weaning and yearling weights of the sire group. First calf heifers that raise off-spring that can compete with what a mature female can raise is no small feat! Deputy consistently sires calves that are the right size and shape for heifers. HOMO POLLED D
The $280,000 breed influencer that has sired an extremely strong set of sons and daughters in his first couple calf crops. He is backed by one of the most popular and influential donor females in the Simmental industry, darlin 613D who has become a potent breeding piece no matter how she is mated. Walk the Line had a decorated show career and has matured into a soggy, rugged herd bull that is tanky, extremely good looking with a real herd bull head and crest to him. Our first calving Walk the Line females are beautiful and have impeccable udder quality. HOMO POLLED
Playmaker is a dark red Simmental bull who has a nice combination of calving ease and performance, backed by a solid set of EPD’s. He is in the top 2% for weaning and yearling weights. Playmaker calves are born dark red, easily and have great get up and go when born. We really appreciate what our Playmaker females in production can wean in. HOMO POLLED
A 5015C son that we found at our neighbours, the Bonchucks. A bull that is stacked with many familiar and trusted Simmental bloodlines. He sires cattle much like himself- dark red in color, smooth made, nicely balanced with a nice bit of performance. He has sired a nice group of replacement females. HOMO POLLED
Jack Daniels offers powerfully constructed outcross red genetics. We really admire the presence, masculinity, depth, volume and muscle shape this bull possesses. He has a nice masculine head and really possesses the characteristics we look for in a herd bull. His dam is a very sound, dark red female with an excellent udder that is still working in our herd. Jack Daniels walks the pasture at both Johnson Charolais and High Bluff Stock Farm. HOMO POLLED
2474212 ALBERTA LTD*, AB