Network Fareham June 2019

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Network F A R E H A M



A Sign from Fareham Men’s Shed Fareham Men’s Shed members are keen to help One Community sell Fareham Produce. So much so they recently made a very posh sign to advertise the fact. More produce on its way – so watch this space …

Thanks guys!

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One Community News Every year I look forward to Volunteers’ Week 1-7 June as it is a real pleasure to be part of our volunteer certificate celebrations. Although I try always to say “Thank you” to our volunteers when I see them, the formal thank you is so important because One Community would be lost without their support. For more information about Volunteers’ Week see page 3. If you look after the volunteers in your organisation, whether you are a paid member of staff or a volunteer yourself, do come along to our next Volunteer Managers’ Forum Meeting on Tuesday 25 June, 10.30am-12 noon. Full details on page 4. It’s not too late to get tickets for the Quiz Night and Supper at Wallington Village Hall on Saturday 8 June, 7-10.30pm (see page 3). This is a joint enterprise in aid of Fareham Area Disability Forum and One Community. Tickets are available from One Community in Fareham Shopping Centre (Osborn Mall). It promises to be a really fun evening. Do let us know about your events coming up over the summer, we’d be happy to help publicise them. See details of events we’re attending on the back page. Keep smiling! Jean Roberts-Jones Chief Executive, One Community

Green Tips There are a few things we can all do to have a positive impact on the planet, to avoid waste, conserve resources and fight climate change. Here’s our monthly tip from our environmental friend: Scientists are asking for thousands of volunteers to record sightings of the frothy spittle, often called cuckoo spit, seen on plants, which indicates that an insect such as the spittlebug is feeding there. A bacterium called Xylella, which is spread by these insects is causing havoc in Europe, laying waste to olive trees in southern Italy and affecting parts of Italy and France. The scientists from the University of Sussex say: Xylella fastidiosa has been described by the


European Commission as “one of the most dangerous plant bacteria worldwide, causing a variety of diseases, with huge economic impact for agriculture, public gardens and the environment.” There is currently no cure for the disease which is known to infect more than 300 types of trees, shrubs and herbaceous plants. The bacterium is transmitted (vectored) by insects such as leafhoppers and froghoppers/spittlebugs that feed on the xylem, the plant tissue that transports water from roots to leaves in plants. As part of the BRIGIT project, a consortium for enhancing UK surveillance and response to this devastating disease, we need to better understand the distribution and ecology of these xylem-feeding insects so we can predict how the disease might spread if it reaches the UK. If you would like to help with the surveillance click here for further information.

One Community News One Community Information Centre Advice & Support, Crafts and Groups June 2019

No appointments needed - just drop in Monday 3 Home-Start Hampshire 10am-12 noon Tuesday 4 Quit4Life 11am-1pm

Wednesday 5 One Community Knitters 11am-1pm Thursday 6 Open Sight 10am-2pm Friday 7 Fareham Area Disability Forum 1-3pm Tuesday 11 Quit4Life 11am-1pm Wednesday 12 One Community Knitters 11am-1pm; Friday 14 Richmond Fellowship 10am-12 noon Monday 17 Disabled People’s Voice 1pm-3pm Tuesday 18 Quit4Life 11am-1pm Wednesday 19 One Community Knitters 11am-1pm Tuesday 25 Quit4Life 11am-1pm Wednesday 26 One Community Knitters 11am-1pm Osteoporosis Arthritis Advice & Support from QA 13pm Friday 28 Richmond Fellowship 10am-12 noom For further information contact the Information Centre on 0770 2802 556 Osborn Mall, Fareham Shopping Centre ONE COMMUNITY NETWORK: PAGE 3

One Community News Introducing the New Mayor of Fareham

Donations from Asda Fareham Many thanks to Asda in Fareham for their generous grant of £300. Pictured above are Asda’s Community Champion Heidi Ford presenting the cheque to One Community’s Hayley Hamlett. We are also very grateful for the donation of crisps for our Volunteers’ Week events. ONE COMMUNITY NETWORK: PAGE 4

The new Mayor of Fareham for 2019/20 has been appointed at a Mayor Making ceremony at Ferneham Hall. Councillor Mrs Pamela Bryant is now the Mayor of Fareham, and the Mayoress is her daughter, Councillor Mrs Louise Clubley. This year, the Mayor will be supporting three charities, Fareport Talking News, The Rowans Hospice and 1350 Squadron Air Training Corps. Mayor of Fareham, Councillor Mrs Pamela Bryant, said: "I am honoured and delighted to be serving the community as the Mayor of Fareham for a second time. Being Mayor gives me a great opportunity to promote some wonderful causes and raise money for my Mayoral charities." The new Mayor's Cadet for 2019/20 is Cpl Emily McKnight, from 1350 Squadron, Air Training Corps. Emily will take part in various duties to support the Mayor throughout the forthcoming year, including attending civic events, wreath bearing, church readings and assisting the Mayor's Attendants. The Mayor would specifically like to contribute to:  a new minibus for the 1350 Squadron - a voluntary youth organisation  a therapeutic jacuzzi/hydrotherapy bath for Rowans Hospice  Supporting Fareport Talking News, which is self -funding and relies entirely on the generosity of volunteers, the public and its own fundraising events for its work of recording local news and events for people who cannot read the printed word Pictured above, left to right, are Madam Mayor Cllr Mrs Pamela Bryant, the Mayor's Cadet Emily McKnight, and the Mayoress Cllr Mrs Louise Clubley.


Suella Braverman MP’s Annual Health Summit Suella Braverman MP is holding her third annual Health Summit on Friday 7 June 2019 at Fareham Community Church from 6.30pmuntil 8pm. Many residents have concerns about the local changes in healthcare. Suella Braverman is holding the event to provide local people with an opportunity to understand these changes and put their concerns directly to a panel of senior members of the organisations responsible, including service providers and commissioners. Organisations invited include:  Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust  University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust  Fareham Community Hospital  Fareham & Gosport Clinical Commissioning Group  Better Local Care  Hampshire County Council Adult Health & Care  Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust The event is free. Ticket reservations are required for entry, however tickets do not need to be printed. Guests are asked to arrive by 6.15pm for a 6.30pm start. The event is open to residents throughout Fareham constituency and places can be reserved via Eventbrite at:


Governance Guidance Governance Guidance If you are an Organiser or a Committee Member then you are most likely a Trustee for your organisation and you should be aware of your responsibilities and requirements. At One Community we realise the complexities of your roles and this regular column is designed to support you with this. “Trustees have overall control of a charity and are responsible for making sure it’s doing what it was set up to do. They may be known by other titles, such as: Directors, Board Members, Governors, Committee Members. Whatever they are called, trustees are the people who lead the charity and decide how it is run. Being a trustee means making decisions that will impact on people’s lives. Depending on what the charity does, you will be making a difference to your local community or to society as a whole. Trustees use their skills and experience to support their charities, helping them achieve their aims. Trustees also often learn new skills during their time on the board.”


From: Charity Commission /Charity trustee: what’s involved (CC3a)/: We are here to help At One Community, we are always happy to offer direct, specific support and advice to you and your organisation, whenever you need it. Please contact Carol Grant (pictured), our Community Development Manager on 023 8090 2460 with any queries about being a Trustee or governance issues such as constitutions, policies, safeguarding, funding. Be confident that if we don’t know the answers, we’ll know someone who does! Topic this month: Guidance for charities with a connection to a non-charity

Governance Guidance Guidance for Charities with a Connection to a Non-Charity How to manage and review your charity's connection to a non-charity, from the Charity Commission. Making a positive difference for your beneficiaries Your charity’s distinctive status is important. It allows certain freedoms and benefits, including tax reliefs. But its status also places important limits on your charity. To protect it, you and your co-trustees must be able to show that everything your charity does helps to achieve the purposes for which it is set up, for the public benefit. Your charity can set up or keep a close connection with a non-charitable organisation. Its purpose must be to help you to make a positive difference for your beneficiaries. The connection can provide:  a main source of funding for your charity  other valuable resources which help to save money  opportunities to strengthen the quality, reach and impact of your charity’s work  a way of managing risk  an effective trading structure to raise funds for your charity  a direct way of furthering your charity’s purposes if you are, for example, a ‘friends of’ charity Our engagement with charities shows that risks and challenges can come with a connection to a noncharitable organisation (a non-charity). Sometimes the risks are significant. We have produced this guidance to help you manage your charity’s connection with a non-charity in line with your:  charity’s best interests  legal trustee duties It says that your charity’s connection to, and work with, the other organisation must always further its purposes. You and your co-trustees:  must not allow your charity’s resources or activities to fund or support non-charitable purposes 

should identify, properly address, and review any risks which come from the connection

Showing that you have applied this guidance Where the Commission reviews a charity’s connection with a non-charity we will expect trustees to have applied this guidance. A charity following the principles in this guidance will have the following features. It:  is always working on achieving its charitable purposes for the public benefit  does not support or fund non-charitable purposes  controls how it spends funds and uses resources  understands the purpose of the connection with the non-charity  ensures that the connection is always in the charity’s best interests. This includes properly addressing any conflicts of interest. It includes protecting the charity’s public image and reputation  understands the responsibility it has to uphold the reputation of charity as a whole  ensures that the connection does not result in any non incidental private benefit to the noncharity or people connected with it In this guidance:  ‘must’ means something is a legal or regulatory requirement or duty that trustees must comply with  ‘should’ means something is good practice that the Commission expects trustees to follow and apply to their charity Following the good practice specified in this guidance will help you to run your charity effectively, avoid difficulties and comply with your legal duties. Charities vary in terms of their size and activities. Consider and decide how best to apply this good practice to your charity’s circumstances. The Commission expects you to be able to explain and justify your approach, particularly if you decide not to follow good practice in this guidance. Click here for the guidance

For support with issues of governance, contact our Community Development Manager on 023 8090 2460


Funding Urban Tree Challenge Fund Environment Secretary Michael Gove has launched a new £10m plan to plant more than 130,000 trees in towns and cities in England. Called the Urban Tree Challenge Fund, grants will be made available over the next two years to green urban areas, in an effort to try and meet the government's target to plant one million trees by 2022. The scheme will be open to individuals, local authorities and charities, and will be administered by the Forestry Commission. The fund will pay for the planting of trees and for the first three years of their upkeep. The deadline for applications is 28 July 2019.

Strategic Legal Fund for Vulnerable Young Migrants The Strategic Legal Fund for Vulnerable Young Migrants (SLF) is a fund to support legal work in the UK that goes beyond securing justice for an individual and makes a significant contribution to law, practice and procedures to uphold and promote the rights of vulnerable migrant children and young people more generally. The SLF aims to tackle injustices and inconsistencies in law and practice that disadvantage or discriminate against vulnerable young migrants as a result of their migration status. We do this by making grants to organisations to:  undertake pre-litigation research, or  make third party interventions to ensure that the key legal points are made in existing cases.


The SLF is an initiative delivered by The Immigration Law Practitioners' Association (ILPA) in partnership with Trust for London, Esmee Fairbairn Foundation, Unbound Philanthropy, Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust and Paul Hamlyn Foundation. The next application deadlines are 5 July and 6 September.

Impetus Youth Endowment Fund Funding is available for organisations in England and Wales to support interventions targeting children aged 10-14 who are at risk of being drawn into crime and violence, and to build up knowledge of what works to prevent this happening. Ecclesiastical Movement for Good Awards

Grants of £50,000 to support charity projects that are helping to make a real difference in their community. Open for applications 17 June, closes 17 July.

To discuss your funding needs, please contact our Community Development Team on 023 8090 2400

Training One Community Training, Workshops and Information Service

For further information about training, to discuss your needs or to book your place please contact Rachel Webb 023 8090 2400 or click here to book online

K E E PI N G VO LUN T E E R S T UE SDAY 1 8 J UN E 2 01 9, 1 0. 0 0A M – 1 1 . 30A M Venue: The Point, Leigh Road, Eastleigh, SO50 9DE  What motivates individuals to volunteer  how motivation can be maintained  the aims and skills of supervising volunteers  the skills involved in giving praise  matching rewards to individuals’ needs. Cost: free

workplace. A certificate of competence will be issued and is valid for three years. Cost: Voluntary Sector £70, Others £85 Tea and coffee included in the price – please provide your own lunch

D IG ITA L ME D IA FO R T H E T E R R IF I E D T UE SDAY 1 6 J ULY 2 0 19 , 10 .0 0A M – 2 . 0 0P M Venue: The Point, Leigh Road, Eastleigh, SO50 9DE This course is ideal for beginners starting to use digital media to promote their organisation. The session will cover:  de-mystifying digital media  marketing tools  channels to use  digital strategy and planning  opportunities for further learning. Cost: £28 Tea and coffee included in the price – please provide your own lunch

K E E PI N G VO LUN T E E R S T UE SDAY 1 8 J UN E 2 01 9, 2 .0 0P M – 3 . 3 0P M Venue: Priory Park Community Centre, Upper Brook Drive, Locks Heath, SO31 6PT  What motivates individuals to volunteer  how motivation can be maintained  the aims and skills of supervising volunteers  the skills involved in giving praise  matching rewards to individuals’ needs. Cost: free

E ME RG E N C Y F IR ST A ID AT WO R K W E D N E SDAY 19 J U N E 2 01 9, 9 .3 0A M – 4 . 3 0 PM Venue: The Point, Leigh Road, Eastleigh, SO50 9DE This one day training session will cover all aspects of Emergency First Aid at Work. At the end of the course learners will have demonstrated competence in basic life support skills and increased their awareness in managing a first aid incident in the ONE COMMUNITY NETWORK: PAGE 9

Training/Information Dates & Booking Information The content of the workshops is the same in all locations and professionals from any agency operating in each of the four local authority areas are able to book onto any event for free. The workshop will run for between two to three hours. Please see below for further details: Hampshire 19 June 2019 - AM session - Fareham 17 July 2019 - AM session - Winchester, Alresford 17 July 2019 - PM session - Winchester, Alresford 18 July 2019 - AM session - Test Valley, Andover 18 July 2019 - PM session - Test Valley, Andover


Family Approach Training Workshops Course Information The overarching aim of these workshops is to launch the Hampshire, Isle of Wight, Portsmouth and Southampton Adults and Children’s Family Approach Protocol and supporting practitioner toolkit. The workshop will use information from the toolkit to support professionals from both children / adult sectors across the Pan Hampshire and Isle of Wight areas to understand how issues including Mental Health, Substance Misuse, Domestic Violence, Learning Disabilities and Neglect, affect all family members, including children (as well as unborn babies) and adults at risk as defined in the Care Act 2014. Delegates will be given time to consider how the needs of children and / or adults living with hidden harm impact on the whole family, and the importance of early identification of these needs and effective communication between services is important in order to support those at risk and their families.




Events See One Community at the following events this month: HMS Collingwood Open Day Saturday 1 June, 10am-5pm, Newgate Lane, Fareham PO14 1AS. The event features the famous field gun competition and during the day there will be attractions, entertainment and displays designed to capture the imagination of everyone.

D-Day 75 at Daedalus Saturday 8 June, 10am-5pm, and Sunday 9 June, 10am-4pm, Solent Airport, Lee-on-the-Solent PO13 9YA. Music, fun activities, and planes to commemorate 75 years since the D-Day landings.

Portchester Gala Saturday 15 June, Portchester Castle, Church Road, Portchester PO16 9QW. This annual community run event dates back over 100 years. It comprises a procession through the village followed by a day of events, games and stalls in the grounds of Portchester Castle. Watch the parade from 11am.

Your Network Send submissions for inclusion in Network to Julia Allan: Please follow us on Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter

Produced by One Community, 16 Romsey Road, Eastleigh SO50 9AL Tel 023 8090 2400 Registered Charity Number 1052978. Registered in England as a company limited by guarantee.

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