Volunteering Matters

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Eastleigh Edition

June 2019


olunteering Matters provides a monthly round up of volunteering opportunities in the local area, provided by Volunteer Centre One Community. These are only a few of the many available, and we are here to help you find a role to suit you. To find out more about volunteering, come to one of the events below, have a browse through this newsletter, or go to the website www.do-it.org to find all our volunteering opportunities online. Otherwise, you can call us to make an appointment for a chat on 023 8090 2458, or ask for information by emailing volunteer@1community.org.uk This month we celebrate Volunteers Week. Volunteers’ Week is about celebrating the huge range of people who give their time in so many ways. From trustees and campaigners to carers and fundraisers, gardeners and event supporters, guides and scouts leaders, befrienders and walk leaders. Many people volunteer in a huge variety of ways, this is a great time to think about the fantastic contribution that volunteers make to all our lives across the borough of Eastleigh.

Volunteer Centre Outreach

Bursledon Good Neighbours Bursledon Good Neighbours is looking for volunteers to give neighbourly support to people living in their community. The most frequent request is for a volunteer to transport the elderly to keep their appointments at local surgeries, hospitals, dentists and to assist with shopping. Most clients ask the good neighbour to wait with them during their appointment. The transport service usually operates between 0900 and 1700 Monday to Friday. Reimbursement for use of your car is 45p/mile and volunteers are covered for public liability insurance etc. Volunteers only need to volunteer for tasks subject to their own availability. Most volunteers help out once every two to three weeks. For this role, you will need to be a driver and happy to use your own car, as well as being caring and interested in others, particularly the elderly. Because of transport costs volunteers must live in the parish of Bursledon. A DBS check is required but will be organised by the group. The group is also greatly in need of a Treasurer to manage the groups funds, and a Vice Chair to help with running the group.

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Looking for volunteers for your organisation? Looking for a volunteering role that’s just right for you?

Drop in and see us at:

Eastleigh Museum, 25 High Street, Eastleigh SO50 5LF, second Tuesday of every month, 10am-12 noon, Tuesday 11 June Fair Oak Library, Campbell Way, Fair Oak, SO50 7AX 10am—12pm, Friday 21 June

Produced by Volunteer Centre One Community, 16 Romsey Road, Eastleigh SO50 9AL Tel 023 8090 2458

Girl Guiding Chandlers Ford Section Helpers Volunteers help ensure that as many girls and young women as possible get the opportunity to experience the fun and challenge of guiding. Join us and enjoy the personal rewards and satisfaction that volunteering brings. There are many reasons to volunteer with the Guide Association, such as: Meeting new people, Making new friends, Getting to know your local community, Gaining new skills, knowledge and experience, Gaining in confidence and self-esteem, Developing existing skills and knowledge, Enhancing your CV and improving employment prospects, Using your skills and knowledge to benefit others, Feeling part of a team, Feeling valued. Girlguiding UK welcomes volunteers of all backgrounds, age groups and abilities. Guiding is flexible and volunteering can be arranged to fit around a busy lifestyle. You can volunteer to help out with: Rainbows, Brownies, Guides or Senior Section. Whatever your skills and interests, and no matter how much or how little time you have to spare, one of the volunteering roles is bound to suit you. Your contribution is sure to be appreciated by the girls. Volunteers will need to be DBS checked and must be 16 or older. All opportunities are on week days in the early evening.

Administrator Get involved supporting Girl Guiding Chandlers Ford by doing some admin. Could you do some paperwork in your own time to support the Chandlers Ford Groups? 1-2 hours a week, when ever it suits you, could make all the difference and help keep the Girl Guiding Units running. You would need good admin skills, and be based in the local area to do this role. Volunteers will need to be DBS checked and must be 16 or older. You would need a computer at home, and access to the internet. You could do this role as and when it suits you.

Saturday Volunteer at West End Library West End Library is a busy, friendly library based at the heart of the community, in West End Parish Centre. They are looking for branch volunteers on Volunteering Matters Page 2

a Saturday. If you've got a couple of hours spare and would like to make a difference in your local community, then this role could be for you. Whether you enjoy reading and chatting to people, or want to help someone conquer their fears of using a computer. Get involved with events and activities held within the library and assist members of the public in accessing library services. This role would suit someone who is approachable, enthusiastic, has good interpersonal skills and is reliable. Volunteers have an introductory session to ensure that this opportunity is the right choice for them before they start volunteering on a regular basis.

Day Centre Helper—Laburnum House Hedge End Volunteers are needed to assist with the general running of the day centre, which provides services for frail older people living in the Hedge End, Botley and West End areas. Your main role would be to chat with members and join them in a variety of activities. Help in the kitchen, with washing, drying and clearing away, would also be appreciated. The Centre is open on Mondays and Tuesdays. At the moment, help is needed on a Tuesday. Volunteers need to be over 16, patient, caring and have an empathy with older people. Laburnum House is located on Laburnum Road, Hedge End, near to the Maypole Nursing Home.

Eastleigh Good Neighbours Co-ordinator Eastleigh Good Neighbours helps local people in need with shopping, collecting prescriptions, visits to hospitals, the doctor’s, dentist’s and to attend other important appointments. They also carry out some simple tasks that clients are unable to do for themselves, including light gardening and minor repairs. The co-ordinator is the first point of contact between the client and the volunteer at Eastleigh Good Neighbours. They take messages from the Good Neighbours’ answerphone, and contact volunteers to see who is able to do the

requested task. Once a volunteer has been confirmed, they then phone the client to confirm the details. All tasks need to be recorded in an Excel spreadsheet. The co-ordinator's role is undertaken at home. The service only runs from Monday to Friday and is shared between different co-ordinators. Usually, there are 5-10 phone messages a day that will need to be matched with a volunteer. Full training is provided. Co-ordinators need good organisational and communication skills. Computer skills are required as the use of email and basic Microsoft Excel skills are important.

Fairthorne Summer Volunteer Leader Programme As a local community charity, YMCA Fairthorne relies heavily on a dedicated volunteering team to reach out and engage even more children, young people and families across Hampshire and the Isle of Wight. Every year YMCA Fairthorne Manor welcomes thousands of visitors to their site near Botley, to have amazing experiences in the great outdoors. From a child’s first time playing in mud, to first nights away from home, family holidays, school trips to remember, a chance to really grow and develop, they offer it all! Each year they look for a select but mighty volunteer team to really help add the sparkle to YMCA Fairthorne Manor’s summer activities programme. YMCA Fairthorne Manor can offer a variety of volunteering opportunities for people of all ages and across all areas and services, such as childcare, youth work, facilities, storytelling, and administration. They have a standard recruitment procedure in place to ensure that volunteering is safe and well -managed for everyone. Volunteers are provided with a full training package.

Long Oak Preschool Helper Long Oak Preschool is a happy, caring environment full of fun and creativity. They would love to have some extra helpers, even if you can only offer one hour every couple of weeks, it would help to make the most of the children’s time at preschool. Could you come and do some tidying or maybe

spend 30 minutes reading to the children? Maybe you could support the children playing, or supervise the outside area? Do you play a musical instrument that you could play for the children, or maybe you'd be happy to sing some songs? An extra pair of hands is always a great help and the children are very rewarding to volunteer with. Long Oak Preschool is in the Pilands Wood Centre, Chamberlayne Road, Bursledon. The Preschool is open 9am-2.30pm Monday-Thursday and 9am-12pm on Fridays. Mid mornings and mid afternoons are the times where volunteers would be most useful, but hours can be agreed to suit you. To do this role, you'll need to enjoy being around children and able to respect confidentiality.

Summer Library Reading Challenge Every year the Summer Reading Challenge engages thousands of children in reading over the long break from school. The library services are particularly looking for young volunteers who can help enhance the experience for children and families participating in the Challenge during the busy summer period. Volunteers have the opportunity to develop fantastic new skills and gain experience for their CVs. Typical Summer Reading Challenge Volunteer tasks include:  Helping staff to sign children up to the Summer Reading Challenge  Helping children to choose new books  Talking to children about the books they've been reading  Giving out incentive items and certificates as children progress through the Challenge  Helping to promote and lead summer activities such as craft sessions, story-times and coding clubs  Helping to create in-library displays  Planning and running celebration events for other young volunteers The libraries are particularly looking for volunteers aged 14-18, but volunteers of all ages are very welcome. Times and locations are flexible to suit you. Volunteering Matters Page 3

Bursledon Brickworks Railway Volunteer The Brickworks Museum is looking to add to the volunteer team for running the site railway/s on Event days. This role would suit someone who knows nothing at all about railways as they'll be with long-standing, experienced volunteers. At the moment it will mainly be one Sunday a month for Event days but if you’re keen, there is the chance to come in during the week, probably a Tuesday or Thursday, for maintenance work. The Brickworks is a volunteer run museum located by the river Hamble. It is a unique site and the only remaining steam driven brickworks left in the country. The museum is open three days a week from April to October, with a big Event day a month and regular group and school visits. This role would suit someone who is free one Sunday a month who wants to learn how to run a miniature or narrow gauge railway. This is a reasonably physical role, potential volunteers will need to be able stand.

Heads UP Volunteers for Solent Mind Heads UP is a project which Solent Mind runs in local schools, colleges and universities in Southampton and The New Forest. They work to inform and educate young people about their wellbeing and mental health. They aim to equip young people with coping strategies so that they can manage their own wellbeing. As a Heads UP volunteer, you would be based in and around the Southampton city and New Forest areas, supporting the Heads UP Co-Ordinator. Alongside the Co-ordinator and other volunteers, you would be delivering a variety of workshops to young people of all ages in schools, colleges, youth groups etc. In this role you can gain experience of working for a busy project in a mental health charity, contributing to its future progression and aiding its success. You would be building and learning new skills, whilst also helping teach young people about mental health, challenging negative perceptions of it through your work.

Conservation at Itchen Valley Country Park Eastleigh Countryside volunteers are local people with an interest in the countryside who help to manage and conserve 800 acres of countryside within the Borough of Eastleigh. Various practical projects are organised at Itchen Valley Country Park normally on the 3rd Sunday of each month. Volunteers can also assist with guided walks and events organised by the Eastleigh Countryside Service. There is no minimum commitment - volunteers can give a day a week or just a couple of hours every few months. It's a great way to make friends. Volunteers undertake practical countryside maintenance, habitat management work and wildlife surveying. No prior experience is necessary as full training is provided.

For further information 023 8090 2458

Find all our opportunities www.do-it.org

Email volunteer@1community.org.uk

Website www.1community.org.uk

Registered charity number 1052978

Company limited by guarantee 3132524

Volunteer Centre One Community is funded to work in Eastleigh by Eastleigh Borough Council Hampshire County Council

Eastleigh Edition

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