Division 18 December Newsletter

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Lieutenant Governor Introduction Happy Winter Division 18! I know it's not “officially� winter but it sure feels like it! I hope everyone is doing fantastic and staying healthy. Just remember that you're doing an amazing job. Keep being you and keep being awesome! The only reminder I have is that Early Bird dues have passed so Regular dues need to be in by February 1st! Check out the section in the Newsletter about Dues. Other than that, that's it!! Thank you Division 18 for being wonderful. Happy Holidays and stay safe! Yours in Service, Madison Matice Division 18 Lieutenant Governor

Member of the Month

Know someone that has been going above and beyond with their Key Club duties? Nominate them by filling out this form! Selected nominees will be featured in The Empire Key and/or NYDKC social media. Here is the link! https://forms.gle/zYihX S4qZyEZuJX1A

Empire Key

The second issue of the Empire Key is out now! Check it out using this link! https://bit.ly/2K3TxEZ) Strategic Plan

The New York District is looking for input for its strategic plan. We are looking for ideas, initiatives, questions, or concerns that YOU, the members, might have. The strategic plan will be a 3-5 year outline of how the district can continue to grow. Here is the Link https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdm YY8jrn1A6chcsSTtacmj9vNXw_oxtP2Q14EwS3fVn2d8w/viewform

Dues The deadline for Regular dues is right around the corner! If your club is able to, try to submit your dues by February 1st. -> If you have any trouble accessing the Membership Update Center, please email secretary.nydkc@gmail.com with any questions.

Upcoming events

There are no upcoming events in our division at this time :(

Service Spotlight Jenna Hoffman Division 18 Schodack Central School Districts Key Club has been working hard to service their community. Last spring, they contributed to having a sign made thanking all essential workers! The was put outside of the high school for the community to see. They have been planning for a school virtual holiday trivia night! Their hope for this night is to bring holiday joy to their community and safely! They have also adopted a student for the holidays to make sure they have presents under their tree! Yearly, they participate in making cards to bring to Macy’s for writing a letter to Santa. Every card made is money donated toward the Make-A-Wish foundation! This year, they are participating by making the cards online and submitting them through Macy’s website! Schodack Central School District Key Club is working hard to plan more service events for the rest of the year throughout the COVID period to give back to their community!!

Fall Conference Recap Rebecca Blumenthal Ward Melville HS Key Division 3

New York District Key Club’s first-ever Virtual Fall Conference was a weekend jam-packed with workshops, service projects, keynotes, and more. One of my favorite workshops was co-hosted by D8’s LTG Alvin Ma, and D3’s very own LTG, Sophia Segal! I learned a lot from them about staying engaged and connected even in this new virtual world. I also LOVED the workshop “How to Become a Better You Everyday,” where D10’s LTG Marina Nasef helped us build confidence and become the best version of ourselves. Sergio Argueta, the Keynote Speaker for the first day, was incredibly engaging. His story hit home for many of us, and it was truly inspirational to hear him speak. Many of the comments were asking for him to do a TED Talk, and I couldn’t agree more. I wasn’t able to attend the keynote session the second day, but I heard it was amazing as well. To me, though, the best part of a virtual conference is the opportunity for interactions. What I love about being a part of an international organization is that we can meet people from all over, and this was only made easier by the chat features on Zoom and all of the interactive, engaging workshops. I really feel like I got to know New York District Key Club through this Fall Conference, and I can’t wait for Key Club’s virtual programming in the future.

Service Projects Ideas

Progress Update

Projects Key Club Supports Governors Project: Canines for Disabled Kids-This non-profit organization increases independence for children with disabilities and their families through the use of service dogs. They also help children obtain free educational programs to school and community groups about service dogs. By creating partnerships, understanding the organization and raising funds for this project, it will create awareness through the community. District Project: Project Hope-This charity aims to place power in the hands of local healthcare workers. They also are building a different world: a strong and resilient global community of health care workers who practice innovative solutions in their communities — and then pass them on to others. Doing this, they are saving lives worldwide. They provide help, even in a crisis. District Endorsed Project: Pediatric Lyme Disease Foundation-This foundation helps families and kids suffering with Lyme disease. It also helps pay for medical treatment for children with this disease. Lyme disease is usually transmitted from a deer tick and anyone can get it, even kids! That's why its important to help those who do have it because treatment is very expensive.

Internatinal Partners S q u ads Abroa d -S q u ads Abroa d is t he world's l e a d i n g e x p e r t i n in t e rnational v o l u n t e e r i n g . K e y C l u b has teame d u p w i t h S q u ads Abroa d t o c r e a t e t he la r g est High S c h o o l M o v e m e n t im p roving Heal t h a n d E d u cation. Doi n g t h i s , i t c r e a t e s o p p ortunities t o d e v e l o p c r o s s c u l t ural exper i e n c e . S q u ads A b r oad has m a n y d i f f e r e n t p r o grams for v o l u n t e e r i n g , l i k e G l o b al Health, G l o b a l E d u cation, and m u c h m o r e !

N i c k elodeon-N i c kelodeon h a s t w o huge cam p a i g n s t h a t t ry s t o g et kids invo l v e d . T h e y ar e c a l l ed the Wor l d w i d e D a y o f P l a y and Nicke l o d e o n ' s G e t D i r t y campaign . T h e i r m i s s i o n is t o make the w o r l d a m o r e p l a y ful place b y l e a d i n g a c t i v e , p l a y ful events a c r o s s t h e c o u ntry. They a l s o t r y t o e d u cate kids a n d f a m i l i e s a b o ut what the y c a n d o t o p r o tect the ea r t h o n e s t e p a t a t i m e.

Contact Information

Social Media Division 18: Instagram: division18_nydkc District: Instagram: @nydkc Twitter: @nykeyclub Facebook: @nydkc Youtube: @nydkc

International: Instagram: @keyclubint &kci2021 Twitter: @keyclub Facebook: @keyclubintnl Youtube: @Key Club International Website: keyclub.org Sistrict: Instagram: @thebestsistrict

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