Division 18 June Newsletter

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JUNE NEWSLETTER DIVISION 18 Written by Madison Matice

Table of Contents Page 2: LTG Greeting Page 3: Governors Greeting Page 4: Service Spotlights Page 5: The Empire Key/District Project Page 6: Eliminate Week Page 7: Divisional Page 8: Happy Birthday Key Club Page 9: Service Project ideas Page 10/11: Different projects Key Club Supports Page 12: International Partners Page 13: Upcoming Events/Project Updates Page 14: Social Media Page 15: Contact Information Page 16: Paperwork Tracker

Lieutenant Governors Greeting Hello Division 18! Welcome to my June newsletter! I hope everyone is doing well, and staying healthy. These past couple of weeks have been crazy, with school coming to an end, and the many things going on in our world right now. It can be overwhelming at times, but I'm always here if you need anything. Just remember, staying active in your community is a good way to keep yourself involved, because together we can make a difference. Now, back onto everyone's favorite...paperwork!! Thank you to all the schools who have turned in their paperwork. I am beyond happy with how much improvement we have had as a division. We made 100% completion for the March and April MRF! Just keep in mind, MRF’s are due the 10th of every month and during the summer as well. Even if no club activities (meetings, services projects, events, or fundraisers) took place during a particular month, please still have your Club Secretary fill out a Monthly Report Form for that month. During this newsletter I highly recommend looking at the Service Idea list. There are quite a few ideas on that list that you are able to do, even if you are stuck in quarantine. Stay safe everyone and enjoy June! Yours in Service, Madison Matice

Service Spotlight Division 18 Kylie Roloson Maple Hill High School Hi! My name is Kylie Roloson and I am part of Maple Hill’s Key Club. During this time, our club has found ways to come together to help our community. We helped organize with other clubs to set up a banner in front of our school to thank essential workers. Our club also recently held a trivia night for our high school, which is grades 7-12. We invited all of the students to join a Google Meet and participate in a Kahoot. The Kahoot included both trivia questions and fun facts about our teachers. Being in quarantine can be lonely, and we thought that a trivia night would be a great way to bring people together. It gave kids a way to talk with their friends when it hasn’t been so easy. A lot of the students participated with their families as well. Students from all grades joined and it was a lot of fun!

Division 18 Ashleigh Mein Averill Park High School

Hi there! My name is Ashleigh Mein and I'm a part of Averill Park High School Key Club. I decided to do a service project for the UPS workers and everyone that delivers to my house. I wanted to do this project because I see how drained the workers are. My family and I made care packages that included a drink, a few healthy snacks and a piece of chocolate to lighten their day to thank them for all they do. Most of the workers that delivered things to my home took one of these care packages and you could tell it made their day. It also made mine too. That's why it's important to stay active during this time. Even though we aren't in school, Key Club is still going on, and service never stops, because even a little change could leave a big impact. Sincerely, Ashleigh Mein

The Empire Key Have a service event that you want featured? Submit articles to The Empire Key! Articles are typically a paragraph long and highlight an individual's personal experience at a service event. Virtual events are still events and members can still write about them! The submission deadline is June 27th at 11:59PM. Use the link down below to submit your article.

https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeWzD7pDYAblSD89ciht35VSWC2 79AHgVFJM6OerTGOhjIrNA/viewform?usp=sf_link

District Project The District has voted and our new District Project is Project HOPE! The mission of this project is to place power in the hands of local health care workers to save lives across the globe. "In disaster, crisis and beyond, HOPE is there: providing direct health care services, equipping clinics and hospitals, training local health care workers, and delivering solutions that help people access the health care services they need."

Eliminate week

Through The Eliminate Project, Kiwanis International and UNICEF have joined forces to eliminate maternal and neonatal tetanus—a deadly disease that steals the lives of nearly 31,000 innocent babies and a significant number of women each year. To learn more about the Eliminate Project, this year during the week of May 4th-8th, there were different challenges each day . clubs could participate in. It was so much fun to take part and see other clubs participate throughout the NYDKC.

Here are a few challenges I participated in!

Day #3 of E-Lemon-Ate Wednesday

Shout out to some of the members from Averill Park High school for participating!

Day #4 Throwback Thursday


Thank you to everyone that attended my first virtual Divisional! It was a success! We went over important paperwork, divisional projects, service ideas, and even played a Key Club Kahoot!

Happy Birthday Key Club! This year is Key Club's 95th birthday!! Key Club has impacted and changed the the world is many ways through service and leadership. The first Key Club formed in 1925 in Sacramento, California, with 11 charter members. Today, Key Club is the oldest and largest service program for high school students in the world.

Service Project Ideas

Even during this uncertain time, its important to stay active in your community and still do service projects. Here are just a few ideas!

Make cards for essential workers or hospitals. Donate your skills! Make masks, blankets, clothing etc. Trash cleanups Deliver food to places in need Make little goodie bags for essential workers Help someone you know with outside yard work. and much more!!

Different projects Key Club supports International Endorsed Project: March of Dimes-This organization helps babies everywhere! About half a million babies are born premature or with birth defects in the U.S. each year. That's why its important to host service events! Not only to support this cause but to also educate others about preterm birth.

District Project: Project Hope-This charity aims to place power in the hands of local healthcare workers. They also are building a different world: a strong and resilient global community of health care workers who practice innovative solutions in their communities — and then pass them on to others. Doing this, they are saving lives worldwide. They provide help, even in a crisis.

Different projects Key Club supports Governors Project: Canines for Disabled Kids-This non-profit organization increases independence for children with disabilities and their families through the use of service dogs. They also help children obtain free educational programs to school and community groups about service dogs. By creating partnerships, understanding the organization and raising funds for this project, it will create awareness through the community.Â

District Endorsed Project: Pediatric Lyme Disease Foundation-This foundation helps families and kids suffering with Lyme disease. It also helps pay for medical treatment for children with this disease. Lyme disease is usually transmitted from a deer tick and anyone can get it, even kids! That's why its important to help those who do have it because treatment is very expensive.

International Partners Squads Abroad-Squads Abroad is the world's leading expert in international volunteering. Key Club has teamed up with Squads Abroad to create the largest High School Movement improving Health and Education. Doing this, it creates opportunities to develop cross-cultural experience. Squads Abroad has many different programs for volunteering, like Global Health, Global Education, and much more!

Nickelodeon-Nickelodeon has two huge campaigns that trys to get kids involved. They are called the Worldwide Day of Play and Nickelodeon's Get Dirty campaign. Their mission is to make the world a more playful place by leading active, playful events across the country. They also try to educate kids and families abput what they can do to protect the earth one step at a time.

Upcoming events There are currently no upcoming events as of right now. Check my weekly updates for more!

Progress Updates

Social Media Division 18: Instagram: division18_nydkc District: Instagram: @nydkc Twitter: @nykeyclub Facebook: @nydkc Youtube: @nydkc International: Instagram: @keyclubint &kci1920 Twitter: @keyclub Facebook: @keyclubintnl Youtube: @Key Club International Website: keyclub.org Sistrict: Instagram: @thebestsistrict

Contact Information

Paperwork Tracker

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