Division 18 November Newsletter

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Lieutenant Governors greeting Hello Division 18! Welcome to my November Newsletter! I am very excited to see that some of the schools in our division are getting back up and running again. Even if your club isn't meeting, I'm still so proud of every single one of you. Keep up the great work! There are no upcoming events in our division, but just a reminder that paperwork is super important, especially this year. Make sure you try your very best to get it done when you can. Other than that, everyone is doing amazing! Have a wonderful day! Yours in Service, Madison Matice

Member of the month Know someone that has been going above and beyond with their Key Club duties? Nominate them by filling out this form! Selected nominees will be featured in The Empire Key and/or NYDKC social media.

Here is the link! https://forms.gle/z YihXS4qZyEZuJX1 A

Early bird dues Dues got postponed this year so early bird dues are due on December 1st!! For payments received by December 1st, your club will earn an early-bird patch. For more information click on this link! https://www.keyclub.org/duesreporting/ Regular dues are needed by February 1st!

Dues cost $13

Fall District Conference This year Fall Rallies cannot be held in person. Don't fret, we're bringing a District-wide event to you! Fall Rally is on November 21-22 from 1-5pm. You will get to attend workshops, listen to keynote speakers, and hang with Key Clubbers from around the District! Still need to register? No worries! Here is the link and the qr code. https://fs29.formsite.com/nydk c/5vsmjybska/index.html

Here is the sceduale for the fall conference

Empire Key Have a service project you want to be featured in the empire key?! this is the right place for you. use this link to submit a project https://forms.gle/jxFvqpCeKvU zWTo4A

Service Spotlight Gabi Mohos Averill Park High School Key Club Division 18 My experience donating blood through the Red Cross at my school’s blood drive was so rewarding, and one that I will never forget. I showed up extremely nervous, as I am terrified of needles and blood, but all of the nurses there were so kind and professional that all of my worries vanished. They helped me through the entire process without getting frustrated with my endless questions. The process was painless and went by extremely quickly, which was the total opposite of my expectations. The main reason that I wanted to donate blood was to help save other people. I know I achieved this because the Red Cross sent me multiple emails thanking me for my donation. This made me feel so good about what I did, and I am planning on donating blood again on Christmas Eve, which is the next possible date for me. I also did it to help out Key Club, because we were organizing the drive. Even though I was not asking for recognition for donating blood, I got a few extremely nice texts from a couple of other members, congratulating me. This experience helped me get over my fear of needles, and it helped me do a good thing for people who really need it. Every two seconds someone needs blood. You can save a life and that’s what’s rewarding about it. I encourage anyone who is reading this to look into donating blood! You will save so many people, and feel really good about it!”

*Along with Gabi, as part of Averill Park High School Key Club, I also donated blood for the Blood Drive*

Madison Matice Lieutenant Governor for Division 18

Key Club Week wear key club apparel

Show some love to your fellow key clubbers

Random Acts of Kindness

Dare to share

Connect with your K's

Show your K

Random Acts of Kindness

Dare to share

Key Club Week was amazing! Thank you all that participated!

Progress Update

Projects Key Club Supports G o v ernors Proj e c t : C a n i n e s f o r D i s a b l e d K i d s -T h i s non-profi t o r g a n i z a t i o n in c r eases inde p e n d e n c e f o r c h i l d r e n w i t h disabilitie s a n d t h e i r fa m i l i e s t h r o ugh the us e o f s e r v i c e d o g s . T h e y a l s o help childr e n o b t a i n f re e e d u cational pr o g r a m s t o s c h o o l a n d c o m munity gr o u p s a b o u t s er v i c e d o g s . B y c reating pa r t n e r s h i p s , u n d e r s t a n d i n g t h e organizati o n a n d r a i s i n g f u n d s f o r t h i s project, it w i l l c r e a t e aw a r e n e s s t h r o ugh the co m m u n i t y . District Project: Project Hope-This charity aims to place power in the hands of local healthcare workers. They also are building a different world: a strong and resilient global community of health care workers who practice innovative solutions in their communities — and then pass them on to others. Doing this, they are saving lives worldwide. They provide help, even in a crisis.

District Endorsed Project: Pediatric Lyme Disease Foundation-This foundation helps families and kids suffering with Lyme disease. It also helps pay for medical treatment for children with this disease. Lyme disease is usually transmitted from a deer tick and anyone can get it, even kids! That's why its important to help those who do have it because treatment is very expensive.

International Partners Squads Abroad-Squads Abroad is the world's leading expert in international volunteering. Key Club has teamed up with Squads Abroad to create the largest High School Movement improving Health and Education. Doing this, it creates opportunities to develop crosscultural experience. Squads Abroad has many different programs for volunteering, like Global Health, Global Education, and much more! Nickelodeon-Nickelodeon has two huge campaigns that trys to get kids involved. They are called the Worldwide Day of Play and Nickelodeon's Get Dirty campaign. Their mission is to make the world a more playful place by leading active, playful events across the country. They also try to educate kids and families about what they can do to protect the earth one step at a time.

Contact Information

Social Media Division 18: Instagram: division18_nydkc

District: Instagram: @nydkc Twitter: @nykeyclub Facebook: @nydkc Youtube: @nydkc

International: Instagram: @keyclubint &kci2021 Twitter: @keyclub Facebook: @keyclubintnl Youtube: @Key Club International Website: keyclub.org Sistrict: Instagram: @thebestsistrict

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