Child of the Universe - Positive Parenting Summer 23

Page 22

Bee Culture


Play For Kids

When Nightmares Become Reality

Ideas to Use those Small spaces

You gave me Purpose

Apologies from
Honest Toddler Again
Ultimate Parenting Hacks

Dear mother,

I can tell by the enthusiasm with which you took your birth control mints this morning (it wasn't necessary to maintain eye contact with me) that you're angry.

Last night was...eventful and apologies are in order.

The first thing I need you to apologize for is the screaming. When you noticed that I was standing by your bed like a phantom in the dark, it was entirely inappropriate to yell "Get behind me, Satan!" once you sensed my presence.

It's not my fault it took you two whole minutes to realize I was there and then determine that it was me and not a young goblin standing two feet from your face

The second thing I'd like you to apologize for is the song you sang to me. I believe the lyrics are "Jesus loves the little children, all the children of the world" not "Jesus loves the consistent sleepers, all the heavy sleepers of the world." Are you familiar with the word "sacrilege"? That was very rude and I was hurt by the implication.

Next, I'd like you to apologize to my growing body for saying the kitchen was closed. As uttered those words, a tortilla chip fell out of your mouth. So it's ok for you to graze all night like a dairy cow but I must starve? I didn't want anything complicated, just a grilled cheese sandwich with the crust cut off shaped like Chase from Paw Patrol with a side of apple slices (no peel). Some chocolate milk would've been nice. I know we were out but that's what 24 hour grocery stores are for. I would have liked it in the red cup, obviously (it's in the dishwasher- dirty). Would that have been so hard?

If you apologize now, I won't have to tell grandma or your friends about the swears. I don't know what "duck my life" means, but you said it more than once and I could tell by the tone that it was not friendly. Same goes for "this is bullship." Saying it under your breath doesn't make it less damaging to my gentle spirit and nothing about last night was bullship.

I'd also like you to apologize for being pantless during our twilight bonding I know I came from your danger zone, I remember clearly, but a lot has changed I didn't know what I was looking at and it scared me A lot Please get dressed next time Maybe put on a Pull Up?

I'm not the only person you hurt last night. I know you thought I was asleep when you drop kicked Mr. Bunny down the hall but I was not. How do you live with yourself?

I'm confident that with your WRITTEN apology we can move past last night and focus on having a fun day of you getting me things.

Thank you for understanding and seriously please buy some underwear. Even newspaper and tape would work.

love, HT


The Ultimate List of Parenting Life Hacks

Suddenly you’ve got a new full-time job, and its name is Baby. It’s hard to juggle taking care of your little one with taking care of yourself. Your nights belong to feedings; your bag belongs to baby gear; and your hours are broken up by baby’s short attention span. Here are the life hacks Babylist parents used to make the job a little bit easier. We hope they save you time, money, and sanity.

Hacks for healthy and civilized eating

Introducing your baby to solid food can be a messy process, and teaching them how to behave in restaurants, an ordeal. How to get them to love the healthy food you know is good for them? How to keep them from protesting the tedium of the restaurant? These parents have some great ideas!

• Sneak in those veggies: Blend veggies into a smoothie with strawberries for picky eaters ”

• Toddlers can love baby food: "I have a 7 months old, who eats home cooked purees, most of them are green, yellow and orange veggies My big one gets jealous and thinks it’s so cool to eat her baby sister’s food. So I take advantage and give it to her–green beans, squash, you name it, she eats it!”

• Make eating a game: “For those with toddlers, at restaurants order foods that your little ones can pierce with chopsticks (keep some in your bag). It occupies them by doing something different.”

• Bendy straws: “Bendy straws in every purse/diaper bag for toddlers Makes it so very much easier to avoid spills in restaurants, etc.”

• Feeding schedules as tantrum prevention: “Keep kids on a schedule, especially with meals Three balanced meals and two healthy snacks a day will avoid most meltdowns in kids, especially toddlers.”

• This one’s genius: “All melty summer treats in the bathtub

Hacks for breast and bottlefeeding

Keeping a newborn fed is a 24-hour around-theclock job, so anything that can make it easier is a godsend.

• Pumping lets dad help with feeding: “For breastfeeding mamas, your breast pump is your best friend, even for a stay-at-home mama. Even if you just pump once a day, do it so dad can do even just one feeding a day. My husband took the 10:30-11pm dream feed at 3 weeks and it gave me the ability to have precious time in the evening to myself and the ability to go to bed early and sleep for a good solid block of hours ”

• Genius bottle-warming trick: “If you’re exclusively pumping and want some time to get out and enjoy not being stuck at home with a newborn, bring a thermos filled with hot water to warm your bottles anywhere-in the mall, at the park… It also saves you money instead of buying those expensive bottle warmers for the car.”

• Save your bed from milk dribbles: “Put bassinet size mattress pads on top of your sheets from night nursing.”

Hacks to keep you organized

When you’re a new parent, time is at a premium: minutes and seconds to yourself are precious resources, not to be squandered. Space in your bag is also at a premium, considering the metric ton of baby gear you have to haul around wherever you go. Organization can make your life SO much easier!

• Ditch nonessential tasks: “Don’t waste your time folding baby clothes.”

• Bedtime feedings = longer sleep for parents: “Change, diaper and feed your newborn the most/longest right before you go to bed so you’re able to get a little more sleep. Works great with my 7 week old right now!”

• Keep your diaper bag prepared: “Every time you get home, clean out your diaper bag and refill so it is ready to go If I have the essentials ready to go, I can throw in a snack and go in a quick minute This has saved me more than once to be on time.”

• Don’t give them time to mess up their out-of-house outfits: “When going out always get dressed first. Then dress your little ones. Once dressed I put on a towel/apron combo to keep my clothes clean and intact ”

• Use baby’s naptime wisely: “Don’t do anything while the baby sleeps that you could do while she’s awake! (i.e. folding laundry, etc.)”

• Sheet-changing hack: “Doubling/layering the bed sheets. When they need changing just strip & the next set is ready to go.”

• Bathroom multi-tasking: “Brush your teeth while peeing. There’s no time to do these things separately.” (Note that more than one person gave us this particular parenting life hack!)

• Buy yourself time to shower: “Stick baby in a bumbo or seat and let them join you in the shower at the edge of the tub. Super fun activity for them while the water sprinkles their face and you get a shower! Two in one!!! Woot ”

• And here’s our favorite tip: “Maintain your Babylist long after the initial ‘new baby necessities’ phase and send the link to family and friends who ask for gift ideas for baby’s 1st birthday, Christmas, etc ”

Hacks to make diapering easy

It’s hard to put a diaper on a squirming, wriggly, restless baby! Plus, having the perfect diaper gear on you at all times requires so much planning ahead. Hack your way out of your diaper dilemma.

• Don’t waste $ on a changing table: “Instead of buying a changing table, simply use the changing table topper instead wherever you typically change diapers at home ”

• Face pants game: “Putting baby’s pants on their face while changing their diaper and when they pull them off shout peek a boo is pretty helpful for diaper changes. ��”

• Diaper distraction trick: “While changing my daughters diaper I now place a magnet letter on her forehead and pretend she is invisible while it’s on. She’s so distracted she doesn’t wiggle.” Another parent used a similar trick, but with a clean wipe instead of a magnet letter.

• Backwards clothing to prevent diaper escape: “When dealing with little lives who love to rip off their diaper, take a pair of footie pajamas, cut off the feet, and put them on your munchkin backwards!!”

• Red light bulb for night changing: “Late night diaper changes are rough in the beginning! Instead of fumbling in the dark or turning on a bright light, grab a red light bulb! You’ll have enough light to change baby but no one will be forced awake by the shock of the bright light!”

• Maxipad as emergency substitute diaper: “If you ran out of diapers during errands but have a pad in your glove box, paste it to their onside bottom or a pair of bloomers to lay you a good twenty minutes until you can figure out your next move

Hacks to keep them calm

• Take a lap through the house: “Babies have short attention spans and because of that I feel like I get nothing done! So while doing dishes or folding laundry, if she gets fussy, I pick her up, do a lap throughout the house so she can look around (and you get more steps) then I put her in a slightly different spot or angle, then I have another five-ish minutes then I repeat.”

• Try a back carry: “Back your baby! Whenever my little one is fussy etc I put her on my back using the Ergo carrier and it Instantly calms her down! I’m able to get many things done and she enjoys being there.”

• Diffuse anger with goofy fun: “When they throw a tantrum, just get them distracted by something completely different and use a princess voice or something… for example my 2.5 years old comes home very hungry and irritated from school and goes towards the snack cabinet almost crying and losing herself over it. Not to spoil her appetite before the dinner, I offer her to go upstairs and put on a pretty dress that she likes so much. That does the magic. She forgets she is hungry and is excited about her dress.”

• Eye contact wakes up babies: “When baby wakes up during the night for feedings/diaper changes, AVOID EYE CONTACT!! Give them hugs/kisses/love but don’t look them in the eye. They will think it’s time to play and may not want to go back to sleep. I’ve used this tip with both my kids and it always works.”

• This one might be obvious but… “Never wake a sleeping baby. He will wake up soon enough!”

Hacks to keep them entertained

The theme here was that tots don’t need fancy toys to keep them entertained. The whole world is so magical and new to them that everyday items are plenty entertaining enough!

• Masking tape: “For flying or long car rides with a little one: buy a roll of masking tape to let them unroll It’ll keep them entertained and distracted for ages with basically no mess or cleanup involved. Plus it’s sticky, so it’s less likely to get thrown or dropped on the floor.”

• Do-it-yourself playground: “Learn to swing the car seat like a pendulum. Once you get that down, you’re golden.” Make sure they’re strapped in safely.

• Make toys from junk and household items: “Give baby household items for toys. Plastic cups to bang. Magazine pages to tear. Cardboard boxes to explore.” And this particular parent got really ingenious with household items: “Colorful Popsicle sticks, Pom poms, cotton balls and Q tips in an old cleaned-out Parmesan cheese container My one year old loves taking them out and putting back in There are two flaps on these lids, one side is wide open and one has three holes Keeps him occupied in restaurants!!”

• Backup security item: “Always have a back up blankie, teddy bear, whatever their security item is Buy two from the beginning because one will get lost and you’ll need that backup in case it sells out or is discontinued!”

Hacks to keep yourself sane

• Our most popular hack: One word: “wine. ” Many people submitted that one.

• Mama timeout: “Dance with your children, sing with your children, and play with your children, but also set aside time for yourself. Sometimes, I even tell my oldest that I need a ‘timeout. ’ ��”

• Go on outings: “Get baby out in the world early!! Once they are here they are part of the world Let them learn to sleep with noise and see people!” (See our piece, 5 Ways to Get Out of the House With a New Baby)

• Take time to enjoy: “Take time to admire the miracle you created! I think too often we are so tired that we forget why we are tired So everyday I find myself spending some time to just look at my little man and think about what my body did and went through to get him here. ��”

• Breathe: “Deep breaths. Time to step away, refocus, relax and focus on the big picture. The days are long but the years go by fast.”

• Be kind to yourself and others: “There will be days you feel like you’re failing at parenting completely. Please remember to be kind to yourself, and know that being a parent is not always easy. As absolutely wonderful as it is, it’s also a lot of work. Don’t be too hard on yourself! You’re doing a great job! We all feel a little run down and have feelings of guilt thinking we could do better Love yourself, and you’ll be an even better momma

Understanding Self-Discipline

As we discipline our children we might consider that our goals should include these objectives of helping our children take ownership of their behavior and responsibility for their lives.

Too often discipline is delivered as punishment that creates feelings of intimidation, humiliation or embarrassment. If we want our children to learn to own their behavior and take responsibility we need to find a way to encourage our children, not discourage our children.

The word discipline has its roots in the word ”disciple,” meaning ”pupil” in Latin As parents we are the teachers, and our children are our students.

The relationship of teacher/student, parent/child and leader/disciple must be based on respect and trust Our children must know that they can learn from us in a safe, secure and consistent environment, free from intimidation, humiliation and embarrassment. When we react in a crisisoriented manner trying to help our children learn to be responsible, respectful and resourceful, we often display the very behaviors that we wish to stop in our children.

If we are harsh in our reactions to situations, belittle our children or set arbitrary or inconsistent standards, our teaching can create an angry and frustrated response in our children, leading to distrust and disrespect.

Our challenge as leaders of our young disciples is to guide the whole child–body, mind, heart and spirit. We must model the self-discipline, the vision, the passion and the conscience we wish our children to develop.

Any worthy challenge requires mindfulness and compassion for a successful end We need to be mindful of our thoughts and our actions. Do our ideas and deeds lead our children to take ownership of their behavior and responsibility for their lives?

Can we bring our passion and our love to every aspect of this essential work of guiding our children?

It has been said that the only true discipline is self-discipline. With self-discipline we take ownership of our own behavior. We take responsibility for our lives.

Take a few minutes to think of the strengths of character you wish to instill in your children. How can you lead to those ends with selfdiscipline, vision, passion and conscience?

Positive psychologists have identified six types of core virtues that appear in all cultures–wisdom and knowledge, courage, humanity, justice, temperance and transcendence–comprised of twenty-four character strengths:

1. Wisdom and Knowledge: creativity, curiosity, open-mindedness, love of learning and perspective.

2. Courage: bravery, persistence, integrity and vitality.

3. Humanity: love, kindness and social intelligence.

4. Justice: citizenship, fairness and leadership.

5. Temperance: forgiveness and mercy, humility and modesty, prudence and self-regulation

6. Transcendence: appreciation of beauty and excellence, gratitude, hope, humor and spirituality.

I encourage you to make a list of these twenty-four character strengths and brainstorm how you can help your children use these strengths to become responsible for their own behavior and their own lives using body, mind, heart and spirit That is the nature of true self-discipline


Growing up I can remember watching movies on the Lifetime Channel.

I could watch them because all of the plots seemed so bizarre and foreign to me. Except for the one where a mother was killed by falling logs during a logging truck accident. Ever since that movie, I've had nightmares about logging trucks and am petrified of them. Ask my husband.

And then one day, while pregnant with Dino, there was a logging truck accident right in front of my house. We lived on the main highway. Every ounce of my being shook, as I called my husband at work. I couldn't begin to describe how I felt in that moment, when my nightmares became reality.

Little did I know, that the logging truck incident was just the beginning of a long list of Lifetime movies that would play out in my life.

After Bulldo was born, I was told by my doctors, not to have anymore children I was okay with that then. There were always other options like adoption.

When Bulldo was six months old we felt the impression that a little girl was waiting to come to our family We researched all of our options In the end, we felt inspired to adopt through the foster care system.

The process to become certified foster parents took about nine months. And then the waiting began. I would be cleaning or putting the boys down to nap, when I'd be hit with these overwhelming feelings of sorrow and anxiety.

What was happening to my little girl, so that she could eventually come to our family?

I was overcome with emotion every time. In my head, I couldn't begin to imagine what she was enduring, nor did I want to But I couldn't stop thinking about it. I wept and grieved, praying fervently for her.

Things I had only known as nightmares were reality for my daughter, and I could do absolutely nothing to stop them from happening

And then she arrived as a foster baby. Her mother surrendered her rights quickly. She was safe and she was ours But it wasn't that simple Permanent damage had been done before she came to us

Our daughter had Reactive Attachment Disorder and PTSD.

Adjusting to life as a parent of a child with Reactive Attachment Disorder was very difficult for me. Looking back, those first few years were the darkest times I can remember. Her screaming never stopped. She experienced night terrors. Every day seemed like a constant battle, with her refusal to let me care for her

When I'm stressed, I don't sleep.

Parenting a child with Reactive Attachment Disorder is the most

stressful thing I've ever done.

Sleep was not happening.

My daughter eventually grew from an infant to a toddler, and I thought times would get better. I still had hope they would anyway But as her speech improved, she could communicate And with communication came descriptions of flashbacks and memories of incidents from the past.

One wouldn't think a child so young would remember. But they do. Always.

Every time she spoke and shared more information about what happened to her, I lost it. Since when do nightmares become reality in our home? How can this be? This isn't happening! But it was. There was no escape.

Oh, how I wanted to sleep. I wanted to enjoy the innocence of sweat dreams But there was no innocence left Nightmares weren't even nightmares anymore. Nightmares had become reality.

And so I stayed awake. There was only one thing that could ease my mind, and that was watching medical dramas on TV. The only thing I could think of that was worse than what my daughter was telling me, was medical trauma. I would watch episode after episode of Grey's Anatomy until my eyes literally fell shut, receiving a maximum of about 4 hours of sleep each night

This went on for years.

And it wasn't just me It was her too Every time she'd close her eyes, she'd have these vivid dreams of what was, or worse, what might happen again. We began to see paranoia in our daughter. She worried all the time and was developing OCD tendencies. She wouldn't sleep, It was too scary In her case, medicinal intervention was necessary

In my case, we had to stop living the drama that came with being foster parents. Because not only were we hearing about past accounts from our daughter, we were living them every day with foster children we were caring for.

Until you live that lifestyle, you have no idea how many of your nightmares are reality for so many innocent children.

It took two years to recover from those experiences, before I was able to sleep at night I had to simplify life in as many ways as I could.

I'd like to say the stress lessens over time, and nightmares go back to being nightmares, but it just gets worse Except now different nightmares become reality These new ones involve the safety of our family because of Reactive Attachment Disorder.

The only thing that helps me endure it all is love I love my daughter If it takes every fiber of my being to help her overcome these nightmares that are reality, I'll do it.

It's also that love that helps me sleep at night, even on the worst days I need the courage and the strength to get up and do it all over again tomorrow. Without sleep, I don't have that.

I can't watch Lifetime movies anymore. Heck, I can't watch a lot of movies anymore. They're too much of a reminder of when nightmares became reality. But I can finally sleep, and so can she. We'll take the progress!

3 Simple Tools to Help

Highly Sensitive Kids Thrive

Does Your Child Have Sensitivity To Light, Sound, Touch, Taste, Or Smell?

I think of highly sensitive kids as being gifted with fluency in a second language – energy. It’s a gift that will give them many advantages in life once they understand and harness it.

But, in the beginning, it’s like their sensitivity dial is set on max!

They may be sensitive to everything: light, sound, touch, taste, and smell along with subtle whispers of energy

Highly sensitive children can sense stressed energy in people and places. They pick up on the true emotions of others and see beyond the social veneer. Some can even feel the energetic residue of strong emotions in a space that was left days or weeks before.

The problem is they don’t know that this is what they’re feeling!

If you have a highly sensitive child, it may seem, at times, that this world is just too much for them. But, when you teach them a few simple energetic tools you can empower them.

Last month when I wrote about 7 Things You Need to Know About Your Highly Sensitive Child, many of the comments on the article and on social media asked for concrete techniques to help our children.

Here are 3 of my favorites:

#1 Body-Emotion Scanning

While in a safe space, have your child scan their body from head-to-toe Ask if they notice any tension or discomfort. Have them describe how they feel emotionally at that moment.

There’s an app called Feelings with Milo that can help younger children with this second part. Tell them to keep that in mind before going into a new place such as a grocery store or friend’s house.

If they notice a change in their body or emotions, talk about what or who it might be related to. With your help and some practice, they’ll be able to sense whether the change was due to their own experience or from energy they’re picking up from others or the place they were in.

#2 Bubbles

If you’re going to a crowded shopping mall, airport, or theme park bubbles are a great way to manage sensitivities Have your child imagine that their body is surrounded by a protective bubble. The bubble can be any color and acts as a barrier that only lets in positive energy and filters any negative or stressed energy.

When I do this with my boys we have a lot of fun with the visualization process. I ask them things like, “What color is your bubble?” and “How far does it extend around your body?” I have them describe how their bubbles feel. We practice moving it around and sensing each other’s bubbles. Eventually you can just say, “Bubbles Up!” and everyone will know what to do!

#3 Understand Your Child’s Unique Five Element Type

One of the things that has helped me the most in understanding highly sensitive kids is the Five Element system of Chinese medicine. It’s a framework that allows us to determine each person’s unique nature – body, mind, and spirit.

The Five Elements are Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, and Water. Each Element has corresponding physical characteristics, personality traits, strengths, and challenges that shape each child’s overall health and way of being in the world.

Once you discover your child’s Five Element type, you’ll have a better understanding of how your child’s sensitivities will manifest.

Five Types and how to help them:

Fire and Earth children tend to be emotional empaths.

Metal and Wood children tend to be physical empaths.

Water children tend to be intuitive empaths Metal and Water types will need time alone to process the energies they experience during the day.

Fire and Earth types will need gentle reassurance and a safe person to share their feelings with.

Physical activity is a great way for Wood and Fire types to discharge negative energy.

The other day a friend of mine very casually said, “I am so busy that I don’t find time to even have a look at myself in the mirror.” This thought has lingered on the top of my mind for a very long time now.

In fact even while choosing what to wear before stepping out of our homes, we are more worried about others and their preferences. “Will my friends appreciate what I am wearing or will they laugh at me?” This is a question, I think many ask themselves today. Others have become so important in our lives, that the “I” is completely lost.

In a recent theatre rehearsal, I came across this really special exercise. That moved me a lot and I think it is important for each and every person to do this.

So take some time out from your busy schedule and do this simple exercise. It will help you and you will know how, very soon.

Step 1

Keep your cell phones in silent and throw them aside:

Step 2

Find yourself a Mirror (Preferably with no one in the room)

Step 3:

Look eye to eye with the person in the mirror:

Yes, that person there is you. Probably it has been ages since you saw him or her.

Step 4: Say a “Hi” to him or her: I know it sounds a bit funny and crazy. But it is okay nobody is watching you or judging you. Then, how does it matter?

Step 5: Observe closely your facial features:

Look at what you have done to yourself. Look at that face. The face you have been ignoring for so long.

Yes, maybe you did look at it occasionally while wearing that makeup, but did you seriously consider your thoughts or was it not about how you must look good for someone else?

Step 7: Now Recall About Your Happiest Times:

I know it is not easy. Maybe you will not find it. But trust me there is one. It is just that with all your tensions, you have buried it somewhere deep in your mind. It can be anything silly or something big.

Step 8: Smile at the person in the mirror:

Yes, that person you see there in the mirror is the reason you had that happiest time. That person is the only reason why you ever able to smile. Thank yourself!

Step 9:

Loudly Say this to the person in the mirror, eye to eye “Thank You”: Don’t forget to smile. No! Don’t feel shy. It is alright to talk to yourself. All of us do. If you haven’t then that is the reason for all your worries.

Step 10:

Now one last thing. Loudly tell that person in the mirror –“I love you.”

I know it is very hard. But while you say it, you have to mean it. Many of them feel hesitant to tell this. But trust me, just tell this one time and you will feel that love. :

I am sure by now you know how important it is for you to take some time out for yourself. You deserve it! It is not selfish to think about your happiness. It becomes selfish when you harm someone for your gain. The right word is Self-love.

Manish B Shetty

"Manish is a writer and film & theatre enthusiast from Bangalore, India. He has produced theatre plays and has experience in the field of event management. He is also passionate about reading and revolution.“

Read more posts written by Manish B Shetty


AGT Recipes

The world consumes a lot of pulses. The most asked question outside of the pulse consuming areas is "what do I do with them"? Well, the answer to that question would be just enjoy them!

Pulses are high fiber, low glycemic index, high protein and very nutritious. They are excellent foods for those who are managing diabetes, heart disease or just watching their weight. In many places pulses are the main protein source in meals, especially in regions that are largely vegetarian. On their own, in soups, stews, main dishes or even desserts, pulses are good to eat and good for you.

Below you will find resources to pulse recipes and a few of AGT's favorites.
Conscious Life Magazine

Small Spaces


Sharon insists she has the best job in the world. She gave up a successful career in sales 12 years ago to study photography and dog training. These skills, combined with a love and passion for animals and photography inspired her to establish Scratch Pet Photography.

Having the appropriate skills and qualifications isn’t what creates fantastic images and experiences though, says Sharon. “I simply LOVE happy, wet, muddy and slobbery dogs. It's the pure joy and fun I have with my clients and their furry friends that translate into the heartwarming images they can display in stunning wall art collections or photo books in their homes, offices or on their coffee tables to enjoy for years to come.”

Sharon has an immense compassion for the less fortunate animals that inhabit nearby Redhill Township and a percentage of all Scratch Pet Photography’s income goes to Scarborough’s Redhill Animal Rescue, an organisation born out of a desperate need to assist the animals of Redhill during lockdown, when many people lost their jobs and were unable to look after their animals. Please visit their Facebook page or contact Xandra Dunn on 0826803040 to find out more about them and how else you can help.

Scratch Pet Photography offers several different packages, including the Rainbow experience for your golden oldies and an Adventure experience for younger pups and their fit humans. Gift vouchers are available for all packages offered.. Visit Sharon’s website at to view her pricing, portfolio, contact details and any further information.

Issued on behalf of Scratch Pet Photography by: Child of the Universe online magazines

Bark at me, I’ll bark right back

Scratch Pet Photography

Mobile: 073 526 9104

Vegan Diet “The Healthy Natural Alternative”


Vegans and vegetarians are often faced with the dilemma of choosing the best diet to feed their companion canines, taking into consideration not only their own ethics, but also the best interests of the dog/s they are taking care of.

Fortunately, even though many people would assume that a dog couldn't possibly be fed a 100% vegan diet, nothing could be further from the truth!

Despite descending from wolves, the domestic dog is classified as an omnivore.

The classification in the Order Carnivora does not necessarily mean that a dog's diet must be restricted to meat

Unlike an obligate carnivore, a dog is neither dependent on meat-specific protein nor a very high level of protein in order to fulfill its basic dietary requirements

Dogs are able to healthily digest a variety of foods including vegetables and grains, and in fact dogs can consume a large proportion of these in their diet. In the wild, canines often eat available plants and fruits.

As a matter of interest, there is even one dog which could completely be a Vegetarian and that is the Chow Chow. The Chow Chow originated in China (Tibet) where it was raised as a meat source for human consumption.

Since the Chow Chow was used as a meat source for human consumption, it was fed a diet of grains and vegetables - to produce a tender marbled meat.

Some may still argue that a vegan diet for a dog is unnatural in some way, but its important to note that in nature dogs wouldn't eat anything like what is commonly found nowadays - in a can or in pellet form..

Most commercial pet food is made of very questionable meats, not fit for human consumption, that would otherwise be thrown away

These foods are filled with preservatives and other additives that, over time, can detriment the health of your pet. Indeed, studies conducted on pets fed commercial meat pet food reveal that diet-related complications can include "kidney, liver, heart, neurological, visual, neuromuscular and skin disease, bleeding disorders, birth defects, compromised immune system and infectious disease.“

So, not only is it possible to feed dogs a nonmeat diet, it can also be very nutritious and balanced. In Europe, there are plenty of commercially available, healthy vegan diets

There is no reason why vegan / vegetarian pet lovers in our country shouldn't have the same choice

For this reason Vondis Holistic Pet Nutrition has developed a well researched balanced Vegan diet, where you can be assured that your companion will receive all the correct nutrition and thus enable them to lead happier, healthier lives.

Vegan Diet Recipe and Nutritional Value

In presenting any nutritious meal for human or pet, meat or vegan, there are two important considerations. The cooking method which you use to prepare your food and the other is the quality and choice of ingredients.

Vondis has always adopted scientific procedures to prepare the food and therefore, certain ingredients are left to simmer on a low heat and there are some that are included raw

This very special Vondi’s cooking process ensures maximum nutritional value and digestibility

In choosing the ingredients, we have utilized scientific and nutritional data to formulate a recipe that is totally balanced and nutritious and that will ensure a healthier and longer life.

Some of the ingredients include brown rice, millet, lentils, peas, barley, wheat germ, rolled oats, beetroot, butternut, sweet potato, carrots and a variety of freshly picked herbs. To ensure the perfect balance we also supplemented with calcium gluconate, zinc gluconate, taurine, yeast, lecithin, kelp, dandelion and vitamin c.

So, not only is it possible to feed dogs a nonmeat diet, it can also be very nutritious and balanced. In fact, what started out as diet for moral and ethical reasons, has now be become popular for the treatment of ailments like skin disorders, arthritic problems and bladder disorders.

NOTE: Vondis Holistic Pet Nutrition

non vegetarian meals include Beef, Chicken, Mutton, Ostrich and Special Chicken for Sensitive Skin.

Guiding teens to make career choices with money savviness in mind

Did you think about the reality of the career you chose when you were in high school? Did you think about how you would be spending your time? What about how much money you would be making? Or how much it would cost you to obtain a degree and take out a student loan?

Choosing a career path is messy business when we are young, and a lot of emphasis is placed on making this one decision However, it is never just one decision It is just a starting point to start discovering your skills and where you can add value. For many of us, we maybe chose a career, or a degree and then found ourselves in a very different career years down the line.

For some, they find themselves loving what they do and for others they discover that they chose a career they do not enjoy.

How can we better support our youth as they embark upon this journey. Graeme Codrington from TomorrowToday Global says that instead of asking “what do you want to do”, we should be asking youngsters “who do you want to become?” We become more through the actions we take, the fears we face and the growth that occurs as we rise to the challenges in our lives.

In their book “Quit like a millionaire”, Kirsty Chen and Bryce Leung explore the ideas of choosing a career based on earning ability and potential, using this earned income to build passive income and therefore financial freedom early on in life so that one can then pursue passion projects without worrying that it must bring in money.

The ideas of careers, retirement and making money are changing at a furious rate and we need to help our youngsters think about this as they make decisions early on in life.

At Money Savvy Humans, we have created an innovative programme that helps teens to think about their careers and future with money in mind Not in a way of money is the everything, but rather, how can they make money savvy decisions early on in life so they can make enough to pursue their passions without worry, support themselves and their families and add greater value to the world.

We help them consider how to fund their goals. For example, do they want to study at university and have the money to do so, do they want to start a business? And we help them become money savvy so that they know how to make money, manage it, grow it and protect it.

Rachel Rodgers, author of the book “We should all be millionaires” reminds us that our greatest asset is our earning potential. Our youth need to see their earned income as a great resource that can be used, not to just buy stuff, but to build additional income streams and wealth so that eventually they do not have to rely on earned income alone.

Money Savvy Next is about helping teens look at their future in a different way, consider how things are changing and what they can do now to build a future they will love Time is our greatest resource, and we want to help young people use their time in the best way possible to build a life they want, have financial freedom and add value using their unique talents. We also know that money can give us more time, freedom and choice. And isn’t that what we ultimately want for those we love?

Its time to live the life of your dreams and not the life of your means! Financial freedom starts with financial education.

Email us to find out more about the programme and how we can support you and your teens in becoming more Money Savvy.

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