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公司暨職位介紹手冊 Company Description & Job Acquire Guideline

公司之所以代理該 品牌並由此嶄新的模式 來進駐台灣地區,主要 為衡量與分析台灣該區 的地域性及市場的消費 習性,未來將以拓展台 灣區域之實體通路為原 則,並積極以該經營模 式來宣傳與行銷策略滲 入台灣市場,而藉由該 模式來創造更有效益之 經銷團隊,進而創造雙 贏局面來完成階段性目 標。

ORA C LO S OIV M r. J The cafes are empty of


在未來的趨勢裡,我司擁有及清楚地 了解經商中互利關係的重要觀念為原則, 故將不計所花費之時間、精神、經濟層面 上來尋求並協助輔導有共同理念的創業夥 伴,未來也將有規劃性的資助表現優異之

customers. And the library is


even quieter than normal.


This is Market Street in Birstall,


northern England; until two days ago, it was just another ordinary small street, in an ordinary small town — one

Mr. JOVI The cafes are empty of customers. And the library is

of hundreds of unassuming

even quieter than normal.

spots just like it.

This is Market Street in Birstall, northern England; until

Now, with a police officer

two days ago, it was just another ordinary small

on guard, copious amounts

street, in an ordinary small town — one of hundreds

of blue and white crime

of unassuming spots just like it.

scene tape strung across the

Now, with a police officer on guard, copious

road, and the world's media

amounts of blue and white crime scene tape strung

camped out around the

across the road, and the world's media camped out

corner, it is anything but.

around the corner, it is anything but. Best Regrad, Mr. JOVI

主要經營方向以客戶端,所謂的經銷商出發點為原 則去思考整個營運過程模式,此模式可讓經銷商有 商業之行為亦可避免該行為所衍生出之風險,如庫 存、人事及倉儲所產生的成本負擔。

三 經銷商義務

England; until two days ago, it was

各經銷商夥伴們僅需做好 1. 售前的商品解說(商品功能、 This is Market Street in Birstall, northern

一 建構網路平台

England; until two days ago, it was just another ordinary small street, in an ordinary small town — one of hundreds of


unassuming spots just like it.

們避免實體通路的高管銷費用進而達成獲 利目標。而網路平台可讓商品曝光機率因行



銷模式而提高,促使消費者購買機會增加。 二 網路行銷 官方網站的曝光:公司將於未來有一

材質、尺寸建議等…) 2. 售後服務(商品退換貨、顧 客滿意追蹤) 3. 商品及網頁的曝光、分享及


經營策略 This is Market Street in Birstall, northern

公司的商品文化分享 4. 夥伴們經驗分享、協助溝通 並給於指導 5. 未曝光之商品資訊保密、交 易盈利所得保密,畢竟公司

England; until two days ago, it was



just another ordinary small street, in an



ordinary small town — one of hundreds of

商品有更進一步的了解,進而促使消費者 對於商品、經銷商及公司的認同感提高。 代言部份亦會藉由目前網路紅人及在

unassuming spots just like it. This is Market Street in Birstall, northern Ensmall street, in an ordinary small town — one of hundreds of unassuming spots just like it.


This is Market Street in Birstall, northern


England; until ll street, in an ordinary small town — one of hundreds of unassuming spots just like it.

This is Market Street in Birstall, northern

誘利方式來左右經銷及非經 銷人員判斷。 6. 當經銷關係確立後,如欲解 除經銷權利者,須於合約簽 立日期後 3 個月方可解除。

just another ordinary small street, in an ordinary small town — one of hundreds of unassuming spots just like it. This is Market Street in Birstall, northern Ensmall street, in an ordinary small town — one of hundreds of unassuming spots just like it. This is Market Street in Birstall, northern England; until ll street, in an ordinary small town — one of hundreds of unassuming spots just like it.






公司義務 1. This is Market Street in Birstall,

1. 無庫存壓力

1. 極力控管商品品質達一定程度以上。

2. northern England; until two days

2. 無倉儲成本

2. 積極做好行銷宣傳之動作來達成銷費

3. 無人事成本


3. ago, it was just another ordinary 4. small street, in an ordinary 5. small town — one of hundreds 6. of unassuming spots just like it. 7. This is Market Street in Birstall, 8. northern Ensmall street, 9. in an ordinary small town —

4. 工作環境不設限 ( 平板、手機即可管理 ) 5. 無物流困擾 ( 常跑物流中心 ) 6. 良好的行銷支持 ( 穩定的商品曝光率 ) 7. 高要求的商品控管 ( 降低客訴 )

10. one of hundreds of 11. unassuming spots just like it.

8. 良性的競爭團隊 9. 一系列的教育訓練 ( 商業基本進銷存管理 ) 10. 考核式的晉升管道 ( 透明化 )

夥伴們在銷售過程中提高效益。 3. 維持一定的物流效率已增加顧客的信 任感與滿意度。 4. 有規劃性的調度經銷夥伴來達成完整 的售後退換貨機制及妥善處理客訴問 題(解除地區性的經銷問題)。 5. 完整的教育訓練及透明的升遷考核。 6. 有規劃的提供商品豐富性及了解市場 的流行趨勢。

11. 優良的幹部輔導並協助完成任務 7. 固定於每月 10 號發放經銷權益之紅 利獎金,不得延誤(遇假日延後發 放)。 8. 當經銷夥伴欲解除經銷權利時,經銷 合約金我司將會扣除該經銷買賣之商 品、教育成本後,全數餘額退還之 1. This is Market Street in Birstall, 2. northern England; until two days 3. ago, it was just another ordinary 4. small street, in an ordinary 5. small town — one of hundreds 6. of unassuming spots just like it. 7. This is Market Street in Birstall, 8. northern Ensmall street, 9. in an ordinary small town — 10. one of hundreds of 11. unassuming spots just like it.



教育訓練 當經銷商取得經銷權利並允諾合約內容者,本公 司將會進行一系列的教育課程: 1. This is Market Street in Birstall,

1. 生涯規劃

2. northern England; until two days

3. 銷售技巧及認識商品

3. ago, it was just another ordinary

4. 人員管理(外聘) 5. 客戶應對即時反應問題解決 SOP

4. small street, in an ordinary 5. small town — one of hundreds

6. 通路管理(外聘)

6. of unassuming spots just like it.




公司擁有完善的教育評核制度 以及晉升獎勵,並且擁有經銷業績

7. This is Market Street in Birstall, just like it. This is Market Street in Birstall, northern England; until ll street, in an ordinary small town — one of hundreds of unassuming spots just like it.

紅利發放,待正式成為經銷關係確 認後敘之。



1. 該夥伴需先參與公司說明會並詳細了解公司營運模式。


2. 需詳細了解公司營業目標及會員義務。 3. 須經過公司性向評核表考核,並合格者。 4. 經以上 3 點合格者,同意簽立經銷權利合約書並願意支付合約押金者。 5. 依第 4 點論,合約金將於銷售商品成本及教育訓練衍生之費用中折抵 扣除。 6. 遵守合約內容且詳細了解合約內容者,無異議。 just like it. This is Market Street in Birstall, northern England; until ll street, in an ordinary small town — one of hundreds of unassuming spots just like it.

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