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序 Preface 與全球接軌,拓展嶄新格局思維 由青年領導,兌現未來想像藍圖 朝高峰邁進,打造美好幸福世代 以多元互動形式、全新議題探討 讓世界青年肩並肩交流。 Explore the new thinking pattern and align with the world. Realize the future blueprint with the youth leader. Bulid a wonderful generation from now and keep moving to the peak of perfection. Discuss global issue with varieties of interactive forms. Let the youth exchange ideas side by side.


|致與會者們| To Delegate 2013-2014,是台灣與世界青年社會參與高漲的年份,世 界各角落都發生著許多青年的行動;包括台灣、香港青 年運動以及馬來西亞的社會運動等 ... 網絡科技的發達,帶給我們更多元的發聲管道;同時, 青年價值的轉變也促進這波前進的力量。 藉由│ 全球青年領袖世界大會│ 舉辦在台灣的契機,而 AIESEC 為全球最大青年組織,由我們來提出當代青年 的趨勢發展以及議題探討,是青年的最大當責。 承蒙過去數屆│ AIESEC 青年影響力論壇│ 得到許多企 業界,社會人士以及青年們的大力支持,│全球青年領 導力會前高峰會│將會趁着著這波世代浪潮,以青年的姿 態來兌現屬於我們的信念與價值。 我們相信,每一世代的青年都有該世代所應承擔的責任 與肩負的使命;以推動世界、國家、社會以及個人的階 段性演進。如同當下社會有許多待解決與討論的議題, 而高峰會僅是一種形式去傳遞意識,並被賦予討論、關 注、改善。 參與世界,青年兌現 我們期待讓台灣活躍於國際舞台上,並且由青年引領未 來;擁有自信地去證明自己! 透過三大議題: 自我實踐 鼓勵青年追求自我認識、實踐着夢想與想像,創 造出各種可能! 創新整合 透過全球化的創新與整合,使台灣在轉型上與 世界更為接軌! 社會責任 履行青年最大社會義務,參與公共與公益! 主辦單位耗時一年籌備期間,希望藉由規模形式上的創 舉以及價值信念上的堅定,來傳遞著我們青年人的心聲。 你聽見了嗎? 最後,感謝社會上各界的支持與認同,相信我們的藍圖、 相信我們的想像;進而使該活動成功舉辦於台灣!感激 這世代的青年,願意給予自己一次改變的機會;跳脫舒 適圈為自己擴展更高視野,你們成功了!這是我們青年 的世代,這是我們青年的舞台!世代青年,一起向前吧! 全球青年領導力會前高峰會 籌辦主席 沈美惠 2013-2014, Taiwan and the world youth social participation rising years, every part of the world have started with many youth initiatives, including Taiwan, Hong Kong and the youth movement and other social movements in Malaysia ....

promote the progressive wave of youth power around us.. By having the opportunity of organizing Global Youth Leadership Summit in Taiwan, while AIESEC being the world's largest youth organization, it's our main responsibility, as youth to propose the trends of current youth and have further discussion on it. Thank you by having the past few AIESEC Youth Impact Forum, we got a lot of support from companies, community and youth. Through Global Youth Leadership Summit, we will grab this precious opportunity, as youth to fulfill our beliefs and values. We believe that each young generations should have the responsibility and mission; to promote world, national, social and personal advancement. Right now we have many contemporary social issues to be addressed and discussed, and the summit is just a channel to spread the awareness, having discussion, giving more concerns and figuring ways to improve. World Participation, Youth Fulfillment We expect the global youth to explore the changing of the world and seize the chance to stand on the global platform. Through the three major themes: - Self fulfillment. Encourage young people to have selfawareness, struggling for their ambitions of their lives. and create endless possibilities! - Innovation & Integration. Through the globalization of innovation and integration, the transformation of Taiwan will be more closely aligned with the world! - Social Responsibility. Fulfillment of the youth social responsibility, participating in social obligations and charity! Organizing committee took a year of preparatory work, with sincere hope that the scale and form of initiative can convey the aspirations of our young people. Do you hear that? Lastly, we are really greatful to many supports from diffierent fields in the society, which make our belief and imagination toward this event actually happened in Taiwan. Also, we appreciate so many youth in this generation for not only giving yourselve a chance to make a difference but also stepping out of comfort zone to broaden the horizons. This is our generation and this is our stage. Let us move foward! Yours truly, June Sim Organizing Committee President of Global Youth Leadership Summit

Advancement in network technology bring us more channel to voice out; at the same time, changes in the value of youth also


第七屆青年影響力論壇 The 7th AIESEC Youth Impact Forum

0910-0930 |開幕致詞 Opening | 0930-1000 | 主題講座:自我實踐 x 創新整合 x 社會責任 | Keynote Speech:Self fulfillment x Innovation & Integration x Social Responsibility 鴻海集團 正一特殊材料股份有限公司 創辦人 | 林知本 Founder of Zheng-Yi Special Material Company in Foxconn Technology Group | Zhi-Ben Lin

10:00-11:30 趨勢專題 : 人文科技的發展,如何鏈接未來生活 Linkedin x Evernote 主持人: 國立政治大學財務管理學系所專任特聘教授 │ 周行一 講者:Evernote 亞太區駐美國總經理 │ Troy Malone 講者:LinkedIn 北亞區銷售經理 │ Nick DeMarinis

Trending Topics : How to link your future life with the development of humanities science and technology Linkedin x Evernote Host:Professor of National ChengChi University | Edward H. Chow Speaker 1:General Manager of Evernote at Asia Pacific | Troy Malone Speaker 2:Enterprise Sales Manager, LinkedIn Talent Solutions | Nick DeMarinis


│ Troy Malone │

│ Nick DeMarinis │

國立政治大學財務管理學系 所專任特聘教授

Evernote 亞太區 駐美國 總經理

LinkedIn 北亞區 銷售經理

| Edward H. Chow |

| Troy Malone |

| Nick DeMarinis |

Professor of National ChengChi University

General Manager of Evernote at Asia Pacific

Enterprise Sales Manager, LinkedIn Talent Solutions


議程總覽 Program Schedule 13:00-14:00 |專題論壇一:自我實踐 | 世代青年的未來想像,改變世界的力量 專題主持人: TEDx Taipei 策展人 │許毓仁 與談人:香港知名導演 │陳可辛 與談人:台灣知名歌手 │任家萱

Panel Discussion (1) :Self fulfillment Imagination of youth, the power to change the world Host: TEDx Taipei Curator | Jason Hsu Speaker 1:HongKong Film Director | Peter Chan Speaker 2:Top Singer in Taiwan | Selina Ren




TEDx Taipei 策展人



| Jason Hsu |

| Peter Chan |

| Selina Ren |

TEDx Taipei Curator

HongKong Film Director

Top Singer in Taiwan


第七屆青年影響力論壇 The 7th AIESEC Youth Impact Forum 14:00-15:30 |專題論壇二:創新整合| 知識經濟時代的核心競爭力,附加價值的掌握與應用 專題主持人:30 學院執行長暨《30》雜誌總編輯│成章瑜 與談人 : 臺北市政府文化局局長 /2016 世界設計之都 申辦人 │劉維公 與談人 : 聯合報系總管理處策略長 │劉永平 與談人 :Discovery 亞太電視網 頻道品牌 北亞區 副總裁 │洪韻淇

Panel Discussion (2): Innovation & Integration The core energy of knowledge-based economy, the application of value added business. Host: Chief Editor of 30 monthly | Zhang-Yu Cheng Speakers 1:Commissioner at the Department of Cultural Affairs of Taipei City Government/2016 World Design Capital in Taipei | Dr. Wei-Gong Liou Speakers 2:Director, Internet Business, United Daily News Group | Alvin Liu Speakers 3:Vice President of Channel Discovery Network Asia-Pacific, North Asia | Gina Hung





30 學院執行長 《30》雜誌總編輯

臺北市政府文化局局長 2016 世界設計之都 申辦人

聯合報系 總管理處策略長

Discovery 亞太電視網 頻道品牌 北亞區 副總裁

| Zhang-Yu Cheng |

| Dr. Wei-Gong Liou |

| Alvin Liu |

| Gina Hung |

Chief Editor of 30 monthly Chief Executive Officer of 30 monthly

Commissioner at the Department of Cultural Affairs of Taipei City Government 2016 World Design Capital in Taipei

Director, Internet Business, United Daily News Group

Vice President of Channel Discovery Network AsiaPacific, North Asia


15:30-17:00 |專題論壇三:社會責任| 全球青年的公共參與,捍衛的世代價值與思辨 專題主持人:關鍵評論網 創辦人兼執行長│鍾子偉 與談人:Motherhouse 創辦人兼首席設計師│山口繪里子 與談人:香港社會創投基金 創辦人及行政總裁│魏華星 與談人:新加坡中華總商會董事│李秉萱

Panel Discussion (3): Social Responsibility Public participation of global youth, a defense and the critical thinking of the generational values Host: Founder of TheNewLens | Joey Chung Speaker 1:Founder, CEO & Chief designer of Motherhouse | Eriko Yamaguchi Speaker 2:Founder and CEO of Social Ventures Hong Kong | Francis Ngai Speaker 3:Director of Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry | Dr. Lee Peng Shu





關鍵評論網 創辦人兼執行長

Motherhouse 創辦人兼首席設計師

香港社會創投基金 創辦人及行政總裁

新加坡中華總商會 董事

| Joey Chung |

| Eriko Yamaguchi |

| Francis Ngai |

| Dr. Lee Peng Shu |

Founder of TheNewLens

Founder, CEO & Chief designer of Motherhouse

Founder and CEO of Social Ventures Hong Kong

Director of Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry

17:00-17:15 謝幕演說 Closing Speech 遠見天下文化事業群創辦人暨董事長 │高希均 Founder of Commonwealth Publishing Group │ Pro. Charles Kao

17:15-17:30 賦歸 Closing 7

開放式創新學院 Open Business & Startup School 0900-0915 0915-0930 0930-0945 0945-1000 1000-1100 1230-1630 1630-1730

開場 中華電信 南區分公司總經理 - 李銘淵 自行車新文化基金會執行長 - 劉麗珠 進行規則 企業介紹 & 個案簡介:BAND Taiwan X EF X EZTABLE 個案時間 簡報、結束

0900-0915 Opening 0915-0930 Keynote Speech 1 0930-0945 Keynote Speech 2 0945-1000 Instruction of rules 1000-1100 Introduction of companies and cases BAND Taiwan X EF X EZTABLE 1230-1630 Session Time 1630-1730 Presentation & Closing

創新公益工作坊 Social Innovation Workshop 0830-0845 0845-0900 0900-0915 0930-1230 1230-1300

開場主持人:以立國際創辦人│陳聖凱 專題演說一:中國鋼鐵董事長│鄒若齊 專題演說二:聯合報系願景工作室策略長暨聯合晚報社長│羅國俊 創新公益工作坊 閉幕儀式

0830-0845 0845-0900 0900-0915

Opening Host : Kevin Chen│Founder of ELIV Keynote Speech 1 : Chairman of China Steel | J. C Tsou Keynote Speech 2 : President of United Evening News and Chief Strategy Officer of Vision Project | Jeffery Lo Social Innovation Workshop Closing Ceremony

0930-1230 1230-1300


|筆記欄| Note

Hanshin’s Exclusive Offering for Youth Leaders ! Date: Thurs. August 14th – Sun. August 24th 2014 Venue: The Enquiry Counter on the 8th Floor, Hanshin Department Store (No.266-1, Chenggong 1st Rd., Qianjin Dist., Kaohsiung City 801, Taiwan) During the valid duration above, please present your Global Youth Leadership Summit ID Card or the summit booklet 2014, together with any purchases of at least NT$ 200 you make on the same day in Hanshin, to any staff at the venue above, and you are entitled to a free shopping bag in posh blue. Each person is limited to one redemption only. The giveaways are only redeemable on the day of your purchase during the valid duration above, and are in limited supply. First come, first serve. 9

目錄 Content 緣起 & 紀念時刻 P.12 Origin & Memorable Moment P.12

參與世界,青年兌現 P.14 World Participation, Youth Fulfillment P.14

| 自我實踐 創新整合 社會責任 | │ Self-Fulfilment │ x │ Innovation & Intergration │ x │ Social Responsibility │

主視覺概念 P.15 Visual Concept P.15

議程 P.16 Agenda P.16

第ㄧ天 第七屆 AIESEC 青年影響力論壇 Day 1 The 7th AIESEC Youth Impact Forum

主題講座:自我實踐 x 創新整合 x 社會責任 P.17 | Keynote Speech:Self-Fulfillment x Innovation & Integration X Social Responsibility | P.17

趨勢專題:人文科技的發展,如何鏈接未來生活 P.18 | Trending Topic: How to link your future life with the development of humanities science and technology | P.18

專題論壇一:自我實踐 P.22 Panel Discussion (1) :Self fulfillment Imagination of youth, the power to change the world

專題論壇二:創新整合 P.26 Panel Discussion (2): Innovation & Integration The core energy of knowledge-based economy, the application of value added business

專題論壇三:社會責任 P.31 Panel Discussion (3): Social Responsibility Public participation of global youth, a defense and the critical thinking of the generational values

謝幕演說 P.36 Closing Speech


第二天 開放式創新學院 P.37 Day 2 Open Business & Startup School

主題演說 Keynote Speech

學院代表 Case Studies : BAND TAIWAN x EZTABLEx Education First

第三天 創新公益工作坊 P.39 Day 3 Social Innovation Workshop

主題演說 Keynote Speech

工作坊 Workshop: ELIV x Kevin Chen

世界地球村博覽會 P.41 Global Village

交通資訊 P.41 Transportation

大會指定 應用軟體;Band 教學 P.42 Application, Instruction of Band

注意事項 P.43 Notification

主辦單位 P.45 Co-originzer

籌備團隊 P.46 Origanizing Committee Team

贊助夥伴 P.47 Sponsors and Partners


|緣起 & 紀念時刻| Origin & Memorable Moments 全球青年領導力會前高峰會 緣起

AIESEC 青年影響力論壇 緣起

Origin of Global youth leadership summit

Origin of AIESEC Youth Imapct Forum

配合這次由台灣所承辦的| 2014 AIESEC 全球青 年領袖世界大會|,|全球青年領導力會前高峰 會|將舉辦台灣近年來最大型的國際青年高峰會, 議程內容結合台灣具代表性的|第七屆 AIESEC 青 年影響力論壇|,展開各國青年之間的對話交流, 並且加入多元形式與議題的互動,讓世界領袖的寶 貴經驗能在高峰會上與全球共享,並推動台灣下一 波的動力和前進。

| AIESEC 青年影響力論壇|秉持「青年發起,青 年參與」,進而為社會帶來正面影響力的精神,目 前已經累積六屆的成功經驗,身為台灣最大型的青 年主辦論壇,| AIESEC 青年影響力論壇|期許能 建築社會、企業與青年的交流平台,讓前輩的寶貴 經驗能世代傳承,讓青年能夠站在巨人的肩膀上, 儲備世界級領袖思維。

As the pre-congress of 2014 AIESEC International Congress, Global Youth Leadership Summit would be the biggest international event for youth in Taiwan in these years. The summit would not only include the 7th AIESEC Youth Impact Forum, the best known youth event in Taiwan, but also provide chance to exchange ideas with youth leaders from 124 countries. Through the summit with the spirit of "For Youth, By youth," it is believed that these shared leading experience could bring positive impact and the progressing energy for Taiwan Society.

AIESEC Youth Impact Forum remains the spirit of ""For Youth, By Youth"" and encourages ourselves to bring the positive impact to the society. This forum has accumulated the experience from the past 2 years. As the biggest forum in Taiwan organized by the youth, AIESEC Youth Impact Forum's vision is to build a platform to gather society, industry and the youth. Let youth have the opportunity to learn from the previous and be ready for the next generation!

2012.12.15 年輕一代,做好準備

2012.08.14 趨勢 x 因應 x 挑戰 x 領袖誕生


約 170 人 32 所大專院校學生 Know the trend, break your limits to become a better leader

約 1300 人 83 所大專院校學生 Youth should be prepared for the essential abilities we need



與談邀請三峽社會企業家 與第一屆同為內部會議 Youth participate in the local affairs.

我們的未來 15 所大專院校學生 蕭萬長副總統出席開幕

Our future



紀念時刻 Memorable Moments | AIESEC 青年影響力論壇|原先為 AIESEC 內部 全國會議的議程,但一次機緣下,於第三屆時,開 放所有青年參與,意外地得到熱烈地迴響。有鑒於 第三屆對外開放的成功模式,自此,| AIESEC 青 年影響力論壇|定位為最能代表青年的論壇,希望 搭起企業、社會與青年的交流平台。第四屆更是挑 戰千人規模,邀請近 20 位講師,甚至是第五屆、 第六屆都延續這樣的成功模式與理念,每一屆都有 新的突破與挑戰。而這次第七屆配合由台灣所承 辦的| 2014 AIESEC 全球青年領袖世界大會|, 舉辦國際級高峰會 - |全球青年領導力會前高峰 會|。

2013.06.25 成為改變世界的領導人 約 2000 人 100 所大專院校學生 Become the "world-changing" leaders

AIESEC Youth Impact Forum (YIF) was the session of national conference held within AIESEC in Taiwan. When we organised YIF for the 3rd time, we tried to open it to all youths in Taiwan - and surprisingly we received overwhelming responses. We try to spread our impact by turning it to our iconic event that symbolises the youth voice, and build a linkage between business, social and youth sectors. Breaking the record in our 4th year with over 1,000 delegates and 20 renowned speakers, we continued to create breakthroughs in consecutive years. And now we have come to the 7th year. Seizing the opportunity of having the AIESEC International Congress 2014 in Taiwan, we reap our success in YIF and invite youths around the globe to the international edition of YIF, the Global Youth Leadership Summit.

2014.03.15 Our future is Now 與 30 雜誌合作 邀請眾多青年講者 Our future is Now

2014.08.14-16 參與世界,青年兌現 |第一次舉辦於南部| First held in the south of Taiwan

|開放全球參與,挑戰國際高峰會| Open for the whole world to participate

|設計三天兩夜完整議程體驗| 3 days 2 nights seeion

|邀請眾多國際級講師| Invite international speakers


|參與世界,青年兌現 | World Participation, Youth Fufillment 期許世界青年見證全球轉變。跳躍世界舞台,參與大世代青年影響力的轉 折時刻。擁抱不確定,以兌現自我未來想像。 We expect the global youth to explore the changing of the world and seize the chance to stand on the global platform. Be a part to share the global youth impact and exchange the future vision by embracing the uncertainty.

三大主題 Three Themes

自我實踐 Self fulfillment |青年力量是促使世界前進的一大動力| 青年擁有足夠的自我認知,將會透過此認知過程去體現自我價值,進而拼 湊對於世界的想像,實踐個人與社會的鏈接。 The power of youth is the driver of the world to move forward. Youth have self-awareness, which they will find out their self-value through the awareness process. They also put the imagination of this world together to become the power to change the world.

創新整合 Innovation & integration |創新創業,整合資源| 面臨全球化市場,在地化經營與資訊化來襲,世界經濟變動與產業結構相 互交織與彼此影響。此世代的青年人才需具備前瞻的視野;展開創新創業, 並以整合概念為社會 / 企業資源進行最大化效益運用。 Innovative entrepreneurship and the integration of resources. As the generation in knowledge based economy, youth in nowadays could not avoid facing the market expansion from globalization and rapid-changing industry. Therefore, thinking proactively and perspectively has become the essential ability for youth to start their own business with the concept of resource intergration.


|主視覺| Visual Concept 參與世界,青年兌現 (world participation, youth fulfillment) - 跳躍性的字體設計是展現着青年的活力 與堅定的信念。 藍色三角形,橘色正方形與綠色多邊形分別代表着高 峰會的議題:自我實踐,創新整合與社會責任; 透過由內而外的旋轉方式,來表達青年影響力的擴 散;同時也展示着此次高峰會的多元化與深廣度。 而由此三種幾何圖形所形成的世界地圖,勇悍地向 世界展現着我們青年躍上全球舞台的決心! 來自高雄的城市,更是象徵着此次高峰會首次邁進 南台灣;於南台灣最大國際會議中心 - 高雄展覽館 (Kaohsiung Exhibition Center) 盛大舉辦! 同時,代表着 │全球青年領袖世界大會│ 即將舉辦 在高雄! 青年發起,青年參與!我們期許透過各種想像,來 達成新一代青年意象! 主視覺 設計師 高意茹 2014 年畢業於國立中正大學傳播學系 張博堯 國立中正大學財金學系三年級

World Participation,Youth Fulfillment-the dynamic font design symbolises the energetic youth and our determination. Blue triangle, orange square and green pentagon represents the theme of the summit: Self-Fulfilment, Innovation& Integration and Social responsibility. The logo is spinning outward from the centre, resembles the spread out of our youth impact and the diversity of delegation. and this world map formed by our 3 representing shapes shall show the world our will to impact the whole world with the power of youth! It is our first time holding such huge youth summit in the Southern Taiwan, and we are very happy to hold the Global Youth Leadership Summit in Kaohsiung! For youth by youth! We envision that we can inspire and empower each other to become impactful future leaders! Visual Design Grace Kao Graduated from Naitonal ChungCheng University on 2014 and major in Media & Communication Wilson Chang Undergradute on National ChungCheng Univsersity and major in Finance and Banking

社會責任 Social responsibility |履行社會責任,實踐社會價值| 積極推廣社會上的公益與公共意識培育,透過回饋社會;達致自我實現, 進而創造永續發展與良好循環系統的社會環境。 Implement the social responsibility and realize the social value. Spreading the idea of social welfare and citizenship education and realize self-achievement by contributing to the society. And create the social environment of sustainable development.


第一天 Day 1

| AIESEC 第七屆青年影響力論壇| | The 7th AIESEC Youth Impact Forum |

世代領導,青年凝聚 -Gather with youth for the leading generation透過 15 位國內外大師匯聚一堂,與 1000 名青年現 場對談,共享新時代知識、探討當代議題以及展現 領袖格局,讓台上典範與台下青年形成世代的對話 與未來探討。 Over 1000 youths get chance to discuss the issue with 15 international speakers from diffferent industry professionals. The core value of this forum is to share the new generation's knowledge, discuss the issue in nowadays and show the pattern of a leader. Let the platform become a stage where youth can learn and get inspiration from precursors.


主題講座:自我實踐 x 創新整合 x 社會責任 Keynote Speech: Self-Fulfillment x Innovation & Integration X Social Responsibility

| 林知本 | 鴻海集團 正一特殊材料股份有限公司 創辦人 | Zhi-Ben Lin | Founder of Zheng-Yi Special Material Company in Foxconn Technology Group

畢業於台灣大學化學研究所,於 1997 年 加入鴻海 精密新世紀幹部訓練班 ,並且擔任歷任亞洲區業務 銷售部門手機陽極表面處理廠長 等職務。於近年創 辦 " 正一特殊材料 " 公司,成為鴻海集團新創公司 中最年輕的負責人,專門提供創新型黏貼相關科技 服務於鴻海。 鴻海集團的成立見證着台灣 IT 產業的起飛與轉型, 期許透過鴻海的經營原則來展現該主題演說的三大 元素。林知本先生靠著堅定的實力與毅力加入鴻海 集團打拼未來,並利用最少的時間成為鴻海集團的 新生代負責人;達致自我實踐的精神,並且來為台 灣硬體製造帶來許多發展的創新可能與整合機會; 進一步履行集團的社會責任。因此,希望藉由鴻海 集團的新生代代表來為我們貫徹此主題講座的核心 價值。

Graduated from the National Taiwan University's School of Chemistry, Mr. Lin joined Foxconn in 1997 as a participant of the elite programme for future managers. In recent years he founded Zheng-Yi Special Material Company which provides new materials and related technology to Foxconn. He has now become the youngest leader among Foxconn Technology company. Foxconn Technology Group witnessed the take off and changes of the Taiwan IT sector across the years, and the 3 sub-themes of the Summit will be presented through the sharing of experiences and principles upheld by the company. Mr. Lin has created his own future by his skills and diligence to become one of the youngest leaders. It is his fulfilment of personal goals that eventually revolutionarized the Taiwan computer hardware market, while at the same time showing care to the society through CSR strategies. We proudly invites Foxconn's representative Mr. Lin Zhi-Ben to share with us on the core theme of the GYLS.


Linkedin x Evernote

|趨勢專題| | Trending Topic |

人文科技的發展,如何鏈接未來生活 -How to link your future life with the development of humanities science and technology-

網路科技與行動裝置的蓬勃發展,展現著未來科技與我們生活 有着強烈的存在關聯性。青年身為網路的原生世代,為未來知 識社會的建造者;藉由青年與科技的緊密發展,運用科技的力 量去為未來社會創造正面的改變。因此,希望藉由集結來自世 界各地的創新創業青年人,透過探討社會與生活科技相關的議 題;進而產生創新的價值想法,達致創造更美好的未來生活可 能。 As internet technology and mobile devices flourish, there is a stronger connection between application of future technology and our daily lives. Youths being the most adaptive user of the latest tech, they are going to influence the next generations with new knowledge and human activities. And through equipping youths with knowledge of technology development, they build a solid foundation to bring positive changes in the society through technology. Our aim is to gather young startup entrepreneurs around the world and through discussing social and technology related issues, we could generate new ideas and bring values and impact to the application of technology, thus to create new possibilities for a better future life.


趨勢專題 : 人文科技的發展,如何鏈接未來生活 Leading Panel: How to link your future life with the development of humanities science and technology 專題主持人 HOST

| 周行一 | 國立政治大學財務管理學系所專任特聘教授 | Edward H. Chow | Professor of National ChengChi University

畢業於政治大學企管系、美國印第安那大學企管所 碩士與商學博士,現任國立政治大學財務管理系所 特聘教授 、國內外重要期刊編輯委員,如:《哈佛 商業評論》 全球繁體中文版的編輯委員會召集人。 曾擔任政治大學商學院院長、重要國際會議主題演 講者 和 多家上市公司的獨立董事。 周行一教授常年投入於文化教育與商界,對於趨勢 的見解與實務的操作具有相當的資歷,實為令人可 敬的前輩。 希望透過周教授對於世界趨勢的關注,運用亞洲局 勢的觀察為該趨勢專題帶來創新的新思路。

Distinguished Professor, Department of Financial Management, National Chengchi University(NCCU) Ph.D. in Business, Indiana University-Bloomington, US. Chairman of Editorial Board of Harvard Business Review-Traditional Chinese Edition Previously as Dean and Associate Dean, College of Commerce, National Chengchi University, Prof Chow is also speakers of international conferences and independent director of listed companies. Prof. Chow is also very active in cultural education and business sector. He is a respectable educator with his unique and precise views in trends through his extensive experience in real life operations. Through Prof. Chow's analysis and predictions of the ongoing world trends, we hope to provide inspirations for youth to innovate by gaining insight of the upcoming world.


趨勢專題 : 人文科技的發展,如何鏈接未來生活 Trending Topic: How to link your future life with the development of humanities science and technology


Linkedln x

| Troy Malone | Evernote 亞太區駐美國總經理 | Troy Malone | General Manager of Evernote at Asia Pacific

目前任職於美國加利福尼亞總公司,擔任亞太區總 經理;除了取得韓國大學學位,也在美國 Brigham Young University 取得 MBA 學位。

Troy is responsible for growing the user base in nine different countries and organizing the company infrastructure in South East Asia, South Korea and India.

Troy 在 Evernote 負責九個國家的使用者成長 和 組織東南亞、南韓、印度等分公司初期建制,近來 身兼企業線上專案管理軟體 -Pelotonics 執行長。

Most recently Troy served as CEO of Pelotonics, an online project management solution for businesses. Prior to Pelotonics, he invested in Blue Sky Broadcast, an online educational learning company. Prior to that, Troy was VP of Operations at Del Mar Database, a back-end database for mortgage loan processing.

記事本軟體 Evernote 日前宣布六年前推出以來, 全球已突破一億使用者,亞太區使用者佔 35%, 共有 3500 萬使用者,比例高居全球之冠。台灣使 用者目前已經攀上 140 萬,Evernote 雖然尚未上 市,但是估值已達 10 億美金。在該數據背後透露 出 Evernote 運用網絡科技的趨勢發展來為生活帶 來另外一種可能與便利,全面提升辦事效率,為人 們創造更高的生活品質。

Troy was the founder of Titan Investment Partners, a venture capital fund focused on Internet technologies. He has an undergraduate degree in Korean and an MBA from Brigham Young University.


趨勢專題 : 人文科技的發展,如何鏈接未來生活 Trending Topic: How to link your future life with the development of humanities science and technology


x Evernote

| Nick DeMarinis | LinkedIn 北亞區銷售經理 | Nick DeMarinis | Enterprise Sales Manager, LinkedIn Talent Solutions

畢業於美國佛羅里達 Saint Leo University 工商管 理學士學位,並從義大利的的聖約翰大學取得國際 貿易碩士學位。Nick 熱衷於運用重要的資產和人才 幫助企業,並且在網路產業有八年的經驗,主要負 責招聘廣告銷售員。 於 2011 年初加入在紐約的 LinkedIn,並於 2013 年初搬到香港幫助 Likedln 北亞的發展業務。 在加入 LinkedIn 前,他曾在 Yahoo 擔任過各種銷 售職位,專門負責 Yahoo HotJobs 的財產管理。 表現極佳的 Nick,曾獲得多項頂尖管理獎項, 包括 2012 LinkedIn Club Award Winner for Top Performers 等。 LinkedIn 的迅速擴張所帶來的人脈網絡影響力帶動 著未來生活上的人際組成。青年為 LinkedIn 的絕 多使用者,透過網絡科技的力量創造了青年未來發

展的更多元性;因此希望藉由 LinkedIn 當前最優 秀青年代表前來分享其品牌背後的理念與青年未來 的關聯性。 Nick is passionate about helping organizations with their most important asset; talent. He has over 8 years of experience in the internet industry, primary in recruitment advertising sales. He joined LinkedIn in early 2011 in New York City and moved to Hong Kong in early 2013 to help grow the business in North Asia. Prior to joining LinkedIn, he held various sales positions at Yahoo, specifically working for the Yahoo HotJobs property. Nick holds a BA in Business Administration from Saint Leo University in Tampa, Florida and an MBA in International Business from St. John’s University in Rome, Italy.


專題論壇一:- 自我實踐 -Panel Discussion (1) Issue: Self fulfillment-

世代青年的未來想像力,改變世界的力量 -Imagination of youth, the power to change the world-

當前社會的標準,限制著青年的豐富想像,壓抑着青年的勇氣 表現。然而我們相信想像力是夢想的根源,而夢想是人生的基 石。改變是行動,也是勇氣;讓我們期許青年人可以擁有實踐 夢想的勇氣。這世代的我們,有著下一世代的想像。改變的是 個體的自己,同時是世界的組成力量。 There will always be different kinds of social norms that deters youth from imagining, challenging oneself and listen to their hearts when making decisions. But we believe that imagination is the root of dreams; and the ability to dream is the foundation of lives. Making a change is a courageous act - and we wish that every young people can be courageous to be the one who take actions.


專題論壇一 - 自我實踐 - 世代青年的未來想像,改變世界的力量 Panel Discussion (1) Issue: Self fulfillment: Imagination of youth, the power to change the world 專題主持人 HOST

| 許毓仁 | TEDx Taipei 策展人 | Jason Hsu | Curator of TEDx Taipei

一個說故事的人、TEDxTaipei 策展人暨共同創辦 人、TED 亞洲大使,更是一個設計性思考者和教育 家。 平日喜歡長跑以及爬山的 Jason,畢業於政大英 文系,並曾成為阿姆斯特丹「創意領導學校」35 人獲選入學的其中之一。畢業後第一份工作擔任 Taiwan News 主筆室翻譯,因為這份工作對於人性 產生了興趣,因而追隨切格瓦拉革命理想的腳步, 在中南美洲流浪了半年。也曾跟著 UNESCO 到西 安做永續經營的都市規劃,並於 2008 年創辦 “The Big Question Conference”,鼓勵年輕人 – 問對 的問題,走自己的路。 期待藉由 Jason 的青年形象與所實踐的青年故事, 與兩位講者帶來跨世代不同的想像力故事。從而激 發更多年輕人去做改變與想像的創建。

Jason Hsu is an educator, design thinker, storyteller and most of all a learner of Nature. Jason is a runner and an avid lover of mountain climbing. Jason receives B.A in English Literature from National Chengchi University and is selected as one of the 35 participants to enroll in Amsterdam School of Creative Leadership. Started off as a journalist for Taiwan News, Jason developed a curious mind of humanity. His desire to explore brought me to travel across Central and South America in search of a CheGuevara like revolution. He spent time in Xi'an, China helping investigate and research water resource consumption under UNESCO. Through Jason's journey of his realization of dreams, and 2 speakers' stories of creativity and imagination from 2 different generations, we want to provide motivation for young people to create positive impact through innovation.


專題論壇一 - 自我實踐 - 世代青年的未來想像,改變世界的力量 Panel Discussion (1) Issue: Self fulfillment: Imagination of youth, the power to change the world 與談人 SPEAKER

| 陳可辛 | 香港知名導演 | Peter Chan | Hong Kong Film director

經典名作如:《甜蜜蜜》、《如果●愛》、《投名 狀》、《十月圍城》等電影除了影片拍攝手段不斷 創新之外,導演的觀察力更投射在電影的劇情上。 陳可辛導演為近代亞洲導演的經典典範,更是香港 導演的翹楚;為香港導演第一人,也是第一個完成 台灣金馬獎、香港電影金像獎以及中國電影金雞獎 的大滿貫導演。 此外,陳導演所成立的 Applause Pictures 電影公 司其所開創實踐的 " 泛亞洲 " 模式更改變了香港電 影製作的模式,被公認為是對推動亞洲電影市場發 展最具影響力的案例。無論是他個人的對電影與世 界的想像,還是透過成立公司來改變產業的變革; 都給著兩岸三地帶來了全新的價值。 希望透過陳可辛導演分享其在電影路上以及成立公 司的初衷故事,表達出陳導演真實的情感與想法, 並分享價值與信念給世界的青年,讓與會者了解如 何透過未來的想像與人生哲學追逐電影人生夢;這 些故事的實踐,自我的認知的當下也同時成為影響 他人,成為改變社會的實際行動。

The director of classic Hong Kong movies such as Comrades: Almost a Love Story (1996), Perhaps Love (2005), The Warlords (2007). Peter Chan is the example for many young Asian director. His significance in the Hong Kong film industry is shown by his record of gaining awards in all 3 film festivals:Taipei Golden Horse Film Festival, Hong Kong International Film Festival and Chinese Golden Rooster Awards. Peter Chan's company Applause Pictures has also changed the way movies are made. No matter is his imagination of the world and his movies or the innovation that has been driving the industry forward, he has created new values to the Greater China Region. Director Peter Chan will share with us his journey of becoming a director and reasons behind of founding a company, he will also talk about his feeling and interesting stories behind his movies and show the delegate how to turn dream into action, and through action, drive change in the society to benefit more people.


專題論壇一 - 自我實踐 - 世代青年的未來想像,改變世界的力量 Panel Discussion (1) Issue: Self fulfillment: Imagination of youth, the power to change the world 與談人 SPEAKER

| 任家萱 | 台灣知名歌手 | Selina Ren | Top singer in Taiwan

為台灣知名女子團體 S.H.E 成員之一,除了歌手 身分之外,也參與過電視劇演出及綜藝節目主持工 作。 任家萱多年來多元領域的發展以及療癒的過程故 事,為華人社會帶來演藝上精湛表現之餘,更展現 了人生上的遇挫勇氣; 真正地表達實踐故事以及認真生活的態度;也同時 展現社會散發影響力的標竿人物應有的態度,賦予 更多青年啟蒙人生教育意義。 因此,期待透過 Selina 的勇氣故事,鼓勵著許多青 年在面對未知的路上能有更多向前走的力量,去為 人生增添許多改變的勇氣,承擔的勇氣,想像的勇 氣。

Apart from being one of the famous singer group S.H.E., Selina is also in TV dramas and being hosts in TV shows. Selina's story of hard work and stay strong while facing challenges in life has demonstrated great courage and inspired her fans all around Asia. She showed us being a public figure is more than being a performer but also to spread impacts to the community and inspire young generation with views towards life and walk the talk by oneself. We hope that after listening to the story of Selina, you can gain the encouragement to face challenges and uncertainties on your life journey and the courage to take challenges and responsibilities.


專題論壇二:- 創新整合 -Panel Discussion (2) Issue: Innovation & Integration-

知識經濟時代的關鍵競爭力,附加價值的掌握與應用 -The core energy of knowledge-based economy, the application of value added business.-

知識經濟時代的來臨,為產業與社會帶來許多機會與機遇。台 灣面臨着同樣的時代機會,而乘上這波浪潮的參與程度是一個完 整社會的表達。而附加價值的認知是這知識經濟的關鍵競爭 力,我們期許透過附加價值的觀念培養,推動這世代的台灣往 另一個高峰邁進,為往後的社會建立紮實基礎。 In such knowledge economy driven world, the knowledge about world trends and global issues will be essential for everyone. Through nurture values within youths' mind, we develop our younger generations to become a strong foundation for the development of our society.


專題論壇二 - 創新整合 - 知識經濟時代的關鍵競爭力, 附加價值的掌握與應用 Panel Discussion (2) Issue: | Innovation & Integration | The core energy of knowledge-based economy, the application of value added business. 專題主持人 HOST

| 成章瑜 | 30 學院執行長暨《30》雜誌總編輯 | Zhang-Yu Cheng | Chief Editor of 30 monthly

交通大學 EMBA,屢獲亞洲「SPOA」卓越突發新 聞獎、兩岸新聞報導獎、台北市新聞公會雜誌類首 獎。任職《遠見》雜誌期間,以「康師傅要讓統一 永遠等三年」專題,榮獲第一屆北京大學「2002 年中國最佳商業案例獎」首獎,成為唯一獲獎之台 灣媒體。 帶領《30》雜誌榮獲 2014「最佳財經時事類雜誌」 金鼎獎,致力將前瞻趨勢、創新動能、人文關懷注 入新時代,建立「Youth Voice」青年發聲平台, 協助及鼓勵年輕人以專業風格接軌國際、熱情學 習、創新思維、勇敢追夢。

Miss Cheng is dedicated in promoting latest news on social innovation and humanities and successfully lead the '30 magazine' to receiving the Best Finanical Magazine Award. She has also founded the 'Youth Voice' platform for young people to voice out their opinions and equip new generations with global mindsets, proactive learning attitude, creativity and the courage to pursue over their dreams. As a chief editor that focus on youth development, she is also observing the changes in the society through the eyes of a journalist. Miss Zhang-Yu Cheng is the bridge between youth and society and has been very devoted to build up the competitiveness of Taiwan's young talents.

成總編輯專注青年動向的同時,也從媒體角度看得 社會的繼續發展;是為連接青年與社會之間的牽動 者,為台灣培育最關鍵的競爭實力。


專題論壇二 - 創新整合 - 知識經濟時代的關鍵競爭力, 附加價值的掌握與應用 Panel Discussion (2) Issue: | Innovation & Integration | The core energy of knowledge-based economy, the application of value added business. 與談人 SPEAKER

| 劉維公 | 臺北市政府文化局局長 / 2016 世界設計之都主辦人 | Dr. Wei-Gong Liou | Commissioner at the Department of Cultural Affairs of Taipei City Government / 2016 World Design Capital in Taipei

國立台灣大學社會學系學士、國立台灣大學社會學 研究所碩士,遠赴德國 Trier 大學攻讀經濟與社會 科學院,取得社會學博士學位。 專長是文化經濟、消費社會學、生活風格研究、以 及社會變遷。 他喜歡做有趣的事,欣賞有設計、有故事的東西, 過自己想要的生活。 過去與一群志同道合的朋友成立「台灣創意經濟促 進會」,積極推動台灣創意經濟產業之發展。 現職為臺北市政府文化局局長,為臺北市的文化貢 獻更多的努力。 2016 世界設計之都 舉辦在台北,劉維公身為申辦 人致力透過設計力量全面提升台北民生美學!

After obtaining a B.A and a M.A in sociology from National Taiwan University, Dr.Liou went on to pursue sociology Ph.D at the department of Economics and Social Science at Trier University in Gernany. After refurning to taiwan, he taught at the Department of Siciology at SooChow Universuty as an associate professor, specailizing in cultural economics, sociology of consumption, life style studies and social change. He likes to engage in fun activities and appreciates things with design and story. Living the life he desires is important to him.He started the Association of Creative Economy in Taiwan with his friends,dedicating their effort in stimulating the development of creative Economy indusry. Currently, he hold the commissioner position at the Department of Cultural Affairs of Taipei City Government, contributing his energy and effort to the culture of Taipei City.


專題論壇二 - 創新整合 - 知識經濟時代的關鍵競爭力, 附加價值的掌握與應用 Panel Discussion (2) Issue: | Innovation & Integration | The core energy of knowledge-based economy, the application of value added business. 與談人 SPEAKER

| 劉永平 | 聯合報系總管理處策略長 | Alvin Liu | Director, Internet Business, United Daily News Group

畢業於美國 Claremont University,Peter F. Drucker School of Management 碩士 曾任世界日報 ( 加拿大多倫多 ) 社長,< 香港聯合 報 > 總經理 , 目前則是擔任聯合報系總管理處 策略 長暨副總經理。 劉總經理對於傳媒業有着創新的管理思維,藉由多年 的媒體網路經驗,致力於將網路媒體賦予全新世代 使命與意義。

Alvin Liu, MBA served as the Managing Director and Chief Operations Officer of udn.com Co., Ltd. Alvin Liu serves as Vice Chairman and Director at udn.com Co., Ltd. Alvin Liu serves as a Director of Internet Business at United Daily News Group. Alvin Liu holds an MBA from Peter F. Drucker Graduate School of Management, Claremont Graduate University. Mr. Liu's experience in managing media company with innovative mindset and application of internet technology shall give us insight in the mission and values of the internet media in the near future.


專題論壇二 - 創新整合 - 知識經濟時代的關鍵競爭力, 附加價值的掌握與應用 Panel Discussion (2) Issue: | Innovation & Integration | The core energy of knowledge-based economy, the application of value added business. 與談人 SPEAKER

| 洪韻淇 | Discovery 亞太電視網 頻道品牌 北亞區 副總裁 | Gina Hung | Vice President of Channel Discovery Network Asia-Pacific, North Asia

洪韻淇負責 Discovery 傳播集團旗下所有頻道品牌的策略規劃 及執行,同時協助總經理於北亞區策略成長及業務發展,及確 保各頻道品牌運作能符合現今及未來集團營運方向。 於 1998 年加入 Discovery 台灣分公司,當時台灣僅有 Discovery 頻道。之後,又協助公司陸續開播了七個頻道,包括 動物星球頻道、TLC 旅遊生活頻道、Discovery 科學頻道。在擔 任行銷公關部總監時期,負責 Discovery 北亞區的整合行銷公 關策略與品牌管理,市場包括台灣、香港與南韓,為 Discovery 旗下所有高品質紀實娛樂頻道進行行銷、公關推廣。 洪韻淇擁有國立政治大學商學院管理碩士學位,畢業於世新傳 播學院編輯採訪科。 期待藉由 Discovery 的品牌成長故事讓青年們以用全新視角去 看待國際與台灣的多種銜接與突破創新方式。

Gina Hung is responsible of the strategic planning and execution of all channels under Discovery Channel from marketing to PR, from creative to TV department. She is also working on future expansion strategy in the North Asia. Ms. Hung joined Discovery Channel Taiwan branch in 1998 and at that time, Discovery Channel was the only channel. Yet later on, 7 more channels were opened. While she was the director of Marketing and PR, she had been managing markets such as Taiwan, Hong Kong and South Korea. She has extensive experience in TV industry in Taiwan. She has been helping out in ESPN regarding the PR strategy in Taiwan market. She has MBA from National ChengChi University.


專題論壇三:- 社會責任 -Panel Discussion (3) Issue: Social Responsibility-

全球青年的公共參與, 捍衛的世代價值與思辨 -Public participation of global youth, a defense and the critical thinking of the generational values.-

伴隨着網路科技的蓬勃發展,新媒體的突破重組,讓社會的聲音 與資訊傳遞來到個人媒體時代。青年為網路科技的原生時代, 同時為社會的中流砥柱,推動着未來的社會發展走向與未來的價 值建立。因此,近年來不管西方世界抑或是亞洲以及台灣,都 可發現許許多多青年所發起的種種運動,遍布着青年本身所堅信 的價值與行動足跡。全球青年對於社會與公共的參與度相較起 來過去以來熱絡許多。 這是一個參與的年代,我們相信青年的高度參與是近年來社會 現象之一,而該世代青年的所思所辨,所捍衛、所相信的價值; 都值得我們一同來探討與關注,以推動下一代社會的成長引 擎。 We are now in the age of everyone becoming both producer and receiver of information, through the push from internet and social media communities. And we youth as future pillars of the society and the most active users of this internet world, we shall play an important role in building values and directions to our future development. That is why in recent years, we see youths are getting more and more involved in creating their own projects and promoting actions that aligns their beliefs. The involvement of impacting the society by youth has never been more significant.


專題論壇三 - 社會責任 - 全球青年的公共參與, 捍衛的世代價值與思辨 Panel Discussion (3) Issue: | Social Responsibility | Public participation of global youth, a defense and the critical thinking 專題主持人 HOST

| 鍾子偉 | 關鍵評論網創辦人兼執行長 | Joey Chung | Founder of TheNewLens

畢業於哈佛商學院 MBA,鍾子偉曾待過 Polo Ralph Lauren、瑞銀集團的證券研究部,也曾擔任 過 << 臺北時報 >> 的記者與專欄作家,並出版過六 本書。 2011 到 2013 年間,他曾在上海擔任日本跨國公司 - Sanrio 中國區的營運總裁。辭去營運總裁後,鐘 子偉先生於 2013 年創辦關鍵評論網,身兼執行長 與共同創辦人的他,讓關鍵評論網成為亞洲最快速 成長的數位媒體之一。現在的他更身兼台灣 << 商 業周刊 >> 的專欄作家。 青年典範之一 - 鍾先生身上有着一股代表着青年的熱血 與相信。期待藉由鐘先生從事新媒體的視角以及本 身選擇投入的公共參與,給予新的觀點於青年朋友 進行思辨。

Joey Chung is the Co-Founder and CEO of The New Lens, one of the fastest growing new digital news sites in Asia which was started in mid 2013. Before starting The News Lens, he was with the Japanese multinational character and media company Sanrio, first starting out in San Francisco and Los Angeles as its Business Development Manager before being sent as President of its China Operations in Shanghai between 2011-2013 after of which he left to start The News Lens. Before that, he worked for Polo Ralph Lauren in New York, the Equity Research Department of investment bank UBS, and was a reporter and columnist for The Taipei Times. He graduated from Harvard Business School with an MBA degree in 2009 and has published 6 books before in the Greater China markets where he is also a columnist for Business Weekly Taiwan.


專題論壇三 - 社會責任 - 全球青年的公共參與, 捍衛的世代價值與思辨 Panel Discussion (3) Issue: | Social Responsibility | Public participation of global youth, a defense and the critical thinking 與談人 SPEAKER

| 山口繪里子 | Motherhouse 創辦人兼首席設計師 | Eriko Yamaguchi | Founder, CEO & Chief designer of Motherhouse

畢業於慶應義塾大學綜合政策學系。就學期間曾在 位於美國華府的國際援助組織 -- 美洲開發銀行擔任 實習生,並於大四那年初赴孟加拉就讀 BRAC 研 究所。兩年後回到日本,以「發展中國家也能做出 世界級的品質」為使命,創辦了 Motherhouse。 目前於孟加拉、尼泊爾兩地進行包包,以及其他 的服飾雜貨的設計和生產,並在於東京、福岡、 大阪以及台灣等 18 家分店進行販售。曾於 2008 年被美國 Schwab Foundation 世界經濟論壇選為 「日本最傑出年輕社會企業家」,並在 2014 年 於 Harvard Business School Club of Japan 獲得 Entrepreneur of the Year Award。 希望藉由邀請具有多年社會企業經驗的青年代表 山口小姐前來與台灣以及全球青年分享,身為青年 所投入社會企業的心路歷程;進一步解析她所觀察 到當今社會青年的角色變化與過去世代的差異,從 而得知青年在公共參與上的觀點闡述。

Graduated in Media and Goverence from Keio University, Eriko worked as a summer intern at the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), which provides financial support for Latin America. She then decided to go Bangladesh to study for 2 years. During her stay, she was working as an intern for a big Japanese trading company and taking courses at night. After her study, she returned to Japan and started the brand Motherhouse, a fashion brand which aimed to create world class quality products which are made in developing country. Currently presented in Bangladesh and Napal for design and production of their handbags and selling them in 18 stores around Tokyo, Fukuoka, Osaka and Taiwan, Eriko was awarded Japan's Most Outstanding Young Social Entrepreneur by Schwab Foundation in 2008. And in 2014, she received the Entrepreneur of the Year Award from Harvard Business School Club of Japan in 2014. By inviting Eriko Yamaguchi with strong background in social entrepreneurship, she would share with us her story of building up a successful social enterprise and what is youth's role in participating in solving social issues. She would express her view points on what will be the roles new generations of youth in shaping a better future.


專題論壇三 - 社會責任 - 全球青年的公共參與, 捍衛的世代價值與思辨 Panel Discussion (3) Issue: | Social Responsibility | Public participation of global youth, a defense and the critical thinking 與談人 SPEAKER

| 魏華星 | 香港社會創投基金 創辦人及行政總裁 | Francis Ngai | Founder and CEO of Social Ventures Hong Kong

從事商界多年後,於 2007 年創辦非牟利慈善創投 基金,以投資方法和專業力量,支持香港社會創新 之發展, 參與社企項目包括《鑽的》無障礙的士、《綠色星 期一》、《光房》可負擔房屋、《全城街馬》、《盛 食同學會》及《遊樂道教育》等。他閒時最愛跑步, 曾挑戰北極馬拉松及戈壁沙漠超級馬拉松。

Francis Ngai is the Founder and CEO of Social Ventures Hong Kong (www.sv-hk.org), a non-profit venture philanthropy organization dedicated to support and nurture social innovation in Hong Kong since 2007. Portfolio social enterprises include Diamond Cab, Green Monday, LightBe affordable housing, RunOurCity, CookConnect and Playtao Education etc. As an ultra- running veteran, he finished North Pole Marathon 2013 and an ultra-marathon challenge of 250km race at Gobi desert in 2012.

身為青年之一的魏華星先生,帶領著香港社企邁向 一個全新的里程碑;其堅定的馬拉松精神與意志, 展現著新一代青年嶄新的價值觀與態度。期望其青 年經歷能夠激發起同為青年的我們一個不同的思考 例子。


專題論壇三 - 社會責任 - 全球青年的公共參與, 捍衛的世代價值與思辨 Panel Discussion (3) Issue: | Social Responsibility | Public participation of global youth, a defense and the critical thinking 與談人 SPEAKER

| 李秉萱 | 新加坡中華總商會董事 | Dr. Lee Peng Shu | Director of Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry

來自新加坡,20 歲涉足商界並進修完成美國 MBA 商業課程,40 歲開始任教新加坡管理學院行銷管 理與企業策略課程以及新加坡國立大學、北京大學 MBA 行銷管理與 EMBA 公眾演講課程。 45 歲加入新加坡中華總商會,李博士多年來關注 亞太社會發展,對於青年與社會之間的參與進展有 著經驗上的意見分享。 希望透過邀請社會與商業經歷豐富的李秉萱博士前 來,與台灣以及全球青年分享其多年的社會觀察以 及發展觀點;並且對於當前時代的青年在不同國家 與社會的形成底下,青年們在公共參與上的差異分 別。

Raised in Singapore with Master degree in USA, Dr. Lee has been in the business sector since 20 years old and in 40 years old she has been teaching marketing and corporate strategy in Singapore Institute of Management and National University of Singapore; and teaching MBA marketing and EMBA public speaking in Peking University. Joining the Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry in the age of 45, Dr. Lee has been actively participating and studying about Asia Pacific's development and has deep understanding of how youths can participate more within their society and communities. By learning more about Dr. Lee's experiences in both business and social sector, youths can gain deeper understanding of what are the differences in youth participation in social issues due to differences in culture and background.


謝幕演說 Closing Speech


| 高希均 | 遠見天下文化事業群創辦人暨董事長 | Charles Kao | Founder of Commonwealth Publishing Group│Pro.

獲取美國密西根州立大學經濟發展博士後,曾任教 於美國威斯康辛大學經濟系逾三十年,先後獲得美 國傑出教育家、傑出教授獎、威州州長卓越貢獻獎 等。曾任臺灣大學講座教授、海基會董事,現為行 政院顧問、監察院諮詢委員。1980 年代在臺灣發 起創辦《天下雜誌》、《遠見雜誌》與「天下文化 出版公司」,2002 年又創辦「小天下」少兒讀物, 現為「遠見.天下文化事業群」與「財團法人遠 見.天下文化教育基金會」董事長及《哈佛商業評 論》全球繁體中文版發行人,持續推動進步觀念之 傳播。2002 年獲行政院新聞局金鼎獎特別貢獻獎。 2013 年獲亞洲大學名譽博士;2014 年獲中興大學 名譽管理學博士。除英文著述外,中文著作在臺出 版逾二十種,在大陸出版著作有七種。

把自己變成一個有高附加值之人,為社會承擔更 多。 He has a PHD in Economic Development from Michigan State University and had been the professor in Economics, University of Wisconsin for more than 30 years. He was also the professor of National Taiwan University. Now, he is also the consultant of the Executive Yuan. He founded Commonwealth Publishing Group, Global Views Monthly and CommonWealth Magazine. Now, He is the president of Commonwealth Publishing Group and the publisher of Harvard Business Review -- Traditional Chinese Edition. He has published more than 20 books in Taiwan and 7 books in China. Youth should consider Pro. Charles Kao the role model of high involvement and responsibility in society. Through the closing speech from Pro. Charles Kao in this day, youth should also promise ourselves to become a high-valued person and taking more responsibility for society.

希望藉由高教授對於社會的高度投入與當責為最佳 典範,讓青年人在最後以一個承諾作為當日總結:


第二天 Day 2

|開放式創新學院| | Open Bussiness & Startup School |

創新創業,青年領航 -Innovative entrepreneurship lead by youth由三大知名企業提供目前的經營個案,讓來自各國 的青年自組跨國團隊,運用平日所學理論,互相交 流創新的點子,並整合身邊資源。於跨國合作經驗 中,充分發揮青年的創新突破的能力,同時回饋給 企業一個符合未來發展的趨勢參考。 Organize a cross-country team with global youth and discuss the case in famous industry; with the theory in class and exchanging the innovative idea together. Express the creative ability through the cooperation with global youth and give the industry a developing future.


專題演說一、二 Keynote speech 1.2 中華電信 南區分公司總經理 - 李銘淵 Keynote speech 1 自行車新文化基金會執行長 - 劉麗珠 Keynote speech 2

三大企業簡介 Introduction of 3 Companies EZTABLE |亞洲第一大線上訂購餐廳平台 EZTABLE 是一家創立於 2008 年的線上訂購餐廳服務網路公司。提供最佳且免費餐 廳訂購服務給消費者,其獲利方式是從合作的餐廳所給予的月結服務費來支持運作。 EZTABLE 已經累計超過 500 家知名餐廳以及五星級飯店的合作以及主要大城市,國家 如:泰國、印尼、中國大陸、馬來西亞等。此外,目前也擁有 30 萬持續累積的會員數, 當中有高達 10 萬為活躍用戶。 EZTABLE, founded in 2008, is a company providing online restaurant booking serivces. Through providing free booking services with high quality, restaurants will then pay an administration fee to the company to support its operations. EZTABLE has now over 500 famous restaurants around Asia including Thailand, Indonesia, Mainland China and Malaysia. They have also gained over 300,000 users with 100,000 active users.

BAND |最新團體社群 APP BAND 創新團隊 行動通訊軟體 BAND,乃首款「為群組討論而生」的手持裝置 App,幫助大家把散落四 處的群組討論,一次收納再 BAND 的社群圈圈裡。從姊妹淘、好兄弟、揪打球、喝下午 茶、唱 KTV、搞社團、班級必備討論區,就是要建立《屬於你我的小圈圈》!除了基本 的群組聊天外,還有佈告欄、相簿、行事曆以及投票等功能,絕對是最方便的「多人群 組聊天室」。 Mobile App BAND is the first of its kind focusing on creating 'Group meetings'. It helps us to gather group discussions from everywhere to just one simple platform. So no matter you are looking for a basketball match or afternoon tea or even a group for your team at work or for internal communications for your organisation, it will become your most convenient alternative.

EF 英莩教育│ Education First |全球英語教育機構權威 是一所於 1965 年在瑞典建立的語言學習機構,專門從事語言培訓,教育旅遊,學位課 程和文化交流,全球 52 個國家和地區擁有 500 多所學校及辦公室。EF 的使命為 " 打破 語言、文化以及地理位置帶來的障礙 " ! EF is a language learning institute founded in Sweden in 1965. They specialise in language education and study tours, degree programs and cultural exchanges. They are now present in 52 countries with 500+ local branches. The mission of EF is to “open the world through education.


C0 R2

K1 R0

第三天 Day 3

|創新公益工作坊| | Social Innovation Workshop |

社會責任,青年肩任 -To shoulder the social responsibility with youth「以立國際服務」創辦人陳聖凱先生將帶領所有與 會者一同探討社會議題,讓青年透過具創新思維以 及多元互動的工作坊,賦予社會責任以及公益更為 嶄新的傳達方式。 Kevin Chen, the founder of ELIV will lead youth to discuss social issues together. Young generation will learn the connection between youth and social responsibility and a new way of social responsibility by conducting a creative and multi-interact workshop.


旅 實


以立國際服務 ELIV 以立國際服務,於 2010 年 1 月在台灣成立,是台灣最早成立的社會企業之一。以立的英文名稱 ELIV, 為「Empowering Lives through Innovative Volunteerism」的縮寫,希望透過創新「接力賽式」的國際 志工模式,推動台灣熱血青年到海外服務弱勢社群,探討國際議題,體驗異國文化與創造改變。 ELIV 也是 Eco-Living 的生活態度 -- 永遠要更靠近自己與地球,停止無病呻吟,開始正視難題;不想過度 消費,認真關心暖化,努力匯聚溫暖的力量。 ELIV is one of the earliest social enterprise in Taiwan. Founded in 2010, it is a short form of " Empowering Lives through Innovative Volunteerism". Using an innovative model of ""Relay races"" form of International Volunteering, ELIV facilitates Taiwanese youths to overseas countries to help the poor communities, raise awareness on social issues and experience foreign culture through driving a positive change. ELIV is also a lifestyle of Eco-Living: care the globe with heart and face the brutal truth of environmental problems. They promote the idea of preventing over-consumption and gather the public to understand the importance of global warming.

專題演說 主持人 HOST









| Kevin Chen |

| Jeffery Lo |

| J. C Tsou |

Founder of ELIV

President of United Evening News and Chief Strategy Officer of Vision Project

Chairman of China Steel


特別活動 Special activity

|世界地球村博覽會| | Global Village |

探險世界壹貳肆,創造感動無限次 -Explore the world and create the touching moment臺灣史上第一場 124 國文化饗宴,挑戰南臺灣的風 情。世界風情、異國料理、多國民謠,滿足對世界 的渴望!與來自世界各地的愛心,一起展現社會責 任。邀請偏鄉孩童一同參與,影響力無限大! The first cultural banquet with 124 countries in Taiwan!We will chanllenge the passion of southern Taiwan, world mien, exotic food and world ballad to fulfill your desire to know about the world!Show our solicitude with kid from remote village and expree our impact!

|交通資訊| Transportation 世界地球村博覽會場地交通資訊: 8501:義大世界總站 - 高鐵左營站 * 單程一趟 37 元 * 假日班次:約 20-30 分鐘會有一班 17:20 、17:40、18:00 、18:20 、18:40 、19:00 8501 : EDA World - Zuoying Station *NTD 37 for the bus *About 20-30 mins 17:20 、17:40、18:00 、18:20 、18:40 、19:00


大會指定 應用軟體 BAND 教學 Application: BAND Instruction 說明用途 在三天的高峰會議程中,主辦單位將使用社群軟體 BAND 和與會者進行交流互動,不論是議程進行中 對於講者的提問,或是最即時在腦海中閃過的想法 和感動,都邀請各位與會者屆時以 BAND 這個平台 和我們分享。 因此請您於活動開始前,參考以下說明將 BAND 應 用軟體下載至您的行動裝置,以方便您先行熟悉介 面操作方式,確保於活動期間使用之與會者權益。

Why BAND? During the 3-days summit, the organizing committee would use BAND, a free APP for the communication, in which delegates are highly welcomed to raise questions to the speakers or share the ideas and feelings. Therefore, please download the APP of BAND into your mobile device before the summit not only to get familiar with the interface and function in advance but also protect your right of participation during the event.

如何下載 BAND

How to download BAND?

請您使用您的行動裝置 1. 前往 Google Play/ Apple Store 搜尋 "BAND" 2. 點選下載安裝 3. 以 LINE 帳號登入 4. 掃描此頁中的 QR-code 加入高峰會與會者專屬 的 BAND:「全球青年領導力會前高峰會」

1. Please search ""BAND"" on Google Play/ Apple Store with your mobile device. 2. Click the download button and log in with your LINE ID. 3. Scan the QR-code to join BAND: Global Youth Leadership Summit.


|注意事項| Notification 會議期間注意事項 Notification 請妥善保管入場識別證 ( 名牌 ): 活動第二、三天將以大會派發的名牌作為身份識 別,請您妥善保管識別證,並將於大會結束後回收。 Please keep the badge (name tag) carefully: In the following days, the delegate's identity will be verified with the badge distributed in the first day.

會場內禁止錄音、錄影、拍照。並且,請將手機轉 為靜音模式。 All the recording, filming are forbidden in the venue. And, Please turn your mobile into silent mode during the event. 離席時,貴重物品請自行保管,主辦單位不負保管 責任。

Please keep your badge during the event as it would not be reissued and would be gather back by the staff on 8/16.

Please take care of your personal valuable as leaving the seat. The organizing committee would not be responsible for the safekeeping.

會場內請務必關閉行動網路分享基地台 ( 熱點 ): 大會中將以社群軟體 BAND 和與會者互動,因此請 您關閉行動網路分享基地台,以免干擾網路,進而 影響會場網路品質。

會議中將全程使用 Band,包括提問與投票互動, 請與會者下載 band,並隨時注意 Band 上資訊。

Please turn off your wi-fi hot spot service: In order to maintain the quality of immediate interaction with the delegate through BAND, 請配合場館規定,與主辦單位共同維持場地整潔。 Please help to keep the venue clean. 會議期間請穿著乾淨整齊,避免過於清涼的衣物, 如 : 背心、短褲,以及露趾的鞋子等。

The organizing committee would use BAND during the whole summit. Please download BAND APP. We highly welcome you to ask questions to the speakers or sharing ideas on BAND and always check your BAND APP notifications. 若需要任何協助,請您直接與身旁的工作人員進行 事項詢問。 If you have any questions, feel free to ask the staff.

Please wear clean and neat clothings and avoid vest, shorts, and slippers.


|注意事項| Notification 第三天|創新公益工作坊|議程結束後,將現場邀 請一名與會者分享三天心得,即可獲得捷安特腳踏 車一台。 After the final session of day 3, we will invite one delegate to share his/her feelings about these 3 days. And, the person who share his/her feeling will win the GIANT bicycle.

接駁注意事項 Notification during the transportation 活動第三天用餐結束後,全部與會者將統一搭乘接 駁車前往「世界地球村博覽會」場地 - 請按照指示 牌前往指定搭乘處排隊等候上車。

議程特別注意事項 Notification during the Session 活動第一天僅提供「中翻英」口譯服務,第二、第 三天將以英文全面進行,不另提供翻譯服務。 The Chinese to English translation service would only be provided on Day1. As a reminder, the event would be conducted in English on Day23, in which the organizing commitee would not provide any extra translation service. 第二天議程|開放式創新學院|分組名單已標示在 名牌上,請與會者根據名牌指示,抵達應對場所。 The name card indicate your group (EF or BAND Taiwan or EZTABLE) on Day2. According to your group, please find the specific session room.

Free Shuttle Bus from KEC to Global Village would be provided for all the delegates after finishing Lunch on 8/16 and please walk to the east exit of KEC for boarding.


|主辦單位| Organizer

AIESEC 全球青年領袖世界大會 AIESEC,中文全名為「國際經濟商管學生會」, 是世界上最大的非營利性學生組織,組織願景是達 成世界和平和開發人類潛能。 根據願景,AIESEC 在社會中的定位是發掘年輕人 的潛能及領導能力,並希望這些領導人才對社會帶 來正面的影響,因此,AIESEC 提供學生們去感受 社會脈動及世界未來趨勢的學習機會。 AIESEC (International Association of Students in Economics and Business Management) is the world’s largest student run organization. With the vision of Peace and fulfillment of humankind’s potential, AIESEC aims to explore the potential and leadership skills in youth. And hope to bring the positive impact to the society. Thus, AIESEC offers student an oppertunity to feel the change of this world and to learn from the futrure trend.

AIESEC International Congress 2014 in Taiwan

| AIESEC 全球青年領袖世界大會|為 AIESEC 組 織每年 400 多場國際會議中,最大規模也是最受矚 目的世界會議,每次大會都將聚集來自 124 個國家 的總會和分會代表。在十天的會議當中,各國的傑 出青年領袖將分享個人經驗與各地的成功案例,同 時透過討論而擬定出 AIESEC 接下來的發展和目 標。 AIESEC in Taiwan 歷經兩年來的準備,終於爭取 到| 2014 AIESEC 全球青年領袖世界大會|的主 辦權,這將是 AIESEC Taiwan 最具紀念的里程碑, 同時也是台灣第一次舉辦最具規模的世界級學生活 動。| 2014 AIESEC 全球青年領袖世界大會在台 灣|,想要辦出一場最令人感動(heart-touching) 的世界大會,不只讓台灣走進世界,更讓世界走進 台灣。 AIESEC International Congress is the biggest and most expected international conference; the youth leaders from 124 countries will gather together every year. Every outstanding youth leader will share their personal experiences and successful case in 10 days' congress. They will also plan the following developement of organization through discussions. AIESEC Taiwan puts two years efforts to grab the opportunity to host AIESEC International Congress. This congress will be the first time for Taiwan to held a world student event. Our organizing committee aims to held a heart-touching international congress that can make Taiwan be seen internationally.


|籌備團隊| Organizing Committee Team









| June Sim |

| Cindy Huang |

| Melody Shie |

| Lucas Wang |

Organizing Committee President

Finance Management Executive

Social Media Management Executive

Volunteer & VISA Management Executive









| Leslie Lian |

| Benson Chen |

| Rene Lin |

| Wilson Chang |

Customer Relations Management Executive

Venue & Logistic Management Executive

Marketing Strategy Executive

Visual Design Graphic & Art Designer

高意茹 Grace Kao / 張博堯 Wilson Chang 主視覺設計 (Visual Design) 何慕晨 Jerry Ho 編曲 (Music Editor) 曾紹華 Shao Hua Tseng 動畫製 & 開幕影片製作作 (Animation Editor & Opening Video Editor) 謝長穎 Hsieh Chang Ying / 王譯聖 Wang Yi-Sheng / 吳宜儒 Wu Yi Ju / 盧威聿 Lu Wei Yu 攝影團隊 (Photograhpic Team) 陳俐杏 Pauline Tan 司儀 Emcee



主辦單位: Organizer:

Sponsors and Partners

協辦單位: Co-organizer:

場地特別贊助: Venue special sponsor:

八大青年企業: Top 8 YouthSupporting Partners:

媒體協辦: Media Co-organizer:

青年夢想夥伴: Sponsor Partner: AUA Land Development Co.

媒體夥伴: Media Partner:

網路協辦: Online Co-organizer:

物料贊助: Material Spnosor:

技術策略夥伴: Technology Strategy Partner:

宣傳協助夥伴: Promotion Partner Parner::



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