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Nature Center
Visit Our Website: www.tgonaturecenter.org www.tgonaturecenter.org
8AM - 5PM Daily
February 2022
19 5:15 pm Watson Trail Saturday Sunset Hike @ Trailhead
21 9:00 am Pisarz/Earley Trail Loop Maintenance @ Trailhead 23 9:00 am Pisarz/Earley Trail Loop Hike @ Trailhead 23 7:00 pm Nature Program– "Follow the Water. Connecting You to the Upper St. John's River Management District"
25 1:00 pm Eagle Walk—Watson Trail Trailhead 26 Titusville Chamber of Commerce Bicycles, Bands and Brews-See Article
28 9:00 am
C & E Carlson Trail Maintenance @ Trailhead
March 2022
02 9:00 am C & E Carlson Trail Hike @ Trailhead 02 7:00 pm Nature Program–"Unearthing Rosewood. An Archaeology of Violence and Hope" PM
05 5:15 pm Watson Trail Saturday Sunset Hike @ Trailhead 07 9:00 am Betty Salter Trail Maintenance @ Trailhead 09 9:00 am Betty Salter Trail Hike @ Trailhead 09 3:00 pm Nature Center Members-Only Annual Meeting PM
09 BOD Meeting—After Annual Meeting PM
LIB– Library NC—Nature Center PM—Plantation Manor PV—Pavilion NATURE TRIVIA QUESTION
Early settlers who came to North America from Europe, particularly those from Holland and England, were impressed by the sight of what they would name the Monarch Butterfly. Who did they name the Monarch Butterfly after? The answer can be found under “Contacts.”
Trail maintenances and guided nature hikes are listed below with meeting locations. Long pants, long sleeves, hiking shoes/boots, insect repellant, sunscreen and water are recommended. For trail maintenance, please bring gloves, a rake or loppers and for hikes, you may want binoculars and/or a camera. To volunteer for trail maintenance or for any questions, please text Betty Salter at 321-223-8073 or you may send her an email at bettysalter@hotmail.com bettysalter@hotmail.com. Unless otherwise
noted, meet at each respective trail’s trailhead on the golf cart nature trail. TRAIL MAINTENANCES Mondays, February 21, 28 and March 07 at 9:00 am
02/21—Pisarz/Earley Trail Loop @ Trailhead 02/28—Claire & Ernie Carlson Trail @ Trailhead 03/07—Betty Salter Trail @ Trailhead
February 19 and March 05 Sunset Hike at 5:15 pm
Wednesdays, February 23 , March 02 and 09 at 9:00 am
02/19—Watson Trail Saturday Sunset Hike @ Trailhead 02/23—Pisarz/Earley Trail Loop @ Trailhead 03/02—Claire & Ernie Carlson Trail @ Trailhead 03/05—Watson Trail Saturday Sunset Hike @ Trailhead 03/09—Betty Salter Trail @ Trailhead For guided hikes on other days, contact Betty Salter.
EAGLE WALKS Fridays, February 25 and March 11 at 1:00 pm
Eagle Walks with EagleWatch volunteer Brian Grande. Meet at the Watson Trail trailhead. If you have any questions, please call Brian Grande at 407-766-7867.
Wednesday, February 23 and March 02 at 7:00 pm
Join us in the Plantation Manor for our nature programs. Our upcoming programs are listed below. Monetary donations are gratefully accepted to help offset the speaker fees.
Chairs will be spaced for social distancing and we strongly recommend wearing masks.
02/23— “Follow the Water. Connecting You to the Upper St. John's River Management District” 03/02—"Unearthing Rosewood. An Archaeology of Violence and Hope"
TGO Residents—Join Our TGO Nature Center Facebook Group
8AM - 5PM Daily
The Nature Center at The Great Outdoors The Nature Center at The Great Outdoors is a 501(c)(3) non-profit self-supporting organization. Donations may be tax deductible.
Saturday, February 26
The Titusville Chamber of Chamber of Commerce is sponsoring a bicycle ride they call Bicycles, Bands and Brews on Saturday, February 26. Learn more on their website at https://titusville.org/rideitdown2022 https://titusville.org/rideitdown2022 .
Wednesday, March 09 at 3:00 pm
The annual meeting of the Nature Center will be held in the Plantation Manor. This is a Nature Center members-only meeting.
Wednesday, March 09 after Annual Meeting
A short meeting of the Board of Directors will be held in the Plantation Manor directly after the annual meeting.
Saturday, March 12 from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm
Join us at the Nature Center for our 2022 Spring Festival which will be held outdoors. One of our featured exhibitors, Elaine Williams, will be representing the Indian River Anthropological Society (IRAS), the local chapter of the Florida Anthropological Society. She is a board member and past president. She has a BA in anthropology (archaeology) from UCF and an MA in archaeology from Northwestern University where she attended under a National Science Foundation fellowship. Her specialty is prehistoric archaeology of North America and she has participated in excavations in Illinois, Virginia, and Florida. If people want, she can try to ID things they have found. Her exhibit will be about the prehistory of Brevard County. Other exhibitors and food vendors include: Susan Boorse, the “Owl Lady,” will have her owls with her Bill’s Bees will have sweet honey for sale Shari Clark, the Bat Lady, will have bats Nancy Clark, Squirrel Girl, will have baby squirrels Firewise will be selling their delicious hotdogs
Support the Nature Center by becoming a member. Membership is only $10 per person per year which works out to be less than 3¢ per day or about 83¢ per month to join this unique self-supporting TGO amenity. That is less than the cost of a cup of coffee (price for home brewed—not even Starbucks’ price). Contact Sandy Juba at 321-543-0502 or sjubatgo@gmail.com sjubatgo@gmail.com to join today!
Nature Center members: the March 2022 “TGO Nature Center Calendar of Events,” our last monthly calendar of the season, will be emailed to members with the February 26th issue of “Next Week With Nature” newsletter. If you do not receive it, please contact Darlene Durham at 321-268-0199, 321-747-5874 or by email at darlenedurham@yahoo.com darlenedurham@yahoo.com .
Hummingbirds: Magic In The Air, a PBS NATURE video, will be shown on the Nature Center television for the next two weeks. This nature show is approximately 60 minutes long. Dedicated viewing times are Tuesdays from 9:00 am to 11:00 am, Saturdays from 9:00 am to 11:00 am and 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm and Sundays from 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm. Nature show description and TV/ DVD operation instructions are posted under the TV. For any questions or assistance, call Darlene Durham at 321-268-0199 or 321-747-5874.
Editor/Lead Writer Sightings Around TGO Nature Center Website Nature Shows/Slideshows Nature Center Facebook Group Darlene Durham 321-268-0199/321-747-5874 darlenedurham@yahoo.com darlenedurham@yahoo.com
and later named King of England of Orange, stateholder of Holland, Named after King William, Prince
Nature Trivia Answer Injured Animals Nature Center Membership Activities & Volunteering Assist in Selling Large Items Used Recycled Ink Cartridges
Sandy Juba-321-543-0502
sjubatgo@gmail.com sjubatgo@gmail.com Schedule Meeting Room M/W/F am and T/TH pm
Cory Lucas-321-264-2393
Other Meeting Room Days and Times and Enclosed Porch
Loretta Anne’ -321-385-9667