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Mark Anderson #16 Cliff Trovillo
Community Information & Notices
A short and helpful reference for living in TGO
Get a FREE copy at the CSA Offi ce
Plantation Manor Pool & Spa
OPEN Every Day: 8:00 am - Dusk “Dusk” is diff erent throughout the year. Please check the chart in the pool area. CLOSED for PRESSURE WASHING 2nd & 4th Wednesday until 9:30 am Please lower umbrellas after use so they’re not damaged by wind gusts.
Oak Cove Pool & Spa
OPEN: 7:00 am - 11:00 pm CLOSED for PRESSURE WASHING 1st & 3rd Wednesday until 9:30 am Daily cleaning from 6:00 - 7:00 am Wear or have in your possession a Pool Wristband. They are FREE and can be obtained from the Plantation Manor CSA Offi ce. Residents use lime green bands. Visitors use bands that are red, white and blue. Your guests are welcome to keep their bands as a souvenir of their visit to TGO.
Welcome Back TGO Canadians
Welcome back to The Great Outdoors for another wonderful year. Please look at our website: tgocanada.com If you are not on our mailing list, please sign up. The planned in-person meeting with Parrish Medical will be posted virtually instead, later this month. Get connected and be informed. Judy Grant - 321-567-4908

Hidden Lakes Owners Social
Hidden Lakes Clubhouse Check e-mail and the Events card in the mail area holders for details. For more information, call: LeAnn Kahl 813-728-8559
Fun Time Travel Association (FTTA) Rally Schedule
Mar 15-18 Creekfi re RV Resort Savannah, GA St. Patrick’s Day Celebration Apr 3-6 Oak Alley RV Resort Webster, FL Webster Flea Market
TGO Ambassadors Upcoming Rallies - 2022
Mar 3-5 Resort at Canopy Oaks Rally Resort at Canopy Oaks Rally • Lake Wales, FL Contact Eileen Lecik at 321-289-0164 Apr10-12 Golf and Art Fun Rally Madison RV & Golf Resort • Madison, FL Contact Sally Coleman at 407-489-3271 Nov 10-13 Escape to Camp Margaritacille Camp Margaritasville RV Resort • Auburndale, FL Contact Teri Henry at 321-704-4916
Updates to the 2021-2022 Resident Directory (TGO Phone Book)
Harris, Steve & Betsi 954-579-2835 steve.harris502@gmail.com 856 Plantation Drive Stewart, Elaine 315-263-0758 elainerstewart@gmail.com 530 Twin Lakes Drive McMahon, Charles & Pamela 610-283-3598 granpamrn@aol.com 353 Panacea Way
Free Public WiFi
Free public WiFi is now available at The Great Outdoors! Our WiFi has equipment in six CSA common area locations around the resort: Blue Heron Restaurant, Fitness Center, Hobbyland, Library, Pavilion, Plantation Manor The “TGO Public WiFi” is accessed by accepting the listed terms and conditions of use, then you are directed to our TGO CSA website. At this point, your device will be connected to our WiFi.

Newcomer Orientation
Plantation Manor The FINAL Newcomer Orientation Meeting for this season will be held in the Manor on Monday, March 14 from 11:30 am until 12:30 pm. Guest speakers from CSA, ARC, Nature Centure, Golf, Activities and Firewise will share important information. Bring your questions. Door Prizes. Please call Nancy Wagner at 607-542-6374 to reserve your spot.
Contractor Restrictions
Contractors employed for repairs, construction, renovation, or installation at residences that are in The Great Outdoors are not allowed to work on Sunday, except in an emergency or with the advance permission of the CSA. From Monday through Saturday, contractors must leave TGO by 6:00 pm from October 1 to April 30 and by 7:00 pm from May 1 to September 30. Please call the CSA Offi ce at 321-2689767 during the regular weekday offi ce hours to request any exceptions to these contractor work restrictions.