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Community Information and Notices
Community Information & Notices
Automated Visitor Call-In
The automated system off ers two methods to provide access for a visitor. Call 321-383-8802, no more than 24 hours prior to your visitor’s arrival. Send an e-mail to: guest@tgocsa.org, no more than 48 hours prior to your visitor’s arrival. The phone number and e-mail address you use must already be registered with the CSA Offi ce for the access request to be accepted. This system cannot confi rm that your request was received or respond to any additional messages.
TGO Comunity Channel
Our television channel for Community Services Association and other information about The Great Outdoors can be viewed using a digital TV tuned to Channel 732 on the Spectrum Cable TV system. The TV must be equipped with a Spectrum TV cable box or digital adapter.
CSA Trouble Calls - 321-268-9767
If you have questions about lawn spraying, getting sprinklers adjusted, or any other services provided by the Community Services Association, residents should contact the CSA Offi ce by e-mail at service@tgocsa.org or call 321-268-9767 to mention your concerns.
Golf Cart Gas - Monday - Friday - 9:00-11:00 am The Community Services Association off ers gasoline at the CSA Maintenance Area for TGO residents’ Golf Carts. Fill-up time is Monday through Friday from 9:00-11:00 am. The gas price is based on the prevailing rate charged to the CSA. Payment is CASH ONLY.
Vehicle Barcodes
If your vehicle needs a barcode installed, call the CSA Offi ce at 321-268-9767 to schedule a REQUIRED appointment. They install them everyday, but will not do “walk-in” applications. If you need a barcode installed on your Recreational Vehicle, they’ll install RV barcodes on Fridays ONLY, and they want to visit your home or RV site to hopefully complete that barcode installation without moving your RV.
Propane For Sale
Mon - Fri - 8:30, 9:30, 10:30, 11:30 am By Appointment Only - TGO Commercial Area - West of the CSA Building. The Community Services Association off ers LP Gas for your convenience and currently at $4.00/gallon, plus 7% sales tax! Cash or check accepted Call the CSA Offi ce at 321-268-9767 for an appointment or visit during offi ce hours. Payment by cash or check. No credit cards accepted at this time.
TruGreen regularly applies spray applications to our lawns and common areas that includes an herbicide for weed control, a liquid fertilizer, and an insecticide to kill chinch bugs, and other turf-damaging insects. These applications are scheduled in 2022 as follows: March 15 & 16, May 17 & 18, July 12 & 13, October 4 & 5, and November 29 & 30 TruGreen is also off ering “service-call” visits to TGO. If you are still having problems with lawn pests or weeds, call the CSA Offi ce at 321-268-9767, and we will put your address on the TruGreen list. They will make additional visits on the following 2022 dates: March 3, April 7 & 21, May 5, June 2 & 16, July 28, August 11 & 25, September 8 & 22, October 20, November 10, and December 15. TruGreen advises all TGO residents to stay off treated areas of your lawn, and to keep your pets off treated areas, until the application has thoroughly dried.
AED Basics (Automated External Defi brillator) Have Someone Call 9-1-1 While You Operate AED The Automated External Defi brillator (AED) is a portable electronic device that diagnoses incorrect heart rhythm patterns that could potentially be life threatening. The device treats the condition with electrical shocks. AED use requires minimal training because an electronic voice prompts the user through each step. If you are helping a person who collapsed and you’re unsure if a heart attack is the reason, don’t hesitate to use the AED. Every minute counts. The device determines if the patient needs an electrical shock or not. Simply place the AED pads on the patient’s bare skin, one on the right upper chest and the other on their lower left side. No one else should be touching the patient because false readings could result. The AED will advise you, the device operator, what to do next. TGO has seven AEDs located at CSA buildings.
Blue Heron - Outside Ramp 137 Plantation Drive CSA Offi ce - Outside 100-D Plantation Drive Fitness Center 145 Plantation Drive Hidden Lakes Clubhouse 461 Ambleside Drive
Library Kitchen 385 Plantation Drive Oak Cove Pool Bathhouse 434 Oak Cove Road Windsong Bathhouse 155 Windsong Way
The Lorraine Murphy Historic Center
Located in the CSA Converence Room next to Trimmer’s Salon. Available to tour Monday - Friday • 3:00 - 5:00 pm Visit the CSA Offi ce to borrow the key. The Historic Center can be shown on weekends and holidays. Call for an appointment: Lorraine Murphy at 321-431-4526