6 minute read
CSA Business
Board Of Directors Meeting
Plantation Manor • Wednesday, March 17, 2022 • 2:00 pm The CSA Board of Directors are responsible for the entire operation of The Great Outdoors Community Services Association. The following list shows the current Board of Directors: Chairman Tom Wheir 253-249-8201 chairman@tgocsa.org District 0 Bruce Hayes 321-268-2470 district0@tgocsa.org District 1 Peter Wehnau 321-267-4834 district1@tgocsa.org District 2 Bernard Hatch 321-269-5063 district2@tgocsa.org District 3 Ann Strauss 302-382-2400 district3@tgocsa.org District 4 Lauren Clark 607-761-0092 district4@tgocsa.org District 5 Colleen Marigliano 845-656-8394 district5@tgocsa.org District 6 Matt Willey 518-321-1134 district6@tgocsa.org District 7 John Comeau 321-269-5525 district7@tgocsa.org District 8 Barbara Yeager 508-410-0029 district8@tgocsa.org District 9 Cliff Creech 404-391-7271 district9@tgocsa.org Also part of the Board of Directors Organization are CSA Manager Billy Specht, Architectural Review Committee Chairman Leon LeBlanc and CSA Secretary Sharon Sanford. The CSA website at www.tgocsa.org has individual biographies and contact information for each director. Owners are encouraged to attend all the Board of Director meetings. Green Speaker cards are available if an owner wishes to address the board for three minutes about any issue. An informational packet with the meeting agenda is given to each household that attends. Prior to the meeting, the agenda is posted on offi cial bulletin boards and shown on our TV Community Channel 732. The actual meeting is televised LIVE on this same channel. CSA Board of Directors meetings are held on the third Wednesday from October through May. Planning meetings to set the agenda for the Board of Directors meetings are scheduled October to May on the second Wednesday of the month in the Plantation Manor at 10:00 am. They are open to attend for any TGO owner.
District Meetings
There are ten CSA voting districts at The Great Outdoors. They are non-geographical, but are determined by the last digit in each property’s street address. The District Meetings are held monthly from October through May. Various districts join together to hold combined monthly meetings. There are two meetings per month with fi ve districts in each one. Please note the upcoming meeting schedule if you want to attend your district meeting. PAVILION Districts 2, 3, 5, 6, 8 - Tuesday, March 1, 2022 at 10:00 am and Tuesday, April 5, 2022 at 10:00 am Districts 0, 1, 4, 7, 9 - Thursday, March 10, 2022 at 1:00 pm and Thursday, April 14, 2022 at 1:00 pm
8 President’s Council Meeting
Plantation Manor • Tuesday, March 15, 2022 • 10:00 am The President’s Council includes the presidents of the eighteen Condominium Associations plus the Addison Preserve and Fairways Homeowners Associations. At an informal meeting held on the third Tuesday from November through April, they get information on changes in Florida state law, compare notes on issues aff ecting the condo associations, work on budgets and discuss other operational topics. The meeting is usually also attended by the CSA Manager, CSA Board Chairman and CSA Secretary. TGO residents are invited to attend. For details, call Leon LeBlanc at 321-567-5677. Additional upcoming meeting dates are: April 12, 2022
Offi cial Notice of Meetings
The Great Outdoors Premier RV/Golf Resort Architectural Review Committee
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the next ARC Meetings will be held on the following Wednesday dates at 10:00 am on the Plantation Manor Porch: February 23 • March 16 • April 6 • April 27 The Architectural Review Committee meets for planning purposes on the Plantation Manor Porch at 10:00 am on the Monday before an ARC meeting. All changes to your property that are visible on the outside require advance approval from the Architectural Review Committee. Application forms and ARC Guidelines may be obtained from the Community Services Association offi ce or printed from The Great Outdoors Community Services Association website at www.tgocsa.org. All completed ARC forms must be submitted to the CSA offi ce by Noon on the Wednesday before the next Wednesday meeting. Results will be available to pick up after the ARC meeting or from the CSA Offi ce. Be sure ALL necessary paperwork is included with your ARC application. No approval will be given without having all the required data available at the ARC Meeting for review. TGO property owners are encouraged to suggest modifi cations to the ARC Guidelines, which will be discussed during an annual review. Please submit them to the ARC Secretary, in writing, no later in the year than October 1. Architectural Review Committee (ARC) Members Chairman - Leon LeBlanc District 0 - Jim Leibold District 1 - Harold Witschi District 2 - Jeff Smutek District 3 - Robert Fraser District 4 - Pete Bronson District 5 - Chris Christian District 6 - Greg Mackey District 7 - Bruce Gelinas District 8 - Frank Rhodes District 9 - Lisa Babcock
CSA Business
What Your CSA Assessments Pay For
1. 24-Hour Entrance Gate Security 2. Roving Courtesy Patrol Services 3. Cable TV and Internet Service 4. Water 5. Sewer 6. Electric for Association Buildings and Grounds 7. Roads and Road Maintenance 8. Irrigation System andIrrigation Water 9. Daily Trash Pick-up (364 days per year) 10. Weekly Yard Debris pick-up 11. Complete Lawn Maintenance 12. Lawn Equipment and Equipment Maintenance 13. Lawn Spraying (Weed, Feed and yard pests) 14. Two Heated Swimming Pools and Spas 15. Fitness Center with New Equipment and Sauna 16. Four Tennis Courts 17. Six Pickleball Courts 18. Eight Shuffl eboard Courts 19. Bocce Ball Court 20. Doggie World - Fenced Dog Run Area 21. Dog Walk 22. Mail Center 23. Thirty-one (31) Stocked Fishing Ponds 24. Pond Spraying and Maintenance 25. Miles of Nature and Walking Trails 26. Five Bathhouses with Laundry Facilities 27. New Library & Card Room, with renovated Bath House 28. Hobbyland including Craft Room, Billiard Table and Card Room 29. Pavilion Meeting Hall 30. Plantation Manor Meeting Hall 31. CSA Administration Building 32. CSA Vehicle Maintenance Facility 33. CSA Storage Barn 34. Waste Water Treatment Plant 35. Seven Major Lift Stations (sewer system) 36. Road Signs 37. Propane for Heating Pools, Spas and Laundry Facilities 38. Fuel for Equipment and Emergency Generators 39. Pest Control of Common Property Buildings 40. Property Insurance for the Common Properties 41. Directors and Offi cers Liability Insurance 42. General and Umbrella Liability Insurance for Common Areas 43. Flood Insurance 44. Maintenance and Repair of all Association Buildings and Grounds 45. CSA Employee Wages 46. CSA Employee Health Insurance and 401(k) program 47. Lab Testing for Waste Water Treatment and Monitoring Wells 48. Annual Licensing Fees 49. Beautifi cation - trees, mulch, stone, plants, etc. 50. CSA computers, Copy Machines, etc. 51. Printing of The Happenings Newsletter 52. Golf Course Maintenance and Repair 53. Restaurant & Café Maintenance and Repair 54. CSA Vehicles Maintenance and Repair 55. Reserve Savings to preserve our quality of life and property values for many years to come

The Second Quarter Maintenance Assessment for 2022 will be due April 1. Please drop off your payment of $900 at the CSA Offi ce or mail it to: The Great Outdoors at 100-D Plantation Drive, Titusville, Florida 32780. You can also fi ll out a form to have your payment drawn directly from your bank account. The payment must be received by 5:00 pm on April 21, 2022 or there will be a $25 late fee.