5 minute read
18 Steve Wright #17 Tim Heath NET SKIN WINNERS - #2 John Johnson #7 Jeff Basanta #12 Bruce Pierson
Community Information & Notices
Vintage Tea - Time To Shine - By The Mad Hatters
Tuesday March 1, 2022 12 Noon, $25 per person, Plantation Manor Includes Lunch, Fashion Show, and Prizes. Please wear a hat or fascinator, prizes for best hat and centerpiece for your table. Don’t need to be a member. For tickets and more information, send e-mail to: Candrturner@hotmail.com. Call or text 905-329-5771 - Sherri Turner - Vintage Tea Chair
CSA Yard Debris Pick-Up Rules
The CSA crew picks up organic yard debris at least once per week. Tree trimmings should be cut down to a maximum of 4 feet long, weigh less than 50 pounds, and be stacked uniformly at the curb. Loose material such as pine needles, leaves and small twigs must be collected in untied plastic bags or open containers. The CSA will not pick up sod, dirt, tree stumps, construction material (e.g., concrete, wood, drywall, metal), chemicals (e.g., paint, oil), major appliances, or tires. DO NOT bring these items to the CSA Maintenance Yard yourself. They may be dropped off, without charge, at the Brevard County Mockingbird Mulching Facility (321-264-5009) on South Street (SR405). Go past the Lowe’s SR405 entrance then turn LEFT at the fi rst traffi c signal. Most other waste items such as carpet, porcelain plumbing fi xtures, etc. that are not mentioned above can be dropped off at the Brevard County Transfer Station (321-264-5048) that is also on South Street (SR405), but 0.5 mile past Lowe’s on the same side of the street.
Please do not allow pets to urinate on trash or debris.
The crew has to pick this up!
CSA Trash Pick Up Rules
The CSA crew picks up household trash 364 days of the year (off for Christmas). You’ll see them in a big truck pulling one or more green hoppers behind it. The guy crouching on the hopper grabs your trash bag as they pass by. To make the collection process effi cient, please follow these important rules: • Break down all boxes and put all packing material in a closed bag. • Close all trash bags with twist ties or the integrated drawstrings that some trash bags have. • Tie bags together if they are all light in weight. • Place trash within 1 foot of the road so that it’s within easy reach. • Dispose of your pet’s waste inside the closed trash bag. • Put trash out at the curb by 10:00 am - Pick-up time varies within the park. • Do not mix household trash with organic yard debris or construction materials. • Do not put trash out at night because by morning it will have been scattered by wild animals. • Also be aware that if you place your trash out on the street too early, the vultures think you have prepared them a sack lunch - and the result is not always pretty!
Daytona Beach AQS Quilt Show
Wednesday, February 23, 2022 - $37 Join us as we travel from TGO to the Daytona Beach Ocean Center AQS Quilt Show at the Ocean Center Convention Center. We will depart TGO from the parking lot across from the Church at 8:30 am and return by 5:00 pm. It will cost $37 per person. This cost includes the bus as well as admission to the show. Checks can be sent to Judi Sierer at 253 Harmony Lane, Titusville, FL 32780. We must have 50 participants to go on this trip. There are no refunds Please send e-mail to: jsierer@yahoo.com if you would like to attend. Call Judi Sierer at 260-665-2566
Lakeland Quilt Show
Thursday, March 17, 2022 - $37 Join us as we ride from TGO to the RP Funding Center for the Sewing and Quilt Expo. We will depart TGO from the parking lot across from the Church at 8:00 am and return by 5:00 pm. Arrangements for travel and admission are the same as for the Daytona Beach trip. As before, there are no refunds. Call Judi Sierer at 260-665-2566 with any questions.
Community Information & Notices
Have Fun Clowning Around...
Have you ever thought about playing a clown? I have performed as a clown for many years in Northern Virginia and Washington, DC. As a new resident to TGO, I would love to start a “Clown Alley” of individuals interested in clowning who get together periodically to socialize, develop their skills, hold charity events. If you either have experience as a clown, or would like to learn clowning skills, we are meeting in the Pavilion on February 25 at 1:00 pm. Call Pam Taylor at 571-217-0444 for more information.
TGO ALS Fundraiser Windsong Pavilion – Saturday, March 12, 2022 Honor our loved ones and raise money to fund a cure for Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis a.k.a. Lou Gehrig’s Disease. Stop by the Windsong Pavilion (155 Windsong Way) anytime between 10:00 am and 12 noon on Saturday, March 12 to pick up your TGO ALS Fundraiser Crossword Puzzle. Then off you go on your own, or with a friend or two, for a morning of fun. No lines, no forms, no registration, you don’t even need to lace your shoes! However, you may want to bring your golf cart and TGO Directory to help you play along. If you’re not a game player, we’d still love to have you stop by and say “Hi.” We’ll have ALS literature available, along with a snack or two. For donations, please make your checks payable to: ALS Association, or go online to: Donate.fl .als.org/TeamTGO To make a donation before the event, or if you have any questions, please contact: Debbie Grondin 603-617-0463 Sherri Hennen 410-858-7018 Vicky Hunter 612-599-9683
2021-2022 TGO Resident Directory Distribution
The new phone books for owners at The Great Outdoors are ready to be picked up. Please check this distributer list for your address and contact the person listed. One copy is FREE. Additional copies are available at the Activities Offi ce for $5.00 each.