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Activities Committee Events
The Great Outdoors Activity Committee
How The Concert Series Comes Together
The Concert Showcase Committee is comprised of a group of fi ve or more Activities Volunteers who attend showcases in Florida held by various agents. The main agency dealt with is William Clare Entertainment. They hold two showcases a year at the Valencia Reserve in Lake Worth, Florida, on the fi rst Wednesday of November and December. There are eight acts that perform at each date for approximately 20 minutes each. Each committee member has a brochure listing the acts, and is asked to rate them on their ability and professionalism. On the ride home, the acts liked and disliked are discussed and those not liked are eliminated. Each person is asked to list their top three or four acts from that day’s showcase. During the months of November and December, the online catalog of William Clare Entertainment is researched and committee members are asked to watch videos of additional performers at their convenience. In early January, the committee comes together and brings a list of their top fi ve choices from the two showcases and the various videos. An agent from William Clare attends that meeting and gives recommendations to the committee based on the price and availability of the acts. Finally each committee member casts their votes and the process of choosing acts begins. The acts that get the most votes are obviously going to be hired. The committee tries to keep in mind that a variety of acts should be presented to the community and that factors into the decision making process. Once the entertainer list is decided upon, the agents are contacted and asked about the price of the acts to be sure they are within budget. Then the calendar comes out and dates are looked at to see if the act is available. Many of these people work on ships or longterm contracts and are not available in our time frame. Eventually, with some juggling, it all comes together! Any profi t made from the concerts over a season goes into a separate “concert account” which has allowed for an upgrade to the quality of entertainment over the years. The goal of the showcase committee is to provide top quality entertainment and present a variety of acts each season. There are always some acts each of us likes better than others, BUT we do like all of them and hope the TGO Community enjoys them as well.
How To Purchase Concert Tickets
The Concert Series tickets are listed as A, B, and C - which are available fi rst to current tickets holders until they no longer want them. If an A ticket becomes available, it is off ered to B tickets holders, B tickets that come available are off ered to C ticket holders and C tickets are off ered to General Admission. General Admission tickets can be purchased at the Ticket Offi ce once it opens in October. General Admission tickets can be purchased individually for each concert. See Pages 12-13 for the 2022-2023 Concerts.
Do You Need Low Mobility Seating at a TGO Concert:
If you have a mobility impairment and need seating at a TGO concert, please call the Activity Committee at 321-269-8023 to arrange for that a few days before the concert. You must contact the Activity Committee each time you need this special seating.
Next Activity Committee Meeting - Tuesday, April 19 - 1:00 pm - Plantation Manor Activity Committee Points of Contact
Carmella Zielinski 321-289-0150
Melanie Matz Pam Wheeler Pasquale Nadon 631-365-6640 321-567-4068 240-477-0914
tmcmzie@gmail.com melaniematz@me.com pamswheeler@aol.com tgopasquale@gmail.com
TGO Tickets & Gift Shop in Hobbyland Open Monday - Friday • 10 am - 12 Noon From October 3, 2022 thru April 1, 2023 O ce - 321-269-8023
2022-2023 Concert Series
Jay Mattioli - Electrifying Magic - November 27, 2022
Jay has performed around the world, including a special performance for U.S. Navy troops in The Middle East, and also for a NYC audience “Showtime at the Apollo hosted by Steve Harvey.” He was one of the Quarter-fi nalist who stunned the judges on NBC’s #1 hit TV show AMERICA’S GOT TALENT. Jay’s unique style obliterates the past concept of what people expect from a magician. The combination of hilarious, and jaw-dropping illusions along with a blend of Hip-Hop and Urban dancing has catapulted Jay into a fi eld where he stands alone! Decored in hip, vivid costumes, a carefully punked hair-do, and a vivacious assistant on his side, Jay performs magic with everything from live animals to levitating microphones as well as startling eff ects where Jay vaporizes his body in the blink of an eye!
Young Guns - Country Rock Band - January 19, 2023
International touring country rock band, Young Guns, is one of the hottest country music shows in the world. They play songs from bands like Florida Georgia Line, Charlie Daniels Band, Rascal Flatts, Garth Brooks, Jason Aldean, Tim McGraw, Dierks Bently, George Strait, Blake Shelton, and many more legendary country artists. The show features award winning entertainer, recording artist and lead singer, Eric Sage. Young Guns displays powerful musicianship. They have dueling electric guitars, heartfelt acoustic ballads, and the beautiful and talented electric fiddle/violinist Melissa Barrison, and vocalist Melody Ebner. Eric and the girls create a party atmosphere including audience participation!
Shake Baby Shake & Lovettes - February 16, 2023
Lance Lipinski performed in the Tony Award winning musical “Million Dollar Quartet.” Lance and his band, The Lovers, perform the hits of major artists of the 1950s and ‘60s while telling the story behind the music. Preserving the original authentic sound of the music combined with high energy showmanship, Lance explores the melting pot of styles that created pop music’s most innovative decade. Fans of the Atomic era of music will hear the eclectic genres that contributed to the birth of Rock & Roll in chronological order from the late 1940s to mid-1960s such as: Big Band, Rhythm & Blues, Western Swing, Rockabilly, Doo Wop, the Teen Idol Infl uence, Soul, Surf, the British Invasion, Motown and more! The charming Lovettes honor the girl groups and major female artist of the 1950s & 60s such as the Andrew Sisters, the McGuire Sisters, Lavern Baker, Connie Francis, The Ronettes, The Supremes, Etta James and more!

2022-2023 Concert Series
Steve Solomon - Broadway Comedian - March 2, 2023
Steve has taken the art of impersonation, mimicry and honed it into a science. He masterfully weaves dialects and crazy characters into his stories. These tales take on a life of their own as Steve recounts memorable moments from his past and makes hysterical observations of the things we all relate to happening around us today! A native of Brooklyn, Steve grew up in the multi-ethnic neighborhood of Sheepshead Bay. This was the perfect training ground for a dialectician. As the class clown and as a very authentic sounding Chinese restaurant delivery boy, Steve learned early how to use his gift for imitating accents to his advantage. His three-time award winning “My Mother’s Italian, My Father’s Jewish and I’m in Therapy” has met with rave reviews and great audience acclaim throughout the country. It became one of the longest running one-man shows in Broadway history.

New York Bee Gees Tribute Show - March 23, 2023
The New York Bee Gees Tribute Show is comprised of some of Long Island, New York’s most versatile and exceptionally talented players. The band includes present or former members of well known, world renown acts including Happy Together Tour, Meatloaf, Queen, Blue Oyster Cult, Herman’s Hermits, Enrique Iglesias and more. Based in New York, the show has played to sell-out shows in the city. B.B. King NYC wrote, “The NY Bee Gees Tribute Show presents the most extravagant Bee Gees show a fan can experience.” The band off ers all of the classic 70s disco hits from Stayin’ Alive to Night Fever while embracing their early works such as To Love Somebody, I’ve Got To Get A Message To You, and Massachusetts. The NY Bee Gees deliver songs from every decade of the Bee Gees catalog with a stunning production, powerful vocals and professional stage presence. As a bonus, Jessie Wagner will join the New YorkBee Gees to perform a great “Donna Summer Tribute!”

2022-2023 Events and Concerts Schedule
October 29 Halloween Event - Chairperson needed November 5 Welcome Back Trivia Night November 12 Artisan Market November 17 Jay Mattioli - Illusionist December 3 Olde Time Social December 8 Manor Tree Lighting December 9 Golf Cart Parade December 31 New Year’s Eve Party - Chairperson needed January 19 Young Guns January 28 Olde Time Social February 11 Valentine’s Day Party - Chairperson needed February 16 Shake Baby Shake along with The Lovettes March 2 Steve Solomon - Comedian March 11 5K Walk Run March 11 Olde Time Social St. Patrick’s Day March 23 New York Bee Gees /Donna Summers March 16 Variety Show #1 March 17 Variety Show #2