The Happenings 4.1.22

Page 11

The Great Outdoors Activity Committee How The Concert Series Comes Together

is available. Many of these people work on ships or longThe Concert Showcase Committee is comprised of a group term contracts and are not available in our time frame. of five or more Activities Volunteers who attend showcases Eventually, with some juggling, it all comes together! Any profit made from the concerts over a season goes in Florida held by various agents. The main agency dealt with is William Clare Enter- into a separate “concert account” which has allowed for tainment. They hold two showcases a year at the Valencia an upgrade to the quality of entertainment over the years. Reserve in Lake Worth, Florida, on the first Wednesday of The goal of the showcase committee is to provide top November and December. There are eight acts that perform quality entertainment and present a variety of acts each at each date for approximately 20 minutes each. Each com- season. There are always some acts each of us likes better mittee member has a brochure listing the acts, and is asked than others, BUT we do like all of them and hope the TGO Community enjoys them as well. to rate them on their ability and professionalism. On the ride home, the acts liked and disliked are disHow To Purchase Concert Tickets cussed and those not liked are eliminated. Each person The Concert Series tickets are listed as A, B, and C - which is asked to list their top three or four acts from that day’s are available first to current tickets holders until they no showcase. During the months of November and Decemlonger want them. If an A ticket becomes available, it is ber, the online catalog of William Clare Entertainment is offered to B tickets holders, B tickets that come available researched and committee members are asked to watch are offered to C ticket holders and C tickets are offered to videos of additional performers at their convenience. General Admission. General Admission tickets can be purIn early January, the committee comes together and chased at the Ticket Office once it opens in October. General brings a list of their top five choices from the two showAdmission tickets can be purchased individually for each cases and the various videos. An agent from William Clare concert. See Pages 12-13 for the 2022-2023 Concerts. attends that meeting and gives recommendations to the committee based on the price and availability of the acts. Do You Need Low Mobility Seating at Finally each committee member casts their votes and the a TGO Concert: process of choosing acts begins. The acts that get the If you have a mobility impairment and need most votes are obviously going to be hired. The committee seating at a TGO concert, please call the tries to keep in mind that a variety of acts should be preActivity Committee at 321-269-8023 to arsented to the community and that factors into the decirange for that a few days before the concert. sion making process. Once the entertainer list is decided upon, the agents are contacted and asked about the price You must contact the Activity Committee of the acts to be sure they are within budget. Then the caleach time you need this special seating. endar comes out and dates are looked at to see if the act

Next Activity Committee Meeting - Tuesday, April 19 - 1:00 pm - Plantation Manor

Activity Committee Points of Contact Carmella Zielinski Melanie Matz Pam Wheeler Pasquale Nadon

321-289-0150 631-365-6640 321-567-4068 240-477-0914

TGO Tickets & Gift Shop in Hobbyland Open Monday - Friday • 10 am - 12 Noon From October 3, 2022 thru April 1, 2023 Office - 321-269-8023


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