13 minute read

Week 1 Smoothie Recipes



Chocolate Cherry

Cocoa powder and dark sweet cherries make this super dark smoothie high in antioxidants and fiber, while almond milk adds creaminess. Don’t be fooled by the taste of this delicious drink; this smoothie is a meal, and a filling meal at that. Serves 1


• 1 cup/8oz unsweetened almond milk • 1 tbsp unsweetened cocoa powder • 1 tbsp unsweetened almond butter • 1 handful (1cup/1oz/30g) spinach • 1 medium banana • 1 cup/5 oz frozen dark sweet cherries • 1 tsp virgin coconut oil • 1 tsp honey if needed


1. Add the milk, cocoa, almond butter, and spinach to your blender. Blend until smooth.

2. Add the banana, frozen cherries and coconut oil; continue blending until smooth and creamy.

Did You Know?

Cherries, these little red gems pack a powerful punch in their pigments. Not only can they help reduce inflammation, alleviate gout pain and neutralize free radicals, but a study has shown that they can help reduce nasty belly fat; the type that has been linked to a myriad of diseases.




Tropical Blast

This smoothie is sweet and creamy, yet it’s also filling enough to enjoy for meal. Unsweetened shredded coconut adds fiber as well as plenty of coconut flavor to this delicious drink. Use coconut milk from a carton like So Delicious, Almond Breeze, or Silk instead of a can for less fat and calories. Serves 1


• 1 cup/8oz coconut milk from a carton, such as Almond Breeze, So Delicious or Silk • 1 handful (1cup/1oz/30g) kale leaves • 1 mango, skin and pit removed • 1⁄2 cup/3oz frozen pineapple chunks • 2 tbsp unsweetened coconut (shredded or flakes)


1. Add the coconut milk, coconut flakes, and kale to your blender. Blend until smooth.

2. Add the mango and frozen pineapple and continue to blend until smooth and creamy.

Did You Know?

The fat in coconut milk is 66% MCTs (medium- chain triglycerides), a type of fat that is rapidly oxidized and exerts weight reducing effects by shrinking fat depots. In other words, MCTs can help reduce your overall body fat percentage.




Iced Pumpkin

Sweet and creamy, this delicious pumpkin smoothie is spicy and delicious. Canned pumpkin puree makes it easy to enjoy this healthy veggie, and the spices add an antioxidant boost as well. Make sure when buying pumpkin that you’re buying pure pumpkin, not pie filling which is sugar laden. Serves 1


• 1 cup/8oz unsweetened almond milk • 1⁄2 cup canned pumpkin puree • 1 tbsp almond butter • 1⁄4 tsp cinnamon • 1/8 tsp nutmeg • 1 handful (1cup/1oz/30g) Romaine lettuce • 1 medium banana • 1 tsp honey (if needed for sweetness)


1. Add the almond milk, pumpkin, almond butter, spices, and honey in your blender. Blend for 30 seconds, add the lettuce and blend again.

2. Add the banana and blend until smooth and creamy.

Did You Know?

Almond butter is a terrific, high-protein alternative to peanut butter. And it is rich in heart-healthy monounsaturated fats and plant sterols that have been shown to lower bad LDL-cholesterol levels. 2 tablespoons of almond butter contain about 35mg of beta-sitosterol, a sterol that appears to curb the symptoms of benign prostate hypertrophy (enlarged prostate) — a condition that over 50% of men above the age of 50 will experience.




Caramel Apple

With a taste like caramel, this smoothie gives a unique twist to classic green smoothies. Since pears are among the least acidic fruits, they are ideal for individuals suffering from gastric reflux or those with a predisposition to heart burn. To get the most antioxidants, use a fully ripe organic pear and keep the skin. Serves 1


• 1 cup/8oz unsweetened almond milk • 1⁄4 cup rolled oats • 1 medium green apple • 1 medium pear • 1⁄4 avocado • 1 handful (1cup/1oz/30g) spinach • 1 tsp pure vanilla extract • 1⁄4 tsp ground cinnamon • 2 dates


1. Add the almond milk, dates and oats to your blender and allow it to sit for a few minutes to soften the oats.

2. Add the spinach and avocado and blend.

3. Add all the other ingredients and blend until smooth.

Did You Know?

Ingesting 3 to 6g of cinnamon (1 to 2 1⁄2 teaspoons) has been shown to help promote satiety, suppress body fat accumulation by reducing insulin spikes after a meal, and reduce sugar cravings by maintaining steady glucose levels. And only 1g of this sweet spice (less than 1⁄2 a teaspoon) can help lower blood pressure, bad LDL- cholesterol and triglycerides levels.




Peanut Butter Bliss

Other than the light green color of this delicious smoothie, you’d never know there was kale in it. All you can taste is the creamy bananas and peanut butter, making it the perfect light meal or filling snack. Any variety of greens will work here, and you can substitute almond butter for the peanut butter with tasty results as well. Serves 1


• 1 cup/8oz unsweetened almond milk • 1⁄4 cup rolled oats • 1 tbsp natural peanut butter • 1 tsp honey or stevia if needed • 1 handful (1cup/1oz/30g) kale leaves • 1 banana (chop and freeze before hand)


1.Add the almond milk and oats to your blender and allow it to sit for a few minutes to so en the oats.

2. Add all ingredients, except the banana, and blend until smooth.

3. Add the banana and blend until creamy.

Did You Know?

Kale, a leafy member of the Brassica family, contains kaempferol, a potent flavonoid that appears to reduce heart disease. That’s not all, rich in the antioxidants quercetin and myricetin, kale has been shown to slash the risks of pancreatic cancer.




Super Pumpkin

The various ingredients in this smoothie blend amazingly well to make a satisfying drink that will enhance your metabolism and keep fatigue at bay. The virgin coconut oil serves two purposes here: firstly, along with flax seeds, it boosts the absorption vitamin A found in the pumpkin and secondly because it has been shown to promote energy use instead of storage (as fat tissue). Serves 1


• 1 cup/8oz coconut water • 1⁄4 cup rolled oats • 2 tbsp ground flax seeds • 1⁄2 cup canned pumpkin puree • 1 handful (1cup/1oz/30g) Romaine lettuce • 1 tsp virgin coconut oil • 1 tsp vanilla extract • 1/2 tsp ground cinnamon • 1⁄4 tsp ground cayenne pepper • 1 date pitted


1. Add the coconut water, oats and ground flax seeds to your blender and allow it to sit for a few minutes to soften the oats.

2. Add the pumpkin puree, date and lettuce; blend for about 30 seconds.

3. Add the coconut oil, vanilla extract and spices and blend until smooth and creamy.

Did You Know?

Coconut oil contains medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs), a special type of fat that may facilitate weight loss. That’s because MCTs are metabolized di erently by the liver — they are easily digested and are burnt as energy instead of being stored as fat.




Mango Lime Chill

Mangoes have a sweet and exotic flavor that pairs well with lime and coconut. You’ll love this refreshing tropical drink, which makes a delicious breakfast. When buying fresh mangoes at the grocery store, keep in mind that they’ll probably need a couple of days to ripen up. You’ll know they’re ripe when they are slightly soft and very fragrant. Serves 1


• 1 cup/8oz coconut water • Juice of 1/2 lime • 1 tbsp shredded coconut • 1 handful (1cup/1oz/30g) kale leaves • 1⁄2 ripe mango, peeled and pit removed • 1⁄2 frozen banana, chopped • 1⁄4 avocado, peeled and chopped


1. Add the coconut water, lime juice, shredded coconut, avocado and kale in your blender; blend until smooth.

2. Add the mango and frozen banana and blend until creamy. Serve immediately.

Did You Know?

The mango is considered a superfood — rich in prebiotic fiber, various vitamins and minerals as well as antioxidants, the nutrients in this fruit are involved in diverse biological body processes. Mangos are also rich in lupeol, a natural compound that has been shown to act against inflammation, arthritis, DNA damage and infections.




Vanilla Chai

With plenty of spices, this sweet and spicy drink will remind you of those high calorie frozen drinks you get at the coffee shop, but without the fat and calories. Sweet and creamy, this is a perfect healthy treat. If you don’t have all the spices, substitute the coconut water for brewed and chilled chai tea and add a tablespoon of shredded coconut. Serves 1


• 1 cup/8oz coconut water • 2 dates, pitted • 2 tbsp rolled oats • 1 tsp pure vanilla extract • 1⁄4 tsp cinnamon • 1⁄4 tsp ground cardamom • 1 handful (1cup/1oz/30g) spinach • 1⁄4 avocado


1. Add the coconut water, dates and oats to your blender and allow it to sit for a few minutes to so en the oats.

2. Add all of the ingredients and blend until smooth.

Did You Know?

The sweet, exotic-tasting cardamom is much more than a delicious spice — it is credited with improving respiratory functions, cleansing the kidneys and the bladder, stimulating the digestive system and reducing gas. And that’s not all, it can help fight infections, relieve symptoms of heartburn by counteracting excess stomach acid and cure halitosis (bad breath).




Banana Oats

This is an easy, quick and delicious way to enjoy oats. This whole grain is rich in soluble and insoluble fibers which will not only keep you going until lunch but also promotes intestinal health. The banana and almond butter makes this smoothie super creamy and the dates will satisfy your sweet tooth. Make sure to get natural rolled oats and not instant ones which are full of high fructose corn syrup and trans fats. Serves 1


• 1 cup/8oz coconut water • 1 tbsp almond butter • 2 tbsp rolled oats • 2 dates pitted • 1 medium banana • 1 handful (1cup/1oz/30g) spinach


1. Add the coconut water, almond butter and oats to your blender and allow it to sit for a few minutes to soften the oats.

2. Add in the dates and the banana. Blend for 10 more seconds.

3. Add the spinach and blend for 30 more seconds. Serve immediately.

Did You Know?

Coconut water, the clear liquid that collects inside whole green coconuts, has been found to be as effective as a statin medication for lowering cholesterol — without the nasty side- effects.




Vitamin C Blast

Adding cayenne pepper to a drink might sound a bit scary but it actually gives an extra kick to your drink by uplifting the taste of the orange and strawberries. And it will give you a fresh burst of energy. However, a pinch of cayenne pepper goes a long way so be careful not to overdo it. Serves 1


• 1 cup/8oz coconut water • 1⁄4 cup rolled oats • 1 orange, peeled with pith removed • 1 handful (1cup/1oz/30g) romaine lettuce • 1⁄4 avocado • 1 cup/5oz frozen strawberries • 1⁄4 tsp cayenne pepper


1. Add the coconut water and oats to your blender and allow it to sit for a few minutes to soften the oats.

2. Add the orange to your blender. Blend until very smooth, with little pulp.

3. Add the lettuce and avocado; blend for 30 more seconds.

4. Add in the strawberries and cayenne pepper; keep blending until smooth.

Did You Know?

Cayenne pepper has been shown to decrease hunger, reduce sugar and fat cravings and curb preoccupations with food. Capsaicin, the principal active ingredient in these small hot peppers enhances fat metabolism —studies have linked consumption of this chilies to a reduced abdominal fat mass. Cayenne pepper also promotes digestion.




Green Energy

Feeling a little bit under the weather? This potassium loaded smoothie will revitalize you while helping your body flush out toxins. And the frozen melon and banana gives an amazing frothy texture that really brings out the flavor of the melon and dampens the slightly bitter taste of the kale. Add a few mint leaves for an even fresher taste. Serves 1


• 1 cup/8oz coconut milk • 1 tbsp rolled oats • 1 tbsp unsweetened coconut • 1 cup cantaloupe melon, diced, frozen • 1 banana (chopped and frozen) • 1 handful (1cup/1oz/30g) kale leaves • Juice of 1/2 lime


1.Add the coconut milk and oats to your blender and allow it to sit for a few minutes to soften the oats.

2. Add in the coconut flakes, melon and banana. Blend for 10 seconds.

3. Add in the kale, lime juice; blend until smooth. Serve immediately.

Did You Know?

Don’t let kale’s slightly bitter taste put you off: this leafy green is a nutrient powerhouse. It is packed with vitamins A and C as well as powerful carotenoids that help protect vision and lower the risk of cataracts and age-related macular degeneration. Kale also comes with lots of B-complex vitamins and the minerals calcium and iron.




Wonderful Berries

The frozen raspberries combined with the coconut milk, rolled oats and banana give a sorbet- like texture and flavor to this smoothie. And the lettuce taste is so mild that you’ll barely notice it. For a more nut-like flavor, use toasted wheat germ and ground it in your blender. If you’re using raw wheat germ, store it in your freezer to prevent it from becoming rancid. Serves 1


• 1 cup/8oz coconut milk • 2 tbsp ground wheat germ • 1⁄4 cup rolled oats • 1 handful (1cup/1oz/30g) romaine lettuce • 1 medium banana • 1 cup frozen raspberries • 1 tsp honey if needed


1. Add the coconut milk, ground wheat germ and oats to your blender and allow it to sit for a few minutes to soften the oats. Blend for 30 seconds.

2. Add the lettuce and blend for 30 more seconds.

3. Add in the raspberries and keep blending until smooth.

Did You Know?

When buying coconut milk, make sure to get the unsweetened version. Tempted by the vanilla one? Well, it contains twice as many calories as the unsweetened one. And don’t count coconut milk as a serving of protein — 1 cup contains only 1g of protein.


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