Bod-Y Synthetic White Halothane Pietrain The Body-Y is a White Pietrain synthetic terminal sire that maximizes dressing percentage in your slaughter animals.
•High meat percentage •Exceptional conformation •Improved feed conversion •Halothane free line
The Bod-Y has the production traits you need
Growth & grading performance Hot carcass weight Fat depth Loin depth Lean yield Loin spread Days to market Daily gain* EFC*
90 - 93 15.5 - 16.0 64.0 - 65.0 62.0 - 63.0 47.5 - 49.0 155 - 162 820 - 870 2.45 - 2.55
*25-115 kg
HYPOR CANADA 402 McDonald Street Regina Saskatchewan Canada P (306) 721 2034 F (306) 721 2528