ThePoultrySite Digital - January 2011 - Issue 0

Page 1

A European Perspective on Egg Quality

Regional News, Company News, Events in Your Area

Current situation and future trends in chicken meat production across the continent

Latest research on egg quality and safety

Plus much, much more..!



Chicken Meat Industry of the Americas

POULTRY Digital Expert Knowledge at your Fingertips January 2011 - Issue 0

Global Poultry Trends 2010 Chicken Meat Industry of the Americas Covering a region that includes the US and Brazil, countries in the Americas account for almost half of the world's chicken meat. Industry consultant, Terry Evans, discusses the current situation and future trends for production, trade and consumption in the region in a series of articles exclusively for Having two out of the three biggest chicken growing countries, it is not surprising to find that the Americas is the largest chicken meat producing region in the world with an estimated annual output last year of some 39 million tonnes, or almost 48 per cent of the global total, which we assess will approach 82 million tonnes. The US and Brazil account for more than 71 per cent of the region's total, producing an estimated 16.5 million tonnes and 11.4 million tonnes, respectively. Although the US is easily the world's number one producer, it is noteworthy that, while output there has expanded by just 19 per cent since 2000, in Brazil the growth has been much more dramatic at a massive 90 per cent, as production has escalated from just 6 million tonnes to around 11.5 million tonnes. According to the 2010 World

Agriculture Outlook report from America's Food and Agricultural Policy Research Institute (FAPRI), the slowdown in the world economy in 2009 proved to be deeper and more widespread than originally anticipated with an annual rate of real GDP growth of -1.9 per cent. On a more cheerful note, FAPRI has projected a significant improvement for 2010, with GDP growth reaching 3.3 per cent in 2011. While the recovery from the economic recession continues, incomes and population growth will raise per-capita meat consumption, which should stimulate world trade. Between now and 2019, the US chicken industry will likely expand by no more than two per cent Continued on page 6 1

Expert Knowledge at your Fingertips

January 2011 - Issue 0

Features 4


Editorial Team Jackie Linden -

Senior Editor


Global Poultry Trends 2010 Chicken Meat Industry of the Americas Industry consultant, Terry Evans, discusses the current

Chris Wright-

situation and future trends for production, trade and

Senior Editor

consumption in the region.


A European Perspective on Egg Quality

Sarah Mikesell -

The variation in the estimation of egg nutritional content

Senior Editor

throughout Europe was the focus of a session on Egg Quality at the European Poultry Conference in France in August 2010.


Regional News The latest regional news from the Americas, Europe, Asia, Africa and Oceania.


Charlotte Johnston -


Events Keep up to date with what is happening in the global poultry industry.

Chris Harris -

Editor in Chief

Sales Team Alex Guy -

Sales Manager

Vicki Robson -

Global Account Manager

Sue Snyder -

Americas Sales Manager


Vector Vaccines Symposium

The 1st Ceva Vector Vaccines Symposium was attended by 280 people from 41 countries and created a unique platform to share experiences between key note speakers and guests on this new technology in control of poultry diseases.

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Editorial Welcome to the First Issue of ThePoultrySite Digital Markets are becoming ever more demanding in their needs for timely information in the right format – and that applies just as much to trade publications as it does to your business! So at the first premier poultry event of 2011, we at 5M Publishing are launching a new digital news and feature service: ThePoultrySite Digital. It will offer a selection of the top news and articles, giving you in-depth analysis of market trends in the poultry industry as well as technical and scientific developments that you have found on ThePoultrySite up to now. But in addition, the digital format offers a wealth of opportunities to present the information in a more attractive format that is also compatible with the latest digital technology to suit your needs. Launching ThePoultrySite Digital at the International Poultry Expo (IPE) in Atlanta this week, we have selected as our main focus an analysis of the current state and future trends for the chicken meat industry across the American continent, all the way from the Bering Strait to Cape Horn.This extended article was written exclusively for ThePoultrySite by long-time industry watcher, Terry Evans. This region includes two of the three biggest chicken-growing countries – Brazil and the US – and it had an estimated annual chicken meat output last year of some 39 million tonnes, or almost 48 per cent of the global total.

trade show itself, is sure to offer plenty of interest to visitors to ThePoultrySite so 5M Publishing will be represented in Atlanta by two senior editors – Chris Wright for the Spanish language site, ElSitioAvícola and Jackie Linden for ThePoultrySite. Keep a look out for our IPE updates posted on ElSitioAvícola and ThePoultrySite daily. This last week the news was again dominated by concerns over new outbreaks of avian influenza. Bird flu has reappeared in several Asian countries. In Japan, the disease was discovered in wild birds in two locations and then 410,000 birds had to be culled at a farm in Miyazaki in Southern Japan. Later a second farm in the prefecture was found to have contracted the disease, prompting a dispatch of Ground Self-Defense Force troops Monday to help prevent a further spread of the disease. The outbreak prompted Hong Kong to almost immediately ban the import of poultry and poultry products from Japan. However, Hong Kong itself has also discovered the disease in two wild birds. South Korea is reporting more cases of highly pathogenic avian influenza alongside its problems with foot and mouth disease and Myanmar has recorded its first case of HPAI in layer pullets on a farm in the south west of the country.

Also in this week's ThePoultrySite Digital, we cover the latest scientific advances in egg quality and safety, as presented at the 2010 European An important event such as the IPE, with associated conferences and satellite events as well as the 4

Jackie Linden Senior Editor

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Global Poultry Trends 2010 Chicken Meat Industry of the Americas From page 1

*Forecast 6

Source: FAO/USDA

per year, which compares with an average growth rate of 4.5 per cent from 1990 to 2005, pushing annual output to around 19.2 million tonnes. However, according to FAPRI much slower growth is predicted for Brazil with production rising to only a little over 12 million tonnes. Last this year, to help strengthen Brazil's poultry meat sector, the Brazilian Poultry Union (UBA) and the Brazilian Poultry Producers and Exporters Association (ABEF) merged to form the Brazilian Poultry Union (UBABEF). In addition, it is generally believed that fiscal incentives and subsidies will continue to encourage further large new investments in broiler production in Brazil, which would appear to indicate that production growth will surely outstrip the FAPRI forecast. Colombia has more than doubled output during the current decade to over a million tonnes and looks to have overtaken Canada in the production rankings (see Table 2). Indeed, the projected output data for Canada to 2019 shows little change from the current level of around 1.2 million tonnes. Argentina's industry has registered a gain of almost 700,000 tonnes to an estimated 1.7 million tonnes this year. Other countries, with annual outputs of more than 100,000 tonnes, that have recorded an annual growth rate of more than five per cent since 2000 are Chile, the Dominican Republic, Ecuador and Honduras. Continued on page 8 *Forecast 7

Global Poultry Trends 2010 Chicken Meat Industry of the Americas Americas Supply the Lion's Share of Chicken Meat Exports In 2010, Brazil and the US are expected to ship some 3.4 million tonnes and 2.6 million tonnes, respectively. These two combined account for three-quarters of total chicken meat exports estimated at a little over eight million tonnes a year (excluding chicken paws). During the last decade, Brazil has taken over from the US as the number one exporter. However, according to FAPRI, in the next 10 years, Brazil's exports will likely stabilise at around the 3.6 million tonnes level, while shipments from the US are expected to recover back to about the 3.5 million tonnes mark. As a result the US is expected to expand its market share from 39.4 per cent over the period 2009-2013 to 41.7 per cent from 2014 to 2018. In contrast, Brazil's market share is expected to decrease over these two time periods from 49.2 per cent to 44.8 per cent. However, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) projects Brazil's exports of both chicken and turkey meat combined to continue gaining ground to reach 4.6 million tonnes by 2019, while showing US shipments fairly stable at

just 3.3 million tonnes out of a global total of some 9.6 million tonnes. If these projections are realised, Brazil will have captured 48 per cent of the poultry meat export market in 2019 against 43 per cent this year, while the US's share will have slipped from 38 per cent to 34 per cent. In 2009, the Middle East was again the major customer for Brazilian chicken, taking 1.4 million tonnes showing an increase of almost 23 per cent over the previous year. Nevertheless, total exports that year failed to match the 2008 level.Shipments to Asia, the second leading destination, the EU (third) and the Americas (fifth) declined, though sales to Africa – Brazil's fourth most important customer in volume terms – jumped by 22 per cent to 422,000 tonnes. The oil price recovery has benefited Angola, while South Africa has reduced its import tariffs.The quantities purchased by Egypt rose by more than 100 per cent, almost certainly as a result of the government's policies to cull chickens because of outbreaks of avian influenza and to open up the market to imports. An improvement in real incomes generally in the African continent is another key factor to further boost chicken meat imports. Brazil's exporters are endeavouring to consolidate their markets in the Middle East where economies were less severely hit by the global recession and where local production is unable to meet rising consumption. Halal slaughtering is becoming increasingly common in Brazilian slaughterhouses.There are indications that Brazilian exporters are keen to open or expand markets this year targeting in particular Indonesia, Malaysia, Nigeria, Sudan, Mexico, Senegal and even the US. Changes in the value of the Brazilian real against the American dollar can have a significant impact

Figure 1. Chicken meat production in the US and the Americas compared to world output 90 80

Million tonnes

70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 USA



Country/region 2000 2005

2001 2006

2002 2007

2003 2008

2004 2010F

Figure 2. Chicken meat production in selected Latin American countries 12

Million tonnes

10 8 6 4 2 0 Argentina





Country 2000




Global Poultry Trends 2010 Chicken Meat Industry of the Americas on trade.The appreciation of the real in 2009 was detrimental to exports as it made Brazilian chicken less competitive. Brazil, in conjunction with Paraguay, Uruguay and Argentina, comprise the trade organisation Mercosur, which is keen to re-open discussions with the European Union in a bilateral agreement that would expand EU imports from Mercosur countries. It is understood that 15 of the 27 EU Member States are opposed to the negotiations. Brazil's exports to the EU fell by 15 per cent in the first four months of 2010. Recently, Turkey announced that it would soon buy poultry direct from Brazil in an attempt to curtail rising chicken prices in its domestic market. Currently, Brazilian chicken enters this market via neighbouring countries like Iraq. The Brazilian poultry exporters' association calculates that the country's exports in 2009 at 3.63 million tonnes were down by 0.3 per cent on 2008.

A major problem facing US traders is that, over the past decade or so, 30 per cent of all chicken meat exports have been destined for Russia. However, not only did Russia decreased its import quota for 2010 but also, over over several months of that year, it banned imports of poultry meat treated with chlorine, which affected the bulk of US supplies. At the time of writing, it looked as though US exports to Russia would resume soon as the two countries have agreed on a number of chemicals that can be used to disinfect the meat. Under the new rules, importers will be obliged to indicate which substances have been used in a separate document to the veterinary certificate. Also, there are reports that the US may lose up to one-quarter of its Russian poultry quota, cutting it from 600,000 tonnes to 450,000 tonnes. During the first quarter of 2010, US exports of chicken meat fell by 20 per cent when compared with 2009. It is estimated that Russia will import around 850,000 tonnes of poultry meat in 2010 – seven per cent less than in 2009.



Source: FAO/USDA

Russia is expected to produce 3.1 million tonnes of poultry by 2012 from 2.5 million tonnes in 2009, and the domestic view is that poultry imports should fall to zero no later than 2015. The US exports about 20 per cent of its chicken production. The bulk comprises leg portions to Russia and paws to China. Russia normally imports about 700,000 tonnes of leg quarters, while China takes nearly 500,000 tonnes of paws plus some 250,000 tonnes of leg quarters. Thus, these two countries account for around 40 per cent of US chicken meat exports. Clearly, any reduction in trade with them would have a dramatic impact on the US domestic market, particularly on the prices for leg quarters and paws. A decline in the value of these items would require US processors to obtain higher prices for the breast meat.

comes, as a result of the global economic crisis, hit chicken meat sales despite this being the cheapest protein option. Future growth will depend on the rate of economic recovery and the price of imported grains, as Mexico is a grain-deficient country. However, it is considered that any cost reduction arising from cheaper US grain will to some extent be offset by higher energy, packing materials and transportation costs. For 2010, the estimate of broiler meat imports has been increased to more than 500,000 tonnes. While the US continues to be the leading supplier to this market, it has lost some ground to Chile, especially with regard to mechanically separated chicken, which accounts for around 28 per cent of total imports.

Some of the largest broiler integrators, particularly in the US, are looking to expand their businesses by developing projects around the world. One of the latest of these ventures is a proposal by Cargill Inc. to build a broiler operation in Russia.The $30 million facility will produce a range of chicken products for the Russian market. Construction is due to start in the third quarter last year and become fully operational by the end of 2011, the meat being sourced from Russian producers. Although tiny by comparison with Brazil and the US, Argentina is shipping more chicken meat every year. The total is expected to top 200,000 tonnes this year. The Americas is not a significant chicken-importing region with the exception of one country – Mexico. Last year's production in Mexico estimated at 2.79 million tonnes shows little change


Global Poultry Trends 2010 Chicken Meat Industry of the Americas Figure 3. Major chicken meat exporters in the Americas 4000



000 tonnes






0 Argentina





Country 2000










Figure 4. Major chicken meat importers in the Americas 600


000 tonnes





0 Canada





Country 2000











- No Figure

Source: FAO


Global Poultry Trends 2010 Chicken Meat Industry of the Americas

- Source: FAO


Chicken Meat Consumption in the Americas Well Above World Average Few countries attempt to measure chicken meat consumption per person, the published figures generally being estimates of the supply available for consumption divided by the estimate of the human population. Clearly, with such a degree of estimation, the calculated figures can be little more than a guide to the likely amounts eaten per person, though they can still be a good indication of the trend when viewed over a period of time. Data can often vary significantly depending on the source. For example the USDA's estimates broiler consumption in Mexico at between 28 and 30kg per person but, according to the Mexican National Poultry Union (UNA) consumption averages around 26kg per person. But, it is the trend that is the important guide to future developments.

Changes in real incomes affect the quantities of livestock products purchased. Particularly in the developing countries, the richer people become, the more meat they eat. But the converse is also true hence, during the economic recession, the uptake of poultry per person declined in many countries. The other key factor here is the level of supply, as in a situation of declining profit, producers tend to cut back output which, in turn, will usually be reflected in a lower level of uptake, though on occasions the reduction in output can be offset by increased imports. From the limited data on chicken consumption for 2009 (table 6), it is not surprising to find that the per person uptake declined in that year. However, it is currently considered to be recovering.

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A further distortion of the data arises in those countries where the indigenous population numbers are swollen significantly through tourists, and as a result, the apparent quantities of poultry eaten by the local people are inflated. For a relatively small number of countries, estimates are available for the current year of the quantities of broiler meat consumed. But, when looking for data for every country in the world, the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) releases the only official figures. These are based on the estimated utilisation of poultry meat per person, which comprises all forms of meat chicken, culled layers, turkeys and other fowl. Sadly, the most recent figures are for 2007 (see table 6) although, in Figure 5, we have made forecasts for 2010 for the world average and the two major regions of the Americas.



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Global Poultry Trends 2010 Chicken Meat Industry of the Americas

# less than 50,000, - no figure


* Forecast


The human population of the Americas is currently assessed at 940.3 million with a 2050 projection of 1177.7 million – an increase of 237.4 million or 25 per cent. At present, 393.2 million live in South America and 351.7 million in Northern America (which comprises Bermuda, Canada, Saint Pierre/Miquelon and the USA), these two accounting for almost 80 per cent of the total for the Americas. By 2050, the population of South America will have risen to almost 483 million while for Northern America the corresponding figure will be almost 450 million. As figure 5 indicates, average poultry meat consumption per person in North America is about four times larger than the world average, whereas uptake in South America is around two and a half times bigger.

which when aligned with the likely population increase, points to a large rise in total chicken consumption. However, there is some concern in the USA, which accounts for 71 per cent of the human population of North America that, after decades of growth, per-person meat consumption began to level off after 2004 and to decline after 2007. And, although a rise in the quantity of chicken eaten per person is forecast for 2010 at 43.3kg, this still lags behind what was achieved in the years 2005 to 2007 when the average exceeded 45kg. Aware of the likely slowing in the growth of demand in the US, it is not surprising to see several of the largest broiler companies establishing poultry operations in other countries in the Americas and around the world.

There is clearly the prospect of further increases in the average uptake of poultry in South America,

Terry Evans Poultry Industry Consultant

Figure 5. Poultry meat supply in northern and South America compared to the world average 60







0 World

Northern America

South America

Region 2000










Feature Article

A European Perspective on Egg Quality The variation in the estimation of egg nutritional content throughout Europe was the focus of a session on Egg Quality at the European Poultry Conference in France in August 2010, writes Jackie Linden, editor of ThePoultrySite. For her paper entitled 'Variability in estimation of egg nutritional value throughout Europe: how to control it?', Professor Ingrid Seuss-Baum of the University of Applied Sciences in Fulda, Germany, had compared many sources of data on the composition of eggs (Table 1). She found that the nutritional composition of eggs had been described using a number of different methods but that there was consensus that eggs are a good source of high-quality protein and certain amounts of vitamins and minerals. Furthermore, most of the nutrients are highly bioavailable. The exact composition of the egg did depend on the hen's diet, she found, particularly for the lipid fraction, and this accounted for much of the variation Dr Seuss-Baum found in her survey of European food databases. The differences in dietary allowances used as reference values in different European countries led to further confusion, she said. Dr Seuss-Baum added that a moderate enrichment of eggs – with polyunsaturated fatty acids


(PUFAs) or vitamins – in accordance with harmonised recommended dietary allowances and the regulations for nutrition and health claims could lead a reasonable concept of 'functional eggs'. However, she warned that the enrichment of foods should not risk the over-supply of nutrients.

Heat Stress and Salmonella Contamination of Eggs Researchers from Belgium reported the results of their investigation into the effects of heat stress on the egg shell membrane and the contamination of the egg shell content with Salmonella. From their paper, presented jointly, Kristof Mertens of Leuven University and Koen De Reu from ILVO concluded that although eight days of heat stress (above 32°C) resulted in poorer egg shell quality, membrane integrity was unaffected. They were unable to explain from this work why eggs produced under heat stress were subject to less penetration by Salmonella enterica and lower rates of contamination of the egg content by the bacteria than the control eggs.

Coating Eggs to Reduce Salmonella Penetration Also from ILVO in Belgium, Saskia Leleu reported her work on the effects of coating eggs with a polysaccharide (chitosan) on internal egg quality and penetration of the shell by Salmonella. Coating the eggs with chitosan increased the Haugh units and improved the yolk index score although it had no effect on egg shell contamination with Salmonella enterica (SE). However, at the highest rate applied (two per cent), eggshell pen-

Table 1. Comparison of macro-nutrient and cholesterol content from nutrient tables of different countries (Seuss-Baum, 2010) Belgium









Energy content, kcal










Water, g










Protein, g










Carbohydrates, g










Fat, g










Saturated fatty acids, g










Monounsaturated fatty acids, g










Polyunsaturated fatty acids, g










Cholesterol. mg











penetration by SE was lower than the untreated control group, said Dr Leleu.

culls, early chick mortality or counts of other potentially pathogenic bacteria.

Gas Plasma to Decontaminate Table and Hatching Eggs

Dr Pasquali concluded that this new technique is a promising alternative to existing methods that employ toxic chemicals potentially damaging to human health.

In the introduction to her paper, Frederique Pasquali from the University of Bologna, Italy, explained that gas plasma is an ionised gas that can be used as a sterilising agent under atmospheric conditions without damaging the material through heat or chemical agents. It is widely employed for the sterilisation of surgical instruments. For table eggs, the gas plasma treatment reduced the Salmonella enteritidis (SE) load by around two logs in colony-forming units per gramme throughout the 28-day trial period. The only significant change in egg quality observed was a change in eggshell colour that was not detected by eye. For hatching eggs, hatchability was higher for the gas plasma treatment than the control treatment (fumigation), and there were no adverse effects on

Egg Quality in Australian Eggs Following up on a previous survey in 2003, Professor Julie Roberts reported the results of tests on a range of egg quality parameters in Australia conducted between 2007 and 2009. The main thrust of the latest work was on-farm Haugh unit measurements because the previous work had highlighted this as a problem area. Watery whites were rarely encountered in this study and although the reason was not clear, Professor Roberts described this as a good sign. Overall, few differences were found in the quality of the shell or internal contents resulting from the state, strain of bird or egg production system


Feature Article A European Perspective on Egg Quality although albumen height was somewhat affected by bird strain. Albumen height and Haugh unit scores were lower when measured later in the lab than directly at the farm but this was not entirely unexpected as the values are known to decrease over time. Compared to the previous study in 2003, egg weight was lower, egg shell colour darker, shell deformation lower and shell thickness was higher in the 2009 survey.

phy (CT) is a useful scanning method for predicting the ratio between egg yolk and egg white and certainly an improvement on previous techniques.The lowest radiation load (80kV - 40mAs) gave the best correlation. Dr Milisits added in answer to a question that the radiation did not affect the composition of the eggs, hatchability or the health of the hatched chicks.

CT Scanning to Predict Yolk Content From his work at Kaposvar University in Hungary, Gabor Milisits reported that computer tomogra-

Jackie Linden Senior Editor

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Regional News Americas Poultry Production in Bahamas Gets a Boost BAHAMAS - Bahamas Agricultural and Industrial Corporation (BAIC) aims to increase the local production of poultry products. More...

Co-op Atlantic Builds New Feed Mill

Poultry Company Holds Public Meeting over New Plant NEW BRUNSWICK, CANADA - Sunnymel will hold public information sessions as part of the environmental approval process for the construction of its chicken slaughtering plant in the village of Clair. More...

NEW BRUNSWICK, CANADA - Co-op Atlantic has announced its plan to build a new feed mill in Moncton to replace a facility that started production 65 years ago. More...

Processor Seeks New Location in NC NORTH CAROLINA, US - Despite local opposition, Sanderson Farms still plans to construct a processing plant in Nash County.

Tyson Joins Immigration IMAGE Programme US - Tyson Foods is the first major food company to become a full member of the IMAGE programme with US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). More...


Solar Installation at Perdue US — More than 11,000 solar panels will be installed at two Perdue facilities this summer, resulting in one of the largest commercially owned solar power systems in the eastern United States. More...

Pilgrim's Pride Launches New Web Site US - Pilgrim's Pride Corporation has introduced a redesigned, consumer-friendly web site featuring an expanded recipe section from some of America's best chefs, valuable coupons and updated information about the second-largest chicken company in the US. More...

IPSF 2011 - Regulatory Climate with Regard to Food Safety US - On the first day of the International Poultry Science Forum (IPSF) in Atlanta, Georgia, yesterday (24 January), Dr John Maurer described the current regulatory climate in the US with regard to food safety in poultry. More...

AMI Calls for Swift Passage of KORUS FTA US - AMI, along with a diverse agriculture coalition of more than 60 industry associations and companies, is calling on Congress to approve the Korea-US Free Trade Agreement (KORUS FTA) without delay. More...

Imported Chicken Threatens Local Jobs TRINIDAD & TOBAGO - An over-supply of chicken as the result of imports is causing local producers and retailers to cut prices and thus, local jobs are under threat. More..


Regional News Europe It's Official: EU Battery Cage Ban Starts January 2012

Revised IPPC Directive Now in Force

EU - The implementation of the forthcoming ban on conventional cages for laying hens was confirmed yesterday at a stakeholders' meeting: 1 January 2012. More...

UK - After nearly three years of discussion and debate, the revised IPPC Directive (now known as the Industrial Emissions Directive) entered into force on 6 January 2011. The UK has two years to transpose it into national legislation.

MEPs Call for Strong EU Farm Policy


EU - To secure supplies of affordable food, the EU must have a strong farm policy that discourages food commodity speculation and helps more young farmers to start up, said Parliament yesterday, 18 January. More...

Rising Grain --Prices Dominate British Agriculture

Ministers Get Tough on Food Safety GERMANY - The federal states have agreed on tough measures, including possible prison terms for offenders, in an effort to prevent a repeat of the dioxin scandal that has severely damaged the agriculture industry. More...

UK - Rising grain prices are expected to weigh heavily on British agricultural production. More...

Slovakia Suspends Sales of German Poultry SLOVAKIA - Sales of German eggs and poultry have been suspended as the result of the latest dioxin scandal in Germany.

COPA-COGECA Warns of EU Meat Market Share Loss EU - The European farming federation, Copa-Cogeca, has warned that a new EU Commission report on medium-term prospects for agricultural markets shows a sharp decline in EU market shares in the meat sector, partly as a result of costly EU regulations. More...


Russia Restricts German Poultry Imports Cause of Armenia's Egg Shortage Discussed ARMENIA - The country's recent egg shortage was the result of panic buying, according to the head of a poultry farm, and may be repeated at Easter.

RUSSIA - Russia's Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance, Rosselkhoznadzor, has imposed interim restrictions on imports of poultry from Germany due to dioxin contamination of feed.




Regional News Asia Two H5N1 Outbreaks Reported in Hong Kong

Inspections Increased over Growth Promoters

HONG KONG - The country's veterinary authorities have reported an outbreak of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) in wild birds.

TAIWAN - The Taiwanese Council of Agriculture is to increase inspections of poultry farms, holding facilities and slaughterhouses, after residues of a banned drug that promotes leanness were found in a sample of goose meat.


Government Pledges to Keep Meat Subsidies BAHRAIN - The government has confirmed it will maintain subsidies on basic foods like red meat and poultry. More...

South Korea Reports 23 New Bird Flu Outbreaks


First Case of HPAI Bird Flu in Myanmar MYANMAR - A new outbreak of H5 highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) has been reported in layer pullets on a farm in a western coastal district. More...

SOUTH KOREA - There were 23 new outbreaks of H5N1 highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI), across the western side of the country, particularly in the far south-west. More...

Poultry Breeders Advised to Vaccinate MALAYSIA - The Terengganu veterinary department has advised chicken breeders to vaccinate their poultry in view of the blight epidemic in the state.

Syria's Poultry Sector Grows


SYRIA - The chicken industry in Syria is growing, with eight per cent more birds on farms in 2009 than the year before. More...

New Technology Needed to Raise Poultry Farm Efficiency

Wild Birds Died of Bird Flu in Japan JAPAN - Wild birds are reported to have died of H5N1 highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) at two location across the country. More...

NDRC: China Meets 2010's Price Control Target PAKISTAN - Attendees at a recent seminar in Lahore heard that greater farm efficiency is a 'must' to uplift of poultry industry. More...

CHINA - China's top economic planner said Monday that price supervision and control measures have achieved steady progress with 2010's Consumer Price Index, slightly exceeding the target ceiling by 0.3 percentage points to hit 3.3 per cent. More...


Regional News Africa and Oceania Victoria Farmer Loses 300,000 Chickens in Flood

Egypt Plans to Battle Bird Flu EGYPT - A three-year plan to fight bird flu is to be discussed by the High Committee for Combating Bird Flu at a meeting on 6 February. More...

Poultry Disease Hits Farms in Rwamagana RWANDA - Poultry farmers from Rwamagana district are experiencing losses after an outbreak of Coccidiosis, a lethal chicken disease, attacked their birds. More...

Maize Exports Cause Feed Shortages

VICTORIA, AUSTRALIA - The flooding in Queensland that attracted so much world media attention in the last weeks is now hitting the state of Victoria. More...

Concern over Grains in Tunisia Amidst Riots TUNISIA - Increasing prices for wheat flour, sugar and vegetable oil are having a significant effect on local Tunisian staples, like couscous, bread and pasta. More...

UGANDA - Increasing exports of maize from Uganda is starting to cause shortages on the local market and this could force poultry farmers out of business. More...

Govt Offers Assistance to Farmers in Floods AUSTRALIA - The Australian government has issued a package of measures to assist farmers who have lost crops and stock during the recent floods. More..


Poultry Industry Events Keep up to date with what is happening in the global poultry industry.

Poultry Processing en espa帽ol

'Feeding the World'

University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia, USA

The Royal Society, Kohn Centre, London SW1, UK

Sunday 30th January - Thursday 3rd February

Wednesday 15th February

Este taller es coordinado en forma conjunta por profesores la Universidad de Georgia, y el Instituto Interamericano de Cooperaci贸n para la Agricultura (ICCA).

Conference on the role of livestock medicines and animal science in meeting the demands of a growing world population, organised by the National Office of Animal Health (NOAH)

Contactar: This workshop is coordinated jointly by the University of Georgia, and the Interamerican Institute for Agricultural Cooperation (ICCA). Contact:

1st African International Poultry Summit (AIPS) University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Ogun State, Nigeria Sunday 20th to Thursday 24th February

The Nigerian Branch of the WPSA will hold an African International Poultry Summit with the theme of 'Climate Change: Implications for poultry Production in Africa'. The event will feature discussions, seminars, youth event, tours and a professional exhibition. For further details, contact Professor O. M. Onagbesan (LOC Chairman)


Vaccine World Summit India New Dehli, India Tuesday 1st to Thursday 3rd March

Vaccine World Summit India is the largest and only vaccine conference in India to bring together Indian and international vaccine industry’s leading players, innovative biotechs, technocrats to showcase latest innovations from discovery to development, from manufacturing to delivery and formulation, and exchange ideas for new strategies and next generation technologies that help facilitate access to new vaccines both in the developing and the developed world, in order to combat global pandemic threats.

Australian Poultry Science Symposium 2011 University of Sydney, Australia Monday 14th - Wednesday 16th February

The theme of the event is 'Tangible Solutions from Innovative Poultry Science.


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