User Guide 3G Video Surveillance

Page 1

Select a suitable 3G SIM Card for the Camera Unit

Before purchasing or installing a SIM card into the camera unit, it is important to select the best 3G network provider in the area where the camera will be installed. This can be done simply using your own 3G mobile handset.*

The above steps are very similar on most phones; however, please refer to their user manual for details. Example: Searching for available 3G network using Nokia N95 handset: 1. Select: “ Menu -> Settings -> Phone -> Network”

Instruction: 1. Navigate to the phone “Network” settings. 2. Change the “Operator selection” setting from “Automatic” to “Manual”. This forces the handset to search for all available network coverage, and may take a few minutes. 3. The list of all available network operators will be displayed on the phone’s screen. 4. Note down the name of one or more network operator that provide 3G coverage from the list (they are usually displayed with a 3G sign next to their name). 5. Cancel the setting process on the handset to maintain the phone’s original network settings. Note: Only purchase 3G SIM cards from the 3G networks listed, whilst choosing one with a suitable price plan. BiBCOM also offers the best price plan available, being specifically tailored to the customer requirements for using the 3G surveillance system. Currently this offer is only available for 3G SIM Cards using BT network.

2. Set: “Operator Selection” to “Manual”

3. Wait until the list of all available networks are displayed.

Note: Remember to disable video and voice mail facilities on the SIM card before installing it into the camera unit.

*Phone must be compatible with country of use as the 3G frequency may vary.

Ref: DOC-1008463

3G CAMERA UNIT - BASIC USER GUIDE Starting the 3G Camera Unit

Carefully remove the rear cover of the Camera Unit

Lift the sticky tape and rubber shroud, and remove the battery to reveal the SIM card holder

Insert a suitable SIM card to the 3G camera unit

Replace the battery and rubber shroud

Start the 3G camera unit by connecting the mains power supply and wait for a minimum of 3 minutes for the camera to activate.

Receiving live video and audio •

Make a video call from your 3G mobile phone to the camera unit to receive back live video and audio from the camera location. The camera will automatically answer your call.

Receiving live audio only •

Make a voice call to the camera unit.

SMS Command for receiving still pictures •

Send an SMS as follows: 00000 snap

For a guide to full functionality please consult Tables A and B inside the User Manual.

Table of Contents Section One: Setting up the SIM card ………………………………………………………………………2 Section Two: Removing and adding a SIM card to the Camera Unit .…..……….…………..4 Section Three: Remote setting of the Camera Unit using SMS …………………………………5 Section Four: Remote setting examples……………………………………………………………………9 Section Five: Recording an event using your phone………………………………..……………...13 Section Six: Important notes & FAQs …………………………………………………….……………....14


Section One Setting up the SIM card PLEASE DO NOT INSERT THE BATTERY INTO THE CAMERA UNIT UNTIL YOU FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTION ON THIS PAGE. It is very important to follow these instructions to install a 3G SIM Card to work with the Camera Unit in order not to damage it. Any Damage incurred through incorrect use will not be covered by the warranty. You can install either a contractual SIM card or Pay-As-You-Go (i.e. PAYG) SIM card into the camera unit. Ensure following settings are applied on the SIM card by contacting the network operator for the SIM card. 1. Ensure the SIM card is 3G, then insert it into your 3G phone (i.e. Phone A). 2. Turn ON the phone, and check on the screen to see if there is a 3G sign on the signal strength side. If 3G is not shown, then you do not have 3G coverage in that area, or you may need to force your phone to only use a 3G network (please refer to your phones handbook to see how you can force your phone to use the UMTS or 3G network). 3. If the SIM card is not registered under your name, please contact the network operator in order to register the SIM card under your name. 4. Ensure the SIM card is topped up with some credit. You may use a SIM card that is on a monthly contractual payment. Some credit is required when the SIM card is sending SMS reports or making a call back to you upon request

Setting up the SIM card (Refer to “Important Notes� on page 11 of user guide). 5. Now use Phone A in the area that the Camera Unit is going to be installed, and check the 3G Signal strength on the Phone. This is to ensure your SIM card is able to make or receive video calls when it is installed into the Camera Unit. 6. Make a VIDEO call (not voice call) from phone A to another 3G mobile phone, to ensure Video call capability is activated on this SIM card. 7. Answer the call on the other phone, to ensure the video call is possible. Then disconnect the call by pressing the red button after a few seconds. However keep an eye on the phone screen, to see if there is any notification pops up on the screen. 8. Some SIM cards are set up to show the remaining credit on the SIM card after any call made by the SIM card. This is set up by the network operator, which is not required on the Camera unit. Therefore you need to contact the network operator to disable this popup notification. 9. Contact the service provider for the SIM card using Phone A and request to disable VIDEO MESSAGING & VOICE MESSAGING facilities on the SIM Card. DO NOT DISABLE VIDEO CALLING FACILITIES. This is required to prevent leaving Video or Voice messages on the SIM card when the camera unit is turned off. This might take from 5 minutes up to 24 hours to be applied on the SIM card by different network providers. This is also to prevent others to contact this SIM card and leave unnecessary messages.


Section Two

Setting up the SIM card

10. Wait as long as necessary and use another phone (i.e. Phone B) to make a video call to phone A. Do not answer the call and let it ring ensuring that the call does not divert to the video answering service. If it diverts to the video answering service, then your video messaging facility is still active, and you cannot use the SIM card for the Camera Unit yet. 11. Repeat the above and make a Voice call to the Camera Unit, and ensure the call is not diverted to the Voice mail answering service. 12. If using a contract SIM in the camera unit, ensure that you can make video calls on it at the location, where the camera unit will be installed. Some network providers will require your authorisation to set this up, especially if you are going to contact it from abroad.


Section Two

Removing and adding a SIM card to the Camera Unit

Removing and adding a SIM card to the Camera Unit The camera unit may already be fitted with a UK network SIM, if so, please remove this SIM following the procedure below. 1. If the camera unit is fitted in an enclosure, please refer to the separate “Installation Instruction” on how to open the enclosure then follow the instructions below to change the SIM card.

Note: As default, when using the camera unit for the first time, prior to changing its settings, it is set to “public access”, allowing anyone to make a video call to the Camera Unit. Therefore you must ensure to modify this setting if you wish restricted number of people to access the camera unit.

2. Ensure power is NOT connected to the camera unit. 3. Insert the tested SIM. 4. Insert the battery. 5. Repack the rubber shroud on the camera unit. 6. Turn on the Power to the Camera Unit. If using 12V DC power supply, then wire the power leads to the provided socket, and ensure you connect the positive wire to + (or red side) and negative wire to – (or black side) as marked. 7. It will take up to 5 minutes for the camera unit to power up. 8. Test the camera unit by making a video call to it from another 3G phone. 9. Alter the settings on the camera unit by using SMS commands explained in the user’s guide, using the default password. 10. After completing the setting, ensure it is all setup correctly by requesting a report from the camera unit (using SMS command), and also making another video call from an authorised mobile phone number.


Section Three

Remote setting of the Camera Unit using SMS

Remote setting commands using SMS The remote setting SMS message contains three parts: A, B and C as shown in the table below:

Table A: Commands for camera unit settings

A (Current Pin ID)




(Setting Values)

(Capital or small letters)






To add a new number (i.e. 07912345678) to the caller’s list.





To delete a number (i.e. 07912345678) from the caller’s list.











2 (or) 4 (or) 6








17:00 DD/MM/YYYY





Enable/disable Auto-Answering the calls by camera unit.





Daily time setup for the camera unit to restart using the 24 hrs clock format




Your SMS Content (<=160 characters)





















Set the access type of the camera unit to Public or Private Request a full report of the camera unit settings Setting the out-going call duration from the camera unit to 2, 4 or 6 minutes (if the camera unit is paired with a sensor. Setting the camera unit to answer incoming calls after 0/1/2 rings Sets current time and date

Customise the SMS content that is sent to user

Read the SMS content that is sent to user Restart the camera unit Daily activity (Total incoming/outgoing calls/SMS report) Sets sensor interval Respond time. This command is valid only if the camera unit is paired with a sensor Gets list of SMS commands.


Alter the Pin code of SMS commands from 00000 to 1gh45


Section Three

Remote setting of the Camera Unit using SMS

Table B: Commands for MMS functionality settings Camera unit takes up to 6 pictures and sends back the last picture along with folder & picture name in MMS.








F#080813(10) P#172234(1)




5/10/15 sec

Sets snap interval between each picture, if the camera is activated by Bluetooth Messenger, otherwise no effect on Cameras without messenger.





Sets no. of pictures to be taken by the camera unit upon sensor activation, works with above SNPINT command.





Gets stored picture from the camera unit.

Sets notification / alert method by camera unit to the user handset.

the SMS, the camera unit will ignore the command line.

How to use the remote setting commands: 1. Send an SMS from any handset to the camera unit, using a correct Pin code (A), followed by a command (B) and appropriate setting value (C) (if required). These three sections must follow each other in the correct order, as shown below, and must be separated by a space character in between.

00000 ADDCALL 07912345678 A



Space character

2. In the SMS, use ONLY ONE command with ONLY ONE setting value. Whilst the camera unit will try to ignore the other values or commands, you may alter the setting value of a command to an undesired value without noticing. 3. If a wrong Pin code (A) is input at the beginning of the command line, the camera unit ignores the command. 4. If an unknown command is typed in, or any of the above commands are mistyped in

5. If a setting value related to a command is mistyped, the command line will be ignored by the camera unit. 6. Always request the current settings value of the camera unit by sending the “Report” command mentioned above, before altering any of the settings, to confirm exactly what needs to be re-set. 7. Always check the final settings of the camera unit by sending the “Report” command as shown above to ensure all the values are set as you intended. A.

CURRENT PIN ID: (5 Alphanumeric numbers/characters) •

Pin length is always 5 characters

Pin characters can be alphabets (A-Z / a-z) or digits (0-9)

Original default Pin set is 00000

The Pin can be changed to any other characters (a mixture of numbers or texts), but it MUST always contain 5 characters.


Section Three B.

Remote setting of the Camera Unit using SMS

COMMANDS: (6-9 characters) The commands are not case sensitive so can be in capital or small letters.

B.1. ADDCALL: Add Caller: Adds phone number to the caller’s list of the camera unit B.2. DELCALL: Delete Caller: Deletes a phone number from the camera unit’s caller list B.3. ACCTYPE: Sets Access Type on the camera unit to either Private or Public B.4. REPORT: To request a full Report of all the critical settings for the camera unit. B.5. OCDSET: Outgoing Call Duration Setup: limits the duration of the outgoing calls made from the camera unit to 2, 4 or 6 minutes. B.6. INRING: Number of Incoming Rings: To set the number of rings for incoming calls. If you use INRING 0, the camera unit will try to answer the incoming calls (if the caller’s number is authenticated) straight away without any ring; INRING 1, after 1 ring, etc. B.7. SETTD: To change the current Settings for the Time and Date. Note1: please include a space between time and date in the SMS command, otherwise camera unit time will not be set. Note2: If the camera unit has been without power for a long period of time (more than a few days), then the time and date may reset therefore should be checked and corrected using SETTD. B.8. AUTANS: Enable or disable Auto Answering: To enable or disable auto answering the incoming calls (voice & video) by the camera unit.

B.9. DTIMER: Daily Timer: Sets the camera unit to re-boot at a certain time on a daily basis B.10. WSMSC: Write SMS Content: The default SMS Message that is sent to carers’ in the event that they are unavailable to take any calls is: “Urgent: An emergency call was made, please take action.” B.11. RSMSC: Read SMS Content: This command is used to check the current content set using the WSMSC command, above. B.12. RESTART: Restart the camera unit B.13. DAREP: Daily Activity Report: Enable or disable the camera unit to report the total incoming/outgoing calls/SMS B.14. SETSIR: Set Sensor Interval

Response time. After the first alert, the camera unit will make a video/voice call or SMS then wait for specified time before next call. This command is valid only if the camera unit is paired with a sensor (except push button messenger). B.15. HELP: Request list of all SMS commands related to MMS. B.16. SETPIN: Sets new Pin as defined by the user B.17. SNAP: Request Snaps from Camera Unit. B.18. GET PICture: Request picture from Camera Unit. B.19. SNPINT: SNap Picture INTerval: Camera Unit waits for specified interval before taking next snap. B.20. SETPIC: SET PICture: Sets no. of pictures to be taken by Camera Unit upon sensor activation. B.21. NOTIFY: Notification / Alert method from Camera Unit.


Section Three C.

Remote setting of the Camera Unit using SMS


C.1. ADDCALL: Input an appropriate phone number with this command to add a new number into the callers list of the camera unit. You must input the number starts with 0 (without any country code). The camera unit would automatically answer the call made from this number, even from abroad.

C.12. RESTART: No input is needed for this command C.13. DAREP: Input ON or OFF C.14. SETSIR: Input ON or OFF or time between 5mins and 30mins. This

command is valid if the camera unit is paired with a sensor (except push button messenger).

C.2. DELCALL: Input an appropriate phone number with this command. The number you input here, must match the number that was already defined as access number within the camera unit. If the number matches, it will be removed from the list, otherwise it will have no effect.

C.15. HELP: There is no setting value for HELP command. C.16. SETPIN: To alter the Pin code for the SMS commands, input a new Pin ID value along with SETPIN command. This new value must contain 5 characters ONLY, and can be a combination of numbers or texts.

C.3. ACCTYPE: Input PUBLIC or PRIVATE along with this command.

C.17. SNAP: Input no. of pictures (in between 1 to 6), to be taken by camera unit, along with SNAP. C.18. GETPIC: Input folder & picture name along with GETPIC. C.19. SNPINT: Input snap interval value ( 5 / 10 / 15 sec) along with SNPINT C.20. SETPIC: Input no. of pictures (in between 1 to 6), to be taken by camera unit upon sensor activation, along with SETPIC. C.21. NOTIFY: Input notification / alert method (SMS/MMS/VDOSMS/VDOMMS) along with NOTIFY.

C.4. REPORT: No setting value is input with this command. C.5. OCDSET: Only input 2 or 4 or 6, to alter the maximum Outgoing Call Duration to 2 minutes, 4 minutes or 6 minutes accordingly. C.6. INRING: Only input 0 or 1 or 2 for this command C.7. SETTD: Input the current time and date (eg. 17:00 03/05/2008) C.8. AUTANS: Input YES or NO C.9. DTIMER: Input a correct time (in between 00:00 to 23:59) along with DTIMER command. This is to set a daily restart time of the camera unit to this new time. C.10. WSMSC: Input the appropriate SMS content along with this command. C.11. RSMSC: No input is needed for this command


Section Three

Remote setting examples

Remote Setting Examples: 1. To request the setting status of the camera unit:

1.2. 3GSig: 7 3G signal strength is 5, which is around 70%. Note: Full 3G signal is measured on scale of 1 to 7 (i.e. 1 means 14% & 7 means 100% 3G signal strength). 3G signal levels of 0 or 1 are not good for video calls. In this case, it is better to move the camera unit where it is located, or use a different Simcard from a different network provider. Contact your supplier for more information.

Send the SMS shown in Fig 1. from any phone to the camera unit. The original PIN ID set for the camera unit is 00000 that is used at the beginning of the SMS as shown here.

00000 REPORT Fig. 1 Note: You can change this PIN CODE to a unique value that you would only know as explained in section 4 below. In response the camera unit would send an SMS back to the users phone. This shows the setting status (i.e. values) of the camera unit as shown in Fig. 2. In this example, the SMS shows the current setting of the camera unit as follow:

AccTyp: Rest 3GSig: 7 BatLev: 7 Access# (4): 07912345678 07987654321 07812345678 07801234567 Rings: 1 OCDSet: 2min DTimer: 14:30 -D TimeDate: 17:00 03/05/2008 Notify: VDOSMS Fig. 2 1.1. AccTyp: Rest This means the access type is Restricted.


BatLev: 7 Battery level is 7 (i.e. 100%) Note: The battery level is measured on scale of 1 to 7 (i.e. 1 means 14% & 7 means 100% of the battery left).

1.4. Access# (4): 07912345678 07987654321 07812345678 07801234567 This is the caller’s numbers that the camera unit automatically answers the video and voice calls made from them. The number in brackets indicates the total number of callers in the list. Note1: If there are more than one number in the list, the order of the numbers in this list is based on which one is defined first (i.e. they are not sorted by numbers etc). Note2: You can define more than four numbers in the callers list, only the first four numbers will be listed in the report, due to the limited number of characters allowed in an SMS message. The total number of authorised callers is shown in the bracket.


Section Three

Remote setting of the Camera Unit using SMS

Note3: If the Falcon SW200 system is used with the call-back functionality (ie, using sensor/messenger) then only the first four numbers in the caller list will be used by the “multilevel reassurance system” (as described in page 6)

3. Add new number to the caller list: Send the SMS shown in Fig 4. The camera unit upon receiving this SMS will add the above number at the end of its caller list.

1.5. Rings: 1

00000 ADDCALL 07988776655 This means the camera unit will answer the incoming calls after one ring. 1.6. OCDSet:2min This means the outgoing call from the camera unit will be limited to 2mins 1.7. DTimer: 14:30 –D This means the camera unit will reboot at 14:30 on a daily basis. It may take up to five minutes to the system to start up and ready to use. 1.8. TimeDate: 17:00 03/05/2008 This means the current time and date on the camera unit is 17:00 03/05/2008 1.9. Notify: VDOSMS This means the camera unit will notify the user by video and SMS (if video fails) when the sensor is triggered.

Fig. 4 4. Set Access type to public Send the SMS shown in Fig 5 to set the Access type of the camera unit to public.

00000 ACCTYPE PUBLIC Fig. 5 Changing the Access type of the camera unit to Public means the camera unit would answer the incoming calls to anyone who dials to the camera unit. This does not remove the caller’s list from the camera unit. The caller’s list remains the same if you change the Access type from Public to Private in future. Note: It is recommended to always set the Access type to Private, except where privacy intrusion is not an issue where you are installing the camera unit.

2. Remove a caller from the caller list: Send the SMS shown in Fig 3.

00000 DELCALL 07843216788 Fig. 3 The camera unit upon receiving this SMS will delete the third number (shown in Fig 2) from its caller list. No reply is sent to the user if the number doesn’t exist, while the camera unit simply ignores the SMS.

5. Check the setting status Note: It is recommended to check the camera unit status (settings) once more when you finished setting up its parameters by sending a ‘report’ SMS command, as shown in Fig.1.


Section Three

Remote setting of the Camera Unit using SMS

6. Setting Time & Date If the camera unit is left out of power for a very long period, when it restarts, it will set the time and date of the unit to a random value. Therefore it is recommended to use this command to alter the date and time on the unit to a correct value. Always input time first (in 24 hour format), then you MUST input the correct date, otherwise the camera unit will not accept the command. This shown in Fig. 6.

00000 SETTD 09:18 27/03/2008

see any value set for DTimer when you request a report from the camera unit. 8. Request Snap Send an SMS shown in Fig 9 to request the last picture taken. The camera unit will take 4 pictures, which will be stored in its memory, and send you back the last picture along with folder & picture name, as shown in Fig 10.

00000 SNAP 4 Fig.9

Fig. 6 7. Setting Daily Re-start option for the camera unit. By Using DTIMER command, you can set a time to the camera unit to re-boot every day. This is a good practice (but not necessary), to allow the memory of the camera unit to re-fresh everyday like any other device having a microprocessor such as a computer etc. To set a daily re-start option on the camera unit use DTIMER command as shown in Fig 7.

To +4407012345678 Subject MMS from Camera Folder Name: 080813(6) Pictures Taken: #132245(1).jpg #132250(2).jpg #132255(3).jpg #132300(3).jpg

00000 DTIMER 03:10 Fig. 7 The time set in the above command must be in 24 hour format. You can remove DTIMER setting by using RTIMER command as shown in Fig 8.

Fig. 10

00000 RTIMER Fig. 8 If the DTimer is not set at all, or it is removed by using RTimer, you will not


Section Three

Remote setting of the Camera Unit using SMS

9. Request stored picture Send an SMS shown in Fig 11 to get the stored picture from camera unit.

00000 GETPIC F#080813(6) P#132245(3)

Send an SMS shown in Fig 15 to request list commands from camera unit. You will receive the list of SMS commands.

00000 HELP Fig. 15

Fig. 11 10. Set Snap Interval Send an SMS shown in Fig 12 to set the Snap interval to 5 seconds. Camera unit will take requested pictures for every 5 seconds.

00000 SNPINT 5 Fig. 12

14. Set new PIN Send the SMS shown in Fig 16 to set the Pin ID for remote SMS setting to a new value: 12ua5 This changes the old Pin code (i.e. 00000) to the new Pin code (i.e. 12ua5). The Pin code characters are not case sensitive; therefore in future you can use either lower or upper case Pin ID to communicate with your camera unit.

11. Set Number of pictures Send an SMS shown in Fig 13 to set the no. of pictures to 4. Upon sensor activation, camera unit will take 4 pictures and send last picture to first caller in the caller list.

Note: You should remember that from now on you have to use 12ua5 as the Pin number to communicate (i.e. send commands etc) to your camera unit, as shown in the following examples

00000 SETPIC 4 00000 SETPIN 12ua5 Fig. 13 12. Set Notification method

Fig. 16

Send an SMS shown in Fig 14 to set the notification / alert method. Upon sensor activation, camera unit will make video call and send SMS, if video call fails.

00000 NOTIFY VDOSMS Fig. 14 13. Request list of commands


Section Four

Recording an event using your phone

Recording an event using your phone

camera unit that can jeopardise the operation of the unit.

Recording an event using your phone: You can directly connect your mobile phone to a DVR or any other digital recording media, then make a video call to be able to record the events whenever you wish. Please check with your retailer to see if your mobile phone is suitable for this purpose. Alternatively, you can still record a short length of the event either in voice or video format by using Callback command as explained in the previous section. To do this you must enable video or voice messaging functionality on your mobile handset. Then request a video or voice call back from the camera unit using “CallBack� command. When you receive the call from the camera unit, simply reject the call. This way you will direct the incoming call to your video or voice mailbox on your network. The Camera unit can then send live video or voice data into your message boxes. The duration of the message is dependent to your network provider and can vary in between 1 to 5 minutes for voice or video calls. You can check this with your network provider. If you wish to record more than this period, then you would need to contact your retailer to supply a recording device. Very important Note: You must not enable Voice or Video messaging on the SIM card used within the Camera Unit. Otherwise anyone can leave message on the SIM card on the


Section Five Important Notes: 1. It is recommended to top up the credit on the SIM Card in the camera unit regularly, such as every month, or every 3 months. Depend how many times to you request a Report from the camera unit. Each time that the Camera unit sends an SMS to a mobile handset, it reduces the credit allocated for its SIM card. If you do not receive any SMS from the Camera Unit, it means there is no credit available in the unit to be able to send out SMSs. This may also effect the performance of the Camera Units operation. Any video calls made to the unit does not affect the credit of the SIM card in the Camera Unit. However this might be different with some nonUK network providers. Please check this with the Network providers for the SIM Card used in the Camera Unit, where you are using it.

2. Make sure to alter the Pin code from 00000 to something that only you know. Keep this code safe and secure for your future reference.

FAQs: 1. I make a video call from my mobile phone, but get the following message: “Video call is not supported by the Network”

Important notes & FAQs you can see the “3G” sign on the screen of your mobile phone.

2. I make a video call from my mobile phone, but get the following message: “Video call is not supported by the other Network” There is a problem with the 3G network provider where you have located your Camera Unit. You may contact the network provider to clarify the situation. If the problem persists, you may contact your supplier to give you an alternative Camera Unit with a different SIM Card in it (using a different Network Provider), that has got a better 3G coverage in the area. However you have always have a choice of making a voice call instead to hear what is happening around your Camera Unit. You should not attempt to open up the electronics inside of the Camera Unit, as it can damage the unit and can also be hazardous to health.

3. I make a video call from my mobile phone, but get the following message: “Receiving video images” but it doesn’t show the video. This might be related to the network coverage, or your camera unit. Try to remotely re-start the covert camera unit using SMS (explained in Appendix A). If the problem still exists, then you must contact the shop or your retailer to send the equipment back to be repaired.

You do not have 3G coverage in the area where you are using your mobile phone for video calls. You can instead, use voice call to hear what is happening around the Camera Unit, or try to find a different location, where




Ref: RS-1009715

Reference Name Author Description

RS-1009715 User Guide RS User guide and SMS command for 3G camera setup.

Ref: RS-1009715

Introduction: This document explains working principle of CX611MCH-V 3G Camera Features: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Answers incoming audio and video calls Remote control settings ( Refer Table 1) Restarts every 24 hours ON/OFF switch Low battery notifications. ( Refer Table 2) LED indicator for low signal strength, low battery, call failed etc. Network mode toggle (Refer Table 1) Sends SMS notification on alert (wired sensor) up to 4 callers in the list.

Ref: RS-1009715

LED Indicators: Flashing: 1. 2. 3. 4.

If unauthorized caller, LED flashes 5 times every 1 second (Medium Flash) If low signal strength, LED flashes 5 times every 0.5 second (Fast flash) 2 flashes during switching OFF the phone. (Slow Flash) LED ON during active calls

ON/OFF switch 1. Press and hold the ON/OFF switch for 4 seconds to switch OFF the phone. 2. Press ON/OFF switch to check phone status, flashes LED for 5 seconds (Fast flash) if low signal otherwise keeps LED ON for 5 seconds. Wired Sensor 1. Sends SMS notification up to 4 callers in the list. 2. Flashes (Fast Flash) if no callers in the list.

Ref: RS-1009715

SMS commands No


First command

Second command


1 2 3 4

00000 00000 00000 00000


07012345678 07012345678 12345 PRIVATE/PUBLIC

5 6

00000 00000


Adds this number to the caller list Deletes this number form caller list Set new pin to 12345 Sets access type to public or private. Default set to Public mode. Restarts camera unit. Sends following info. Ex: 3G Signal: 100% Battery: 100% Access Type: Public Access#(2): 07012345678 07987654321. Serial Number#: 35671234567890 1

7 8

00000 00000


Takes snapshot and sends it back via SMS Toggles network between dual mode and 3G. Note: This is for administrator use only.

Table 1

Notifications Low Battery

Sends low battery notification once remaining battery gets to 25%. Ex: Attention: 25% Battery remaining on the camera unit. Please recharge the battery.

Low Memory

Sends low memory notification once internal remaining memory gets to 30% or external memory (Memory card) gets to 10%. Ex: Attention: Memory remaining on camera unit is 23%. Please delete some files or replace memory card.

Table 2

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