Parish Newsletter 13/14 May 2017

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Catholic Community – Herne Bay, Kent Clarence Road, Herne Bay, Kent. CT6 8TH– 01227 375095-Parish priest: Fr Mark White CP ( Assistant Priest: Fr. Patrick CP (743727): Deacons James Foley (366841) & Barry Walker (368685) email - -Facebook:/OurLadyOfTheSacredHeartHerneBay Twitter:@ourladyhernebay – SVP Helpline 07869 509 804

FIFTH SUNDAY OF EASTER (A) 13 – 14th MAY 2017 Entrance Antiphon- Sing to the Lord a new song, for he has done marvellous deeds; he has revealed to the nations his saving power, alleluia.

CHILDRENS LITURGY- This group is open to children aged between 4-9 years (9.30am Mass) term time. Tea & Coffee-Soft drinks & Biscuits are served after the 9.30am Mass in the hall, all welcome 9.30 MASS Hymns: 820, 605, 627, 747, 883; Mass Setting: (Joy & peace). MASS TIMES AND INTENTIONS Sat 13th May Vigil Mass 18.00 Redfern Family, Peter Hoey & William Lowden (RIP) Sunday 09.30 People of the Parish th 14 May 11.15 Norah Gerrie (RIP) Monday th 15 May 10.00 Dominic Skerry (SICK) Tuesday 16th May 10.00 Holy Souls Wednesday 10.00 Marian & Peter Green (INT) 17th May 12.30 Funeral Mass Bernard Cullen Thursday 18th May 10.00 Les Walker (ANN) Friday th 19 May 10.00 Forrester family (INTS) Saturday 11.05 Brenda Gray (INT) 20th May Vigil Mass 18.00 People of the Parish Sunday 09.30 Les Walker (ANN) 21st May 11.15 Fr. Mark & The Community

FEAST DAYS THIS WEEK: Tuesday 16th May – St. Simon Stock, Friday 19th May – St. Dunstan, Bishop FUNERAL THIS WEEK – Wednesday 17th May at 12.30 – Bernard Cullen CHRISTIAN MEDITATION: Tuesday at 2.15pm and Thursday at 7.30pm in the Upper Room 13th MAY OUR LADY OF FATIMA From the 13th May to the 13th October 1917, the Blessed Virgin appeared at Fatima to three children, Lucia, Francisco and Jacinta. The apparitions were preceded by three apparitions of an angel in the spring of 1916. On each occasion Our Lady asked them to say the Rosary and to offer reparation for the offences Committed against her Immaculate Heart. On the 13th October there took place the prodigious event, seen by thousands of people, which had been foretold by Our Lady, so that the world would believe the message of the apparitions.: for about ten minutes or so, the sun spun in the sky like a wheel of fire. The Blessed Virgin asked for the world to be consecrated to her Immaculate Heart. The consecration was solemnly performed by Pope Pius XII on the 31st October 1942. It was renewed by Pope Saint John Paul II in 1982

COMPANIONS IN PRAYER There will not be a meeting in May. The next meeting will be in June. WINE AND WISDOM in aid of Team Tanzania Saturday, 3rd June 7 for 7.30 start at the Retreat Hall, Quiz Master: Peter Warr Cost: £7 pp - teams of 8 people - food provided, bring own drinks and glasses. To book a table - call Lisa on 01227 363803 or 07754 534564 All proceeds go to Team Tanzania, Charity Reg. No. 1137215 th WALSINGHAM PILGRIMAGE- Sunday 17 September. A coach will leave from our church at 7am. Details to follow soon.

VOCATIONS WEEKEND FOR YOUNG WOMEN (20s and 30s) Theme: Discerning God's Call in my life Dates: 26th - 28th May 2017 Location: Broadstairs, Kent. The weekend is organised by the sisters, Faithful Companions of Jesus (FCJ). There will be input from the FCJ sisters on different aspects of vowed life, and time for prayer, reflection and discussion with other young women who are also considering a vocation to religious life. An opportunity to live community life for a weekend and meet some sisters! For more information contact Sr Lynne fcJ at or visit our website PLATEA: What do you think about Platea, our parish magazine? Do you have a faith/church based question you want answered? Have you read a book that has inspired you & would you write a review of it? Could you share your personal faith journey or write an article? Have you a story around a parish event (with pictures if possible)? Or have you got another idea? Please write in: Next edition deadline 3/4 June. HOLIDAY/RETREAT TO MINSTERACRES: There are still places available on our retreat to the Retreat Centre in Northumberland from 12th to 19th August. Take a few minutes and read the article in issue 2 of Platea and if you would like more information please contact Deacon Barry. A MISSIONARY GROUP FROM BETHLEHEM NATIVITY will visit us on weekend 20th-21st May to briefly talk about the Holy Land and sell religious articles made out of olive wood from the Holy Land to help and support the poor Christian families any help you could give to them it will be highly appreciate. (“When you help the poor you help our Lord”). EQUAL SHARES – We only need 15 more to break even! Final plea please join the scheme only £12 a year. Forms at back of the Church. AWARENESS RAISING DAY to show solidarity with those persecuted for their faith and for the work of Aid to the Church in Need. Sat 3rd June at Minster Abbey nr. Ramsgate, Kent. CT12 4HF, 11.30 am to Vespers 5.30 pm, See poster in porch for further details.

SUMMER EVENT 24th June –A list for raffle prize donations is in the Church porch. If you would like to donate a raffle prize, please add your name to the list. Thank you.

NEW GIFT AID OFFERTORY ENVELOPES – The envelopes for regular donors are now available at the back of the Church for collection. In order to claim the gift aid on donations our donors need to have paid sufficient tax. If you are no longer paying sufficient tax, please contact the parish office.

CHANGES TO LEGAL TENDER DURING 2017- The paper £5 note is no longer legal tender, it can be changed at the Bank of England. The old £1 coin will be accepted until 15th October 2017.

Cleaning Group – (D)Other rotas can be found in the porch SECOND COLLECTION NEXT WEEKEND – World Communications Day The Collections for last week were: 1st Collection - Loose change £368.43 Gift aided £500.00 = £868.43 NB If you are a UK tax-payer then you can gift-aid whatever you offer. To gift-aid your offering please fill in one of the forms at the back of Church. Adoration every weekday: 8.30-9.30a.m. Also Saturday morning, 10.00 to 11.00 with Rosary at 10.45.There is a further opportunity each week: at Convent Chapel, 25 Western Esplanade from 4.30 to 5.30 p.m. on Fridays Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturday 10am-11am and 4.30pm-5.30pm Looking to arrange a wedding or baptism? Contact the parish, details above.

Any notices for the forthcoming Newsletter please email the Office –

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