Parish Newsletter 31 March/1 April 2018

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Catholic Community – Herne Bay, Kent Clarence Road, Herne Bay, Kent. CT6 8TH– 01227 375095-Parish priest: Fr Mark White CP ( Assistant Priest: Fr. Patrick CP (743727): Deacon Barry Walker (368685) email - -Facebook:/OurLadyOfTheSacredHeartHerneBay Twitter:@ourladyhernebay – SVP Helpline 07869 509 804


EVERY BLESSING OF EASTER TO YOU ALL!! Entrance Antiphon: I have risen: I am with you once more; you placed your hand your hand on me to keep me safe. How great is the depth of your wisdom, alleluia! CHILDRENS LITURGY- This group is open to children aged between 4-9 years (9.30am Mass) term time. Tea & Coffee-Soft drinks & Biscuits – are served after the 9.30am Mass in the hall, all welcome TRAIDCRAFT. Next Traidcraft April 28th and 29th. If you need something before that ring Moyra 368662. 9.30 MASS Hymns: 286, 287, 268, Choir: Ave Verum Corpus, 267.Mass Setting: Mass of Christ.

MASS TIMES AND INTENTIONS & SERVICES Sat 31st March Easter Vigil Easter Sunday 1st April Bank Hol. Mon. 2nd April Tuesday 3rd April Wednesday 4th April

20.00 09.30 11.15

Passionist Congregation


Charles Gibbon (RIP)

People of the Parish Fr. Patrick C.P. (INT)


Jean Guise (RIP)


Rosemary Williams (INT)

Thursday 5th April Friday 6th April Saturday 7th April Saturday 7th April Sunday 8th April

10.00 10.00 19.00

Sr. Corinne (INT) Stapleton Family (RIP) Marianne Wood (RIP)


Edith O’Brien (ANN)

18.00 09.30 11.15

VIGIL MASS Fr. Mark CP & Fr. Patrick CP (INT) Kevin Meehan (ANN) Fr. Charles CP (ANN)

THIS WEEK: Mass on Bank Holiday Monday at 11.00. The First Friday Mass and Healing Service will go ahead as usual , starting at 7.00pm. Fr Mark is away on retreat from Monday to Friday. NEXT SUNDAY we will have an Hour of Prayer at 3.00pm in honour of the Divine Mercy. As this is being written, on Holy Saturday morning, we still have the great Easter Vigil to come, but I would like, in anticipation, to thank everyone who is contributing their time and their talents to enhance our Holy Week celebrations. The choir have been a wonderful blessing to our celebrations; the decoration of the church, as you will see this evening is again a wonderful tribute to the care and creativity of our Flower Guild; the Readers have all given of their best. And haven’t the altar servers been brilliant!!! They are a great credit to their families and have really helped to bring dignity and reverence to our services. Well done to you all and heartfelt thanks!!


KEEP THE DATES: We have mentioned our Parish Bible Weekend several times in the bulletin. The dates for this are JUNE 22 – 24 and all the events will take place in the hall and the church. It promises to be very helpful in strengthening a love for God’s Word and also very enjoyable at the same time. We will keep you informed as to how the plans develop. SACRED HEART COMPANIONS IN PRAYER –The April meeting will be on Wednesday 18th April at the Convent at 7.00pm. Please note the change of date. New members always welcome. SVP LENTEN COIN CARDS: Please remember to HAND IN your SVP coin cards/envelopes to Mass this weekend. Thank you. MASS IN CELEBRATION OF THE SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE, St George’s Cathedral - 16th June 2018. If you are celebrating your 1st /10th/ 25th/ 40th/ 50th/ 60th +wedding anniversary this year, you are invited to this special celebration Mass by invitation from the Archbishop. Please let Fr. Mark know by the 30th April. Please provide address, telephone number and email address and the date of your marriage. MISSIONS/RED BOXES – The promoters’ envelopes are available at the back of the Church for collection. Members please return your red box to your promoter or hand in to the Parish Office. All donations to be returned by end of April. Thank you for your continued support for the missions. EQUAL SHARES:2018/19 – PLEASE RETURN YOUR COMPLETED APPLICATION FORMS NEXT WEEKEND. There is still time to join! The members Membership is £12 for the year to be paid annually by cheque (payable to St. Mary’s Parish). There are 2 winners of £30 & £15 each month, announced in the newsletter. The new season starts in MAY. There will be a bonus draw in December. If you are a current member and would like to renew your membership or you would like to join as a new member, please complete the form at the back of the Church. Thank you to all our current members & welcome to our new members.

FORTHCOMING EVENTS PARISH CELEBRATION -Saturday 7th April . Mass at 6.00pm followed with Party in the Hall for 7 pm. The milestones birthday party is fast approaching, and it is hoped that as many Parishioners as possible will be able to attend the 6 p.m. celebration Mass and then join in the fun after in the Parish Hall. We have a great line up of entertainment involving some of our talented Parishioners, as well as a buffet provided by many. There is still time, if you have not already done so, to enter on the list at the back of the Church, what food you can bring along . Wine is being generously provided by the Club & you can buy other liquid refreshments from the Club through the recently installed shared hatch openings. Tea & coffees will also be provided from our kitchen. Reminder to the organising team we meet at 3 p.m. on the 7th to set up - also an opportunity for entertainers to rehearse and familiarise with venue etc. Please leave any outstanding special collection envelopes at back of Church after this weekend Masses. If you need more information please contact Frank 01227 652370 or Cleaning Group – (B)–Other rotas can be found in the porch The Collections for last Sunday were: 1st Collection - Loose change £439.40 Gift aided £ 478.60 = £918.00 The collection today is your personal contribution to the clergy. NB If you are a UK tax-payer then you can gift-aid whatever you offer. To gift-aid your offering please fill in one of the forms at the back of Church. “SVP -Bring some food each week and help someone to eat" CHRISTIAN MEDITATION: Tuesday 2.15 pm; Thursday 7.30 pm. In the Upper Room. All welcome Adoration every weekday: 8.30-9.30a.m. Wednesdays: also after Mass till 12.00 Also Saturday morning, 10.00 to 11.00 with Rosary at 10.45., said for the Parish each week. There is a further opportunity each week: at Convent Chapel, 25 Western Esplanade from 3.00 to 4.00pm on Fridays. Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturday 10am-11am and 4.30pm.-5.30pm Looking to arrange a wedding or baptism? Contact the parish, details above. Any notices for the forthcoming Newsletter please email the Office –

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