Parish Newsletter 9/10 June 2018

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Catholic Community – Herne Bay, Kent Clarence Road, Herne Bay, Kent. CT6 8TH– 01227 375095-Parish priest: Fr Mark White CP ( Assistant Priest: Fr. Patrick CP (743727): Deacon Barry Walker (368685) email - -Facebook:/OurLadyOfTheSacredHeartHerneBay Twitter:@ourladyhernebay – SVP Helpline 07869 509 804

TENTH SUNDAY (YEAR B) 9th – 10th JUNE 2018

Entrance Antiphon – CHILDRENS LITURGY- This group is open to children aged between 4-9 years (9.30am Mass) term time. Tea & Coffee-Soft drinks & Biscuits – are served after the 9.30am Mass in the hall, all welcome TRAIDCRAFT took £190 in May. NB. No Traidcraft in June because of the Bible weekend. Next Traidcraft July 7th and 8th.

9.30 MASS Hymns: 458, 603, 315, 841, 862; Mass Setting: Joy & Peace.


Sat 9 June Vigil Mass Sunday 10th June Monday 11th June

18.00 09.30 11.15

Albert Fallows Prim Wyatt (INT) Jessie Knight RIP


Fr. Brendan Smyth (INT)

Thursday 14th June Friday 15th June Saturday 16th June


Mary Jose (ANN)


Jennifer Prendergast (RIP)


Holy Souls

Tuesday Saturday VIGIL MASS th th 12 June Terry Edwards (RIP) 16 June 18.00 Albert Benjamin (RIP) 10.00 Wednesday Sunday 09.30 Fr. Francis Meehan (RIP) 13th June Ron Hooper (RIP) 17th June 11.15 Tony Pozzetti (RIP) 10.00 FEAST DAYS THIS WEEK: Monday 11th June St. Barnabas Apostle. Wednesday 13th June St. Anthony of Padua FIRST HOLY COMMUNION: Our main celebration took place last Saturday and was much enjoyed by all but there will be another celebration this Sunday at the 9.30 Mass when three of the children who were unable to be with us last Saturday will be making their own First Communion. We hope that many of the other first communicants will be joining them. The parish owes a great debt of thanks to Cloe Maple and sue Coppens for all their hard work and dedication in working with the children and their families over the last seven months. Our thanks to the children and their parents who joined the small band of us in a Procession in honour of the Blessed Sacrament last Sunday afternoon. PARISH BIBLE WEEKEND: 22-24 JUNE: We are on our way! The preparations for our weekend , led by the Catholic Bible School, are proceeding well. The Parish Pastoral Council and a wide group of volunteers have been working hard behind the scenes. We do hope that there will be a great response to this weekend and we look forward to receiving your return leaflets, “RSVP” indicating which parts of the weekend you plan to attend. Please drop your response leaflet into the red box at the back of church. PLEASE KEEP IN YOUR PRAYERS Mike Hedger’s cousin Bro Denis Gervase, the Redemptorist Brother who set up a Village for street children in Thailand and who died on Friday, Feast of the Sacred Heart. The parish has often supported the village through fundraising quiznights. And please remember also Audrey Birtle who also died on Friday. Audrey was one of our oldest parishioners and a long-standing member of the choir. PARISH REVIEW: We held the review on Sunday 20 May and it was good to know that several of the groups who talked about their work were able to enlist more volunteers. One possible project that was mentioned was a request to raise money to help build a primary school in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, where we have been supporting Sr Astrid, a Passionist Sister, by helping to build a Secondary School. Moyra Feathers who has spearheaded the support for Sr Astrid asked if anyone would join her to help raise the funds for the Primary School. So we mention this here to see what help might be offered.

FORTHCOMING FUNERALS –. Friday 29th June – Funeral Service for Ben Gaskin at 12.00 Monday 2nd July Requiem Mass at 10.00am for June Belchem SVP - Gents Bicycle – in good working condition - needed for client- contact 01227 652370 or email fj.gormley@ WEDNESDAY LUNCH CLUB : Lunch club will be back as normal on Wednesday 13th June. SACRED HEARTS COMPANIONS IN PRAYER – There will be a Mass at 7pm on Wednesday 13th June at the convent chapel, 25, Western Esplanade. New members are always welcome. TRANSLATING THE MASS: A talk by parishioner Phil Eichorn at St Thomas’s Hall, Canterbury, Wednesday 13th June at 6.00 p.m. Arranged by the St Anselm Society theology group. All welcome. The "Parish Fayre” - Save the date - 25th August- as previously advised this has now been moved to 25th August. There will be a meeting on Sunday 15th July (before school holidays) in the Retreat Parish meeting room, for those able to help organise, prepared to run events, stalls & activities.

GIFT AID – If you have not collected your new Gift Aid Envelopes, please call at the Parish Office. Thank you.


YOU ARE INVITED to a Catholic Tour of London! Get your walking shoes on because we’re going on a fascinating walking tour of London with renowned Catholic Historian, EWTN presenter and journalist Joanna Bogle. There is no cost to the day (unless you wish to join us for the optional dinner) but donations toward the tour will be collected. The optional dinner together that evening will require your RSVP with Otherwise, see you at the meeting point: Westminster Cathedral at 13:45 for a 14:00 departure on Thursday 14th June 2018. Bring some snacks with you in case you get hungry en-route too! DEANERY SESSION ON THE EUCHARIST: Our third session, following on from the very successful gatherings here in March and at Faversham in May, will take place on Saturday 30th June at St. Thomas’s, Canterbury. It will be led by Canon John O’Toole, and will explore the idea of Eucharist and Mission. Lifts will be available. Please see poster in church porch. THE ARCHDIOCESE ANNUAL PILGRIMAGE TO LOURDES with Clifton, East Anglia and Northampton Diocese is being led this year by Archbishop Peter Smith. 24th -31st August 2018 - Flights from Stansted. Visit: Or: Or call : 01732 886 666 or 0800 917 357 Cleaning Group – (D) –Other rotas can be found in the porch The Collections for last week were: 1st Collection - Loose change £403.99 Gift aided £428.20 = £832.19 There will be a second collection at this weekend Masses for the Catholic Trust for England & Wales, the organisation which helps to fund the various programmes of the Bishops’ Conference. Next weekend there will be a second collection for ‘Day for Life’ NB If you are a UK tax-payer then you can gift-aid whatever you offer. To gift-aid your offering please fill in one of the forms at the back of Church. “SVP -Bring some food each week and help someone to eat" " need especially sugar, longlife milk, jam & tinned meat "

CHRISTIAN MEDITATION: Tuesday 2.15 pm; Thursday 7.30 pm. In the Upper Room. All welcome Adoration every weekday: 8.30-9.30a.m. Wednesdays: also after Mass till 12.00 Also Saturday morning, 10.00 to 11.00 with Rosary at 10.45., said for the Parish each week. There is a further opportunity each week: at Convent Chapel, 25 Western Esplanade from 3.00 to 4.00pm on Fridays. Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturday 10am-11am and 4.30pm.-5.30pm Looking to arrange a wedding or baptism? Contact the parish, details above. Any notices for the forthcoming Newsletter please email the Office –

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