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Scotland forever! In my opinion

Power Of Seven

That’s why I love English and Spanish!

Hello everyone « Miss Lingva” as a kind of scientific reporting on language and linguistics , increasing students’ motivation for learning foreign languages and my first international project experience. Well, what is a linguistic magazine? It is is a magazine with articles on linguistics- and language-based theory, news, application, findings, and field reports. It is committed to diversity in its scope of reporting, covering both the scientific and applied sides of linguistics, while maintaining a neutral stance towards debates occurring within the field. I love learning languages ​​and try to use all the facilities for this. Once I saw an online linguistic magazine on the internet. It was Babel. Babel is written and compiled by world-class linguists. . And I liked the idea to create me own magazine. And I decided to bring this project to my classmates and foreign students. Of course, the publication of a school magazine is a very difficult task. And here is what I and my team did. Special Thanks to my colleagues! You are the best!

Editor Creative Director Secretary of the editorial Board Designer/photographer




The history of the English language

04 Welcome, teachers!


Problematic aspect of the novel “Harry Potter”.

05 Los nuevos reyes harán


Working with projects

una gira por España



Polyakova Mariya



Questions and feedback: 249 185 Kaluga region, Kremenki.Shkolnaya St. 9 Phone: 8-484-32-58-820 Email: burmistrova1@yandex.ru Online: www.40309-s-007.edusite.ru/

06 That’s why I love English and Spanish!


Creative thinking


School Scientific-Practical Conference: annual meetings Power Of Seven


Don’t miss our forthcoming events



Scotland forever!


20 Opinion poll

Los nuevos reyes harán una gira por España y el extranjero este verano

Welcome, teachers!


ournalism students at Northeastern University review a news story on NewsTrust. Teachers: Dan Kennedy, Mike LaBonte. Today’s students are coming of age during unprecedented changes in how we consume news and information. They have access to worlds of knowledge other generations could hardly have imagined. In order to effectively use this knowledge and make well-informed decisions as citizens, they must first learn to be discerning about the information they consume. As educators, it’s our responsibility to nurture critical thinking skills and a healthy skepticism to help them reach that goal – along with an appreciation for quality journalism. To that end, NewsTrust has created a set of teacher guides that will help you teach your students the difference between good and bad journalism. These guides include interactive lesson plans for college and high school classes in journalism, civics, social studies, communications and more. Our guides also provide topics for discussion and ideas for additional activities. Each lesson takes about 45 minutes. During that time, we invite you and your students to read a work of journalism (news or opinion) and evaluate it for journalistic quality using NewsTrust review tools. Students will be asked to rate that story on a variety of criteria, such as: facts, fairness and sourcing (news); insights, information and style (opinion).

For your convenience, we have prepared two sets of teacher guides: • Printed Guides – if your classroom doesn’t have Internet access, you can print out these guides and hand them out to your students. • Internet Guides – if your classroom has computers with Internet access, we recommend using these guides and having students review stories online.


Natalia Junquera Madrid 5 JUN 2014 - 22:40 CET Ningún representante de las casas reales europeas y ningún jefe de Estado extranjero asistirá a la proclamación de Felipe VI el próximo 19 de junio, en una sesión conjunta de Congreso y Senado. “Tenemos muy poco tiempo y muy poco sitio en las tribunas de la Cámara baja. No vamos a hacer venir a gente para quedarse fuera”, justificó un portavoz de la Casa del Rey. Tampoco habrá misa posterior, como ocurrió con la proclamación de Juan Carlos I, en 1975. Sí habrá honores militares en las inmediaciones del Congreso, y Felipe VI acudirá a la ceremonia vestido como capitán general de los Ejércitos, ya que al ser proclamado rey, automáticamente se convierte en jefe supremo de las Fuerzas Armadas, como establece la Constitución. La Zarzuela no ha aclarado aún qué miembros de la familia real estarán presentes en la ceremonia del próximo 19 de junio. Ni siquiera ha confirmado si asistirán los actuales Reyes. Tampoco han informado de si acudirán a la proclamación o a la solemne ceremonia de firma de la ley de abdicación por parte de don Juan Carlos, en el Palacio Real, la infanta Cristina y su marido, Iñaki Urdangarin, ambos imputados en el caso Nóos. “Ya veremos”, se limitó a manifestar un portavoz de la Casa del Rey al ser preguntado por el asunto.

La Zarzuela justifica la escasa concreción en la falta de precedentes. “Sobre la abdicación, lo único que teníamos era dos líneas de la Constitución”, declaró un portavoz. “La única abdicación la hizo Felipe V (en 1724) y por muy poco tiempo —su hijo falleció ocho meses después—”, añadió. Felipe VI pronunciará el día de su proclamación un discurso “de fondo”, elaborado en La Zarzuela y supervisado por el Gobierno con las líneas maestras de cómo quiere que sea su reinado. Aunque todavía hay “millones de cosas por decidir”, según un portavoz de la Casa del Rey, lo previsible es que el presidente del Congreso, Jesús Posada, pronuncie antes otro discurso introductorio. Para los días posteriores tampoco hay prevista ninguna recepción o acto especial de los nuevos Reyes. No obstante, el inminente Felipe VI sí pretende iniciar una gira de presentación por España y el extranjero con doña Letizia en julio y agosto. Lo previsible, según las mismas fuentes, es que Marruecos, Francia y Portugal sean los primeros países que visiten. Lo que ya está confirmado es la asistencia de los nuevos reyes el próximo 4 de agosto a los actos conmemorativos convocados en la ciudad belga de Lieja por el centenario del comienzo de la I Guerra Mundial. La infanta Leonor, de 8 años, asumirá todos los títulos de su padre en cuanto este sea proclamado rey, y podría acompañar a sus padres en alguno de esos viajes de la gira de presentación, aunque lo más probable es que no en el mismo avión. Don Felipe y don Juan Carlos nunca se desplazaban juntos por si alguno de los dos sufría un accidente.

From abroad 4

missLINGVA/October, 2014

missLINGVA/October, 2014 5

The more languages you speak, the more times you are a human being THE LANGUAGE

There is a saying: the more languages you speak, the more times you are a human being. Вut how many times are you a person? How many languages do you know? There are about 27000 languages on the Earth. Every language is a huge world.

If you know the language of a foreign country, you can talk to its people and understand what they say. It is also very interesting to read foreign literature in its original form. My dream is to read Don Chisciotte e Sancho Panza in the original. At school I study two foreign languages. They are English and Spanish. I learn Spanish, because it is also a widely spread language. And it is extremely beautiful. I want to give some advice how Learn a Foreign Language successfully . I WANT TO GIVE SOME ADVICE how Learn a Foreign Language successfully: 1. Listen and read every day. If you keep listening and reading you will get used to the language. One hour of listening or reading is more effective than many hours of class time. 2. Spend the time. The more time you spend with the language, the faster you will learn. 3. Focus on words and phrases Start to notice words and how they come together as phrases. Learn these words and phrases through your listening and reading. Read online, using online dictionaries, and make your own vocabulary lists for review 4.


missLINGVA/ October, 2014

WILL GRADUALLY BECOME clearer in your brain, but this will happen on a schedule that you cannot control. So sit back and enjoy I think it’s true. The most important factor while doing all of this is to enjoy yourself. As this gives you the strength and motivation to continue. But the right combination of recources is necessary to enjoy yourself while learning that language I’ve started watching some of my favorite movies in foreign languages and this has a double effect of: 1) Introducing me to thousands of words I already know the meaning of 2) Doing it in conversations, yielding an authentic presentation of spoken word


When you’ve learnt how to learn a language, when you’ve learnt one language, I think you can learn easily learn more languages, although I don’t know how many languages I could keep in my head at the same time. I think you have different compartments in your brain where you store languages and some are maybe further towards the back than others, and at the moment the foreign language in my head is English but I want to leave a gap for Spanish, of course!

See films! Relax and enjoy yourself

missLINGVA/October, 2014 7

BY lena, E a v istro Burm the h nglis E f o er teach



reative thinking is the process of coming up with new or modified ideas. Three human thought processing functions drive your ability for creative thinking:



How you organize and plan your thought processes. Evaluation of thoughts and ideas and future plans based on any given situation or problem.


Knowledge base:

Your acquired information on a group of subjects and problem domains. You draw on this information in order to be able to solve problems or add new thinking to situations.


Motivation and your attitude:

Such factors are often driven by your personality, energy levels, perseverance and your self-confidence which in turn are acquired from a lifetime of experiences and interactions. Motivation and attitude affects the decisions and direction that you take in order to get to a desired result.


missLINGVA/ October, 2014

Two Principles of Creative Thinking Creativity is a potential power you are born with. If you don’t use that power fully, it is probably because you don’t know or apply the simple principles for developing it. You can remedy that situation right now, if you like. 1. There are methods and techniques for thinking creatively. 2. When you make these methods and techniques a part of your mental habits, creative thinking is easy and automatic. The Positive Game (from Lesson 6: Positive and creative thinking) MACMILLAN LIFE SKILLS DAY Get the whole group to brainstorm some negative events that have happened to them. It can be anything, for example “I did not get the job”, or “I lost the game” – the main thing is that the negative events come from the students. Erase the list of items from any texts (cup, bag etc.) and in their place, write the negative events. Review the ideas from the board and the key words: being resourceful, creative, positive. Ask students to think about some of the negative things that have been mentioned. How would they feel? Can they think of anything resourceful, creative or positive to say? Allow students a few moments to think about possible answers. Where class size permits, have your students sit in a circle or divide the class into groups. The first person in the circle states their negative event plus an emotional response: “I didn’t get the job and I’m upset.

” The other students in the circle then respond by starting off with a phrase such as “But now that I did not get the job, I have more time to….”, filling in the sentence with a positive word or phrase such as “think about what I really want to do” or “start my own business”. Encourage creativity and resourcefulness! For lower-ability students it’s a good idea to rehearse some phrases with students first – so decide together how you want this sentence to begin. Make use of this time to focus on any grammar or vocabulary needs before you can start the exercise fully. For students entering work, remind them at interview this technique of being positive about setbacks is essential. If time is short, ask students to take three of the negative situations and write a response that’s resourceful, creative, and/or positive to each one for homework. ( The materials of a conference MACMILLAN LIFE SKILLS DAY and «Kick-start Your Creative Thinking Process» By Martin Gilliard are used in this article)

SCHOOL SCIENTIFIC AND PRACTICAL CONFERENCE: ANNUAL MEETINGS. The Organizing Committee kindly invites you to take part in the work of the School Scientific and Practical Conference ! The aim of the conference is to discuss creatively the status and prospects of research in the field of philology. The school of young scientists with lectures by leading specialists, master classes and competition of works of young scientists is included into the conference programme. The consideration of problems of education in their respective fields is also planned. Leading experts from our school are expected to participate in the conference. The participants of the conference will receive certificates together with the materials of the conference. The working language of the conference is English. FORMAT REQUIREMENTS FOR ARTICLES 1. Original and other types of articles with the general number of pages not exceeding 10–11 (including all structural elements) may be submitted. 2. Papers should fit on A4 pages, prepared using Microsoft Office Word, the font size is 14, the line spacing is 1.5, with margins as following: left – 3 cm, right – 1

cm, top and bottom– 1.5 cm. the article begins with the following data: UDC code, initials and names of all authors (left aligned), the name of the institution/organization, in which the work was performed (italic, left aligned), if there are several authors, information about each is given on separate lines, article title (bold, left aligned), summary (centered as following: SUMMARY, text of summary with paragraph, Keywords – a list of 3–8 key words with paragraph. After a blank line the text of the article begins. 3. The authors should follow the general structure of the article and highlight the obligatory structural elements as following: 3.1. General problem formulation, the relevance of the problem and its connection with important scientific and practical issues. 3.2. Analysis of recent research and publications that had begun the investigation of the current problem and became the basis for the author’s research 3.3. Emphasizing of the certain parts of the general problem that have not been solved before 3.4. Formulation of aims (objectives) of the article. 3.5. The basic materials of the

research (methods and objects) with a substantiation of the results. 3.6. Conclusions based on the results of the current research with the prospects of further investigation in this field. 3.7. The list of references in alphabetical order. Citations in the text are indicated by numbers in square brackets. There should be not less than five references in the article. 4. Article in English should be accompanied by summaries in English (at the beginning of the article). GOOD LUCK!

missLINGVA/October, 2014 9

Mysterious connection between numerals and the linguistic phenomena. Power Of Seven. Editor-in-Chief, Popular missLINGVA Magazine


have been studying English for many years and I often ask myself What is language? Here you can see my attempt to visualize some current thinking on language.hat is Language? What words mean. How to make new words. How to put words together. What word combinations are best in what situations. Speech consists of the following: Articulation Voice Fluency Parts of Speech are the grammatical classes of words. There are eight parts of speech in English: nouns, pronouns, adjectives, verbs, adverbs, prepositions, conjunctions, and interjections. There are ten parts of speech in Russian: nouns, pronouns, adjectives, numerals, verbs, adverbs, prepositions, conjunctions, particles, and interjections. It is interesting for me to note that the numeral is not a part of speech in English. The numerals are very interesting and important part of any language. The relevance of my theme is necessity to use numerals every day and many times а day. We count and recount the money, talk about when we arrive or leave, count minutes before the end of the day. For all this and much more we need numerals as in Russian and in English. And my hypothesis is that 1. the numerals may have power over the people, 2. not to be a part of speech, but to be a very important part of any language, 3 .have a mysterious connection to the linguistic phenomena

10 missLINGVA/ October, 2014

You know the word “ache”. It can be a verb or a noun, and means “to hurt” or “a pain”. We sometimes combine the word “ache” with parts of the body. Backache earache headache stomachache toothache heartache faceache (it means an emotional pain.) We do not do this with all parts of the body. For example, we cannot say that we have a “handache”. Only 7! Seven British And American Spellings 1. ogue/og 2. our/or 3. ence/ense 4. s/z 5. l/ll BrE: analogue, BrE: colour, Bre: defence, BrE: analyse, BrE: enrolment AmE: analog, AmE: color, AmE: defense, AmE: analyze, AmE: enrollment, 6. re/ er, 7. miscellaneous смешанный BrE: centre, BrE: jewellery, AmE: center, AmE: jewelry, Seven Colours Of The Rainbow RED ORANGE YELLOW GREEN BLUE INDIGO VIOLET. There is an easy way to remember them - Richard Of York Gave Battle In Vain Seven Continents Let’s look at word formation Continent: Africa Adjective: African Person: an African Continent: Asia Adjective: Asian Person: an Asian Continent: Australia Adjective: Australian Person: an Australian Continent: Europe Adjective: European Person: a European Continent: North America Adjective: North American Person: a North American Continent: South America Adjective: South American Person: a South American Continent: Antarctica Adjective: Antarctic Person: -??? Isn’t it strange? We have a word for somebody who comes from the planet Mars (a Martian), but there is no word for somebody who comes from Antarctica!

Seven Informal Contractions WANNA know what GONNA means? LEMME show you. 1. GIMME = give me 2. GONNA = going to Gimme your money. Nothing’s gonna change my love for you. 3a. GOTTA = (have) got a 3b. GOTTA = (have) got to I’ve gotta gun. I’ve gotta go now. 4. INIT = isn’t it 5. KINDA = kind of That’s smart, init? She’s kinda cute. 6. LEMME = let me 7a. WANNA = want to Lemme go! I wanna go home. Seven Meals of the Day breakfastThe first meal of the day. Usually around 6am-9am. brunch A meal eaten in the late morning, instead of Breakfast and lunch . (informal) elevenses A snack (for example, biscuits and coffee). Around 11am. (BrE, informal) lunch A meal in the middle of the day. Usually around noon or 1pm. tea A light afternoon meal of sandwiches, cakes etc, with a drink of tea. Around 4pm. It is also sometimes called afternoon tea (mainly BrE). The word tea can also refer to a cooked evening meal, around 6pm (BrE). supper A light or informal evening meal. Around 6pm-7pm. dinner The main meal of the day, eaten either in the middle of the day or in the evening. Usually when people say “dinner”, they mean an evening meal, around 7pm9pm Seven Measurements 1. Time 2. Distance 3. Area 4. Volume 5. Speed 6. Weight 7. Money Seven Prefixes Here are 7 common prefixes in English, together with their basic meaning and some examples: 1. counter- 2. extra- 3. hemimeaning: opposition meaning: outside meaning: half example: counter-attack example: extramarital example: hemisphere 4. inter- 5. non- 6. postmeaning: between meaning: negation meaning: after in time or order example: interact example: nonsmoker, example: postpone 7. remeaning: again example: repaint, Seven Teens 13 thirTEEN 14 fourTEEN 15 fifTEEN 16 sixTEEN 17 sevenTEEN 18 eighTEEN19 nineTEEN

Seven Seas A very famous phrase in English is “the seven seas”. Many songs and poems refer to “sailing the seven seas” to express the idea of roaming the whole world by sea. Seven Times Of The Day Here are 7 important times or parts of the day in English. MIDNIGHT MIDDAY MORNING AFTERNOON EVENING DAW DUSK Seven Wonders Of The Ancient World The Great Pyramid of Giza (modern Egypt) The Hanging Gardens of Babylon (modern Iraq) The Statue of Zeus at Olympia (modern Greece)

The Temple of Artemis (Diana) at Ephesus (modern Turkey) The Mausoleum at Halicarnassus (modern Turkey) The Colossus at Rhodes (modern Greece) The Pharos of Alexandria (modern Egypt) Despite the impressive technical progress going by leaps and bounds, we are still trying to find a magic wand or a goldfish in a fairy tale, in the hope that they will create a miracle. For example, the magic numbers. To draw the conclusion, one can say that , I spent a great deal of research, which took more than one month. I read a lot of books to confirm my hypothesis. The arguments I have presented prove that the numerals may have power over the people, there are a lot of superstition people; the numerals are a very important part of any language, one should accept that the numerals have a mysterious connection to the linguistic phenomena. It was very interesting to determine the seven very important parts of the language in various fields. I think that I will continue my research and find a lot of interesting things in the great and perfect English language. The list of literature: 1. Иванов С. Магическая семерка // Наука и религия. - 1990. -№3.-С. 46-49. 2. К у н и н А.В. Англо-русский фразеологический словарь. М.: Русский язык, 1984.-942 с. 3. Рожанский Н.Я. Фразеологизмы с числительными // Рус. яз. в школе. - 1957. - № 1. С. 29-32. 4. Numerology: Secrets of Numeral 7. by Hakeem Alexander , 2013 5. Secrets for ESL Students. Mara France Garcia 2002, Buenos Aires-Argentina missLINGVA/October, 2014 11

The history of the English language By Victoriya Luk’yanchuk


am interested in this theme because I have been studying English for 9 years and I like it very much. I wanted to know how it was beginning. The goal of my work is to study as many sources as possible to explore the history of the English language. The history of the English language really started with the arrival of three Germanic tribes who invaded Britain during the 5th century AD. . At that time the inhabitants of Britain spoke a Celtic language. Old English did not sound or look like English today. Native English speakers now would have great difficulty understanding Old English The Old English language, also called Anglo-Saxon, The greatest Old English poem is Beowulf, which belongs to the seventh century. It is a story of about 3,000 lines, and it is the first English epic . The name of its author is unknown. In 1066 William the Conqueror, conquered England. For a period there was a kind of linguistic class division, where the lower classes spoke English and the upper classes spoke French. In the 14th century English became dominant in Britain again, but with many French words added. This language is called Middle EnglishThe history of Middle English is often divided into three periods: (1) Early Middle English, from about 1100 to about 1250, during which the Old English system of writing was still in use; (2) the Central Middle English period from about 1250 to about 1400, which was marked by the gradual formation of literary dialects. Late Middle English, from about 1400 to about 1500, which was marked by the spread of the London literary dialect and the gradual cleavage. (3) between the Scottish dialect and the other northern dialects.

12 missLINGVA/October, 2014

The literary culture of the Middle Ages was far more international than national and was divided more by lines of class and audience than by language. Latin was the language of the Church and of learning. And the legendary King Arthur was an international figure. Stories about him and his knights originated in Celtic poems and tales and were adapted and greatly expanded in Latin chronicles and French romances even before Arthur became an English hero. Early Modern English (1500-1800). This, and the Renaissance of Classical learning, meant that many new words and phrases entered the language. Books became cheaper and more people learned to read. Printing also brought standardization to English. Many familiar words and phrases were coined or first recorded by Shakespeare, some 2,000 words and countless catch phrases are his. The next wave of innovation in English came with the Renaissance. The revival of classical scholarship brought many classical Latin and Greek words into the Language. Late Modern English (1800-Present). The main difference between Early Modern English and Late Modern English is vocabulary. Late Modern English has many more words, arising from two principal factors: firstly, the Industrial Revolution and technology created a need for new words; secondly, the British Empire at its height covered one quarter of the earth’s surface, and the English language adopted foreign words from many countries. English has remained the single most important language in the world and the closest thing to a global language the world has ever seen. The invention of radio in the 1920s, and then television in the 1930s, disseminated this archetypal .


nglish accent to the masses and further entrenched its position, The 20th Century was, among other things, a century of world wars, technological transformation, and globalization, and each has provided a source of new additions to the lexicon. For example, words like blockbuster, nose-dive, shellshocked, camouflage, radar, barrage, boondocks, roadblock, snafu, spearhead, etc, are all military terms which have made their way into standard English during the World Wars. The explosion in electronic and computer terminology in the latter part of the 20th Century (e.g. byte, cyberspace, software, hacker, laptop, hard-drive, database, online, hi-tech, microchip, etc) was just one element driving that trend, and resulted from the dominance of the USA in the development of computer technology . Neologisms are being added all the time, including recent inclusions such as fashionista, frenemy, metrosexual, McJob, wussy, bling-bling, (дорогие, броские ювелирные украшения , pear-shaped, unplugged, hyperspace, truthiness, confuzzle, locavore, bromance, sexting, chillax, regift, meme [miːm] поведенческий или культурный стереотип, earworm, cyberpunk, meh, diss, грубое или оскорбительное замечание suss, emo, gaydar, Now I know many facts about the developing of the English language. English has without a doubt become the global language. In my practical part I am researching some things 1. The Germanic Family of Languages 2. A brief chronology of English 3. A sample prose text, the beginning of The Voyages of Ohthere and Wulfstan. 4. Evolution of English pronouns. As this theme is very interesting for me I will continue to research it. Литература: 1. Baugh, Albert and Cable, Thomas. 2002. The History of the English Language. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice Hall 2. Crystal, David. 2004. The Stories of English. London: Penguin

missLINGVA/October, 2014 13

Problematic aspect of the novel “Harry Potter”. Author’s subtext of universal evil in the novel by Chernoklinova Ol’ga

Book series “Harry Potter”, written by Joan Catherine Rowling, became the basis of my work, as I cannot imagine my life without this amazing book series. The first time I read it about four years ago, and since then my life has changed. In fact, the whole book is full of riddles and encrypted messages. And not all of them are on the surface, many require more careful analysis. And one day I asked myself the question: Have the people who read «Harry Potter» understands that it is not so simple in this work, as it seems at first sight? Then the following hypothesis was born: “Harry Potter” - is not just a fairy tale, it`s the novel, affecting important moral and philosophical problems. Each of the books JK Rowling raises very relevant in today’s society issues of racial tolerance, tolerance, equality of sexes, the effect on the human consciousness of ideology and the media, the relationship of ethics and science. Novels about Harry are also a novel of growing up.

14 missLINGVA/ October, 2014

In every age its pitfalls, and the characters, besides the fact that they are fighting against evil in the face of the Dark Lord, and even their teenage solve these problems. Adapting to the team, the choice of “our “ side of the relationship with friends, quarrel and reconciliation, children’s envy, gossip in the school environment, gaining credibility with classmates, first love, learning to think and analyze the behavior of people, and the ability to put yourself in the other - all this we can find in the novels of JK Rowling . “The main theme of “Harry Potter “ is fascism, this book is a vivid dystopia, art modeling event that after the writing of this book does not seem quite fantastic: the coming to power in England figures like Hitler and the establishment there of a full-fledged fascist regime. Already this very - first striking - seeing raises many questions: Why is this topic, and not some other, was at the center of such a long and intense artistic reflection?” (Taras Burmistrov)

So, in this work, I had the following aims: - To prove the truth of the hypothesis. - To study the effects of this series on the international community and age group of readers; JK Rowling has given us the opportunity to watch this artistic experiment, as if from the outside, disagreeing internally to the end of any of the parties involved in the collision. The free movement of the point of view of the entire space between the two poles allowed her as the author to expand an unusually “force field” of the novel, in which so complex and varied personal lives of the characters intertwine with the grandiose world events. Britain and the United States has not been ill or fascism, or any acute form of totalitarianism, and even a hypothetical possibility for them to get excited about something like that would be a global catastrophe - if you think about the role now played by the Anglo-Saxon world for our close planet.

Throughout all the books held the same topic: the convergence of three disparate phenomena - fascism applied in its most extreme form, the demonic manifestations of the dark forces of evil, diverged on that Sabbath, and, finally,

the British aristocracy, the descendants of the ancient and glorious birth, losing influence in the world today and frantically trying to get it back. The main characters of the book, which are the focus of the author, at a rate of tribal aristocrats identified with the Nazis, it is reminiscent of “fascism inside out” - anyone who can boast of at least several generations of his family, is automatically under suspicion of supporting the Dark Forces. That blood status, compliance with the purity of races that make Rowling bring all the Nazis came to power, long before they were used to sort of “unreliable elements» - only in this category fell tribal elite of British society. But the difference between these forces in the novel there is, and the border here is being held in relation to power - striving for it, or turning away from it and mark the difference, in principle, according to Rowling.

For a clear distinction, Rowling introduces a special vocabulary. Muggle - a person who does not have magical powers Muggle-born - The man who has magical powers, but both parents - Muggles. Mudbloods - The worst insult for muggle-born. Half-blood - One of parents is muggle, another magician. Pure-blood - Thoroughbred. Both parents are pure-bloods in the second generation. Harry Potter is in fact a typical example of traditional liberal—at least as it has been historically defined—democratic pluralism, which I happen to think is the best system and which is preferred today by both real liberals and conservatives. The characters are fighting to protect their society against revolutionary change rather than to promote it.

One factor that simplifies Rowling’s problems in managing the current debates is the lack of religion in the wizard community. Yet there is one way in which she brings in religion and it is a very revealing example. Christmas is officially celebrated at Hogwarts as a major holiday. The Potter books are actually more restrictive than liberal pluralism, much less radical multiculturalism. All the students wear standard clothing (though the Patil sisters wear saris for the equivalent of the prom), eat standard British food (no pastas or curries in the Hogwarts dining room), and so on. By the multicultural standard applied to everything else, the Potter series could be attacked and called all sorts of names, presumably if it were not so popular and the would-be censors—as they always do – lacked imagination. Remarkably, there are no foreign languages or cultures studied at Hogwarts. And now about death. Let’s see what author JK Rowling herself says about it: «My books are largely about death. They begin with the death of Harry’s parents. Or take the relentless pursuit Voldemort conquer death. Immortality at any price - the goal of anyone who touched the magic. I understand why he wants to conquer death - we are all afraid of it». Each death has a certain symbolic significance. Sirius’s death deprives Harry mentor. Death of Harry`s Hedwig symbolizes the end of childhood. Dumbledore’s death proves that the death of the great leader cannot stop the war. Dobby’s death is that even a small creature can die like a hero. Death of Snape says that you can always change your way. Fred’s death very clearly demonstrates that with the death of someone you could never accept.

And that’s fine. Through complex plot twists and turns the author, on the one hand, shows us that death is inevitable. And on the other - paradoxically - that it is an impetus to our inner growth towards independence and responsibility. In conclusion I can say “Harry Potter” has had a huge impact on the public. An example can be groups such as «Ministry of Magic» and «Ollivers and the Phellps» or that the word «muggle», has spread beyond the original book, was one of the few notions of pop culture made to the Oxford English Dictionary. After reviewing a large number of sources, I have come to the conclusion that the main theme of the novel is the theme of fascism. During the work I conducted a survey of my classmates on the following issues: 1) How do you perceive the ‘Harry Potter’ (Three as “Novel”, four “had watched just the movie”. Replies “fairy tale” and “never heard about it” are absent) 2) What parts have you read /watched (Read the “PS” -2 “PA” - 1. Watched - all parts. One person - has read everything and watched everything) 3) The most controversial, intriguing, exciting character: (S. Snape - 3; D. Malfoy - 2; G. Granger -2) 4) Just a fairy tale, or something more? All for “more” With a friend we tried to write a poem, amending and disclosing research topic. You can see it in the application. In conclusion I would say that the book is really worth attention and deep analysis. I say this not only as potterhead, rather, as a man who has seen and appreciate the philosophy and the relevance of this novel. Литература : Тарас Бурмистров «Гарри Поттер» как зеркало британского фашизма»

missLINGVA/October, 2014 15

The Role of Project Method in successful studying English. Working with projects

Writing Projects: It is important for students to understand different types of writing such as descriptive writing, persuasive writing and informative writing. There are many different ways a teacher can present this information, and many ways, other than a typical essay, that a student can show that she understands the concepts. Students can keep a writing portfolio in which all types of writing are kept together to create one project, demonstrating the knowledge of all writing styles. Internet Project Ideas. Daily Diary. Students are asked to write a diary for one week detailing life at school and home. Then exchange these with their penfriends to make comparisons about lifestyles. Sunrise and sunset. We did a project with a school in the northern hemisphere near the equator and a school in the southern hemisphere. The idea was to compare the length of day for different countries. We contacted a school in Australia and in Thailand to compare the length of day for different countries. School Life. Students swop information about school life and then create web pages from their findings. Our Students Arrive. The Start. Registration. Our projects last year 1. Circle of Life! (Tanksgiven Day) We did leaves and our teacher asked us to write Thanks our nearest and dearest for….. And we did a Circle of Life! It was the shortest project but a very touching episode in our school life! 2. This project is about Walt Disney. We gathered a lot of facts about Walt Disney”s life. Childhood, Film and business career in Hollywood, First Academy Award, Golden age of animation, etc 3. “Future stars”The students were interested in asking questions about small and talented “stars “. When students create projects, they are the active agent in the learning process; Working with projects , even in the school curriculum showed that students: achieve good results in the study of a foreign language, have the practical ability to apply skills learned in the science lessons, understand the need for interdisciplinary communication. Project - it is an opportunity of students to express their own ideas in a convenient for them, creatively designed form.

by Lipyagovskaya Anastasiya


he project method is an educational enterprise in which children solve a practical problem over a period of several days or weeks. It may involve building a calendar , designing a family tree, or publishing a class newspaper. Lessons in the classroom can become mundane, and lose students’ interest. When teachers introduce lessons in the form of projects, students are given the ability to demonstrate their knowledge on the topic at hand in many creative ways, which will keep them engaged in the daily lessons. Last year we began working with projects. We really enjoyed working with projects and did a lot of interesting and important work. This work is very relevant for students. This new form helps to learn the subject more deeply. My hypothesis is: Project work focuses on applying, not imparting, specific knowledge or skills, and on improving student involvement and motivation in order to foster independent thinking, self-confidence, and social responsibility.

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The purpose of my work is to confirm my hypothesis. Let’s begin with history. According to traditional historiography, the project idea is a genuine product of the American Progressive education movement. The idea was thought to have originally been introduced in 1908 as a new method of teaching agriculture, but educator William H. Kilpatrick elaborated the concept and popularized it worldwide in his famous article, “The Project Method” (1918). The project method was first introduced into colleges and schools when graduating students had to apply on their own the skills and knowledge they had learned in the course of their studies to problems they had to solve as practicians of their trade. The first and main responsibility of a teacher is to provide those situations in which they feel a spontaneous urge to solve some of their practical problems. Teacher should motivate the students. Teacher helps the students in proper planning of the project and discuss with them all the pros and cons of the project.

The teacher supplies clues and also provides information to the students about the sources of materials for the project. All science projects begin with a question that leads a student to ponder a scientific principle. Identify the topic. Form a hypothesis. Run experiments. Record data. Interpret the data. Build a visual project. The visual component should illustrate every step of your project. Start with the topic – very clearly stated on the top center of the poster. Then add your hypothesis. Next, include a written explanation of the experiments you carried out and exactly how they were performed. Write up your conclusions. If you are required to submit a written report, follow all specific guidelines given. In general, your research paper should include: A title page, Bibliography, Autobiography Project. A perfect way for teachers to introduce autobiographies and to ensure that students understand the importance of this genre is for students to create their own. Social Networking. Creating a social network page is extremely creative and it is something that students may not expect, which in turn will ensure that they are interested and willing to do the assignment.

The list of literature 1. Зенгин С.С. Совместное проектирование учебной деятельности как условие самоактуализации старшеклассника. – Краснодар, 2001. 2. Лакоценина Т.П. Современный урок. – Ростов н/Д: Учитель, 2007. 3. Пахомова Н.Ю. Проектное обучение – что это? Из опыта метод. работы. Дайджест журнала “Методист”./ Сост. Пахомова. Науч. Ред. Э.М.Никишин. – М.: АМК и ПРО, 2004. 4. Сиденко А.С. Метод проектов: история и практика применения. //Завуч. – 2003. - №6. 5. Теслина, О.В. Проектные формы работы на уроке английского языка [Текст] / О.В. Теслина // Иностранные языки в школе. - 2002. - №3. - С. 41-46. 6. http://www.preservearticles.com/2012032829131/ notes-on-the-role-of-teacher-in-project-method.html , http://www.ehow.com/how_5121874_build-science-project. html

missLINGVA/October, 2014 17

Scotland T

his year, in the middle of July, I had a magnificent chance to go to Scotland for one month. I went there to study English in Regent School in Edinburgh.

And I can say with confidence that it was the best month in my life. So, if you’re interested, let me tell you something about my trip… Well, I left Russia for good on the 13th of July and it took me about 10 hours to get the heart of Scotland – Edinburg, from the Russian sun to the Scottish rain. In the airport I was met by the driver who escorted me to my place of living. My hostess was a nice and friendly woman and I quickly made friends with her. In Jinny’s (it’s the name of my hostess) house there also lived students from Italy and Switzerland.


I fell in love from the first sight with Edinburgh! During my first days of staying in this city I was just amazed by it, especially by its buildings. Most of these buildings are really ancient and what a joy is walking through old narrow and such beautiful streets! And, if we talk about streets, it would be silly not to mention Scottish people, friendly and communicative.

Our students’ opinions about project work

Chernoklinova Olga 11 grade “I really liked the project work “The Future Star”, which we made in the end of the first midyear in 10 form. To begin with that it is the first experience in my life, as I with my classmates made the big project for the first time. It was so startling! We worked like one whole, found material and completed this in one whole. It was funny. Our class is like a family, therefore the work was nice. I want more.” Smurygina Anna 11 grade “My attitude to project work is positive, as topic of project is exciting. It was very interesting to know about talent children and teenagers, also to take part in this.”

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Polyakov Maxim 11 grade “I made the project work of English language for the first time. I liked to do this. The work was creative and interesting. This work helped me to know many new things?” Salyukova Olga 11 grade “I liked the work of project. We made the big project only one time. It is interesting and useful, especially, that we worked together like one team.” Lisitsyn Sergey 11 grade “I think that this project work is very useful for us. I personally (and I think my classmates too) knew a lot of news. This project besides that fact that we noticed for yourself something new also it give us opportunity to develop our English speech, thinking etc. It is very interesting and mainly it is useful for us.”

Lipyagovskaya Anastasia 11 grade “I liked the project work. We learned a lot of new with help of it, the most important we spent more time in collective, that united pupils of our class. I think that we need do such works because it is very interesting.

My school was an ancient building and it was situated in the center of Edinburgh. Generally it took me 25 minutes to get to it. In the first day I had to pass an exam so our teachers could form groups. In my group there were people from different countries, such as Japan, France, Turkey, Italy , Switzerland… There were 10 of us. We quickly became friends because of our teachers. Our teachers…I would miss them so much! Our lessons were really interesting and time was flying too quickly, though we had to study for 5 hours every day. After lessons we were exploring Edinburgh, trying to play golf and rugby. Also we went to the dancing club where we were taught how to dance Scottish national dance called “Ceilidh”. During the weekends I organized several trips to the Highlands (part of Scotland, which is covered by mountains), went to Glasgow by train, attended the football match… Time flew fast. At the end of my education I passed an exam. I’m quite satisfied with my results but it seems that I still need to improve my English. So, it was time to go home. This ancient northern country will stay in my heart forever and I’ll remember Scotland for the rest of my life.

missLINGVA/October, 2014 19

Are you self-satisfied? http://www.study.ru/test/test. php?id=93

7. You feel ill at ease when you know that things go much better without you. Right with 8. You often want to hit the jackpot? Right Wrong 9. You feel nervous when your friends buy something expensive? Right Wrong 10. You like to speak in front of audience. Right Wrong 11. You think you are not a good person. Right Wrong 12. You think you are not lucky. Right Wrong 13. You are disappointed when somebody succeeds. Right Wrong 14. You often criticize other peoples’ clothes and appearance. Right Wrong 15. When you decide to do something, you don’t finish it because you are sure that it will be no good all the way, do you? Right Wrong 16. You think you have to be better than you are. Right Wrong 17. You often think that somebody should take care of you life. Right Wrong 18. You often feel depressed if somebody is not satisfied with you. Right Wrong

How can’t people be self-satisfied? Are you pleased with yourself? If you want to find it out, go through the test and answer all the questions honestly

1.You think it should be better to be born again and turn over a new leaf. Right Wrong 2. You have a hobby? Right Wrong 3. You think that it can happen only to you when something goes wrong. Right Wrong 4. You feel fine when you realize that somebody envy you? Right Wrong 5. You are hurt when somebody thinks that you are dull and unsympathetic. Right Wrong 6. You feel satisfied when you know that you friends have the same troubles. Right

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19. You are angry when people don’t like what you do. Right Wrong 20. You think that life is not fair to you. Right Wrong 21. You strongly depend on your relatives’ opinion. Right Wrong 22. It is difficult for you to do what you want, in spite of the fact, that somebody doesn’t like it. Right Wrong 23. Is it impossible for you to realize your cherished dream because you think you are not worth it? Right Wrong 24. You feel ill at ease visiting expensive hotels and restaurants. Right Wrong 25. You like when somebody feels sorry for you? Right Wrong 26. You enjoy suffering? Right Wrong 27. It is easy to make you cry? Right Wrong 28. You are usually in bad temper, are you? Right Wrong 1-7 -Congratulations! You are so selfsatisfied that you can teach others how to live. But make sure that this feeling won’t grow into self-confidence. 7-20 -You are not self-satisfied, but this kind of state of mind is typical to plenty of people all over the world. Just don’t worry, be happy and everything will be all right. 20-28 - You are in depression/ Have a holiday, go somewhere to the countryside. You seem to be detached from what is going on. Just do what you like, and think only of yourself.

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