Baking Products Boards

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CONCEPT Brief 1 - Baking Products OUGD303 FMP

The concept of this brief was to come up with a new brand of Baking products that has a more visual appeal to the younger audience. The whole visual identity was to be applied across the most common products you normally find when it comes to baking to show how it works through a range. Along side the baking products there are most supporting products that are associated with baking. These show how the visual identity can be taken from the main set of products and applied to other materials.

The visual identity of the range has a character of a bear. Using a character that the younger audience can identify with, gives the product an element of humour and real context. The bear represents a friendly character which is easily recognizable to kids that shows some interaction with the products. Each product has been designed with the paws holding the products and showing the product on the bellie.


BRAND Brief 1 - Baking Products OUGD303 FMP

To give the products more realism I created a brand. This brand was to be applied across all of the products to show that it could be marketable and give it some personality. ‘Growling Bellies’ was based around the idea of being hungry and wanting to bake and eat! The logo was designed with bulging type to mimic a stomach that is ready to eat. This is something for the younger audience which they can relate to and would want to make them bake more and enjoy it.

A custom typeface was made to applied across all of the products for the titles. It was created to be child friendly and to be easily readable and legible with its simple lines. Designing a custom typeface gives the overall brand a unique and personal feel which kids can believe that it has all been made and marketed at them.


PRODUCT Brief 1 - Baking Products OUGD303 FMP

The main products from the range. These show the visual of the bear holding the product with the paws being applied on the sides and the information on the front. Each product has been given a unique colour to differentiate them from each other and identify them as individual products. Each product has been given a phrase to describe the products more so the younger audience can get a quick understanding of what the products do if they are unfamiliar.


PRODUCT Brief 1 - Baking Products OUGD303 FMP

More of the supporting products shows the visual identity of the bear.


PRODUCT Brief 1 - Baking Products OUGD303 FMP

Along side the main products of the brand, I created the labels for a cookie jar too. This shows how the visual identity can be applied across different products associated with baking and cooking.


PRODUCT Brief 1 - Baking Products OUGD303 FMP

Along side all of the products that are to do with baking, a set of 3 baking tins were branded with the bear visuals. These show a more complete visual of the bear to give a better understanding of how everything looks and how it ties everything together. The individual tins have been designed for different members of a family. The largest tin is for the Dad, the middle tin with the apron is the Mother and the smallest with the mess is the kids. This gives the products

something for the whole family and gets the kids involved by having their own tin. It also ties in with the story of Goldilocks and how each of the family has their own thing.


SUPPORTING PRODUCT Brief 1 - Baking Products OUGD303 FMP

To extend the range of products the visuals of the bear has been made for oven gloves and an apron. This can bring everything together and complete the whole baking experience with the visual identity. The products have been created and are available to purchase online vis the online product shop, Envelop.


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