CONCEPT Brief 4 - Music Lyric Book OUGD303 FMP
The concept was to create a new format for the music lyric book. Most of these books are just full of boring type for the album songs without much to look at. This new format introduces visual representations of the songs using illustrations. This gives the book a new and more exciting experience and makes this a publication that can be enjoyed as a collectable for fans of the artist.
The album choices were picked to be very selective and personal to me but they also have a large following amongst their fans.
PRODUCT Brief 4 - Music Lyric Book OUGD303 FMP
This music lyric book consists of all 22 songs with illustrations to go along side it. The idea of the book is a way to give, what is normally a boring and poorly designed publication, a new and more creative experience for the music fan. The front cover is a copy of the original cover design of the chosen album but it has been illustrated to fit within the theme of the book.
The back of the book has information specifically about the album and the impact it has had within the music industry and why it is valued amongst music fans.
PRODUCT Brief 4 - Music Lyric Book OUGD303 FMP
This music lyric book consists of all 22 songs with illustrations to go along side it. These illustrations are my representations taken from the lyrics and the story told in the songs. They all use a simple illustration style and are based on icon graphics. These icons are designed using the simplest form of the word that they are representing.
Along side the illustrations the lyric page has been designed to still be functional and readible. It uses a more graphic layout which collaborates well with the very illustrative images opposite.
PROPOSED PRODUCTS Brief 4 - Music Lyric Book OUGD303 FMP
These are two other proposed lyric books for album lyric books. They will use the same format and layout as the full product with their own illustrations. These two albums again have been chosen to be some that may not be well known commerically but have very big followings in their respected genres. They can also be offered as a collectable product for their fans to keep and admire.