This all started in Elysium, and it used to be a place where everyone got along, and nobody had drugs all in their systems. Just imagine Manhattan with a very big panel; every day is someone’s birthday. They didn’t have the need to have to pick their occupations at 12 years old. Well, I´m Wynter; and don’t mind the name, my parents just had to be different, okay? See, what’s so easy about me is that I don’t really like the way that I’m living. I always had that desire to leave Elysium. I never liked that whole “every day is a party” thing. I always thought it was weird and there was something sketchy going on. Every day can’t be an amazing day. I’m only eleven years old and the whole government has come to me to choose, so today is my choose day, and here nobody shares a birthday. Once someone is born on that day, that is their day. Once everyone turns 12, at noon they must pick their profession. You have to choose between a doctor, a NICU nurse, a chef , a florist, a teacher, and an engineer. And if you don’t like those choices, you have to leave. So, it’s a pretty hard choice that I have to endure. I had to do what I had to do. If running away was wrong, I really don’t wanna be right. But let me show you where the story has started; then you will believe that what I did was really the best choice. I woke up to my mother with blueberry pancakes, bacon, sausage, the smell of coffee, and creamer that had just spilled. The smart house we live in had just alerted us that it was 8:30 AM, and it was time to get in the shower and get dressed. My mom kindly wished me “Happy Birthday” and asked which profession. “Are you gonna be a chef like me or a teacher like your dad?” As I sat at the table to eat my breakfast, I kindly said, “I don’t know mom, I think that I need more time. I still wanna be a kid, I want to play on a swing and fall on the monkey bars and smell random things.”