U N T I T L E D Ashton
My name is Jacob Adams. The year is 3025, and now that the world is almost over, I might as well tell you how we all got here . . . This all started a year ago today. The year was 3024. It was a sunny day in Atlanta, GA. Now that the world was full of high-tech gadgets, I wanted to make a life-changing piece of technology. After many trials of figuring out what I wanted to create, it finally came to my head: a tablet that gives you anything you draw! Of course, the device was going to have limitations; it wouldn’t be able to create living things or food. Five months later and I was nowhere close to being finished. After many tries of the project failing, and hours of smelling burning wiring, I realized that I could not complete this alone, but interviewing people to help with a job that feels damn near impossible is very challenging. The day of the interviews only six people showed up, which wasn’t surprising but very unmotivating. All interviews started with the same question: “Why would you be useful to this project?” The first guy said, “I don’t know, I just want to be a part of the project.” I was already thinking in my mind, Decline. Every other person had around the same answer about just wanting to be a part of the project. I was ready to give up on everything until one guy came in, Jayden Rich. I asked him the same question, “Why would you be useful to this project?” “Because I have two PhDs, one in technology and the other in engineering.” To be fair, the answer wasn’t amazing, but comparing it to everything the others said, he won by miles. Now, in month six, we were still not close to being finished, but we were closer than before. The design was 12 inches wide and 79