Dist ribut io n : 2300
Bull Issue
Publications Agreement # 0041265055
Now is the time to make sure your herd is on track for Profit! Add a Charolais bull to your program!
Proven, Pr edi c tabl e, P er f o r m a n ce Official Publication of the Manitoba Charolais Association
The O fficial Public ation of the M anitoba C harolais A ssociation
LEJ Charolais A sampling of our consignments to the
Cattlemen’s Classic Bull Sale Saturday April 4, 2015 1:00 pm, Heartland Virden, MB
leJ 411b
leJ 404b
XCalibre X Silver buCkle
Mature Herd Bull
EPD’s:BW 3.7 WW 46 YW 86 M 17 TM 40
bW 120 February 24, 2014
leJ 410b
bluegraSS X birmingham
red FaCtor
bW 86 January 30, 2014
BW -1.7 WW 47 YW 80 M 19 TM 43
2- Yr Old
leJ Zander 203Z X Private ryan EPD’s: BW -3.2 WW 40 YW 76 M 23 TM 42
hC XPedition X Wat-Cha n’th degree BW 4.3 WW 50 YW 90 M22 TM 47
bW 84 February 20, 2014 bW 116 February 16, 2014 Call for more information or stop by to preview the bulls!
Jim, Rae, Kiernan and Erik Olson Box 882 Portage la Prairie, MB R1N 3C3
Jim 204-856-6357
Rae 204-871-1063
Adver tising Rates For 2015: 1” Business Card (annual) $75.00 1” MCA Member Business Card (annual)$50.00 1/6 Page Ad
1/4 Page Ad
1/3 Page Ad
1/2 Page Ad
2/3 Page Ad
Full Page Ad
G.S.T. to be added NOTE: When a photo is requested to be edited, time spent editing the image will be invoiced to the breeder/business requesting the alterations by the MCA as a cost recovery measure. All advertising accounts Must be Paid In Full before any more advertising is accepted from same contributor. ALL ACCOUNTS ARE DUE WITHIN 60 DAYS OF BILLING WITH INTEREST CHARGED AT A RATE OF 2% PER MONTH AFTER 60 DAYS.
For Further Information contact: Cheryl McPherson Phone:(204)736-2878 Fax(204)736-4124
email: cherway2011@gmail.com
FALL ROUND UP ISSUE DEADLINE: September 10th, 2015
With the calf market as strong as it is, this is the time to purchase a top quality, Charolais bull and there’s no better place to get one, than from a Manitoba Charolais Breeder. Buying a registered bull gives you more than just a piece of paper. It gives you proven pedigree and performance data to help your decision making. 2015 is going to be another exciting year in Manitoba. This year the MCA will be hosting the Canadian Charolais AGM from June 11-13th. June 12th will be the MCA Picnic and Pen Show hosted by HTA Charolais and June 13th will be the AGM meeting and banquet in Brandon. In 2014, I attended the CCA AGM in Renfrew, ON. After attending one, I am going to try to not miss another. It is a great opportunity to see top quality cattle and meet other breeders from across Canada. If you have any questions about opportunities or events, never hesitate to give me a call. Happy calving and breeding, Shawn Airey MCA President President’s message
Canadian Publications Mail Product Registration #0041265055 Return Undeliverable Mail to:
Cheryl McPherson, Box 262, Sanford, MB R0G 2J0
Manitoba Charolais Association Bulletin Publication approval - Advertisers of breeding stock must be Manitoba breeders, current in WHE with the Canadian Charolais Association (business cards exempt). MCA reserves the right to approve or deny advertising.
P r ov e n P r edi c ta b l e P er f or m a n ce
In the pasture - In the sale barn - In the feedlot
Manitoba Charolais Bull-etin 2015
MANITOBA CHAROLAIS BOARD OF DIRECTORS 2015 Shawn Airey President, MLE*, CCA-AGM, Scholarship Box 639, Rivers, MB R0K 1X0 204- 328-7704 c. 204-724-8823 shawn_and_tanya@hotmail.com Hans Myhre 1st Vice, President Website*, Commercial Breeder* R.R. #4, Comp. 9A, Dauphin, MB R7N 2T7 204-638-5664 c.204-648-6416 hans@myhrefarm.com Jeff Cavers, 2nd Vice President, Ads&Promo*, Bulletin Box 237, La Riviere, MB R0G 1A0 204-242-3467 c.204-242-4448 c2charolais@inethome.ca Rae Trimble-Olson Sec/Treas Box 882, Portage la Prairie, MB R1N 3C3 204-252-3115 c. 204-871-1063 trimblemr@hotmail.com Andre Steppler, CCA Director, CCA-AGM* Box 340, Miami, MB R0G 1H0 204-435-2463 c. 204-750-1951 steppleran@hotmail.com Scott Johnston, Bulletin, Commercial Breeder Box 123, Rathwell, MB R0G 1S0 204-749-2247 204-723-5030 h.scott.johnston@gmail.com
photo submitted by By Livestock
Trent Hatch 2015 MCA Board of Directors: 4-H*, Scholarship Box 132, Back Row (l-r): Ron McDonald, Trent Oak Lake, MB R0M 1P0 Hatch, Jim Olson, Kevin Stebeleski, 204-855-3078 Scott Johnston, Rob Gilliland, Vonda c. 204-721-3078 Hopcraft trent.hatch@gmail.com Front Row (l-r) Brad Cline, Rae Vonda Hopcraft Trimble-Olson, Hans Myhre, Shawn Juniors*, CCA-AGM Airey, Jeff Cavers, Andre Steppler RR#1, Box 5, Wawanesa, MB R0K 2G0 Missing: Michael Hunter 204-824-2115 c. 204-724-7749 khopcraft@mynetset.ca Brad Cline Jim Olson Ads & Promo, Commercial Ads & Promo *, 4-H Breeder Box 882, Box 268, Portage la Prairie, MB R1N 3C3 Belmont, MB R0K 0C0 204-252-3115 204-537-2367 c. 204-856-6357 204-523-0062 jimo1@mts.net bjcline@mymts.net Kevin Stebeleski Michael Hunter Scholarship, Website, CCA-AGM Juniors, MLE, Ad & Promo, Box 266, Oakburn, MB R0J 1L0 CCA-AGM 204-234-5425 Box 569, c. 204-365-6010 Roblin, MB R0L 1P0 happyhaven@goinet.ca 204-937-2531 Ron McDonald c.204-247-0301 MLE mike_hunter40@hotmail.com Box 85, Sidney, MB R0H 1L0 huntchar@mymts.net 204-466-2883 Rob Gilliland 204-724-2811 Bulletin*, CCA-AGM rgmcdonaldlivestock@inethome.ca Box 1558, Virden, MB R0M 2C0 204-748-2000 c.204-748-5999 On the cover of this issue: onebigeye14@gmail.com
Tha nk you to High Bluff Sto ck Fa rm, LEJ Cha rola is a nd HTA Cha rola is for providing pic tures use d throughout this issue. Bull on front cover is SC X D uke 138P, photo c re dit for bull; By Livesto ck
Manitoba Charolais Bull-etin 2015
Scholarship Report Scholarship is open to anyone 17- 21 years of age that is registered in a post secondary education (college, university, trades program) that is using Charolais genetics in their herd or families herd. Deadline December 27th Resume Must include: • Name • Address • Education achievements and post secondary ambitions (proof of acceptance my be provided before the monies is given out) • Community involvement • Cattle industry involvement: eg. 4-H , junior shows, etc • Three references • Proof of Charolais genetics to be provided. Copy of the Charolais animals registration paper. Must of been purchased in the last three years. • A picture of the applicant will also be needed after the applicant is selected for announcement purposes • Essay: How has the cattle industry affected their life and why is the breed Charolais a part of their genetic selection • All applications to be sent to: Trent Hatch, Box 132, Oak Lake, MB R0M 1P0 trent.hatch@gmail.com file photo courtesy of HTA Charolais
CCA Report
Andre Steppler
Hi everyone. I hope calving is going well. Bull sale season is fast approaching and everyone is eager to see where the bull market will be this year. When buying your bull this year, do buy a registered bull. When you buy a registered bull, you are buying not only a registration paper which provides extended pedigrees, but you are also investing in decades of documented breed data and evaluations used to determine the bull’s EPDs. These EPDs are invaluable selection tools which help in determining the bull to fit your program. If the bull is not registered, the bull cannot have a legitimate EPD. As a Canadian Charolais Association Director, I have seen first hand the importance of supporting the association. The CCA consistently works toward putting the Charolais breed in the forefront through genetic selection and promoting our breed to the rest of the Cattle industry. Enrolling your females on Whole Herd Enrollment is only $26 annually and includes the registration of her calf and it’s first transfer; a small investment in my eyes. I would also like to welcome everyone to attend the upcoming CCA AGM held this year in Manitoba. The dates are June 11- 13th. Location details will follow. The AGM will be held in junction with the Pen Show which will give everyone the opportunity to promote their operation to all of Canada. The Pen Show will be held on the Friday the 12th at the HTA farm site. The AGM will be on the 13th with a banquet to follow. This is a great opportunity for the membership and anyone interested in the breed to come out and meet breeders from across Canada and hear first hand what the CCA is up to. I hope to see everyone there. Please check back to the MCA website for the registration package, location details, and an up to date itinerary.
photo submitted by HTA Charolais
Andre Manitoba Charolais Bull-etin 2015
Manitoba Junior Charolais Report
Conference & Show – Yorkton, SK. July 22 - July 25, Events and Activities At the conference, the youth are given a chance to showcase their talents in a variety of areas: Team Marketing – working with one or two teammates, participants must sell an animal or related product to a prospective buyer. As many of you may know this past year has been very Individual Marketing – participants create a radio ad, magazine ad or webpage busy for the Manitoba Juniors since Manitoba hosted design to promote an animal, farm or sale, or they can individually sell an ani- the CCYA conference and show in Portage la Prairie mal or related item. which was a great success. Juniors should mark their Team Grooming – working with teammates from other age divisions, partici- calendars for July 22-25 2015 since CCYA is being held in pants have an allotted period of time to prepare an animal for the show-ring. Yorkton, Sask and they have a great time planned. Also Team Judging – working with a partner, one participant judges and another keep Watch for exciting future events being planned acts as ringman to conduct and judge a class of animals in a real-life setting, by the Manitoba Junior board. Just a reminder to also pay CCYA member fees to benefit from great programs. giving reasons over the microphone. Individual Judging – Participants judge 3 classes – bull calves, yearling heifers, One of these great programs is the genetics program where commercial or purebred heifers are eligible and and steers – placing and giving written reasons for each. the deadline for this is coming up, so apply as quickly as Oral reasons – Participants give reasons on one or more of the above classes to possible. a judge. Keep & Cull – Participants evaluate a group of cattle with calves at foot, using Hope everyone has a great new year; EPDs, conformation and other information, to determine which animals they would keep in their herd and which they would cull. Jared Preston Art – Artwork related to the charolais industry can be submitted at the beginEssay Contest ning of the conference to be judged. Photography – Pictures related to the charolais industry can be submitted at Purpose: The Canadian Charolais Youth Association the beginning of the conference to be judged National Board Annual Essay Competition has been creShowmanship – A traditional showmanship competition is held amongst all ated by the CCYA National Board to encourage youth competitors. to be involved in the Charolais industry and actively Cattle Conformation – Participants have the opportunity to bring animals from promote the educational endeavors of CCYA members. their farm (if able) to compete in a traditional conformation show. Due: June 1st, 2015 Herdsman Competition – Participants are placed in herdsman groups at the Prizes: beginning of the week, and judges observe how the group interacts and how Senior, Intermediate, Junior well kept their stall area is. Topic: ALL AGES: “What has the agriculture industry given The Grant Moffat Memorial Ambassador Award – Participants are evaluated you?” on their friendliness, helpfulness with junior members, and general attitude by The submissions will still be judged by age category. judges during the conference. Aggregate Competition – Participants scores in a variety of competitions are ac- Expectations for the content structure and writing style will differ depending on the age category. You must cumulated to determine the score for this overall competition. follow the requirements for your age category as set Education Awards – Senior participants only receive this award based on acout in the Competition Rules (http://youth.charolais. cumulated scores in a variety of competitions. Winners are able to apply the com/215-2/). award towards a number of different education experiences. Conference Registration Deadline: June 15
Jared Preston
Manitoba Charolais Bull-etin 2015
For Sale by Private treaty • White and Red factor • Yearling Bulls • Also 2 two year olds
Visitors always Welcome
CLN Bubba 3B
CLN Brutus 32B
CLN Glacier 50B
CLN Primetime 8B
Merit Roundup son Jan 8/2014 Sparrows Birmingham son ( ET ) Feb 14/2014 BW 98lbs WW 867lbs 205DW 729lbs 365DW 1401lbs BW 103lbs WW 815lbs 205DW 736lbs 365DW 1379lbs EPD’s: BW .4 WW 43.4 YW 90 M 23.7 TM 45 EPD’s: BW 2.3 WW 49.8 YW 91 M 22.9 TM 47.8
GDSF 27Y son Feb22/2014 Harvie High Times son Jan20/2014 BW 116lbs WW 744LBS 205DW 757lbs 365DW 1395lbs BW 88lbs WW768lbs 205DW 705lbs 365DW 1244lbs EPD’s: BW 2.6 WW 50.5 YW 97.7 M 18.4 TM 43.7 EPD’s: BW -1.5 WW 52.2 YW 98 M 25.2 TM 51.3 Brad , Juanita, Logan and Kendra Cline Box 268 Belmont, MB R0K 0C0 Like us on Facebook Home ph. 204-537-2367
Email: bjcline@mymts.net Brad’s Cell. 204-523-0062 Watch for our website www.clinecattlecompany.ca Manitoba Charolais Bull-etin 2015
Manitoba Charolais Bulletin – January 2015 This is such an exciting time to be in the cattle business, and more specifically, involved with the Charolais breed. Whether you’re after white, silver or buckskin calves, those char crosses are delivering the pounds you need when you cash those record breaking cheques. The Canadian Charolais Association works to do what is best for its members and as such, together with Doug Blair, the CCA has engaged the help and expertise of the American International Charolais Association (AICA), Angus Genetics Inc. (AGI) and Dorian Garrick of Iowa State University to work towards genomically enhanced EPDs. Genomics and the Genomically Enhanced EPDs are an industry wide movement to improve genetic evaluations through improved accuracies, especially on young animals with little or no progeny. This approach does not eliminate the need to continue to collect phenotypic data. Genomics do not replace the industry standard of EPD use as a selection tool but enhance predictability. Iowa State is currently working with data from CCA to develop a base from which we can start incorporating genomics into our genetic evaluation; at present we have no set release date for Genomically Enhanced EPDs. With user friendly services at top of mind, the CCA is looking at a new registry system that will have an updated look and feel in comparison to our current program. The new system promises to be quicker with few hassles and the ability to help members with total herd management. Although there is no specific timeline, testing will begin in 2015. 2014 realized unprecedented returns (and smiles) throughout the industry and 2015 is looking to do the same. Now is as good of time as any to be involved with the Charolais breed; as Ted Serhienko put it “Owning Charolais seed stock is a low risk – high reward scenario”! We look forward to the 2015 Canadian Charolais Association Annual General Meeting and the enthusiastic crowds that Manitoba promises. With the overwhelming successes of the CCYA Conference and Show and the National Show and Sale held in Manitoba last year, be sure to mark your calendars and plan to join us June 11-13, 2015 for the CCA Annual General Meeting being held in conjunction with the Manitoba Pen Show and Picnic. To keep abreast of all the happenings of the Canadian Charolais Association, bookmark our website www. charolais.com and follow us on Facebook /cdncharolais and Twitter @canCharolais See you down the road! Mel
Manitoba Charolais Bull-etin 2015
Box 899, Lenore, MB
HAROLAIS FAR C N M I- Merv, Joanne, & Jesse Nykoliation
Manitoba Charolais Bull-etin 2015
Pictures of our consignments by Xplorer, Yangster and Prefix will be available on our website end of February. www.trincharolais.com
Heartland Livestock Yards,Virden, Manitoba
15th Annual Cattleman’s Classic Bull Sale, Saturday, April 4, 2015, 1:30 P.M.
EPD’s: BW: -8.0 (top 1%) WW: 61 (top 1%) YW: 95 (top 20%) M: 12.7 TM: 43 204-838-2107 (Home) Calving ease with performance, hair and style. Leased by Genex. (204) 851-2290 (Merv cell) (204) 851-3391 (Jesse) merv1@prairie.ca 17 sons on offer. Only source for Xplorer sons in Manitoba!!
MVY Xplorer 21X
Seize the chance to ‘XPLORE’ New Highs in the Beef Industry
SellS in Gilliland BroS. & GUeSTS BUll Sale, March 17, 2015 at the farm at carievale, Sask Hair, hip, volume - he puts it all together ScarTh red BUcK 233B double Red, Polled/S Outcross, Red Factor Pedigree Red Buckle X Merit 77K Sire is a red Silver Buckle son BW 108 lbs. EPd’S BW-1.3 WW-42 YW-81 MILK-17 TMAT-38 ROB & LISA GILLILAnd Ashton, Abbi, & Andi Box 1558 Virden, MB R0M 2C0
T: 204-748-2000 C: 204.748.5999 Dam at 8 years of age
email: onebigeye14@gmail.com
Tri N Charolais heifers bound for Missouri breeder .These breeding heifers were part of 67 head shipment that left the Manitoba the farm January 2015. This shows that Canadian Charolais genetics are in strong demand south of the border. - photo and information submitted by Tri N Charolais.
photo submitted by HTA Charolais
Manitoba Charolais Bull-etin 2015
photo submitted by HTA Charolais
sells at
Our family has been showing females and selling bulls for years!
JAPR Mr. Arnold 21A
JAPR Super Achiever 2B
JAPR Mr. Austen 8A
JAPR Mr. Average 18A
JAPR Mr. Art 20A
JAPR Mr. Spitfire 9B
sire HTA Benq 73x- BW-102lbs
sire GDSF Stellar 55Y-BW-110lbs
sire TRI-N Accessor 148Z-BW-110lbs
sire JAPR Tank 2Y-BW-112lbs
sire JAPR Tank 2Y-BW-92lbs
sire DSY Jacksonville 335Z-BW-98lbs
This is just a few of the Bulls we have for sale by private treaty as well as 6 - Two Year Olds that are consigned to the Prairie Distinction Bull Sale. Come on by and see them at our farm, or contact us at: Neil and Lisa Box 790 Ste. Rose, MB ph: 204-732-2054 or email lisap@inethome.ca or Jared at 204-647-5416
Manitoba Charolais Bull-etin 2015
Sunny Ridge Stock Farm has on offer Purebred and French Influence Charolais bulls at the
15th Annual Cattlemans Classic Multi Breed Bull Sale
April 4th, 2015 @ 1:00pm Heartland Livestock Virden, MB
Sunny Ridge Stock Farm Ken & Vonda Hopcraft Adam Amanda & Dustin RR #1 Box 5, Wawanesa, MB,R0K2G0
res 204-824-2115
Ken cell 204-725-6213 Adam cell 204-761-3313
Vonda Cell 204-724-7749 email: khopcraft@mynetset.ca
Registered Charolais . Full French . French Influence
Thank you.... MCA President, Shawn Airey (right) made a presentation to out going directors; Ernie Bayduza (left) and Ian Milliken (center) at the Manitoba Charolais Association, AGM in Brandon this past January. Also, leaving the board was Andre Steppler (not pictured)
Manitoba Charolais Bull-etin
RConsigning & GtheseM cDonalD livestock bulls to the Prairie Distinction Charolais Bull Sale March 31 in Neepawa or by private treaty at the farm
3rd Gen Pld SIRE: MERIT RoUndUp BW -4.2 WW 41 yW 79 M 24 TM 44 BW: 80 lbs WW: 785 lbs 1/24/2015: 1240 lbs
3rd Gen Pld SIRE: SRK Canyon BW -0.6 WW 53 yW 100 M 22 TM 48 BW: 92lbs WW: 810lbs 1/24/2015: 1265 lbs
3rd Gen Pld SIRE: KEyS all STaTE BW 2.2 WW 46 yW 90 M 15 TM 38 BW: 105lbs WW: 780lbs 1/24/2015: 1180
3rd Gen Pld
SIRE: MERIT RoUndUp BW 2.0 WW 53 yW 100 M 23 TM 50 BW: 100lbs WW: 820lbs 1/24/2015: 1280 lbs
Double Pld SIRE: SRK Canyon BW -0.4 WW 50 yW 101 M 21 TM 47 BW: 98lbs WW: 910lbs 1/24/15: 1370 lbs
3rd Gen Pld SIRE:RaMM MR UnIqUE BW -1.2 WW 37 yW 75 M 21 TM 40 BW: 90lbs WW: 765lbs 1/24/2015: 1205 lbs
Ron & Gail McDonald Box 85, Sidney, MB R0H 1L0 204-466-2883 (H) 204-724-2811 (C) Manitoba Charolais Bull-etin 2015
M kay charolais c
We have been using TT bulls and offspring of TT bulls the last 11 years!
Oakridge Meats Manager: Lorne
Ph: (204) 835-2365 14
Manitoba Charolais Bull-etin 2015
McKay Ranches McKay Family
Penno Machining & Manufacuturing
Ph: (204) 352-4343
Ph: (204) 966-3211
Glenella, MB.
Eden, MB.
Howard & Kay McKay
McKay Charolais 204-352-4343
•TT cows raise 31 More pounds calf than CC cows. Do the Math: 200 cows X 31 lbs X 2.80 = $17,360 more Proft for you! •Feed saving on steer $70-$80 and yield higher grades for a greater return. •Each TT cow on average will raise 2 more calves per lifetime than CC cows.
Manitoba Charolais Bull-etin 2015
photo submitted by Joan Airey
Congratulations.... Carman & Donna Jackson, owners and operators of High Bluff Stock Farm. Producers of premium Charolais and Simmental genetics, were recently recognized for their contribution to the Charolais Industry. Proud supporters of the Canadian Charolais Youth Association and mentors to several young cattle producers. By their example not only are they showing leadership but are helping to develop new leaders in the industry. Thank you for your continued involvement in the beef industry and best wishes for your continued success.
photo submitted by HBSF
“ We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give�
- Winston Churchill
photo submitted by HBSF Manitoba Charolais Bull-etin 2015
Females like 7X have raised the quality bulls in our sale!
HBSF BISMARK 82B sired by: SHSH HD 14Y
12th AnnuAl
FamilY TradiTion Bull sAle marCh 20, 2015, 2 P.m. 3 miles north of dropmore on Ph #482
Powerful & Consistent Bulls Charolais - 30 Yearling & 9 Two Yr. old Sons of:HBSF Extra 2X, SHSH HD 14Y, Harvie Red Venaza 48Y, Duke, HBSF Yukon Gold, SCR Triumph 2135, HBSF Zorro 1Z, Fire Water simmenTal - 10 Yearling & 1 Two Yr. old Sons of: Harvie JDF Wallbanger, Red Kop Best Westernson 119Z
Carman & donna Jackson & Family, inglis mB
Phone: (204)564-2547 Cell: (204) 773-6448 www.familytraditionbullsale.com @HighBluff_SF
www.facebook.com/highbluffstockfarm Manitoba Charolais Bull-etin 2015
information found on CCA website @ http://charolais.com/content/uploads/2014/04/Breed-Average-EPD-DEC-20141.pdf
Spring 2015 ‐ Canadian Charolais Breed Average, Percentiles and Trends Breed Average EPD BW WW YW MILK TM CE 1.7 42.9 81.7 21.3 42.7 68.5 Current 1.6 42.7 81.4 20.9 42.3 66.6 Sires 1.9 40.9 77.6 20.8 41.3 64.3 Dams Current – all calves born in the last 2 years (2013 ‐ 2014) Sires – all sires with a calf reported in the last 2 years Dams – all dams with a calf reported in the last 2 years
CW 17.5 17.0 16.6
REA Fat 0.42 0.30 0.42 0.28 0.40 0.14
LY 0.79 0.82 0.89
Marb 0.09 0.08 ‐0.01
Pctl BW WW YW MILK TM CE CWT REA FAT LY MARB Avg 1.7 42.9 81.7 21.3 42.7 68.5 17.5 0.42 0.30 0.79 0.09 ‐9.5 8.2 22.1 3.8 22.8 0.0 ‐12.0 ‐0.19 ‐2.09 ‐1.85 ‐2.76 Min 13.2 81.1 150.5 37.1 62.4 100.0 50.0 1.28 3.19 2.65 3.66 Max 2.25 7.42 13.29 3.93 4.97 23.04 6.16 0.123 0.468 0.375 0.462 SD ‐4.3 60.9 113.1 30.6 54.6 99.5 32.0 0.75 ‐0.97 1.85 1.38 1 ‐3.5 58.6 109.4 29.5 53.1 99.1 30.0 0.69 ‐0.82 1.72 1.15 2 ‐2.9 57.1 106.9 28.7 52.2 98.6 29.0 0.66 ‐0.72 1.62 1.01 3 ‐2.5 56.0 105.2 28.2 51.5 98.2 28.0 0.64 ‐0.62 1.54 0.92 4 ‐2.2 55.1 103.8 27.8 51.0 97.8 28.0 0.62 ‐0.54 1.47 0.86 5 ‐1.2 52.3 98.6 26.2 49.0 95.5 25.0 0.57 ‐0.29 1.25 0.65 10 ‐0.6 50.4 65.5 25.2 47.8 92.8 24.0 0.53 ‐0.14 1.14 0.53 15 ‐0.2 49.0 92.8 24.5 46.8 90.5 23.0 0.51 ‐0.03 1.05 0.43 20 0.3 47.8 90.5 23.8 46.0 87.7 22.0 0.49 0.04 0.99 0.36 25 0.7 46.6 88.4 23.2 45.2 84.9 21.0 0.47 0.12 0.94 0.29 30 1.0 45.6 86.6 22.7 44.6 82.1 20.0 0.46 0.17 0.89 0.23 35 1.3 44.6 84.9 22.2 43.9 79.1 19.0 0.44 0.22 0.85 0.18 40 1.5 43.7 83.2 21.7 43.3 75.8 18.0 0.43 0.27 0.81 0.12 45 1.8 42.8 81.5 21.3 42.7 72.9 18.0 0.41 0.32 0.77 0.07 50 2.0 41.8 79.7 20.8 42.1 69.2 17.0 0.40 0.37 0.73 0.02 55 2.3 40.9 78.0 20.4 41.4 66.3 16.0 0.39 0.42 0.69 ‐0.04 60 2.6 40.0 76.3 19.9 40.8 62.2 15.0 0.37 0.47 0.65 ‐0.09 65 2.8 39.0 74.6 19.3 40.1 58.7 15.0 0.36 0.52 0.60 ‐0.15 70 3.1 37.9 72.7 18.8 39.4 53.6 14.0 0.34 0.60 0.56 ‐0.20 75 3.4 36.7 70.6 18.2 38.6 48.4 13.0 0.32 0.65 0.51 ‐0.27 80 3.8 35.4 68.2 17.4 37.7 42.1 11.0 0.30 0.75 0.45 ‐0.34 85 4.3 33.6 65.0 16.3 36.6 34.8 10.0 0.27 0.85 0.37 ‐0.45 90 5.1 30.9 60.3 14.7 34.7 24.2 7.0 0.22 1.01 0.24 ‐0.60 95 13.2 8.2 22.1 3.8 22.8 0.0 ‐12.0 ‐0.2 3.19 ‐1.85 ‐2.76 100 N 25049 25049 25049 25049 25049 21646 25049 25049 25049 25049 25049 Percentiles are based on Current Calves – all calves born in the last 2 years (2013 ‐ 2014) Manitoba Charolais Bull-etin 2015
One of the largest groups of Bulls for sale by Private Treaty in Manitoba GDSF Crimson 68B
2/6/14 DBL PLD, DBL Red
GDSF Reward 62X X GDSF 21R BW: 96 205 Wt: 860 365 Wt: 1505 ADG 4.03 | WDA 4.10 BW| WW | YW | M | TM 1.4| 43.5 | 85.4 | 24.3 | 46.1
2/5/14 Polled
Chardel Black Hawk X GDSF Miss 57W BW: 108 205 Wt: 830 365 Wt: 1468 ADG 3.99 | WDA 4.02 BW| WW | YW | M | TM 4.5 | 50 | 96.6 | 21.2 | 46.2
2/18/14 Double Polled
DSY Networth 21X X GDSF 45Y BW: 98 205 Wt: 853 365 Wt:1463 ADG 3.81 | WDA 3.92 BW| WW | YW | M | TM 1.3| 35.9 | 73.7 | 21.8 | 39.8
1/27/14 Double Polled
1/31/14 Double Polled
BW| WW | YW | M | TM 1.1| 55.6 | 102.5| 21.5 | 49.3
BW| WW | YW | M | TM 1.4| 34.7 | 70.4 | 20.1 | 37.5
GDSF Reward 62X X GDSF 20U Merit Roundup X GDSF Miss 18U DSY Networth 21X X GDSF 39Z BW: 92 205 Wt: 832 365 Wt: 1446 BW: 84 205 Wt: 752 365 Wt: 1362 BW: 100 205 Wt: 838 365 Wt: 1393 ADG 3.47 | WDA 3.83 ADG 3.81 | WDA 3.49 ADG 3.84 | WDA 3.96 BW| WW | YW | M | TM 1.5| 44.5 | 90.4 | 26.6 | 48.9
Just a sample of the Bulls we have for sale. We also have 8 two year olds for sale. Bulls are developed on course ground oat ration. No creep feed. Several are RED FACTOR! Proud to be WHE with CCA!
Check out our website for bull weights & pictures www.defoortstockfarm.com
Celebrating 36 years in Charolais
Gord, Sue & Luke Box 76, Cypress River, MB., R0K 0P0
T: 204.743.2109
gordnsue@goinet.ca Manitoba Charolais Bull-etin 2015
Your Source for Performance BullS HTA Commitment 4104B BW 5.7% of dam’s wt
EPD’s: BW -0.2 WW 39.5 YW 79.1 TM 42.4 Milk 22.6 BW: 92 ADJ 205: 633 ADJ 365: 1353
HTA Achieve 404B BW 5.6% of dam’s wt
EPD’s: BW 2.8 WW 52.2 YW 97.7 TM 43.2 Milk 17.1 BW: 96 ADJ 205: 709 ADJ 365: 1475
HTA Initiative 462B BW 7% of dam’s wt
EPD’s: BW 4.1 WW 59.6 YW 111.1 TM 48.2 Milk 18.4 BW: 103 ADJ 205: 845 ADJ 365: 1495
HTA Expedition 469B BW 5.5% of dam’s wt
•All bulls meet performance requirements •All bulls are semen tested •Weights and measurements are posted •Bulls are broke with good dispositions •Mostly Polled
EPD’s: BW 3.3 WW 44.3 YW 84.2 TM 40.4 Milk 18.2 BW: 101 ADJ 205: 714 ADJ 365: 1333 htacharolais.com Ph: 204.328.7704 @htacharolais Like us Shawn’s cell - call or text: 204.724.8823 Visitors always welcome at the farm email:htacharolais@hotmail.com 20 Manitoba Charolais Bull-etin 2015
HTA Charolais & Guests Bull Sale March 25, 2015,
50+ bulls sell Neepawa, MB
Our COmmitment tO Quality is #1 HTA Tabasco 411B BW 7.5% of dam’s wt
EPD’s: BW 5.1 WW 39 YW 83 TM 43 Milk 23 BW: 114 ADJ 205: 761 ADJ 365: 1484
HTA Expertise 432B BW 5.9% of dam’s wt
EPD’s: BW 2.6 WW 51 YW 101 TM 48 Milk 23 BW: 101 ADJ 205: 765 ADJ 365: 1471
HTA Maximize 435B BW 5.3% of dam’s wt
EPD’s: BW 2.3 WW 47 YW 93 TM 43 Milk 19 BW: 99 ADJ 205: 669 ADJ 365: 1389
HTA Toledo 448B BW 7.5% of dam’s wt
EPD’s: BW 5.4 WW 60 YW 110 TM 43 Milk 13 BW: 108 ADJ 205: 842 ADJ 365: 1650
You’re Invited! HTA is proud to be hosting the MCA Picnic & Pen Show – June 12th, 2015
Every beef producer knows profitability starts with more pounds. MORE pounds, MORE profits, Simple. Manitoba Charolais Bull-etin 2015
How Busy are Your Bulls? Genomics Simplified: using DNA technologies to improve your herd By: Grant Woronuk, PhD Cattlemen often spend thousands of dollars acquiring bulls and many thousands more throughout the bull’s life to produce calves, however, it is often a mystery as to how many calves result from each bull. Not knowing how productive each bull is could lead maintaining several unproductive bulls which will be a significant drag on the cost of calf production. Now, cattlemen have the ability to calculate bull productivity by applying modern genomics. Quantum Genetix in Saskatoon offers a service called Q-link which uses molecular marker technology to link each calf in a cowherd to their correct sire. Quantum Genetix has built its expertise on developing superior molecular diagnostics technologies that has established fast, accurate, and cost-effective genotyping of key metabolic genes that influence cattle market performance. Among the most effectual of these performance genes for which Quantum Genetix has developed diagnostics for is leptin, a gene involved in animal appetite and metabolism. In cattle, a single DNA base substitution in leptin changes the nature of the gene’s function. More specifically, a normally occurring two-cytosine base (CC) in leptin results in a given amount of cattle weight, but if a two-thymine (TT) base substituted in place of the CC, which is a fairly common occurrence in most herds, the impact on cattle market characteristics are significantly impacted. For instance, calves weaned by TT cows have been shown to be 31 pounds heavier than those weaned from CC cows, as well as having two more years of productive life. Another way leptin influences cattle market characteristics is in rate of backfat accretion, where studies have shown that CCs required more days to reach 12 mm backfat, TTs required the fewest days to reach the same backfat thickness, and CTs, the intermediate genotype, reached 12 mm backfat in a time midway between the CCs and the TTs. Taken together, these studies have calculated leptin’s impact on cattle profitability from $15 - $40 per head. In addition to leptin, Quantum Genetix has developed similar technologies to identify genetic alterations in other critical cattle metabolic genes, such as PMCH (pro-melanin-concentrating hormone), which is linked to improved tenderness and fatness of carcass, as well as IGF2 (insulin-like growth factor 2) and CRH (corticotropin-releasing hormone) which influence shipping weight and lean meat yield. Together, genotypes of this suite of genes has considerable impact on the cattle metabolism, and knowing the status of each of these genes empower cattlemen to effectively manage their herds to ensure improved carcass quality. In order to ascertain the ‘siring capacity’ of bulls in cattle herds, Quantum Genetix has applied their industryleading molecular diagnostic skill sets towards developing Q-link, a genomic profiling system tailored to generate information on over 100 discreet genetic targets in each animal in a herd. Together, these targets make up a genomic profile for each animal, and by comparing genetic profiles between animals, say between a bull and a calf, one can exclude that bull from being that calf’s sire. By process of elimination, the lone bull not excluded from sirehood is deemed the sire of the calf. Once sire-calf matches are made, one may then look deeper at the information to ascertain sire’s capacity for calf production and evaluate how busy the bulls are. Determining the each bulls capacity for siring calves in a herd has potential to significantly impact decision making, as it provides an objective measure of each bull’s ‘breeding capacity’. The impact of bull breeding capacity can be described by linking the cost of maintaining a bull with the revenue generated by its calf output. One can imagine extreme examples where this knowledge is vital, such as a case of a large herd where several bulls produce less than two calves each, yet another bull produces over 40 calves. It is easy to imagine the impact of maintaining non-productive bulls in your herd. Certainly, some bulls are far busier than others, and acquiring knowledge of such information using Q-link enables us to make pragmatic decisions to increase the efficiency of your herd. For further information, contact Quantum Genetix: 101-110 Research Drive Saskatoon, SK, S7N 3R3 dna@quantumgenetix.com P:306 956 2071
Manitoba Charolais Bull-etin 2015
Why should you, as a commercial producer ask for registered and transferred Charolais bulls? Put simply, the impac t of your bull purchase decision to your future herd per formance is so impor tant that it is just not wor th the risk of buying a bull of unk nown genetic background and quality. Grab a coffee, and check out the bulls and pro grams in the Bulletin that are available to you. See more profit from Registered Charolais bulls, as they will add pounds to your calf crop and cash in your pocket. Suggestions, creative ideas, and constructive criticisms are always welcomed. Respectfully, Cher yl
photo submitted by HBSF Manitoba Charolais Bull-etin 2015
Manitoba Charolais Commercial Producer of the Year Presenting the award to the Hill
family is MCA President,(Rt.-side) Shawn Airey at the AGM in January Allan Hill took over the family farm in 1965 and ran a mixed farming operation consisting of cattle, wheat, barley and oats. In 1970 Allan decided to breed his herd of Black Angus cows to a Charolais bull and this is when the Charolais breed was introduced to the Hill farm. When the calf crop came in the next year it was a no brainer that the Charolais bull was going to stay, he saw the benefits of crossbreeding the british cows with the Charolais bull with those cows bringing in heavy calves at weaning time which would make a profit for the farm. 1972, Robin, Allan and Brenda’s son, was the next generation born to eventually take over the family farm. As Robin was growing up he was a member of the Lenore 4-H club for 11 years and in that time frame he showed the Charolais X calves that he and his dad were breeding and raising. Two Grand Champion market steer titles at the Virden and District Fatstock show and sales were brought home in those 11 years. Throughout the years most of the females that we breed were purchased at dispersal commercial sales and are brought home and put in our program being bred to our Charolais bulls. The Charolais bulls that are used on our farm have come from a few different purebred breeders, Beaver Creek Charolais (7 bulls), Virden, N7 Stock Farms,Crandall (2 bulls), 4-G Charolais Ranch (3 bulls), Yorkton, and High Bluff Stock Farms (4 bulls) Inglis. The relationships that we have formed with these bull breeders is the reason we keep going back to purchase bulls from them, they are honest, reliable, dependable people who know what we are looking for and they provide us with nothing but the best that will work on our commercial cows. With the commercial cattle operation now at 100 char x cows, red angus/Simmental X cows and Allan ready for retirement, Robin moved his family to the Lenore area to take over the family farm in 2007. Robin and Connie have 3 children, Cody, Jaylin, and Ricki who are all also members of the Lenore 4-H club. In 2009, Cody, won Champion Yearling Heifer, 2010 he won Grand Champion market steer and both were char X animals off of a Beaver Creek bull. Jaylin won Grand Champion market steer in 2011 and Reserve market steer in 2012 and these char X calves were also off of a Beaver Creek bull. Then this past year, 2013, Jaylin came home with the Grand Champion market steer title again showing a char X steer off of a High Bluff Stock Farms bull. All these char X 4-H calves were home raised, we don’t need to go out shopping for the best when we breed our commercial cows with the best Charolais bulls we buy for our herd. We also enjoy taking a few of what we think is our best pairs to the local fair at Harding every year to compete in the commercial cow/calf class. Our favorite cross is the Red Angus/Simmental x cow, nothing looks better than watching that cow raise a buckskin calf that will grow over her back. The growth and quality of our char x calves being born March 10 till the time we sell them at the end of October at the Charolais Influence presort sale at Heartland Livestock Services in Virden, with an average weight of 675lbs, is nothing but money in our pocket. We take a lot of pride when we sell our calves and I don’t think anyone can convince us to change to another breed of bull, we are convinced that Charolais is the way to go!!! submitted by Hill family.
Manitoba Charolais Bull-etin 2015
Most are Polled • Some Red Factor
HC BASKER 408B CE 73 BW 2.3 WW 42 YW 84 M 26.2 TM 47 SVY Northstar x HTA Crown Prince Polled • BW 102, Adj 205 651
HC BARCELONA 477B CE 46 BW 4.2 WW 53 YW 90 M 21.1 TM 48 Elder’s Zeus 22Z x MXS Montana 4th Gen Pld • BW 106, Adj 205 811
HC BRANT 482B CE 67 BW 2.5 WW 46 YW 83 M 21 TM 44 Elder’s Zeus 22Z x Sparrows Sanchez Polled • BW 100, Adj 205 774
• Complete Performance Data Available • Bulls can be viewed any time • Video sale, come early to inspect the bulls and join us for lunch
HC BARON 409B CE 99 BW -3.6 WW 28 YW 69 M 27.5 TM 41 JWX Silver Bullet x Sparrows Sanchez Polled • BW 79, Adj 205 718
HC BROWNING 439B CE 96 BW -2.3 WW 62 YW 110 M 24.1 TM 55 SRK Canyon x Sparrows Alcatraz Red Factor, 3rd Gen Pld • BW 92, Adj 205 855
HC BORDEAUX 485B BW 4.6 WW 46 YW 79 M 14.9 TM 38 KCM Ultimate x PCFL Prince BW 100, Adj 205 656
Contact us for more information or view the videos and catalogue online at www.huntercharolais.com
Hunter Charolais Box 569, Roblin, MB R0L 1P0 Doug & Marianne Hunter 204-937-2531 C 204-937-7737 Jimmy & Amy Hunter 204-937-0219 Michael Hunter 204-247-0301 @HunterCharolais • huntchar@mymts.net
Sale Manager:
306-584-7937 Helge By 306-536-4261 Candace By 306-536-3374 charolaisbanner@gmail.com www.bylivestock.com Manitoba Charolais Bull-etin 2015
Hill Family named Premier Charolais Commercial Producer of
photo submitted by HTA Charolais
In 2007 Robin and Connie Hill moved to the family farm near Lenore to taken over the operation when his dad, Allan decided to retire. His Dad had started using Charolais bulls on his Angus cows in 1970. “When the calf crop came in the next year it was a no brainer that the Charolais bull was going to stay. Dad saw the benefits of crossbreeding the British cows with the Charolais bull. With those cows bringing in heavy calves at weaning time which would make a profit for the farm.” said Robin Hill. When Robin was growing up he was a member of the Lenore 4-H club for eleven years at that time he showed the Charolais cross calves that his dad was raising. He had two Grand Champion market steer at Virden and District Fat Stock Show and Sale. “The commercial cattle operation now is at hundred Char cross cows and Red Angus/ Simmental cross cows. Our three children Cody, Jaylin, and Ricki are now members of the Lenore 4-H Club. In 2009 Cody won Champion Yearling Heifer, Grand Champion Market Steer and both were Char- cross animals off a Beaver Creek bull. Jaylin won Grand Champion market steers in 2011. In 2013 Jaylin came home with the Grand Champion Market Steer title again showing a Char cross steers off a High Bluff Stock Farm Charolais bull. All these Char cross 4-H steers were home raised and there was no need to go shopping off the farm when we breed our own commercial cows to the best Charolais bulls we could buy for our herd. We also enjoy taking a few of what we think are our best pairs to the local fair at Harding every year to compete in the commercial cow/calf class. Our favorite cross is the Red Angus/ Simmental cross cow nothing looks better than watching that cow raise a buckskin calf that grows over her back.” said Robin. “The growth and quality of our char cross calves being born March 10th till the time we sell them at the end of October at the Charolais Influence pre-sort sale at Heartland Livestock Services in Virden, with an average weight of 675 lbs, is nothing but money in our pocket. We take a lot of pride when we sell our calves and don’t think anyone can convince us to change to another breed of bull, we are convinced that Charolais is the way to go.” said Robin. Joan Airey Freelance Writer and Photographer Box 790 Rivers, Manitoba R0K 1X0
Manitoba Charolais Bull-etin 2015
ON OFFER • 58 POLLED YEARLING BULLS DELIVERY AVAILABLE – Bulls can be kept until May 1 at no charge
TLJ 204B Top notch Ledger son BW -3.6 WW 45 YW 78 M 23 TM 45
HTK 12B A very smooth, deep ribbed Bluegrass BW -1.7 WW 47 YW 89 M 20 TM 44
TLJ 604B Hairy, deep ribbed, calving ease Specialist BW -3.4 WW 41 YW 77 M 20 TM 41
TLJ 854B Very thick, hairy, tan Bud calf BW -3.8 WW 48 YW 90 M 15.6 TM 40
RKJ 530B Very thick, deep ribbed, big nutted, hairy Bud calf BW 1.3 WW 54 YW 96 M 19 TM 46
Smooth polled, well muscled Crossfire son BW 2.5 WW 47 YW 85 M 22 TM 46
BUY FROM A PROVEN PERFORMANCE PROGRAM We provide Birth Weights, Adjusted Weaning and Yearling Weights, A.D.G. on feed... plus EPD’s (check our EPD’s against the breed averages!) Pleasant Dawn performance bulls will give you more pounds, more dollars & more profit! Remember…you still get paid for your calves by the pound! Our family has been supplying quality herdbulls to the beef industry for over 30 years. Our selection goals are geared to get you the best bull possible for your program.
Our goal... Customer Satisfaction Box 40, Oak Lake, MB R0M 1P0 Tully & Arlene Hatch 204-855-2402 cell 204-748-7595 Trent & Ashley Hatch 204-855-3078 cell 204-721-3078 Kevin & Suzanne Hatch
Sale Manager:
306-584-7937 Helge By 306-536-4261 Candace By 306-536-3374 charolaisbanner@gmail.com www.bylivestock.com
View catalogue at www.pleasantdawn.com or call today for a catalogue or for more information Manitoba Charolais Bull-etin 2015
Manitoba Youth Beef Roundup annually holds their All Breeds Youth Weekend on August Long weekend in Neepawa. Annually we raise funds for our Scholarship presented to young livestock members to continue their education. The 2014 winners were: Samantha Rimke: Samantha is from Oak Lake where her family operates AM Ranching a Hereford and Angus operation. She has been involved with Manitoba Youth Beef Round Up since its inception and in 2012 became a member of the organizing committee. Not only is she involved with Round-Up, but she also plays a big role in the Manitoba Junior Hereford Association, is involved with the Ma nitoba Beef Producers, the Outstanding Young Farmers organization, Oak Lake 4-H Beef Club and Oak Lake Curling Rink. At school Samantha is involved with the Social Justice Committee, Student Council, grad committee, and Envirothon group. Samantha is currently attending the University of Saskatchewan studying pharmacy. Her goal upon graduation is to work in a small town as a pharmacist, providing a vital ser vice to the rural community while also running a farm at home. Dillon Hunter: Dillon is from Kenton where his family operates Diamond T Limousin. Dillon has been involved in Round Up since it started back in 2008. Along with participating with cattle, Dillon has also been involved on the organizing committee. Apart from participating at Round-up he was an active member in the Manitoba Jr. Limousin Association and the Oak Lake 4-H Beef Club. Dillon has held
Manitoba Charolais Bull-etin 2015
Sam anth a R im ke
Dillo n Hu nter PRESS RELEASE -2014 Round Up Scholarship Recipients
multiple positions in both of these organizations, including President and Secretar y. In his community, Dillon has worked with committees to help organize the annual Canada Day pit barbeque in Kenton, volunteer at the local arena by helping put lines in at the rink, working in the kitchen, and helping clean up after hockey games. He also volunteers in the setting up and cleanup of Harding fair, as well as other local events. Dillon is currently attending the University of Regina for a Bachelor of Kinesiology, majoring in Human Kinetics and certification in Athletic Therapy and planning to graduate in the spring of 2015. Within this field he will be able to work in either clinics or on sports team to aid in the prevention and rehabilitation of injuries through specific training regimes and muscle release techniques. He hopes to be able to work wi th farm related injuries as well as farm injur y prevention as well as remain involved in the family farm. Our Annual fund raising auction for the 2015 Scholarship was recently held at the Manitoba All Beef Breeds Meetings in Brandon. Please view our face book page for the 2015 sponsors. Manitoba Youth Beef Roundup is annually held on August Long weekend, July 31, August 1 and 2nd 2015 in Neepawa Manitoba. This all Breeds Junior weekend is open to purebred and commercial Juniors under the age of 25. The weekend consists of educational seminars, along with educational competitions and a cattle show. View our facebook page Manitoba Youth Beef Roundup for updates or contact Chairperson Lois McRae 204-728-3058 for more details. OUR YOUTH IS OUR FUTURE IN THE LIVESTOCK INDUSTRY.
tle La t a
Cattle Lac Charolais
Charolais Tyler Wilkinson Eddystone MB Home 204-448-2181 Cell 204-447-0284 vinsue@inetlink.ca Manitoba Charolais Bull-etin 2015
Come and look over the bull pen. We would be happy to have you.
9 sons of HTA Conrad 248Z 1 son of HSF Zorro 1Z
Wayne & Melva Ramsey Box 73 Cardale, MB H – 204-566-2314 C – 204-764-0386
CE 67
BW 2.8
WW 50
Whole Herd Enrollment (WHE) was initiated in 1998 by the most progressive beef cattle breeders in Canada. The Whole Herd Enrollment program is a cow based performance system. This means that each breeding female is reported on every year. Breeding and calving information must be reported. A dam must have a calf reported or a reason for her failure to have a calf is reported in lieu. Disposal information is collected on the cows that are culled from the herd. Performance information, such as weights is still optional; in order to maintain the integrity of the data performance, recording individual herd data is strongly encouraged.
Manitoba Charolais Bull-etin 2015
M TM 14.3 40 Matthew, Sarah, Claire & Myra Ramsey Box 214 Strathclair, MB H – 204-365-2729 C – 204-365-0976 email: lazyjranch.mb@hotmail.com
WHE Overview
Whole Herd Enrollment
YW 91
January 1 – female enrollments due (spring and fall calvers), spring calving females invoiced May 15 – calving data due (to be included in the EPD evaluation) August 1 – deadline for adding or removing fall calving females from WHE, fall calving females invoiced October 15 – weaning data due (to be included in the EPD evaluation) The annual enrollment fee is $26 + applicable taxes per female. Enrollment includes registration on natural calf (calves if twins) born in the year the female is enrolled, transfer on the calf and transfer on the cow in the year she is enrolled. By collecting Whole Herd Data, traits such as fertility and calving ease can be examined and thus genetic gains can be realized in all areas of data reporting. The structure of the program simplifies paperwork and adds real value to Canadian Charolais genetics. The Whole Herd system is designed by members for members to support CCA programs and activities.
Johnston Charolais
Consigning 9 long yearlings to: Prairie Distinction Charolais Bull Sale, Neepawa, MB on March 31,2015 aExtra age yearlings born late May-August 2013 aAI sired by Keys All State, Moore’s Lariat, Sparrow’s Birmingham and EC No Doubt bloodlines aStructurally sound, sensibly developed, semen tested, guaranteed and ready to work!
JFC 315A
JFC 320A
JFC 331A
JFC 333A
To view catalogue online please go to www.bylivestock.com Or phone for extra info and pics Farm visits welcome
Johnston Charolais Box 123, Rathwell, MB R0G 1S0 Home phone: 204-749-2247 Cell: 204-723-5030 email: h.scott.johnston@gmail.com Manitoba Charolais Bull-etin 2015
Lonesome Eagle Farm
Contact Brian at 204 223 0673 for more information
Bulls on offer come from some of the best genetics. Our herd has been bred to ensure quality results. Low birth weights with Maximum performance. Thank you to Paul Pichlyk, Glen Penner, George Culleton, Les Kovacs and David Klassen for purchasing from our program.
Consigned to the 47th Annual Lundar Bull Sale Lundar, MB, April 18, 2015
LEF EXTRA STOCK 424B Outstanding bull that offers calving ease. He comes from one of our strongest cow families. For those wanting to keep replacement heifers, this is the bull for you! BW: 1.8 WW: 41.7 YW: 83.4 M: 20.2 MWWT: 41.0
LEF UTPIOA 417B The first calf in the pasture to catch your eye. Utopia is a super easy keeping, red factor, meat machine. With a great disposition and strong set of EPD’s
BW: 3.6 WW: 52.5 YW: 91.5 M: 19.1 MWWT: 45.3
Prep a ring to Tra n s i ti on t h e Fa m i l y Fa r m Look ing towards the future prosperity of the family farm means you have to consider transition and succession planning. The retiring generation needs to think about what they want their legac y to be and how they will manage financially. Succession planning also includes look ing at the expec tations of the nex t generation, par ticularly around transfer or authority and financial management. I t ’s impor tant to plan now, before something unexpec ted happens and the farm suffers from lack of transition planning. Sometimes, the retiring generation hangs on be cause they fear the unk nown and/or they fear they won’t be needed. But the nex t generation will always want ex tra hands to help out, espe cially in the busy seasons. Plus they can always benefit from your experience and suppor t. You can star t by think ing about how you can mentor the nex t generation and ask yourself what you will have ac tually given up in three years’ time if you pass along the major responsibility for running the farm. The succeeding generation needs to earn the re sponsibility of managing the operation and they
Manitoba Charolais Bull-etin 2015
do this by tak ing on a junior management role to star t. The retiring generation can continue to add responsibilities over time and mentor the younger generation as the transitions take place. The younger generation can also begin to see their management strengths and weak nesses and star t tak ing training or courses to build their sk ills in the weaker areas. Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural Develop ment ’s (MAFRD) Transition Planning Guide will help farmers manage transition and plan for a profitable future. The guide helps you assess your operation’s readiness for transition, make a plan and implement the changes. There are several options and you can choose the approach that best suits your specific operation. MAFRD’s business specialists can also provide invaluable suppor t and advice for successful transition planning. For more details, contac t your local GO office. Ellen M cP h ers o n Business Development Specialist - Farm Management Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural Development Box 50, 20 First Street S., Beausejour, MB R0E 0C0 email: Ellen.McPherso n @ gov. m b . ca
C2 BROADWAY 2B KCM Ultimate x PCFL Prince
3rd Gen Pld • HTA Senator x High Bluff Hank
3rd Gen Pld • HTA Urban Legend x JWX Quiksilver
4th Gen Pld • Soder Rhapsody x LEK Ease
Red Factor, Dbl Pld • KEYS All State x Steppler Red Baron 1
Manitoba Charolais Bull-etin 2015
Tax Relief for Western Livestock Producers
Livestock producers in British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba who faced forage shortfalls due to extreme weather events over the past year will be allowed to defer tax on their cattle sales for 2014. The federal agriculture minister released a list of designated regions where tax deferrals have been authorized for 2014. The tax deferral allows eligible producers in designated areas to defer income tax on the sale of their breeding livestock for one year in order to help replenish that stock in the following year. Proceeds from deferred sales are then included as part of the producer’s income in the next tax year, when those sales may be offset by the cost of replacing their breeding animals. To defer income, the breeding herd must have been reduced by at least 15 per cent. If this is the case, 30 per cent of income from net sales can then be deferred. In cases where the herd has been reduced by more than 30 per cent, 90 per cent of income from net sales can be deferred. Eligible producers can request the tax deferral when filing their 2014 income tax returns. Locally, only producers in the RMs of Alonsa and Lakeview are eligible. The other eligible RMs are located in the southwest corner of the province and around Riding Mountain National Park. Forage Shortfall and Transportation Assistance Program The Forage Shortfall Component of the 2014 CanadaManitoba Forage Shortfall and Transportation Assistance Initiative helps livestock producers who live in the Lake Manitoba, Lake Winnipegosis and Lake St. Martin areas and experienced a forage shortage caused by elevated water levels in 2014. The forages bought are intended to maintain breeding herds over the 2014/2015 winter feeding season. Eligible participants: • may apply as individuals, partnerships, corporations, cooperatives, communes, or First Nations; • must own, or lease, forage acres normally used to produce feed for their breeding herds that were affected by high water levels in the Lake Manitoba, Lake Winnipegosis and Lake St. Martin areas; • must own or lease eligible animals, be responsible for their feeding at the time of application, and continue to own or lease these animals until March 31, 2015; • must undergo need-based forage assessments by MAFRD employees, confirming forage shortfalls; and • must have a valid MAFRD Premises ID number or be in the process of getting one. Assistance is available to buy eligible feed between August 1, 2014 and March 31, 2015.
Manitoba Charolais Bull-etin 2015
Payment rates are limited to $50 per tonne of forage purchased or 50 per cent of the price per unit of other eligible feed types purchased. The total program assistance is limited to the lesser of the shortfall in tonnes multiplied by the payment rate, to a maximum of $50 per tonne or the tonnes of feed actually purchased to sustain breeding herds, supported by receipts. Transportation Assistance Program The transportation component of the 2014 CanadaManitoba Forage Shortfall and Transportation Assistance Initiative helps livestock producers who are experiencing unusually high transportation costs to feed and maintain their breeding herds, due to forage shortfalls caused by excess moisture. These producers: • may claim costs for eligible feed, transported between August 1, 2014 and March 31, 2015, for a minimum distance of 25 kilometres. • may claim transportation costs associated with moving their breeding herds from their normal winter feeding sites– to new feeding locations as a result of a forage shortfall. • must keep their livestock in the new location for at least 30 days. Eligible transportation assistance is limited to the following rates: o $.16/tonne/loaded kilometre – for hay, straw and green feed o $.11/tonne/loaded kilometre – for silage o $.08/tonne/loaded kilometre – for concentrated feeds o $.08/head/loaded kilometre – for cows, bulls, bison, elk and horses o $.05/head/loaded kilometre – for calves o $.03/head/loaded kilometre – for sheep, goats, llamas and alpaca o or, the actual amount invoiced per unit/loaded kilometre, whichever is less. Transportation costs covered by the program include only those that are higher than normal transportation costs, based on normal management practices and yields and those incurred as a result of forage production loss, caused by excess moisture in 2014. All claimants under the program must provide valid receipts for transportation, confirming the distance transported and/or the location, and the tonnage of feed purchased. The application deadline is March 31, 2015. For more information contact the Portage MAFRD office at 204-239-3352 or Shawn.Cabak@gov.mb.ca
E x p a n d i n g You r Fa r m Te am Ever yone work ing on a farm has st re n gt h s and weak nesses. The weak nesses a re o f ten not addressed because of t he deman d o f day-to-day operat ions. However, to m aximize your profit s, you need to have an accurate pict ure of st rengt hs and we aknesses. This way, you can prov ide t rain in g and/or support for your team’s weakn e s s es and improve t he overall financial h ealt h o f your operat ion. One way to addres s t h is is by forming an adv isor y board for yo u r far m wit h people who can help you make st rate gic decisions and support your lea d ers h ip in weaker areas. Your adv isor y board should include : • someone from Manitoba A gricu lt u re , Food and Rural Development ’s (MAFR D ) product ion/business management staff
photo submitted by HTA Charolais
Chase Airey practicing his photography skills as part of the HTA Charolais Team. Photo submitted by HTA Charolais
your accountant and your law yer
a financial planner
a financial lender
Ot her consultant s and adv isors can b e included, such as an agronomist , h u m an resource consultant , healt h and safet y expert , manure management specialist , etc. S ome adv isors may prov ide regular h e lp , while ot hers may be useful for certain b est pract ices, such as regulat ion concer n s . Your adv isor y board isn’t a board o f d irectors and doesn’t govern or make de cis io n s for your business. If you are t r y ing to m ake major decisions about t he farm, con s id er hav ing t he all key stakeholders invo lved in a meet ing wit h t he adv isor y board to m ake sure all t he important issues are con s id ered. While some adv isors/consultant s may charge a fee for t heir t ime, t h e investment could be wort h it , because t h ey co u ld save you from mak ing cost ly mistake s . Ellen M cP h ers o n Business Development Specialist - Farm Management Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural Development Box 50, 20 First Street S., Beausejour, MB R0E 0C0 email: Ellen.McPherson@ gov. m b . ca Manitoba Charolais Bull-etin 2015
17 Two Year Olds • 39 Yearlings • Most are Polled • Some Red Factor YEARLINGS that will ad the PERFORMANCE YOU WANT TWO YEAR OLD BULLS that aren’t leftovers, but DEVELOPED TO SERVE MORE COWS Sale Manager
Consignors C2 CHAROLAIS Jeff & Jackie Cavers 204-242-3467 C 204-242-4448
R & G MCDONALD LIVESTOCK Ron & Gail McDonald 204-466-2883 C 204-724-2811
HAPPY HAVEN CHAROLAIS Kevin & Crystal Stebeleski 204-234-5425 C 204-365-6010
DOUBLE P CHAROLAIS Jared Preston 204-732-2054 C 204-647-5416
JOHNSTON CHAROLAIS Scott & Shelley Johnston 204-749-2247 C 204-723-5030
BURNSIDE CHAROLAIS Cory Burnside 204-385-2473 C 204-841-0018
SUNBLADE CHAROLAIS Tyler Stewart 204-847-2213 C 204-847-0612
CATTLE LAC CHAROLAIS Tyler Wilkinson 204-448-2181 C 204-447-0284
View the catalogue online at www.bylivestock.com 36
Manitoba Charolais Bull-etin 2015
306-584-7937 Helge By 306-536-4261 Candace By 306-536-3374 charolaisbanner@gmail.com
Manitoba Charolais Association Breeder’s Section Keith & Mary Anne Hagan Keith & Mary Anne Hagan
MCA Breeders: Your contact information in this business card spot could have been in 3200 potential bull buyers hands for less than 2 cents each. Too bad you are missing out on the opportunity. Call Rae 204-252-3115 so you don’t get left out next issue.
Neil and Lisa Ste. Rose, MB 204-732-2054
lisap@inethome.ca or Jared 204-647-5416
photo submitted
by HTA Charolais
Associated Business Section Manitoba Charolais Association
#1 Highway Virden, MB R0M 2C0 Phone 204.748.2466 Fax 204.748.2016 Cell 204.748.5706 henry.hildebrandt@fountaintire.com www.fountaintire.com
Joynt Cattle Services joynt5@hotmail.com 204-724-6838
Custom Show & Sale Service On Farm Torching & Clipping
RR#1 Alexander, MB R0K 0A0
Thank you to these businesses for their belief in the importance of the cattle industry.
Don’t fiddle with the rest come to
Grant Moffatt for the best! 1500 Richmond Ave. Brandon, Manitoba R7A 7E3
Phone (204) 728-0130 Toll Free 1-888-999-4111 Fax (204) 726-8344 Res. (204) 483-2727 Email grantm@murraychevbrandon.com
photo submitted by HTA Charolais
This advertising spot could be yours! Call Rae 204-252-3115 so you don’t get left out next issue. photo submitted by HTA Charolais
photo submitted by LEJ Charolais Manitoba Charolais Bull-etin 2015
Charolais Commotion
Advertisers List C2 Charolais
Cattle Lac Charolais
Cline Cattle Co.
The CCYA is a very active youth group. Check out their newsletters on the CCA website, some profound leadership, direction and initiatives are exhibited by these young cattle producers.
Defoort Stock Farm
Email – charolaisyouth@gmail.com
High Bluff Stock Farm
Follow us on Twitter – @charolaisyouth
HTA Charolais
Find us on Facebook – CCYA
Hunter Charolais
Do you have pictures and information for this section? Please submit your info to Cheryl: email cherway2011@gmail.com
Calendar of Events Young Farmers Conference, Brandon Feb 25 & 26 Gilliland Bros Bull Sale, Carievale, SK March 17 Family Tradition Bull Sale, Dropmore March 20 Pleasant Dawn Charolais, Virden, MB March 21 Steppler Charolais Bull Sale, Miami March 24 HTA Charolais & Guests Bull Sale March 25 Royal Manitoba Winter Fair March 30-April 4 Prairie Distinction Bull Sale, Neepawa March 31 Cattlemen’s Classic Bull Sale, Virden April 4 Lundar Bull Sale April 18 CCA AGM in Manitoba June 11-13 MCA Picnic & Pen Show June 12 CCYA registration and essay deadline June 15 CCYA , Conference & Show – Yorkton, SK. July 22 - July 25
Manitoba Charolais Bull-etin
Double P Stock Farms
...11, 37
Fountain Tire, Virden
.....IBC ......17 .......20, 21
JMB Charolais
....25 ......37
Johnston Charolais
Joynt Cattle Services
KEH Charolais
Keystone Livestock Services
JMB Charolais
L-E-J Charolais
Lonesome Eagle Farms
McKay Charolais
...14, 15
Murray Chev Cadillac GMC
Myers Land & Cattle
Oakridge Meats
Penno Machining
Pleasant Dawn Charolais
Prairie Distinction Bull Sale
R & G McDonald Livestock
...17, 37
Rammer Charolais
Scarth Cattle Co.
Steppler Farms Ltd.
Sunny Ridge Stock Farm
Tri N Charolais
. . . . 9
Watch for these bulls
consigned to the
Prairie Distinction sale
in Neepawa on March 31st.
Happy Haven Hydro 4B
Cougar Hills Hank son
BW 100lbs
Happy Haven Firestruck 28B
Firestruck son
BW 104lbs
ADJ YW 1531 lbs 2 in class at National show in Brandon
KCH Boonstock 93B
Winn Man Terrantino son
BW 86lbs
Beaver Creek Redrock Red Buckle son BW 82lbs (heifer bull)
hank you to the buyers of Happy Haven females at the No Borders Sale:
Circle Cee Charolais, AB l McTavish Charolais, SK l Bar H Charolais, SK l Clipper Cattle Co. SK Cattle lac Charolais l Burnside Charolais l R & G Macdonald Charolaisl Tri N Charolais
Kory, and Shaylin Stebeleski
Res: 204-234-5425 Cell: 204-365-6010
Box 266, Oakburn,MB
happyhaven@goinet.ca Manitoba Charolais Bull-etin 2015
Celebrating 40 Years of Charolais
March 24th, 2015, 1:00 p.m. DST • Steppler Sale Barn, Miami, MB (6 miles W of Miami on Hwy 23, 1.5 miles S)
DSY 92B • COPENHAGEN x SANTIAGO CE 75 BW .8 WW 43 YW 74 M 29.1 TM 45 • BW 96, Adj WW 824, Adj YW 1438
DSY 179B • SEMINOLE x SANCHEZ CE 63 BW 1.8 WW 47 YW 94 M 29.9 TM 53 • BW 105, Adj WW 859, Adj YW 1521
Selling: 66 Yearlings 16 Two Year Olds
Join us for a presale lunch in our heated sale barn DSY 61B • COPENHAGEN x SANCHEZ CE 84 BW -.4 WW 39 YW 87 M 28.1 TM 48 • BW 89, Adj WW 805, Adj YW 1525
DSY 82B • COPENHAGEN x OAKRIDGE CE 93 BW -1.2 WW 37 YW 79 M 25.7 TM 44 • BW 82, Adj WW 892, Adj YW 1558
DSY 182B • SEMINOLE x OAKRIDGE CE 34 BW 3.6 WW 57 YW 108 M 22.6 TM 51 • BW 109, Adj WW 841, Adj YW 1313
Sale Broadcast by: ONLINE SALE WITH: Box 7, Miami, MB R0G 1H0 • Dan & Pat Steppler • Tel 204-435-2021
Andre & Katie Steppler • T 204-435-2463 • C 204-750-1951 @steppler_andre • stepplerfarms@hotmail.com www.stepplerfarms.com
Sarah Buchanan 1.888.554.VIDS WWW.CATTLEINMOTION.COM
Sale Manager: 306-584-7937 Helge By 306-536-4261 Candace By 306-536-3374 charolaisbanner@gmail.com www.charoalisbanner.com
View the catalogue and videos online at stepplerfarms.com or call for more information