MB Charolais Bulletin 2016 Christmas

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Publications Agreement # 0041265055

Dist ribut io n : 400

Christmas 2016

Now is the time to make sure your herd is on track for Profit! Add a Charolais bull to your program!

Proven, Pr edi c tabl e, P er f o r m a n ce Official Publication of the Manitoba Charolais Association

The O fficial Public ation of the M anitoba C harolais A ssociation

Adver tising Rates For 2016: 1” Business Card (annual) $75.00 1” MCA Member Business Card (annual)$50.00 1/6 Page Ad


1/4 Page Ad


1/3 Page Ad


1/2 Page Ad


2/3 Page Ad Full Page Ad

$210.00 $235.00

G.S.T. to be added NOTE: When a photo is requested to be edited, time spent editing the image will be invoiced to the breeder/business requesting the alterations by the MCA as a cost recovery measure. All advertising accounts Must be Paid In Full before any more advertising is accepted from same contributor. ALL ACCOUNTS ARE DUE WITHIN 60 DAYS OF BILLING WITH INTEREST CHARGED AT A RATE OF 2% PER MONTH AFTER 60 DAYS.

For Further Information contact: Cheryl McPherson Phone:(204)736-2878 Fax(204)736-4124


As I write this the first real storm of the winter is hitting and fall female sales are in full swing. Calf prices have been rising over the past month and hopefully they will continue on an upward swing. This fall was proof that Charolais bulls are the right choice. Charolais calves topped the markets in the fall sales run and the spread between light and heavy calves was huge. As Charolais breeders, we need to push the message hard that it pays to have the performance that Charolais bulls can add. It was decided that the MCA AGM will no longer be held in January and will be held in the summer, most likely in conjunction with the MCA Picnic & Pen Show. Hopefully this will allow more people to attend. Details should be available in the Bull issue of the Bull-etin. Merry Christmas and Happy Calving, Shawn Airey MCA President

email: cherway2011@gmail.com


Canadian Publications Mail Product Registration #0041265055 Return Undeliverable Mail to:

Cheryl McPherson, Box 262, Sanford, MB R0G 2J0 Junior Charolais Members Check the MCA website for details of Scholarships and Events. http://www. charolaisbanner. com/mca/ member.htm

FISHER 604D Grand Champion Charolais Bull Ag Ex 2016 Owned by JMB Charolais. See Ag Ex Charolais results on pages 16 & 20.

Manitoba Charolais Bull-etin 2016


2016 MCA Board of Directors: Trent Hatch 4-H*, Scholarship Back Row (l-r): Ron McDonald, Box 132, Oak Lake, MB R0M 1P0 Matthew Ramsey, Trent Hatch, 204-855-3078 Scott Johnston, Jim Olson, Kevin c. 204-721-3078 Stebeleski, Mike Hunter, Rob trent.hatch@gmail.com Gilliland, Matthew Ramsey Front Row (l-r) Rae Trimble-Olson, Ag Ex Hans Myhre, Shawn Airey, Jeff Box 214, Strathclair, MB R0J 2C0 Cavers, Brad Cline. missing: Andre Steppler 204-365-2729 c. 204-365-0976 Jim Olson rammercharolais@hotmail.com Ads & Promo (radio)*, Juniors Brad Cline Box 882, Social Media*, Commercial Portage la Prairie, MB R1N 3C3 Breeder 204-252-3115 Box 268, c. 204-856-6357 Belmont, MB R0K 0C0 jimo1@mts.net 204-537-2367 Kevin Stebeleski 204-523-0062 Scholarship*, Website bjcline@mymts.net Box 266, Oakburn, MB R0J 1L0 Michael Hunter 204-234-5425 Pen Show*,Ad & Promo (print)* c. 204-365-6010 Box 569, happyhaven@goinet.ca Roblin, MB R0L 1P0 Ron McDonald 204-937-2531 Bulletin c.204-247-0301 Box 85, Sidney, MB R0H 1L0 mike_hunter40@hotmail.com 204-466-2883 huntchar@mymts.net 204-724-2811 Rob Gilliland rgmcdonaldlivestock@inethome.ca Bulletin* Box 1558, On the cover of this issue: Virden, MB R0M 2C0 204-748-2000 Thank you to High Bluff Stock Farm c.204-748-5999 Christmas 2016 onebigeye14@gmail.com for providing the photos used to prepare front cover. D i str i bu t ion : 40 0

Shawn Airey President, Ag-Ex*, Pen Show, Social Media Box 639, Rivers, MB R0K 1X0 204- 328-7704 c. 204-724-8823 htacharolais@hotmail.com Hans Myhre 1st Vice, Website*, Commercial Breeder* R.R. #4, Comp. 9A, Dauphin, MB R7N 2T7 204-638-5664 c.204-648-6416 hans@myhrefarm.com Jeff Cavers, 2nd Vice, Juniors*, Scholarship Box 237, La Riviere, MB R0G 1A0 204-242-3467 c.204-242-4448 c2charolais@inethome.ca Rae Trimble-Olson Secretary/Treasurer, 4-H Box 882, Portage la Prairie, MB R1N 3C3 204-252-3115 c. 204-871-1063 trimblemr@hotmail.com Andre Steppler CCA Director, Box 340, Miami, MB R0G 1H0 204-435-2463 c. 204-750-1951 steppleran@hotmail.com Scott Johnston Bulletin, Commercial Breeder Box 123, Rathwell, MB R0G 1S0 204-749-2247 204-723-5030 h.scott.johnston@gmail.com

photo submitted by By Livestock

Publications Agreement # 0041265055


Now is the time to make sure your herd is on track for Profit! Add a Charolais bull to your program!

Proven, Pre dict able , Pe r fo rm ance Official Publication of the Manitoba Charolais Association

Tha nk you to HTA Cha rola is, Helge By, C2 Cha rola is, High Bluff Sto ck Fa rm, Joa n A irey for pic tures use d throughout this issue.


Manitoba Charolais Bull-etin 2016

The O fficial Public ation of the M anitoba C harolais A ssociation

From our home to yours...

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Thank you to our 2016 bull buyers. Watch for our 2017 prospects page at www.clinecattlecompany.ca For more information call 204-537-2367 home 204-523-0062 cell bjcline@mymts.net

Stop in anytime Visitors are Always Welcome

Brad, Juanita Logan and Kendra

Thank you to all our 2016 Bull and Female Buyers Check out our Bulls for the Prairie Distinction Bull Sale, March 28, 2017 in Neepawa or privately on the farm.

Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from R & G McDonald Livestock cDonald Livesto M G ck Ron & Gail McDonald R& Box 85, Sidney, MB R0H 1L0 204-466-2883 (H) 204-724-2811 (C) e-mail: rgmcdonaldlivestock@inethome.ca

Manitoba Charolais Association commercial breeder award.

This award is presented annually at our AGM and banquet to a commercial producer that is using registered Charolais genetics in their operation.

The MCA board of directors encourages all members to nominate their bull customers by submitting a short bio of the producer including the use Charolais genetics, farm history, successes in the show or sale ring, community involvement, and the promotion of Charolais in general.

Happy Holidays! From all of us at Sunny Ridge Stock Farm Ken, Vonda Adam, Amanda & Dustin Hopcraft

The producer selected to receive the award will be recognized at our annual banquet in early January as well as awarded a prize that will help them to continue promoting the Charolais breed. Please submit nominations ASAP to the chair of the commercial breeder committee: Hans Myhre. RR#4 C.9A, Dauphin MB, R7N 2T7 Hans@myhrelandandcattle.com 204-648-6416


Manitoba Charolais Bull-etin 2016

Thankyou to all of our bull buyers in 2016!

Merry Christmas

...from our Outfit to Yours


Watch for these Bulls and their herd mates at th

14 Annual

Family Tradition Bull Sale

March 17, 2017

champion Junior Bull calf

reserve champion Junior Bull calf

HBSF DoDger 99D

HBSF Dunner 89D

scr triumph x hd

Mark your calendar you won’t want to Miss it!

escoBar x esperenza

Thank you to KCH Charolais, Ken & Kerri Hinsburg, Oliver BC for purchasing the pick of our heifers at the No Borders Sale.

Carman & Donna Jackson & Family, Inglis MB

H: (204)564-2547 C: (204) 773-6448

@HighBluff_SF www.facebook.com/highbluffstockfarm Instagram highbluff_sf

Chase Airey waiting for his show class to begin.

Chase Airey

Brynn Steppler, grooming

Merry Christmas and HappyNew Year from all of us at Walking Plow

Thank you to all of the our buyers, this past year.

Stop in anytime, our door is always open and the coffee is always hot!

Walking Plow Charolais 8

Manitoba Charolais Bull-etin 2016

Cliff, Rose and Amy Graydon Warren, Venessa and Family Woodmore, Manitoba 204-427-2589 crgraydon@yahoo.ca

r o I n JU on I p M CHa L BUL 16 0 2 X e g a

Merry Christmas

C2 Capone 2C

S: HTa ICe 19X D: C2 Miss nexus 18U

EPD’s: CE 45.6

BW 2.2 WW 50 YW 91 M 24 MTL 49


Thank you to everyone who supported our program in 2016!

Watch for our bulls at Prairie Distinction Bull Sale March 28, 2017 Res: (204)-242-3467 Cell: (204) 242-4448

Box 237, La RivieRe, MB R0G 1a0 c2charolais@inethome.ca

Manitoba Charolais Bull-etin 2015


On this Holy night, may your heart be illuminated with, love, joy & peace Wishing you a wonderful Christmas with family & friends! ROB & LISA GILLILAnd Ashton, Abbi, & Andi Box 1558 Virden, MB R0M 2C0

T: 204-748-2000 C: 204.748.5999 email: onebigeye14@gmail.com

Merry Christmas athnde careHwapapy New Year fro m


Van Buuren Charolais

Thank you to my 2016 Customers: Your confidence in our program is appreciated.

Andrew Routledge (2) Aurel Vodon Harvey Mahy Keith Goforth Robert Alexander Marvin Goforth

(204) 522-0855 Visitors Welcome!


Manitoba Charolais Bull-etin 2016

Garth Mooney Jason Mooney Thomas Hagan (2)

from Sue’s Kitchen Sour Cream Banana Bread ( 2 Loaves) 1 c. butter 1 1/2 c. sugar 3 eggs 1 1/2 bananas, mashed 4 c. flour (plus 2 Tbsp) 1 1/2 tsp. baking powder 1 tsp. baking soda 1 1/2 c. sour cream 1 c. chopped walnuts (optional) 1 Tbsp. Butter Schnapps or Banana Liquor (optional) Cream butter and sugar. Add eggs and beat. Add bananas and beat. Mix dry ingredients together (baking powder, baking soda and flour0 Add the well-mixed dry ingredients to the creamed mixture alternately wiht the sour cream. Beat until smooth. Beat in liquor (if using) Stir in chopped nuts last. Pour into large greased and floured loaf pans and bake for 1 hour and 15 minutes at 340 degrees. To test for doneness, insert a sharp knive into center of bread. If it comes out clean, bread is done. This bread is very moist and freezes well. Sue Defoort, Cypress River, MB 204.743.2109

Merry Christmas from Our Farm to Yours


We have another Great Set of Bulls this year. All bulls are Sold out of the Yard Privately. This is a group of 10 coming two year olds and 50 yearlings! They are out of: GDSF Home Run 40B * GDSF Investment 62B * GDSF Billionaire 94B * GDSF Ezze 20A (our heifer bull) * GDSF Reward 62X * Hicks Remington * Shelco Made Easy * GDSF X Factor 83A * GDSF Crimson 68B * LT Leger 0332 * KCM Prowler 2X

We also have a pen of lowbirthweight heifer bulls this year! Ready for your inspection!

Thank you to All Our Valued Customers For Another Great Year!! Richard Wilcox* Art Wilcox * New Stead Farms * Robert & Glenda Drewry* Casey McCuaig Royce Krause Philip Farms Darcy Watson

Bee Happy Stock Farm* Brandt Wiebe Terry Klassen Wayne Sawatzky Bill & Verna Mowat * Doug Choroboy Cam & Eric Claeys A2Cattle Co.

Check out the website for bull weights & pics. New Stats will be available after the New Year!

Ken Petrick Charmont Charolais Dufayel Cattle Co. Lenord Zdan Vrooman Farms Ltd.* Cline Cattle Company* Stan Enns * *multiple purchases

Proud to be WHE with CCA

www.defoortstockfarm.com Celebrating



in Charolais

Gord & Sue and family Box 76, Cypress River, MB

Phone: (204) 743-2109 email:gordnsue@goinet.ca

This fall, the more calves weighed going through the sales ring, the more cattle producers were paid. Producing functional, quality bulls that will add performance to calves for the commercial cattle producer is the main focus of our program at HTA.

Performance = Pounds = Profit

Shawn & Tanya Airey and family Rivers, MB

We would like to express our sincere gratitude to everyone that has supported our program Merry Christmas to all! Wishing you health, happiness and prosperity in 2017!


Follow us on Twitter - @htacharolai Like us on Facebook!


Remington Top 1% for WW and YW, bred to perform,

shaped to calve

March 22, 2017

Sons and grandsons sell at the

& Guests Bull Sale

Past Top Sellers

HTA Stratego 562C Remington x Bravia

ADG 4.82

HTA Toledo 448B Remington x Merit Cobb

ADG 5.05

Come see our herd for yourself! Visits to the farm are encouraged!


HTA Stratford 320A Remington x Nobleman

ADG 4.06

For more information:

204.328.7704 Shawns’s cell- call or text:


from Mel Canadian Charolais Association This past year has proven to be a banner year for the Charolais breed yet again. There have been some changes along the way but in the end, our breed continues to thrive; Whole Herd Enrollment and Memberships were increased along with overall enthusiasm. One of the significant changes to note, we’ve implemented a new and improved Registry System; when members log in it looks different but ultimately holds the same functionality with increased efficiencies and a user-friendly platform. If you haven’t done so already, please contact the office ASAP to receive a new password to access your CCA online account, passwords were not transferable during the transition. The CCA Board of Directors met in Calgary for their annual fall meetings to review the year and look forward into 2017. Following the resignation of FirstVice President Andre Steppler (MB), Darwin Rosso (SK) moved to First-Vice President and Ricky Milton (Maritimes) joins the Executive as Second-Vice President. The CCA has worked with the Manitoba Association and the vacancy of the Manitoba Director seat will be elected at the 2017 CCA Annual General Meeting. Until then, CCA is committed to communication with our Manitoba members, feel free to reach out to any Director for comments, concerns and/or questions. On the Breed Improvement front, we continue to work with Doug Blair, Sean McGrath and the University of Georgia with the end goal of Single Step-Genomically Enhanced EPDs. Results are seemingly elusive but trust the process. CCA has invested limited funds; we are continuing with our conservative approach and are working on building our database of genotypes while utilizing government funds to carry out 50K panels on sires. As a breeder, ALWAYS remember to DNA your bulls. CCA By-Laws require all sires to be DNA’d and all AI Sires to be Parent Verified (Sire and Dam). Donor dams also require DNA on file while Embryo Transfer calves and Full French animals are all required to be


Manitoba Charolais Bull-etin 2016

Parent Verified. CCA in conjunction with Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Univeristy of Alberta and Livestock Gentec continues to support the ongoing research at Kinsella with their Charolais herd as they strive to improve the genomic predictions through their breeding programs. We work with the team to support their mandates with regards to genomics, feed efficiency and carcass information as they track their genetic improvement year over year. If any members are collecting chute-side ultrasound data, please contact Mel the CCA office – we can accept this data for our genetic evaluations. The Provincial Association Presidents were in attendance for a portion of the Fall Meetings with the National Board to engage in a brain-storm and networking session. The CCA feels it’s imperative to keep the lines of communication open between the National and Provincial Boards, we’re all working collaboratively for the betterment of the Charolais breed. The 2016 National Charolais Show was a resounding success at the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair in Toronto, Ontario. The enthusiasm was electric as Charolais enthusiasts descended upon Toronto from all parts of the country to participate in the action. The Ontario Charolais Association hosted 46 breeders that exhibited 105+ animals, cattle were sorted November 4 by Kasey Phillips, Waskatenau, AB. Sparks flew at the National Charolais Sale that averaged $9400, compliments to the Ontario Charolais Association for filling the house and organizing a first-class video sale. We look forward to join you in Manitoba next October for the 2017 National Charolais Show at Ag-Ex! Mark your calendars for the CCA Annual General Meeting in Saskatoon, SK on June 9 & 10, 2017. The CCYA Conference & Show is moving to Ontario for 2017, plan to join us in Barrie, ON next August 2-5, 2017.

photos submitted by High Bluff Stock Farm

R e m m Ra


Wishing You a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Watch for our consignments to the HTA Charolais & Guests Bull Sale on March 22rd, 2017

Matthew, Sarah, Claire , Myra & Emily Ramsey Phone: 204-365-2729 Cell: 204-365-0976 Strathclair, MB., R0J 2C0 email: rammercharolais@hotmail.com


Manitoba Ag Ex 2016 Charolais Show - Results Class 200 Female - Calf born on or after January 1st, 2016, Junior Division - Split 1 Place Show # Entry 1 301 Michelson Starstruck 642D 3/3/2016 S: JS Navajo Red 15X D: LEJ Xtra Nice 31X Wilgenbush Charolais Halbrite, SK 2 296 JMB Diva 646D 2/16/2016 S: JMB Renaissance 444B D: JMB MS Dateline 403D JMB Charolais Brookdale, MB 3 294 LEJ Diamond 624D 2/27/2016 S: C2 Beasley 72B D: FFBB Silver Rain 27X LEJ Charolais Portage la Prairie, MB 4 292 LEJ Dinah 635D 3/3/2016 S: JS Navajo Red 15X D: LEJ Xtra Nice 31 LEJ Charolais Portage la Prairie, MB 5 295 LEJ Destiny 623D 2/26/2016 S: JS Navajo Red 15X D: Rolling D Empress 64W LEJ Charolais Portage la Prairie, MB Junior Division - Split 2 Place Show # Entry 1 302 DRD Ledgerstar 942D 1/21/2016 S: LT Ledger 33 2 P D: JWX Red Ruby 942 B Don Railton Sintaluta, SK 2 303 HTA Sara 657D 1/21/2016 S:Silverstream Evolution D: HTA Sara 105Y HTA Charolais Rivers, MB 3 297 TWN Duchess 24D 1/30/2016 S: Cedardale Zeal 125Z D: TWM Willow 2W Sunblade Charolais Foxwarren, MB 4 300 WHITECAP MS LANNY 11D 1/22/2016 S: WHITECAP BRINDLE 57B D: WHITECAP MS LANNY 103B Howe Family Farm Moose Jaw, SK 5 298 TWN Desi 2D 1/17/2016 S: Cedardales Zeal 125Z D: TWN Bambi 13B Sunblade Charolais Foxwarren, MB Junior Champion Michelson Starstruck 642D Wilgenbush Charolais Halbrite, SK Reserve Junior Champion DRD Ledgerstar 942D Don Railton Sintaluta, SK Senior Division - Split 3 Place Show # Entry 1 304 JMB Sweetie 606D 1/19/2016 S: KRF What-A-Boy 104Y D: JMB MS Dateline 114Y JMB Charolais / Fun Bus Brookdale, MB 2 307 HOPEWELL WHISKEY SOUR 9D 1/16/2016 S: CEDARDALE YELLOWSTONE 25Y D: SKW TWILIGHT 61A Hopewell Charolais Kerrobert, SK 3 305 HTA Sonja 648D 1/18/2016 S: Keys All State 149X D: HTA Sonja 5114R HTA Charolais Rivers, MB 4 308 HC Champagne 643D 1/16/2016 S: LT Ledger 0332P D: HC Champagne 498B Hunter Charolais Roblin, MB


Manitoba Charolais Bull-etin 2016

Senior Division - Split 4 Place Show # Entry 1 314 JWX Daydream 619D 1/7/2016 S: Silverstream Evolution E168 D: JWX Abby 706A Wilgenbusch Charolais Halbrite, SK 2 311 HOPEWELL NO CHILL 4D 1/9/2016 S: MERIT ROUNDUP 9508W D: SOS HOT MESS 50B Hopewell Charolais Kerrobert, SK 3 309 HC Sweet Cream 642D 1/15/2016 S: Elder’s Zeus 22Z D: HC Wonderful Lady 932W Hunter Charolais Roblin, MB 4 313 Cattle Lac Pal 16D 1/7/2016 S: MNF 370U D: TVW 51B Tyler Wilkinson Eddystone, MB Senior Champion JMB Sweetie 606D JMB Charolais / Fun Bus Brookdale, MB Reserve Senior Champion JWX Daydream 619D Wilgenbusch Charolais Halbrite, SK Class 205 Female - Heifer born 2015 Split 1 Place Show # Entry 1 317 JWX Candy Crush 88C 3/18/2015 S: KAYR Velocity 812Z D: KCM Lucky 607S Wilgenbusch Charolais Halbrite, SK 2 319 PLB Starpower 12C 2/12/2015 S: TR MR FIRE WATER 5792RET D: SVY STARTSTRUCK 8X McCaw Livestock Whitewood, SK 3 318 JMB MS Peaches 534C 2/18/2015 S: CS Mango 256M D: JMB MS Dateline 114Y JMB Charolais / Fun Bus Brookdale, MB 4 321 WHITECAP MS ASTER 28C 1/27/2015 S: LT LEDGER 0332 P D: WHITECAP MS ASTER 197A Howe Family Farm Moose Jaw, SK 5 320 McTavish Jewel 55C 1/27/2015 S: Pleasant Dawn Magnum 49Y D: McTavish Heiress 42W Kiernan Olson Portage la Prairie, MB Split 2 Place Show # Entry 1 326 Steppler iss 145C 1/18/2015 S: Steppler Seminule 927W D: Steppler Miss 280U Steppler Farms Miami, MB 2 325 C2 Miss Carrol 14C 1/22/2015 S: Silverstream Geddes G102 D: JMB Ms Dateline 134Y C2 Charolais La Riviere, MB 3 323 Steppler Miss 216C 1/25/2015 S: Silver Stream Geddes G102 D: Steppler Ms Allison 173S Steppler Farms Miami, MB 4 322 Steppler Miss Watkins 209C 1/25/2015 S: Sparrows Copenhagen 210Z D: KCW Miss Watkins 9W Steppler Farms Miami, MB 5 324 TWN Cinderella Story 15C 1/23/2015 S: LAE Wichita 911W D: TWN Miss Natasha 4N Sunblade Charolais Foxwarren, MB Junior Champion Female Steppler iss 145C Steppler Farms Miami, MB Reserve Junior Champion Female C2 Miss Carrol 14C C2 Charolais La Riviere, MB continued page 20

Merry Christmas Thank you

from our herd to yours!

to buyers of Happy Haven Charolais genetics

d t b o

at the No Borders Sale:

Chardon Charolais, Killarney MB, 6 head KCH Charolais, Oliver BC., 4 head Tri N Charolais, Lenore MB. Steppler Farms, Miami, MB.

The holidays are a perfect time to remind us all how wonderful friends and family are in the cattle business. We hope you enjoy a wonderful season filled with the people and traditions that mean the most to you!

Watch for Happy Haven Bulls consigned to the Prairie Distinction Charolais Bull Sale, March 28 1:00 p.m. Beautiful Plains Ag Complex, Neepawa, MB

HAPPY HAVEN CHAROLAIS Kevin, Crystal, Kory, and Shaylin


Box 266, Oakburn,MB

Res: 204-234-5425

Cell: 204-365-6010


Manitoba Charolais Bull-etin 2015


from Joan’s Kitchen

Merry Christmas to everyone hope you all have a great family Christmas. And Best Wishes for 2017. Raymond and Barb have had two grandchildren recently Nikoda and Kolton had a baby girl Bexley Ann McIntosh. Graham and Brittany had a baby boy, Dec. 6, Max Robert Stewart. Grandmas were not able to get to Winnipeg to see the new grandson because of closed roads. This is my favourite baked beans recipe and was a real hit when Jocelyn made them for the Rivers 100th anniversary celebration supper. I quarter this recipe when just making it for my family.

Jocelyn’s Pineapple Baked Beans 1 lb. bacon, fried and cut-up 4-15 oz. cans beans 2 large onions 1 green pepper 6 teaspoons Worcestershire sauce 2 cups ketchup 1 c. brown sugar 1 can pineapple tidbits, drained Mushrooms, if desired Mix all together in large casserole. Bake in 250F oven for 3 hours. Jocelyn uses her slow cooker on high for same amount of time. Recipe should feed 20 people. Jocelyn and I both use ham when we have some on hand not bacon. Red Lobster Biscuits 2 cups all-purpose flour 1 Tablespoon sugar 1 Tablespoon baking powder ½ teaspoon kosher salt ¼ teaspoon cayenne pepper, optional 1 cup buttermilk ½ cup unsalted butter, melted 1 ½ cups shredded sharp cheddar cheese Mix together and drop with large spoon or half cup measuring cup on to baking sheet. For the topping 3 tablespoons unsalted butter, melted 1 Tablespoon chopped fresh parsley leaves ½ teaspoon garlic powder Directions: Preheat oven to 450 degrees. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper or a silicone baking mat.


Manitoba Charolais Bull-etin 2016

These go great with homemade soup. I’m including my favourite Taco Soup recipe hope I haven’t used it in a previous column. Went through numerous past bulletins and didn’t see it. Taco Soup 1 ½ lbs. ground beef ½ cup chopped onion 1- 28 oz. can diced tomatoes 1- 14 oz. can corn, with liquid 1- 14 oz. can kidney beans with liquid 1- 8 oz. can tomato sauce Salt and pepper to taste 1 pkg. Taco seasoning 1 to 2 cups water Brown onion and hamburger in a frying pan. Simmer all ingredients including hamburger and onion in soup for at least 15 minutes. Just before serving add 1 cup grated cheese or add some grated cheese to each steaming hot bowl as you serve it. Another restaurant the Queens Own Restaurant in Rapid City operated by Kelly Spurway is buying local beef, pork, and lamb. She also uses locally grown produce. Kelly says her grandmother started teaching her to cook when she was five and that she loves cooking. I like to support the restaurants that buy locally. Joan Airey Freelance Writer and Photographer Box 790, Rivers, Manitoba, R0K 1X0, Canada joanairey1@gmail.com 204-328-7103 www.canstockphoto.com/sheba http://joanairey1.wordpress.com

Who is in the kitchen?

It’s always fun to bring children into the kitchen and teach them skills. Counting, measuring, fractions, mixing, temperature, time and a sense of accomplishment go a long way in child development. At right, Blake Airey, daughter of Shawn and Tanya Airey is helping her Grandmother, Joan Airey make buttertarts. What a fantastic family Christmas tradition to pass along and make memories at the same time.

CHAROLAIS COMMOTION Congratulations from your MCA friends

Amanda Hopcraft

THANK YOU to the Manitoba Charolais Association for receiving the 2016 scholarship It was very much appreciated. Amanda Hopcraft

from Sue’s Kitchen

from Sue’s Kitchen

Cornflake Macaroons Preheat oven 375 degrees 2 Egg Whites 1/2 tsp Vanilla Beat egg whites and vanilla until foamy. 3/4 Cup White Sugar Gradually add sugar and beat until stiff peaks form. 2 cups corn flakes 1/2 cup chopped nuts (optional) 3/4 cup shredded coconut (or less if you want and more cornflakes) Fold into the above. Drop onto well greased baking sheets. Bake at 375 degress for about 15 minutes or until done. Sue Defoort, Cypress River, MB 204.743.2109

Secret Fluffy Dumplings 1 1/2 c. flour 2 tsp baking powder 1/2 tsp salt 1 Tbsp. chopped parsley (optional) 1/3 cup milk 2 eggs Beat eggs well, add milk. Stir in dry ingredients only until moistened. Drop by spoonfuls on hot stew. Secet: Cook 10 minutes uncovered to rise, then 10 minutes tightly covered to finish cooking. Delicious on chicken stew. Sue Defoort, Cypress River, MB 204.743.2109

Charolais Show at MB Ag Ex was dedicated to the memory of Colin McCaw, co-owner of McCaw Livestock, Whitewood, SK who was killed in a car accident on October 17th. Sympathy is extended to all family and friends on this tragedy.

photos submitted by C2Charolais Manitoba Charolais Bull-etin 2016


Ag Ex continued from page 16 Class 208 Female born 2014 with 2016 natural calf at foot. 1 327 Hopewell Charolais SOS HOT MESS 50B 2/26/2014 S: VFF VIKSE ICE 189Z D: SOS RIHANNA 178Y Breeder: SPRINGSIDE FARMS Kerrobert, SK 2 328 JWX I’m So Fancy 983B 1/25/2014 S: CSS SIR NAVIGATOR 20Y JWX 983B D:JWX WYNNEMAKER 983W McCaw Livestock Whitewood, SK 3 330 JMB MS Dateline 403D 1/15/2014 S: BXB Dateline Son 65R D: JMB Ms Oakridge 849U JMB Charolais Brookdale, MB Breeder: JMB CHAROLAIS 4 329 TWN Bambi 13B 1/18/2014 S: LAE Wichita 911W D: TWN Miss Natasha 4N Sunblade Charolais Foxwarren, MB Class 209 Female born pre- 12/1/2013 w/’16 natural calf 1 331 JWX I Love It 808A 3/22/2013 S: TR Mr Fire Water 5792R ET D: Thomas Ms Impressive 0641 Wilgenbusch Charolais Halbrite, SK Senior Champion Female SOS HOT MESS 50B Hopewell Charolais Kerrobert, SK Reserve Senior Champion Female JWX I’m So Fancy 983B McCaw Livestock Whitewood, SK

Grand Champion Female SOS HOT MESS 50B Hopewell Charolais, Kerrobert, SK Res Grand Champion Female Steppler iss 145C Steppler Farms, Miami, MB

Class 214 Bull - Calf born 2016 Junior Division - Split 1 Place Show # Entry 1 334 HIGH BLUFF DODGER 99D 2/7/2016 S: SCR TRIUMPH 2135 D: HIGH BLUFF HD 96A High Bluff Stock Farm Inglis, MB 2 335 High Bluff Dunner 89D 2/6/2016 S: Sparrows Escobar 429B D: High Bluff Princess 40Z High Bluff Stock Farm Inglis, MB 3 333 JWX Deputy 306D 2/8/2016 S: KAYR Velocity 812Z D: JWX Abby 706A Wilgenbusch Charolais Halbrite, SK 4 332 CLAY EVOLUTION 983D 2/20/2016 S: SILVERSTREAMEVOLUTION E D: JWX I’M SO FANCY 983B McCaw Livestock Whitewood, SK Junior Division - Split 2 Place Show # Entry 1 338 HC Dublin 684D 1/29/2016 S: Elder’s Zeus 22Z D: EVC Salley 17Y Hunter Charolais Roblin, MB 2 336 HIGH BLUFF DRAFT PICK 64D 2/2/2016 S: SCR TRIUMPH 2135 D: HIGH BLUFF EXTRA 47A High Bluff Stock Farm Inglis, MB 3 339 DRD Whos My Daddy 57D 1/22/2016 S: SRKYahtzee 839Y D: JWX Blessam 57 B Don Railton Sintaluta, SK 4 337 KMT Daniel 606D 2/1/2016 S: KAYR Velocity 812Z D: Steppler Miss Watkins 22B Kiernan Olson Portage la Prairie, MB Junior Champion HIGH BLUFF DODGER 99D High Bluff Stock Farm Inglis, MB Reserve Junior Champion High Bluff Dunner 89D High Bluff Stock Farm Inglis, MB Senior Division - Split 3 Place Show # Entry 1 341 JMB Fisher 604D 1/19/2016 S: KRF What-A-Boy 104Y D:JMB MS Oakridge 849U JMB Charolais Brookdale, MB


Manitoba Charolais Bull-etin 2016

2 346 HOPEWELL SOUTHPAW 6D 1/13/2016 S: M6 GRID MAKER 104 PET D: SKW SALT 65Z Hopewell Charolais Kerrobert, SK 3 345 JWX Diplomat 254D 1/14/2016 S: Rosso Double Down 8Z D:JWX Suzanne 654Z Wilgenbusch Charolais Halbrite, SK 4 340 High Bluff Diesel 25D 1/22/2016 S: SHSH HD 14Y D: P-3 MS Specialist 1-100 High Bluff Stock Farm Inglis, MB 5 343 Cattle Lac Bahgrum 30D 1/14/2016 S: KCM 209Z D: TVW 3B Tyler Wilkinson Eddystone, MB Senior Division - Split 4 Place Show # Entry 1 348 JWX Downhome 6D 1/10/2016 S: Silverstream Evolution E168 D: JWX Titania 47T Wilgenbusch Charolais Halbrite, SK 2 350 HTA Contender 605D 1/4/2016 S: RGP Remington 101Y D: HTA Hot Stuff 349A HTA Charolais Rivers, MB 3 347 HTA Centerfire 618D 1/10/2016 S: LT Ledger 0332S D: HTA Hot Stuff 693S HTA Charolais Rivers, MB 4 349 Cattle Lac Jabad 1/5/2016 S: FFBB 291Z D: JACK 220X Tyler Wilkinson Eddystone, MB Senior Champion JMB Fisher 604D JMB Charolais Brookdale, MB Reserve Senior Champion HOPEWELL SOUTHPAW 6D Hopewell Charolais, Kerrobert, SK Class 219 Bull - Yearling born 2015 1 351 C2 Capone 2C 1/13/2015 S: HTA ICE 19X D: C2 Miss Nexus 18U C2 Charolais La Riviere, MB Junior Champion Bull C2 Capone 2C C2 Charolais La Riviere, MB

Grand Champion Bull JMB Fisher 604D JMB Charolais, Brookdale, MB Res Grand Champion Bull HOPEWELL SOUTHPAW 6D Hopewell Charolais,Kerrobert, SK Class 227 1 356 2 353 3 347 4 349 Class 228 1 356 2 353

Progeny of Dam Place Show #Entry Wilgenbusch Charolais Halbrite, SK JMB Charolais Brookdale, MB Fun Bus Brookdale, MB Sunblade Charolais, Foxwarren, MB Breeder’s Herd Wilgenbusch Charolais, Halbrite, SK JMB Charolais

PREMIER BREEDER Wilgenbush Charolais PREMIER EXHIBITOR Wilgenbush Charolais

Manitoba Charolais Association Breeder’s Section Keith & Mary Anne Hagan Keith & Mary Anne Hagan

Brad & Juanita Cline • 204-537-2367 • bjcline@mymts.net Box 268, Belmont, MB R0K 0C0 • www.clinecattlecompany.ca

ROB & LISA GILLILAnd Ashton, Abbi, & Andi

Kevin, Crystal, Kory, and Shaylin

Box 1558 Virden, MB R0M 2C0


T: 204-748-2000 C: 204.748.5999

Box 266, Oakburn,MB

Cell: 204-365-6010 Res: 204-234-5425 happyhaven@goinet.ca

email: onebigeye14@gmail.com

Too bad you are missing out on the opportunity. Call Rae 204-252-3115 so you don’t get left out next issue.

Neil and Lisa Ste. Rose, MB 204-732-2054

lisap@inethome.ca or Jared 204-647-5416

Associated Business Section Manitoba Charolais Association HENRY HILDEBRANDT Manager #1 Highway Virden, MB R0M 2C0 Phone 204.748.2466 Fax 204.748.2016 Cell 204.748.5706 henry.hildebrandt@fountaintire.com

Derek Reimer

Territory Manager T. +1 204 433 7677 M. +1 204 371 9093 derek.reimer@nutreco.ca

F. +1 204 433 7003 TF. +1 800 604 6756

Landmark Feeds, 36 Grant St., Box 27, Otterburne, Manitoba R0A 1G0 www.landmarkfeeds.com

Thank you to these businesses for their belief in the importance of the cattle industry.



Don’t fiddle with the rest come to

Grant Moffatt for the best! 1500 Richmond Ave. Brandon, Manitoba R7A 7E3

Phone (204) 728-0130 Toll Free 1-888-999-4111 Fax (204) 726-8344 Res. (204) 483-2727 Email grantm@murraychevbrandon.com

Eric Van Meijl - Feed Rep. Ph: (204) 728-0231 Manitoba Charolais Bull-etin 2016


Advertisers C2 Charolais


Cline Cattle Co.

...5, 21

Defoort Stock Farm


Fountain Tire, Virden


Happy Haven Charolais

.....17, 21

High Bluff Stock Farm photos submitted by C2Charolais


HTA Charolais

.......12, 13

Joynt Cattle Services


KEH Charolais


Keystone Livestock Services


Landmark Feeds


L-E-J Charolais

Calendar of Events


Masterfeeds, Brandon


Murray Chev Cadillac GMC


Myers Land & Cattle


Prairie Pistol Designs


R & G McDonald Livestock

Rammer Charolais Scarth Cattle Co.

Feb 11 Mar 12 Mar 17 Mar 22 Mar28 Apr 1 Apr 8

Myhre Land & Cattle Co. Bull Sale Ste. Rose du Lac, MB Steppler Farms 6th Annual Bull Sale Miami, MB Family Tradition Bull Sale Dropmore, MB HTA Charolais & Guest Bull Sale, Neepawa, MB Prairie Distinction Charolais Bull Sale, Virden, MB Tri-N Charolais Farms & Guests Bull Sale Virden, MB Walking Plow Charolais Bull Sale, Grunthal MB

MCA reserves the right to approve or deny advertising.


Manitoba Charolais Bull-etin 2016

....15 ....10, 21

Steppler Farms Ltd.


Sunny Ridge Stock Farm

......6, 21

Van Buuren Charolais


Walking Plow Charolais


Tri N Charolais


photos submitted by High Bluff Stock Farm

Manitoba Charolais Association Bulletin Publication approval - Advertisers of breeding stock must be Manitoba breeders, current in WHE with the Canadian Charolais Association (business cards exempt).

...6, 21

photo submitted by C2Charolais

LEJ Charolais A warm and friendly wish for the merriest Christmas ever. Thank you to all our 2016 bull buyers. Stop by to check out our 2017 offerings on display at Ag- Days and available by private treaty. Thank you to KCH Charolais for purchasing our heifers at the No Borders sale

Jim, Rae, Kiernan and Erik Olson Portage la Prairie, MB 204 252-3115 lejcharolais@gmail.com

Manitoba Charolais Bull-etin 2015


Like Father....

Tri-N Captain Morgan 340A (Pictured July 2016, following breeding season) Homo Polled, Homo Red (Non-Diluter) EPD’s: CE: 95.1 BW: --3.7 WW: 60 YW: 115 M: 24 TM: 54

....Like Sons

TRI-N Bounty Hunter 507C Captain Morgan son

Tri-N Sheriff 517C Captain Morgan son

Happy Holidays R

HAROLAIS FAR C N M I- Merv, Joanne, & Jesse Nykoliation



from our family to yours!

Box 899, Lenore, MB 204-838-2107 (Home) (204) 851-2290 (Merv cell) (204) 851-3391 (Jesse) merv1@prairie.ca


Tri-NGame Changer 61C

Watch for our Captain Morgan sons like these to highlight the

Tri-N Charolais and Guests Bull Sale April 1, 2017 Virden, MB

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