Dist ribut io n : 400 Publications Agreement # 0041265055
2016 Fall Issue Now is the time to make sure your herd is on track for Profit! Add a Charolais bull to your program!
Proven, Pr edi c tabl e, P er f o r m a n ce Official Publication of the Manitoba Charolais Association
The O fficial Public ation of the M anitoba C harolais A ssociation
Adver tising Rates For 2016: 1” Business Card (annual) $75.00 1” MCA Member Business Card (annual)$50.00 1/6 Page Ad
1/4 Page Ad
1/3 Page Ad
1/2 Page Ad
2/3 Page Ad Full Page Ad
$210.00 $235.00
G.S.T. to be added NOTE: When a photo is requested to be edited, time spent editing the image will be invoiced to the breeder/business requesting the alterations by the MCA as a cost recovery measure. All advertising accounts Must be Paid In Full before any more advertising is accepted from same contributor. ALL ACCOUNTS ARE DUE WITHIN 60 DAYS OF BILLING WITH INTEREST CHARGED AT A RATE OF 2% PER MONTH AFTER 60 DAYS.
For Further Information contact: Cheryl McPherson Phone:(204)736-2878 Fax(204)736-4124
email: cherway2011@gmail.com
FALL ROUND UP ISSUE DEADLINE: December 5th, 2016 Canadian Publications Mail Product Registration #0041265055 Return Undeliverable Mail to:
Cheryl McPherson, Box 262, Sanford, MB R0G 2J0
Manitoba Charolais Delegates that attended CCA AGM in Alberta this summer.
I want to start off by saying how nice it is to see so many people in Manitoba being active in the Charolais breed. In June, the Alberta Charolais Association hosted the Canadian Charolais Association Annual General Meeting in Edmonton, Alberta. Friday there was a bus tour to four different herds around Edmonton and the hospitality was excellent at each and every stop. On Saturday, the AGM was held where we were able to learn what was happening at the national level. 11 Manitobans made the trek to Edmonton for this event which is an amazing turnout and great representation for our province. In August, Hunter Charolais along with High Bluff Stock Farm hosted the MCA picnic and pen show at Dropmore. The day consisted of the pen show, a pasture tour of both operations followed by a wonderful supper. Thanks to the Hunter and Jackson families for hosting such a great event. Our next big event is Ag Ex being held in Brandon at the end of October so come on out and be part of the Manitoba movement! Be proud Manitoba, other provinces are noticing what’s happening here. Shawn Airey, MCA President 204-724-8823
Ag Ex 2016 Ag Ex will be held October 26-29th in Brandon. The Charolais show will be at 1:00 on Thursday the 27th and the Junior show will be on Saturday. This year Ag Ex will be held in conjunction with the rodeo, so come out during the day to see some great cattle and stay in the evening to watch the rodeo. Shawn Airey Manitoba Charolais Bull-etin 2016
Trent Hatch 2016 MCA Board of Directors: 4-H*, Scholarship Back Row (l-r): Ron McDonald, Box 132, Oak Lake, MB R0M 1P0 Matthew Ramsey, Trent Hatch, 204-855-3078 Scott Johnston, Jim Olson, Kevin c. 204-721-3078 Stebeleski, Mike Hunter, Rob trent.hatch@gmail.com Gilliland, Matthew Ramsey Front Row (l-r) Rae Trimble-Olson, Ag Ex Hans Myhre, Shawn Airey, Jeff Box 214, Strathclair, MB R0J 2C0, Cavers, Brad Cline. missing: Andre Steppler 204-365-2729 c. 204-365-0976 Jim Olson rammercharolais@hotmail.com Ads & Promo (radio)*, Juniors Brad Cline Box 882, Social Media*, Commercial Portage la Prairie, MB R1N 3C3 Breeder 204-252-3115 Box 268, c. 204-856-6357 Belmont, MB R0K 0C0 jimo1@mts.net 204-537-2367 Kevin Stebeleski 204-523-0062 Scholarship*, Website bjcline@mymts.net Box 266, Oakburn, MB R0J 1L0 Michael Hunter 204-234-5425 Pen Show*,Ad & Promo (print)* c. 204-365-6010 Box 569, happyhaven@goinet.ca Roblin, MB R0L 1P0 Ron McDonald 204-937-2531 Bulletin c.204-247-0301 Box 85, Sidney, MB R0H 1L0 mike_hunter40@hotmail.com 204-466-2883 huntchar@mymts.net 204-724-2811 Rob Gilliland rgmcdonaldlivestock@inethome.ca Bulletin* Box 1558, On the cover of this issue: Virden, MB R0M 2C0 204-748-2000 Thank you to Sandy & Ian Steppler c.204-748-5999 onebigeye14@gmail.com for providing the photo of April as she was congratulated by the judge for her Grand Champion Interclub Steer. Fall Issue 2016 D i st ri bu ti o n: 4 00
Shawn Airey President, Ag-Ex*, Pen Show, Social Media Box 639, Rivers, MB R0K 1X0 204- 328-7704 c. 204-724-8823 htacharolais@hotmail.com Hans Myhre 1st Vice, Website*, Commercial Breeder* R.R. #4, Comp. 9A, Dauphin, MB R7N 2T7 204-638-5664 c.204-648-6416 hans@myhrefarm.com Jeff Cavers, 2nd Vice, Juniors*, Scholarship Box 237, La Riviere, MB R0G 1A0 204-242-3467 c.204-242-4448 c2charolais@inethome.ca Rae Trimble-Olson Secretary/Treasurer, 4-H Box 882, Portage la Prairie, MB R1N 3C3 204-252-3115 c. 204-871-1063 trimblemr@hotmail.com Andre Steppler CCA Director, Box 340, Miami, MB R0G 1H0 204-435-2463 c. 204-750-1951 steppleran@hotmail.com Scott Johnston Bulletin, Commercial Breeder Box 123, Rathwell, MB R0G 1S0 204-749-2247 204-723-5030 h.scott.johnston@gmail.com
photo submitted by By Livestock
Publications Agreement # 0041265055
Now is the time to make sure your herd is on track for Profit! Add a Charolais bull to your program!
Proven, Pre dict able , Pe r fo rm ance Official Publication of the Manitoba Charolais Association
Tha nk you to HTA Cha rola is, Helge By, Ra mmer Cha rola is, C2 Cha rola is, High Bluff Sto ck Fa rm, Joa n A irey for pic tures use d throughout this issue. Manitoba Charolais Bull-etin 2016
The O fficial Public ation of the M anitoba C harolais A ssociation
Manitoba AG EX Launches a New Lineup for 2016 Submitted by Karen Burton Manitoba Livestock Expo, Fall Fair, Manitoba AG EX, no matter what the name the Provincial Exhibition has been successfully hosting a fall fair to celebrate traditional agriculture practices for over 130 years. “Our fall cattle show has gone through a few different names and looks over the years. “Said Ron Kristjansson, General Manager of the Provincial Exhibition of Manitoba. “The one thing that hasn’t changed though is the support. Even through the severe financial setbacks in the beef industry during the BSE crisis, this show has continued to be a significant event for local cattle producers and the city of Brandon.” In early 2015, the Provincial Exhibition released a new corporate logo and focused on growing their fall cattle event to include more agriculture components. The name Manitoba AG EX was chose to reflect the vision of an agricultural event in Brandon that would appeal to a broader audience. The Provincial Exhibition signed a 3-year agreement with the Manitoba Rodeo Cowboys Association in the fall of 2015 to host the Manitoba Finals Rodeo (MFR). “We know from experience that the crowds want action packed entertainment.” Said Kristjansson. “There is nothing more exhilarating than the year-end rodeo competition so becoming the new home of the MFR is an excellent fit for Manitoba AG EX.” For the last decade, a standalone group has been organizing the rodeo and equine events that took place on a separate weekend from the Provincial Exhibition’s fall cattle show. “This isn’t our first rodeo.” Joked Kristjansson. “We had a partnership with the Manitoba Rodeo Cowboy Association in the early 2000’s to host the MFR. We are fired up to restore this partnership and continue to expand Manitoba AG EX.” Said Kristjansson “An event like this has a significant economic impact on the Brandon region and gives our local producers an important opportunity to showcase their industry. “ This year’s event will also include a variety of equine events as part of the free daily shows including the Manitoba Superhorse 50/50 Show & Sale, NAERIC Barrels of Cash Prospect Sale, Fall Classic Ranch Sorting and the Hagan Performance & Ranch Horse Sale. “Every time we make one of our events bigger, that means more rental income for the Keystone Centre and more people coming in to our city to spend time in our hotels and restaurants. It’s a win-win situa-
tion. “ Said Kristjansson. The cattle shows will start on Wednesday, October 26 and run through until Saturday, October 29 in the Westoba Ag Centre at the north end of the Keystone Centre. The equine events, including the rodeo will start Thursday, October 27 and run through until Saturday, October 29 in Westman Place main arena. Stalling for all of the animals will fill the north end barns as well as the Kinsmen and Enns Brothers Arenas. The Taste of Beef luncheon will pay tribute to the beef industry at the Canad Inn Road House on Wednesday, October 26. Tickets for the luncheon are $25 and available by contacting the Provincial Exhibition office at info@provincialexhibition.com. As Manitoba’s largest all breeds cattle show, the 2016 Manitoba AG EX event has attracted national attention. “For the first time ever, we will host the Western National Hereford Show as well as we will see a return of the Canadian National Limousin Show for this year. “ Said Kristjansson. “With close to 600 head of cattle at last year’s show, we anticipate that the prominence of this event will attract even more animals and industry leaders.” An extra day has been added to this event to accommodate the expected increase in cattle. The daily equine and cattle shows are open to the public free of charge. Tickets for the evening rodeo are available for purchase at the Keystone Centre Box Office. Cost is $20 for adults and $10 for children 6-12 yrs plus the cost of the Keystone Centre ticket service fee. Registration forms for the Cattle Show are available for download at www.manitobaagex.com until October 1, 2016. Register before September 17 and you could win 2 tickets to the Manitoba Finals Rodeo. Karen Burton is the Marketing & Communications Coordinator at the Provincial Exhibition of Manitoba Manitoba Charolais Bull-etin 2016
Canadian Charolais Youth Association Mission Statement Our goal is to provide youth members with activities and programs that will develop them into innovative, progressive, contributing citizens. To do this, we strive to design programs that develop members’ individual and team skills, leadership abilities and knowledge, for the betterment of themselves and the cattle industry. Internet Contacts Email – charolaisyouth@gmail.com Follow us on Twitter – @charolaisyouth Find us on Facebook – CCYA Membership 2016 Who can be a CCYA Member? CCYA members can be youth who are 21 or under as of January 1st of the current year – the same as 4-H age in many provinces. Two different types of membership are available to youth. The CCA will manage a junior membership program only for youth members interested in having their own tattoo letters and farm name. Youth currently with tattoo letters will be invoiced in January for their fees. All other youth will be invoiced from the CCA office with membership fees due to the CCYA by January 1st. The membership structure and benefits are detailed in the following table: If you have questions or concerns please email us! Email – charolaisyouth@gmail.com
CCYA pictures submitted by Jeff and Jackie Cavers, C2 Charolais
Manitoba Charolais Bull-etin 2016
Watch for these genetics at:
a of HBSF 2015/2016 females to the
photo credit: Helge By
Mark your Calendar: March 17, 2017 FAMILY TRADITION BULL SALE
Carman & Donna Jackson & Family, Inglis MB
Phone: (204)564-2547 Cell: (204) 773-6448 We were proud to co-host the MCA 2016 Summer Picnic and we look forward to showcasing selections from our herd this fall! @HighBluff_SF
www.facebook.com/highbluffstockfarm Instagram Highbluff_sf
April Steppler Grand Champion Michael Steppler Res. Grand. Interclub
Erik Olson
Lori Steppler, 4-H steer sold MMJS
Brynn Steppler, pee wee showing Taylor
Fischer Cavers, 4-H Heifer
Brayden Heapy, 4-H Achievement
Kate-Leigh Heapy, 4-H Achievement
Manitoba Charolais Bull-etin 2016
Kiernan Olson with Jewel
Chase Airey, with his pee wee calf
Michael Steppler, Res Champion Club, Reserve Grand Interclub
April Steppler, Grand Champ Club, Grand Champion Interclub, 1520 lbs
Blake Airey, Pee Wee class
Keegan Blehm
Kassidy Heapy, 4-H Achievement Manitoba Charolais Bull-etin 2016
The MCA and the Charolais industry had a great 2016 Pen Show again this year at the Digby Farm near Dropmore, MB. An enthusiastic group of The Manitoba Charolais breeders displayed a great set of cattle. Thanks Association invites you to to Hunter Charolais and High Bluff Stock Farm for follow them on social media. hosting the day, touring us through their cattle Facebook herds, feeding us like royalty and a special thanks to https://www.facebook.com/ Jared Glasman for judging. Also thanks to Helge and Manitoba-Charolais-Association- Candace By for attending the day and supporting the 173611256334235/?fref=ts MCA Pen Show as well as taking pictures. Posted by Andre Steppler Twitter: @mbcharolais Please note if you have a facebook page you would like included, please send your screen shot in by the next publication deadline
Manitoba Charolais Bull-etin 2016
watch for our consignments to the
Res. Grand Champion Steer
no Borders
select sale dec. 10 Virden, mB
CCYA 2016 keegam Blehm manitou 2016, 1345 lbs
CCYA 2016 c2 charolais
CCYA 2016 c2 charolais thank you to all Bull Buyers at the
Prairie distinction sale
JEFF & JACKIE CAVERS Watch for us at Ag-Ex
c2 charolais
Res: (204)-242-3467 Cell: (204) 242-4448
Box 237, La RivieRe, MB R0G 1a0 c2charolais@inethome.ca
Thankyou you Thank Thank you
Thank you to all that bid, bought and supported our program including many new and repeat customers. We appreciate your business! Fischer Charolais, AB Palmer Charolais, SK FDKL Charolais (The Kristjanson’s) JBF Charolais, ON Lady Fane Charolais, PEI McKinnon Stock Farm KYR Farms Ltd (Kelly Robertson) Ken Routledge Laurel Creek Ranch, SK Clint & Rick Miller Soura-Horan Farms M & D Farms Darren Smith Gordon Evenson
RGP Remington 101Y
Rudolph Singbiel Stuart Manness Barry Honish C2 Charolais Darrell & Roxanne Johnson Jason Gork Layne Lamport Richard Puhach Jim & Donna Smith Lavelock Ltd (Mark Pollock) Peter Driedger Brian Sillen Brent Burt Simeon Brubacher, ON John Butterfield
HTA Challenge 161Y Campbell’s Buster 225B HTA Reliable 4101B
“This year’s calf crop: Remington, Challenge, Bravia, All State, Evolution and more! New sire groups: HTA Reliable 4101B, Campbell’s Buster 225B, Winn Mans Lanza” Performance you can count on, people you can trust!
HTA Charolais & Guests Bull Sale
March 22, 2017
“Strong females are the foundation of our herd”
HTA White Fantasy 617S
At 10 years old, HTA White Fantasy 617S was crowned Grand Champion Female at the MCA Pen Show in August. She is the grand dam of HTA Stratego 562C; the high seller in our bull sale this spring.
heifer calf packages available by private treaty
Shawn & Tanya Airey and family Rivers, MB For more information:
204.328.7704 Shawns’s cell- call or text:
www.htacharolais.com Follow us on Twitter - @htacharolais Like us on Facebook!
Come visit our display at Manitoba Ag Ex Oct. 26-29 - Brandon, MB
Offering: 50 Quality Lots Show Prospect Heifer Calves – some right out of the show string Proven Producing Females – from the top of the herd Future Breed Matrons – out of and bred to industry leading sires Herdsire Prospect – on the show road this fall
Polled, Red Factor, Full French Something for Everyone! Consigned by14 top breeders from Manitoba and Saskatchewan
For further information or a catalogue, give us a call. Sale Manager:
306-584-7937 • Helge By 306-536-4261 • Candace By 306-536-3374 124 Shannon Rd, Regina, SK S4S 5B1 • charolaisbanner@gmail.com
View the catalogue online at www.bylivestock.com
Blake Airey
Chase Airey
Fischer Cavers
Brynn Steppler
Chase Airey
Fischer Cavers
“If you can’t do great things, do small things in a great way.” - 4-H Grows Here
Claire Ramsey
Myra Ramsey
Brayden, Kassidy, Kate-Leigh -Best Kept Stall Award
Blake & Chase Airey with prize feed tubs Manitoba Charolais Bull-etin 2016
201 Bee perso the exhi succe f Nee
PLATIMUM Congratulations to all Participants and to the Organizing committee on another successful Round-Up!!!
Mazer Group • Manitoba Charolais Boyes Contracting Hatfield Shorthorns and Clydesdales Klondike Farms Manitoba Angus Association Manitoba Simmental Association
SILVER Manitoba Youth Beef Roundup Agribition TeamBRONZE sponsored by gold sponsors Manitoba Charolais Association. Samantha Rimke, Adam Harms, Carson Rodgers and James Reid
Keystone Simmental Association Leech Printing Manitoba Beef Producers Masterfeeds N7 Stock Farm Neepawa-Gladstone Coop Pete Quintaine and Son
AJB Livestock Dairy Queen Genex Ross Gray Shorthorns
Big Sky Simmentals Simmentals This team will represent Roundup at the 2016 Canadian Western Agribition in Regina inDelichte Bonchuk Farms Hamco Cattle Co C-2 Charolais Heartland Livestock Brandon November. Cargil Feeds Hunter Charolais
Scott and Anne Clements and Family
INDUSTRY AM Ranching Back to Class Prospect Steer and Heifer Sale Batho Farms Beautiful Plains Ag Society Bridges and Taylor Vets Canada Safeway Carberry Sandhills Consulting Cline Cattle Co Coop Feeds Crest View Land and Cattle Co Ltd. Davis Livestock Services Diamond T Limousin Farmers with Disabilities Happy Haven Charolais
Heartland Livestock Virden High Bluff Stock Farm J+S Meats JMB Charolais JR Simmentals Kembar Farms Keystone Livestock Services Knight Tent Rentals Kristjansson Farms M+J Farms Maple Lake Stock Farm Maplehurst Farms Manitoba Junior Hereford Association Manitoba Milk Board
Thank you Balzac Meats for your contribution to Education night for CCYA!
Manitoba Charolais Bull-etin 2016
Lois McRae , Chairperson: Rilla Hunter Treasurer: Wenda Best, Secretary: Blair McRae, Andrea Albert Rimke, Michelle Rimke, Naomi Best, Candace Johnston, Melissa McRae, Justin Kr Nanette Glover, Samantha Rimke, Jackie Cavers, Carson Rodgers, Laura Horne
Watch for these youngsters at a show ring near you.
Shawn Airey awarding member for best behaved animal
2016 Manitoba Youth Beef Roundup would personally like to thank their supporters and exhibitors for another successful, educational, fun weekend in Neepawa, Manitoba.
Mazer Group • Manitoba Charolais • T Bar C Invitational Boyes Contracting Hatfield Shorthorns and Clydesdales Klondike Farms Manitoba Angus Association Manitoba Simmental Association
Manitoba Shorthorn Association Neepawa Banner Pembina Triangle Simmental Association Steppler Farms
Keystone Simmental Association Leech Printing Manitoba Beef Producers Masterfeeds N7 Stock Farm Neepawa-Gladstone Coop Pete Quintaine and Son
AJB Livestock Dairy Queen Genex Ross Gray Shorthorns
Pleasant Dawn Charolais Poplar View Stock Farm Rodgers Simmentals Simmental Focus Total Farm Supply Transcon Livestock Virden Animal Hospital
Big Sky Simmentals Bonchuk Farms C-2 Charolais Cargil Feeds Scott and Anne Clements and Family
Delichte Simmentals Hamco Cattle Co Heartland Livestock Brandon Hunter Charolais
Man/Sask Blonde D’Aquitaine Association Manitoba Junior Charolais JSJ Gelbvieh Johnston Charolais
INDUSTRY AM Ranching Back to Class Prospect Steer and Heifer Sale Batho Farms Beautiful Plains Ag Society Bridges and Taylor Vets Canada Safeway Carberry Sandhills Consulting Cline Cattle Co Coop Feeds Crest View Land and Cattle Co Ltd. Davis Livestock Services Diamond T Limousin Farmers with Disabilities Happy Haven Charolais
Heartland Livestock Virden High Bluff Stock Farm J+S Meats JMB Charolais JR Simmentals Kembar Farms Keystone Livestock Services Knight Tent Rentals Kristjansson Farms M+J Farms Maple Lake Stock Farm Maplehurst Farms Manitoba Junior Hereford Association Manitoba Milk Board
Mar Mac Farms Merial Canada Millcosteel Minnedosa Vet Clinic Perkin Land and Cattle Pine Haven Stock Farm Prairie Pistol Designs Ramsey Charolais Schweitzer Simmentals Silver Lake Farms South West Bull Development Centre Sweet Grass Ranch Synryk Farms World of Water
VOLUNTEER COMMITTEE Lois McRae , Chairperson: Rilla Hunter Treasurer: Wenda Best, Secretary: Blair McRae, Andrea Bertholet,Travis Hunter, Ken Williams, Albert Rimke, Michelle Rimke, Naomi Best, Candace Johnston, Melissa McRae, Justin Kristjansson, Adrianne Vandersluis , Nanette Glover, Samantha Rimke, Jackie Cavers, Carson Rodgers, Laura Horner, and Melissa Falconer.
THANKS FOR SUPPORTING ROUNDUP 2016. Leech Printing 252867
Manitoba Charolais Bull-etin 2016
from Joan’s Kitchen
Grown in Manitoba, Made in Manitoba This summer Harry and I ventured to Churchill with friends to see the polar bears and whales and we weren’t disappointed as we saw lots of both. We stayed at the Lazy Bear Lodge and took in all their excursions. “Arriving from all points in the world guests at Lazy Bear Lodge in Churchill are guaranteed delicious meals created from meats purchased from Manitoba livestock producers; produce from market gardeners or from the greenhouse we built next to the lodge and created by our excellent chefs. We PURCHASE all our beef, bison and elk directly from farmers in the Swan River Valley and have it processed in a government inspected abattoir in that area. That way we can tell our customers everything on our menu is locally grown in Manitoba. Our guests come from around the world at the moment we have guests from Kenya, Australia, United States, Wales, and Germany to name a few places.” said Wally Daudrich owner. Maybe instead of worrying about the large chain restaurants using our products farmers should be working with family own businesses like the Daudrich’s. After returning from a week in Churchill I found a booklet on my desk called “from scratch” unique eateries of rural Manitoba who use local grown vegetables, meats, and fruits in their restaurants which included an article on the Lazy Bear Lodge. When we returned from Churchill we dined at Earl’s in Winnipeg and were served charcoaled steaks (BURNT IN OTHER WORDS). We discussed it with the manager and found out they were still using American beef in their Manitoba restaurants. The manager offered us a gift certificate to come back for a meal later but we said NO thank-you, that e were concerned if a city person ordered a steak and they received it cooked the way ours was that person would never order a steak again. But the chef couldn’t blame the steak for being literally burnt because it was produced in the states. It was a great disappointment after the excellent beef we ate in Churchill restaurants. If you are ever in Churchill and want good food drop in at the Lazy Bear
Manitoba Charolais Bull-etin 2016
Lodge. The meals at Lazy Bear were so good we didn’t WANDER far from their dining room. We also enjoyed excellent prime rib at the Tundra Restaurant. If you have lots of green tomatoes and apples I have a recipe for Green Tomato Mincemeat that is good. I never buy mincemeat since Dorothy Hart gave me this recipe year ago.
Green Tomato Mincemeat
6 cups of green tomatoes 6 cups apples 1 cup seedless raisins 2 cups seeded raisins 1 cup butter ¾ cup vinegar 4 cups brown sugar 1 cup mixed fruit (like you use in a Christmas cake) 1 Tablespoon cinnamon ¾ teaspoon allspice 2 teaspoons salt Peel the tomatoes and chop then put in a large pot and cover them with cold water and bring to a boil. Drain and repeat twice more using fresh water each time. Add fruit and all other ingredients and cook on stove for one and half hours. Seal in jars. We served some tarts made with this recipe at our bull sale and they all disappeared. I’ll have some new beef recipes for next issue. With nice weekends we have been barbecuing steak and I’ve been taking meals to the field that were prepared using recipes I have used for years, so I haven’t tried anything new in recent days. Hope harvest has done well for everyone. Joan Airey Freelance Writer and Photographer Box 790, Rivers, Manitoba, R0K 1X0 Canada joanairey1@gmail.com 204-328-7103 www.canstockphoto.com/sheba http://joanairey1.wordpress.com
Congratulations from your MCA friends GRADUATES of 2016 Brooke Preston on her graduation from Ste.Rose School We are extremely proud of our daughter!! She got highest mark in Agriculture 40S with a 98%. She was recipient of the bursary award from the Manitoba Charolais Association, and the recipient of the scholarship from the North Parkland 4-H Area Council. ~ Lisa and Neil Preston Keegan Blahm - (C2 Charolais) Wishing you many more accomplishments in your future! Congratulations!!
to Matthew and Sarah Ramsey, Welcome EMILY ROSE
to Haylan Jackson & Delaney Barber who were married July 30, 2016 at an outdoor ceremony in Haylan & Del’s yard, followed by a reception and barn dance at Garth & Darlene Jackson’s, Inglis, MB. Wishing you many more days as happy as this one, many more occasions for celebration, and a lifetime of love and laughter.
Guess who celebrated a special milestone birthday this past summer! Remember now you’re a WOW -a wiser older woman, Aging isn’t about losing youth, But gaining wisdom. Best wishes from all of your friends!
Rammer Charolais’ newest addition: Claire and Myra Ramsey are proud to announce the safe arrival of their new baby sister Emily Rose Ramsey born July 29th, 2016 at 10:20am. 9 pounds, 7 ounces. 21 inches. Beautiful daughter of Matthew and Sarah Ramsey. 10th grandchild to Wayne and Melva
Congratulations to Dave and Jen Defoort on the safe arrival of Evelyn Ann Stacey and little sister for Austyn. Evelyn Ann Stacey Defoort March 19, 2016 8 lbs, 2 oz 21 ¾ inches
Proud Grandparents: Gord and Sue Defoort, Defoort Stock Farm Manitoba Charolais Bull-etin 2016
Obituary – Robert (Bob) Henry Gordon GORDON: Robert (Bob) Henry Gordon, beloved husband, father and grandfather passed away peacefully with family by his side July 29, 2016, at Evergreen Place, Boissevain, Manitoba. Bob was born November 13, 1932, in Oak Lake, Manitoba to the late Henry and Ella (Ronberg) Gordon. Bob is survived by his loving wife of 56 years, Joyce of Boissevain; his children Lois (Blair) McRae, Brandon, MB; Shirley Kaufman (BC Derrow), Mt Sidney, VA; Sheila (Kevin) Jensen, Courtland, KS; B. Lynn Gordon, Brookings, SD; Bruce (Kindra) Gordon, Whitewood, SD.; ten grandchildren Brett and Melissa McRae, Cole Kaufman, Brady, Brooke and Ben Jensen, Bridger, Danika, Matea, and Bennett Gordon; one brother Wayne (Eleanor) Gordon and sister Cheryl (Don) Brown both of Souris, MB. Growing up in the 30’s, Bob loved the country and farm lifestyle, 4-H, and at an early age he had a dream of becoming a registered livestock breeder. In 1946, Bob exhibited his first steer at Royal Manitoba Winter Fair in Brandon and continued showing livestock there for more than four decades and then showed at Denver, Chicago, Toronto Royal, Ag-Ex, Canadian Western Agribition, World Angus and Hereford Shows until his retirement. Bob’s family moved to Souris, MB in 1955 to the Hume farm. He married Joyce (Honeyman) of Hayfield, MB in 1959. In 1961, his family was in the dairy business shipping milk for 10 years. Bob and his brother Wayne formed Kinnaber Cattle Co., establishing a Shorthorn operation. Bob was named “Builder of the Shorthorn
Manitoba Charolais Bull-etin 2016
Breed” in 1970. He was instrumental in forming the Canadian Shorthorn Lassie Organization and president and director of the Manitoba Shorthorn Club. Kinnaber won three consecutive Grand Champion Females and two Reserve Grand Champions between 1969 and 1971, at the esteemed National Western Stock Show in Denver and two Champions at the 1968 and 1969 Chicago International. Bob judged many livestock shows including the Agribition, Toronto Royal, many 4-H achievement days and U.S. state fairs. While serving on the Manitoba Cattle Producers board, Bob and fellow cattlemen initiated the Douglas Bull Test Station in the late 60s. In 1969, Bob served as the first president and founding partner of Bar- 5 Simmentals, Brandon, MB. Bob initiated the importation of Simmental cattle from Europe. Achilles Cattle Co. hired Bob as manager to promote and sell Simmental semen all over the world. In the 70’s, the Hereford herd was established when his children’s love for showing cattle begun. While serving as director of the Canadian Hereford Association, Bob initiated the formation of the Canadian Junior Hereford Association (CJHA) hosting the inaugural youth event at Kinnaber in 1979. Bob was intrigued by the Angus breed and developed a small herd in the 80’s. His experience with multiple breeds lead him to be named Sire Selector and Manager of the Beef Program for Western Breeders / Alta Genetics, Balzac, AB, in 1985. Bob was inducted into the Canadian Agricultural Hall of Fame in 1995. In 2007, Bob and Joyce together were inducted into the Manitoba Agricultural Hall of Fame for their contribution to agriculture and the beef industry. In 2003, Bob and Joyce wrote, “A Cattleman’s Walk Down Memory Lane”, a book chronicling their lifelong experiences in farming and livestock industry. Bob and Joyce retired to Boissevain in 2008. Bob was preceded in death by his parents, father-and-mother-in law Findlay and Rosella Honeyman and brother-in-law, Keith Honeyman. Bob’s family will remember — “A true stockman never dies, he’s just selected by the best judge of all.”
In memory of Bob, donations may be made to Bob Gordon Memorial Fund with proceeds going to youth and agriculture endeavors, Box 605, Boissevain, Manitoba R0K 0E0.
Manitoba Charolais Association Breeder’s Section Keith & Mary Anne Hagan Keith & Mary Anne Hagan
Brad & Juanita Cline • 204-537-2367 • bjcline@mymts.net Box 268, Belmont, MB R0K 0C0 • www.clinecattlecompany.ca
ROB & LISA GILLILAnd Ashton, Abbi, & Andi
Kevin, Crystal, Kory, and Shaylin
Box 1558 Virden, MB R0M 2C0
T: 204-748-2000 C: 204.748.5999
Box 266, Oakburn,MB
Cell: 204-365-6010 Res: 204-234-5425 happyhaven@goinet.ca
email: onebigeye14@gmail.com
Too bad you are missing out on the opportunity. Call Rae 204-252-3115 so you don’t get left out next issue.
Neil and Lisa Ste. Rose, MB 204-732-2054
lisap@inethome.ca or Jared 204-647-5416
Associated Business Section Manitoba Charolais Association HENRY HILDEBRANDT Manager #1 Highway Virden, MB R0M 2C0 Phone 204.748.2466 Fax 204.748.2016 Cell 204.748.5706 henry.hildebrandt@fountaintire.com
Derek Reimer
Territory Manager T. +1 204 433 7677 M. +1 204 371 9093 derek.reimer@nutreco.ca
F. +1 204 433 7003 TF. +1 800 604 6756
Landmark Feeds, 36 Grant St., Box 27, Otterburne, Manitoba R0A 1G0 www.landmarkfeeds.com
Thank you to these businesses for their belief in the importance of the cattle industry.
Don’t fiddle with the rest come to
Grant Moffatt for the best! 1500 Richmond Ave. Brandon, Manitoba R7A 7E3
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Eric Van Meijl - Feed Rep. Ph: (204) 728-0231 Manitoba Charolais Bull-etin 2016
Advertisers C2 Charolais
Cline Cattle Co.
Fountain Tire, Virden
Happy Haven Charolais
High Bluff Stock Farm
photo submitted by Rammer Charolais
2015 Gold Star Dams of Distinction Awards went to the following MB Breeders:
Hunter Charolais HTA Charolais Tri-N Charolais High Bluff Stock Farm
HTA Charolais
.......12, 13
Joynt Cattle Services
KEH Charolais
Keystone Livestock Services
Landmark Feeds
L-E-J Charolais DIG 76T owned by High Bluff Stock Farm
HTA 617S owned by HTA Charolais
Masterfeeds, Brandon
Murray Chev Cadillac GMC
Myers Land & Cattle
No Borders Select Female Sale
Prairie Pistol Designs
R & G McDonald Livestock
Scarth Cattle Co.
Calendar of Events
...21 ....21
Steppler Farms Ltd.
Sunny Ridge Stock Farm
Tri N Charolais
photo submitted by Rammer Charolais Ag Ex, Brandon, MB October 26-29 MCA Bulletin Fall Round up Deadline Dec. 5 No Borders Female Sale Dec. 10 A Piece of the Program Female Sale, Steppler Farms, Miami MB Dec. 12 MCA AGM Januar y Family Tradition Bull Sale, Dropmore March 17
Manitoba Charolais Bull-etin 2016
White to Red...
Good Cows Raise Great Calves
FFBB 27X (Silver Buckle) calf ~ LEJ 624D (c2 BeaSley 72B)
LEJ 228Z (JWX Private ryan 505u) calf ~ LEJ 636D (JS navaJo red 15X ) LEJ 812U (BelmontS merlot 56P) calf ~ LEJ 607D (JS navaJo red 15X )
LEJ 31X (JWX Private ryan 505u) calf ~ LEJ 635D (JS navoJo red 15X )
BCN 26B (rPJ PiStol 129y) twin bull calf ~ MRT 603D (tr red Smoke)
STop By aNyTiME aND viEw oUR pRogRaM oR viSiT US aT ag-EX oR No BoRDERS SaLE, viRDEN
LEJ Charolais Jim, Rae, Kiernan, Erik Olson Portage la Prairie, MB 204-252-3115 Jim 204-856-6357, Rae 204-871-1063 lejcharolais@gmail.com Manitoba Charolais Bull-etin 2015