MB Charolais Bulletin 2016 Herdsire

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Dist ribut io n : 2300 Publications Agreement # 0041265055

Herd Sire Issue


Now is the time to make sure your herd is on track for Profit! Add a Charolais bull to your program!

Proven, Pr edi c tabl e, P er f o r m a n ce Official Publication of the Manitoba Charolais Association

The O fficial Public ation of the M anitoba C harolais A ssociation

5th ANNUAL BULL SALE March 22nd, 2016 Steppler Sale Barn, Miami, MB Your source for a large, high quality offering from over 400 mother cows.

70 Yearling and 15 Two Year Old Bulls Bulls to fit everyone's budget with a balance of calving ease and performance. Free delivery to central points in the Prairie Provinces

Catalogue and Videos online at www.stepplerfarms.com

Box 7, Miami, MB R0G 1H0 • Dan & Pat Steppler • Tel 204-435-2021 Andre & Katie Steppler • T 204-435-2463 • C 204-750-1951 @steppler_andre • stepplerfarms@hotmail.com www.stepplerfarms.com

Adver tising Rates For 2016: 1” Business Card (annual) $75.00 1” MCA Member Business Card (annual)$50.00 1/6 Page Ad



1/4 Page Ad


1/3 Page Ad


1/2 Page Ad


2/3 Page Ad


Full Page Ad


G.S.T. to be added NOTE: When a photo is requested to be edited, time spent editing the image will be invoiced to the breeder/business requesting the alterations by the MCA as a cost recovery measure. All advertising accounts Must be Paid In Full before any more advertising is accepted from same contributor. ALL ACCOUNTS ARE DUE WITHIN 60 DAYS OF BILLING WITH INTEREST CHARGED AT A RATE OF 2% PER MONTH AFTER 60 DAYS.

For Further Information contact: Cheryl McPherson Phone:(204)736-2878 Fax(204)736-4124

email: cherway2011@gmail.com

FALL ROUND UP ISSUE DEADLINE: September 10th, 2016 Canadian Publications Mail Product Registration #0041265055 Return Undeliverable Mail to:

Cheryl McPherson, Box 262, Sanford, MB R0G 2J0

Manitoba Charolais Association Bulletin

Greetings. As I write this and reflect, there is much to be positive about. The cattle prices are holding their own and the winter has been pretty fair to us so far. The MCA held their AGM in Brandon on January 9th. The meeting had a great turnout of membership. New director, Matthew Ramsey, was welcomed to the Board and a new executive was elected. Please do not hesitate to reach out to any of the directors with any comments or questions. The MCA is in a great place right now with great momentum moving forward. Congratulations to the Kristjanson family of Ochre River, MB who was awarded Charolais Commercial Breeder of the Year at the banquet held following the AGM. A well deserved award. Amanda Hopcraft and Brooke Preston were both chosen for the MCA Scholarship this year. Congratulations and all the best to both of you in your future. The MCA has entered the Social Media world and can now be found on Facebook and Twitter (@mbcharolais). I encourage you to check it out. The website is continually being updated as well. Check back often and find a full list of Manitoba Sales & Events on the webpage. The MCA has their annual Picnic & Pen Show planned and will be hosted by Hunter Charolais & High Bluff Stock Farm. Stay tuned for more details. I hope to see you all there and at the many other Charolais events this year. Happy calving and bull sale season! Shawn Airey, MCA President 204-724-8823

Publication approval - Advertisers of breeding stock must be Manitoba breeders, current in WHE with the Canadian Charolais Association (business cards exempt). MCA reserves the right to approve or deny advertising. photo submitted by R&G McDonald Livestock Manitoba Charolais Bull-etin 2016


MANITOBA CHAROLAIS BOARD OF DIRECTORS 2016 Shawn Airey President, Ag-Ex*, Pen Show, Social Media Box 639, Rivers, MB R0K 1X0 204- 328-7704 c. 204-724-8823 htacharolais@hotmail.com Hans Myhre 1st Vice, Website*, Commercial Breeder* R.R. #4, Comp. 9A, Dauphin, MB R7N 2T7 204-638-5664 c.204-648-6416 hans@myhrefarm.com Jeff Cavers, 2nd Vice, Juniors*, Scholarship Box 237, La Riviere, MB R0G 1A0 204-242-3467 c.204-242-4448 c2charolais@inethome.ca Rae Trimble-Olson Secretary/Treasurer, 4-H Box 882, Portage la Prairie, MB R1N 3C3 204-252-3115 c. 204-871-1063 trimblemr@hotmail.com Andre Steppler CCA Director, Box 340, Miami, MB R0G 1H0 204-435-2463 c. 204-750-1951 steppleran@hotmail.com Scott Johnston Bulletin, Commercial Breeder Box 123, Rathwell, MB R0G 1S0 204-749-2247 204-723-5030 h.scott.johnston@gmail.com


photo submitted by By Livestock

Trent Hatch 2016 MCA Board of Directors: 4-H*, Scholarship Back Row (l-r): Ron McDonald, Box 132, Oak Lake, MB R0M 1P0 Matthew Ramsey, Trent Hatch, 204-855-3078 Scott Johnston, Jim Olson, Kevin c. 204-721-3078 Stebeleski, Mike Hunter, Rob trent.hatch@gmail.com Gilliland, Matthew Ramsey Front Row (l-r) Rae Trimble-Olson, Ag Ex Hans Myhre, Shawn Airey, Jeff Box 214, Strathclair, MB R0J 2C0, Cavers, Brad Cline. missing: Andre Steppler 204-365-2729 c. 204-365-0976 Jim Olson rammercharolais@hotmail.com Ads & Promo (radio)*, Juniors Brad Cline Box 882, Social Media*, Commercial Portage la Prairie, MB R1N 3C3 Breeder 204-252-3115 Box 268, c. 204-856-6357 Belmont, MB R0K 0C0 jimo1@mts.net 204-537-2367 Kevin Stebeleski 204-523-0062 Scholarship*, Website bjcline@mymts.net Box 266, Oakburn, MB R0J 1L0 Michael Hunter 204-234-5425 Pen Show*,Ad & Promo (print)* c. 204-365-6010 Box 569, happyhaven@goinet.ca Roblin, MB R0L 1P0 Ron McDonald 204-937-2531 Bulletin c.204-247-0301 Box 85, Sidney, MB R0H 1L0 mike_hunter40@hotmail.com 204-466-2883 huntchar@mymts.net 204-724-2811 Rob Gilliland rgmcdonaldlivestock@inethome.ca Bulletin* Box 1558, Virden, MB R0M 2C0 204-748-2000 c.204-748-5999 onebigeye14@gmail.com

On the cover of this issue:

Tha nk you to HTA Cha rola is for providing cover pic ture. a nd to R&G MCD onald, High Bluff Sto ck Fa rm, HTA Cha rola is for pic tures use d throughout this issue. Manitoba Charolais Bull-etin 2016

The O fficial Public ation of the M anitoba C harolais A ssociation


For Sale By Private Treaty White and Red Factor

20 + Yearling Bulls

 

3 two year olds

CLN 62C BW 3.9 WW 61 YW 118 M 21.5 TM 52

Visitors always Welcome CLN 10C BW -2.8 WW 53 YW 97 M 20.7 TM 47

Brad, Juanita, Logan and Kendra Box 268 , Belmont, MB R0K0C0

CLN 45C BW 4.5 WW 48 YW 94 M 22.4 TM 46

Home 204-537-2367

Cell 204-523-0062 Email: bjcline@mymts.net Visit our website


CLN 49C BW 1.9 WW 44 YW 99 M 24.2 TM 46



Manitoba Charolais Bull-etin 2016


Join the Revolution

I know when I use Charolais, my calves will be in the highest price range in all classes; steers and heifers! Silvers, tans, whites – It doesn’t matter as long as they are Charolais. Throughout the BSE years we expanded our cow herd. Not all of my cows are the same, but that doesn’t matter because

the Charolais bull is Universal.”

Bryce manages the T+M Olmstead 400-cow commercial herd, with the help of his family, just north of Carberry, MB. T+M Olmstead was the 2012 Manitoba Charolais Commercial Breeder of the year.


WWW.CHAROLAIS.COM Manitoba Charolais 2016 2320 41 Ave NEBull-etin Calgary, Alberta

T2E 6W8 Phone 403.250.9242

Watch for these bulls

consigned to the

Prairie Distinction sale

in Neepawa on March 29th.

Benelli son

Benelli son


BW 90 lbs. Deep and Thick


BW 108 lbs.

Solid and Soggy

Stallone son


BW 102 lbs.


Cougar Hills Hank son BW 106 lbs. 2nd in class at Ag ex 2015


hank you to Amy Horran, Bowsman MB., for the private purchase of a package of bred heifers.


Kory, and Shaylin Stebeleski

Res: 204-234-5425 Cell: 204-365-6010

Box 266, Oakburn,MB


follow on Twitter @Happyhavenchar

Does your bull come with a Registration Certificate? When you look around to replace and improve your bull battery, you seek a bull that is going to mate well with your cows and please your marketplace by providing a sound product. When you’re selling, a good bull is a SOLD bull. However, when you are buying you’ll probably look at calving ease, semen quality, sound feet and legs, performance (the list goes on) but do you also consider a Purebred Registration Certificate? Did your last bull purchase come with a Registration paper? The Animal Pedigree Act creates discipline and allows only one association to represent breeders of a breed, set rules for the registrations and certify the animals of said breed. The Canadian Charolais Association (CCA) is incorporated under the Animal Pedigree Act (APA) and represents breeders throughout the country as the official breed registry for Charolais cattle in Canada. The APA provides the enabling legal framework ensuring that: • The Association verifies the correct pedigree information by applying consistent rules for all members • The breed association and breeder stand behind the quality of information represented on the certificate • An animal with a registration paper is genetically stable • Breed improvement measures are being completed providing sustainability and value • Those who raise and purchase purebred stock are protected As such, the CCA administers their own business and affairs but are bound by their by-laws as approved by the members; in doing so the CCA also respects the APA by abiding and seeking ministerial approval. continued page 10


Manitoba Charolais Bull-etin 2016

R & G McDonalD livestock



3rd Gen Pld

SIRE: MERIt Roundup BW 2.2 WW 52 YW 100 M 21 tM 47 BW: 92lbs WW: 905lbs 1/25/2016: 1390 lbs

Consigning these bulls to the

3rd Gen Pld

SIRE: MERIt Roundup BW 1.1 WW 49 YW 95 M 23 tM 48 BW: 84lbs WW: 865lbs 1/25/2016: 1497 lbs

Prairie Distinction Charolais Bull Sale March 29


3rd Gen Pld

SIRE: MERIt Roundup BW 1.7 WW 52 YW 100 M 23 tM 49 BW: 98lbs WW: 960lbs 1/25/2016: 1503 lbs


3rd Gen Pld

SIRE: KEYS all StatE BW 0.8 WW 45 YW 88 M 15 tM 37 BW: 94lbs WW: 850lbs 1/25/2016: 1308 lbs

in Neepawa or by


3rd Gen Pld SIRE: MERIt Roundup BW 0.4 WW 49 YW 95 M 20 tM 45 BW: 98lbs WW: 960lbs 1/25/16: 1492 lbs

private treaty at the farm


4th Gen Pld

SIRE: plEaSant daWn MajoR BW 1.9 WW 46 YW 87 M 22 tM 45 BW: 105lbs WW: 810lbs 1/25/2016: 1359 lbs

Ron & Gail McDonald 204-466-2883 (H) Box 85, Sidney, MB R0H 1L0 204-724-2811 (C) email: rgmcdonaldlivestock@inethome.ca

continued from page 8

What’s the significance of the Registration Certificate? A Registration paper from the Canadian Charolais Association provides value; it’s recognized around the globe as representing integrity, traceability and a guarantee of the product. Registration and identification are cornerstones to the association. The CCA collects performance data and monitors desirable traits for overall breed improvement made possible through maintained and detailed pedigrees. Breeders and Purchasers are protected. The public cannot legally be deceived with a false registration paper [APA Section 63 (2)]. As well, it is an offence and legal action can be pursued for any person who knowingly sells an animal in a manner that creates an erroneous impression that the animal is registered or is eligible to be registered [APA Section 64 (g)]. The old adage Knowledge is Power certainly applies to the purebred breeder. As a breeder and member of the breed association they have contributed a lot of time, effort and information leading to genetic progress to not only their own herd but also the Canadian herd. Without data there’s no comparison, without comparison there’s no improvement and ultimately without improvement the future isn’t so bright when you’re not optimizing genetic potential. Before you sign the cheque, ask for that Registration Certificate and ensure that your herd will benefit. For more information contact the Canadian Charolais Association 403.250.9242 or www. charolais.com

Pro ven Pre dict a b l e Thank you.... Per fo rman c e

In the pasture - In the sale barn - In the feedlot

Vonda Hopcraft for serving as a director on the MCA board of directors. Volunteerism is currency that appreciates.

photo courtesey of R & G McDonald Livestock


Manitoba Charolais Bull-etin 2016

A sample of our bulls heading to the HTA & Guest Bull Sale, March 23rd, 2016, 1:00pm, Neepawa, MB

WMM 502C

Sire: LT Ledger 0332P EPD’s: BW –.9 WW 59.7 YW 106.2 Milk 19.6 TM 49.5 BW 96 Adj WW 787 Adj YW 1560

WMM 532C

Sire: JWX Crazy Kid 783A EPD’s: BW 3.2 WW 37.4 YW 79.8 Milk 23.4 TM 42.1 BW 105 ADJ WW 607 ADJ YW 1433

WMM 515C

Sire: HTA Conrad 248Z EPD’s: BW 1.4 WW 50.7 YW 92.5 Milk 14.4 TM 39.8 BW 105 ADJ WW 736 ADJ YW 1472 Thank you to everyone who suppor ted our program in 2015 Matthew, Sarah, Claire & Myra Ramsey Phone: 204-365-2729 Cell: 204-365-0976 Strathclair, MB., R0J 2C0 email: rammercharolais@hotmail.com


RGCG 520C • DCR MrU148GameChangerZ173 x Bar J Savior 16S BW 104 WW 996 YW 1410 (Jan 12) CE 82 BW .3 WW 44 YW 82 M 19 TM 41

RGCG 516C • ACC I Am Legend 914W x SOS MB Syndicated 138P BW 95 WW 1035 YW 1415 (Jan 12) CE 96 BW -2.1 WW 37 YW 71 M 24.4 TM 43

RGCG 500C • Steppler Tandem 157A x SOS MB Syndicated 138P BW 80 WW 735 YW 1250 CE 92 BW -1.2 WW 44 YW 83 M 18.2 TM 40

RGCG 504C • Steppler Tandem 157A x KCH Red Label 15X BW 92 WW 870 YW 1400 CE 84 BW .7 WW 49 YW 95 M 17.4 TM 42

DBLG 214C • DCR MrU148GameChangerZ173 x Beaver Creek Redzone 211S • BW 80 WW 910 YW 1350 CE 80 BW .1 WW 49 YW 88 M 20.2 TM 45

DBLG 244C • DCR Mr 029 Dakota BullZ90 x ACC I Am Legend 914W BW 83 WW 750 YW 1325 (Jan 12) CE 89 BW -2.3 WW 33 YW 75 M 19.4 TM 36 Sale Manager

Greg & Dayna Gilliland 306.928.4841 Ron & Jackie Gilliland 306.928.2118 Box 254, Carievale, SK S0C 0P0

306.584.7937 Helge By 306.534.4261 Candace By 306-536-3374 charolaisbanner@gmail.com

For more information or a catalogue contact us, or view the the catalogue online at www.bylivestock.com

Harmon Charolais Calvin Lamport Don Mantei PFRA Scarth Cattle Co.

Phillips Farms John Geisel Jason Wickham Mike Minshull Neil Jones

Steppler Tandem 157A

Mel Paton Van Buuren Charolais T R Coleman Glen Denbow Brian Geisel

Travis Martin Kelly Fitzpatrick Murray Farms Jared Spence Claude Paradis

DCR MrU148Game ChangerZ173

SellS in Gilliland BroS. & GUeSTS BUll Sale, March 15, 2016 at the farm at carievale, Sask He is polled, red, hairy, Harmon Charolais Phillips Farms and good Mel Paton Travis Martin Calvin Lamport Don Mantei PFRA Scarth Cattle Co.

John Geisel Jason Wickham Mike Minshull Neil Jones

ROB & LISA GILLILAnd Ashton, Abbi, & Andi Box 1558 Virden, MB R0M 2C0

T: 204-748-2000 C: 204.748.5999 email:Tandem onebigeye14@gmail.com Steppler 157A

Van Buuren Charolais Kelly Fitzpatrick ScarTh K-neliUS T R Coleman Murray326c Farms Glen Bd:Denbow March 11, 2015 Jared Spence Brian Geisel Red Factor Pedigree Claude Paradis Outcross,

He stood second in his split of bull calves at Brandon Ag Ex despite being a month younger and 100 pounds lighter than the next youngest bull in his division 205 day Wt 715 WPdA 3.44 BW-1.3 WW-46.9 YW-94.8 M-22.7 TMAT-46.2 DCR MrU148Game ChangerZ173

Canadian Charolais Youth Association Mission Statement Our goal is to provide youth members with activities and programs that will develop them into innovative, progressive, contributing citizens. To do this, we strive to design programs that develop members’ individual and team skills, leadership abilities and knowledge, for the betterment of themselves and the cattle industry. Upcoming Events: Genetics Program Application Deadline

February 15

Genetics Program Applicants Notified

March 1

Essay Competition Deadline

June 1

Conference Registration Deadline

June 1

2016 Conference & Show

July 12 - July 15

Internet Contacts Email – charolaisyouth@gmail.com Follow us on Twitter – @charolaisyouth Find us on Facebook – CCYA Membership 2016 Who can be a CCYA Member? CCYA members can be youth who are 21 or under as of January 1st of the current year – the same as 4-H age in many provinces. Two different types of membership are available to youth. The CCA will manage a junior membership program only for youth members interested in having their own tattoo letters and farm name. Youth currently with tattoo letters will be invoiced in January for their fees. All other youth will be invoiced from the CCA office with membership fees due to the CCYA by January 1st . The membership structure and benefits are detailed in the following table: If you have questions or concerns please email us! Email – charolaisyouth@gmail.com


Manitoba Charolais Bull-etin 2016


DOUBLE P STOCK FARMS sells at 2nd Annual


Jacksonville Son, Appraiser Son, Zorro Son, Silver Buckle grandson, Victory Red grandson! Red Factor Western Spur grandson, and Gridline Son

Our family has been showing females and selling bulls for years! You can contact us at home. lisap@inethome.ca 204-732-2054/ 447-0119 Jared Preston jppreston223@gmail.com 204-647-5416. Come by for a visit we would love to see ya!! JAPR KING OF HEARTS 7C


EPD’s - BW: -1 WW: 39.6 YW: 80.3 Milk: 20.6

EPD’s - BW: 2.4 WW: 35 YW: 78 Milk: 21

NATIONAL CHAMPIONS Grand Champion Female – PZC TR DESIRAE 012 sired by CML DIABLO 2X with calf at side CML DESIRAE 558C sired by CML DISTINCTION 318A, Exhibited by McLeod Livestock, Cochrane, AB Reserve Grand Champion Female – PRAIRIE COVE MISS 309A sired by HTA VEGAS 134Y with calf at side CAYS MOONSHINE 11C sired by TR MR FIREWATER 5792ET, Exhibited by Cay’s Cattle, Kinistino, SK, Additional Owner – Prairie Cove Charolais Grand Champion Bull – CML DISTINCTION 318A sired by MERIT VINTAGE 4065P, Exhibited by McLeod Livestock, Cochrane, AB, Additional Owners – Silver Spur Land & Cattle, Sunrise Charolais Reserve Grand Champion Bull – SVY GRIZZLY PLD 521C sired by SVY BLITZ 125Y, Exhibited by Serhienko Cattle Co., Maymont, SK, Additional Owner – Horseshoe E Premiere Breeder & Exhibitor both went to Springside Farms, Airdrie, AB Complete show results can be found at: http://www.agribition.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/National-Charolais-Show.pdf 2015 SCHOLARSHIP RECIPIENTS The EYE Committee would like to commend all those who applied for the 2015 CCA Scholarships. It was a true pleasure for those on the committee to read through the inspiring messages and get a first hand look at the next generation of Charolais Leaders. The strength of the leadership skills, the involvement with the breed and your respective communities is remarkable. We received a significant number of highly qualified applicants for this year’s funds. Of the sixteen strong applications, we had the tough decision to select four recipients. Congratulations to: Laura Weinbender of Canora, SK as the 2015 Recipient of the $1500 Dale Norheim Memorial Scholarship and to Jessica Sperber of Rimbey, AB, Luke Marshall of Red Deer County, AB and Genevieve Dubuc, St-Eulalie, QC for each receiving a 2015 CCA Scholarship of $1000. RBC BEEF SUPREME CHALLENGE The Charolais breed was very well represented at the 2015 RBC BEEF SUPREME CHALLENGE with two bulls and two females making the top ten with an outstanding Charolais pair being crowned Supreme Champion Female. McLeod Livestock of Cochrane, AB exhibited Supreme Female with pzc tr desirae 012 and her calf at side CML DESIRAE 558C. Also in the top ten females was PRAIRIE COVE MISS 309A with calf at side CAYS MOONSHINE 11C, exhibited by Cay’s Cattle, Kinistino, SK, Additional Owner – Prairie Cove Charolais. On the bulls, congratulations to McLeod Livestock with CML DISTINCTION 318A, additional Owners – Silver Spur Land & Cattle, Sunrise Charolais. The first ever bull calf in the RBC Beef Supreme Top Ten Bulls went to HRJ CROWD FAVOURITE 515C exhibited by Johnson Charolais of Barrhead, AB. Heartfelt congratulations on all their hard work and dedication goes to all the breeders and exhibitors! Welcome Since our creation in 1959, the Canadian Charolais Association has served as one of Canada’s major beef breed associations. Based in Calgary, we continually strive to provide our members with up-to-date industry information. The benefits of using Charolais cattle are obvious – cattlemen simply can’t deny their growth and carcass traits. Over the years, Charolais cattle have earned the reputation of producing cows who can handle a range of environmental conditions and bulls who increase the size and ruggedness of any herd. On the rail, Charolais genetics increase total red meat yield. Whether you’re a producer looking for Charolais genetics, a member looking to further your involvement in the CCA, or an established breeder looking for producer news, we’re here to help. Contact us for more information on how you can get involved with the Canadian Charolais Association. 2016 TATTOO YEAR LETTER IS D


photo courtesey ofHTA Charolais Manitoba Charolais Bull-etin 2016

13th annual familY tradition Bull sale

marCh 18, 2016, 2 P.m.

3 miles north of dropmore on Ph #482

HBSF 13C “Casanova” GeddeS X eSperenza

reserve Grand Champion presidents Classic at agribition 2015!

58 Powerful & Consistent Bulls

HIGH BLUFF eSperenza 7X Full sister to Casanova’s dam

39 Charolais Yearlings 7 Charolais two Year olds 12 red & BlaCk simmental Yearlings

HBSF 2C “Common sense” trIUMpH X orIGInaL

HBSF 45C “Captain” zorro X HIGH BLUFF Hank 41r

HBSF 137B “high Bluff hD” Hd X Hank

HBSF 48C “Cruz” BronCo X HBSF eXtra

Jay Good: 403-556-5563

eGC 18C “ChiCago” red MoUntaIn 16z X GeneraL Lee

Carman & donna Jackson & family, inglis mB

Phone: (204)564-2547 Cell: (204) 773-6448 www.highbluffstockfarm.ca @HighBluff_SF

www.facebook.com/highbluffstockfarm Instagram Highbluff_sf

information found on CCA website @ http://charolais.com/content/uploads/2014/04/SPRING-2016-Breed-Average-EPD.pdf

Spring 2016 - Canadian Charolais Breed Average, Percentiles and Trends Breed Average EPD BW WW YW MILK TM CE 1.5 43.0 82.1 21.1 42.7 69.6 Current 1.6 42.8 81.8 21.0 42.4 66.7 Sires 1.9 41.0 78.0 20.8 41.4 65.0 Dams Current – all calves born in the last 2 years (2014 - 2015) Sires – all sires with a calf reported in the last 2 years Dams – all dams with a calf reported in the last 2 years

CW 17.2 16.9 16.4

REA 0.41 0.43 0.41

Fat 0.35 0.30 0.17

LY 0.75 0.81 0.87

Marb 0.11 0.09 0.01

Percentile BW WW YW MILK TM CE CWT REA FAT LY MARB 1.5 43.0 82.1 21.1 42.7 69.6 17.2 0.41 0.35 0.75 0.11 11.7 28.4 5.0 23.5 0.0 -11.0 -0.16 -2.08 -1.29 -3.11 Min -10.0 76.2 140.8 36.0 61.9 100.0 43.0 1.39 2.59 2.42 3.10 Max 13.0 7.47 13.54 3.99 4.97 22.52 6.22 0.123 0.479 0.383 0.469 SD 2.25 60.9 114.7 30.6 54.7 99.5 32.0 0.74 -0.96 1.81 1.39 1 -4.5 58.7 110.3 29.5 53.3 99.1 30.0 0.68 -0.81 1.70 1.18 2 -3.7 57.4 107.8 28.8 52.3 98.8 29.0 0.65 -0.71 1.60 1.07 3 -3.1 56.3 105.8 28.2 51.6 98.3 28.0 0.63 -0.61 1.52 0.99 4 -2.7 55.4 104.4 27.8 51.0 97.9 27.0 0.61 -0.51 1.45 0.91 5 -2.4 52.5 99.4 26.2 49.1 95.7 25.0 0.56 -0.23 1.22 0.69 10 -1.4 50.6 96.1 25.2 47.8 93.5 23.0 0.53 -0.10 1.10 0.55 15 -0.7 49.2 93.3 24.4 46.8 90.8 22.0 0.51 0.00 1.02 0.45 20 -0.3 0.1 47.9 91.0 23.7 45.9 88.1 21.0 0.49 0.10 0.96 0.37 25 0.5 46.8 89.0 23.1 45.2 85.3 20.0 0.47 0.15 0.90 0.31 30 0.8 45.8 87.1 22.6 44.4 82.6 20.0 0.46 0.23 0.86 0.25 35 1.1 44.8 85.4 22.1 43.8 79.7 19.0 0.44 0.28 0.81 0.19 40 1.4 43.9 83.6 21.6 43.1 77.0 18.0 0.43 0.33 0.77 0.14 45 1.6 43.0 81.9 21.1 42.5 73.6 17.0 0.41 0.38 0.73 0.09 50 1.9 42.1 80.2 20.6 41.9 70.9 16.0 0.40 0.43 0.69 0.04 55 2.1 41.2 78.5 20.1 41.3 67.0 16.0 0.38 0.48 0.65 -0.02 60 2.4 40.2 76.8 19.6 40.7 63.7 15.0 0.37 0.53 0.61 -0.07 65 2.7 39.2 74.9 19.1 40.0 59.5 14.0 0.35 0.58 0.56 -0.12 70 3.0 38.1 72.9 18.5 39.4 55.2 13.0 0.34 0.66 0.51 -0.19 75 3.3 36.9 70.7 17.9 38.6 50.0 12.0 0.32 0.71 0.46 -0.25 80 3.7 35.4 68.2 17.1 37.7 44.0 11.0 0.29 0.81 0.40 -0.33 85 4.2 33.5 65.0 16.1 36.5 36.3 9.0 0.26 0.92 0.32 -0.43 90 5.0 30.8 60.3 14.7 34.6 25.8 7.0 0.21 1.09 0.19 -0.58 95 11.7 28.4 5.0 23.5 0.0 -11.0 -0.16 2.59 -1.29 -3.11 100 13.0 N 25435 25435 25435 25435 25435 22057 25435 25435 25435 25435 25435 Percentiles are based on Current Calves – all calves born in the last 2 years (2014 - 2015) Pctl Avg


Manitoba Charolais Bull-etin 2016


One of the largest groups of Bulls for sale by Private Treaty in Manitoba GDSF 39C


2/6/15 DBL PLD

Merit Roundup X GDSF 23T BW: 86 205 Wt: 842 365 Wt: 1426 ADG 3.65 | WDA 3.93

BW| WW | YW | M | TM -1.9| 49.2 | 96.9 | 17.7 | 42.3


2/5/15 Horned Red

3/4/15 Double Polled

BW| WW | YW | M | TM 2.5 | 36.6 | 82.7 | 26.9 | 45.2

BW| WW | YW | M | TM 1.3| 35.9 | 73.7 | 21.8 | 39.8

GDSF Reward 62X X GDSF 80Y GDSF Billionaire 94B X GDSF 19Y BW: 100 205 Wt: 797 365 Wt: 1338 BW: 104 205 Wt: 840 365 Wt:1467 ADG 3.38 | WDA 3.64 ADG 3.92 | WDA 4.03 GDSF 98C



2/22/15 Double Polled

3/23/15 DBL PLD, DBL Red

BW| WW | YW | M | TM 2.5| 45.1 | 96.7 | 25.8 | 48.4

BW| WW | YW | M | TM 0.6| 35.6 | 77.7 | 24.6 | 42.4

GDSF Reward 62X X GDSF 67W BW: 100 205 Wt: 787 365 Wt: 1390 ADG 3.77 | WDA 3.83

GDSF Reward 62X X GDSF 61Z BW: 90 205 Wt: 785 365 Wt: 1364 ADG 3.62 | WDA 3.70

2/18/15 Double Polled

Merit Roundup X GDSF 69T BW: 95 205 Wt: 834 365 Wt: 1462 ADG 3.55 | WDA 3.68

BW| WW | YW | M | TM 1.0| 47.5 | 90.9 | 17.8 | 41.6

Just a sample of the Bulls we have for sale. We also have a few long yearlings and a great pen of heifer bulls. Bulls are developed on course ground oat ration. No creep feed.

Check out our website for bull weights & pictures www.defoortstockfarm.com

Celebrating 37 years in Charolais

Gord, Sue & family Box 76, Cypress River, MB., R0K 0P0

T: 204.743.2109



BULK UP Your Bottom Line...

HTA Viper 539C

Keys All State x HTA Challenge BW 89 Adj 205 DW 876 Adj 365 DW 1654 BW -0.7 WW 46.1 YW 88.1 Milk 19 TM 42.1

HTA CHARoLAIs & Guest Bull Sale

MARCH 23, 2016 Neepawa, MB

Our commitment to quality is #1. Strong cow families combined with top genetics, a strict quality control program and good cow sense are used to produce a no nonsense product with the commercial cattlemen in mind.

2015 MCA Purebred Breeder of the Year

HTA Tandum 535C HTA Bravia 855U x KBK Rally BW 102 lbs Adj 205 DW 694 lbs Adj 365 DW 1424 lbs BW 2.8 WW 52.6 YW 90.9 Milk 15.4 TM 41.7

HTA Tundra 572C Champion Junior Bull Calf – 2015 Ag Ex RGP Remington 101Y x Winn Mans Quigley BW 98 Adj 205 DW 861 lbs Adj 365 DW 1659 lbs BW 1.5 WW 62.9 YW 118.7 Milk 15.6 TM 47.1

WITH AN HTA BULL Performance = Pounds = Prof it

HTA Altitude 5101C RGP Remington 101Y x LT Rio Blanco BW 114 lbs Adj 205 DW 915lbs Adj 365 DW 1713 lbs BW 4.0 WW 66.1 YW 130.5 Milk 13.1 TM 46.2

HTA Stellar 545C Silverstream Evolution x Rosso New Horizon BW 107 lbs Adj 205 DW 802 lbs Adj 365 DW 1528 lbs BW 3.0 YW 49.4 YW 85 Milk 16.8 TM 41.5

Shawn & Tanya Airey & family Harry & Joan Airey 204-328-7704 Shawn’s cell – call or text – 204-724-8823 PO Box 639 Rivers, MB R0K 1X0 htacharolais@hotmail.com

Dedicated to Charolais for over 40 years



Manitoba Charolais Purebred Breeder of the Year

Presenting the award to HTA Charolais,Shawn & Tanya Airey and family is MCA representative: Jim Olson (R.-side) at the AGM in January Shawn and Tanya Airey and family received the Purebred Charolais Breeder of the Year Award at the All Breeds Banquet in Brandon on Jan. 9. They own HTA Charolais Farms near Rivers and have 150 purebred cows. Shawn is serving his fourth term as Manitoba Charolais Association president and is breed representative on the Ag-Ex board. The couple show cattle at Ag-Ex, local fairs and Agribition in Regina. Son Chase and daughter Blake participate in the Rivers 4-H Pee Wee Beef Club. “We hosted the Manitoba Charolais Association pen show and picnic on our farm the past two years,” says Shawn. “In 2015 it was held in conjunction with the Canadian Charolais Association annual meeting and people attended from across Canada. We are happy to see the pen show grows in numbers every year.” The Aireys keep extensive cattle records and the entire herd is enrolled on Whole Herd. “Our commitment to quality is number one. Strong cow families combined with top genetics, a strict quality control program and good cow sense are used to produce a no-nonsense product with the commercial man in mind.” Tanya says, “Our bull sale is held annually the last Wednesday in March at Neepawa with Rammer Charolais as our guest consigner. All bulls are semen tested and health checked before the sale by a certified veterinarian.” Shawn and Tanya have been involved with cattle all their lives and are passionate about the livestock business.


Manitoba Charolais Bull-etin 2016

By Joan Airey



Charolais Manitoba Charolais Bull-etin 2016


Manitoba Charolais Commercial Producer of the Year

Presenting the award to the Kristjanson family is MCA President,(L.-side) Shawn Airey and Jim Olson (R.-side) at the AGM in January

Kristjanson’s Named Charolais Commercial Breeder of the Year The Kristjanson family farm was established in 1988 when Finley and Dyanne and their son Kris moved back to their hometown of Ochre River. At the time, they had one quarter section of land and four cow calf pairs. They decided to use Charolais bulls as they saw it worked for other family members in the livestock business. In 1995 Kris’s wife Louise joined the operation. The Kristjanson family were named Charolais Commercial Breeder of the Year for 2015. “We purchased Charolais purebreds in 2000 with the intention of raising a few bulls for our commercial herd and to sell by private treaty. The name FDKL Charolais was created representing the four family members involved at the time. Over time, we decided we could buy better bull genetics without investing the time to develop them ourselves.” said Kris Kristjanson. When BSE hit the industry in 2003, they were not immune to the struggles it presented. By 2006, circumstances prompted the decision to begin a custom spraying business in order of offset production costs. As market trends improved the cattle industry turned around and helped the farm to expand to its present size of four hundred cows, fifteen quarters of land, with another sixteen quarters rented. Some of the rented quarter are now 5th generation as their son Trevor farms alongside of us. They were finally able retire the spraying business in 2015. “In the early years we primarily fed hay but since 2001 we started chopping silage on the advice of our brother-in-law. Now we chop 275 to 320 acres of corn and cereal crops. We also wrapped approximately a thousand hay silage bales and will continue this practice in years to come. We baled another fifteen hundred bales of dry hay. In 2016 we will be seeding close to seven hundred acres of crop, some for silage and the remainder for harvest. Our breeding program starts our calving season around the 20th of January until the end of March. We primarily purchase all our replacement females and use Charolais bulls in our herd as I think the breed is designed for a terminal sire. Our cow herd is primarily all Simmental and Simmental/Angus cross bred to Charolais bulls. The only time our calves are sired by a different breed is when the heifers are bred Angus. The heifers we generally keep have Simmental dams and we have purchased Angus heifers. We sell all our char sired calves in October through the Ste. Rose Auction Mar. One package of steers this fall were 828 pounds shrunk out right off the cos. The Angus sired calves off our first calf heifers are generally weaned and sold at a later date.” said Kris Kristjanson. In 2014 the Kristjansons entered two cow calf pairs for the first time in the Manitoba Charolais Association Pen Show. They placed first and third in the cow/calf pair with Charolais influence category. They repeated the placings in the 2015 MCA Pen Show. One of the calves they showed was born on January 19th and weighed 530 lbs. on June 12th. By sale day October 22, 2015 he weighed in at 945 lbs. This calf was sired by a HTA Senator son and like all their calves raised only on momma’s milk. “That is one of many proven reasons why using select Charolais bulls in our commercial herd is the obvious choice. We look forward to the future the cattle industry has to offer.” said Kristjanson. Joan Airey, Freelance Writer and Photographer, Box 790, Rivers, ManitobaR0K 1X0Canada joanairey1@gmail.com. 204-328-7103 www.canstockphoto.com/sheba http://joanairey1.wordpress.com


Manitoba Charolais Bull-etin 2016

HC 509C • 3rd Gen Pld • BW 90, ADJ 205 DW 736 Elder’s Zeus 22Z x Sparrows Fargo 811U BW -0.4 WW 44 YW 87 M 24.6 TM 46

HC 503C • 3rd Gen Pld • BW 100, ADJ 205 DW 719 KCM Ultimate 144Y x LT Wyoming Wind 4020 BW 1.4 WW 40 YW 72 M 17.2 TM 37

HC 519C • 4th Gen Pld • BW 90, ADJ 205 DW 713 LT Ledger 0332 P x EldersSpecialEdition835U BW -0.1 WW 56 YW 99 M 18.2 TM 46

HC 521C • 3rd Gen Pld • BW 98, ADJ 205 DW 709 Elder’s Zeus 22Z x HTA Crown Prince 152L BW .8 WW 35 YW 72 M 22.6 TM 40

HC 537C • Dbl Pld • BW 112, ADJ 205 DW 657 TR Mr Fire Water 5792RET x DYV SVY Rio 17P BW 3.7 WW 45 YW 94 M 13.4 TM 36

HC 5111C • Red Factor, Polled • BW 94, ADJ 205 DW 793 SRK Canyon 2Y x Sparrows Sanchez 715T BW -1 WW 49 YW 95 M 25.9 TM 50

• Complete Performance Data Available • Bulls can be viewed any time Catalogue and videos will be available at www.huntercharolais.com A Charolais family operation for over 30 years

Hunter Charolais

Box 569, Roblin, MB R0L 1P0 • Doug & Marianne Hunter T 204-937-2531 C 204-937-7737 Jimmy & Amy Hunter 204-937-0219 Michael Hunter 204-247-0301 @HunterCharolais • huntchar@mymts.net


The Manitoba Charolais Association invites you to follow them on social media. Facebook https://www.facebook.com/ManitobaCharolais-Association173611256334235/?fref=ts Twitter: @mbcharolais Please note if you have a facebook page that was not included this time, please send your screen shot in by the next publication deadline


Manitoba Charolais Bull-etin 2016

On Offer: 56 YEARLING BULLS • All are Polled Our yearling bulls are fed a growing ration to insure their healthy development while maintaining sound feet and legs • Bulls can be kept until May 1 at no charge DELIVERY AVAILABLE

ASH 707C

CE 89 BW -.6 WW 56 YW 105 M 22.1 TM 50 Pleasant Dawn Chisum x HBSF Extra


CE 75 BW 2.5 WW 42 YW 84 M 21.7 TM 43 Vikse Over Time x HEJ Magnum


CE 96 BW .6 WW 60 YW 106 M 23.8 TM 54 LT Ledger x Sparrows Volt

RKJ 245C

CE 80 BW .7 WW 51 YW 102 M 25.4 TM 51 Pleasant Dawn Chisum x Sparrows Volt

TLJ 854C

TLJ 853C

CE 82 BW 2.6 WW 44 YW 84 M 22 TM 44 Vikse Over Time x HEJ Magnum

CE 98 BW -1.7 WW 49 YW 96 M 21.4 TM 46 SRK Canyon x Pleasant Dawn Max

BUY FROM A PROVEN PERFORMANCE PROGRAM We provide Birth Weights, Adjusted Weaning and Yearling Weights, A.D.G. on feed... plus EPD’s (check our EPD’s against the breed averages!) Pleasant Dawn performance bulls will give you more pounds, more dollars & more profit! Remember…you still get paid for your calves by the pound! Our family has been supplying quality herdbulls to the beef industry for over 60 years. Our selection goals are geared to get you the best bull possible for your program. WE STRESS: CALVING EASE • MATERNAL STRENGTH • STRUCTURAL SOUNDNESS • PERFORMANCE

Our goal... Customer Satisfaction Box 40, Oak Lake, MB R0M 1P0 Tully & Arlene Hatch, Kevin Hatch T: 204-855-2402 C: 204-748-7595 tahatch@rfnow.com Trent & Ashley T: 204-855-3078 C: 204-721-3078

Sale Manager:

306-584-7937 Helge By 306-536-4261 Candace By 306-536-3374 charolaisbanner@gmail.com www.bylivestock.com

View catalogue at www.pleasantdawn.com or call today for a catalogue or for more information

Manitoba Charolais Bull-etin 2015


Am an d a Ho p c raf t

Bro o ke P reston $7 5 0 Ma n i to b a C ha rol a i s Assoc i ati on Sch o la rs h ip . B roo ke is c u r rentl y i n g ra de 12 i n Ste. Rose Sch o o l a n d w i l l g ra duate i n June of 2016. Sh e w il l atten d Wi nni peg to the Sa l on Pro fe s s io n a l Aca demy for Ha i rdress ing in fa l l o f 2 0 1 6 . I n the fa l l of 2017 , due to t he o n e yea r wa i t i ng l i st , she wi l l be a pply ing fo r Vet Te c h n ic i a n at Red R i ver C ol l ege.

$750 MCA S cholarship. A manda, daughter of Ken and Vo n d a Hopcraft of S unny ridge S tock Far m is current ly a grade t welve st udent at Wawanesa S chool in Wawanesa, M B. A fter graduat ion she plans to atte n d A ssiniboine Communit y College an d take t he Env ironment Technologies L an d an d Water Management course. Hav ing grown up on a farm her wh o le life , she has learned a lot about t he lan d . Sh e is excited to find a career involv in g t h e protect ion of land and wildlife. This year the board decided not to split the $750.00 scholarship, but give to both winners. Congratulation on behalf of the Manitoba board of directors. Thanks again for submitting your application. Kevin Stebeleski,Oakburn, MB


Manitoba Charolais Bull-etin 2016

Cattle Lac Charolais


tle La t a




Charolais Tyler Wilkinson Eddystone MB Home 204-448-2181 Cell 204-447-0284 vinsue@inetlink.ca

Lonesome Eagle Farm Bulls on offer come from some of the best genetics. Our herd has been bred to ensure quality results. Low birth weights with Maximum performance. Thank you to our 2015 customers and to those that have helped with our breeding program.

We are proud to own a Merit Roundup son and anticpate great things to come from these genetics!!

Merit Roundup A balance of power, performance and calving ease in one package. Excellent feet, deep bodied and a quiet disposition.

WHE Overview

Whole Herd Enrollment Whole Herd Enrollment (WHE) was initiated in 1998 by the most progressive beef cattle breeders in Canada. The Whole Herd Enrollment program is a cow based performance system. This means that each breeding female is reported on every year. Breeding and calving information must be reported. A dam must have a calf reported or a reason for her failure to have a calf is reported in lieu. Disposal information is collected on the cows that are culled from the herd. Performance information, such as weights is still optional; in order to maintain the integrity of the data performance, recording individual herd data is strongly encouraged.


Manitoba Charolais Bull-etin 2016

Contact Brian at 204 223 0673 for more information

January 1 – female enrollments due (spring and fall calvers), spring calving females invoiced May 15 – calving data due (to be included in the EPD evaluation) August 1 – deadline for adding or removing fall calving females from WHE, fall calving females invoiced October 15 – weaning data due (to be included in the EPD evaluation) The annual enrollment fee is $26 + applicable taxes per female. Enrollment includes registration on natural calf (calves if twins) born in the year the female is enrolled, transfer on the calf and transfer on the cow in the year she is enrolled. By collecting Whole Herd Data, traits such as fertility and calving ease can be examined and thus genetic gains can be realized in all areas of data reporting. The structure of the program simplifies paperwork and adds real value to Canadian Charolais genetics. The Whole Herd system is designed by members for members to support CCA programs and activities.

Johnston Charolais

Consigning 8 long yearlings to: Prairie Distinction Charolais Bull Sale, Neepawa, MB on March 29,2016 aExtra age yearlings born late May-August 2014 aBulls by Merit Roundup, Key’s All State, EC No Doubt, and SRK Canyon aStructurally sound, sensibly developed, semen tested, guaranteed and ready to work!

JFC 432B

JFC 428B

JFC 430B

JFC 445B

To view catalogue online please go to www.bylivestock.com Or phone for extra info and pics Farm visits welcome

Johnston Charolais Box 123, Rathwell, MB R0G 1S0 Home phone: 204-749-2247 Cell: 204-723-5030 email: h.scott.johnston@gmail.com

Are Yo u S u b sti tu ti n g E a se a n d Convenience for Q ualit y Pic tures of your Cat t le ? Many p ro d u ce r s a re e njoy ing the e a s y a cce s s of taking pic tures w ith their phone instead of bringi ng o u t an ac tu a l c a m e ra to ta ke pic ture s of the ir c attle. There are things you shoul d be aware of if you cho o s e t hi s co nve n i en ce ove r q u a l i t y pic ture s. D ed i c ate d d i g i t a l c a me ra s have be tte r le ns e s and sensors than a smar tphone. This w il l give you shar pe r p i ctures, e s p e c i a l l y in low light. The ir le ns e s are ac tual zoom l enses w hich l et you foc us in on your s u b j e c t. The sh arp e r p i c t u re will produce be tte r qua lit y images for your sal es c atal ogue or adver tisement. A sm a r t p h on e c a me ra , ha s only a f ixe d le ns. That means there is no optic al zooming. I f the ac tio n i s f ar away, th at i s h ow yo u s hoot it. Ye s you c a n zoom in, but this is digital zoom not optic al zoom. D igital zo o m i s no sub s t i t u te for l e ns -ba s e d optic a l zoom; digi tal zoom onl y ‘ bl ow s up’ the ex isting pic ture. D i g it a l c a m e ra s a ls o of fe r va rious s hooting modes to optimize your different t ypes of shots. S om e are de s i g ne d so that you c a n ma nua lly a djus t a pe r ture a nd shutter speed for more control of w hat you want in fo c u s o f yo u r p i c tu re. S o, a s you t a ke your phone out of your poc ket to take your c attl e pic tures, remember back to the las t ad yo u p lace d or t h e l a s t s a le s c ata logue you pre pa red of your animal s. Were they the best pic tures to re p re s e nt yo u r h ard wo r k , c a re ful ge ne tic s e le c tion a nd investment in your c attl e?

photo courtesey of High Bluff Stock Farm

photo courtesey of High Bluff Stock Farm


Manitoba Charolais Bull-etin 2016

photo courtesey of High Bluff Stock Farm

from Joan’s Kitchen

Cheesy Meatloaf 1 ½ lbs. ground beef 2 eggs ½ cup breadcrumbs ½ teaspoon dried basil ½ teaspoon dried thyme ½ teaspoon dried oregano 1-2 garlic cloves finely minced 1 small onion, grated ½ teaspoon salt ¼ teaspoon pepper ½ cup grated parmesan cheese 1 cup mild salsa ½-1 cup shredded Italian blend cheese Preheat oven to 350F. I use a glass loaf pan to bake it in. In a large bowl combine the ground beef, eggs, breadcrumbs, herbs, garlic, onion, salt, pepper and parmesan cheese. Don’t over mix. Place mixture in loaf pan and top with salsa. Bake in preheated oven for 45-minutes to 1 hour. Remove meatloaf from oven and sprinkle shredded cheese. Return meatloaf to oven and bake until the cheese is melted. Cranberry and Spinach Salad Ingredients 5 oz. of fresh spinach ¾ cup chopped celery ¾ cup dried cranberries 1 can (15 oz.) mandarin oranges 1 large apple 1 teaspoon lemon juice 1/3 cup pecans (optional) Feta Cheese Put in large bowl and mix. Dressing: ¼ cup canola oil 2 Tablespoons apple cider vinegar 2 Tablespoons white wine vinegar 2-4 teaspoons sugar or honey 1/8 teaspoon paprika, onion powder 1 Tablespoons poppy seeds (optional) Put dressing ingredients in jar and shake till well mixed. Pour over salad. When serving only a couple of people I just make the salad in two salad bowls---guessing on the quantity of each ingredient. Make up the dressing and any leftovers of the dressing store in fridge to use later. I cut the apple in to a little bowl before adding it to the salad and stir it well with the lemon juice to prevent browning.


Manitoba Charolais Bull-etin 2016

Saturday morning I flicked the TV on and came across a show License to Grill ----they were making several interesting dishes on the barbecue including these beans. After a long internet search I found the recipes on their website. I tried them last night and will definitely make them again. I simmered them on top of the stove since I don’t barbecue when it’s -27C outside. I quartered the sauce recipe and used one 14 oz. can of beans. I omitted the hot dry chillies. Smokey Beans 1 pound of uncooked bacon, well chilled 2 medium onions, well chopped 4 garlic cloves, minced 3- 28 oz. cans of Baked Beans ½ cup Worcestershire sauce ½ cup yellow mustard 1 cup ketchup ½ cup apple sauce 4 Tablespoons of dried oregano 4 Tablespoons of dried hot chillies 2 teaspoons of ground cumin ½ cup packed brown sugar 4 drops liquid smoke Cut the bacon into small pieces and place them into a large deep skillet and sauté over medium high heat for until it begins to brown, but limp. Add the onions and continue to sauté the mixture for approximately five minutes until onions are translucent. Add the garlic and cook for an additional 2 minutes. Add the remaining ingredients to the mixture and cook over medium high heat for 40-45 minutes stirring occasionally. Serve hot. *** I cooked the beans over a low heat and they were fine. Joan Airey Freelance Writer and Photographer Box 790, Rivers, Manitoba, R0K 1X0 Canada joanairey1@gmail.com 204-328-7103 www.canstockphoto.com/sheba http://joanairey1.wordpress.com

16 Two Year Olds • 49 Yearlings • Most are Polled • Some Red Factor YEARLINGS that will ad the PERFORMANCE YOU WANT TWO YEAR OLD BULLS that aren’t leftovers, but DEVELOPED TO SERVE MORE COWS Sale Manager

Consignors C2 CHAROLAIS Jeff & Jackie Cavers 204-242-3467 C 204-242-4448

R & G MCDONALD LIVESTOCK Ron & Gail McDonald 204-466-2883 C 204-724-2811

HAPPY HAVEN CHAROLAIS Kevin & Crystal Stebeleski 204-234-5425 C 204-365-6010

DOUBLE P CHAROLAIS Jared Preston 204-732-2054 C 204-647-5416

JOHNSTON CHAROLAIS Scott & Shelley Johnston 204-749-2247 C 204-723-5030

BURNSIDE CHAROLAIS Cory Burnside 204-385-2473 C 204-841-0018

SUNBLADE CHAROLAIS Tyler Stewart 204-847-2213 C 204-847-0612

CATTLE LAC CHAROLAIS Tyler Wilkinson 204-448-2181 C 204-447-0284

View the catalogue online at www.bylivestock.com

306-584-7937 Helge By 306-536-4261 Candace By 306-536-3374 charolaisbanner@gmail.com

SparroWS Chitek 930W

14th Annual Bull Sale On Offer:

Merit round-up 9508W


60 BULLS 45 CHAROLAIS Two-Year-Old & Yearling Bulls

15 RED & BLACK ANGUS Two Year Old & Yearling Bulls View the bulls online at www.bylivestock.com

Thursday, March 17, 2016 – 1:30 p.m. VALLEY LIVESTOCK SALES, MINITONAS, MB (5 miles East of Swan River on Highway 10)

Our bulls will work for you: • Big, Solid Bulls that can Cover Pastures • Lot of Hair – Full of Meat • More Bull for Your Dollar • Semen Tested and Ready to Work! • Performance Tested • Good Feet, Structurally Sound, Easy Fleshing

Ivan, Ethel & Orland Walker Box 235, Hudson Bay, SK S0E 0Y0 T 306-865-3953 C 306-865-6539 diamondw@sasktel.net

SALE MANAGER: 306-584-7937 Helge By 306-536-4261 Candace By 306-536-3374 charolaisbanner@gmail.com

Commercial Consultants: Clayton Hawreluik, Heartland Livestock, Yorkton, SK, 306-621-3824; Ron Reed Livestock, Lethbridge, AB, 403-625-0233 Valley Livestock Sales: Randy Hart, 204-734-8624

red CroWfoot MoonShine 8081u


Manitoba Charolais Bull-etin 2016

SparroWS bolivar 121S

Manitoba Charolais Association Breeder’s Section Keith & Mary Anne Hagan Keith & Mary Anne Hagan

Brad & Juanita Cline • 204-537-2367 • bjcline@mymts.net Box 268, Belmont, MB R0K 0C0 • www.clinecattlecompany.ca

ROB & LISA GILLILAnd Ashton, Abbi, & Andi

Kevin, Crystal, Kory, and Shaylin

Box 1558 Virden, MB R0M 2C0


T: 204-748-2000 C: 204.748.5999

Box 266, Oakburn,MB

Cell: 204-365-6010 Res: 204-234-5425 happyhaven@goinet.ca

email: onebigeye14@gmail.com

Too bad you are missing out on the opportunity. Call Rae 204-252-3115 so you don’t get left out next issue.

Neil and Lisa Ste. Rose, MB 204-732-2054

lisap@inethome.ca or Jared 204-647-5416

Reserve Champion Jackpot Bull Ag Ex 2015 owned by High Bluff Stock Farm

Associated Business Section Manitoba Charolais Association HENRY HILDEBRANDT Manager #1 Highway Virden, MB R0M 2C0 Phone 204.748.2466 Fax 204.748.2016 Cell 204.748.5706 henry.hildebrandt@fountaintire.com

This advertising spot could be yours! Call Rae 204-252-3115 so you don’t get left out next issue.

Thank you to these businesses for their belief in the importance of the cattle industry.



Don’t fiddle with the rest come to

Grant Moffatt for the best! 1500 Richmond Ave. Brandon, Manitoba R7A 7E3

Phone (204) 728-0130 Toll Free 1-888-999-4111 Fax (204) 726-8344 Res. (204) 483-2727 Email grantm@murraychevbrandon.com

Eric Van Meijl - Feed Rep. Ph: (204) 728-0231 Manitoba Charolais Bull-etin 2016


Charolais Commotion

On Tuesday, October 6, 2015 Roy Delmar Burnside, aged 71, of Neepawa MB passed away suddenly and unexpectedly at home on the farm while he was doing routine cattle jobs. Delmar was born September 26, 1944 at Neepawa MB, a second son for Ernie and Bernice (Raven) Burnside.Farming, especially livestock, was his passion. Having decided to make farming his career, he took up farming with his dad and cousin.In the late 1970’s he began to use Charolais bulls in his cowherd and soon he was working to build up a base of Registered Purebred Charolais cows. Burnside Charolais Farm was the main focus of the farm business for many years. Delmar was actively involved in The Manitoba Charolais Association and served on the MCA Executive. The “Charolais Years” produced numerous friendships.

Congratulations to Jimmy and Amy Hunter, Hunter Charolais, Roblin, MB on the safe arrival of BLAKE WILLIAM DOUGLAS HUNTER.

Do you have pictures and information for this section? Please submit your info to Cheryl: email cherway2011@gmail.com

Calendar of Events Gilliland Bros Bull Sale, Carievale, SK March 15 Diamond W Charolais & Red Angus Bull Sale, Minitonas March 17 Family Tradition Bull Sale, Dropmore March 18 Pleasant Dawn Charolais, Virden March 19 Steppler Charolais Bull Sale, Miami March 22 HTA Charolais & Guests Bull Sale, Neepawa March 23 Royal Manitoba Winter Fair , Brandon March 28-April 2 Prairie Distinction Bull Sale, Neepawa March 29 Lundar Bull Sale April 2 Tri N Charolais & Guests Bull Sale, Virden April 2 Hunter Charolais Bull Sale, Roblin April 7 CCYA registration and essay deadline June 1 CCYA , Conference & Show July 12 - July 15 MCA Bulletin Fall Round up Deadline September 10


Manitoba Charolais Bull-etin 2016

Advertisers C2 Charolais ...33 Cattle Lac Charolais ....29 Cline Cattle Co. ...5, 37 Defoort Stock Farm ......19 Diamond W Charolais & Red Angus ....36 Double P Stock Farms ...11 Fountain Tire, Virden ....37 Happy Haven Charolais .....7, 37 High Bluff Stock Farm ......17 HTA Charolais .......20, 21 Hunter Charolais ....25 Johnston Charolais ...31 Joynt Cattle Services .....37 KEH Charolais ......37 Keystone Livestock Services ....37 L-E-J Charolais ......IBC Lonesome Eagle Farms ....30 Masterfeeds, Brandon .....37 Murray Chev Cadillac GMC .....37 Myers Land & Cattle .....37 Pleasant Dawn Charolais .......27 Prairie Distinction Bull Sale .....35 Prairie Pistol Designs ....37 R & G McDonald Livestock ...9, 37 Rammer Charolais ...11 Scarth Cattle Co. ....12, 13, 37 Steppler Farms Ltd. .....IFC Sunny Ridge Stock Farm ......37 Tri N Charolais ....OBC

4 Yearling bulls available at the

Lundar Bull Sale – April 02

LEJ COmmandEr 501C

LEJ COnnOr 510C

CE 58 BW 2.0 WW 40 YW 83 TM 43

CE 48, BW 3.0 WW 40, YW 84, TM 43


LEJ CaLYpsO 533C

CE 29 BW 4.1 WW 45 YW 93 TM 45

CE 81 BW 0.5 WW 44 YW 80 TM 44

2-Year Old and Yearling Bulls also available by private treaty.

LEJ Charolais Jim and Rae Olson Portage la Prairie, MB


cell. 204-856-6357 lejcharolais@gmail.com Manitoba Charolais Bull-etin 2015


A bull for everyone’s budget

HF Syndicate X HF Tiger

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