Mb limousin news & views bull 2017 w

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the natural

genetic advantage for Yield

PLUS Limousin cattle excel in feed efficiency and have proven to consume less than other animals of the same size and yet perform to equal or superior levels, making them sought after by every segment of the beef value chain

2017 Bull Issue Follow the MB Limousin Association on Facebook

Pu b lic ati ons A g r e e me n t # 42020515

l t i m d n o o USin m a i d 2017 Bull Power Line Up 6 - Thick, Meaty 2 Yr Old Black Bulls 18 - Yearlings Selected for: *Calving Ease *Performance *Docility *Longetivity

diamond t cHief

tHX 12c

Sire: yAk tHE blACk Dam: wulfS HArDCorE Smooth made, light birthweight

doUBle doWn

diamond t california tHX 48c Sire: AHCC ExpECt tHiS Dam: CASH flow deep, Soggy, Big Scrotal


rWX 14d

diamond t dUramaX tHX 41d

Sire: riCHMoND brAVEHEArt Dam: rwx 61Z

Sire: GrEENwooD plD ZEppliN Dam: tHx 6S (wulfS kuDoS)

travis, rilla, dillon & Brodie Hunter

Home: 204-838-2019

cell: 204-851-0809


PRESIDENT’S REPORT Bill Campbell Greetings from the Manitoba Limousin Association Now that Blue Monday is behind us we realize that winter is halfover. Every day now gets us closer to spring. For those who have started to calve, let’s hope this favorable weather continues. December and early January sure were miserable! The Manitoba Limousin Association held their annual meeting on January 3, 2017 in Brandon, MB. I am sure the weather had something to do with the lack of attendance but the board still managed to have a very productive meeting. The details will be throughout the News & Views. The board and executive are the same as they were in 2016 with the exception of Darby Cochrane. He has decided to step down due to family obligations. On behalf of the board I would like to thank Darby for all of his support and

2 0 1 7 A D V E R T I S I N G R AT E S : Full Page..........$250.00

dedication while serving his many years on the MLA Board. I would once again like to say Thank You to the sponsors for their support and to the Limousin community for their work to make the National Limousin Show & Sale a success. We are looking for agricultural society invitations to host the annual Limousin Summer Show. Please send applications to me through phone or email so we can make a decision. The big event for the MLA in 2017 is hosting the Canadian Limousin Association Annual Meeting and Canadian Junior Limousin Association Summer Show in Portage La Prairie July 27, 28 and 29, 2017. Your ideas, new concepts and participation would be greatly appreciated as this is a national event. Good luck with calving and bull sales. Bill Campbell MLA President

2016 Canadian Limousin Association Year in Review 356 lifetime & annual members

Half Page........$175.00 Quarter Page.......$125.00


Business Card......$40.00 2 3/8” X 1/78”

weaning records entered

Affordable full color advertising. To advertise or for more information call: Cher yl McPherson Phone: (204)736-2878 Fax: (204) 736-4124

21 new annual members

*email: info@cherwaylimousin.ca* Publisher Agreement #42020515 Return undeliverable Canadian Addresses to Manitoba Limousin News & Views Box 262, Sanford, MB. R0G 2J0

S p ring Issu e: Dea d lin e : A p ril 28 t h

1662 yearling records entered


animals transferred


DigitalBeef users


scrotal records entered

4157 calves registered

121 junior members


females on WHE


member log-ins to Digital Beef

6 new junior


average number of cows assessed per member on WHE


5616 docility records entered


ultrasound records entered

517 animals genotyped

624 bulls transferred to 438 commercial buyers It ’s t ime to h ead ou t b u ll sh o p p in g ! Ta ke a lo o k t h ro u g h t h e N ews a n d Views t h ere is a lo t o f goo d b u lls fo r sale!

BC :: 30 head to 22 buyers AB :: 285 head to 169 buyers SK :: 127 head to 85 buyers MB :: 44 head to 29 buyers USA :: 15 head to 15 buyers

ON :: 76 head to 73 buyers QC :: 25 head to 25 buyers PEI :: 1 head to 1 buyer NB :: 7 head to 7 buyers NS :: 14 head to 12 buyers

MB Limousin News & Views Bull Issue 2017


N E W S & V I E WS The official public ation of the M anitoba Limousin A ssociation

VO L 2 4, No . 1

Fe b r u a r y 2 0 1 7

Canadian Mail Produc t Agreement #42020515

Mailed @ S anford, MB

CALENDAR Feb 16 Mar 6

Nordal Limousin & Angus Bull Sale Saskatoon, SK Canadian Central Bull & Female Sale Winnipeg, MB

Mar 17

AnchorB/BBar/CarpenterBullSale Saskatoon,SK

Mar 18

Vaugh Farms Sale

Napoleon, ND

Mar 24

Prairie Gold Bull Sale

Saskatoon, SK

Mar 26

Homegrown Bull Sale

Minto, MB

March 27-April 1 Royal MB Winter Fair

Brandon, MB

Apr 1

Manitoba Bull Test Sale

Douglas, MB

Apr 4

Western Gateway Bull Sale

Apr 8

Triple R Limousin Open House Macgregor, MB

Jul 27-30

CJLA Impact Show

Aug ,4,5,6

MB Youth Beef Roundup

Roblin, MB

Portage la Praire, MB Neepawa, MB


Back row l-r: Bob Davey, Mark Angus, Tim Davey, Kyle Wright, Art Rodgers, Leonard Gertz Front row l-r: Jay-Dean Smyth, Sherry Daniel, Bill Campbell, Scott Stewart, Travis Hunter.

President Bill Campbell Box 92, Minto, MB. R0K 1M0 Ph: 204-776-2322 email:cam.limousin@gmail.com Treasurer Sherry Daniel Box 191, Kenton, MB. R0M 0Z0 Ph: 204-838-2198 Director Jay-Dean Smyth Roblin, MB. Ph: 204-937-4384 email: ne262527@gmail. Director Mark Angus Box 450, Roblin, MB R0L 1P0 Ph: 204-281-5099 email: mark@armathletics.ca Director Kyle Wright Box 1228, Boissevain, MB R0K 0E0 Ph: 1-204-305-0221 email: wrightwaylimousin@hotmail.com Director Travis Hunter Box 161, Kenton, MB. R0M 0Z0 Ph: 204-838-2019 email: diamondtlimo@gmail.com Director Leonard Gertz Box 1634 Virden, MB. R0M 2C0 Ph: 204-748-3728 email: lg.limousin@hotmail.com


MB Limousin News & Views Bull Issue 2017

Director Art Rodgers Box 156, MacGregor, R0H 0R0 Ph: 204-685-2628 e-mail: triplerlimo@yahoo.ca Director Bob Davey Westbourne, MB Ph: 204-274-2490 email: maplehurst@inetlink.ca Director Scott Stewart MacGregor, MB R0H 0R0 Ph: 204-871-2861 email: Director Tim Davey Westbourne, MB Ph: 204-274-2490 MJLA President Kaitlyn Davey MB NJLC Representative Angus Smyth

Gary & Josie Robinson Box 412, Treherne, MB 1-204-723-2275 Cell 1-204-526-5010 twinoaklimousin@hotmail.ca


TWN DevoN 322D

TWN Zeeman Canadian Central Bull & Female Sale March 6, 2017 1:00 at the Winnipeg Livestock Yards

4 Limousin & 6 Simmental


Bulls sired by: a TWN Zeeman (TMF Unanimous 20U) aCam Polled Unison (RPY Paynes Pipeline) aGreenwood PLD Zeppelin


Greenwood PLD Zeppelin



The A nnual Meet in g fo r t h e Manitoba J uni o r L im o u s in A ssociat ion was h e ld o n S at urday J an u ar y 7 .

Th i s fa ll Li m o u s in enthusa sts get i nvolved w i th o u r Bree d A s soc i ati on Sa l e. L ets keep L i m o u s in catt l e on the m ove for pureb red sto ck o r c ro s s b reedi ng prog ra m s.

The 2017 exe cu t ive is

Ca l l A r t 2 0 4 . 8 5 6 . 3440 or 204.685.2628 or em a i l : t r i p l e r li m o@ya hoo.ca

President – Ka it lyn D avey

Or ca ll a ny b o ard m em ber l i sted on page 4 to di s c u s s t h e sa l e.

Treasurer – An gu s Smy t h

Subm i tted by Ar t Rodgers

Jan 7, MJL A members drew JYF Farms name as clot hing sponsor Impact Show

S ecretar y – J u les Smy t h

Club Reporter – A m an d a Sco tt

The 2017 C J LA Impact S how will b e h e ld in Portage la Prairie on J uly 27 – 29 . Th ere will be more informat io n to fo llow. J.Yorga Farms will be t he official s p o n s o r o f t he show clot hing for t he 2017 C J L A I m p act s h ow. Congrat ulat ions! submitted by A m an d a Sco tt

MB Limousin News & Views Bull Issue 2017


C LA Of f i ce U p d ate BY TESSA VERBEEK¬¬

A n ew yea r i s upon us a nd for m a ny p ro d u c e rs t h at m ea ns the a r r i va l of a new ca l f c ro p ! We l ook for wa rd to the mark th at t h e s e exc el l ent “ E ” ca l ves of 2 017 are go i n g to m ake on our breed a nd the beef i n d u st r y! We a l l k n ow t he m er i ts of the L i m ousin b re ed we ll . We know that c rossbreeding w i th a Lim o u s i n bul l wi l l i nc rea se your p ro f it s . V i go rous ca l ves m ea n l ess time sp ent ten d i n g to newbor ns a nd m ore l i ve ca l ve s . I n crea sed ga i n a nd eff i ciency me a n s m o re dol l a rs i n your poc ket at we a n in g . T h e l ongevi ty of the L i m ousin b re ed a l s o m ea ns your i nvestm ent in a L i mo u s i n b u l l wi l l be wor thw hi l e. We kn ow t h at o u r breeders have wor ked ver y h a rd to i m prove the doc i l i ty of t he L i mo u s i n b re ed. We recog ni zed the need to m e a s u re t hi s essenti a l tra i t a nd report th at m e a s u re ment to our c ustom ers v ia t he d o c il i t y E PD. If num bers a re not for you, I wo ul d i nvite you to vi si t a L i m ousi n herd o r s al e t h is yea r to see for yoursel f. The d o c il i t y o f “to day ’s L i m ousi n” i s second to n o n e . I n ad d i ti on, our i ndustr y trends show th e n e ed fo r cattl e to yi el d better across th e ra i l . Li m o usi n i s the a nswer. Wi t h b u l l s a l e sea son under way, the C a n a d i a n Lim ousi n Assoc i ati on i nvi tes yo u to vis i t t he Events pa ge on the CLA we bs i te w w w. l i m ousi n.com for a l i st ing o f up co mi n g bul l sa l es, a nd l i nks to cata l o g u e s w h en ava i l a bl e. You ca n also stay u p to d ate w i th upcom i ng sa l es on our Fa c eb o o k an d Tw i tter pa ges. Th e C a n a d i a n L i m ousi n Assoc i ati on board o f di rec to rs h el d a strateg i c pl a nni ng se ss io n at t h ei r D ec em ber 2016 board me et in g . I n t hi s m eeti ng the boa rd of d i rec to rs c lear l y recog ni zed the pa ramount i m p o r tan c e o f the com m erc i a l i ndu st r y to t h e co nt i n ued suc c ess of the L i mousin b re ed . W it h t hat i n m i nd, the C L A l ooks fo r ward to u n der ta ki ng a num ber of en d e avo u rs i n 2017 to f ur ther supp ort o u r co mm e rc ia l bul l buyer, w ho i s t he fuel th at m akes t h e eng i ne that i s the L imousin b re ed wo r k . We tha nk you for your


MB Limousin News & Views Bull Issue 2017

cont inued commit ment to t he L im o u s in breed. 2016 was a year of great succes s fo r t h e Limousin breed! To capt ure a s n aps h o t o f t he breed in 2016 by t he numb e rs , I h ave compiled a 2016 Year in Rev iew. We lo o k for ward to what 2017 has in sto re ! Genot y ping F unding In 2016, your Canadian Limousin A ssociat ion offered low and high d e n s it y genot y ping to members at a 50 % d is co u nt . While our allocat ion for 2016 was u s ed u p , we will be receiv ing a second a llo cat io n planned for A pril 2017. This Ca n ad ian A gricult ural A daptat ion Progra m ( C A A P ) funding has been secured t hrough t h e Canadian Beef Breeds Council to o ffs et t he cost of genot y ping for all C an ad ian beef breed associat ions. When t h e 2 0 1 7 funds become available, all sire an d parentage verificat ion requested t h ro u gh t he Canadian Limousin A ssociat io n will be performed on a GGP-LD (low d en s it y) 26,000 S NP assay at t he same rate ( $ 3 0 ) t hat parentage test ing has prev io u s ly b ee n performed using only t he basic 9 5 -1 2 0 S NP assay. Members also have t h e o pt io n of choosing to do a GGP-HD (hi gh d en s it y, 50,000 S NP assay ) at a 50% dis co u nt ( $ 5 0 ) . A ddit ionally, all GGP-LD and GG P-H D will include molecular breeding valu e s ( M BVs ) which are required in order to ge n erate gEPDs. This is great news for t h e L im o u s in breed and members and we look fo r ward to mak ing an official announcement wh en t h is discounted rate is available aga in later in t he spring. 2017 C J LA Impact S how & CLA AG M Mark your calendars for t he 20 1 7 C J L A Impact S how and CLA A nnual G en e ral Meet ing to be held J uly 27-29, 2 0 1 7 in Portage la Prairie, Manitoba! We h o p e to see you t here! Best wishes for successful calvin g an d b u ll sales! Kindest regards, Tessa Verbeek CLA General Manager

Congratulations to this year ’s winning ticket holder J. Yorga Farms. They are now the official sponsors of the show clothing for this year ’s show.

Thank You to all who purchased raffle tickets in support of the 2017 National Junior Limousin Impact Show. Your support will ensure the success of our show and our juni or program! submitted by Laura Ecklund, C JLA Coordinator B Bar Cattle

Lisle Limousin

Payne Livestock

Hollee Limousin

Campbell Land & Cattle

Hewson Land & Cattle

Bee Zee Acres

Clark Cattle

Triple R Limousin Pinnacle View Limousin

Wright Way Limousin & Wright Way Auction Market

Jaymarandy Limousin

Top Mea dow Farms

J. Yorga Farms

Balamore Farm Limited

Cochrane Stock Farms

Hillview Farms

Richmond Ranch Ltd.

Lazy A Limousin

Diamond T Limousin

3 Ridge Farms

Greenwood Limousin & Angus

Windy Gables Limousin

Anchor B Limousin

Carlsruhe Cattle Company

Maplehurst Farms

Pinch Hill Limousin

Bohrson Marketing

Excel Ranches

Amaglen Limousin

Hawkeye Land & Cattle

L&S Limousin Acres

Red Maple Farms

Eden Meadows Farm

Darling Farms

Venture Livestock

Haystack Acres

Revolution Cattle Co.

Lakeside Farms

Todd and Jay-Dean Smy th

Diamond H Industries

Poplar view Livestock

Loyal Line Limousin Jaymarandy Livestock

We are proud to be selected in the 2017 junior clothing draw. Our involvement in the Limousin breed began over 40 years ago, and the future has never been brighter. JYF focuses on d ocility, fertility and cattle with natural muscle expression (that Limo look!). Commercial producers understand the value that a good Limo bull provides and are making the switch back to cross breeding after years of British breed influence. We plan to continue to grow our bull sale numbers to accommodate this demand and look for ward to you joining us the last Monday of Feb (27th this year). We would like to thank the junior board and their advisers for the hard work and dedication to making the events across the countr y a great success. Join us this summer in Manitoba as the Limousin breed takes another step for ward. J. Yorga Farms

MONETARY SCHOLARSHIPS Two (2) $500 scholarships and two (2) $250 scholarships are awarded to CJLA members annually. To apply please e-mail eboon3@hotmail.com describing your involvement in the Limousin breed. Deadline to apply is October 31st annually. Successful applicants will receive their funds in the year they are awarded. As of August 2015, scholarship recipients may only receive a CJLA monetary scholarship once.


MB Limousin News & Views Bull Issue 2017

Ardlea El ite Pedigree Herd - submitted y Tessa Verbeek

Anchor B Limousin

B Bar Cattle

2017 Sale Offering

26 - Yearling Bulls 4 - 2 Year Old Bulls 5 - Replacement Heifers

B Bar Austin Healy 4D ET

Eric Boon 306.280.8795 Delaney Boon 306.858.7609 www.bbarcattle.com

Anchor B Donaldson 34D

sire: Ivy’s Bubba Watson 24B

sire: Wulfs Amazing Bull T341A

Anchor B Durant 31D

B Bar Aston Martin 45D

sire: Wulfs Amazing Bull T341A

sire: Cole Architect 08A

Jay & Beverly Bohrson & Family Jay cell: 306-544-7500 Bev cell: 306-270-1141 bohrson5@outlook.com

Carpenter Cattle Co.

Lee Carpenter & Dana Carpenter lee_carpenter21@hotmail.com Ph: 306-544-2665 Lee cell: 306-544-7890

B Bar Jaguar 28D

sire: B Bar Cognac 1B

Carpenters Devon 73D

sire: Wulfs Xcellsior X252X

For additional information, please contact 403-370-3010 or the Bohrson Marketing Services website at:

Western Gateway Bull Sale April 4, 2017 at 1:00PM At the Farm, NE Of Roblin, MB.

35 Limousin and BLack angus BuLLs saLe features 20 PoLLed Limousin 2 year oLd BuLLs Progeny of :

rPy Paynes rough rider 40r Wulfs amazing Bull T341a Wulfs XTreme sPorTs rPy Paynes game day 59u CoTTage lake BosTon 911B Polled eXCell Wulfs eXCellor

LNA 655D 23 Feb 16 86Lbs

LNA 622D 1 JAN 16 82 Lbs


LNA 602D 1 JAN 16 88 Lbs

LNA 634D 4 Feb 16 80 Lbs JDt 508C

Jaymarandy notorious JLma 638d Rito 12E7 X Young DalE gRacE 85B DB: FEB. 6/16 BW. 92 WW aDj. 799 lBs. jan. 9th Wt. 1210 lBs.

bW. 96 Lbs - Sire LNA Yogi 1B

Angus bulls stem from the same Grace family as the $146,000 Young Dale Believe and Young Dale Grace 169B, the 2016 CWA Champion 2 Year Old Black Angus Female. Her calving ease

maternal brother will be a sale feature! Jaymarandy specialist JLMA 657D


After 37 years, of growing affordable bulls,from the top Limousin genetics in North America for Commercial and Purebred cattle producers, we are now adding top Angus genetics through Natural and Embryo breeding Doran Marketings Sales Consultant

Jaymarandy Limousin Jaymarandy Limousin Jaymarandy Livestock Todd & Jay-Dean, Smyth Angus & Jules Smyth Mark & Elisabeth Angus Len & Ruth Angus 204-937-4980 Home 204-937-0274 Cell Roblin, MB. lrangus@xplornet.ca

204-281-5099 Beausejour, MB www.jaymarandylivestock.com .

204-937-0828 204-247-0149 Roblin, MB

Castlerock Marketing Shane Castle 306-741-7485 www.castlerockmarketing.com

Auctioneer Ryan Dorran 403-507-6483

Please Check www.jaymarandylivestock.com for Updated Pictures & Videos


FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL: DEREK REIMER • 204.371.9093 www.landmarkfeeds.com

B red Heifers Sale Name: National Advantage Limousin Sale Lot #3 Animal N ame: ANCH O R B C ASSI DY 1 0 C S ale D ate : O c to be r 28, 2016 $: 6, 250 S:ANCHOR B "THE BOSS" D:ANCHOR B SHERIDAN S ale Loc at i on : B ra ndon, M B Au c ti o n e e r : Col. R ya n D orra n Consignor AN CH O R B LI MO U SI N S ales M a n a g e m e nt : B ohrs on M a rke ting S e r vices B uyer PAYN E LI VESTO CK Sale Summar y Lots Gross Average Sale breakdown if available Lot #7 Animal Name: C AM PO LL CHEERLEADER 2 3 C $: 4, 250 B ulls 1 $5,500 $5,500.00 S:AMAGLEN ZEUS D:CAM MARCIE O p en He i fe r s 9 $32,550 $3,616.67 Consignor C AMPBELL L AND & C AT TLE INC B red He i fe r s 7 $25,450 $3,635.71 B uyer GERRY VI LLEN EAU B red Cow s 1 $7,500 $7,500.00 Lot # 9 Animal Name: CH ERWAY CO SMOS 1 9 C S em en 1 $8, 5 00 $8,500.00 $: 4, 250 S:JYF 132Z D:CHERWAY POLLED ASPEN 34A Em b r yo 1 $1, 4 00 $1,400.00 Consignor CH ERWAY LI MO U SI N S ales To t a l s 20 $80,900 $4,045.00 B uyer B BAR C AT TLE CO H i g h S e l l i n g Lo t s S emen O p en He i fe r s Lot #2A Animal N ame: 10 D O SES O F S EM EN Lo t # 13 An i m a l N a m e :R PY PAYNE S DE S IR E 19D ET $: 225/D O SE S: COT TAGE L AKE BO RD ER AG ENT D: $ : 7 ,5 0 0 S:WULFS ZANE X238Z D: RPY PAYNES WILL I DO 23W Consignor BO SS L AKE GENETI CS Co n si gn or PAY N E LIV E S TOCK B uyer TRI PLE R LI MO U SI N B uyer TR IP L E R L IM OUS IN Embr yo Lo t # 11 A n i m a l N a me : B B AR S TAR B UR S T 19D Lot # 21B Animal N ame: 3 EMBRYOS $ : 6 ,0 0 0 S:COLE ARCHITECT 08A D:B BAR STARBURST 7A $: 267/EMBRYO S: WRSK D O U BLE WI D E D : LNA MO U LO N R O UG E 5 6 1 M Co n si gn or : B B A R C AT T LE CO Consignor JAYMAR AN DY LI MO U SI N B uyer MA RTEN S L IV E S TOCK B uyer BYRO N SI MPSO N Lo t # 19An i m a l N a m e : E M F DAILE Y 9D Choice of Cow Herd - $9500 $ : 3 ,5 0 0 S:B BAR RUST 31B D:RPY PAYNES BAILE Y 30B Consignor TRI PLE R LI MO U SI N B uyer Payne L ivestock Co n si gn or ED EN M E ADOW FAR M S S B uyer G R EEN WO O D LIM OUS IN


MB Limousin News & Views Bull Issue 2017

Performance, Pedigree & Personality Amaglen Bulls at the Manitoba Bull Test Sale: April 1st @ 1:00pm at Douglas MB


Amaglen Defintely Douglas HNH 17D Wulfs Xtractor X HNH 9W (TMF Tudor)



Amaglen Harley X HNH 39W (Ivy’s Smirnoff)

BW 0.9 WW 71 YW 105 Milk 28 SC 0.9 Doc 17 DOB: 1/24/16 BW: 78 WW: 736 Out of the cow that raised the top selling bull of all breeds last year at the Sept. 14 Bull Test and had everybody talking. He will add depth, performance and extra muscle to your calves. Ideal EPD package. Red, double polled. 56 day wt (Jan 3): 1105 lbs ADG:3.52 lbs WDA: 3.20 lbs. LOT Amaglen Dodge Ram HNH 65D

BW 2.7 WW 61 YW 86 Milk 26 SC 0.75 Doc 19 DOB: 2/17/16 BW: 87 WW: 681 Sept. 14 Thick! His dam had a top test bull last year and his sire has left us lots of excellent females. Double polled and black. 56 day wt (Jan 3):1000 lbs ADG: 3.58 lbs WDA: 3.12 lbs. Ian & Bonnie Hamilton Amanda & Clint Seward & girls Phone for a catalogue: (204) 246-2312 Cell: (204) 823-1240 View our complete bull offering:


Wulfs Xtractor X HNH 64X (Amaglen Throttle)


Amaglen Deets HNH 16D

BW 2.7 WW 70 YW 96 Milk 30 SC 1.02 Doc 31 DOB: 1/24/16 BW: 90 WW: 632 Wulfs Xtractor has done awesome things all over North America. The dam is a Aug. 12 moderate black cow that we are high on. Ranks in the top 5% for scrotal and top 4% of the breed for docility. Single black, double polled and muscle. 56 day wt (Jan 3): 1069 lbs ADG: 3.48 lbs WDA: 3.10 lbs . LOT


Amaglen Direct Deposit HNH 47D

BW 0.5 WW 57 YW 86 Milk 34 SC 0.48 Doc 24 DOB: 2/9/16 BW: 96 WW: 683 Sept. 14

CAM Poll Aristocrat X HNH 1Z (DLVL Walker)

BW 3.4 WW 62 YW 86 Milk 24 SC 0.8 Doc 25 DOB: 1/23/16 BW: 85 WW: 731 Smooth made with proven genetics. Sept. 14 Large scrotal and great hair coat. Double polled, red. 56 day wt (Jan 3): 1048 lbs ADG: 3.46 lbs WDA: 3.03 lbs.


This guy has style and will catch your eye. Straight topped and smooth while maintaining Limo muscle. Double polled and cherry red. 56 day wt (Jan 3):1100 lbs ADG: 4.14 lbs WDA: 3.34 lbs.



BW 3.9 WW 56 YW 80 Milk 28 SC 0.65 Doc 25 DOB: 2/18/16 BW: 99 WW: 550 Aug. 12

Amaglen Denali HNH 66D Amaglen Harley X HNH 8Y (RPY Paynes Trilogy)


Amaglen Deputy Justice HNH 15D ROMN Justice X HNH 42T (RPY Paynes Rawhide)


A favourite from birth. Smooth, long bodied, deep, quiet, herd bull material. His dam is an awesome cow. Double polled, double black. 56 day wt (Jan 3):1088 lbs ADG: 4.63 lbs WDA: 3.40 lbs.

We are also offering similar bulls at the ranch by private treaty.

One of the 15 Platinum Elite Herds in Canada What You Measure, You Can Manage

Box 55, Darlingford, MB R0G 0L0 email: amaglen@inetlink.ca Performance data and videos @ www.manitobabulltest.com Test Mgr: 204 851-1165 Follow us on Facebook

CON G R ATULAT I O NS M a n ito b a L i m o u s i n A sso c i a i to n

Limou s i n A mb a ssa d o r o f t h e Yea r Ky le Wr ig ht , Wrig ht way L i m ou s i n

On Left: Kyle Wright receiving award from MLA President, Bill Campbell

Th e Wr ig ht f ami l y h a s h a d L i mo u si n c at t le since t he 70s. We st ar ted wit h comme rc i a l cows. I n 1998 Wr i ght Way L i mo u si n was st ar ted wit h t he p urc hase of our fir st p u re b re d fe m al e. Cam p o l l h o n eydew f ro m Cam p b ell Limousin. O ver t he year s we have p u rc h a s e d fe m al e s f ro m Ca mpbel l ’s , H i dden Valley and And er son Limousin in S ask atc hewa n . We h ave p u rch as e d bu l l s f ro m ma ny o ther M anitob a b reed er s. The showing b ug c a me w h e n I wa s yo u n g w hi l e i n 4- h . We h ave l ot s of grand and reser ve steer s and heifer s w h i l e i n 4 - h. Wr i g ht Way h a s sh ow n cattl e at Ag Ex and Winter fair in Brand on and also ma ny l o c a l f a i rs in M ani to ba . S o me o f o u r a c hievement s was reser ve c ham p ion b red a n d ow n e d fe m al e at t h e 2 005 C JL A sh ow i n po r t age wit h Wr ight ’s Poll Paige. I n 2008 we h a d s u prem e c h am p io n bu l l at B o i sseva i n Fair wit h Cam Poll R and all. O ur cow herd may b e sm a l l b u t I am sti l l i nvo l ved i n th e breed as I have b een on t he M anitob a Limo u s i n As s o c i at i o n b o ard o f di rec to rs fo r th e l a s t 10 year s and p lan on st aying on for many mo re.


MB Limousin News & Views Bull Issue 2017


s c i t e n e G

MARCH 18, 2017 • 1 P.M. Napoleon Livestock • Napoleon, North Dakota

for the






Red & Black - All Polled - Purebred & Lim-Flex


Red & Black - All Polled - Purebred Sell bred to DLV Xerox & DLVL Bicep


DLVL Xerox - DLVL Bicep DLVL Young Gun - TREF Zeus JYF Zeek - Wulfs Wagon Train SYES User Friendly & Others



3/19/16 - HOMO Polled - Red - PB GV Austin 701A x DLVL Miss Xcellsior 227Z CE: 12 BW: -0.2 WW: 79 YW: 108 MK: 28 CM: 7 SC: 0.6 DC: 20 YG: -.18 CW: 29 RE: .88 MB: -.08 $MI: 52 BW: 75 - Adj. WW: 696

Broadcast Live on TOMV

For Sale Updates



3/1/16 - HOMO Polled - Red - PB GV Austin 701A x Miss Tom 118Y CE: 9 BW: 1.1 WW: 76 YW: 97 MK: 28 CM: 8 SC: 0.6 DC: 17 YG: -.34 CW: 24 RE: .94 MB: -.33 $MI: 43 BW: 82 - Adj. WW: 786


Family Owned & Operated Tom & Rita Vaughn & Sons

9741 142nd Ave. NE Cavalier, ND 58220 H: 701/265-4097 www.vaughnfarmslimousin.com Tom cell: 701/520-0110 David cell: 701/520-2556 Craig cell: 701/520-1624 e-mail: tomv2@polarcomm.com


HOMO Polled - Red - PB Wulfs Wagon Train 3197W x DLVL Penny 408P CE: 6 BW: 3.5 WW: 67 YW: 88 MK: 45 CM: 6 SC: 0.8 DC: 46 YG: -.41 CW: 27 RE: .75 MB: -.34 $MI: 41 BW: 80 - Adj. WW: 752 Top-selling bull in our 2012 sale purchased by Bar 3R Limousin, SK. Semen $30, contact LIMI-Gene. HIS PROGENY SELL.



HOMO Polled - Red - PB TREF Zion 636X x DLVL Sky 605S CE: 12 BW: -1.0 WW: 60 YW: 88 MK: 22 CM: 3 SC: 0.3 DC: 32 YG: -.31 CW: 21 RE: .50 MB: -.48 $MI: 33 BW: 87 - Adj. WW: 723 - Adj. YW: 1,302 Owned with Jon Sutton, SD. Semen $30, contact LIMI-Gene HIS FIRST PROGENY SELL.

Minerals for Beef Cows Joanne Armstrong Jr. Ruminant Nutritionist Landmark Feeds

The nutritional needs of the beef cow will change throughout the production year, due to the changes in biological, chronological and forage cycles. We need to meet the cows requirement to maintain life, support a strong immune system, maximize reproductive success, and improve milk production and calf growth. Cattle that don’t have an adequate mineral program can experience a number of production and health disorders that will significantly reduce herd performance and profitability. We have all heard of these minerals, but do we know what the functions of each of these minerals are and what the appropriate levels are to support the nutritional needs of animals. In this article, we are going to focus on the macro minerals, their functions, and the requirement of beef cows. Table 1. Minerals Cattle Need Macro Minerals Micro Minerals Calcium Copper Phosphorous Zinc Magnesium Manganese Salt Cobalt Sulfur Iodine Potassium Iron Selenium CALCIUM AND PHOSPHOROUS Calcium and phosphorous go hand in hand, therefore we will look at these two minerals together. The major role of calcium in the body is the formation of bones, teeth and milk, as well as an important role in muscle function. Phosphorus is also involved in the formation of bone, as well as energy metabolism and QUICK FACT: genetic material. Cattle should consume Most grasses are adequate in 11 to 15 grams of salt per day. calcium. Legumes are a good source of calcium, but small grain forages such as corn silage are poor sources of calcium. In general, most grains are relatively poor calcium sources. Most forages are low in phosphorus, particularly late in the growing season. Cattle are more likely to be phosphorus-deficient during the winter, when they often subsist on dry forages. Grains contain moderate to high concentrations of

phosphorus. Proteins such as soybean meal contain moderate concentrations, whereas byproducts such as distillers grains have high phosphorus concentrations. From mid to late pregnancy, a bred cow’s requirement for calcium increases by 22% and after calving, by an additional 40%. A superior milking cow requires three times more calcium than a non-lactating cow. If the ration is inverted (phosphorus exceeds calcium), absorption of calcium in the digestive tract is reduced, and calcium and phosphorus will be metabolized from the bone. This can result in less bone growth, brittle bones, and “water belly” or kidney stones. SODIUM AND CHLORIDE Sodium and chloride work together to maintain cellular volume, pH and osmorlarity of body fluids, such as blood. Sodium chloride (salt) promotes water intake, which will help maintain or improve milk production and overall herd health. Forages and grains do not contain enough salt to meet the needs of livestock, with the exception of silage produced on land fertilized by manure which can increase salt content of forage, or marsh hay. Deficiency symptoms can result in loss of appetite, decrease in body condition and a drop in QUICK FACT: milk production. Cattle require 0.6 to 0.7%K in POTASSIUM the ration (DM) Most forages are 1 – 2% Potassium works in conjunction with where as cereal sodium in the body to transport nutrigrains are 0.3 – 0.36% ents into and out of cells. Potassium also helps to maintain the osmotic pressure. Most forages are adequate to excessive in potassium content, and the needs of grazing cattle are generally met. Potassium can be high in some cool-season grasses and legumes , which can decrease the absorption of magnesium, therefore causing grass tetany. QUICK FACT: High concentrate diets Optimal Ca:P Ratio can be low in potassium, 2:1 as corn grain and most corn by-products are low in potassium, therefore supplementing potassium is needed. Deficiencies in potassium can result in reduced intake, weight loss, and stiff joints. MAGNESIUM Magnesium is essential for proper enzyme and nervous system function and for efficient carbohydrate metabolism. Magnesium is an important mineral for grazing cattle because of the association with grass tetany. Grass tetany is usually seen in cattle in the early spring when there is lush grass growth and cool, wet weather and is caused by a deficiency of magnesium to the cattle. It has been observed that a high rate of nitrogen and potassium fertilization contributes to grass tetany. The excess potassium inhibits magnesium absorption in both forage and co ntinued page 22


MB Limousin News & Views Bull Issue 2017



TAG 202 Feb 14: ADG 3.79 WDA 2.84



BW 92 LBS On Test 746 LBS Jan 3, 951 LBS EPD’s: BW 4.0 WW 58 YW 76 MILK 29 TM 58 SC 0.85

TAG for 407 Watch the JYF Yaggermeister 150Y sons: Performance, Power, Huge Scrotal, Excellent Disposition and Hair Coat

TAG 203 Feb 21: ADG 4.26 WDA 2.69


BW 98 LBS On Test 708 LBS Jan 3, 920 LBS EPD’s: BW 7.1 WW 72 YW 101 MILK 26 TM 62 SC 0.74


MANITOBA BULL TEST SALE April 1, 2017, Douglas, MB

TAG 201 Feb 2: ADG 3.66 WDA 2.92

BW 96 LBS On Test 615 LBS Jan 3, 853 LBS EPD’s: BW 6.1 WW 65 YW 87 MILK 22 TM 54 SC 0.70

Stop in at Douglas Bull Test to check out our bulls or follow their progress @ www.manitobabulltest.com

L & S Limousin Acres

Pine Creek Limousin

Box 191, Ken ton , Manitoba R0 M 0 Z0 2 miles south, 1 mile west, 1 mile south of Kenton’s west edge

Box 1 3 2 , Ke nton, Ma nitoba R 0M 0Z0 3 miles south of Kenton’s west edge

Ph : 2 0 4 -8 3 8 -2 198 Lawrence & Sher r y Daniel

Ph: 204-838-2311 William, Sharon, Kaylee & Brady Daniel

Your Source for Polled Purebred Performance Limousin

d e t i v n I e r ’ You

15th Annual National Junior Limousin Impact Show July 27-30, 2017 :: Portage la Prairie, Manitoba

Registration opens April 1st www.limousin.com/juniors/cjla-impact-show/

Canadian Junior Limousin Association 18

MB Limousin News & Views Bull Issue 2017

Photo courtesy of Amy Miller Photography



100% Raised on Mom and Grass NO CREEP! Bulls that are the building blocks for profit.


Give us a call to view the bull pen a Breeding Soundness Evaluated a Igenity tested a Delivery Available a Guaranteed a Quiet

204.736.2878 Visit us online @

www.cherwaylimousin.ca or follow us on facebook https://www.facebook.com/CherwayLimousin


JYF 132Z XRMP Nine Iron BW 82 lbs Dbl Black, Homo Polled, Thick & Stout

Homozygous Polled

JYF 132Z X Ken Doc Xner BW 95 lbs Dbl Polled, Large SC, Highest gain in pen

Sound Conformation, Fertile, Easy Calving, High Yielding Carcass & Quiet


JYF 132Z X EMN PLD TRIUMPH BW 78 lbs JYF Ambassador 70A X HNH 56U BW 87 lbs Light birthweight bull, packed with meat Dbl Black, Dbl Polled, Large SC, Stout bull

We have carefully selected herdsires to develop genetics that will produce cattle that are in demand.

Darby Cochrane RR 1, Alexander, MB R0K 0A0 P: 204-573-6529 F: 204-855-2472 darbyc@wcgwave.ca

Shoal Lake Farm Equipment

w w w. h o c k r i d g e f a r m s . c a


Don’t fiddle with the rest come to

Grant Moffatt for the best! 1500 Richmond Ave. Brandon, Manitoba R7A 7E3

Phone (204) 728-0130 Toll Free 1-888-999-4111 Fax (204) 726-8344 Res. (204) 483-2727 Email grantm@murraychevbrandon.com


Box 279 SHOAL LAKE, MB R0G 1Z0 P: (204) 759-2527 F: (204) 759-2852 C: (204) 365-7133 E: slfarmequip@hotmail.com

MB ROUNDUP TEAM MEMBER EXCELLS AT AGRIBITION Samantha Rimke of Oak Lake, Manitoba earned the 4th overall top judge award at the Canadian National 4-H and Youth Judging competition at Canadian Western Agribition in Regina Saskatchewan in November. Samantha was awarded a cash prize along with a belt buckle. Adam Harms of Adam Harms & Sam Rimke Cartwright was also a member of the Manitoba Youth Beef Roundup team. Canadian National 4H & Youth Judging Competition helps develop the skills of our young agriculture judges, judging various species of livestock and forages. The competitors have the opportunity to attend and view one of the world’s largest international agricultural marketplaces at Agribition. Each year, Manitoba Youth Beef Roundup selects the members to represent their team at Agribition at their annual Junior weekend for all Junior cattle enthusiasts under the age of 25 years of age. 10th annual Manitoba Youth Beef Roundup will be held August 4, 5 and 6th, 2017 in Neepawa, MB. Check out our facebook page , at Manitoba Youth Beef Roundup. Samantha Rimke

C o ng ratulations

M a pl ehurst Farms is exc i ted to announce the enga gement of T i m D avey and A mber Ger bra ndt. They a re now planning a Novem ber 2017 weddi ng .

Best Wishes


MB Limousin News & Views Bull Issue 2017

Evan Overand (JAKO Farms) & M eghan Lee ( L e e Bros) on t heir engagment .

Limousin Footprints Happy Birthday Lawrence Daniel. Lawrence’s 65th birthday is on Feb. 13th You’re only 65 on the outside...Inside you’re still rebellious teenager. Wish you a healthy and joyful year ahead. Happy Birthday Brady Daniel, who turns 16 on February 10th. The world is yours at 16. You can do or be anything you put your mind to. All you have to do is reach out and grab it. Happy Birthday Special occasions, Limousin Family notices, birthdays, anniversaries, engagements, graduations or noted accomplishments are welcomed. Ph: Cheryl 204-736-2878 or email:info@cherwaylimousin.ca

Selling 80 Rising Two Year Olds: (April May Born)

22 Polled Limousin • Red & Black Limousin Sires: TMCK Westmoreland EXLR Westwind 006Y

32 Black Angus

Black Angus Sires: Crescent Creek Emblazon 109X LLB Free Wheeler 68Y LLB Blackman 825A

28 Red Angus

Red Angus Sires: Red Blairs Kargo 47Z Red Soo Line On Target 9308 These sires represent calving ease, performace and high maternal traits

Box 85 Simpson, SK S0G 4MO Rob Garner Cell: 306-946-7946 nordallimousin@sasktel.net www.nordallimousin.com

Scott Bohrson Martin Bohrson P: 403-370-3010 P: 306-220-7901 www.bohrson.com

View the catalogue online at


Manitoba Youth Beef Roundup 10th Anniversar y event.

August 4, 5, and 6th will be the Manitoba Youth Beef Roundup 10th annual event in Neepawa, Manitoba.. This exciting three-day event will bring together junior members, 4-Hers, and enthusiasts from all across the province. The show is organized by representatives from various breeds that have been involved with National and Provincial shows in the past. Our goal is to prepare young entrepreneurs in the livestock industr y, thru this exciting showcase of youth, cattle and friendly competition. This event will educate, encourage, stimulate and unite par ticipants in the business of agriculture and the beef industr y. It encompasses a variety of competitions and events to match all interests and skill levels of par ticipants. Some of the events are Team Grooming, Individual and Team Judging, Showmanship, Marketing, Sales Talk, Impromptu Speeches, Ar t, Photography, Scrap booking, as well as cattle classes. This will be a celebration and showcase of Manitoba Youth and agriculture in our province. We encourage young and old to stay involved in the agriculture industr y, explore career oppor tunities, increase national trade and awareness, and be proud to be par t of one of Canada’s largest industries. We feel the celebration of our past shows exemplifies the impor tance of youth and agriculture, and will strive to present innovative oppor tunities that promote and educate future cattleman dedicated to the cattle industr y. NEW IN 2017 for the 10th Anniversar y- Low stress Cattle Handling workshop , Cattle Presentation Workshops, Advocacy workshop, and invitations for 4-H Champion Females from each 2017 Club Achievement to attend Roundup, with entr y fee paid by Roundup. Along with Ag Challenge competitions, Cook-off, cattle shows, scholarships and Selection of Canadian Western Agribition Team. Roundup is being under taken as an all breeds show to bring young purebred and commercial cattle producers from across the province to see friendly competition amongst the new and upcoming producers from within Manitoba. Check out Manitoba Youth Beef Roundup facebook page or contact Chairperson, Lois McRae 204-728-3058 cont i n ued fr om page 1 6

animals. Mature lactating cows are particularly susceptible to grass tetany. Magnesium deficiency can cause reduced calving rates, calf vigor and rate of gain in calves. SULFUR Sulfur is an essential nutrient required for normal growth and reproduction of bacteria in the rumen of cattle. Sulfur is essential for rumen microbial synthesis of certain amino acids, vitamins and enzymes. In order for these nutrients to be synthesized in the rumen, sulfur must be present in the diet. Sulfur concentration in feedstuffs and water will depend on location, therefore it is important to analyze feedstuffs and water to know how much cattle are consuming. Excess sulfur will have negative effects on herd performance including sulfur toxicity and polioencephalomalacia (PEM) or polio. PEM can cause cattle to experience blindness, un-coordination, lethargy and seizures. High levels of sulfur in diets will usually result in reduced performance such as a fall in milk production and weight loss, however in extreme cases in can cause death. In summary, knowing what you have in your forages and concentrates is crucial to ensuring that you are delivering a balanced diet to your beef cows.


MB Limousin News & Views Bull Issue 2017

advertisers ABC Bull Sale ...P. 23 Amaglen Limousin ...P. 23 Campbell Limousin ...IBC Cherway Limousin ....P. 19 Cochrane Stock Farms ....P. 20 Diamond T Limousin ...IFC Hockridge Farms ...P. 20 Jaymarandy Limousin/Livestock ...P.9 Keystone Livestock Services ...P.20 Landmark Feeds ....P. 2 L & S Limousin ...P.17 Murray Chev Olds ...P. 20 Nordal Limousin & Angus Bull Sale ...P. 23 NYK Cattle Co. ...P. 9 Pine Creek Limousin ...IFC Shoal Lake Farm Equipment ...P. 20 Triple R Limousin ..OBC Twin Oak Limousin ...P. 5 Vaughn Farms Bull Sale ...P. 23


Diets are built around your on farm forages, weather you are feeding a silage based ration or a hay based ration, knowing what is in your forages will not only save you money but also maximize productivity of your cattle herd. Mineral Requirements of Beef Cattle Gestating Cows Early Lactation Cows Mineral 1, 250 lbs BW 1200 lbs BW Ca % 0.18 0.27 P% 0.18 0.27 Na % 0.07 0.10 Cl% Mg % 0.12 0.20 S% 0.15 0.15 K% 0.60 0.70 * Adapted from NRC for Beef, 2000

submitted by Joanne Armstrong, Nutreco Feeds

HOMEGROWN BULL SALE MARcH 26 2017 1:30 p.m. At the Farm

3 1/2 miles north of Minto on Hwy 10, 1 3/4 miles east Yearling & 2 Year Old Red and Black Polled Limousin & Lim-flex Bulls


l l e b p m a C

Sales Consultant Bohrson Marketing Martin Bohrson 306-220-7901 www.bohrson.com


Bill and Lauren Campbell & Family P O Box 92 Minto, MB. R0K 1M0 204.776.2322 or 204.724.6218 (cell) cam.limousin@gmail.com

Sons of: Cole Architect Anchor B Bentley Amaglen Zeus


Wright Auction 204.534.2502 View Bulls www.wrightauction.ca


*R* LI M O U S I E L P I N TR Plan to Attend Our 2017 Open House & Private Treaty Bull Sale April 8, 2017

Plus we have 4 Bulls at Douglas Test Station. Check them out. Sale April 1, 2017

SELLING 30 Yearlings & 30 Two Year Olds on Offer Calving Ease and/or Performance

M any are s i re d by top le a di n g A I b u l l s . We a l s o h ave L i m o & Red An gu s Cro ss a nd L i m o a n d Bl a c k A n g u s C ro s s Come browse the cattle we have on offer, we have an excellent set of bulls to see

The Natural Genetic Advantage. In the Pasture ...At the Feedlot ...At the Packers a Buy with confidence a Ask Art about 2 year guarantee on bulls aCustomer Satisfaction #1




Rodgers Art & Maria MacGregor, MB



Stewart Scott, Larissa & family MacGregor, MB

Home: 204-685-2628 Art Cell: 204-856-3440 Herdsman Scott: 204-871-2861 email: triplerlimo@yahoo.ca West of MacGregor at Rd. 62W, 4 1/4 miles North

Your Source fo Quality Limousin Genetics

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