the natural
Pub l i s h er A g ree m e nt #42020515
advantage for Yield
PLUS Limousin cattle excel in feed efficiency and have proven to consume less than other animals of the same size and yet perform to equal or superior levels, making them sought after by every segment of the beef value chain
2015 Herd Reference Issue follow the MB Limousin Association on Facebook
Pu b lic ati ons A g r e e me n t # 42020515
Introducing our
Newest Herd Sires
Richmond Braveheart SRD 70B
Sire: Wulf’s Yellow Jacket Dam’s Sire: Payne’s Marathon
Diamond T Baxter Black 20B
Sire: Greenwood Zambuka Dam’s Sire: Party Boy
It will be exciting to see the set of calves off these 2 exciting individuals will produce in 2016! Thank You to All those that have purchased Bulls this spring, and to those that may still need bull power we have a solid set of yearlings for your Inspection! Give us a Call
d n o m a Di
T Limousin
Travis, Rilla, Dillon & Brodie Hunter • Kenton, MB R0M 0Z0 • Phone: 204-838-2019 • Cell: 204-851-0809 • email:
MB Limousin News & Views Herd Reference l Issue 2015
2 0 1 5 A D V E R T I S I N G R AT E S : Full Page..........$250.00 Half Page........$175.00 Quarter Page.......$125.00 Business Card......$40.00 2 3/8” X 1/78” Affordable full color advertising. To advertise or for more information call: Cher yl McPherson Phone: (204)736-2878 Fax: (204) 736-4124
NOTE *email:*
Publisher Agreement #42020515 Return undeliverable Canadian Addresses to Manitoba Limousin News & Views Box 262, Sanford, MB. R0G 2J0
2015 Fall Round-Up Issue: Deadline: September 15 th
Manitoba Limousin Advantage Sale Art Rodgers Hel l o ever yone. Hi gh Yi el di ng cattl e genet ics a re i n dem a nd, what a n exc i ti ng ti m e i n t he cattl e i ndustr y to expa nd your herd! Watch for m ore i nfor m ati on Ma ni toba L i m ousi n Advanta ge S al e, we a re revi ng up t he statu s o f 2 0 1 5 S a l e i t wi l l be one to re me mb er ! D o yo u wa nt to be onboa rd and co n s i g n catt l e to thi s g row i ng sa l e? C o ntac t A r t Ro d gers or Travi s Hunter wit h fo r fu r t h e r info r m ati on! Su b mitte d by A r t Rodgers.
Greetings, In recent communications with most people in the farming community it appears that Spring has been quite favourable to most thus far, green pastures with cows on them early and crops in the ground for the most part should have most people very happy. In saying that I should mention that this is written in the middle of May and with all things considered I would expect that spirits are high, as high as the price of cattle I do hope. In the same breath I hope everyone has taken the time to say a prayer for all of those, not only in the cattle industry but in general, struggling with the terrible weather circumstances in Texas and Oklahoma. It has been a wonderful year, with very measurable progress at the heart of what we all do and love, and there is change and progress on the horizon. As with most of us that work and live off of this wonderful way of life, our management values change and progress in life the same. It is with a little sadness but yet an undoubtedly champion like attitude that we say goodbye and good luck to our manager and heartbeat at the Canadian Limousin Association, Anne Burgess. As most of you already know Anne has taken her career to a new and exciting place with the CCIA. On behalf of the Manitoba Limousin Association and its members I would like to congratulate her and wish her the most wonderful successes. Anne’s dedication to strengthening the Limousin breed has been appreciated. With Anne moving on, a door has been opened for another champion of our breed to take her place. I am pleased to hear that the CLA has found a highly qualified individual in Tessa Nybo. Tessa will be taking on the role as the new Manager of the Canadian Limousin Association. Please make sure to welcome Tessa into her new position with the same enthusiasm she will most certainly bring to the position. Lastly, ensure to attend the MLA Provincial Summer Show on June 28th at the Treherne Fai r. Tracey and the Treherne fair committee have put forth an excellent effort in accommodating us and getting some wonderful prizes for all those willing to participate. I hope everyone involved in the Limousin breed will take the time and join us for some competition, food and fellowship. Sincerely, Mark Angus MB Limousin News & Views Herd Reference Issue 2015
N E W S & V I E WS The official public ation of the M anitoba Limousin A ssociation
VOL 2 2, No. 2
Ju n e 2 0 1 5
Canadian Mail Produc t Agreement #42020515
Mailed @ S anford, MB
Thank you to Amaglen Limousin for the cover picture. Congratulations to everyone for a successful bull sale season and to those that purchased Limousin genetics for the first time, you won’t look back. The potential of your next calf crop for calving ease, growth and calves with high yielding, lean meat capabilities, that are sought after by feedlots and packers is now within your reach! Thank you Anne Brunet-Burgess for you guidance from the desk of CLA manager and best wishes with your new posting. Welcome Tessa Nybo to the CLA Manager position. The Manitoba Limousin Association summer show will be hosted by the Treherne Ag Society, June 29th, and the Annual Manitoba Limousin Advantage Female Sale is planned for December 2015. Take a look through this newsletter, several great options are still available if you have a late spring/summer or fall breeding program. Make sure your 2016 calf crop has all the advantages! Suggestions, creative ideas, and constructive criticisms are always welcomed. Respectfully, Cher yl Daily Laughter is good for the soul! I am tr ying to make friends outside of Facebook while applying the same principles. Therefore ever y day, I go down onto the street and tell a passer by what I h ave eaten, how I feel, what I have done the night before, and what I will do af ter. I give them pic tures of my wife, my daughter, my dog and me gardening and spending time in my pool. I also listen to their conversations and I tell them I love them. And it works : I already have 3 people following me; 2 of them are police officers and one is a psychiatrist!
MB Limousin News & Views Bull Issue 2015
Back row l-r: Art Rodgers, Kyle Wright, Travis Hunter, Jay-Dean Smyth, Mark Angus, Darby Cochrane Front row l-r: Sherry Daniel, Scott Stewart, Bill Campbell Bob Davey Missing: Brad Hockridge, Leonard Gertz
President Mark Angus Box 450, Roblin, MB R0L 1P0 Ph: 204-281-5099 email: Treasurer Travis Hunter Box 161, Kenton, MB. R0M 0Z0 Ph: 204-838-2019 email: Secretary, Juniors Jay-Dean Smyth Roblin, MB. Ph: 204-937-4384 email: ne262527@gmail. Director Bill Campbell Box 92, Minto, MB. R0K 1M0 Ph: 204-776-2322 email: Director Kyle Wright Box 1228, Boissevain, MB R0K 0E0 Ph: 1-204-305-0221 email: Director Sherry Daniel Box 191, Kenton, MB. R0M 0Z0 Ph: 204-838-2198 Director Darby Cochrane RR#1, Alexander, MB. R0K 0A0 Ph: 204-573-6529 email:
Director Leonard Gertz Box 1634 Virden, MB. R0M 2C0 Ph: 204-748-3728 email: Director Art Rodgers Box 156, MacGregor, R0H 0R0 Ph: 204-685-2628 e-mail: Director Bob Davey Westbourne, MB Ph: 204-274-2490 email: Director Scott Stewart MacGregor, MB R0H 0R0 Ph: 204-871-2861 email: Director Brad Hockridge RR3 Comp 7A, Dauphin, MB R7N 2T6 Ph: 204-648-6333 email: F ro m las t is s ue , a l l 3 pi ctur e s w e r e fro m 2 007
Cows like this....
- strong maternal - longevity - calving ease - performance - top pedigrees - balanced EPDs - moderate frame - easy keeping - sound feet and legs - quality udders
....make Bulls like this
- performance - calving ease - scrotal - docility top pedigrees - balanced EPd’s - strong carcass evaluations - sound feet and legs - structurally correct
Thank you to the bidders and buyers at the test station and the producers that purchased from home. You once again made our bull season a success. We appreciate your confidence in our program
Females for sale by private treaty. Individuals or packages available. Ian & Bonnie Hamilton Amanda, Clint, Laura & Lillian Seward
Box 55 Darlingford, MB R0G 0L0 email:
Phone: (204)246-2312 Cell: (204)823-1240
Follow us on Facebook. MB Limousin News & Views Herd Referencel Issue 2015
Manitoba has been particularly hard hit by this trade barrier as the U.S. was a major export market for our feeder and finished cattle. Mandatory COOL has not only cost Canada billions but also this law hurt the U.S. economy as well through an increase in costs for processors to jeopardizing jobs within the value chain. All in all, this has been a huge loss for the cattle and hog industries on both side of the border.
May 2015 The Beginning of the End? A Monumental Country of Origin Labelling Decision Melinda German General Manager Manitoba Beef Producers We won…the last battle at least in terms of appeals. On May 18, 2015 the Appellate Body of the World Trade Organization (WTO) ruled once again in favour of Canada and Mexico in their dispute with the United States over their mandatory Country of Origin Labelling (COOL) policy. Our position is that COOL discriminates against the live import of cattle and hogs. This is the fourth WTO ruling on this matter and under trade law it is the last one as the United States has now exhausted all its appeal options. We have been battling COOL now for eight years and the impacts have been staggering. The legal costs are in the millions but the economic losses to the livestock industry are in the billions here in Canada. So what is COOL and why did the U.S. go down this path? COOL requires different labelling for Canadian cattle slaughtered in the U.S. This is to provide American consumers with information about where their food is coming from. It is not now nor could it ever be a food safety or traceability program. Yet according to a study by Kansas State University COOL has not resulted in an increase in consumer demand for the labeled products. In the end this trade barrier has not resulted in the outcomes the U.S. had hoped for.
MB Limousin News & Views Herd Reference Issue 2015
So what’s next? The first option is for the U.S. to fully repeal COOL but if this does not happen the Canadian government is positioned to implement a series of retaliatory tariffs on specific U.S. exports into Canada. The commodities on the list for proposed retaliatory measures are diverse and include more than just agricultural commodities. They range from meat to mattresses to wine and apples. The goal is to impose a level of economic hurt similar to the one Canada has experienced over the course of COOL. In theory the tariffs will create pressure from U.S. businesses on their government to fully repeal COOL. Given that Canada and Mexico are the United States’ two largest export markets the pressure could be very significant. The Canadian government and our national industry voice, the Canadian Cattlemen’s Association (CCA) have fought diligently to get us to where we are now. Provincial associations such as Manitoba Beef Producers have provided financial support to CCA in this battle and all our efforts have finally paid off. We hope that in the next short while the U.S. will decide to repeal COOL and we will not have to impose the retaliatory tariffs, but if they do not the Canadian and Mexican governments are prepared to take this to the next level. If all goes well, 2015 could be the year COOL finally dies. Our industry is finally doing well after a long decade of limited growth and profitability. The removal of COOL and the associated barriers in the U.S. market could be a factor to help our industry move into the expansion phase, providing us here in Canada with a more stable industry and potentially more market opportunities for Manitoba producers.
Thank You to All the Bull Customers that are putting LDS & WDH genetics to work in their herds in 2015!!! ing C u d o intr g
JYF Armor 525A
exCitin tiCs
e n e g w ne
to e added v a h e w ds!!! r e h r u o
picture of sire of JYF Armor 525A
ahCC wood mountain x top meadow tempLate
Cam Poll Billionaire WGC 75B
t.m. 35.5 cm, rea 15.5 sq. in., imF % 1.93. EPD’s: BW 4.4 WW 75.1 YW 112.7 MILK 25.5
L & S Limousin Acres Box 191, Kenton, MB R0M 0Z0
Phone: (204)838-2198 2 miles south, 1 mile west, 1 mile south of Kenton’s west edge
Lawrence & Sherry Daniel ivy’s xterminator x rpy paynes rawhide t.m. 37 cm, rib Fat 8.9 mm, rea 17.3 sq. in., imF % 2,64, Lean yield 64.2. EPD’s: BW 2.1 WW 52.8 YW 71.4 MILK 31.9 SC 0.2
Pine Creek Limousin Box 132, Kenton, Manitoba R0M 0Z0
Ph : 2 0 4 - 8 3 8 - 2 3 1 1 3 miles south of Kenton’s west edge
William, Sharon, Kaylee & Brady Daniel Your Source for Polled Purebred Performance Limousin MB Limousin News & Views Herd Reference Issue 2015
Limousin Footprints
Spring Help tagging and moving calves: Darby Cocharane’s assistants in the calving pasture spring 2015. Watch for these young MJLA members in action this summer
Screen Shots
Manitoba Junior Limousin Association
President - Brodie Hunter Vice President - Kaitlyn Davey Treasurer - Jules Smyth Secretary - Angus Smyth Reporter - Damian Young Three members participated at the RMWF in Brandon during spring break. Congratulations for your accomplishments. Any Junioir Limousin enthusiast is welcome to join the MJLA. Don’t forget to register for prize basket for showing a Limousin influenced animal in 4-H and/or Junior shows in 2015. Young Reese Atchison: Taking time to look carefully through the last issue of the Manitoba Limousin News and Views! Do you have a picture of someone browsing through the News and Views? Share it on facebook at pages/Manitoba-LimousinAssociation/572198599475105 Lets see how many reader’s take up the challenge!! Hope to see you or your picture soon! Pictures can also be emailed to https://w w
MB Limousin News & Views Herd Reference l Issue 2015
pictured @ 3 mon.
pictured @ 3.5 mon.
JYF 132Z X Anchor B Usher BW 92 lbs
pictured @ 3 mon.
JYF 132Z X Amaglen Unreal BW 90 lbs
pictured at 3 mon.
Cherway Xtra Credit X Amageln Unreal BW 88 lbs
We have an excellent group of 2015 herdsire prospects to show you!!! Stamped with proven, efficient, high yielding genetics. You are going to want to get a sneak peak at them early!
JYF 132Z X EXLR Money Trail BW 88 lbs
for updates to our website this summer!
In need of a new bull now? Give us a call!
204.736.2878 Thank You to
Visit us online @ or follow us on facebook
MB Limousin News & Views Herd Reference Issue 2015
all that purchased Cherway Limousin Genetics. Your approval of our program and your continued success using our genetics is rewarding!
10:00 1:00 2:00
All cattle must be on the fair grounds Fancy Lady Classic & Jack-pot Calf Classes Purebred Cattle show GATE ADMISSION Adults - $5.00 12 years & under - $2.00 Preschool – Free CLASS 2A MANITOBA LIMOUSIN SUMMER SHOW Show Chairperson – Tracey Wilcox Barn Managers – Gary Robinson & Ernie Wilcox Entry Fee: $10.00 per section 2.A.1. Heifer Calf Class ....................................................................................................................... $50.00, $40.00, $30.00, $25.00, $20.00 2.A.2. Yearling Heifer.......................................................................................................................... $50.00, $40.00, $30.00, $25.00, $20.00 Junior Champion & Reserve Champion Female...............................................................................Ribbon + New Rosedale Feed Mills Mineral 2.A.3. Female 2 years old with natural calf at foot............................................................................... $50.00, $40.00, $30.00, $25.00, $20.00 2.A.4. Female 3 years old or older with natural calf at foot.................................................................. $50.00, $40.00, $30.00, $25.00, $20.00 Senior Champion & Reserve Champion........................................................................................Ribbons + New Rosedale Feed Mills Mineral Grand Champion Female....................................................................................................................................Twin Meadow Livestock Farms Reserve Grand Champion Female............................................................................................................................................... Wilf’s Elie Ford 2.A.5. Bull Calf Class ........................................................................................................................... $50.00, $40.00, $30.00, $25.00, $20.00 2.A.6. Yearling Bull.............................................................................................................................. $50.00, $40.00, $30.00, $25.00, $20.00 2.A.7. Mature Bull .............................................................................................................................. $50.00, $40.00, $30.00, $25.00, $20.00 Grand Champion Bull (1st & 2nd from classes 2.6 & 2.7)....................................................................................................Twin Oak Livestock Reserve Grand Champion Bull..................................................................................................................................Norbert Manufacturing 2.A.8. Breeders Herd – both sexes represented. All four animals must be owned by exhibitor. Each animal must have been shown in previous classes. One entry per exhibitor. Prize Money..........................................................$50.00 + Ivormec, $40.00 + New Rosedale Feed Mills Mineral, $30.00, $25.00, $20.00 2.A.9. Get of Sire – A group of three animals with the same sire. Both sexes represented. At least one animal owned by the exhibitor. Animals must have been shown in previous classes. One entry per exhibitor. Prize Money..........................................................$50.00 + Ivromec, $40.00 + New Rosedale Feed Mills Mineral, $30.00, $25.00, $20.00 2.A.10. Progeny of Dam – A group of two animals from the same dam. At least one animal owned by the exhibitor. Animals must have been shown in previous classes. One entry per exhibitor. Prize Money............................................ $50.00 + Chair - Pembina Co-op, $40.00 + New Rosedale Feed Mills Mineral, $30.00, $25.00, $20.00 CLASS 2B MANITOBA JUNIOR LIMOUSIN SHOW NO Entry Fee: 2.B.11. Heifer Calf Class ........................................................................................................................ $25.00, $20.00, $15.00, $10.00, $5.00 2.B.12. Yearling Heifer........................................................................................................................... $25.00, $20.00, $15.00, $10.00, $5.00 2.B.13. Bull Calf Class ............................................................................................................................ $25.00, $20.00, $15.00, $10.00, $5.00 2.B.14. Pee Wee Showmanship............................................................................................................. $25.00, $20.00, $15.00, $10.00, $5.00 2.B.15. Junior Showmanship (if sufficient entries) ............................................................................... $25.00, $20.00, $15.00, $10.00, $5.00 2.B.16. Senior Showmanship (if sufficient entries) ............................................................................... $25.00, $20.00, $15.00, $10.00, $5.00 2.C.1. Pee Wee Showmanship Class – open to all children under the age 8 – NO ENTRY FEE ................................................................... $1.00 2.C.2. Open Jackpot Heifer Calf Class Prize Money: 1st- $80.00; 2nd- $65.00; 3rd- $50.00; 4th- $40.00; 5th-$30.00 plus 40% of collected entry fee. 2.C.6. Open Jackpot Bull Calf Class Prize Money: 1st- $80.00; 2nd- $65.00; 3rd- $50.00; 4th- $40.00; 5th-$30.00 plus 40% of collected entry fee Class 3 for Fancy Lady Classic - $1000.00 Cash Payout- entry fee: Sponsored by Materfeeds Lp, Centennial Farm Supply Ltd. – Petro – Canada – Notre Dame De Lourdes, Metcalfe’s Garage Ltd. – Treherne, St. Claude Vet Clinic – St. Claude, South Central Vet Clinic – Notre Dame, Mid Man Mechanical Service – Holland, Carman Co-op – Carman, Greenvalley Equipment Ltd – Treherne, Comte Industries Tuff Livestock Equipment – Notre Dame De Lourdes, Hi-Pro - Carman. Rules: 1. Entry Fee - $40.00 per entry. Early entries appreciated. 2. Prize Money – Fancy Lady Classic Champion - $500.00 Fancy Lady Classic Reserve Champion - $300.00 Fancy Lady Classic Runner-up - $200.00 3. Yearling heifers will be split up by age into a maximum of three classes, depending on numbers. Top three placing in each split will have their $40.00 entry fee refunded. 4. Class open to all 4-H members showing a purebred or commercial yearling heifers 5. Any number of animals may be entered per exhibitor 6. All registered animals must be shown in the open purebred show. 7. Heifers must be on the fair grounds and entered by 10:00 A.M. and remain on the ground until 5:30 the day of the fair.
MB Limousin News & Views Herd Reference Issue 2015
Early December 2015 @ 1:30 p.m. MacGregor, MB
Proven Females Bred Heifers Heifer Calves
Whether you are building your herd or looking for foundation females to start a new program, this is the sale to attend! Females are carrying the genetics to give you the ADVANTAGE! West of MacGregor at Rd. 62W, 4 1/4 miles North Please join us for a pre-sale lunch!
Are you interested in consigning females? Contact Travis: 204.838.2019 or Art: 204.685.2628
watch for updates on facebook P u b l i c a t i o n s A g r e e m e n t # 4 2020515
MB Limousin News & Views Herd Reference Issue 2015
Kevin & Jackie Basso & Family Box 2639 Swan River, MB. R0L 1Z0 (204)734-4797 email:
submitted by Amaglen Limousin
w w w. h o c k r i d g e f a r m s . c a
submitted by Cherway Limousin
submitted by Triple R Limousin
submitted by Amaglen Limousin
submitted by Amaglen Limousin
STOCK FARM Lloyd & Joan Trevor & Melissa Atchison Atchison 204.854.2947 204.854.2510 Box 4, Grp. 20, R .R .#1 Pipestone, MB. R0M 1T0 emai l: pvsf@rf now. com
MAPLEHURST FARMS Polled, Fullblood Limousin, Red & Black Polled Purebred Limousin
Don’t fiddle with the rest come to
Grant Moffatt for the best! 1500 Richmond Ave. Brandon, Manitoba R7A 7E3
Phone (204) 728-0130 Toll Free 1-888-999-4111 Fax (204) 726-8344 Res. (204) 483-2727 Email
Shoal Lake Farm Equipment
Bob (204) 274-2490 Ken (204) 274-2634 Visitors Welcome!
MB Limousin News & Views Herd Reference Issue 2015
submitted by Triple R Limousin
submitted by Triple R Limousin
Box 279 SHOAL LAKE, MB R0G 1Z0 P: (204) 759-2527 F: (204) 759-2852 C: (204) 365-7133 E:
In seven years we, along with our generous sponsors have raised nearly $300,000.00 providing exciting opportunities to a great number of youth. The T Bar Invitational was formed to help make a positive impact on the future of our youth. National Junior Associations representing over 2000 junior members are supplied with a large portion of their yearly funding towards their development and advancement. Join us June 23rd and 24th at Dakota Dunes Golf Links to be part of the 8th Annual T Bar Invitational Golf Tournament. This award winning, top ranked course is built for golfers of all skill levels. We are seeing exciting times in the livestock industry, making it a perfect time to show current juniors our support. We have a vast range of participation levels available included in this year’s package or we would be happy to help customize a package that is best suited to you and your company needs. Our guest speaker for the 2015 event is Brad Wildeman, President of Pound-Maker. Visit for more information and to confirm your spot.
M a n i t o b a B u l l Te s t S a l e R e s u l t s LIMOUS IN 6 BULLS S OLD FOR $26,050 TOTA L BREED AV ERAGE $4,341 180
I an H a m i l to n (Ama gle n Limous in) a cce pti n g t h e h i g h e s t i ndexing bull awa rd f rom Sh er r y D a n i e l, p re s e ntation occ urre d duri n g M a n i tob a B u l l Te s t S a le Auc tion
Con grat u la tions ! ! !
Royal Ma n i to b a W i nte r Fa i r 2 0 1 5 CS4 - Boys’ and Girls’ Calf Feeding Competition 30 Angus Smy th Roblin, MB 1 Grand Champion 37 Kaitlyn Davey Westbourne, MB 2 Grand Reser ve Champion
An g u s S my t h : 1 st i n Kl ond i ke inter med i ate showma n s h i p .
24 Jules Smy th Roblin, MB 3 CS16 - Limousin Heifers 25 Jules Smy th Roblin, MB 1
A ngus S my t h: 2 nd ove rall heifer open show
31 Angus Smy th Roblin, MB 2 39 Kaitlyn Davey Westbourne, MB 3 CS17 - Limousin Showmanship 32 Angus Smy th Roblin, MB 1 26 Jules Smy th Roblin, MB 2 40 Kaitlyn Davey Westbourne, MB 3 305 - Mixed Breed
Ka i t l yn D avey: 3 i n Kl ond i ke i nter med i ate showma ns h i p . rd
CS18 - Mixed Breed Heifers 27 Jules Smy th Roblin, MB 1
Limousin Class: J u le s S my t h 1 st , A ngus S my t h 2 nd , Kait ly n Davey 3 rd . MB Limousin News & Views Herd Reference Issue 2015
CALENDER June 23rd & 24th TBARC Invitational Saskatoon, SK th June 29 MB Limousin Summer Show Treherne, MB th th June 9 - 10 MB 4-H Funfest Carman, MB July 31st - Aug 2nd MB Youth Beef Round Up Neepwa , MB August 6-8 Canadian Junior “Impact Show” Stratford, ON August 8 CLA Annual General Meeting Stratford, ON October 29-31 Manitoba Ag Ex Brandon, MB November 23- 28 Canadian Western Agribition Regina, MB December Manitoba Limousin Advantage Sale MacGregor, MB
advertisers Amaglen Limousin Campbell Limousin Cherway Limousin Diamond T Limousin Hockridge Farms Keystone Livestock Services L & S Limousin Maplehurst Farms MB Limousin Advantage Sale Murray Chev Olds Pine Creek Limousin Poplarview Stock Farms Shoal Lake Farm Equipment Triple R Limousin
...P. 5 ...IBC ....P.9 ...IFC ...P. 12 ...P.12 ...P.7 ...P.12 ...P.11 ...P. 12 ...P. 7 ...P. 12 ...P. 12 ..OBC
MLA Classifieds Limousin Semen for Sale: We have a quantity of Earthquake semen available. Call Mike @ 204. 886.2126
2015 Manitoba Limousin Association Members Have you paid your ML A Membership fee? Th e ML A welc omes n ew an d retu rnin g L im ou sin en th u s ias ts to join th e A s s oc iation . Requ ire men ts are th at you are an ad voc ate for t h e b reed an d it ’s ac tivities. Commerc ial c ow/c alf p rod u c ers, fe edlot opera tors, p roc es s ors an d Pu reb red b re eders a re a ll invited to p u rc h as e a $25 memb er sh ip. It is an exc itin g time to b e in th e beef bu sin ess with c attle c arr yin g th e c arc as s q u a lit y gen et ic s of Limou s in . Th e h ig h c arc as s y ield of c at t le c arr yin g Limou s in g en etic s are p o sit ion ed to be reward ed with h ig h p rofits. Con tac t Travis Hunter, Box 161, Kenton, MB. R0M 0Z0 Ph: 204-838-2019 or email: with you r 2015 memb ers h ip an d i n form at ion .
MB Limousin News & Views Herd Reference Issue 2015
T h a n k Yo u 2015 Bull Buyers
We wish to take this opportunity to say Thank You to all the bidders and buyers at our 10th Annual HomeGrown Bull Sale and to our buyers throughout the year. Thank you to everyone who helped prior, during and after the sale. Your continued patronage and support is appreciated beyond words.
l l e b p m a C
Bill and Lauren Campbell & Family P O Box 92 Minto, MB. R0K 1M0 204.776.2322 or 204.724.6218 (cell)
Keen Grain and Livestock Ltd. Kari Ann Wedall Kevin & Earl Wood Stoneyview Farms Lonnie Graham Ken Stockwell Maplehurst Farms L & S Limousin Acres Terry & Lindsay Campbell Jim Richards BeeZee Acres Murray Livingstone William Renwick Barry Houghton Cochrane Stock Farms Denis Gravel Y2K Land & Cattle Co
Celebrating Madison’s 2nd Birthday bull sale day.
MB Limousin News & Views Herd Reference Issue 2015
e l p i Tr
*r* limousi
big to our 2015 Bull Buyers; Repeat & new customers for making our private treaty sale a success. We appreciate your continued support of our program e r coffe o f y b Stop out the k c h c , & visit PIPE, of 2015 L I t O e s E V e m LSO HA S FOR SALE A Aweso ! ! ! ROD calves SUCKER STOM GATES, PLUS CU LLEY WAYS r NELS, A DERS A r ou o P o f t E ch Wat nments AND FE
ig ba cons Manito tage an the Adv ll. n i s fa ou Lim ale this be S ’t won ed!! u o Y oint p p a dis
Home 204-6852628 Art’s Cell 204-8563440 Scott’s Cell 204-8712861 email
T R ArtRodgers & Maria
Stewart Scott & Larissa MacGregor, MB MacGregor, MB West of MacGregor at Rd 62W, 4 1/4m North YOUR SOURCE FOR QUALITY LIMOUSIN GENETICS