Mb limousin news&viewsbullissue2015w

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the natural


Pu b li s he r A gre e m e n t #42020515

advantage for Yield

PLUS Limousin cattle excel in feed efficiency and have proven to consume less than other animals of the same size and yet perform to equal or superior levels, making them sought after by every segment of the beef value chain

Pu b lic ati ons A g r e e me n t # 42020515

2015 Bull Issue

d n o m a Di

T Limousin


Private Treaty Bull Sale

Due to a smaller group of BULLS to offer our valued customers this spring we are going to sell our bulls by private treaty in 2015. Please give us a call or stop by to discuss your BULL power needs. We will be mailing out a flyer in mid March with photos, pedigrees and perfomance data.

Thank you to our fellow breeders for presenting us with the award. We look forward to being ambassadors of the Limousin Breed for years.

Travis, Rilla, Dillon & Brodie Hunter • Kenton, MB R0M 0Z0 • Phone: 204-838-2019 • Cell: 204-851-0809 • email: diamondtlimo@gmail.com


MB Limousin News & Views Bull Issue 2015

2 0 1 5 A D V E R T I S I N G R AT E S : Full Page..........$250.00 Half Page........$175.00 Quarter Page.......$125.00 Business Card......$40.00 2 3/8” X 1/78” Affordable full color advertising. To advertise or for more information call: Cher yl McPherson Phone: (204)736-2878 Fax: (204) 736-4124

NOTE *email: info@cherwaylimousin.ca*

Publisher Agreement #42020515 Return undeliverable Canadian Addresses to Manitoba Limousin News & Views Box 262, Sanford, MB. R0G 2J0

2015 Spring Issue: Deadline: May 15 th L i ke us on f a c e book

Manitoba Limousin Advantage Sale Art Rodgers Hel l o ever yone. As we sta r t ca l vi ng a nd planni ng out events for the yea r a nd thi nki n g a bout what to breed our hei fers a nd cows to, it i s ti m e to ref l ec t on o u r herd status. Fo r o u r M ani toba L i m ousi n Adva nta ge S al e , l et ’s pul l together a s breed ers a n d ma ke 2 0 1 5 Sa l e one to rem em ber. L et ’s co me u p w ith som e new i dea s for o u r sal e . P u t yo ur thi nki ng ca p on for o u r n ex t m eet in g , or conta c t Ar t Rodgers o r Travis H u nte r wi th your i dea s. Su b mitte d by A r t Rodgers.


Greetings and Happy New Year! As you read this some producers will be well into calving with all the excitement a new calf crop can bring. This is truly an awesome time to be cattle producershistoric pricing, low stock numbers, unwavering consumer demand and great selection tools for progressive livestock production. On January 3rd Brandon was the host of the Manitoba Limousin Association’s annual meeting. We would like to extend a thank you to Anne Burgess of the Canadian Limousin Association for her attendance and for presenting all of the current and future happenings involving the CLA. I would like to extend congratulations to Dimitri Stewart of Triple R Limousin on winning the Manitoba Junior Limousin Associations $250 junior and 4-H exhibitor award and to the Hunters of Diamond T Limousin for being selected the MLA Limousin Ambassador for 2014. New on the MLA front is that we will be hosting Lim-Flex/ Percentage classes at the Provincial Summer Show. Stay tuned for date and location in 2015. This will be new in 2015 and will work well with our present classes and the Lim-Flex show which began at the 2014 Manitoba Livestock Exhibition. It appears the MLE will be joined by the MRCA Rodeo Finals again and will be changing its name for 2015, back to Manitoba Ag-Ex which is also welcomed. This is exciting and offers all families a fall agricultural showcase and weekend event to enjoy. To all of our valued commercial producers, bull sale season will be on us quickly and we encourage your participation in every possible capacity. There are numerous powerful private treaty and live auction offerings available to you with a multitude of information including weights, carcass data, EPD’s and DNA that can assist you with your selection. If you still insist on using the tools the good Lord gave you, well good old fashion Limousin eye appeal, muscle and growth will be present at every sale. Be sure to get as much information as you can as this truly does aid in solid decisions and it is a service producers offer at no extra cost to you. This economic blessing our industry has received is our chance to explore, expand and capitalize on opportunities. If you need any assistance, be certain to call the CLA office or your MLA breeders and we will gladly help you. Till next time, be safe and healthy! Mark Angus MB Limousin News & Views Bull Issue 2015


N E W S & V I E WS The official public ation of the M anitoba Limousin A ssociation

VOL 2 2, No. 1

Fe b r u a r y 2 0 1 5

Canadian Mail Produc t Agreement #42020515

Mailed @ S anford, MB

As the early calving season producers are hitting half way mark in the arrival of their 2015 calf crop, they are evaluating their herd and researching new genetics to boost their programs. The producers that breed for calving on grass, have probably just sold last year ’s calf crop and are evaluating the net profit line of their herd records. Under the microscope for examination, are breeding season success rates, ease of calving and the requirement for calves with muscle that are in demand by the feedlots. For those that finish their own calf crop, they want calves that will yield well and bring top dollar from the packer. Limousin bulls will fulfill all those criteria. Why should you, as a commercial producer ask for registered and transferred Limousin bulls? Put simply, the impac t of your bull purchase decisions to your future herd per formance is so impor tant that it is just not wor th the risk of buying a bull of unk nown genetic background and quality. Grab a coffee, and check out the bulls and programs in the News and Views that are available to you. See more profit from Registered Limousin, as they are the leading breed for muscle growth efficienc y which defines the profit you will obtain. They are the leading source of genetics for efficient conversion of feed to a customer preferred retail product. Take pride in producing the best beef that is in demand by savvy consumers, who are increasingly looking for a lean tender meat that is protein and nutrient rich and produced with environmentally sound practices. Suggestions, creative ideas, and constructive criticisms are always welcomed. Respectfully, Cher yl


MB Limousin News & Views Bull Issue 2015

Back row l-r: Art Rodgers, Kyle Wright, Travis Hunter, Jay-Dean Smyth, Mark Angus, Darby Cochrane Front row l-r: Sherry Daniel, Scott Stewart, Bill Campbell Bob Davey Missing: Brad Hockridge, Leonard Gertz

President Mark Angus Box 450, Roblin, MB R0L 1P0 Ph: 204-281-5099 email: mark@armathletics.ca Treasurer Travis Hunter Box 161, Kenton, MB. R0M 0Z0 Ph: 204-838-2019 email: diamondtlimo@gmail.com Secretary, Juniors Jay-Dean Smyth Roblin, MB. Ph: 204-937-4384 email: ne262527@gmail. CLA Bill Campbell Box 92, Minto, MB. R0K 1M0 Ph: 204-776-2322 email: cam.limousin@xplornet.com MLE Kyle Wright Box 1228, Boissevain, MB R0K 0E0 Ph: 1-204-305-0221 email: wrightwaylimousin@hotmail.com Promotions Sherry Daniel Box 191, Kenton, MB. R0M 0Z0 Ph: 204-838-2198 4-H Darby Cochrane RR#1, Alexander, MB. R0K 0A0 Ph: 204-573-6529 email: csf@westman.wave.ca

Bull Test Station Leonard Gertz Box 1634 Virden, MB. R0M 2C0 Ph: 204-748-3728 email: lg.limousin@hotmail.com Summer Show & Advantage Sale Art Rodgers Box 156, MacGregor, R0H 0R0 Ph: 204-685-2628 e-mail: triplerlimo@yahoo.ca Director Bob Davey Westbourne, MB Ph: 204-274-2490 Director Scott Stewart MacGregor, MB R0H 0R0 Ph: 204-871-2861 email: Director Brad Hockridge RR3 Comp 7A, Dauphin, MB R7N 2T6 Ph: 204-648-6333 email: brad_hockridge@hotmail.com Daily Lau g hte r is good for the sou l ! Q: How do you keep your husband from reading your email? A: Rename the email folder ‘Instruction Manuals’

Jaymarandy Limousin

The Western Gateway Bull Sale April 13, 2015 @ 1:30 p.m. Ste. Rose Auction Mart Ste. Rose Du Lac, Manitoba JL Bonnet’s Thug MRA 402 B

Performance Tested Bull Sale Yearling Bull Pen ADG = 4.2 lbs/day EPD’s -Carcass Ultra Sound Data - CUPP -Delivery Assistance Program -Black and Red -Many bulls are Homozygous Polled -Videos available on WEB-SITE in March

BD: Feb 3. BW: 98 lbs.

LNA Whiskey River

rs Brothe Several Sell Polled Homo Jan.7/15 Wt - 1245

Grand Champion Bull Manitoba Livestock Expo Junior bull Calf Reserve Champion National Show @ Agribition

JL Branding Iron LNA 14B

Marketing Agent: Bohrson Marketing 1-403-370-3010 Auctioneer: Ryan Dorran 1-403-507-6483

Po Homo

olled Homo P

BD: Nov 5 BW: 92 lbs. Jan 7 WT- 1200

BD: Jan. 28 BW: 98 lbs. Jan 7/15 Wt-1035

JL Big Papi LNA 7B

JL Bold LNA17B

Po Homo


BD: Jan 14 BW 112 lbs. Jan 7/15 - Wt 1115

w w w. j ay m a ra n d y. c o m

Len & Ruth Angus 204-937-4980 Len’s Cell 204-937-0274 Todd Smyth 204-937-0828 Jay-Dean Smyth 204-247-0149 Mark Angus 204-281-5099 Angus & Jules Smyth


BD: Feb 12 BW 92 lbs

JL Braveheart LNA 23B

ed Horn

Jan 7/15 Wt - 1110

JDT 407B Son of A None

g vin l a C se Ea o Home P


BD: Feb 27 BW: 82 lbs. Jan 7/15 WT - 990

Polled Homo

BD: Feb 4 BW: 89 Jan 7/15 WT 1080

MB Limousin News & Views Bull Issue 2015


Meaning of Lim -F lex : Lim-F lex catt le are a hy brid com p o s it io n o f Limousin and A ngus or Red A ng u s ge n et ics . F LEX stands for Limousin Efficie n cy C ro s s (X) — a beef indust r y ’s opt ion to p ro f itab le

Friday, March 27, 2015 n 12 Noon At the farm near Morris, MN Selling approximately 425 Limousin, Lim-Flex & Angus bulls, 50 registered females

system-wide product ion of case re ad y product s Lim-F lex stands for Limousin wi t h m u s cle and efficiency, along wit h flexibilit y — t h e most significant st rengt h of t hi s p ower f u l genet ic blend: _ F lexible seedstock for simple, eas ily m an aged crossbreeding

26406 470th Ave. / Morris, MN 56267 / Office: (320) 392-5802 Fax: (320) 392-5319 / Office E-mail: Wulf@WulfCattle.com / www.WulfCattle.com

Visit www.WulfCattle.com

Li m - Fl ex ® Q u i ck Gu id e: 1/20/15 2:10 PM a Percentage Limousin cattle that contain between 37.5% and 75% of Limousin blood and 25% to 62.5% Angus or Red Angus blood, are called Lim-Flex®. a The Angus portion (red or black) must be from registered Angus animal in their respective herdbook of origin. a All percentage Limousin cattle registration rules and requirements for registration also apply in order to register an animal as a Lim-Flex®. a Lim-Flex®. animals will be assigned a registration number with CXM or CXF as its prefix for all Canadian Lim-Flex® a The certificate of registration for Lim-Flex™ animals resembles the traditional “percentage certificates”, with the exception that it has the Lim-Flex® certification mark on the bottom left corner of the paper. a Lim-Flex® animals registered with NALF are subject to qualification verification before being admitted in the Canadian Herdbook and do not automatically qualify. a Registration costs for Lim-Flex animals are the same as other Limousin cattle registrations, with the options of Whole Herd Enrollment of the dam or non-WHE registration fees.

3.625x5.025 4c-Manitoba Limousin.indd 1


MB Limousin News & Views Bull Issue 2015

_ F lexible market for progeny th at co n s is tent ly hit dressing percentage a lo n g wit h y ield and qualit y grade target s fo r m ain st ream _ F lexible females adapted for eff icien cy across a wide range of env ironm ent s Lim -F lex Breed Composition and Pe d i g re e Specif ications Animals registered as Lim-Flex® must be between 37.5 to 75 percent Limousin and 25 to 62.5 percent Angus or Red Angus, with a maximum allowance of another breed or unknown breed composition of 12.5 percent (1/8th). Percentage of Limousin blood is computed using the same CLA calculation and rounding procedures as are used for other categories of registered Limousin. CLA percentage of Limousin blood of registered Lim-Flex® animals is printed on registration certificates. Breed composition requirements for Lim-Flex® animals can originate from parents of any percent blood that meet the sire and dam specifications listed below. Lim-Flex® cattle are the result of an up-breeding program using a registered Limousin sire or dam of at least 75% Limousin blood. Lim-Flex® animals shall be assigned a registration number with the CXM or CXF prefix, the same as other Percentage Limousin cattle in Canada. However, cattle meeting the Lim-Flex™ requirements of the proper Limousin and Angus or Red Angus percentage, will receive a distinct Lim-Flex® certificate of registration. For more detail information visit the Canadian Limousin Association website. www.limousin.com

Performance, Pedigree & Personality Amaglen Bulls on Offer at the Manitoba Bull Test Station - April 4, 2015

56 day weight: 1221 lbs ADG: 4.08 lbs WDA: 3.53lbs Double Polled

Amaglen Big Bud HNH 24B

56 day weight: 1207 lbs ADG: 5.18 lbs WDA: 3.51lbs Double Polled

(Scurred) &




RUNL Stetson X Valley General Paton daughter, HNH 9S

Wulfs Xpotential X Valley General Paton daughter, HNH 1S

He’s a powerful son of Xpotential that will pound the scales and so will his calves. There is power here. He is lot #180 at the Manitoba Bull Test Station.

BD: Jan 27, 2014 BW 96 lbs Sept. 20 WW 763 lbs EPD’s: BW 3.8 WW 62.6 YW 95.2 MILK 27.6 SC 0.5 DOC 29.2

56 day weight: 1136 lbs ADG: 3.29 lbs WDA: 3.41lbs Double Polled

Amaglen Big Stetson HNH 27B

Amaglen Bond



Double BLACK Amaglen Harley HNH 19Y X Wulf’s Hardcore Daughter, HNH 17M

A low bwt out of a never miss Wulf’s Hardcore daughter. An outcross pedigree, stacked with some of the females that built our herd. Check out his milk EPD. He is lot #182 @ MB Bull Test.

BD: Feb 9, 2014 BW 80 lbs Sept. 20 WW 717 lbs EPD’s: BW 1.3 WW 55.2 YW 83.1 MILK 38.8 SC-0.1 DOC 29.2

There are very few Stetson sons in Canada! This guy is double polled and super THICK! His dam has raised 3 top bulls in a row. He is lot #181 at the MB. Bull Test Station.

BD: Jan 29, 2014 BW 83 lbs Sept. 20 WW 723 lbs EPD’s: BW 1.0 WW 67.4 YW 104.1 Milk 25.6 SC 0.6 Doc 28.8

56 day weight: 1222 lbs ADG: 3.88 lbs WDA: 3.69lbs Double Polled

Amaglen Broker



red Amaglen Red Realtor HNH 15W X Amaglen Prime Cut daughter, HNH 14T) This guy has the look, outcross pedigree and serious performance. His full brother topped the test station 2 years ago and his dam is a favourite. Awesome hair coat and we are eagerly awaiting his carcass ultrasound. He is lot #183 at the MB Bull Test.

BD: Feb 11, 2014 BW 92 lbs Sept. 20 WW 768 lbs EPD’s: BW 4.1 WW 68.1 YW 91.1 MILK 21.8 SC 0.5 DOC 24.3

Follow the bulls progress at www.manitobabulltest.com

are t, our bulls d. s e t e h t e r e Befo no creep fe raised with milk and grass. r’s Just mothe

We are also offering similar bulls at the ranch by private treaty. View our complete bull offering online @

www.amaglenlimousin.ca Follow us on Facebook.

Ian & Bonnie Hamilton Amanda, Clint, Laura & Lillian Seward

Box 55 Darlingford, MB R0G 0L0 email: amaglen@inetlink.ca

Phone: (204)246-2312 Cell: (204)823-1240

MB Limousin News & Views Bull Issue 2015


Limousin Footprints

Congratulations: Dimitry Stewart, shown receiving his Gift Basket of livestock and show supplies from Brodie Hunter, President MJLA. This is an annual award of supplies presented to a 4-H and/or Junior member that has showed a Limousin influenced animal the previous year. Dimitry Stewart is going to be 8 May 25. He has been in 4-h for two years and Junior Limousin Association for 2 years as well. He likes to be outside with the cattle!! And is enjoying learning how to show!

Welcome new MJLA reporter: Damian Young!


MB Limousin News & Views Bull Issue 2015

Manitoba Junior Limousin Association

President - Brodie Hunter Vice President - Kaitlyn Davey Treasurer - Jules Smythe Secretary - Angus Smythe Reporter - Damian Young At AGM, Brodie reported that 3 members participated in the NJLC in Saskatoon in 2014. Any Junioir Limousin enthusiast is welcome to join the MJLA. Dimitry Stewart won the Junior prize basket for showing a Limousin influenced animal in 4-H and/or Junior shows.

WELCOME RETURNING DIRECTOR: My name is Bob Davey. Along with my wife Jackie and brother Ken we run Maplehurst Farms at Westbourne, Mb. We have had Limousin cattle for over 35 years and currently have over 150 head of purebred and commercial cattle. My son Tim and daughter Kaitlyn are working at building their own Limousin herds. They love the cattle and do all the showing now. I look forward to meeting everyone.

We invite you to give us a call! We have selected genetics to produce a quality Limousin herd, with an emphasis on efficient, easy keeping, quiet cattle.

Balanced EPD’s, Strong maternal

BW: 71 lb


CMW 22B We have an excellent group of bulls and replacement heifers stamped with proven, efficient, high yielding genetics. Yearling & 2 Year Olds


Double Black, Double Polled






email:info@cherwaylimousin.ca CMW 16B

BW: 72 lb


Visit us online @ www.cherwaylimousin.ca or like us on facebook https://www.facebook.com/CherwayLimousin MB Limousin News & Views Bull Issue 2015


Manitoba Youth Beef Roundup annually holds their All Breeds Youth Weekend on August Long weekend in Neepawa. Annually we raise funds for our Scholarship presented to young livestock members to continue their education. The 2014 winners were: Samantha Rimke: Samantha is from Oak Lake where her family operates AM Ranching a Hereford and Angus operation. She has been involved with Manitoba Youth Beef Round Up since its inception and in 2012 became a member of the organizing committee. Not only is she involved with Round-Up, but she also plays a big role in the Manitoba Junior Hereford Association, is involved with the Ma nitoba Beef Producers, the Outstanding Young Farmers organization, Oak Lake 4-H Beef Club and Oak Lake Curling Rink. At school Samantha is involved with the Social Justice Committee, Student Council, grad committee, and Envirothon group. Samantha is currently attending the University of Saskatchewan studying pharmacy. Her goal upon graduation is to work in a small town as a pharmacist, providing a vital ser vice to the rural community while also running a farm at home. Dillon Hunter: Dillon is from Kenton where his family operates Diamond T Limousin. Dillon has been involved in Round Up since it started back in 2008. Along with participating with cattle, Dillon has also been involved on the organizing committee. Apart from participating at Round-up he was an active member in the Manitoba Jr. Limousin Association and the Oak Lake 4-H Beef Club. Dillon has held


MB Limousin News & Views Bull Issue 2015

Sam anth a R im ke

Dillo n Hu nter PRESS RELEASE -2014 Round Up Scholarship Recipients

multiple positions in both of these organizations, including President and Secretar y. In his community, Dillon has worked with committees to help organize the annual Canada Day pit barbeque in Kenton, volunteer at the local arena by helping put lines in at the rink, working in the kitchen, and helping clean up after hockey games. He also volunteers in the setting up and cleanup of Harding fair, as well as other local events. Dillon is currently attending the University of Regina for a Bachelor of Kinesiology, majoring in Human Kinetics and certification in Athletic Therapy and planning to graduate in the spring of 2015. Within this field he will be able to work in either clinics or on sports team to aid in the prevention and rehabilitation of injuries through specific training regimes and muscle release techniques. He hopes to be able to work wi th farm related injuries as well as farm injur y prevention as well as remain involved in the family farm. Our Annual fund raising auction for the 2015 Scholarship was recently held at the Manitoba All Beef Breeds Meetings in Brandon. Please view our face book page for the 2015 sponsors. Manitoba Youth Beef Roundup is annually held on August Long weekend, July 31, August 1 and 2nd 2015 in Neepawa Manitoba. This all Breeds Junior weekend is open to purebred and commercial Juniors under the age of 25. The weekend consists of educational seminars, along with educational competitions and a cattle show. View our facebook page Manitoba Youth Beef Roundup for updates or contact Chairperson Lois McRae 204-728-3058 for more details. OUR YOUTH IS OUR FUTURE IN THE LIVESTOCK INDUSTRY.

Bulls on Offer at the

Manitoba Bull Test Station - April 4, 2015 -

L&S Bronze star 76B


Tag 188

Tag 184

JYF Yaggermeister X B Bar Pld kokanee BW 98 lbs ON TEST 757 lbs 56 Day Stats ADG 4.05 W/D/A 3.04 EPD’s: BW 5.0 WW 70.9 YW 99.5 MILK 26.0 SC 0.5


Tag 187

Amaglen your choice hnh 6y X B Bar Pld Kokanee

BW 98 lbs ON TEST 794 lbs 56 Day Stats ADG 3.79 W/D/A 3.00


Tag 186

JYF Yaggermeister X MASCOT MAN

BW 98 lbs ON TEST 573 lbs 56 Day Stats ADG 4.52 W/D/A 2.58 EPD’s: BW 5.1 WW 71.8 YW 105.3 MILK 24.6 SC 0.5

JYF Yaggermeister X tRIPLE r 60r

BW 92 lbs ON TEST 782 lbs 56 Day Stats ADG 2.89 W/D/A 2.88 EPD’s: BW 3.9 WW 70.4 YW 101.4 MILK 27.1 SC 0.5



watch for Videos of Bulls http://cattleinmotion.com

L & S Limou si n A c r e s Pi n e C r e e k L im o us in Box 1 9 1 , K e nt on, M a n i to b a R 0 M 0 Z 0

B o x 1 3 2 , K e n t o n , Ma n i t oba R0M 0Z0

2 miles south, 1 mile west, 1 mile south of Kenton’s west edge

3 miles south of Kenton’s west edge

P h : 2 0 4 - 8 38- 2198 Ph: 204-838-2311 Lawrence & Sherr y Daniel

William, Sharon, K aylee & Brady Daniel

Your Source for Polled Purebred Performance Limousin

MB Limousin News & Views Bull Issue 2015


S ub mit ted by D iamo nd T Limo usin

2014 Manitoba Limousin Ambassador Award – Diamond T Limousin Firstly, we would like to thank the Manitoba Limousin Assoc. for choosing us for this award. Diamond T Limousin started in 1979 with a handful of Limousin cows that were purchased from Ron Sangster and Stan Cochrane. Over the last 35 years the herd has increased to approx 125 cows, both purebred and commercial. Over the last three decades, we have spent a lot of time and put on a lot of miles promoting the Limousin breed. We’ve enjoyed showing cattle at the Toronto Royal, Agribition, Manitoba Livestock Expo and many local summer fairs. When Dillon and Brodie were old enough to join the junior association, we attend junior conferences and shows from Alberta to Ontario. Travis has been a member of the Manitoba Limousin Association for 26 plus years, holding most positions on the board at one time or another.

S u b m i t te d by D i a m o n d T Limous in


MB Limousin News & Views Bull Issue 2015

Rilla has been treasurer for the assoc. For the past 11 years. Dillon and Brodie have been members of the Manitoba Junior Limousin Assoc. for the past 12 years, each taking their turn at positions of secretary, treasurer and president. Brodie is currently the Junior Association president, Dillon also served on the Canadian Junior Limousin board, holding the president position for a term. Our farm is family owned and operated. For the past 10-12 years we have backgrounded all of our calves. We retain 15-20 heifers every year, to both sell as bred females and to put back into the herd. We have hosted our annual bull sale at the farm for the past 9 years, enjoying the loyalty and friendship of many new and repeat bull buyers. Although, at present, both boys are away from the farm pursuing post secondary education, they still help out when they are at home. We have enjoyed our time spent with the Limousin breed, the association and most of all the breeders.

S ub mit ted by D iamo nd T Limo usin

S ub mit ted by D iamo nd T Limo usin

S ubm itted by D i amon d T Li m o u s i n

We have formed friendships that are near and dear to us and are looking forward to a few more years yet with the Limousin family. Thanks again. Travis, Rilla, Dillon and Brodie Hunter

S ub mit ted by D iamond T Limo usin

S u b m i t te d by D i a m o n d T L i mous in S ub mit ted by D iamo nd T Limo usin

S u b m i t te d by D i a m o n d T L imous in

S ub mit ted by D iamo nd T Limo usin MB Limousin News & Views Bull Issue 2015


Understanding the new base for Canadian Limousin EPD’s (part II) Some of your Frequently Asked Questions answered and summary of statistics

What are the advantages and/or differences of changing to a multi breed evaluation? • The Limousin evaluations (EPD’s) are directly comparable to Red Angus, Simmental, Gelbvieh among other breeds. • The carcass trait EPD’s are more conservative, but consequently will be more accurate in the long run. • This realignment of contemporary groups into larger groups contributes to higher accuracy EPDs for animals in these groups. • Embryo calves are no longer taken for account in the growth traits, but carcass data will be included.

What current breed averages for Bulls, Cows and non-parent animals and genetic trends?

What is happening with Genomic Enhanced EPD’s (Ge-EPD’s)? • A recalibration was needed and nearly completed. It will include over 5000 Limousin and Lim-Flex genotypes. • A full gambit of traits will be included and the Ge-EPD’s will be given to Lim-Flex animals.


MB Limousin News & Views Bull Issue 2015


with a MAF RD offi c e tod ay.

Sign up for Stock Ta l k Web i n a r

http://w w w. gov.mb.ca/agriculture/business-and-economics/ events-and-deadlines/youngfarmers-conference.html#_ga= 1.187302376.1745901807.1397 588126

Get informed in you r own offi c e,

S c r een Sho t s 8B


Never home long enough to make homemade soup?? Tr y Cheater ’s Beef and Barley Soup This hearty soup is easy to make with leftover pot roast or oven roast beef. 1 tbsp (15 mL) vegetable oil 1 onion, diced 2 cloves garlic, minced 1 EACH, large carrot and stalk celer y, sliced ½ tsp (2 mL) each salt and freshly ground pepper

Jean Anne & Keith Overand

jako@rfnow.com 204.845-2324


¾ cup (175 mL) pearl barley 2 cups (500 mL) salsa 3 cups (750 mL) cubed cooked roast beef 1. Heat vegetable oil in large pot. Add onion, garlic, carrot, celer y, salt and pepper. Cook over medium-high heat to soften, about 2 minutes. 2. Add salsa, stirring to coat vegetables. Add barley, beef broth, 2 cups (500 mL) water. Bring to boil; reduce heat and simmer, stirring occasionally, until barley is tender, about 15 minutes. 3. Add Add cooked beef; heat through, about 2 minutes.

Call or e-mail for provide updated yearling pics. Semen tested and guaranteed. Bw from 84 to 104 Lbs.

The sire is Mr Tom 123Y, single black, homo polled son of Wulfs Wagon Train. Little different pedigree.


MB Limousin News & Views Bull Issue 2015


E xpa n d ing Yo u r Fa r m Te a m Eve r yo n e wo r k i ng on a fa r m ha s strengt hs a n d wea k n e s s es. T he wea knesses a re often n o t a d d re s s e d beca use of the dem a nd of d ay- to - d ay o p erati ons. However, to maximi ze yo u r p ro f i ts, you need to have an a c cu rate p ic t u re of strengths a nd weakn ess es . T h i s way, you ca n provi de training a n d /o r s u p p o r t for your tea m ’s wea k nesses a n d im p rove t he overa l l f i na nc i a l healt h of yo u r o p erat i o n. O ne way to a ddress t his is by for mi n g a n a dvi sor y boa rd for your farm w i th p e o p le w h o ca n hel p you m a ke st rate g i c dec i s i o n s a nd suppor t your l ea dership i n wea ke r a reas. Yo u r ad vi s o r y boa rd shoul d i nc l ude: • s o m eo n e f rom M a ni toba Ag r i cult ure, Fo o d a n d Ru ra l D evel opm ent ’s ( M AFRD) p ro d u c t io n /b u si ness m a na gem ent staff

M a n i tob a B u l l Te st Stat io n Jan u ar y 8th LIMOUSIN 9 BULLS ON TEST AVG WT. 1032

3.73 A DG

3 . 1 4 W DA

A MAGLEN LIMOUS IN, (HA MILTON, IA N, BONNIE & FA M I LY) , BOX 55, DA RLINGFORD, MB, 20 4 -2 4 6 2312 S ire: WULFSXPOTENTIA LT019X Tag 180 PB RE 27/01/2014 96 U HNH 24B 993 1221 229 4 . 0 8 3 . 5 3 S ire: RUNL STETS ON 850S Tag 181 PB BLK 29/01/2014 8 3 U HNH 27B 917 1207 290 5 . 1 8 3 . 5 1 S ire: A MAGLEN HA RLEY

yo u r a c counta nt a nd your l aw yer

Tag 182 PB BLK 09/02/2014 8 0 U HNH 44B 952 1136 184 3 . 2 9 3 . 4 1

a f in a n c ia l pl a nner


a f in a n c ia l l ender

Tag 183 PB RE 11/02/2014 9 2 U HNH 46B 1005 1222 217 3 . 8 8 3 . 6 9

Oth er co n s u lta nts a nd a dvi sors ca n be i n c l ud ed , s u c h a s a n a g ronom i st, human re so u rc e co n s ul ta nt, hea l th a nd safet y exp ert , m an u re ma na gem ent spec i a l i st, etc. So m e a d vi s o rs m ay provi de reg ul a r help, w h i l e o t h e rs m ay be usef ul for c er tain best p ra c t ic e s , s u c h a s reg ul ati on conc erns.


Yo u r ad vi s o r y boa rd i sn’t a boa rd of directo rs an d d o es n ’t gover n or m a ke decisions fo r yo u r b u s in ess. If you a re tr yi ng to make ma jor d ec is i o n s a bout the fa r m , con sider h av i n g t h e al l key sta kehol ders i nvolved in a me et i n g w i t h the a dvi sor y boa rd to make su re al l t h e im por ta nt i ssues a re considere d . W h il e s om e a dvi sors/consul tant s may c h a rge a fee for thei r ti m e, the investme nt co u ld b e wor th i t, beca use they could save yo u f ro m m a ki ng costl y m i sta kes.

Tag 185 PB RE

E l l en M cPherson Business Development Specialist - Farm Management Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural Development Box 50, 20 First Street S., Beausejour, MB R0E 0C0 em ai l : E l l en.M c Pherson@gov.mb.ca


MB Limousin News & Views Bull Issue 2015

(DA NIEL , LAWRENCE & S HERRY), BOX 191, KENTON, MB, 204-83 8 -2 1 9 8 S ire: Tag 184

PB RE 07/02/201 9 8


794 1006 212 3 . 7 9 3 . 0 0 15/02/201 9 0

WDH 20B 739 844 106 1 . 8 8 2 . 5 8 PINE CREEK LIMOUS IN, (DA NIEL , WILLIA M), BOX 132, KENTON, MB, 204-83 8 -2 3 1 1 S ire: Tag 186 PB RE

14/02/201 9 2

LDS 19B 782 944 162 2 . 8 9 2 . 8 8 Tag 187 PB RE

22/02/201 9 8

LDS 30B 573 826 253 4 . 5 2 2 . 5 8 Tag 188

PB RE 23/03/201 9 8

LDS 76B 659 886 227 4 . 0 5 3 . 0 4

35 Red & Black Limousin Yearlings

EDW 26B - He Sells!

Stoneyview Alabama

High Selling Bull at the 2014 Prairie Gold Sale

KEN-DOC Limousin Ken Gillies (306) 382-2390 or (306) 221-1159

Edwards Limousin Ken-Doc Lover Boy - Sons Sell Sale Consultants

Scott Bohrson: (403) 370-3010 Martin Bohrson: (306) 220-7901

Rob or Laird Edwards Ph: (306) 734-2624 Cell: (306) 567-7456 Fax: (306) 734-2621 lredwards@sasktel.net

Stoneyview Limousin Dale Turner: (306) 374-6585 Bob Turner: (306) 528-4510 meaganturner@yourlink.ca

View the catalogue at www.BuyAgro.com MB Limousin News & Views Bull Issue 2015



MB Limousin News & Views Bull Issue 2015

Anchor B Limousin

B Bar Cattle-The Boon Family

Jay & Beverly Bohrson & Family Box 88, Hanley, SK S0G 2E0 jay.bohrson@anchorb.ca Ph: 306-544-2800 Jay cell: 306-544-7500 Bev cell: 306-270-1141

Box 181, Lucky Lake, SK S0L 1Z0 Carpenter Cattle Co. t/f: 306-858-2130 Lee Carpenter & Dana Carpenter eboon3@hotmail.com Box 7, Hanley, SK S0G 2E0 www.bbarcattle.com lee_carpenter21@hotmail.com Eric Boon cell: 306-280-8795 Ph: 306-544-2665 Delaney Boon cell: 306-858-7609 Lee cell: 306-544-7890

B Bar Cognac 1B

Homo Polled Leptin CT

sire: RPY Paynes Derby

dam’s sire: ROMN Made to Order

Anchor B Rock Star

2 Year Old sire: Anchor B “The Boss” dam’s sire: CJSL Windfall

B BarCarmine 8B

Hetero Polled Leptin TT

sire: Wulfs Tibon

dam’s sire: ROMN Made to Order

B BarRust 31B

Carpenters Cobalt 7B

Homo Polled Leptin TT

sire: DVCL Mr Unbelievable dam’s sire: Wulf Tibon

sire: B Bar Cobalt 28Z dam’s sire: Richmond Upgrader

Anchor B Blake 38B Anchor B Bentley 4B

sire: Anchor B “The Boss” dam’s sire: SY Polled 770W

Carpenters Boss Man 4B

sire: Anchor B “The Boss” dam’s sire: EXLR Limited Edition

sire: sire si ire re:: Anchor Anch An chor hor B ““Th The Boss” Boss Boss Bo ss”” dam’s sire: Highland Predator

For additional information, please contact 403-940-3334 or the Bohrson Marketing Services website at: MB Limousin News & Views Bull Issue 2015


Kev i n& &Jackie Ja c k iBasso e B as&s oFamily & Fam i ly Kevin B ox 2639 Swan River, MB. R0L 1Z 0 Box 2639 Swan River, MB. R0L 1Z0 (204)734-4797 kjbasso@xplornet.ca (204)734-4797 email:email: kjbasso@xplornet.ca picture by Jaymarandy

picture by Jaymarandy

w w w. h o c k r i d g e f a r m s . c a


STOCK FARM Lloyd & Joan Trevor & Melissa Atchison Atchison 204.854.2947 204.854.2510 Box 4, Grp. 20, R .R .#1 Pipestone, MB. R0M 1T0 emai l: pvsf@rf now. com

picture by Jako Farms 8B


picture byCLA

Polled, Fullblood Limousin, Red & Black Polled Purebred Limousin


Don’t fiddle with the rest come to

Grant Moffatt for the best! 1500 Richmond Ave. Brandon, Manitoba R7A 7E3

Phone (204) 728-0130 Toll Free 1-888-999-4111 Fax (204) 726-8344 Res. (204) 483-2727 Email grantm@murraychevbrandon.com


MB Limousin News & Views Bull Issue 2015

Shoal Lake Farm Equipment

Bob (204) 274-2490 Ken (204) 274-2634 Visitors Welcome!


Box 279 SHOAL LAKE, MB R0G 1Z0 P: (204) 759-2527 F: (204) 759-2852 C: (204) 365-7133 E: slfarmequip@hotmail.com

Vaughn Farms annual

“genetics for the Future” Sat., March 21 • 1 p.m.

SeLLiNg 45 BuLLS

Red & Black • All Polled Scan Data Provided F94L Myostatin Tested

SeLLiNg 20 BReD FeMALeS Ai’d to DLVL Xerox & SYeS user Friendly


TOMV Blazer 429B

Napoleon Livestock, Napoleon, ND

DBL Pld - Het Blk - BW: 86 - WW: 726 DLVL Xerox x HC Overtime daughter CE: 15 BW: 0.1 WW: 51 YW: 87 MA: 27 CM: 5 SC: 1.1 DC: 39 CW: 27 RE: .67 YG: -.14 MS: .06 $MI: 48

Sires Represented…

DLVL Xerox - DLVL Young Gun - Wulfs Wagon Train TREF Zion - ROMN Zander - SYES User Friendly SYES Work Horse - Plus Others

ice 4112B

Red - HOMO Pld - BW: 91 - WW: 875 JLX Red Bull x HUNT Toronto 93T daughter CE: 7 BW: 3.2 WW: 57 YW: 99 MA: 19 CM: 7 SC: 0.9 DC: 25 CW: 26 RE: 56 YG: -.11 MS: -.03 $MI: 47

All inquiries Welcome.

Join Us March 21 for a powerful offering of bulls and functional females.

Family Owned & Operated

9741 142nd Ave. NE Cavalier, ND 58220 H: 701/265-4097 www.vaughnfarmslimousin.com

Tom cell: 701/520-0110 David cell: 701/520-2556 Craig cell: 701/520-1624 e-mail: tomv2@polarcomm.com

Tom & Rita Vaughn & Sons

Prepa ring to Tra n s i ti o n th e Fa m i l y Fa r m Looking towards the future prosperity of the family farm means you have to consider transition and succession planning. The retiring generation needs to think about what they want their legacy to be and how they will manage financially. Succession planning also includes looking at the expectations of the nex t generation, particularly around transfer or authority and financial management. It ’s important to plan now, before something unexpected happens and the farm suffers from lack of transition planning.

ment role to start. The retiring generation can continue to add responsibilities over time and mentor the younger generation as the transitions take place. The younger generation can also begin to see their manage ment strengths and weaknesses and start taking training or courses to build their skills in the weaker areas. Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural Development ’s (MAFRD) Transition Planning Guide will help farmers manage transition and plan for a profitable future. The guide helps you assess your operation’s readiness for transition, make a plan and implement the changes. There are several options and you can choose the approach that best suits your spe cific operation. MAFRD ’s business specialists can also provide invaluable support and advice for successful transition planning. For more details, contact your local GO office.

Sometimes, the retiring generation hangs on because they fear the unknown and/or they fear they won’t be needed. But the nex t generation will always want ex tra hands to help out, especially in the busy seasons. Plus they can always benefit from your experience and support. You can start by thinking about how you can mentor the nex t generation and ask yourself what you will have actually given up in three years’ time if you pass along the maEllen M cP h ers o n jor responsibility for running the farm. Business Development Specialist - Farm Management The succeeding generation needs to earn the Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural Development responsibility of managing the operation and Box 50, 20 First Street S., Beausejour, MB R0E 0C0 they do this by taking on a junior manage email: Ellen.McPherson@ gov. m b . ca MB Limousin News & Views Bull Issue 2015




Feb 19 Nordal Limousin & Angus Bull Sale Saskatoon, SK Feb 25-26 Manitoba Young Farmers Conf. Brandon, MB March 20 Anchor B/B Bar/Carpenter Bull Sale Saskatoon, SK March 21 Vaughn Farms Genetics for the Future Napoleon, ND March 23-Apr 3 Manitoba Bull Test Open House Douglas, MB March 27 Wulfs Opportunity Sale 2015 Morris, MN March 30 - Apr 4 Royal MB Winter Fair Brandon, MB April 4 Manitoba Bull Test Station Sale Douglas, MB April 7 Campbell Homegrown Bull Sale Minto, MB April 11 Triple R Limusin Open House & Private Treaty Sale, MacGregor,MB April 13 Western Gateway Bull Sale Ste Rose, MB June 28th MLA Summer Show Treherne, MB August 6-8 Canadian Junior “Impact Show” Stratford, ON August 8 CLA Annual General Meeting Stratford, ON

Amaglen Limousin Anchor B/B Bar/ Carpenter Bull Sale Campbell Limousin Canadian Limousin Associaton Cherway Limousin Diamond T Limousin EastMan Feeds Hockridge Farms JAKO Farms Jaymarandy Limousin Keystone Livestock Services L & S Limousin Maplehurst Farms Murray Chev Olds Pine Creek Limousin Poplarview Stock Farms Prairie Gold Bull Sale Shoal Lake Farm Equipment Triple R Limousin Vaughn Farms Bull Sale Wulf Cattle Opportunity Sale 2015

C an y o u g u e ss th e year t h a t all three of t h e s e pictures were ta ke n?

...P. 7 ...P.19 ...IBC P. 18 ....P.9 ...IFC ..P. 210 ...P. 20 ...P. 15 ...P. 5 ...P.20 ...P.11 ...P.20 ...P. 20 ...P. 11 ...P. 20 ...P.19 ...P. 20 ..OBC ...P. 21 ...P.6

2015 Manitoba Limousin Association Members Have you paid your ML A Membership fee? Th e ML A welc omes n ew an d retu rnin g L im ou sin en th u s ias ts to join th e A s s oc iation . Requ ire men ts are th at you are an ad voc ate for t h e b reed an d it ’s ac tivities. Commerc ial c ow/c alf p rod u c ers, fe edlot opera tors, p roc es s ors an d Pu reb red b re eders a re a ll invited to p u rc h as e a $25 memb er sh ip. It is an exc itin g time to b e in th e beef bu sin ess with c attle c arr yin g th e c arc as s q u a lit y gen et ic s of Limou s in . Th e h ig h c arc as s y ield of c at t le c arr yin g Limou s in g en etic s are p o sit ion ed to be reward ed with h ig h p rofits. Con tac t Travis Hunter, Box 161, Kenton, MB. R0M 0Z0 Ph: 204-838-2019 or email: diamondtlimo@gmail.com with you r 2015 memb ers h ip an d i n form at ion .


MB Limousin News & Views Bull Issue 2015

L A U N N 10TH A


1:30 p.m. At the Farm

Lunch Served at Noon

3 1/2 miles north of Minto on Hwy 10, 1 3/4 miles east


Amaglen Umpire Man

SERVICE SIRES IVY Xterminator Additional Sires:


l l e b p m a C

GHR Zane EXLR Total Control


Bill and Lauren Campbell & Family P O Box 92 Minto, MB. R0K 1M0 204.776.2322 or 204.724.6218 (cell) cam.limousin@xplornet.com

Wright Auction 204.534.2502

View Bulls www.wrightauction.ca MB Limousin News & Views Bull Issue 2015



*R* Limousi

e l p i Tr


sin Limou lls us Bu & Ang

Yearling & 2 Year Olds



Plan to Attend Our 2015 Open House

& Private Treaty Bull Sale, April 11th 2015

Come browse the cattle we have on offer, an excellent set of yearling & two year old bulls to see.





The Natural Genetic



- Buy With Confidence - Ask Art about Our 2 Year Guarantee Option on Bulls Home 204-6852628 Art’s Cell 204-8563440 Scott’s Cell 204-8712861 email triplerlimo@yahoo.ca



AT THE PACKER.........



Rodgers Stewart Art & Maria Scott & Larissa MacGregor, MB MacGregor, MB West of MacGregor at Rd 62W, 4 1/4m North YOUR SOURCE FOR QUALITY LIMOUSIN GENETICS


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