Contents page analysis 1

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Contents page analysis


• There are images of singers or other artists, they are positioned above the articles and next to the articles. The text curves round the image. The images represent what is inside the articles because they include the page number with it this is because it then gives the reader the ability to go to a specific page without going through all the fuss of looking for it. The writing also bends round the image this connotes that it wants to look aesthetically appealing and that its not distracting from the important people in their magazine. The image on the right is there in a pose that shows all her face, she is also wearing high heels and fashionable clothes, they put her like this so she can be the most visually appealing to their target audience.

• The heading/mast head of the page, is in a black bold font, it's the typical graffiti stencil type font. This mast head connotes there house style because it recurs throughout the future and past magazines, the graffiti style of the font connotes there target audience, the stencil is an artistic street look but its not a scruffy look it’s a more an experience clean look suggesting the class of their reader probably in the c classes. • The bold black font makes it very obvious to the reader telling you exactly what it is, this is useful for the reader because if the reader was looking for a specific artist of article and couldn’t find the page he would skip to the contents so that he could find it the title makes it very obvious so they don’t have to spend ages looking for it.

• The magazine applies different colours to make it look more sophisticated and bright it also grabs the attention of the reader so that they can, track down quicker, it also makes it look more organized. • It also has banners with headings in them so the reader can locate there desired article easier. • The background is grey which is different from the main background, this draws attention. • The logo at the top is also the same as the masthead this makes the magazine seem organized and sophisticated, it also goes with the house style of the rest of the magazine.

Articles • The articles are featured here this includes the main articles (Up front), Features, Music. • The articles include what is in the magazine and gives a brief overview of what's inside, helpful for the reader. • The colour scheme of the magazine seems to be different from the other parts of the magazine this makes this seem much more exclusive and not like the rest of the magazine, its also there so you don’t glide through the page and look. • It also seems to be the same for the future and past magazines. (House style)

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