Institutions I feel the best institution for me to go with, with my magazine would be the BBC magazines. Firstly they specialise on the arts magazines they have the connections with the arts and TV industries so could get it supplied for where it would be sold, in the intermissions of shows, also it would be able to mass produce in shops with other BBC products. The product would also be able to get its exclusive interviews with other stars, such as TV stars because BBC has a huge TV station and a lot of dramas also this also suggests potential future directions into the TV industry. The disadvantage would be that it would sit on shelves with the many other arts magazines and would have to compete with them, also the BBC own most of these magazines this would mean they would probably focus on the successful brands rather than mine, this also could be a positive because then there is competition to get higher up in the industry. The BBC has a huge British audience and that would sit well with my audience, seeing as it is British and based in Britain. Other advantages would be the advertisement and popularity boom I wouldn’t need to work from the bottom and make it to the top.