Evaluation representation

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Evaluation: Representation

Who does my magazine represent? • Singers/ Music Writers • Dancers • Performers • Theatre Fans • Passionate Music Listeners • Artists • Actors • Mainstream Music Listeners (To a small extent)

Singers/Music Writers My magazine primarily is aimed at people who hope to make a living out of performing and singing, focusing on the people behind the work and drawing from there experience; therefore the magazine represents singers as eager people who are interested in making this art not just for the money but for the passion. The DPS talks about the struggles of auditioning and writing songs; representing a real industry behind the dream, but that why these people are determined. Josh Ragans character is meant to represent the rewards of hard work and what the readers strive to be, he also reflects the relaxed and funny environment he works in; having many anecdotes.

Dancers and Performers • Although as not heavily featured as singers and performers and actors; dancing, singing, performing and acting are all part of the same business so that everything represented about Josh Ragan also applies to dancers, the dedication, the passion, the reality and most of all the hard work you have to put in and the rewards you receive if you do • Performers are who my magazine is primarily representing; Performers are shown to be the people that hold the show together, during the interview there is no mention of other people simply Josh Ragan and he is a performer, he is described “ meet the star behind musical blue”. He is the “Star” behind the musical, so that suggests that he is the driving force of the musical not another person, or as its known in the theatre industry as the leading male.

Theatre Fans and Passionate Music Listeners • Both of these two classifications are very niche; but its what my magazine represents well. A lot of music magazines don’t even recognise Theatre Fans and if they ever do they represent them as camp and pink, where as in reality they are just like normal people this is represented by the whole magazine and all the features on all the different performers focusing on them rather than the way there perceived to be by the media, “Josh Ragan” like any performer is also a theatre fan and so he is just a normal who got lucky doing what he loved doing. • Passionate Music Listeners are just like Theatre Fans, they are obsessed by the hobby and creative art and throughout my magazine they are represented as aspirers and successors, people who have aspired to follow the career they are a fan of as well as people who have made it in the business but is still obsessed by music and the niche genres.

Artists and Actors • Artists are not as heavily featured in this magazine, artists are more represented as a behind the scenes master, who does all the work behind the magazine. The imagery and design of the magazine, with artistic features; but without a person to represent them. In the not so literal sense artists are all these types of people; actors, performer and dancer etc. all are artistic In the way they do things, so some acting and other performances are a blurry line between art and acting. • Actors are represented in the magazine; “Josh Ragan” in the magazine is represented as a triple threat (a singer, actor and dancer) this means that it shows actors that it is 100% possible for them not just to act but branch of into different sectors. Actors in most media are represented as just actors but in reality actors can also be singers and dancers so I reflect this through “Josh Ragan”

Mainstream Music Listeners (to a small extent) The mainstream is always present in any work that is made because without the mainstream we would not have the sub cultures that make these magazine, Throughout the magazine the cultural dominant ideologies of the magazine industry seep through, so there will obviously be features on more mainstream artists such as the many different pop artists feature in the contents. Although it does seep in this magazine is mainly a more subcultural and niche magazine focusing on acting and performing something the mainstream music listener would not be interested in.

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