Evaluation: target audience
What my target audience would look like
On the previous slide is a representation of my target audience, they would have a strong passion for the theatre and everything in the “performing arts”, they often have there headphones on, listening to anything and everything that makes them feel artistic. There music taste can vary from Pop to ballads, from rock to opera they don’t care as long as it makes them feel passionate, but at the end of the day they always go back to there true passion, the performing arts. They often try to visit the theatre but they cant always afford it so they know the value of looking online on sites like YouTube to find there theatre fix. They can understand that the world is changing so they are tech savvy but they also understand that nothing beats a in person performance. They understand that being in any of “the arts” can be a self destructive road but they find that the positives they get out of doing the thing they are most passionate about is worth the pain of the industry. There is no bias in my magazine because I feel that no matter who you are you can still make art I believe this is reflected in my magazine but it also the mentality of my target audience. They are kind, accepting people who accept change and peculiarities.
Demographics • Gender : 65/35 split, female/male. The gender is female biased because theatre is often dominated by females and its just coincidental that women like it more than men, my magazine reflects this • Age Range: (Predominately) 16-30 (Possibly) 15+ Age range is not so important because the arts can be for anyone any age, young people enjoy the theatre and so do middle aged people and so do elderly people, my magazine is styled to 16-30 year olds but is appropriate to anyone any age. • Class: ABC1 There's no way looking around that you have to pay a lot to go see performances and shows, so I would like to make my magazine as available to anyone in the low middle classes and up; this is why they are tech savvy because they know that they can still access the latest musical over the internet.
Psychographic • Shopping Habits:Tesco, Morrison's, Online Shopping, Assos , EBAY, Amazon, Peacocks, WHSmiths, Fan Gear (BBC shops, Warhammer) Steam, Graphic stores, Art Stores, Theatres, Gigs, Bars and Restaurants. As you can see my target audience often focuses on the artistic sides f the shopping spectrum, but they also buy from mainstream stores such as Tescos. They often like to watch Tv so they enjoy buying the objects associated with them. • Music Preference: Rock, Swing, Pop, Techno, Rap, Garage, R&B, Heavy Rock, Indie and many many more Any Genre out there is visited by my target audience, they like to embrace all types of music because all music is an art form. If they do have a preference they tend to enjoy the more “Soft” music and ignore the more “Heavy” music but can appreciate it even if they don’t like it.
Companies There are many companies that might be interested in selling my magazine. Here are a few • ASSOS • Corner Shops • Theatres (Any) • Tesco, Morrison's and any other mass production store • BBC Stores • Music Stores Most artistic places will want to sell my magazine because of its artistic style and topics, also many other niche stores might want to capitalise on the small market magazine industry.
Products represented and advertised In my magazine Here are a few products that have been mentioned or would be mentioned in the magazine, also possible advertising ideas. • Coats • Dance Equipment • Clothes (Dance/ Performng) • Clothes (Costumes) • Art • Shows, plays, musicals and gigs All of these much like the rest of my magazines represent artistic sides of the shopping industry, clothes are shown as either costume or work wear ot always something you would wear casually.