Joshua Ragan Magazine analysis
• Masthead • The mast head is big and vibrant it grabs your attention and includes key information, it also includes the mount in which was issued. • The mast head is in a white font,(Which closely resembles WHsmith) this connotes that it Is simple and informative it suggests that if you read the magazine, the articles will be straight to the point and not misleading, what you see is what you get. The writing is in Capitals this makes it more obvious and stand out, the capitals again connote information and getting straight to the also connotes power and wealth the words clearly visible and are the biggest on the magazine. It also connotes power because the mast head overlaps the image, this connotes that the name is more important than then the image.
• Image • Mise en scene • Setting, the setting appears to be nowhere. there appears to be just fog and black this makes the image stand out and seem like the most important thing in the shot.
• Shot type • The shot type is a long shot, and the angle is a slight low angle. The use of a long shot makes us see the whole image this connotes that she is alone and is the only one around this makes
• Costume • The costume is unique it is two costumes in one this connotes two different lifestyles the one of the dancer and the other of the sports person (Probably basketball) this suggests that the magazine is about the different life styles, it also connotes that the college is about the different life styles and that they are accepting of the different styles of life and that it will be accepted at the college