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Good Points • Lack of people • Easy to get to • Lots of space and nice nature shots • Connected to me • Previous photo experience in this location

Bad Points • Too rural • Lighting issues, cant control the lighting • Nature can get in the way • Hard to bring equipment

I would choose Barnby because it is a place where I am comfortable in and it is a place where I am familiar with so I would be more likely to know where the best photo opportunity's could be.


Good Points • Lack of people • Easy to get to • Controlled lighting and accessibility to props • Previous photo experience in this location • Easy to bring equipment to

Bad Points • Too enclosed • Lack of spontaneity and nature • Can look too staged • Have to hire it out and depends on when other people are free

The reasons I could choose the studio is because of the ease of accessibility and controlling of lightning and posing, there would be no issue with other people but I would need to plan around other people.


Good Points • Easy to get to • Spontaneous and full of people • Somewhere where I know where to get the best shots

Bad Points • Lack of nature and open places, no open spaces for double page spread photo • Lots of people due to it being in a public space • Hard to get equipment to

There are positives to traveling to an urban environment because there would be lots of man made objects and places which might go well in some of my magazine but as a majority I feel like it wouldn’t fit my magazine.


Good Points • The stage is a place where I have a personal connections • It is the primary interest of my target audience of my magazine • Controllable lighting • Access to props and makeup

Bad Points • Too enclosed • Lack of spontaneity and nature • Can look too staged • Have to hire it out and depends on when other people are free • Hard to get equipment

The reasons I could choose the stage is because it’s the most appropriate place for the magazine and would be easy for the audience to identify with.



Good Points • Easy to get • Simple • Artistic • Musical • Reflects the article

Bad Points • Is it relatable • Country look • Fragile

I would choose the guitar in some of the images because it needs that artistic writer feel that we are so used to seeing in conventional magazines

Hats and other accessory's

Good Points • Easy to get • Simple • Artistic • Musical • Fashionable

Bad Points • Cheesy • Tacky • The jumper over the head makes it look very dark • Inappropriate

The accessory's and hats are something to fill in the gaps and are probably not the best choice; perhaps an idea



Good Points • Easy to get • Simple • Artistic • Relaxed • Conventional feel

Bad Points • Unprofessional • Too relaxed • Not “theatre” enough

The causal wear would make the images seem more relaxed and it makes us feel more comfortable with the model; it is also something very conventional of magazines

Theatrical and Costume

Good Points • Is appropriate to the magazine genre • Brings across the right image • Easy to get a hold of

Bad Points • Unconventional • Doesn’t make you feel relaxed • Is too individual for a mainstream music magazine can put off other audience's

Although a good idea in theory theatrical costume would only alienate the more mainstream audience I am trying to find with this magazine

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