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That’s A Wrap
invited everyone inside to eat. A little bit later Kaylie, the birthday girl, invited the kids in to dance. We danced the night away helping her celebrate. Although we didn’t know all the dances, we were on the dance floor every song!
Year End
Before and after the partying, believe it or not, we did some rodeoing as well! Everyone worked really hard this year and we are excited to be sending 10 individuals from every event to state finals. Avery Armstrong has stuck out in more ways than just her outstanding efforts as an athlete. Avery is the most kindhearted individual you will ever see. She speaks to everyone and gives great advice to the younger generation. This makes me happy to say she is the Region 1 All- Around Cowgirl and All-Around Rookie! She will be going to state in the Barrel racing, pole bending, goat tying, and team roping. Our All- Around Boy is Hugh Brown. This was Hugh’s first year to rodeo for region 1 and he sure took it by storm. He will be going to state in the Steer wrestling and tie down. The Rookie boy went to Sterling Decker. He will be competing in the cutting at the State finals.
We gave out a few special awards at the finals. There was a scholarship in memory of Kooper Preston. Kooper was a member of our region that went way to soon. Kooper's parents came to the awards and gave the scholarship to Mr. Caison Burrus. There was an award given this year to one person who showed exemplary horsemanship. This award was given in memory of former member Clayton Anderson. Clayton is yet another member that was taken from us way too soon. The winner of the Clayton Anderson horsemanship custom Campbell Bit was Juliana Liles.

New Officers
We elected new region officers at the finals. The Region 1 officers are as follows:
President- Avery Armstong
Vice President- Abby McCreary
Secretary- Jaxon Stoker
Treasurer- Ryan Timberlake
Abby is running for state secretary this year! She was secretary last year and did a great job representing Texas and Region 1. So, make sure to vote Abby McCreary. We are ready for Abilene and would like to wish everyone good luck and safe travels.