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competing for the gold
pole bending, barrel racing, cow boxing, trail, and halter classes. She started TJHRA region IV in the 8th grade. When asked why she chose to rodeo in Texas while being an Oklahoma native she replied, “The competition!! But also because it is a closer drive.'' Her favorite things about rodeoing in Texas are the rodeo family and “making it to Abilene for state finals, it truly feels as big as nationals.” She mentions that she feels this is a great experience that no other state has. Kenley’s main mount is her Palomino mare, “Goldie,” who Kenley raised and trained in the barrels and poles. “Goldie is a natural and loves to run” she stated. The Becks have 8 horses total, but only haul two most of the time. Kenley’s future plans are bright. Looking into the far future, she would like to experience being on a collegiate rodeo team and continue to do what she loves. Kenley ended the region IV year as Pole bending champion along with being in the top 10 in the barrel racing and breakaway roping. Kenleys mentions that the most exciting thing she has accomplished is the Texas State Pole Bending Champion title. She said, “It wasn't something that I had my mind set on, I was just making one run at a time and having fun.” When asked about who has helped contribute to her rodeo success she proudly says, “There are many people I could name that have helped me become the rodeo athlete that I am, including my parents, but there is one person I have to mention and that is Papa Bryce. I can’t thank him enough for all the knowledge and encouragement he has given me these last few years. When I needed to believe in myself and my horse he was there encouraging me to “run my race.” I contribute success to being coachable and focused. If I were to name people I would surely leave someone out!”
Region IV All Around Cowboy, 16 year old Clayton Jones of Ravenna, Texas. Although he’s only been competing in rodeo for 4 years, Clayton has already won 10 saddles and 2 All Around Titles. He competes in calf roping and steer wrestling, where he ended up reserve champion in both events. Clayton says “Calf roping would be my favorite though, because it gets my adrenaline pumped and is just fun.” So of course his favorite horse is Hannie who he calf ropes on. His favorite things about rodeoing at THSRA are getting to meet new people and making lifelong friendships. One of the most exciting things that he has won, he says, is the trailer for Texoma Junior Rodeo Association All Around. Clayton spends multiple hours a day in the practice pen, practicing and training multiple horses. After high school, Clayton’s plan is to rodeo and train horses. “My grandpa, Terry Sauter, is the person I contribute my success to. He has helped me in so many ways to better myself as a person and a competitor”
Region IV is bringing some tough competition to the THSRA finals this year and it will be an exciting end of the season event. Just like these two all around competitors, hundreds of qualifiers are working hard to prepare for their runs and rides. Good luck and safe travels to all getting ready to head to Abilene next month!
Summer is almost here and that means that it is time for the Region V high school students to head to Abilene, Texas for Texas high school state finals.

The state finals competition is made up of the top ten in each event from all of the Texas regions. These hard working and talented athletes will compete at state to try and be one if the top four in Texas to compete at the national level in Gillette Wyoming. This year Region V athletes worked so hard to see their names in the top 10 positions to head to state. This year our champions and reserve champions are as follows. In the rough stock events you will see Landon Cook as your champion in the saddle bronc, Bryce Jensen ended the year as champion of the bull riding with Jax Mills in the reserve champion position. Kash Martin was your saddle bronc champion for the seventh consecutive year from junior high into high school. Jacob Lamon was your reserve champion in the bareback riding. The champions of the team roping were Sam Shofner one the head side and Cole Pugh as your heeler, the reserve header was Chase Rambin with George Chambers on the heel side. You will see Cole Pugh again at state as the champion of the steer wrestling along with Sam Shofner as your reserve champion. Moving onto the pole bending you will see Taylor Davis as your champion with Lauren White standing as your reserve. Saige Brown was your champion of the goat tying, Alex Rodell took the reserve champion title. Clancie Burgess ended as the champion of the girls cutting