Food from Poland ISM Edition 2019

Page 1

STATISTICS It’s sweet, it’s Polish!

» p. 20

POLISH FMCG MARKET 2018 Summary » p. 28


» p. 88

Issue 01/34


FoodfromPoland Polish Magazine for Professionals



It’s sweet, it’s Polish! ........................ 20 „Poland tastes good” on foreign markets ........................... 24


Polish FMCG market 2018’ summary ................................. 28


Tomasz Pańczyk Editor-In-Chief

Discover Food from Poland Polish food products have been gaining popularity around the world. They are not only meeting interna-tional food standards confirmed by IFS and BRC certificates, but also successfully competing on the shelves of shops with products of global food concerns. Concerning exports, the chocolate and confec-tionery industry is one of the most dynamically developing industries of the food sector in Poland. The value of exports of chocolate and confectionery products amounts to approx. € 1.5 billion, while im-ports reach approx. € 1billion. Welcome to the new issue of Food from Poland Magazine where you can read about Polish companies and the excellent traditional food products they make. Enjoy reading!

Jarosław Zawadzki, Dr Gerard ....... 40 Elżbieta Bąkiewicz, Bogutti ............. 42 Małgorzata Cebelińska Mlekpol .... 44 Magdalena Azikiewicz, ZPC Śnieżka . 46 Arkadiusz Majchrzak, Terravita ...... 48


Culinary trails, that is Poland for food lovers! .................................. 52


Marek Paździak, POLBISCO ........... 60 Renata Juszkiewicz, POHiD ............ 61 Krystyna Ziejewska, Iława Goose Producers Association .. 62 Łukasz Dominiak, KRD-IG ............... 63


Foreign trade in confectionery........ 68


Andrzej Maria Faliński, expert................................................... 72 Sonia Buchholtz, Lewiatan Confederation .................. 76


SIAL Paris 2018.................................. 80

LIST OF POLISH COMPANIES........................ 84

• Editor-In-Chief - Tomasz Pańczyk

Editorial Office

Advertisement Office

• Managing Editor - Monika Górka

Bagno Street 2/218 00-112 Warsaw, Poland

Phone/Fax: +48 22 847 93 67 +48 22 828 93 66

• Editor - Michał Pańczyk

• Sales & Marketing Departmet Katarzyna Paciorek




Phone/Fax: +48 22 847 93 67 +48 22 828 93 66 +48 22 847 93 68

Graphics studio

Paweł Pańczyk, Maja Bulwarska

Printing house: ArtDruk Kobyłka

Fischer Trading Group Ltd. Bagno Street 2/218, 00-112 Warsaw Phone/Fax: +48 22 847 93 67, +48 22 847 93 68 CEO: Tomasz Pańczyk

In our publication we use adobestock photos

DISCOVER POLISH PRODUCTS.......................... 88


Economic predictions for 2019 lization of processes hitherto occurring on Łukasz Kozłowski the main economist of the Federation of Polish Entrepreneurs and an expert of the Centre for Legislative Analyses and Economic Policies (CALPE)

the Polish labour market. Unemployment has reached a level so low that it is quite unlikely to drop further to any significant exent. Weaker demand on foreign markets and supply limitations will affect slower increase in employment. As a result, the wage

The Federation of Polish Entrepreneurs

pressure should not intensify significantly in

(FPP) and the Centre for Legislative Anal-

comparison to the current situation,” says

yses and Economic Policy (CALPE) assume

Łukasz Kozłowski, the main economist of

that 2019 will bring a drop in the global

the Federation of Polish Entrepreneurs and

economic situation, a weakening of ex-

an expert of the Centre for Legislative Anal-

ternal demand, as well as lower growth

yses and Economic Policies (CALPE).

dynamics of Polish exports. However, the

An increasingly serious risk from the

economy will be supported by strong do-

viewpoint of the Polish economy in 2019

Sertop - Gold Emmental also in 130g slices

mestic demand, determined by the good

will be the gradual liberalizing of the immi-

The processed cheese, Gold Emmental, in 130g

labour market situation. The economic

gration policy of other European countries

slices is one of the latest products from the SER-

growth in Poland, although slower than in

– in particular, Germany which is opening

TOP company in Tychy, producer of delicious

2018, should remain firm – particularly,

the access to its labour market increasing-

melted and fried cheeses. The new cheese line

in the first half of the year. The econom-

ly wider, e.g. to citizens of Ukraine. The

also includes popular flavours such as Gouda

ic situation of Poland in 2019 will also be

Federation of Polish Entrepreneurs has

and Cheddar. These are high quality products

affected by the introduction of Employee

already highlighted this problem many

based on carefully selected raw materials. They

Capital Plans and possibly by Brexit.

months ago, suggesting a range of specific

do not contain preservatives and aromas and

There are grounds to believe that inter-

solutions aimed at stopping the outflow

are a source of calcium. Each of the open-close

est rates in Poland in the next year will be

of foreigners from the Polish labour mar-

packages contain 8 slices individually packed.

maintained at the previous level. Lower

ket. On the other hand, one can expect

The melted cheese in slices inspire both tra-

petroleum prices and core inflation still

continued increase of the number of for-

ditional cuisine and modern cooking. Perfect

being stifled release the Monetary Poli-

eigners paying contributions in the Polish

served warm as well as cold.

cy Council of the pressure to change the

social insurance system in the next year,

hitherto announced course. However,

since, as their stay in Poland becomes

growing costs of other materials, raw ma-

longer, such people are increasingly em-

terials and external services will still pose a

ployed under employment contracts.

challenge from the viewpoint of the operations of companies. Increases in electric


Kucharek – Now in a new design! The brand Kucharek rep-

power prices, although delayed due to the

The United Kingdom is to leave the Eu-

resents finest in quality. The

adopted legislative solutions, will remain

ropean Union on 29 March 2019; howev-

secret of our products lies in

an additional risk for enterprises. Next

er, there is a growing probability of another

their carefully selected ingre-

year’s investments, on the other hand, will

referendum concerning this issue, which

dients, special compositions

be largely boosted by projects financed

had been deemed completely impossible

prepared by culinary experts

from European funds, entering the stage

before. As long as the process of Britain’s

and strict, constant control over the produc-

of implementation.

exit from the EU takes place in an orderly

tion. All this guarantees a unique taste and

“The increasingly restrictive monetary

manner, Polish entrepreneurs should not

aroma for your dishes.

policy of main central banks, further in-

feel any serious consequences next year.

Kucharek universal seasoning is composed of

creases of interest rates in the USA, as

This is due, above all, to the transition

various dried vegetables and spices, all mixed

well as the end of the quantitative easing

period specified in the Brexit agreement,

together in ideal proportions. Carrot, onion,

programme in the Eurozone, the growing

stipulated to last through 2020. Given that

leek, parsley, garlic and sweet pepper all help

protectionist tendencies, a change of sen-

the UK is the third largest export partner

to give the special and desired tastes. Aided by

timent on financial markets of developed

of Poland, the migration destination for

their own pleasant smells, they help to bring

economies, and the general maturity of the

almost 800,000 Poles, as well as a very

the whole family together for a routine meal.

current economic cycle will all affect the

significant recipient of services, the effect

Kucharek seasoning enriches the flavour of

economic situation in Poland. The year to

of uncontrolled Brexit on the situation of

soups, meat and fish dishes, sauces and salads.

come should be a period of relative stabi-

our country would be profound.

Now available in a new design!





Polish vodka has an opportunity to become a flagship export product. However, more promotional support is needed. tion and global reputation. We are the largest vod-

tempt to combat the grey economy. There is one

ka producer in the EU and the fourth largest one

more additional aspect – illegal alcohol poses a

in the world, following Russia, Ukraine and the

hazard to life and health of consumers. This is why

USA. The utilization of the brand comprised by

the KAS is trying so hard to limit the grey econo-

Polish vodka and spirits means a great potential.

my in the alcohol industry. We have succeeded in

Today, we export approx. 20% of the production.

the area of fuels, as well as tobacco products, and

“Enormous export possibilities, both in the Euro-

This is not enough, especially considering how

we also record significant successes in the alcohol

pean Union and worldwide, open up to Polish

much whisky is exported by Scotland, how much

industry,” says Piotr Walczak, Deputy Head of the

vodka producers,” says Ulrich Adam, the General

cognac by France, and how much tequila by

National Revenue Administration (KAS).

Director of Spirits Europe. The Polish market of

Mexico. In our country, some people approach

He stresses that illegal alcohol in Poland is, above

alcoholic beverages is worth approx. PLN 57 bil-

the subject of promotion of Polish exports of spir-

all, denatured alcohol. In other countries, it comes

lion, of which the spirits market accounts for 40%.

its with certain shyness, like it was an embarrass-

predominantly from illicit distillation or smuggle.

The industry stresses that Polish vodka is a product

ing subject, as this is, after all, alcohol. Meanwhile,

The nature of the Polish grey economy is different

with a long tradition and global reputation, with

a Scotsman, a Frenchman or a Mexican is proud

– the main source of illegal alcohol in Poland is

a huge export potential. Among other things, the

of his domestic product, which translates directly

industrial alcohol, exempt from the excise tax, or

development of this potential requires promo-

to a very high export value. I think there is a vast

spirit-based industrial products (solvents, grill fire

tional support, fair taxation and combatting the

potential in this area, allowing us to export much

starters, windshield washer fluids, etc.).

grey economy.

more,” Witold Włodarczyk remarks.

“Most of the illegal alcohol in Poland is decontam-

“The spirit sector is a branch of economy that

The president of the ZP PPS assesses the Polish

inated alcohol. It is often passed off as smuggled

brings an enormous amount of money into the

market as saturated. Consumption maintains at a

alcohol or products of illicit distillation, but actu-

state budget, in the form of public levies. We

roughly constant level, it is rather the drinking cul-

ally, it usually comes from denatured technical

employ more than 100,000 people, which is an-

ture that changes, rather than the amount of alco-

alcohol decontaminated using amateur methods

other added value of the spirits sector for the Pol-

hol. Yet exports provide enormous development

which require various harmful chemicals. This is

ish economy. Moreover, we purchase very large

possibilities for the industry. However, this requires

why it is simply harmful to potential customers.

amounts of crops, cereal surpluses, potatoes. We

a strong domestic economy and fair treatment –

The state budget suffers a loss but one should also

are a co-operator for a great number of Polish

among other things, in the issue of taxation.

regard this issue from the viewpoint of consumer

companies with regard to supply and distribution

“The current regulations discriminate against the

safety,” Piotr Walczak says.

of spirits,” Witold Włodarczyk, the President of

spirits industry. The excise tax is calculated in such

Combatting the grey economy should be a prior-

the Association of Employers of the Polish Spir-

a way that this industry pays much more than

ity, not just in Poland but all around Europe, since

Witold Włodarczyk the President of the Association of Employers of the Polish Spirit Industry (ZP PPS)

it Industry (ZP PPS), enumerates in an interview

– as stressed by Ulrich Adam, the General Direc-

with the Newseria Biznes news agency.

tor of Spirits Europe – the spirit sector, to a large

The data developed by the ZP PPS show that the

Adam Urlich the General Director of Spirits Europe

spirit industry brings approx. PLN 12.6 billion annually into the state budget, in the form of public

extent, translates to a large ratio in the European economy, maintaining more than a million jobs. “In Europe, the future of the industry is bright. Now, our producers are focusing on a broader

levies. One job in this industry generates 14 more

trend known as premiumization. On the one

along the entire supply chain. Overall, directly and indirectly, the industry maintains approx. 100,000

the others, for which there is no sound reason.

hand, the consumption in Europe is dropping in

jobs. According to the statistics of the Ministry of

The regulations in force in this regard date back

the long run but the consumers who buy alco-

Agriculture and Rural Development, it includes

to early 1980s, while many things have changed

hol decide to choose higher-grade goods – they

135 enterprises, 98% of which are micro-com-

ever since: in the model of alcohol consump-

drink less but prefer better-quality liquor. Europe-

panies, small or medium companies. In the over-

tion, in distribution, in manners of sales,” Witold

an producers are exceptionally well-prepared to

whelming majority (90%), they cooperate with

Włodarczyk stresses.

meet such requirements, since we have a whole

domestic Polish suppliers, consuming approx.

High excise tax burden and the specificity of spir-

range of well-known and traditional alcohols with

750,000 tons of cereals and 50,000 tons of pota-

its cause this industry to be particularly prone to

geographic indications – such prominent brands

toes annually, which also translates into the Polish

the phenomenon of grey economy. The Repub-

as cognac, Polish vodka, Scotch whisky, but also

agriculture. Moreover, the spirits branch has a sig-

lican Foundation estimates that spirits account for

a very active craft alcohol scene characterized by

nificant share in Polish exports: last year, the value

80% of illegal liquor.

high innovativeness, introducing many new prod-

of exports of spirits reached EUR 168 million.

“All tax-paying industries, particularly those paying

ucts to European markets each year. This is bene-

“We underutilize the excellent hallmark of our

the excise tax, are sensitive to us from the view-

ficial,” says Ulrich Adam, the General Director of

country, which is Polish vodka with its long tradi-

point of the state budget, and this is why we at-

Spirits Europe. Source:





the second largest economic and trade partner

in 2017, which is 11% more than the year be-

of Poland among the Gulf Cooperation Council

fore. The vast majority reaches EU markets, yet

states. In 2017, Polish agri-food exports amount-

Islamic countries may be significant recipients.

ed to approx. EUR 85 million, i.e. it was 11%

Ardanowski points out that the range of products

higher than in 2016. Our best-selling categories

which may become export hits in this part of the

include food preparations, confectionery and

world is enormous, but utilization of this potential

The agri-food exports to the United Arab

cigarettes but the UAE can also be a good recip-

is largely in the hands of Polish producers.

Emirates are growing. After Saudi Arabia, this

ient of halal meat, currently exported by Poland

“The role of administration and government is

is Poland’s second largest economic and trade

to several dozen countries.

to assist in overcoming of organizational or legal

partner in this region. Only in 2017, the ex-

“Above all, the UAE need large amounts of meat,

barriers, accessing the market, concluding agree-

ports to the UAE market reached the value of

of course halal meat, beef and poultry. This means

ments in the countries of the Orient. Another

EUR 85 million, growing by 11% over a year.

enormous amounts of dairy products, above all,

key issue is whether public authorities validate

However, the potential is still much higher.

with short shelf life, because the world does not

individual companies by showing their support,

Halal meat, dairy products, confectionery or

want food with half-year or one-year expiry dates

so that every Polish company may count for

fruit preparations can become export hits.

on the package, it becomes junk food, so it is also

such support from government representatives,

Polish entrepreneurs can count on assistance

the quickness of transport and logistics that will be

yet the rest is in the hands of the entrepreneurs

from the government, yet much depends on

decisive,” Ardanowski points out.

themselves,” the minister convinces.

them, as stressed by Jan Krzysztof Ardanowski,

In 2017, the value of exports of dairy products

As stressed by Ardanowski, Poland cannot com-

the Minister of Agriculture.

from Poland to non-EU countries increased by

pete on low prices; in this regard, we will not win

“The agri-food exchange with the UAE is worth

27% to EUR 476 million. Most of this is sold to

with such countries as Ukraine (fruit prices) or

several tens of millions of euros. One can boast

Algeria, China and Saudi Arabia.

Brazil (meat). The main value of Polish products

it but I think the potential to be utilized is in-

“Moreover, there is high demand for sugar in the

is their high quality.

comparably higher. Not only does this country

UAE. We are a great sugar manufacturer, sweets

“It is very important to the UAE that Poland does

need food for its relatively small population of

and honey are much sought-after in Islam-

not try to pick on stronger opponents, does not

approx. 10 million but, above all, it is able to

ic countries and these are the things we have.

only compete on low food prices. We will never

trade in food with a large part of the world: Asia,

This also surely includes, given the climate, juic-

beat Brazil in production of chicken or Argentina

Africa, the Arab countries. As a kind of an in-

es made of fruit and vegetables growing in our

in production of beef, or the vast areas of Russia

termediary with countries where we will never

climate, apple juice, different soft fruit concen-

and Ukraine in production of wheat or other ce-

be able to trade successfully, the Emirates might

trates,” the Minister of Agriculture enumerates.

reals. We have to stand out with something and

prove a useful asset to us,” says Jan Krzysztof Ar-

Poland is a top-tier global exporter of confection-

our food must be the best in the world, it has to

danowski, the Minister of Agriculture and Rural

ery. Only between 2012 and 2016, the exports of

be food to make someone eager to pay a high-

Development, in an interview with the Newseria

Polish sweets grew by nearly 79.5%. The analyses

er price, knowing this is crème de la crème on

Biznes news agency.

carried out by experts of Bank BGŻ BNP Paribas

global tables,” Jan Krzysztof Ardanowski stresses.

Jan Krzysztof Ardanowski Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development

Good Ingredients – Wawel develops its unique project

Eurohansa and novelties This year, new products will be introduced to the market in the group of nut and fruit

Good Ingredients is a unique concept under

bars under the SHE + ENERGY fruit & nut

the Wawel brand, which is based on simple

and HE + ENERGY nut & choco brand.

composition in all product recipes and highest

Both recipes and packaging are ready. In

quality raw materials. All Wawel products have

the near future, this line will be expand-

now a clean label and the maker has become

ed about bars for vegan: HE+ENERGY

an expert in the field of sweet recipes without additives. Now is the

nut & spicy (bars with nuts, seeds spices like chili or tomato and basil)

time for the next stage in the campaign, in which publicity will be

and HE+ENERGY superfruit & nut (bars with nuts, seed and fruits like

conducted very widely, primarily aimed at young conscious consum-

cranberries and raw cocoa nibs or goldenberries). Advantages of bars:

ers, and information given on packaging will have a simple form. As

for vegan, no added sugar, gluten free, no GMO, no soy, 100% plant

simple as the ingredients in Wawel sweets!

protein. Bars will be high in fibre, vitamine B3, Magnesium or Potassium.





The exports of Polish foods to the United Arab Emirates are on the rise. There is demand for halal meat, dairy products or confectionery After Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates are show that Poland exported 15,200 tons of honey


Ending of a trade war is most important for global economies the international exchange, which will be

cated, the reason why the growth rate of

caused by an increase in custom tariffs due

the global trade would be slower than pre-

to the trade war between the USA and

dicted is exactly the increase in trade ten-

China, as well as the withdrawal of central

sions between the largest economies and

banks from monetary and fiscal support.

the increase in uncertainty on the main

“The possibility of resolving tensions in inter-

credit markets. On the other hand, 2019

national trade will cause a higher increase in

is to see further slowdown of the growth

After the latest negotiations between Don-

trust, which will also allow economic growth

rate, to 3.7%. However, the cease-fire

ald Trump and Xi Jinping, the world gained

to be sustained through investments and

between the USA and China, intended to

hope for an end to the customs war be-

consumption,” Rafał Kierzenkowski claims.

last for 90 days since early December, may

tween Washington and Beijing, which

“The benefits from international trade are

inhibit this drop, provided that it ends in

dominated the last year. Meanwhile, one

shared among all participants of such trade.

reaching an agreement.

organization after another managed to re-

They depend on some kind of internation-

The main trade partner of Poland compris-

duce their economic growth predictions

al specialization. Another issue is that states

es other EU countries, above all, Germa-

for most countries, and the information

should help the professional groups which

ny. Between January and October 2018,

coming from the Polish industry are start-

must switch to other sectors to the greatest

the exports of Poland increased by 6.5%

ing to worry economists. In the opinion of

extent possible.”

to EUR 183 billion, whereas imports grew

Rafał Kierzenkowski, an OECD representa-

According to the data of Eurostat, the value

by 9.5% to EUR 186.2 billion. Developed

tive, free trade is a precondition of further

of international trade in goods, conduct-

countries accounted for 87% of Polish

worldwide economic development.

ed by 28 states of the European Union

exports, including the EU accounting for

“The main challenge is to try to main-

(the sum of external exports and imports)

80.2% and Germany for 28%. All these

tain the global economic growth despite

in 2017, was valued at EUR 3.735 trillion.

shares increased in comparison with the

arising trends of certain slowdown,” says

Both imports and exports exceeded the lev-

analogous period the year before.

Rafał Kierzenkowski, Senior Advisor at

els from 2016, whereas the increase in the

“If we look at trade relations within the EU,

the office of the Secretary-General of the

amount of exports (EUR 134 billion) was

there are very strong connections between

OECD, in an interview with the Newse-

slightly lower than the increase in imports

Polish producers and their German part-

ria Biznes news agency. “It is important

(EUR 143 billion). As a result, the trade sur-

ners. We know that Germany, on the other

that this growth should be stimulated to

plus of UE-28 was maintained, although it

hand, plays the role of an exporter to global

a greater extent by investments, since it

dropped from EUR 32 billion in 2016 to

markets, so what happens on global mar-

is them that constitute an element of sus-

EUR 23 billion in 2017.

kets indirectly affects Polish producers,”

tainability of economic growth, they are

“The European Union is very active in

the OECD representative explains.

a key condition. Higher investments will

developing trade agreements with third

The significance of the condition of our

cause an increase in productivity at work,

countries. The development of such trade

partner across the Oder and Nysa Rivers

which also entails wage increase.”

relations, most recently with Japan, opens

to the Polish economy has been shown by

In November 2018, the OECD has re-

up new markets to European companies,

the latest PMI reading for December 2018.

duced its growth predictions again, both

which is indeed a favourable trend for

Due to a drop in orders from Germany, the

for most economies of the world and for

European enterprises. Certain tensions in

index of moods of purchasing managers in

the global GDP. The latter is to drop from

trade relations, even occurring between

industrial enterprises dropped to the low-

3.7% to 3.5% in 2019. As late as Septem-

non-EU countries, affect European com-

est level since 2009 and it has remained

ber, the organization was convinced that

panies as well, because the chains of

below the limit of 50 points for the second

the previous year’s result could be repeat-

global values make all companies very

month in a row, which means deterioration

ed, and last May, it predicted growth at a

strongly interconnected today,” the ad-

of conditions in the production sector.

level of 3.9%. The Eurozone economies

visor of the Secretary-General of the

“Before the financial crisis, the global trade

are to grow by 1.8% on average (the Sep-

OECD explains. “The point is that Europe

used to grow twice as quickly as the glob-

tember prediction was 1.9%). The reduced

should be a very active partner in these

al economy,” Rafał Kierzenkowski recalls.

predictions for 2019 reflect the deterio-

discussions, so that European companies

“After the financial crisis, over the last 10

rating prospects, particularly for emerging

could also benefit from the improvement

years, trade has been developing at the

markets, such as Turkey, Argentina or Bra-

of the trade situation.”

same rate as the global economy. The

Łukasz Kierzenkowski Senior Advisor at the office of the Secretary-General of the OECD

zil. Further downturn in 2020 will result in

In September 2018, the World Trade

growth of global trade has halved, so if one

a greater extent to changes in developed

Organization (WTO) reduced its global

manages to defuse the trade tensions, this

economies, due to a drop in volume of

trade growth predictions to 3.9%. As indi-

should be a good year.” Source:





“Pszczółka” Candy Factory conquers the United Arab Emirates!

South Asia and Africa to save time and money. The basic barrier of entry to these markets is the lack of possibilities to promote such products. The “Pszczółka” Candy Factory was

Classic new line of chocolates from Terravita

noticed and recognized by Dubai FDI, a government agenda at the Dubai Department of Economic Development. Dubai FDI will support all of our activities in the region. In February, our factory will be visited by the CEO of The “Pszczółka” Candy Factory has signed a

the Dubai FDI government agenda, Fahad Al

contract to supply a large batch of sweets with

Gergawi,” says Robert Rudnicki, President of

“Classic” is a chocolate line which refers to

a distributor from the United Arab Emirates.

the Board of the “Pszczółka” Candy Factory.

its traditional image in paper wrapping. The

The execution of this contract means tripling

The first container will set off for Dubai as

Classic series includes 8 tablets of 100g, of

of exports and doubling of the total turnover

early as January. The candies of “Pszczół-

which 4 are solid with additions and 4 are

of the company. As soon as January 2019, the

ka” will reach the largest supermarket


first candies will reach Dubai to be available

chain in the UAE.

•Milk •Hazelnut •Coconut •Tiramisu

in the largest supermarket chain.

“Pszczółka” sells its products to more than 20

•Yoghurt – Strawberry •Yoghurt – Raspberry

The contract covers supply of the entire as-

countries worldwide. The main recipients

•Mint – Lime •Caramel Latte

sortment of the Lublin factory, with special

are Slovakia, Azerbaijan, Lithuania, Hunga-

Solid chocolates doesn’t contain CBE, E476

emphasis to chocolate products: pralines

ry and Germany. Moreover, the company

emulsifier and other needless additions.

including chocolate Sympatia, chocolate

sells its products to the USA, Sweden, Roma-

Chocolate tablets with fillings also doesn’t

Fantazja, jelly Tęczowe, strawberry Pychał-

nia, Mongolia, Cyprus, the Czech Republic,

contain E476 emulsifier, and for filling pro-

ki, Coffee Amo caramels and the Mieszanka

Jordan, Russia. Beside the Middle East, ad-


Imieninowa candy mix.

vanced negotiations are currently in progress

certificate (sustainable palm oil cultivation).

“The sales potential for sweets in the Middle

concerning new outlets, e.g. Kazakhstan.

Modern design, sophisticated package and

East is unlimited. Poland still sells relatively few

In the autumn of 2018, the “Pszczółka” Can-

excellent quality makes the “Classic” line

of them. This is all the more our great success.

dy Factory received the title of the Ambassa-

amongst premium tablets, and the compet-

Dubai is a business hub allowing companies

dor of Polish Food Exports at the Congress of

itive price is additional advantage.

that think of expansion to the Middle East,

Food Exports.

dr Gerard’s new packaging

New plant processing milk and whey

was used special fat with RSPO


The Mlekpol Dairy Cooperative in Grajewo

has more than

is one of the largest milk processors in Po-

400 products.


land. Mlekpol consists of 12 processing

New products

highlight in Dr Ge-

plants with 2.5 thousand employees whose

to be offered

rard’s recent history

work allows the processing of over 5 million

by the Cooperative in 2019 will include

is the change in the

liters of milk per day. The huge interest in

UHT products as well as cheese and butter

graphic design of the packaging. The new pack-

the Cooperative’s products on foreign mar-

in new forms of presentation and weight.

aging reflects the new brand positioning, which

kets influenced the investment decision in

This year, Mlekpol will be present at the larg-

aims at building Dr Gerard as a strong “umbrella

building a new plant, processing milk and

est and most important industry events and

brand”, emphasizing our competitive advantage,

whey into powdered products. The value

food fairs around the world. Current and

i.e. the wide portfolio of our cookies and wafers,

of investment in Mrągowo is estimated at

prospective business partners from Japan,

but above all paying attention to the unique taste

over EUR 100 million. The new plant will

Mexico, China, Korea and many European

of our cookies, because that’s what consumers

process about 3 million liters of milk and

Union countries will be able to try the co-

value the most about us. The new packaging

whey per day. The commencement of the

operative’s products and talk about the pos-

can already be seen on store shelves. They are,

powder plant is planned for the third quar-

sibility of cooperation. Current information

of course, distinguished by a large red heart - the

ter of this year, which will allow an increase

on Mlekpol’s participation in events and fairs

Dr. Gerard logo - and very tasty photos of cook-

in exports and introduce new products to

is available on the Cooperative’s website -

ies on a cookie-coloured background.

the Cooperative’s rich portfolio - currently it






Poland is one of the most dynamically developing export markets in the world. Since Poland’s accession to the European Union (EU), the export of Polish agri-food products has grown consistently, breaking new volume records each year. In 2017, as much as EUR 27.8 billion worth of food was exported – mainly to the EU market, National Support Centre for Agriculture accounting for 82% of the value of Polish agrifood exports. Exports to the Commonwealth of Independent States represented 5% of the total value of Polish agri-food exports, to the USA – 2%, to other third countries – 11%. The initial trade data for January-November 2018 are also satisfactory – the value of exports of agri-food products amounted to EUR 27.1 billion, thus recording an increase of 5.8% when compared year-on-year. On this basis, a further increase in agri-food exports for 2018





may be expected. Export revenues could reach a record result close to EUR 30 billion.

POLISH EXPORT HITS Sugar and confectionery are an important export commodity in Poland. In 2017, they accounted for 8% of the value of Polish agrifood exports – ca. EUR 2.2 billion. In the first eleven months of 2018, as was the case with many other Polish export food commodities, the value of confectionery exports increased. Despite the noticeable development of this industry, most Polish agri-food exports consist of live animals, meat and related products. Polish meat is highly valued by consumers in Western European countries, while also gaining

more and more popularity in third countries. In 2017, these products accounted for 21% of the value of exports, ca. EUR 5.8 billion. In terms of export value, cereals and related products ranked second (12% of the total export value). Tobacco and tobacco products (11%) as well as dairy products (8%) ranked next. It is worth mentioning that, although alcohol constituted only 1% of the total value of Polish agri-food exports in 2017, Poland is a leading EU and world producer of spirits and beer.


Through the export results achieved, home-produced sweets effectively aspire to


5 0

2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018*


27,1 18,1




24,3 17,3

23,9 16,1


20,4 14,3

17,9 13,6

15,2 12,6

11,5 9,3 13,5 10,9

10,1 8,1


7,1 5,4 8,5 6,4


11,7 10,3








Fig. 1. Polish foreign trade in agri-food products in 2004-2018 (in billion EUR)

5,2 4,4

I-XI I-XI 2017 2018



* estimates of the Institute of Agricultural and Food Economics - National Research Institute Source: elaboration by the Analysis and Strategy Office of the National Support Centre for Agriculture, based on data of the Ministry of Finance, 2018 – preliminary data.The balance was calculated on the basis of data with an accuracy of several decimal places.








2,5 2,2





2,5 2,1


2,2 2,0








Fig. 2. Commodity value of the Polish agri-food exports in particular months of 2017 and 2018 (in billion EUR)

1,5 1,0 0,5


r be


N ov em


O ct ob


Se pt em


us t Au g

Ju l

e Ju n

M ay

Ap ril

M ar ch

ar y ru Fe b

ua ry

0 Ja n

become another flagship of our economy and of our country. Poland is the eighth largest exporter of sweets in the world and the fifth in the EU. It is safe to say that in recent years Poland has grown into a confectionery power. Few need convincing to enjoy the taste of traditional Polish jaffa cakes (delicje), gingerbread, chocolate-coated foams (ptasie mleczko), fudges, or chocolate-covered prunes. The value of exports of Polish sweets has grown steadily over recent years. In 2017, exports of confectionery amounted to EUR 1,732 million. A significant part of Polish export of confectionery products (as much as 79%) comprised chocolate and food products containing cocoa. The largest increases in export sales were also recorded in the chocolate category. The noticeably growing popularity of Polish sweets on foreign markets results mainly from their high quality at a relatively low price. Investments in good quality and natural ingredients are a consequence of consumer habits evolving towards healthy eating. Polish sweets have the potential to compete boldly on foreign markets with more well-known brands and appear under the producer’s own label because they stand up in terms of quality and delight the palate of even the most demanding consumers. Poland sells confectionery products to more than 130 countries. They are the most popular among EU countries, mainly in Germany and Great Britain. Nevertheless, producers are constantly looking for new sales directions. As a result, Polish sweets are already available in the United States and Canada, Africa, or the Middle and Far East. You can buy Polish confectionery practically all over the world. The countries of the Arabian Peninsula, the Commonwealth of Independent States, as well as the USA and Canada are particularly attractive export destinations for this industry. High quality aside, the popularity of Polish products also results from the experience and flexibility of Polish producers in adapting their range of export products to the requirements of foreign contractors – e.g. by modifying product recipes. Confectionery is an industry with enormous potential, especially considering the forecasted increase in sales revenues. It is predicted that in 2022 global confectionery sales will reach USD 232 billion, which would mean an increase of USD 42 billion in relation to the recorded sales revenue from 2016 (USD


Source: elaboration by the Analysis and Strategy Office of the National Support Centre for Agriculture, based on data of the Ministry of Finance, 2018 – preliminary data.

190 billion). The potential for selling sweets in international markets seems unlimited. However, only high-quality products have a chance of standing out. Polish producers of sweets have an exceptional record in this regard.

COMPETITIVENESS OF POLISH EXPORT PRODUCTS Consumers are becoming increasingly aware, and this includes the confection-

ery industry. Sweet lovers check the labels closely in their quest for healthy ingredients. Consumers increasingly choose low-processed, high-quality food, rich in nutritional value, and above all safe and healthy – that is, without chemicals to improve taste or appearance. The focus is very much on healthy eating and traditional methods of production. This does not mean, however, that consumer needs





Fig. 3. Geographical structure of Polish agri-food exports in January-November 2018 Great Britain









Other countries


EUR 22.3 billion

EUR 27.1 billion




Czech Republic

Other EU countries











3% 2% Lithuania Romania Slovakia 2% 3% Spain 2% 2%

Source: elaboration by the Analysis and Strategy Office of the National Support Centre for Agriculture, based on preliminary data of the Ministry of Finance.

are uniform. Many factors affect diversity, such as environmental, cultural or geographical determinants. What is more, these needs evolve with changing lifestyles, which is why the key to success is to notice the changes and address them with a product range to meet customer expectations. Polish producers and exporters closely observe the prevailing trends on the markets where they plan to export and take

an individual approach. The export results show that this strategy has been effective and Polish food, including sweets, consistently gains popularity. There are two main reasons for this phenomenon. First of all, the diversity of the product range offered by Polish companies, which takes into account the preferences of local consumers. Second, the reputation of Polish food. Poland’s membership of the EU means that

Fig. 4. Commodity structure of Polish agri-food exports in January-November 2018 Other

Live animals, meat and preparations





Oilseeds, vegetable fats


Fruit and vegetable juices


Coffee, tea, cocoa


Cereal grain and preparations

EUR 27.1 billion


Fruits (including nuts) and preparations


Vegetables (including mushrooms)

Tobacco and tobacco products


Fish and preparations


Sugar and confectionery products



Dairy products


Source: elaboration by the Analysis and Strategy Office of the National Support Centre for Agriculture, based on preliminary data of the Ministry of Finance.




Polish food enjoys the trust of global markets and is perceived as a safe and exclusive product in terms of taste and quality. This is related to the acumen and experience of the Polish agri-food industry, which is currently one of the most modern and technologically advanced in the EU. However, in order to convince foreign importers and, most importantly, the consumers themselves, of the value of Polish food, effective promotion is needed. The National Support Centre for Agricultural (KOWR) plays an important role in this regard.

ROLE OF THE KOWR IN THE PROMOTION OF THE POLISH FOOD BRAND One of the key tasks of the KOWR, a government agency set up by the Polish Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, is to build a positive image and brand recognition of Polish food abroad. Promotional activities carried out under the „Poland tastes good” slogan are conducted in countries with high import potential, where Polish food is still absent or limited, as well as in countries where Polish food is already known, but requires further promotional support. In addition to organising the participation of Polish entrepreneurs in the largest international trade fairs and exhibition events, the KOWR organises trade missions for Polish companies and foreign importers, distributors or representatives of retail chains. There are also activities addressed directly at foreign consumers, such as tasting and cooking shows of Polish food, which acquaint the uninitiated with the richness of Polish flavours and Polish culinary tradition, as well as with the practical use of Polish products. From the point of view of the Polish agri-food sector, it is important to build awareness of the Polish brand and Poland itself on foreign markets as a country with rich agricultural traditions in the production of healthy and safe food through such multifaceted activities. If you are interested in cooperating with the KOWR, please feel free to get in touch: Magdalena Rowińska Chief Specialist Export Support Department of the KOWR


„POLAND TASTES GOOD” ON FOREIGN MARKETS KOWR’s goal is to support Polish producers and exporters of food by building a positive image and brand awareness of Polish food abroad.



The National Support National Support Centre for Agriculture Centre for Agriculture (KOWR) is the main institution implementing promotion measures in the agri-food sector in Poland. Its goal is to support Polish producers and exporters of food. Building a positive image and brand awareness of Polish food abroad under the “POLAND TASTES GOOD” slogan is one of the KOWR’s main challenges. The “POLAND TASTES GOOD” slogan emphasizes excellent flavour and the highest quality of Polish food products. It is an answer to the growing demand for healthy food produced with care for the environment, on the basis of traditional technologies and methods. The KOWR’s foreign promotional activities in 2019 will focus on 13 markets: China, Czech




Republic, Germany, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Israel, Japan, Mexico, United Arab Emirates, Vietnam, South Korea and Thailand. The aim is to exploit the import potential of those countries and to build awareness of the quality of Polish agri-food products in new regions. The KOWR is also considering promotional measures in other prospective markets.

PROMOTION ACTIVITIES OF THE KOWR The KOWR supports Polish companies in the agri-food sector in their efforts to enter new markets. Acting as an intermediary between Polish and foreign operators, the KOWR implements measures aimed at putting potential trading partners in touch with each other by organising economic missions and national exhibition stands during international food fairs abroad. It also organises economic missions

for foreign importers to Poland. In addition, the KOWR helps Polish companies by organising informational meetings on doing business abroad. The KOWR organises a wide range of events promoting Polish food and culinary traditions. It also participates in ventures organised abroad by Polish diplomatic missions and other government institutions in order to promote high-quality Polish food. The KOWR analyses and distributes information on the situation on Polish and foreign agrifood markets. The KOWR also supports branch and interbranch organisations through the promotional and information measures accepted by the European Commission under the Common Agricultural Policy. Feel free to contact the KOWR at:


POLISH FMCG MARKET – 2018’ SUMMARY This is already the 27th Christmas season in which our dried fruit bring joy to both consumers and retailers. Thanks to significant investments in promotion, the recognizability and sales of the HELIO brand have increased. The growth rate of product sales under our brands exceeded 35% y/y. Apart from investment in the brand, we have improved our production infrastructure. Modern technology as well as top production quality and safety standards account for our consistently built competitive advantage. It allows us to have one of the largest and most modern production plants in Europe today, Leszek Wąsowicz and therefore, to be a reliable producer and a timely supplier of even the largest amounts. Unfortunately, beside favourable consumption President of the Board trends, one should still take into account of crucial risks of the indusHELIO try. Although the industry seems attractive and simple, I have already seen many business disappointments over the years. Therefore, it is worth betting on proven partners with a transparent financial situation and a stable ownership structure. We have huge experience, know-how, production infrastructure, investments in the HELIO brand are worth millions of zlotys, with a stable Polish strategic owner and management board since the very beginning of our operations as well. These are the advantages we have developed, putting us in the position of a market leader and a reliable business partner. 2018 has been a year of challenges for the FMCG market. Among the most important ones, affecting the entire trade and service market, I would mention, first of all, the Sunday trade limitation. Changes in the law have created a new consumer reality each sector had to handle in its own way. Another challenge was the long summer – lasting from April almost to October this year – and it is a well-known fact that high temperatures do not encourage reaching for chocolate products. Therefore, beverage or ice cream producers have surely enjoyed this year, but it became a serious trial to producers of chocolate products, hence it is so important that the offer of Tadeusz Czarniecki a prominent brand should also include something light, suitable for Marketing Director summer. We have handled this challenge with our new products. Wawel Jellies, such as SMOK, enabling Wawel to enter a new category, have become a distinct brand that quickly found consumers in a dynamic category. Looking more broadly, we have spent the passing year under the sign of continuation of the adopted strategy – we were consistently developing the “Dobre Składniki” (Good Ingredients) project, directing our actions to the young target group. Thanks to such activitis, we are increasingly closer to the consumers and their needs – in the literal sense as well, as 2018 also saw the great premiere of the Wawel Truck, an interactive truck constantly cruising across Poland. This gives us lots of experience and, most importantly, an opportunity of direct contact with a consumer.




Robert Rudnicki

President of the Board Pszczółka Candy Factory Sweet snacks still have a raison d’être in the era of fitness and healthy lifestyle. It is only their consumption trends that have changed. The group of “smart customers” is growing. Not only the price itself but the quality of the offered products and the origin of ingredients have become deciding factors in shopping. Consumers want high-quality sweets in diverse tastes. 2018 saw popularity of products enriched with healthy ingredients, such as vitamins or minerals. The content of artificial colourings, preservatives and other kinds of additives was reduced. Growing consumer awareness forced producers to emphasize the composition of products. The so-called “clean label” became increasingly popular. The year of 2018 forced confectionery manufacturers to focus on innovative and functional products – specific values supporting our organism, from stress reduction through energizing to increasing libido. Foreign expansion has stimulated profits. With regard to confectionery exports, Poland occupies a high eighth position.

SUMMARY For the exports of BAKALLAND S.A., 2018 was unquestionably a period of further development, but also of new challenges affecting the FMCG market. The Company’s success unquestionably include entry to new, prospective markets, such as Vietnam, Saudi Arabia or Colombia, where the products of the Bakalland Group perfectly suit the health-improving and snack trend which has already become global. Yet this success was connected with investments that need to be borne by every production company developing exports of its products. We have already left this step behind, since 2018 saw us impleMarek Moczulski President of the Board menting new packages, e.g. of our BA! candy bar line, dedicated to export markets proven with regard to legislation and product BAKALLAND registration. Due to such a significant change, we have opened doors to new outlets, growing at a two-digit pace and increasing our competitive advantage. We are becoming recognizable as a producer of top-quality snacks and an innovative leader, which results in the new products we introduce being received enthusiastically on every continent. We steadily reinforce our sale strengths, creating a motivated team of specialists dedicated to new markets, implementing our export development strategy. This advantage is also noticed by trade chains directing enquiries to us from different parts of the world, also entrusting us with the creation of private labels. Currently, we are going through a phase of implementing many new projects which will stimulate further exports of BAKALLAND S.A. outside Poland in 2019. The ending year 2018 turned out to be full of challenges for the representatives of the retail sector in Poland. The local factors overlapped with global social trends, such as the aging of the population, growing consumer expectations concerning the quickness and comfort of the purchasing process, as well as the transfer of many potential customers to the Internet. These changes forced a dynamic reaction in the industry. In a broader perspective, two formats have gained significance: convenience stores and proximity supermarkets. What do they have in common? Close location, proper assortment and well-designed Bogdan Łukasik product exhibition. Smart store equipment has gained on popPresident of the ularity. In the passing year, Modern-Expo has also introduced Supervisory Board smart solutions into its portfolio. Implementing large projects Modern-Expo Group with key customers, the company has reinforced its position as a market leader, simultaneously maintaining the previous growth rate. Modern-Expo experts presented the developed solutions and trends at the world’s most important conferences and fairs: in Dubai, Warsaw and Kiev. The manufacturer has also been granted a loan by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, enabling it to invest in the growing machinery and, consequently, to increase the production volume, also due to introduction of a new management system throughout the company, based on the Lean Management model. Moreover, the company has opened two new offices: in Warsaw and Bucharest.

Robert Ogór

President of the Board AMBRA




This was a year of continuation of trends visible for several years. The quickest-developing categories and segments on the alcohol market are those of high value: wine, whisky, craft beer and other premium alcohols. Additionally, the beer sector and a range of other “refreshing offers”, including the Fresco Frizzante campaign on the wine market, took advantage of the long and hot summer after a period of stagnation. Sparkling wines are also entering the hot December period on a rising wave of prosecco that has opened up many new bubbly opportunities in front of consumers. Next year, we expect maintenance of the main trend of growing aspirations. The consumer wishes to be a partner rather than a recipient of the brand’s message. Thus, the producer faces the requirements of product development and open communication.

Paweł Gurgul President of the Board Hortex For Hortex, it was a year of both ownership changes, on the part of the management board, and organizational ones. A new strategy, known as Hortex 3.0., has been created. It focuses on growth and change of the management style – we are building more open, flat structures. We wish to be an attractive employer, a trade partner, an innovator. As a brand, we wish to inspire consumers for better and tasty nutrition, and our products are based on vegetables and fruit, comprising the base of the food pyramid, so they perfectly suit the natural and health-improving trend as well as consumer needs. Both categories in which Hortex is present are systematically growing. We would like to additionally stimulate the growth of categories, educating the consumers on the advantages of our products, and therefore we put more emphasis on the communication of frozen food and the benefits connected with taste as well as easy and quick preparation of meals. Juices, on the other hand, are associated with the largest opportunities for consumption. As for challenges, both to us and to the industry, they are surely attributable to the growing costs of labour, energy and transport. We develop our exports of frozen products on a regular basis, sending them to more than 30 countries. Our largest markets are the Baltic states, Belarus, Romania and the Polish-diaspora markets. We focus on reinforcement of our position in countries where we have already been present. Exports account for approx. 30% of the total sales of our frozen products. We are continuously present in Russia, where Hortex is the no. 2 brand on the frozen product market, although, due to the embargo, Hortex products dedicated to this market are obviously made in Russia, with raw materials originating from nonEU countries. For juices, nectars and beverages, exports comprise a much smaller percentage of our production, but we are working on increasing it. Our products are present in more than 20 countries. The largest export directions include the USA, England, and Bulgaria. The latest market is China.


Zenon Daniłowski

President of the Board Makarony Polskie We consider the year 2018 as a good one for the pasta market and for our company. Export was growing well with an upward trend. In fact it is one of the most rented areas of our activity therefore it is vital for us to concentrate on it. It is a great challenge to find new markets and settle the products on the shelves, but once a given product settles on a particular market, then such activity becomes profitable. Our largest recipient is Ukraine, which increased imports of pasta from Poland. Our Sorenti pasta is on the shelves of the leading Ukrainian distributors. The structure of our recipients of exported products is invariably dominated by Ukraine and Egypt. We regularly export our products to Norway, Serbia, China, South Africa, the USA and EU countries. We offer health-related products such as buckwheat, rye, wholemeal and spelt pasta. We are constantly working on enriching the product offer, because the customer is more and more conscious and expects products more tailored to their needs. Last year we successfully launched vegetable pasta: from chickpeas, from red lentils and green peas. These pastas are very popular, we plan to introduce them to EU and Asian markets and in the USA. African markets are also very interesting for our company. We count on an increase in export sales.

Beata Panek

Quality and Development Director BELiN

The year of 2018 was intense for our dairy in many aspects. Above all, we recorded an increase in sales of the Serenada and Skarby Serowara cheese brands. For the former, this was a result of constant work on quality and building of brand awareness. Additionally, we have refreshed the packaging design of Serenada cheeses. This is accompanied by a nationwide campaign covering the TV media and the Internet. Advertising spots are broadcast on such channels as TVN, Polsat, TVP1, TVP2, and the most popular thematic channels such as TVN Style or Kuchnia+. Simultaneously, beside sales, Edward Bajko we focus on education as well. We conduct cheese category President, Spomlek management training for traders and sellers in trade chains Dairy Cooperative all across Poland. We put the most emphasis on the appropriate exhibition of cheese on a traditional counter, packaging of products on a self-service counter, as well as merchandising. Due to the fact that, besides production activities, we have always been concerned with corporate social responsibilities, we also decided to develop our flagship CSR project “Serenada for Children” under which we organize unique children’s play areas at health care clinics. Although this year has been intense for our dairy cooperative, we are not slowing down and we already have many new ideas we will endeavour to implement consistently. 2018 has been successful for the beer industry. The reasons for the good results include sunny weather and the FIFA World Cup. These factors and the interesting offer of producers caused the beer market to grow by 6.9% in terms of value for the last 10 months, overtaking the volume growth that increased by 3.5%. Consumer trends are stable – sales of beer specialties and beers from regions with brewery traditions are growing, the segment of non-alcoholic beer is developing, flavoured beers are doing well, having reached a valuable share in the category, at the level of 10.8%, during Wojciech Żabiński, the season. Vice-President of the Board This has also been a successful year for Carlsberg Polska. for Marketing Affairs Good results were recorded by the Okocim brand continuing Carlsberg Polska its strong communication platform “Tu się warzy z zasadami” (Brewing with Principles). Okocimska Klasyczna Pszenica won the Good Beer gold medal, while Porter was awarded the bronze European Beer Star. Okocim Radlers enjoyed popularity, among them the new strawberry product – Okocim Radler Truskawka, awarded with the gold Chmielaki Krasnostawskie award. We are satisfied with the results of the Žatecký Světlý Ležák brand. Other hits include Somersby and the new product – Somersby Watermelon, as well as Karmi non-alcoholic beer. In 2018, we introduced the new Birell brand of non-alcoholic beer with isotonic properties, gaining consumers among active people. The main challenges facing the industry include legislative stability.

For BELiN, 2018 has passed under the sign of innovation – both in terms of products and technology. Innovative activities have been permanently inscribed in our enterprise management system. They are expressed through the constant expansion of our offer, responding to the consumer choices connected with care for health and safety, as well as search for new values. A dynamic R&D Department has existed within the structures of our company for many years, cooperation with many scientific institutions has been developing dynamically as well. The enterprise can boast patents and claims for new technological solutions. Modern management methods, the level of industrial investments and the technological knowledge allowed us to obtain resources for development of innovative operations in 2018. Currently, we are implementing an investment project co-financed by the European Funds, “Automated tea and herbs packaging technology to increase the product safety”. In response to the changing market requirements, BELiN is constantly building a modern brand. Only in 2018, our offer has expanded by more than 30 new products, including several collections: “Mami & Baby” directed to children; Komplex functional tea line; “Skarby Polskiej Natury” (Treasures of Polish Nature) – a series of teas in pyramid bags; “Ziołowe Duety” (Herbal Duets) – a series of herbal teas in surprising configurations and tastes.





Iwona German

Marketing Director in the region of CEE McCormick Polska McCormick Polska regards the passing year as a very successful one. Our Kamis and Galeo spice brands are constantly found among the spices most purchased by Poles who pay increasing attention to the high quality of products. This is a leading trend in the entire FMCG sector. Meeting the consumer requirements, producers put all efforts to provide the highest possible assortment quality. Customers are also more concerned with the origin of the product, the way it has been obtained, and whether production does not harm the environment. Expectations with regard to companies are growing as well – they are required to operate in a transparent and ethical manner. The taste criterion remains invariably significant – consumers accept no compromises in this regard. Our products meet these conditions excellently. With our supply chain, developed over the years, we are able to indicate the origin of the products with accuracy up to an individual field, which is included in the new communication platform of the Kamis brand, “A dokładniej?” (And More Specifically?). Strict cooperation with local suppliers, combined with complex research, guarantee the top class and delightful taste of our products. We look forward for the upcoming year to be equally successful, to us and to the entire FMCG market which will continue to record growth stimulated by increasing consumption.

Sławomira Raczkowska

Katarzyna Kołacz

The year 2018 was most of all a continuation of the initiated changes in previous years like consolidations, innovations, trends and a strong brand. These occurrences have brought many challenges also for our company. In addition, it was necessary to face rising production and labor costs. Polish food has been conquering the EU markets mainly through a good price to quality ratio. It has been a simple competitive advantage in relation to foreign producers. Currently, in the face of these changes, a new strategy is needed to conquer foreign markets. One of such ideas is building our own brand. Although it is not an easy matter because it requires a lot of time and investing a lot of money. Anyway previous year was very busy, full of chalanges and sometimes not predictible in consumer expectation. The trends changed very fast from standard sweets to more healthy and functional products. Faced with these expectations, we have developed new recipes for organic products which is available in 3 variates: raisins, cranberries and almonds in dark chocolate. Most of all we also focus on developing new products which we are going to sell next year. We developed recipe new nuts and fruits bars which will be available in six taste under the brand SHE+ENERGY fruit&nut and HE+ENERGY nut&choco.

For the export department at ZM Dobrowolscy, 2018 was intense and full of emotions. We have achieved a 60% increase in sales compared to 2017, yet our ambitions and capabilities are significantly higher, so we intend to achieve even better results in 2019. This seems to be quite achievable through acquisition of new countries, and consequently, new importers. The strong expansion of exports by ZM Dobrowolscy is evidenced by new product lines which have become very well received by importers. European markets are of strategic importance to the exports of ZM Dobrowolscy. This year, we have marked our presence with our products particularly strongly in the UK, and in the new year, we will take another challenge, by starting cooperation with three new countries. We put all efforts into the adaptation of our products to the requirements of the importer’s market. Above all, we keep the quality of the offered product in mind, along with packing forms and logistic solutions. Among other things, we make ourselves visible by participating in trade missions, export congresses and foreign fairs. This year, the export strength of ZM Dobrowolscy has been appreciated at the Food Export Congress in Warsaw with the first prize of the “Polish Food Export Awards”.

Export Manager Eurohansa

Export Manager ZM Dobrowolscy

I believe the time for assessment and summary is yet to come – December is a very intense, almost crucial sales period, immensely affecting the evaluation of the entire year. Nevertheless, we can boast a turnover increase recorded after ten months. We associate this trend with both our operations and wider market trends suited well by the Cooperative’s products. In particular, I mean the growth of popularity of products characterized by high quality and unique taste advantages. Another good thing is that 2018 finally brought a long-awaited stabilization on the FCMG market. Conducting business became more predictable than in 2017, enabling us to plan our operations within a longer time horizon. In this context, it is worth mentioning the marketing of the Majonez Kielecki Lekki mayonnaise and the Musztarda Kielecka Starofrancuska mus-

Zbigniew Mojecki Deputy President for Commercial Affairs WSP „SPOŁEM”




tard. Today, I can admit these moves have been successful – these products have been positively evaluated by customers. Currently, we are preparing other new products to reach the market next year – or at least it is our plan to introduce them. To sum up, it should be said that we are working hard to improve our results for last year and we are on the right path to succeed.


Mariusz Ryciak

Deputy Marketing Director OSHEE

Trade, Exports, and Marketing Director District Dairy Cooperative in Łowicz

Agata Makowska

Andrzej Zalewski

2018 was full of challenges for the food industry. The growing awareness of healthy lifestyle makes customer expectations concerning the quality, origin and composition of food increasingly higher. The so-called “clean label” trend is prevailing on the Polish market as well; according to this year’s survey by Nielsen, more than 60% of Polish consumers select products with a simple and clear list of ingredients. However, the eco-trend is not just about the use of unprocessed, natural components but about the manner of obtaining thereof. A modern customer, being a member of the Generation Y, expects the food purchased at a store to come from ecological farms and to be produced with due respect for natural resources. The programme policy of OSHEE meets these expectations through the elimination of palm oil from all products and significant sugar content reduction. A new customer profile also means a change in the approach to shopping. According to the “Shopper Study” survey conducted by Opinion in 2017, 80% of Poles regard product quality as the key factor affecting a shopping decision, and 66% declare they would gladly pay more for a better-quality product. Combined with the increase in purchasing power, such changes should contribute to the development of the industry.

In 2018, the District Dairy Cooperative in Łowicz carried out the process of virtually complete rebranding of its portfolio under the Łowickie brand – the product packaging was enriched with a folklore motif of a modern incarnation of a striped fabric from the Łowicz region, which, combined with the white, communicates the regional character, naturalness and high quality of our products. The packaging of Łowickie milk underwent the deepest transformation: besides the design change, it also gained a new, more practical format of a carton with an innovative winged cap which allows the carton to be opened with a single, simple hand movement. We are the only company on the Polish market to have this carton closing system. The packaging of Łowicka UHT cream will soon gain this solution too. Introduction of such profound changes in the brand image required us to intensify our marketing activities. The extensive campaign conducted in 2018 has enabled us to convince the existing consumers to the new brand image and has drawn crowds of new ones as well. In the case of many assortments, rebranding was accompanied by a positive change in compositions of our products, allowing us to join the “clear label” trends. 2019 will require us to further communicate the changes we have introduced and to build an even stronger position of the Łowickie brand.

For us, 2018 has been a very important year due to our entry into the market, BZK Alco is a new player. From that time, we have introduced more than 50 products, enabling our offer to meet the needs and tastes of different consumers, including the most demanding ones. Our flagship alcohol is the ultrapremium Senator Komorowski Organic Vodka made of select rye grown at certified organic farms, as well as Björn vodka – both of them have won quality awards in major international contests on three continents. One of our most recognizable brand is Kazimierz Wielki. Besides, our offer includes coloured alcohols, such as the Kordiały (“Cordials”) referencing the tradition of Old Polish liqueurs made since the 16th century, or the Magnat collection which, in turn, references the liquor-making customs of old magnate courts. Our economic category offers the Janosik and Waligóra brands. Our key to success is the top quality of our products. We operate within one of the greatest crop-processing groups in Poland. This allows us to handle every part of the production process, field to table. We select and store the grain, distill the spirit and transport it to our own bottling plant – all by ourselves. Unlike other producers, we own as much as 488 distillation shelves, enabling sevenfold distillation and, consequently, production of unpolluted alcohol (0 ppm).

Marketing Director BZK Alco

We are now beginning the 25th year of operation of Hochland in Poland. For Hochland Polska, the passing year of 2018 has been marked by dynamic investments, market debuts and active support to local communities. Currently, the greatest environmentally-friendly investment implemented by Hochland Polska, worth approx. 3.5million euros, is the replacement of an evaporative installation for whey and powdered milk production at the Węgrów plant. The products of Hochland are sold in more than 30 countries on several continents. For more than 90 years, Hochland has guaranteed the top quality of its products, has been present in all the major domestic and international cheese segments, and has been doing great, not only in the retail food sector trade. It also supplies several branches of the food and catering industry. The company employs more than 4,200 employees in more than a dozen production plants. Recently, it has acquired a large US cottage cheese producer, Franklin Foods Inc. The plant in Kaźmierz near Poznań produces, above all, a full range of Hochland cream cheeses. The Węgrów plant specializes in cottage cheeses, including the cult-status Almette, as well as many variants of yellow cheese. The large number of products in Hochland’s offer – and thousands of people involved in the building of the brand’s history and strength – all make quite a rarity! In the years to come, Hochland intends to continue the search for products best suiting the taste of the demanding Polish consumer.

Jacek Wyrzykiewicz PR & Marketing Services Manager Hochland Polska




Drawing from tradition and recipes veriited by generations, creating products with passion and taste--rst for their nearest and dearest, and now for their customers- the Dobrowolscy brothers have created an offer of exceptional products of witch they are proud. Unique products marinated in brine, prepared only from natural ingredients, traditionally smoked on fruit wood. Made from raw materials with a weight weig exceeding the basis weight of the nished product.

MARINATED HAM FROM THE BROTHERS 120 g Meats per 100 g of product Pickled in marinade Without phosphates Traditional smoked

MARINATED LOIN OF PORK FROM THE BROTHERS 110 g loin per 100 g of product Pickled in marinade Without phosphates Traditionaly smoked

TRADITIONAL HAM SAUSAGE FROM THE BROTHERS 102 g Meats per 100 g of product Natural ingredients Traditionally smoked

MARINATED SIRLOIN FROM THE BROTHERS 100 g Meats per 100 g of product Pickled in marinated Without phosphates Traditional smoked

In an atmosphere of need and response to the expectations of modern consumers, the idea of creating a poultry line by the Dobrowolscy company was bor. Kukuryku, as �siblings� of other Dobrowolscy brands, is free of artiicial additives and can boast of a high meat content and boast of a high meat content and of roots reaching back to family traditions . With respect to the recipes and with concern for meeting the expactions of modern consumer, we have created products that are traditionally smoked , with excellent taste, witch at the same time are a free of phosphates , artiicial colourants and thinckeners. This i how we made our roasted chicken breast, traditionaly smoked turkey breast, tender sausages witch chicken breast and chicken in aspic.

TRADITIONALLY SMOKED TURKEY BREAST 110 g of turkey breast per 100 g of product Traditionally smoked Hight proteine content Without phosphates

ROASTED CHICKEN BREAST 105 g meat per 100 g of product Excellent taste Hight protein content

TENDER SAUSAGE WITCH CHICKEN BREAST 107 g meat per 100 g of product Traditionally smoked Without phosphates, artiicial colourants and thinckeners

CHICKEN IS ASPIC 100% chicken meat Perfectly seasoned

SUMMARY The Polish market is the main area of operations of LOTTE Wedel, yet we also focus on letting foreign consumers learn the perfect quality of our products. This year, exports have accounted for approx. 10% of the company’s sales, and further growth is anticipated. Polish products are competitive abroad, with such advantages as excellent quality, attractive prices (sustainable due to lower labour costs), or modern packaging design. Increasingly more Polish companies achieve success in sales, overtaking their competitors in Europe and beyond. To us, 2018 was intense but very fruitful. We entered new markets, such as Brazil, Hong Kong, Japan, Vietnam, and Mongolia, introducGrzegorz Lenart ing many new items. The products of the Wedel brand enjoy much Export Director popularity, particularly due to their quality and diversity. We strive LOTTE Wedel to adapt our offer to a specific market in the best degree possible, with regard to tastes, formats and packaging alike. To maintain a high export growth rate, greater diversification of exports will be necessary, so many challenges lie ahead of us. We expect 2019 to bring us further development, e.g. through expansion to Arab countries. 2018 was very good for TERRAVITA company especially in export sales. We launched on the market with success a few new products and the same gained new Customers. During ISM 2018 fairs in Cologne we presented new line of chocolates in our assortment under CHOCOLA brand – perfect harmony of supreme quality chocolate with simple but exquisite extras like strawberries, corn, coffee beans, almonds and mango. New chocolates were introduced on the market just before chocolate season but we already received positive feedback from the market. Besides that we refreshed the assortment of classic 100g milk chocolates tablets. Arkadiusz Majchrzak In 2018 we entered new markets like South Africa and Kosovo and Export Manager enlarged our business in those countries where we already were Terravita Sp. z o.o. present. To sum up – in 2018 our products were available in 32 countries outside Poland. In 2019 we would like to continue our plan of development of our assortment by fulfilment of our conceptions and introduction of new products on the market which will meet our Customers’ needs.

Anna Adaszewska Marketing Manager Italmex

Natalia Babczyńska Category Manager of Knorr, Unilever Polska




Sylwia Mokrysz

Proxy and Board Member, Mokate At Mokate, 2018 was a good period for the Tea Unit. We are bringing our construction and logistic investments to an end and still developing our product portfolio. Our development takes place both in the segment of economic teas – dominated by the reliable Minutka – and of premium ones, including the full range of LOYD teas. Last year, the customers appreciated us again, which is of highest value for every company. “Golden Receipt” and “Trade Hit” awards confirm this fact well. Among other things, we have expanded our LOYD Warming Tea line to include other taste compositions. As always, we focus on health-promoting activities popularizing such a lifestyle, as evidenced by such products as the LOYD Recepta na…: Zdrowe Gardło, Spokojny i Dobry Sen, and Aktywne Trawienie (Recipe For: Healthy Throat, Peaceful and Good Sleep, and Active Digestion) functional tea line.

Another year in more than quarter of a century of the history of Italmex is coming to an end. This year, two important TV campaigns have taken place, promoting brands we distribute: Bruschette Maretti (popular salty snacks) and Costa d’Oro (olive oils). We have supported both campaigns with numerous promotional actions. As each year, we have organized many thematical promotions jointly with producers, allowing the products we distribute to reach the shelves at very attractive prices. We have also introduced new products such as: SoWell nut cream (no salt, sugar and palm oil), Red Delight chocolates (reduced calorific value and no sugar), Costa d’Oro Il Grezzo unfiltered olive oil (20% more antioxidants), Sam Mills gluten-free pasta made of leguminous plants (chickpeas, lentil, black bean – high protein content), as well as many products bearing the BIO certificate. We believe that the healthy lifestyle fashion will be determining nutritional trends in the years to come. Besides the offer adapted to the needs of consumers, the market requires producers and importers to meet increasingly high servicing standards. In order to satisfy the constantly growing requirements of the market, Italmex plans to move to a new company headquarters with significantly larger storage facilities at the turn of 2018 and 2019. This will enable us to constantly develop the assortment and maintain the highest possible quality in order and delivery implementation. For the Knorr brand, 2018 was immensely significant for several reasons. Firstly, the brand has introduced completely new product segments into its portfolio. We have offered our consumers single spices for the first time – the new line includes as many as 19 variants of spices coming from regions of the world where they have optimal growth conditions. This is confirmed by the “Guarantee of Country of Origin” stamp on the packaging. Secondly, this year, Knorr was steadily developing the offer of products characterized by transparent, natural composition, thus responding to consumer expectations. The portfolio of specialist spices was refreshed, offering 100% natural products. Simultaneously, the Naturalnie Smaczne! (Naturally Tasty!) line of fixes is being consistently developed – 2018 saw the emergence of new variants inspiring consumers to make pasta dishes and meals traditionally associated with the Polish cuisine. New variants of salad sauces in the Naturalnie Smaczne! line have also appeared. Next year, we plan to continue the development of segments of products with natural compositions. We will keep on developing a wide offer of spices and inspiring consumers on


Robert Zawadzki

Department of Economic Promotion Polish Investment and Trade Agency (PAIH) The share of foodstuffs in Polish export is 80% and, despite the growing prominence of technologically advanced products, the position of this sector seems unthreatened. Apples and poultry are the leading categories, and the EU states comprise the main direction for Polish producers. However, the capacity of the closest markets is slowly shrinking, which seems to be directly proportional to the industry’s growing boldness and appetite for new trade destinations. Importantly, Polish companies know how to create trends and how to introduce their assortment into all niches of the food market. In analogy to the IT industry, the Polish food sector also sees emergence of startups creating innovative products that find recognition among international experts. An example is the segment of the so-called superfood, i.e. natural food with proven health-improving effects, compliant with the healthy lifestyle trend and satisfying the needs of consumers suffering from congenital food intolerances. This is where domestic producers start rising to prominence and even gaining international awards. In competitions organized at foreign fairs, Polish beverages, craft beers, wines, mineral waters, cereal products, and fruit preparations are incessantly successful, yet many trails still have to be blazed, often on remote markets, to translate these successes into actual sales. An example Polish food startup is the Cruz Group, winner of the Food Innovation of 2018 award for the Yoko beverage at the SIAL Paris and SIAL China trade fairs. The brand that has only been around for 3 years is present in 31 countries now. The entrepreneurs from Poznań are helped in reaching their distributors by the Foreign Trade Bureaus of the PAIH, directing the company’s operations and supporting it with contact networks. The PAIH also promotes Poland as a place of origin of high-quality products, as exemplified by the joint initiative of the PAIH and the Polish Breweries, creating the slogan “Proudly Made in Poland”.




For the spirit industry, 2018 was a time of introduction of important changes in the legal environment. New regulations came into force on 9 March, allowing commune councils to determine the maximum limit of licenses for sales of alcoholic beverages in the commune’s territory. Other changes include expansion of the list of places where drinking alcohol is banned, as well as enabling local governments to limit the sales of alcohol between 10.00 p.m. and 6.00 a.m. The whisky category has recorded high growth again, but unflavoured vodka has still been the predominant strong spirit on the Polish market. Beside unflavoured vodkas, flavoured spirit variants Andrzej Szumowski were dynamically developing. Most of them have an alcohol content President of the Board below 37.7%, so they are not classified as vodka (in the light of the Polish Vodka Association regulations in force). Nevertheless, their popularity is on the rise. The passing year has confirmed the growing consumer interest in products of the premium segment. The quality of the product, the history behind it, or attractive packaging are what increasingly matters to buyers of strong liquor. Therefore, I hope more and more producers will be making vodka bearing the Polska Wódka (Polish Vodka) protected geographical indication and predominantly meeting the criteria of a premium vodka. An important event for the Polish Vodka Association was the opening of the first Museum of Polish Vodka in June 2018, in the area of the Koneser Centre (at a former vodka factory) in the Praga district of Warsaw. This is the first place in Poland where one can learn the history of our national liquor, from the beginnings up to the present day. 2018 saw the introduction of non-trade Sundays. For the smallest stores, which can be run by the owners themselves, turnover on the non-trade Sundays themselves is on the rise, but, due to aggressive campaigns of foreign discount stores advertising before weekends, the turnover of small stores drops so much on Fridays and Saturdays that the Sunday growth is unable to compensate for the losses from the previous days. On the other hand, larger stores cannot compensate for the drops caused by the Sunday closure of shops. The government has also determined that theft below the value of PLN 500 is only a misdemeanour. Introduction Maciej Ptaszyński of a register of thieves is a step in the right direction, yet deterGeneral Director mination of the maximum amount at which theft is not a felony Polish Chamber of remains a persistent problem. This year, local government bodies Commerce have the power to decide where and at what times alcohol may be sold. They have also obtained new powers concerning granting of alcohol sales licenses – entities that will lose their right to sell alcohol will be less competitive than the shops that do sell liquor. This will affect the competitiveness between stores but may also cause an increase in corruption of commune self-government. The new year will have more trade-free Sundays and we will see increasingly stronger results of this change. We also expect an increase in prices of products, to be caused by an immense increase in power costs. 2018 has been another year of growing sales. We can boast a two-digit growth in sales of pasta and sauces (Source: internal data of the company). This is a result of consistent application of the adopted media presence strategy and promotional activities at points of sale. The year of 2018 saw the start of a campaign with a new brand ambassador – the tennis champion Roger Federer. In his everyday life, he embodies the principles that have allowed him to win the hearts of millions of people worldwide. His values and stardom comply with the mission of Barilla, consisting in contributing to better nutriThanos tion and sustainable development of the planet. Athanassopoulos Federer’s quest for perfection on the one hand and simplicity on the Managing Director other hand also work fine in the case of Barilla: with a product as Barilla Poland excellent and simple at the same time as the Barilla pasta, everyone can be a champion, hence the campaign slogan – Masters of Pasta. We are constantly working on the expansion of distribution of our products to all sales channels as well as on the start of cooperation with new customers. We focus on appropriate assortment and exhibition at sales places, the key elements ensuring constant growth.


Exporting Polish great taste, uniqueness and creativity Interview with Jarosław Zawadzki, President of the Board, Dr Gerard You can boast a very broad portfolio. Which products enjoy most interest outside Poland? In exports, as in domestic sales, we focus on unique products, only available in the portfolio of Dr Gerard, such as cream cakes, made of two fluffy biscuits with silky cream in between and a bit of fruit jam, or Mafijne – a unique double sandwich cookie consisting of three crispy cookies separated with two layers of delicious cream. Other products enjoying much popularity include wafer rolls, offered in as many as seven flavours, and chocolate wafers in the form of tiny cakes (PryncyTorcik).

Do you pay attention to current trends while expanding your portfolio? What is currently en vogue among sweet and salty snacks?

Apart from sales on the Polish market, you are dynamically developing your operations in more than 30 countries. Which directions are of most importance to you? Do you plan to introduce your products to new markets? Dr Gerard is becoming an increasingly important player on the Central and Eastern European markets: Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, and the Czech Republic where we already have a strong position in select categories, e.g. a 13% share in terms of value in wafer sales in Romania (family packages), an 8% share in terms of value in the segment of filled cookies in Slovakia, and a share of more than 18% in value in the crackers mix segment in Hungary. Other important directions include the Middle East, where we cooperate with key distributors, as well as Eastern markets, such as Russia, Lithuania, Latvia, Ukraine. The Dr Gerard products will soon be available for purchase in the largest trade chains of that region, such as Magnit or Lenta.




We observe the trends very carefully and consider them when creating new cookies. The most recent trends include unobvious taste combinations, such as salt caramel or chocolate & chili, which is why we will soon introduce sweet cocoa pretzels with chili and sea salt. Another very strong trend is the so-called “healthy cookies” in which the most important things are a short and clear ingredients list as well as natural additives (vegetables, fruit, seeds). In response to this trend, a completely new cookie line is being created, including millet flour cookies with cocoa and beets or cookies with cauliflower flour and herbs. Not only is this trend addressed through the creation of new products but it also motivates us to improve the existing recipes, e.g. we are gradually removing palm oil from our products. It is worth mentioning that, despite new trends, what consumers invariably look for in cookies is simply pleasure, so we care a lot about the unique taste and top quality of our products.

Have the last 12 months been successful to you? What was the greatest challenge in export activities? Our export sales in 2018 increased by 5%, accounting for as much as 31% of the entire company now, so we can definitely say the last year was successful. In export activities, as in all the operations of our company, we put strong emphasis on the creation of a competitive offer – unique, well-priced, and, above all, tasty.

What are your plans for the upcoming year? In 2019, we intend to reinforce our position in CEE and the Middle East, as well as operate intensely on the Russian market.

Thank you


Flexibility essential for every well-managed company Interview with Elżbieta Bąkiewicz, Export CEO, Bogutti

Which of your products are sales hits and where are you developing your sales most intensely now? The BOGUTTI company was established in 2012, in response to the constantly growing exports of confectionery products and to the demand of Western markets for high-quality filled cookies, being a technological innovation at the time. Bogutti is primarily known for the Premium cookies: LA GUSTOSA, CHOCO GUTTI, and TWEETT, filled with semi-liquid cream and offered in many flavour variants. Natural creams containing chocolate, nuts, coffee and natural oils, as well as fruit fillings are used in the production of the cookies. Our target markets are the Western European countries and markets which are difficult to access due to quality requirements and high entry barriers. Currently, BOGUTTI serves more than 40 countries on four continents. Our products are exported to such European markets as Germany, France, Italy, the United Kingdom, Ireland, Spain, Sweden, Hungary, Romania, Ukraine, as well as the Russian market, South Africa, Nigeria, China, Korea, and the USA. Moreover, Bogutti is a well-known producer of KRÓWKA, fudge made of cream and butter according to a traditional Polish recipe. Our fudge also enjoys popularity in Arab countries, such as Yemen, Iraq or Saudi Arabia, but it can also be found on shelves in India, Bangladesh and South




Africa. There should be no wonder that exports currently account for more than 60% of the company’s turnover.

is constantly observing competitive forces in the industry, flexibly adapting its own offer to the market trends. We try to avoid direct price war.

What makes Bogutti stand out against the competitors?

What are your latest products?

Filled cookies offered by Bogutti require advanced technologies, specialized production lines, as well as a strongly developed R&D department. Therefore, the Premium lines are hard to copy. Bogutti is constantly improving the production process, ensuring the application of the most modern solutions in order to achieve the unique advantages of our cookies. A challenge to our company was to create products which could be chosen by all consumers, regardless of their place of residence, legal regulations or religion. Therefore, our products contain no preservatives or genetically modified ingredients, natural creams are used instead of aromatized ones, along with vegetable and nontrans-fat oils as well as natural colourants. We are aware of the strong competition on the market, so we try to be more flexible than any other large company and to provide better customer service.

What are the greatest export challenges for confectionery producers? In the upcoming years, the rivalry in the confectionery industry should be expected to grow due to consolidation and development of enterprises. Of special interest is the domination of several leaders. Unrestricted access to information, open markets, new nutritional habits have resulted in customers having their own opinions on products and buying them consciously. Consumers are increasingly careful in choosing products containing preservatives and additives. Pursuit of a sustainable lifestyle and a healthy diet are what directs the consumer behaviour. One should build competitive advantage based on new technologies, functionality of products, and product innovation; expand geographical markets, search for alternative customer access, and build a strong distribution network. Bogutti

Consumers tend to choose healthy products containing natural ingredients, treating cookies not just as sweets but as snacks. We’ve noticed strong development of functional categories, such as breakfast cookies, sugar-free cookies or protein cookies. There is an increase in popularity of smaller, convenient on-the-go packaging enabling quick consumption (e.g. in a car or at work) because it is easy to use and saves the consumer’s time. Keeping up with new market trends, Bogutti has marketed CHOCOFIT cookies, baked on the basis of six cereals, containing oat flakes and enriched with fibre as well as magnesium. The cookies are available in 135g packages or in 40g single packages. Our offer has also been enriched by a wide range of SUGAR-FREE cookies, including 135g cookies under the FREE brand with an addition of chocolate, butter or cranberries.

How do you assess the last 12 months of activity and what are your plans for the upcoming year? Our sales are developing at a very dynamic pace. We consistently implement the assumed strategy and steadily develop our machinery. For the last 12 months, we have recorded more than 20% growth in sales. The company is constantly working on the reinforcement of its international position. We have received a distinction from the Ambassador of Polish Food Exports for international promotion of foodstuffs in exports. Next year, we plan to maintain the current growth rate with innovative products and new markets, primarily on the niche market of functional cookies. We would like to invite you to see our stand at the ISM Fair where we will have the pleasure to present our products.

Thank you


New year’s investment Interview with Małgorzata Cebelińska, Director of Trade Department at SM MLEKPOL in Grajewo. ing position in Poland. Milk consumption in our country hasn’t been growing so fast, and the market is also saturated, therefore we can export this surplus. Our main external market is the European Union, where we send a wide portfolio of products, including short-term ones. Społdzielnia’s products have also found their recipients in South America, Asia and the Far East. Our brands, such as Łaciate, can be found among others in China, the United States, Israel, Algeria, Indonesia and the Philippines. More and more products with long shelf life, but also frozen products like butter or mozzarella cheese are being sold to these markets.

Which products from your offer have a special appeal to consumers in particular countries? Mlekpol has over 400 products in its offer. Numerous products of Spółdzielnia Mleczarska Mlekpol are recognized all over the world. Iconic Łaciate milk already reaches 6 continents. For example, to China itself in 2018, Mlekpol sent a record amount of UHT milk – about 1000 containers. It was a full assortment of milk in 1 litre and 500 ml packages, with a fat content from 0% to 3.8%, and flavoured milk in 200 ml cartons. Łaciate milk is the third most popular imported milk in China, just after German and Australian products. Bearing in mind our entire export, we can say that the most attractive for Mlekpol’s foreign contractors are milk and creams, as well as milk powders and whey products.

What are the trends in the global dairy market? The most significant trend in the dairy industry is the return to natural products, with the least modified composition, barely with an optional addition of salt or enzymes. This is the strongest trend in the food market, which is also developing intensively in our product categories. The second, also strongly noticeable tendency is the interest in products in which producers change the composition due to the occurrence of food intolerances. Lactose-free products offered by Spółdzielnia Mleczarska Mlekpol in Grajewo are a good example here. The growing interest in handy ‘on the go’ packaging related to the active lifestyle of consumers is also worth noting. Mlekpol introduces small packages, packaging with straws or attached teaspoons, which simply facilitate the consumption of dairy products at work, at school or on the go.

Which countries receive the most MLEKPOL products and what are their shares in export? The export of Mlekpol products has been constantly growing. Spółdzielnia is invariably developing, increasing its milk purchase – last year the increase was approx. 5 percent, which allowed for breaking another record – 1 billion 800 million litres and maintaining the lead-




How would you assess the year of 2018 in terms of export? What were your successes in this field? We finished the last year with the highest export value in the history of Spółdzielnia. The sales volume of our products beyond the borders of Poland has been consistently increasing. Foreign consumers want to consume natural products – following current global trends – that is why they choose Mlekpol products based on the best Polish milk and famous for the highest quality. About 30% of the entire production of Mlekpol Spółdzielnia Mleczarska is intended for export.

What are the Mlekpol’s plans related to the development of export activities in 2019? Spółdzielnia Mleczarska Mlekpol is a leader in the export of dairy products in Poland. After launching the new milk powder plant in Mrągowo in 2019, we will certainly be able to increase our export volume. This new investment will allow for processing even more milk and whey that are produced in cheese making. It will allow us to provide our customers with an even richer range of products. Many of our trading partners are looking forward to the launch of this investment.

Thank you

MLEKPOL Dairy Cooperative in Grajewo is the largest milk and dairy producer in Poland and one of the twenty largest milk processors in Europe. ICELAND

The mission of MLEKPOL is production and sale of high quality natural dairy products that meet the expectations of consumers.

























The cooperative owns many highly-valued brands such as: Łaciate, Milko, Mazurski Smak, Maślanka Mrągowska, Rolmlecz, Mleko Zambrowskie, Mlekpol, Białe, Milatte and Mleczarnia. All the products are manufactured in 12 modern and highly specialized production plants in Poland.




All MLEKPOL products are made of milk coming from farms from Podlasie, Warmia and Mazury - the cleanest regions of Poland. For their products MLEKPOL uses only milk from cows fed with GMO-free feed.






The most recognized MLEKPOL brand is Łaciate, which in Poland became a synonym of the word ‘milk’. Łaciate milk reaches customers worldwide. Łaciate products cover milk, cream, sour cream, butter and cream cheese. Consumers also appreciate other MLEKPOL products such as dutch and maasdam type cheese, mozzarella, butter and fermented products. The entire offer of MLEKPOL consists of over 400 products that are delivered to modern store chains, traditional shops, B2B channels and HoReCa. 30% of all Cooperative's production is being exported outside EU. Products of MLEKPOL are also known in China, the United States, Israel, Algeria, Indonesia and the Philippines. In 2019 MLEKPOL will complete the construction of the largest powder plant in Poland and one of the largest in Europe - the Production Plant of Powdered Dairy Products in Mrągowo. Following this investment MLEKPOL will expand its offer of dairy powder products with whey powder permeate, wpc, mpc, fat filled milk powders and instant milk. MLEKPOL consequently develops its product lines basing on market needs. Customers and consumers appreciate the quality of products and stability of cooperation provided by MLEKPOL Dairy Cooperative in Grajewo.


Focusing on high quality and tradition Interview with Magdalena Azikiewicz, Marketing Manager, ZPC Śnieżka

The quality and taste of Polish sweets and confectionery products is appreciated worldwide. What makes Polish sweets stand out in the international arena? Observing the market, we can notice a return to traditional recipes, select ingredients and elaborate tastes. Polish manufacturers have been following these principles for many years and their course brings clear results. This trend perfectly fits in with the strategies of our company, we make it a priority to preserve the traditional product recipes which are often more than seventy years old. Favourite chocolate tastes have been ingrained in our memory as early as our childhood and it is thanks to such companies as Śnieżka that we can still relish Michałki® and Michałki z Hanki® candies, also appreciated by foreign customers.

In which countries are your products present? Do you plan to acquire other markets? Our presence on export markets has been steadily increasing for several years. This year was a breakthrough since our regular customers from the USA, Germany and Romania were joined by those from Austria, Serbia, Slovakia and Chile. The Polish Food Export Ambassador award granted to us this year for our success in the export of foodstuffs and the promotion of Poland became an excellent token of recognition of our operation. Our priority is to reinforce the company’s image internationally and to continuously search for new solutions and possibilities.

2018 is over so please sum up: what was this period like for your company (major events, achievements, new products, acquired markets, etc.)? 2018 was definitely a year of quick development for Śnieżka. According to previous announcements, serious investments have been carried out in the area of machinery, allowing us not only to achieve better production results but, above all, to develop new segments and serving forms. In 2018, the company’s offer was expanded to




include chocolate bars, wafers and cookies. The famous Michałki® and Michałki z Hanki® candies have been given a new, attractive serving form, while maintaining their taste advantages. One of the most significant events was the granting of the “Jakość Tradycja” (Quality Tradition) mark to Michałki® by the Polish Centre for Testing and Certification. The aim of this mark is to distinguish high-quality foodstuffs in traditional products. We are delighted that our greatest pride gains recognition among so many recipients and institutions.

What are your plans for the upcoming years? Due to the recent period of development, which was intense for the company, we are aware of the opportunities that have opened before us. New technological solutions provide us with a wide range of possibilities to expand our offer or to improve processes so that they can be more ergonomic and efficient. Therefore, our plans abound in new product offers and new serving forms of existing sweets, obviously preserving the high quality, based on traditional recipes.

Thank you


New possibilities and large development opportunities Interview with Arkadiusz Majchrzak, Export Manager, Terravita Sp. z o.o. chocolates with a weight of 225g are a perfect idea for a sweet gift. Depending on the foreign market, different tastes are popular: in the Balkans, the highest consumer demand is oriented to chocolates with coconut, peanuts and hazelnuts. In eastern Europe, consumers are definitely more eager to reach for bitter chocolates without additives. COCOACARA bitter chocolates, with a high cocoa content of 77% and original additives: cardamom and chili, have a group of enthusiasts in different parts of the world.

What are the greatest challenges facing a confectionery company wishing to introduce its products to foreign markets? Introduction of products to foreign markets opens up new possibilities to manufacturers and creates potentially large development opportunities. However, one should keep in mind that, on the other hand, such internationalization causes certain hazards and difficulties connected with appropriate “preparation� of a product for individual foreign markets which differ from each other, have their own specific requirements and are characterized by diverse local regulations.

What export directions are currently of most importance to you? Do you plan to expand your area of operations? In 2018, our products have appeared on shelves in more than 30 countries outside Poland, on 5 continents. Main sales are implemented in Southern and Eastern European countries but we are open to new markets around the world.

Over 25 years in operation, you have created a wide and coherent portfolio. Which products have become sales hits in Poland and abroad? Our assortment includes several product groups under different brands. The essential product group is comprised by chocolate bars under the brands TERRAVITA, CHOCOLA!, COCOACARA, and ALPINELLA. The offer is supplemented by chocolate sticks under the brand TERRAVITA, spreadable creams under the brands TERRAVITA and ALPINELLA, as well as HAPPY TRIO chocolate pralines. The year-round offer is supplemented by seasonal products for Christmas and Easter. The seasonal offers for our consumers include chocolate bars, chocolate sticks and chocolate figurines. ALPINELLA chocolate bars and TERRAVITA chocolate bars with a weight of 225g enjoy most popularity in foreign sales. The ALPINELLA bars with a weight of 90-100g are characterized by essential tastes, attractive packaging and affordable prices. TERRAVITA




Which of the industry fairs are obligatory to you? How often do you appear at such meetings? Speaking of international industry fairs, we have already been attending the ISM fair in Cologne for more than a dozen years. Moreover, 2018 also saw our exhibition at the PLMA private label fair in Amsterdam. Our plans for 2019 include participation in at least one more event of such a kind.

How do you evaluate the previous year and what are your plans for the upcoming 12 months? This was a very good year for Terravita. We have successfully introduced several new products to the market, thereby expanding the group of our Customers. For 2019, we plan development of our assortment through implementation of our ideas and new product suggestions proposed by our Customers.

Thank you



Polish cuisine is famous for its unusual diversity. Intersecting the country, the culinary trails arose from the need to emphasize the distinctiveness of local cuisine as well as the unusual traditions and the specificity of food production.

The idea of getting to know Poland through the prism of pleasure at the table is extremely tempting. Every trail has its own remarkable history, which is woven from many threads, like intricate fabric, decorated with accents of local culture, customs, tales of ancient times and extraordinary people. Be it in the mountains or at the sea, on the plains, highlands and by the lakes, the magic of taste has its power, in line with the old proverb "through the stomach to the heart".




"Poland is associated with hospitality, cultural heritage, wonderful cuisine and natural wealth. More and more people are also visiting our country to relish the unusual dishes. From last year, the Polish Tourism Organisation has been organising the competition "The countryside is the best – 12 good practices in rural tourism", in which one of the categories is the culinary trail" says Robert Andrzejczyk, President of the Polish Tourism Organisation.











“ŚWIĘTOKRZYSKA KUŹNIA SMAKÓW” CULINARY TRAIL “Świętokrzyska Kuźnia Smaków” is one of the largest culinary trails in Poland. It includes 72 entities: restaurants, agritourisim farms and food from local producers. It cultivates the tradition of regional cuisine, offering wholesome and original traditional food.














The trail runs through eight districts of the świętokrzyskie province. There are 29 dining outlets - 20 restaurants and 9 agritourism farms – as well as 43 traditional food producers.Their offer is varied and relies on the local characteristics. Travelling through the trail, you can visit vineyards, apiaries, fish farms, bakeries and pastry shops. Each product that qualifies to be on the trail has gone through a process of certification. Honey, bread, sausages, juices, cheese and cereal – all these products have been entered in the list of traditional products by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, or they have been honored in the competition "Our culinary heritage - taste of the regions".




SELECTED SPOTS Many of these products can be purchased, not only at the producers', but also in restaurants on the trail. In each of the restaurants, there are display cabinets, in which at least three regional products from local producers are displayed. Some of the courses prepared are also made on the basis of these products. On the menu, at least three traditional meals can be found – they include soups, main meals, and also starters or desserts. In the eateries original, copyright recipes are used, based on traditional produce and without artificial additives. Each of the dishes of “Świętokrzyska Kuźnia


Smaków” is specifically marked on the menu. Among them we can find 'zalewajka świętokrzyska' (sour soup with egg). Apart from this we can also find traditional dishes like pierogi with cabbage and meat or chicken soup with homemade pasta, as well as the mysterious, for guests not from the region, whipping psycho - porka-psiocha, incubating bull - inkusiowe byki or the general under the blanket - generałowa pod pierzynką. Local products are used to prepare the meals, for instance korczyńska beans, millet groats, bielińskie strawberries, sandomierskie apricots and apples.

Photos: Polish Tourism Organisation



TRADITIONAL MEAT PRODUCTS Photos: Polish Tourism Organisation





“PODKARPACKIE SMAKI” CULINARY TRAIL Podkarpacka cuisine is famous for its originality and nurturing of traditional recipes based on local products. Soda bread, sauerkraut pancakes, potato stuffed cabbage, szwaba (Hutsul dumplings), and trout are dishes for which many gourmets come to this region.


Photos: Polish Tourism Organisation





Photos: Polish Tourism Organisation


The "Podkarpackie Smaki" culinary trail promotes the region through its rich cultural traditions and taste experience. It was created to promote original cuisine and indicate dining options, in which traditional dishes have become permanent. Apart from restaurants, there are also agritourism farms, confectioneries and vineyards. There are now 50 entities on the trail, 25 of which are located in rural areas. The trail consists of three routes: Bieszczadzka, Beskidzko-Pogórzańska and Northern. Traveling to each of them is discovering a different corner of Subcarpathia and tasting its culinology, ranging from ethnic cuisine (Lemko-Bojkowska, Pogórzańska), Peasant (Rzeszów and Lasowiak), burgher, court or fusion cuisine, where traditional dishes are skillfully arranged in a modern edition. The trail is marked on maps and described in the guides. Animators propose a package offer, combining accommodation, visits to tourist attractions and certified restaurants. Information about the trail is posted on websites, in social media, in the daily press, opinion-forming weeklies or industry magazines.











Photos: Polish Tourism Organisation







One of the basic goals of the trip is to learn about local tastes. We like to eat deliciously and healthily, so that with energy and joy, can take the next steps on paths leading to different corners of the world. Travelling through various places in the country or abroad, we want to try local and regional delicacies that will leave a trail of positive memories on our palates. "We thought we would hit the hearts of tourists through the stomach", says Wioletta Przybylska from the Kalisz County District. It is not only food, but also the promotion of tourism, agriculture and a healthy lifestyle that is important for those who set out on the trail. The trail is the first stage in the creation of the tourism product "Rest on Kalisz Land the Land of Night and Day".



The restaurants here are a gastronomic community. The menu merges, creating something extraordinary, which for many tourists is a real treasure of flavours. 11 restaurants and an infinite number of aromas. In addition, extraordinary interiors steeped in history. What more could you want? One of the eleven extraordinary buildings on the map of the "Kaliskie Smaki" culinary trail is the beautiful Tłokinia Palace hidden among the old park trees. Its history, to this day, still attracts tourists hungry for knowledge and hungry literally. The former residence which belonged to the noble family of Chrystowski enchants not only with rich decor, but also an ancient atmosphere, which we can enjoy from the entrance door of the manor house.

Photos: Polish Tourism Organisation









Tourists who visit the places belonging to the “Kaliskie Smaki”, can enjoy a real feast. Recommended dishes include regional wafers with cabbage, goose interspersed with bacon, Greater Poland style fried duck breast, cream soup made from Kalisz sourdough or traditional Kalisz dumplings with goose meat. Desserts are dominated by hot ice cream in Kalisz wafers. Regional cuisine casts a spell, carries a historical message and allows you to meet the people who create it.




These are just three of the many culinary trails in Poland. They cover the whole country, and lead to tourist attractions: historic cities, museums, castles, national parks, sanctuaries, underground routes, recreational facilities - all these attractions are, next to culinary, the charms of local routes.




The current situation of the confectionery industry is stable, the value of the confectionery market in Poland is estimated at more than PLN 12 billion; including salty snacks and ice cream, it exceeds PLN 16 billion, due to which we can also count on growth of the order by 1-2% annually.

Marek Przeździak, President of the Board, POLBISCO

According to data by Nielsen, the value of retail sales of the confectionery and snack market grew by 5.8% in comparison with the previous year. The diagram below shows the annual value of confectionery and snack sales in retail stores. The statistics show that October 2018 saw a 4.0% growth in production of chocolate and chocolate products to 45.2 thousand tons in comparison with October 2017, whereas on a monthly basis, the production of chocolate and chocolate

products in October 2018 grew by 8.9% compared with September 2018. Between January and October 2018, the production of chocolate and chocolate products increased by 9.0% in comparison with the analogous period of 2017, amounting in total to 353 thousand tons. Products of the so-called premium segment are the most appreciated ones, the consumption of pralines has increased as well (growth by approx. 8%), cookies remain the leading category. Poland occupies the 22nd place on the global market in

Fig. 1. Annual value of confectionery and snack sales in retail stores

Products with cocoa



Products without cocoa Salty snacks


Source: Nielsen

Fig. 2. Confectionery market (average percentage value of sales) by preference of Polish consumers 1,2% 5,8%




Chocolate Pralines


Candies Chocolate Bars



Chewing gums

15,3% Source: Nielsen





Halvah and sesame

terms of chocolate consumption; approx. 5 kg of chocolate per capita is consumed annually, although Switzerland and Germany both record an amount twice larger. Concerning exports, the chocolate and confectionery industry is one of the most dynamically developing industries of the food sector in Poland. The value of exports of chocolate and confectionery products amounts to approx. € 1.5 billion, while imports reach approx. € 1billion. For instance, chocolate, a confectionery standard, reaches 111 countries, including, above all, Germany. Chocolate is a worldwide bestseller. However, as the time passes, chocolate manufacturers have to think how to attract and maintain new purchasers. For several years, health-improving trends are favourable, contributing to a significant increase in consumer interest in products with reduced energy value, reduced sugar content, as well as addition of vitamins and a high magnesium content. Therefore, our producers meet the consumer expectations, offering alternatives of classic sweets and candy bars with improved recipes and clean labels. There are also many avant-garde ideas in the future development of the offer. As early as several years ago, the first products combining caramel with salt appeared, along with attempts at combining such tastes as e.g. bacon and chocolate. The popularity of unusual tastes, predominantly in the chocolate segment, is on the rise in many countries. Chocolate combined with such additives as bacon, wasabi, salt or herbs is gaining a growing number of enthusiasts, especially in the USA. It cannot be ruled out that in a longer time perspective, the tastes of Polish consumers will change too and exotic tastes will become strong competition for more traditional confectionery. Because the Poles are increasingly open to new tastes and recipes, one should conclude that the portfolio of innovative confectionery will continue to reach new horizons.



Excellent quality, healthy environment, sustainable manufacturing – these are the advantages of Polish, affecting the level of agri-food exports from our country. Therefore, there can be no wonder that the value of food exported from Poland between 2004 and 2017 recorded an increase by as much as 421 percent. Yet we still have growth potential and there are many regions of the world where export negotiations are in progress. Currently, Polish production reaches 70 countries, most of which are comprised by the European Union states, but we are still expanding our outlets to non-EU countries. Sales of Polish products to African and South American countries as well as Australia are rising each year. Middle and Far Eastern countries are very promising directions too. The success of Polish exports was undoubtedly affected by a very good quality-to-price ratio – we are able to maintain a competitive price level while simultaneously offering innovative products that perfectly fit in with worldwide trends. In some countries, goods ‘made in Poland’ are synonymous with premium products: high-quality and unique. Many small Polish manufacturers can find their place on international markets owing to the fashion for regional products made in a traditional way, according to recipes and procedures known for decades. Such goods have an opportunity to stand out be-

cause mass products are not attractive anymore to affluent customers who look for something special, unique, with particular advantages. And many Polish producers can satisfy this demand. Polish food exports in 2018 are predicted to reach a record amount of 28 billion euros. Optimists even claim it will be 30 billion euros and we still have not had our final word. The Polish processing market is developing very dynamically, which is also fostered by the global trend for natural, ecologic products suitable to the healthy lifestyle of consumers. Thanks to sustainable production and the unspoiled environment, Polish processors are able to satisfy such needs. As an association of the largest trade chains, we know how popular Polish products are in our store chains across Europe. Each year, the value of exports of Polish products via chains associated in the POHiD exceeds PLN 10 billion. Manufacturers who are flexible and able to respond quickly to the needs of the market

Renata Juszkiewicz, President of the Polish Organization of Commerce and Distribution (POHiD)

and consumers or to modify the composition of products in line with the ongoing trends always have prospects of sales through trade chains, not just in Poland but abroad. However, this requires not only logistic and manufacturing efficiency but fulfillment of the highest quality standards as well as implementing certification for a given food sector, as required by the chains. Yet thanks to such cooperation, many Polish producers and manufacturers have gained access to foreign markets, even though they had never thought of such expansion before. For Polish producers, the last two decades have been a time of dynamic development, introduction of new technologies, certification, observation of innovations on developed markets. For several years, we have been ready to become the leader in certain segments, to affect consumer trends, to propose products and solutions that will catch on, not just on the Polish market but on international ones as well.






Poland is among the largest producers and exporters of goose meat. We produce almost 8 million geese, which equals 45,000 tons. The vast majority is scheduled for export. For many years, the Germans and the French had been the greatest recipients of Polish goose meat. In 2018, Hong Kong became the largest importer. Domestic consumption is on the rise too. Only several years ago, a statistical Pole would eat just 17 grams of goose – currently, the amount is almost 20 times higher.

“The production of goose meat in Poland has been on the rise in recent years. To maintain our farms, we have to increase production, and goose is no exception. Currently, we produce approx. 45,000 tons, equalling approx. 8 million geese. Goose farms also increase their numbers of poultry. The average used to be 5,000 geese per farm, while today, the number can reach as much as 30,000 geese,” Krystyna Ziejewska, the president of the Iława Goose Producers Association, says in an interview with the Newseria Biznes news agency. Poland is among Europe’s largest goose producers. The vast majority of this meat is scheduled for export. For many years, the Germans and the French had been the main recipients of goose meat produced in Poland – in 2017, the value of Polish goose exports amounted to EUR 90.4 million, of which the German market accounted for EUR 75 million. The data for 2018 show that currently, the largest importer of Polish goose meat in terms of value is Hong Kong. The National Chamber of Poultry and Feed Producers sta-




tes that only for the first seven months of 2018, the share of goose in poultry exports to Hong Kong comprised more than 8 percent. In total poultry exports to all foreign customers, it comprised approx. 0.5 percent. “The year of 2017 was somewhat weaker in exports due to avian influenza, but the numbers recovered in 2018, and we plan another increase for 2019,” Krystyna Ziejewska assesses. “Estimates show that approx. 10,000 tons are eaten in Poland.” Goose consumption in Poland is gradually rising. Although the amount is still small in comparison with other kinds of poultry meat, recent data show an approx. 20-fold increase in consumption. The Iława Goose Producers Association assesses that the average consumption less than twenty years before was just 17 grams, while currently it exceeds 300 grams per capita each year. “There is a fashion for good, functional food, and this is where goose definitely finds its place. Above all, this is a very healthy kind of meat, as determined by the nutrition of these animals – geese need no additives, no

Krystyna Ziejewska, President of the Iława Goose Producers Association

growth stimulators,” Krystyna Ziejewska insists. Additionally, the fact that a goose is fed on oats for its final weeks gives peculiar properties to its meat. It contains much protein, mineral ingredients, vitamin A, as well as vitamins of groups B and E, it is also characterized by a low fat and cholesterol content. Thanks to CLA acids, it improves the metabolism. “Apart from the high content of unsaturated fatty acids, goose fat also contains much zinc and silicon, making this meat really healthy and recommended in several diseases, such as Alzheimer’s, or diabetics. The fact that geese are fed on green forage also brings one, quite peculiar feature not everyone knows about: goose liver has the highest content of vitamin K2 among all products available on our market,” Krystyna Ziejewska points out. source:



One of the greatest successes of 2018 was the reopening of the Chinese market to Polish poultry. Activities aimed at resuming exports to this market were among the priorities of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, the General Veterinary Inspectorate, as well as the National Poultry Council – Chamber of Commerce (KRDIG). Prolonged efforts by the government administration and the representatives of our Chamber have borne fruit – in September 2018, after an interruption lasting a year and a half, Poland, as the sole EU country, has returned to the Chinese market. It is worth

2018 was abundant in events important for the Polish poultry sector, affecting both the functioning of the domestic market and the industry’s international situation. Poland invariably occupies the position of a leading poultry producer in the European Union, and the new export prospects opening up are very promising. noting this market comprises approx. 1.4 billion consumers, thus providing enormous sales opportunities to Polish producers. China was not the only country to have reopened to our poultry. The ban on imports of Polish products, caused by the avian flu epidemic from the turn of 2016 and 2017, was also lifted by South Africa. In the opinion of the KRD-IG, this is the second most prospective outlet for Polish exporters, following China. However, a challenge the industry has to face is the import duties exceeding 35%, imposed on EU suppliers by South African authorities. High tariffs have

an adverse impact on the profitability of Polish poultry imports to South Africa and limit the possibilities of exports to this country. The KRD-IG, jointly with a.v.e.c., an EU organization of poultry producers, conduct extensive activities intended to lower the tariff barrier for poultry exported from the EU to South Africa. Foreign sales are a very significant marketing direction for the Polish poultry industry. Currently, more than 50% of production is scheduled for export. 2017 saw 1,239,075,412 kg of Polish poultry being sent abroad. In 2018, between January and October, Poland already





(IN 2018) THE EU COUNTRIES, PREDOMINANTLY GERMANY AND THE UK, HAVE REMAINED THE MAIN CUSTOMERS, RECEIVING ALMOST 75% OF OUR PRODUCTS. exported as much as 1,136,808,587 kg of poultry meat, edible offal and poultry preparations with a total value exceeding EUR 2 billion. It should be noted this is 19.2% more than in the analogous period of 2017. The EU countries, predominantly Germany and the UK, have remained the main customers, receiving almost 75% of our products. However, it is hard not to notice the growing role of third countries in the context of development of poultry meat exports from Poland. Promising prospects of sales appear in Asia, including Japan, South Korea and Singapore, as well as in Africa, e.g. in Ghana. Unfortunately, despite the good international position of the Polish poultry sector and its large export potential, barriers adversely affecting future expansion possibilities appear as well. Such restrictions include the price of our products which, despite being

competitive on the European market, still remains higher in comparison with the offer of Brazil, the USA or Ukraine. The EU poultry stands out with its high quality and production safety guaranteed by some of the most restrictive regulations covering the entire chain of animal production, however, it is the price that plays a vital role in negotiations for many importers. Another factor limiting the competitiveness of Polish poultry worldwide is the lack of capability to send fresh poultry to remote markets, such as South-East Asia. An example of a country with capabilities for such sales is Thailand, able to provide cooled products to importers. Another unused niche is the market of small carcasses (900-1.200g), so-called grillers. An unsatisfied demand for such products occurs in many countries, particularly Muslim ones, in the Persian Gulf

Project financed by the Poultry Promotion Fund




region. Poland could use this potential; however, this requires a whole array of changes and investments involving conversion of the current production mode, virtually along the entire supply chain. Despite the barriers inhibiting the development of certain export directions of Polish poultry, our country has achieved a high and stable position on the global market and is reinforcing it constantly. Products from Poland are valued due to their taste advantages, attractive prices – among the lowest in the EU – and quality. The meat is prepared with consideration to extremely high standards of safety, product quality, as well as animal welfare and environmental protection. The combination of all these elements makes the Polish poultry stand out on the market with a favourable quality-to-price ratio. We are also doing superbly with regard to production flexibility and possibilities to adapt cuts and joints to the expectations of specific customers. This is due, among other things, to a relatively small scale of production by individual suppliers in comparison with global standards. This issue should be stressed when promoting Polish poultry on international


markets, as it allows the offer to be adapted to customer expectations and preferences. Another characteristic of Polish production is vertical integration, i.e. full control of the entire process of production and marketing of poultry meat. It makes our products stand out against other countries and definitely increases the attractiveness of Poland as a producer of high-quality poultry. Therefore, 2019 looks promising for our country with regard to development of exports and entry to new outlets, yet it also brings many challenges and uncertainties. What should the industry expect? It is worth summarizing the major events of 2018 which may considerably affect the shape of the domestic poultry sector in 2019. They included, among other things, the ongoing process of the United Kingdom leaving the European Union, known as Brexit. The UK is one of the most important recipients of Polish poultry within the EU. Leaving the EU may entail limitation of British acquisition of poultry from the community market. Under such circumstances, Poland will have to look for alternative outlets for large amounts of poultry meat which were hitherto reaching the UK.

PRODUCTS FROM POLAND ARE VALUED DUE TO THEIR TASTE ADVANTAGES, ATTRACTIVE PRICES – AMONG THE LOWEST IN THE EU – AND QUALITY. Another persistent problem in the industry is the market imbalance caused by cheaper poultry from outside the European Union. Exploiting legal loopholes, Ukraine introduces products failing to meet the EU standards, but characterized by much lower prices, to the EU market. Putting an end to this practice – unfair in our opinion – is crucial for the further functioning of the sector. This is not the only challenge faced by the domestic poultry industry. Another key issue is the search for and gradual introduction of domestic sources of feed protein as an alternative for imported soybeans, as announced by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development. So far, we have gained a possibility to use GMO feeds for the next two years, but simultaneously, a provision has been included in the amended Act on Feeds, obliging the Minister of Agriculture to develop and pub-

lish the Plan of utilization of domestic protein sources and minimization of the deficit of feed protein in the feeding of animals in the area of acquisition of feed protein from domestic sources. The poultry industry is ready to continue the dialogue with the Ministry of Agriculture and to jointly search for solutions in the area of the broadly understood protein security of Poland, however, provided that the competitiveness of the Polish poultry sector will be preserved. In order to maintain the strong international position of the Polish poultry industry, it is necessary to monitor the market changes and respond quickly to situations posing potential hazards to the sector. The KRD-IG, as an organization representing the interests of Polish poultry farmers and producers, is constantly making efforts aimed at protecting the industry and ensuring sustainable development thereof.






EXPORTS AND IMPORTS IN THE FIRST THREE QUARTERS OF 2018 According to the Statistics Poland, the Polish foreign trade turnover of confectionery1 is growing both on the side of exports and imports2. In the period January-September 20183, their exports rose by 5.0%, while imports increased by 4.1% compared to the same period last year. In the three quarters of 2018, the export of confectionery from Poland amounted to EUR 1833.5 million, which accounted for 16.6% of all foodstuffs4 exports. Foreign customers mainly bought chocolate and other food preparations containing cocoa - for EUR 1030.1 million (increase by 7.2%) and waffles and wafers - for EUR 316.8 million (increase by 0.2%). The main customers were Germany (EUR 213.3 million and EUR 59.3 million respectively) and the United Kingdom (EUR 198.8 million and EUR 45.5 million respectively). Another group of goods appreciated by foreign contractors were sweet biscuits, sales of which amounted to EUR 227.9 million (increase by 11.8%), including exports to Germany, EUR 76.1 million, UK - EUR 34.2 million, and France EUR 24.5 million. High popularity was observed in the export of ice cream, ie an increase of 14.4% compared to last year. Their sales amounted to EUR 133.6 million mainly to Germany (EUR 36.6 million), Hungary (EUR 13.3 million) and the Czech Republic (EUR 11.1 million).



fees, caramels and similar sweets dropped – to EUR 35.6 million and boiled sweets, whether filled or not filled – to EUR 27.0 million. Continued the drop of sales of gum and jelly confectionery – to EUR 11.0 million and chewing gum – to EUR 3.1 million.

Fig. 1. Export of selected commodities (January-September) in 2017-2018 in mln EUR 1200 1030,1





800 600 400

316,3 316,8 203,8


227,9 116,8 133,6 50,3 35,6

0 Chocolate and Waffles and other food wafers preparations containing cocoa

Sweet biscuits

Ice cream

Toffees, caramels and similar sweets

32,7 33,6

35,3 27,0

White Boiled sweets, chocolate whether filled or not filled

Source: Statistics Poland

Confectionery encompassed assorted goods included in Section IV of commodity classification of the Combined Nomenclature, i.e. CN 170410 – Chewing gum; CN 17049030 – White chocolate; CN 17049065 – Gum and jelly confectionery; CN 17049071 – Boiled sweets, whether filled or not filled; CN 17049075 – Toffees, caramels and similar sweets; CN 1806 – Chocolate and other food preparations containing cocoa; CN 190520 – Gingerbread and similar products; CN 190531 – Sweet biscuits; CN 190532 – Waffles and wafers; CN 2105 – Ice cream. Link to Regulation on the CN 2018:



Higher than in the same period of 2017 year was the export of white chocolate (EUR 33.6 million, ie by 2.7%) and gingerbread and similar products (EUR 14.8 million, ie by 5.1%). After a high increase in exports in the first three quarters of 2017, the sales of tof-


The most of confectionery were sold to Germany - EUR 424.0 million, Great Britain - EUR 292.4 million, France – EUR 104.1 million, the Netherlands - EUR 87.2 million, Czech Republic - EUR 70.5 million and Romania – EUR 69.7 million. In the period January-September 2018, the import of confectionery to Poland amounted to EUR 736.9 million, which accounted for 12.4% of all foodstuffs. The group of goods the most popular among importing enterprises was chocolate and other food preparations containing cocoa, where compared to the same period of 2017 year, purchases increased by 4.1% to EUR 491.7 million. The goods were mainly from Germany (EUR 220.5 million), Italy (EUR 53.3 million), Great Britain (EUR 38.0 million) and Belgium (EUR 33.9 million). The next groups in imports in terms of purchase value were sweet biscuits – EUR 65.9 million, mainly German (EUR 16.4 million) and Slovak (EUR 15.9 million) and ice cream – EUR 53.7 million, including German (EUR 16,3 million) and Hungarian (EUR 7.0 million). Imports of gum and jelly confectionery amounted to EUR 33.2 million, waffles and wafers – EUR 32.2 million, toffees, caramels and similar sweets – EUR 18.1 million, boiled sweets, whether filled or not filled – EUR 16.7 million, white chocolate – EUR 13.1 million, gingerbread and similar products – EUR 8.3 million and chewing gum – EUR 4.0 million. The most confectionery were purchased from Germany – EUR 319.8 million, Italy – EUR 62.7 million, Great Britain – EUR 46.7 million, Belgium – EUR 43.4 million, the Netherlands – EUR 33.8 million, Slovakia – EUR 33.8 million and the Czech Republic – EUR 29.3 million.

Fig. 2. Geographical structure of export of sweets by major countries (January-September 2018) in %



Great Britain France


Netherlands Czech Republic


3,8% 3,8% 4,8%

Romania Other countries


Fig. 3. Geographical structure of import of sweets by major countries (January-September 2018) in %

Germany 23,7%

Italy Great Britain Belgium







Czech Republic

5,9% 6,3%

Other countries


Source: Statistics Poland

Fig. 5. Dynamics of imports in period of January-Septmeber

Fig. 4 Dynamics of exports in period of January-Septmeber (previous year=100)


(previous year=100)





109,5 103,4




105,4 104,1

105,0 102,4







101,8 100,2




80 2016






Fig. 6. Import of selected commodities (January-September) in 2017-2018 in mln EUR 600 500



2017 2018

400 300 200 100 0


Chocolate and other food preparations containing cocoa


Sweet biscuits



Ice cream

Imports by country of origin. For 2018, the data is preliminary, which may change. Foodstuffs include all products covering Sections IV of the CN tariff classification.



Gum and jelly confectionery



Waffles and wafers



Toffees, caramels and similar sweets



Boiled sweets whether filled or not filled

2 3 4




Unitop sp. z o.o. is the largest producer of sesame snaps in Europe. We specialize in sesame snaps and halva, but also produce hard and stuffed caramels. All sweets are made according to traditional recipes and methods with the utmost care for the highest quality and taste. That is why our products are popular all over the world: in Europe, Middle East, North America (Canada and the USA), Australia.

For Sesame Snaps

The factory was established in April 1945. Thanks to the hard work of many people and the constant desire to improve our products, the company owns most important international certificates guaranteeing the highest production quality and safety.




Weaker trade at home means weaker exports (along with imports) – since companies first forge their offer and market power at home to enhance their opportunities later. After several decades, the GDP can be entrusted to exports (as is the case e.g. in Germany where approx. 80% of the GDP is provided by exports), but this usually means several intense decades of development and increasing of one’s presence on markets with hard technological and financial advantages as well as a previously “filled”, strong internal market. Young, “shallow” economies risk a lot by trusting exports while their internal market is relatively weak – as shown by the 2009 crisis. The Polish strategy, assuming expansion of the internal demand and gradual addition of external markets, is surely safer – as evidenced by the period of the “green island”, and the weakening economic situation will probably show it again soon. This is simple, even if hard to stomach in certain economic




The success of our food exports is derived from the success of the domestic food market. However, it would be naïve to think the reduction of the internal market power through restricting chain companies could be compensated for with exports so that producers would not be left without customers. circles. In my opinion, what we do in Poland is confirming, as if on our own example, the thesis by Josef Schumpeter that the most reliable basis for successful and sustainable exports is the power of the internal market – its innovativeness, entrepreneurship, competitiveness. This gives rise to stable development and resistance to turbulences on markets where our influence is relatively limited. For almost 30 years, Poland has been going through a period of great innovation – either enchanted in the entrepreneurial guile of smaller and growing companies or in the mass inflow of great foreign investments. This is a soil allowing the life-giving demand and GDP to grow – goods are manufactured to be sold, and sales take place on a competitive market (provided by demanding trade), while surpluses are exported. In addition to reducing prices and boosting the scale of supply, the competitive bar of the internal market also creates quality and

technological regimes. Therefore, companies and goods, as if hardened in the fire of domestic competition waged under new principles brought from the outside, stood ready to compete on export markets and succeeded. The fact that approx. 70% of all food exports is accounted for by large companies should come as no surprise, just as the role of these companies in the chain segment of trade. The factors behind them are their financial, organizational, communicational or technological advantages, quite normal for such enterprises, but… smaller companies in Poland have a strong position too, having finally started to matter at home and in food exports after many years of absorbing development funds and benefitting from the demand of open markets. I believe they should matter even more – they can afford it technologically, while on the domestic market, they are often unable to keep up with the expectations of trade, as fulfilled


THE BEAUTIFUL IDEA OF TTIP, AN ALMOSTCOMMON TRANS-ATLANTIC MARKET, HAS GONE TO THE ARCHIVES OF ECONOMIC DIPLOMACY FOR THE TIME BEING. and defined by large companies. So where is their opportunity for more? From this viewpoint, it seems obvious to support the exports of such companies . Here, despite the habit of complaining, the situation is not bad at all – one should just notice the important things. Above all, the fact they benefit from the current circumstances and trends. One should recognize them, educate and help the companies to use them properly. Firstly, new demand structures are developing – almost right across the border. The problem is that trends of developed food markets show an increase in interest in specialized, profiled food. The health-promotion feature in different forms reigns here, along with particular functional properties. This is compounded by many years of growing demand for organic food (also known as bio, eco, etc.), appropriately marked and certified. Secondly, the convenience trend is deepening, encompassing the manner of exhibition, ordering, payment, information, packaging, etc. The expected properties include utility functionality as well as availability in diverse physical and virtual sales channels. Thirdly, we benefit from the geopolitical and economic structure of the Polish food presence abroad – mainly in Europe. And this is the most important thing. Europe has the richest markets, present in the trends mentioned above: German, French, Benelux, British, Scandinavian. The pace and direction of change is illustrated by the Mintel report, “Innovativeness vs. health. Opportunities for food brands”. The passage concerning so-called natural products (a very

broad category) is quite telling. It reads that among new food products in 2016/2017, natural products accounted for 17% in Germany, 15% in France, 13% in the UK, 8% in Italy, 6% in Spain. Incidentally, these are our leading export markets (lacking the Czech Republic, currently the second largest recipient of our food). The conclusions are obvious – we should go there but we should go prepared. Of course, expansion to non-EU markets is more than desirable, but the “go Europe” slogan has not gone obsolete. We need knowledge of opportunities and a system of efficient establishment of business contacts – those in possession of such knowledge are those who have succeeded, yet they are quite reluctant to share it with their competitors. Therefore, one should be able to gain this knowledge and to know how to use it successfully – which is often beyond the time and resources of a small or medium company. This is not impossible but it requires a change in philosophy of pro-export action, as well as being immune to both optimist and pessimist stereotypes. Here’s a random example of stereotyped and wishful thinking: exports to the USA and to China. Actually, this is not true at all that the magnificently vast Chinese market is available to everyone – many have learned it the hard way, as evidenced, among other things, by trade balances for the last few years. And it is not true either that the USA is just waiting for excellent offers of high-quality products from Poland and from the EU in general. As one can see, the current situation in the exchange with

the EU (and thus with Poland) is deemed “too much already” by the new government of this otherwise friendly country. The beautiful idea of TTIP, an almost-common trans-Atlantic market, has gone to the archives of economic diplomacy for the time being. So let us distance ourselves appropriately from political slogans… What we also need is a thorough change in the area of cooperation between public authorities and business organizations, as well as meritocratic bodies, following a clear procedure and expert-based rather than representative for specific circles, deciding on support to export expansion. I believe that a new public-private formula is needed for the concept of implementing promotions of the country, products and companies. The basis should be a clear-cut elaboration on the principles of cooperation, as well as a sharply defined scope of activity in each of the three mentioned fields. The concept of operation of foreign bureaus of the Polish Investment and Trade Agency is a step in the right direction, but this is just a potential element of a potential promotional network. This is an important but separate subject, yet I point it out in the conclusion, beckoning the publisher with readiness to write a concept. I also point out the need for cooperation with trade chains for the sake of export-supporting activities, including promotional ones. There are enormous achievements here (the value of chain-based exports is approx. PLN 10 billion), with even more potential – all that is needed is a wise proposal and guarantee of mutual benefit.




Wan-Vit is a family company with 25 years of tradition. We are one of Poland’s largest manufacturers of “warm ice cream” dessert. Thanks to the high quality of our products, we have earned the trust of our customers. Focusing on dynamic development, we have created the 4proactive product line for you. The main ingredients of the 4proactive creams are nuts. Our offer includes peanut butter as well as hazelnut, walnut, pistachio, cashew, almond and coconut creams, with many flavours and additives. Chocofita and Coffeefita Premium are alternatives to other creams and butters with high sugar content and other additives. They are 100% natural. Pumpkin, sunflower and sesame seed syrups will be a market hit. BITES and DUO STICKS natural grain snacks with a unique taste are an interesting supplement to our creams. Our products do not contain any preservatives, palm oil, salt and sugar additives.

We offer protein snacks, creams and bars to active people. They enjoy recognition not only among athletes but among all those who appreciate a healthy lifestyle. We manufacture nut creams and high-protein creams for many reputed brands on the European market. The full range of our products is available at Currently, 55% of our production is directed to foreign markets under other brands. They can also be found in many Polish supermarkets.

Chocofita and Coffeefita Premium enjoy the most popularity regardless of the export direction. As for the nut creams, it is a well-known fact that the most absorptive markets for peanut butter are the USA and the Netherlands. Fortunately, our society is going off the beaten track, increasingly supplementing their diet with nut- and grain-based products of our manufacture. Participation in international trade fairs is intended to serve expansion to new markets, rather than being limited to domestic and European ones. We hope this is the way to show our potential business partners that we are trustworthy and that it is worth establishing cooperation with us. We believe in the success of our products, knowing they are of top quality, which is a leading factor in comparison with our competitors. Our goal is to expand the assortment in line with the trends and expectations of our customers, as well as the development of exports under our 4proactive brand; however, we do not rule out production for other brands and the general development of our company, especially in the area of new investments.

Visit US ! Hall 11.2 Stand B-079



MORE DIFFICULTIES SELLING PRODUCTS ON EU MARKETS Sonia Buchholtz, Economical Expert of the Lewiatan Confederation

The Markit company has announced that the PMI for Poland amounted to 47.6 pts. last December, in comparison to 49.5 pts. in November. This means a drop in consumer moods, continuing a downward trend which has been visible since the 2nd quarter of 2018. At the same time, PMI has remained below the 50-point threshold for the second month in a row. This is the worst result since April 2013 (68 months). We have recorded a drop in production and in the number of new orders (the pace of their drop is highest since the crisis month of June 2009), including export orders (for the fifth month in a row). Due to decreased




The number of new export orders is dropping for the fifth month in a row, Polish companies will have more difficulties selling products on EU markets: Sonia Buchholtz, an economical expert of the Lewiatan Confederation comments the PMI results for Poland. interest in Polish products, there has been a drop in the number of production backlogs (fastest since 2012) and unfinished works (a downward trend since last August), whereas the inventory of means of production is on the rise (for the third month in a row). This translates into weakening of the pressure on prices. The dynamics of production costs is slowing down, the same is true for ready products – although both dynamics are still high and growing. The results in December would have been even weaker without stable employment. However, this is a sign of prevalence of the structural problems in the Polish labour market (deficits in labour for-

ce) over cyclical ones (drop in the demand for labour). The PMI sub-indexes provide a coherent picture typical of an early phase of downturn. This results from the poor condition of West European economies, especially of the German one. It seems to be the main factor currently affecting the sentiments of the surveyed logistic managers. The conviction about the domestic demand being still strong and about the stability of the Polish economy manifests itself in the growth of the production index within the upcoming 12 months being predicted by the representatives of the food-processing sector.


ANUFOOD China 2018 20-22.11.2018

451 15 000 14 6937 NUMBER OF VISITORS



photo: Michał Pańczyk






SIAL Paris 2018














CONTACT POLISH COMPANIES ARGO is a Polish family owned business that have been producing tasty and healthy sweets for nearly

a quarter of century. Company collaborates as well as creates Polish tradition of confectioner’s trade. The high quality of products is continuously being ensured since 1992. ARGO is currently improving

Z.P.H. ARGO Sp. z.o.o. 16 Wiejska Street 37-100 Łańcut, Poland Phone: +48 17 247 13 51 Fax: +48 17 247 00 42

product portfolio by adding more unique items in order to satisfy consumers needs.

Sweet treats offer not only consists of traditional lollipops, juicy bubble gum lollipops, hard and

filled caramels, but also handmade products, e.g. Easter lambs, Christmas tree icicles or Valentine’s lollipops “Hot Hearts”. Company does not forget of milk and chocolate connoisseurs. Therefore, especially for them, it has prepared a delicious collection of CHOCO Jello sweets.

The high class of products is indicated by natural coloring and flavours, fruit juices, vitamins as well as lack of preservatives. ARGO produces over 5 million kg sweets per year including 100 million pieces of

lollipops. Products are available in the majority of European countries as well as outside the continent,

e.g. USA, Canada, Uzbekistan, Libya, Mongolia, China, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan and Israel. Conscious

approach to food safety and innovation is recommended by the International Food Standard (IFS) certificate on higher level.

Bogutti Sp. z o. o. Henryków-Urocze 48 Gromadzka Street 05-504 Złotokłos, Poland Phone: +48 783 956 466 Fax: +48 22 266 01 19

Colian Sp. z o.o.

1 Zdrojowa Street 62-860, Opatówek, Poland Export Department: Phone: +48 62 590 33 08

The BOGUTTI company specializes in production of high quality, rich cookies, baked according to the best Italian technologies. Cream fudge is something for the Polish to be proud of... Cream fudges are still the most recognisable Polish export product. Bogutti is also a producer of the traditional Polish

cream fudge recognisable on the international market. We offer three types of cream fudge: MILK, CHOCOLATE and BUTTER. The secret of Bogutti’s cream fudge is its exceptional taste.

Colian is a group of confectionery products cooperating under: Jutrzenka, Goplana Solidarność and other brands. Aggregated experiences, technologies and production potentials let Colian achieve a position of one of the biggest confectionery producers on the Polish market.

Company is constantly exploring client’s needs, keeping high quality, unique taste and nutrition

values of offered products. Through participation in various development programs, effective

creation of product categories and efficient service company wants to be perceived as an innovative and an effective partner for many years.

„Dobrowolscy” is a Polish, family-run company that has been appreciated by customers and consumers for 27 years. “Dobrowolscy” specializes in excellent cold cured meats, and constantly

strives to provide its customers with the highest quality products which refer to the taste of traditional

Dobrowolscy Sp. z o.o. Wadowice Górne 93, 39-308, Poland Phone: +48 14 666 20 00

cold cured meats. The motto of the brand is the slogan “We link generations through taste”.

„Dobrowolscy” is a company combining the advantages of a regional manufacturer with production

and distribution capabilities on a nationwide scale. Over 600 employees, production on the level of 1500 tons of cold cured meats per month, the highest quality and safety standards, among others, BRC; IFS. The company’s portfolio includes smoked meats, hams, roasts and pâtés.

Traditionally Smoked and Dobrowolscy Brothers are the company’s leading Premium brands.

In response to the changing needs of consumers, the company continues to introduce new product lines – for example, the line of the highest quality poultry products under the name KUKURYKU

Premium. The quality of Dobrowolscy products is proven not only through recognition and

popularity among consumers, but also through received awards, among others: Pearl of the Market 2018; Appreciate Polish Products, Hit of FMCG market 2018.

Dr Gerard Sp. z o.o.

Company address: Radzyńska str 9, 21-560 Międzyrzec Podlaski, Poland Correspondence address: Salsy str 2, 02-823 Warsaw, Poland phone: +48 22 722 46 46




Dr Gerard is one of the biggest and most important producers of sweet and salty snacks in Poland and Central and Eastern Europe. We have been operating for over 20 years, constantly building and supporting development of our business. In Dr Gerard we are passionate about creating delicious

cookies and we are fully engaged in what we do. Our great experience in baking translates in wide and unique portfolio of products, which includes over 200 types of cookies & wafers and a variety of salty snacks. We have capacity of 40 000 t/ year provided by 24 modern production lines, that are

flawlessly covering demand for wafers, biscuits, sponges, sandwiches, dragees, wafer rolls, crackers, multigrain biscuits and more.


Eurohansa is a family company established in 1989. For more than twenty-five years we have been producing chocolate covered fruits and nuts specialities in Puławy. With about 70 employees

competent in production we are optimally positioned to meet the high requirements of our customers. The dragee production keeps its traditional character. The gentle treatment of raw

materials and their traditional manual processing in dragee kettles guarantee the production of delicious sweets. Currently our offer consists of such product families: chocolate dragees – fruits and

nuts, chocolate coated bars, muesli bars, fruits and nuts bars, raw bars. Our reliability and customer care are confirmed by the following certificates we have obtained: IFS Food Version 6.

EUROHANSA Sp. z o.o. 10-14 Letnia Street, 87-100 Toruń Plant in Puławy 8 Wiślana Street, 24-100 Puławy, Poland Phone: +48 81 887 44 14, Mob: +48 663 199 892

Eurowafel is the producer of different sorts of wafers and waffles and is one of the most dynamically growing companies in Poland.

Since its establishment in 1984, it has developed over the years by investing in modern machinery

park and innovative technologies. Eurowafel serves its Clients with high quality products by ensuring

product safety according to IFS Certificate. Being aware of the fact that consumers are trending toward the more health-conscious eating, apart from our standard wheat wafers, we have extended

our product portfolio by gluten-free corn wafers as well as e.g. millet, spelt, buckwheat or oat wafers. Company is open for the production under Private Labels as well as production of BIO

Eurowafel Sp.z o.o. Sp.k. 23 Władysława Grabskiego Street 32-640 Zator, Poland Phone: +48 33 870 35 71 +48 661 517 284

certified products.

“Makarony Polskie SA is one of the biggest, dynamically changing pasta producers in Poland. It

is a company with rich traditions, many years of experience and thriving factories in Rzeszow and

Czestochowa. Making our best to satisfy our Customers’ expectations, we offer a wide variety and shapes of pasta, pressed and laminated, manufactured with or without eggs, from finest durum and standard wheat. Our products are sold under two main

brands: Makarony Polskie and Sorenti. Our activity includes also production services, we produce pasta and processed products for brands of the biggest

chain stores. Manufacturing processes are conducted on the basis of modern production lines,

and implemented standards guarantee the highest quality and microbiological purity of our

Makarony Polskie S.A. 15a Podkarpacka Street 35-082 Rzeszów, Poland Phone: +48 17 875 30 10 Fax: +48 17 875 30 20

products. Out of concern about quality and taste, both raw materials and finished products are thoroughly examined by skilled Quality Control Teams.”

Mlekpol Dairy Cooperative in Grajewo is the biggest producer of milk and dairy products in Poland and one of the twenty largest milk processors in Europe.

The winner of many awards and the most recognizable brand of Mlekpol is Łaciate – in Poland


this brand has become a synonym of milk. Łaciate products include milk, cream, butter and

13 Elewatorska Street 19-203 Grajewo

their customers in the majority of European countries, South America, Asia and the Far East

Phone: +48 86 2730537

cream cheese. The entire offer of Mlekpol includes more than 400 products, which have found

countries. Foreign customers value the quality of the product and the stability of cooperation which is ensured by Mlekpol.

Prymat Group is the leading spice and seasoning producer in Poland. We are also an experienced manufacturer of processed, wet and dry vegetables and fruit. We deliver products to all key international networks, both Polish and foreign.

Prymat products are of the highest quality and are Halal certified. Our Kucharek brand is a favourite all-purpose seasoning in Turkish supermarkets throughout Germany.

Prymat Sp. z o.o.

14 Chlebowa Street 44-337 Jastrzębie-Zdrój Poland Phone: +48 (12) 252 88 21 Fax: +48 (12) 252 88 43





Pryncy Teka Sp. z o.o. 67 Nadarzyńska Street 05-230, Kobyłka Phone: +48 (22) 760 45 55

Pryncy Teka is a new brand on the Polish confectionery market. Experienced company owner, well-coordinated team for a joint project and constant striving to launch new, innovative products on the FMCG market is a guarantee of success. Our unconventional approach to cookies, and striving to offer our customers the best quality of raw material gives us an advantage over Western corporations. In our offer you will find unique shortbread biscuits, gingerbreads, wafers with chocolate and without chocolate, pralines and sponge cake products. Come and trust us! you like it!

The company SERTOP is one of the leading manufacturers of processed cheese on the Polish market.

Sertop Sp. z o.o.

58 Przemysłowa Street 43-100 Tychy Phone: +48 32 217 08 38 +48 32 326 46 41

The company has more than fifty-year tradition of producing high quality products based on proven recipes while maintaining strict quality control. For the production are used only natural ingredients, it does not apply any preservatives and colorings.

SERTOP offer includes more than 20 flavors of processed cheese in a variety of formats, such: round boxes 140 g and 280 g, cubes 100 g and 30 g, blocks 100 g and 100 g sausages.

SERTOP company meets all the requirements for the sale of processed cheese on the Polish and

foreign markets. SERTOP sells its products to the Polish market and the markets of the European Union and the United States, Canada, countries of the Middle East, South Korea.

The company is certified BRC Global Standard Certificate and IFS (International Food Standard).

TERRAVITA Sp. z o.o. Export Department Phone: +48 61 66 88 307, +48 61 66 88 348

Polish manufacturer of chocolate products under Terravita, Chocola!, Cocoacara and Alpinella brands. Since many years we are also well-known as a private label producers in Poland and Europe.

Chocolate tablets, chocolate spreads, dessert toppings, pralines and seasonal products are included in our offer. High quality of the products, innovative flavours, strong brand and competitive prices influence on strong position of Terravita on the market.

Unitop is one of the biggest producers in Europe for sesame snaps and halva. All our sweets are

Unitop Sp. z o.o.

27 Jana Pawła II Ave., 00-867 Warsaw, Poland Phone: +48 22 653 57 77

made according to traditional recipes and methods with the utmost care for the highest quality and

taste. That is why our products are popular all over the world: in Europe, Middle East, North America (Canada and the USA), Australia. A number of known Polish and Global retailers trusted us also

production for their own brands. Following consumer trends, we constantly expand our portfolio with relevant innovations. The factory was established in April 1945. Thanks to the hard work of many people and the constant desire to improve our products, the company owns most important

international certificates guaranteeing the highest production quality and safety: ISO 22000, FSSC 22000, IFS FOOD and Kosher for sesame snaps.


Świniary 46A 28-131 Solec Zdrój, Poland Phone: +48 41 377 62 81, +48 41 377 62 82




VITALPOL is the trading company involved in purchasing, storing, processing and supplying beans for more than 20 years. Vitalpol has set up a complete system of sourcing raw material, processing

(drying, fumigating, calibrating, sorting, hand picking selection line) and packing products for shipments. Vitalpol supplies pulses to canning and packaging factories and other food-processing

plants in Poland, all European countries and also to many other countries like Algeria, South Africa,

Turkey and Japan. The offer of the company is expanded with imported products like different types of beans, chickpeas, red and green lentils and others. Vitalpol’s mission is to offer the best quality and the best service to our customers.


Vobro’s Confectionery Factory was founded in 1986 in Poland. Vobro’s mission is to fully satisfy

Customers’ needs by producing high quality and safe confectionary products. Vobro’s product range is made up of over 100 chocolate confectionery products (pralines and chocolate sweets), jellies. Among Vobro’s best sellers are dessert chocolates filled with cherries in liqueur, perfectly ripe flawless cherries are selected, bathed in liqueur and packed in luxurious dark chocolate.

For many years WAN-VIT company has taken care of its customers tastes.

As one of the leaders of food industry in Poland, WAN-VIT can ensure that products are made from traditional recipes and the highest quality raw materials.

Putting on the dynamic development, company created a new products line 4proActive.

4proActive products were created thinking about everyone who puts his attention to healthy and active lifestyle, take care of slim silhouette and good mood as well as those being on low sugar and gluten-free diet.

Wawel SA is one of the most renowned Polish confectionery producers. It offers a wide portfolio

of chocolate tablets, chocolate bars and pralines, candies, caramels and fruity jellies. Wawel owes its success to over a century of experience along with continuous development and a modern

production process. Permanent care for high quality and global standards resulted in an exceptional

growth and development. Today Wawel’s products are available in about 50 countries worldwide and the number of loyal consumers is constantly growing.

We believe that pleasure originated by our products, based on Good Ingredients, can initiate small, good deeds, following our brand claim – feeling better, doing better!

ZPC Vobro Wojciech Wojenkowski 78 Podgorna Street 87-300 Brodnica, Poland Phone: +48 56 493 28 51


11a 3 Maja Street 88-430 Janowiec Wlkp., Poland Phone: +48 601 831 863

Wawel SA

14 Władysława Warneńczyka Street 30-520 Cracow, Poland Phone: +48 12 254 21 10 Fax: +48 12 254 21 47

Zbyszko Company S.A. has been operating dynamically on the Polish market since 1993. With years of experience and excellent knowledge of the industry and customer expectations, we can boast

a unique range of well-known and appreciated products. Our offer includes carbonated and noncarbonated fruit beverages, mineral water and water with added juice, as well as excellent quality NFC juices. Individual product lines address the expectations of adults, adolescents and children alike. We are gradually expanding not only our portfolio, but also our infrastructure. We focus on

new technologies and innovations, e.g. aseptic packaging. With two plants and 6 production lines, the company is able to produce more than 140 000 bottles of 1,5 liters per hour. We also have two

ZBYSZKO COMPANY S.A. 239 Warszawska Street 26-600 Radom, Poland Phone: +48 48 383 11 00

high storage warehouses, with a total of 25 000 euro-pallets and the following certificates: BRC, FDA.

The company ZPC Śnieżka S.A. has been operating on the Polish market for several decades as a

manufacturer of sweets, wafers, bars and cookies. It is a reliable and experienced manufacturer with a wide range of sweets, whose quality is confirmed by ISO, IFS and BRC certificates.

The strongest brand of the company for over 70 years, recognizable by the majority of Polish

consumers, has been products under the name Michałki® and Michałki z Hanki®. ZPC Śnieżka

S.A. has 28 trademarks registered in the Patent Office under the name Michałki®, of which it is the only legal owner.

Currently, ZPC Śnieżka S.A. is a family company in which the managerial personnel are family

ZPC Śnieżka S.A.

36 H. Sienkiewicza Street 58-160 Świebodzice, Poland Phone: +48 74 665 06 29 Fax: +48 74 665 06 65

members. This is a company with 100 percent Polish capital.





Eucalyptus Menthol

Lemonade Drops

Hard candies, 90g

Candies filled with fizzy filling, 90g Lemonade Drop’s – it’s one of recencies in the assortment of the producer. The product includes bottle-shaped candies, lemonadeflavoured in 3 colours: yellow, orange, pink, filled with fizzing powder. Attractive package with transparent wrap exhibits the higher quality of the article. The product is packed in a 90g bag, 1 kg bag and 2,5 kg box.

The novelty in ARGO’s offer are hard caramels Eucalyptus Menthol. Menthol and Eucalyptus flavour achieved thanks of natural oils, lack of gluten and allergens, natural colour are indisputable features, which have an effect of success of debut the product on polish as well global market. Caramels are packed in a 90g and 1 kg bag, 3 kg box.

Offer of BOGUTTI COMPANY! FREE – No added sugar Cookies. There is absolutely no added sugar in Free Cookies. Really good and simple cookies, inspired by family traditional home recipe. They are a great alternative for breakfast, can be also serve as a snack at school or work. You can choose from the following flavours, Butter Cookies with 20% Butter, Cookies with 20% Chocolate, Chocolate & Cranberry or Chocolate & Hazelnut. Cookies are manufactured from the natural ingredients: 0 Sugar, 0 Trans Fat, No Preservatives. Cookies look nice and attractive with 12 months Shelf-life. Net weight 135g

Grześki Chocolate Bar

Choco threesome

So bite into the world of Grześki and enjoy.

Exceptional coconut team. Do you want to stay fit and healthy? Try out our unique, finest and premium quality sweetmeats. They are healthy and delicious with a cocoa flavor. Only with natural






CHERRY PASSION Cherry Passion is a perfect way to express love, gratitude, friendship or apologies and simply make the day of our beloved ones even sweeter. This delicious fusion of cherries in liqueur hidden in fine chocolate is not only tasty, chic and lovable - it is a beautifully wrapped gift, ready to be presented right from the store to your special someone. Elegant, decorative packaging contains exceptional pralines with a liquid, cherry heart appreciated by consumers worldwide thanks to extraordinary mix of flavours inside each praline.

VOBRO PRALINES These new double-layered world famous desserts hidden in great quality chocolate pralines are just toothsome. Glamourous and cute packaging is almost as sweet as pralines inside the box. Its offbeat look and unique flavour inspired by trendy sweets is truly eyecatching. Chic boxes are appreciated by those consumers who value packaging design matching their style and home interiors. Great idea for a gift for fashionable women who love sweets and good quality chocolate.

CHOCOLA! Milk chocolate & Strawberry

CHOCOLA! Dark chocolate 60% cocoa & Mango

Chocolate with addition of freeze-dried and sliced strawberries. Fruits are presented in the form of topping on the top of the chocolate what gives nice taste and distinct aroma and also makes chocolate attractive and original.

Dark chocolate is excellent snack even without any additives. However, toppings in the form of light yellow pieces of mango finely contrast with smooth, dark chocolate. Citrus aroma and crispy fruits underline taste of the chocolate and give freshness and unique character.

Dragon Gummies – a new Wawel category, simple ingredients and innovative packaging Wawel has expanded its portfolio and implemented a new category – fruit gummies – by Dragon Gummies brand. They are dedicated for everyone and wonderfully soft. The new product is available in 4 varieties (fruity, yoghurt, juicy and sour) in various funny dragon shapes. Innovative packaging with pushpop type is standing and convenient for product sharing. Dragon Gummies are with fruit juices, without any

Good Ingredients – a unique project appreciated by consumers Good Ingredients is a unique concept under the Wawel brand, based on simple composition in product recipes and natural ingredients of highest quality. All Wawel products now have a clean label – no colours, artificial flavours, GMO and less palm oil. The producer has become an expert in the field of sweet recipes without additives in Poland. This unique project, appreciated by the consumers all over the world, meets the best international standards and consumer needs.

colours or artificial flavours.





Sandwich cookies Michałki® – a new product offered by ZPC Śnieżka Crunchy, aromatic sandwich cookies layered with peanut cream will recall memories of the taste of legendary and well-known chocolate sweets. The Only Such cakes will certainly gain appreciation among snack lovers.

The Only Such – Michałki® Probably everyone knows these chocolate sweets with peanuts the strongest brand of the company is present on the market for over 70 years. High quality of ingredients and production based on traditional recipes are undoubted factors for the success of this product on the market.


Mini Cake

Dr Gerard Magic is a unique sandwich biscuit made of 3 crispy biscuits and two layers of delicious cream. It is available in four different flavours and various formats of packaging: impulse, family packs and bulk. Magic is an iconic product of wide Dr

Dr Gerard Mini Cake is a delicious cookie made of two soft and fluffy sponges, filled with delicate cream and fruit jelly, coated with glaze. It is available in various flavours and formats of packaging: impulse, family packs and bulk. Mini Cake is part of wider range of Dr Gerard’s fancy

Gerard sandwich biscuits range.

sponge biscuits.

Veroni active Isotonic

Veroni active Natural Energy drink

Veroni active Isotonic is drink based on natural mineral water. Thanks to the osmolality of 300 mOsm/kg, perfectly hydrates the organism, by providing minerals and electrolytes lost during physical exercises. Thanks to the proper amount of nutrients, minerals and vitamins such as B3, B5, B6 and E, effectively delays

Veroni active Natural Energy drink is an energy drink with natural ingredients available in 400 ml bottles. The aromas and juices it contains give it an intensely fruity flavor and guarana and natural caffeine provide you with the energy you need to be active. Veroni active Natural Energy Drink contains 140mg of natural

the felling of fatigueduring exercises.

caffeine obtained from guarana and green coffee beans.





Processed product MAZURSKI – 280g round box

Processed cheese MIX “Your... favourite” – 140g round box

“Tradycyjnie Wedzone” “Tradycyjnie Wedzone” is our top premium brand. The characteristic feature of this brand is traditional smoking on real alder-beech wood. Due to selected high quality meat and proper spices it was possible to create absolutetly unique products.



- 110 g of meat per 100 g of

- 110 g of meat per 100 g of



- Without phosphates

- Without phosphates

- Product invariably associated

- Product invariably associated

with taste from old times

with taste from old times,

- It seduces with its fragility and

- It seduces with its fragility and

perfect structure

perfect structure

- Smoked in a traditional

- Smoked in a traditional

smokehouse on a live flame,

smokehouse on a live flame,

- Smokehouses are fired with

- Smokehouses are fired with

alder-beech wood

alder-beech wood

APPLE CHIPS Our apple chips is a product of high nutritional and organoleptic quality. We preserve nutritional value without using preservatives or any other artificial additives. Nutritional value of DRIED FRUITS: High fiber, Monosaccharides – excellent source of energy during increased physical activity, Proteins, Vitamins and Microelements (iron, sodium, potassium).





EUROHANSA WITH A NEW VARIETY FOR SPECIAL OCCASIONS! We present our new products from the AMARESTI line, served in elegant packaging. MIX OF CRANNBERRIES WITH POMEGRANATE JUICE IN FOUR TYPE OF CHOCOLATE dark, milk, white and ruby. Ruby is a new type of chocolate with a slightly pink color which was created from ruby cocoa beans. MIX OF HEZALNUTS IN WHITE AND COFFEE, DARK AND MILK CHOCOLATE. Simply

NEW DELICIOUS VERSION OF RAISINS, PEANUTS, CRANBERRIES AND ALMONDS IN CHOCOLATE New packaging and new taste. Discover our refreshed version of dragees in delicious chocolate, gluten free, six products in one line – raisins, peanuts, cranberries and almonds covered various type of chocolate, additionaly mixed. Would you like to taste it? Which flavour are

perfect as a gift!

you going to start with?


Corn wafers

Potato wafers are shortbread,

Corn wafers are healthy, crispy,

crispy and delicious! A

light and delicious. This kind

surprising combination of

of wafers is low in calories and

lightness and potato flavor

have full of natural ingredients

enclosed in a small triangular

source of fiberan. Corn wafer

wafer. A great snack for every

are free sugar and gluten in

moment of the day.

100%. This is low-fat snack very

crunchy and health.

ADDRESSING CONSUMER TREND FOR SMALLER PORTIONS IN SNACKS Addressing consumer trend for smaller portions in snacks we introduce MINI’s range for Sesame Snaps and Halva. Great choice for healthier and delicious snacking options. Our products are made from roasted sesame seeds that are naturally rich in protein, iron, fiber, magnesium and calcium. Additionally, both sesame snaps are halva are gluten free. The range of different flavours is available.




ISM Cologne ANUGA Cologne Summer Fancy Food Show

SIAL China

Cologne, Germany

Shanghai, China


New York, USA


Dubai, UAE

PLMA Amsterdam

Amsterdam, Netherlands

Beijing, China

Seoul Food & Hotel Seoul, South Korea


Nuremberg, Germany

HKTDC Food Expo Hong Kong, China


Bangkok, Thailand

SIAL Canada

Toronto, Canada

Annapoorna Anufood Mumbai, India

Foodex Japan Tokio, Japan

Food from Poland Magazine in 2019 You may find us on the following events: 01/2019 Edition • ISM Cologne (27-30.01.2019) • BIOFACH Nuremberg (13-16.02.2019) • GULFOOD Dubai (17-21.02.2019) • Foodex Japan Tokio (05-08.03.2019) • SIAL Canada (30.04-02.05.2019) 02/2019 Edition • SIAL China Shanghai (14-16.05.2019) • PLMA Amsterdam (21-22.05.2019) • Seul Food & Hotel Korea (21-24.05.2019) • THAIFEX Thailand (28.05-01.06.2019)

Advertisement spaces available!

03/2019 Edition • Summer Fancy Food Show New York (30.06-02.07.2019) • HKTDC Food Expo (15-19.08.2019) • Annapoorna Anufood India (29-31.08.2019) 04/2019 Edition • ANUGA Cologne (05-09.10.2019) • ANUFOOD China (20-22.11.2019)

Advertisement Office +48 506 777 459

Fischer Trading Group Sp. z o.o. Bagno 2/218, 00-112 Warsaw Poland




Milcasa is a milk brand from the MLEKPOL’s portfolio dedicated to foreign customers that stands for UHT milk of the highest quality – a natural full value food product with an exceptionally creamy flavour. Milcasa milk comes from cows grazed on the cleanest Polish meadows, located in areas not contaminated with heavy industry. Not without a reason the Polish regions of Podlasie, Warmia and Mazury, where Milcasa originates from, are called the Green Lungs of Poland. Milcasa milk comes from cows fed with non-GMO products. Being an excellent source of calcium and protein, it also provides a

Italian flavour, Polish milk. Made of the highest quality milk from cows grazed on meadows located in the Polish regions not contaminated with heavy industry. Excellent Mozarella cheese offered in the form of chips – perfect for pizza, pasta and casseroles. Being an excellent source of calcium and protein, it also provides a wealth of valuable vitamins and minerals. Packaging dedicated to the HoReCa channel.

wealth of valuable vitamins and minerals.

Kucharek Universal Seasoning

Polish cucumbers

Thanks to Kucharek’s Universal vegetable seasoning, preparing dishes has never been quicker or easier. It is the perfect base for many dishes and an irreplaceable supplement that emphasizes

the Smak brand offers a varied

the taste of meals in the home.

They make excellent snacks for

each occasion and inspire us to

In response to consumers’ needs range of cucumbers. You can choose pickled mini cornichons or the bigger ones – pickled and sour cucumbers. You will find different tastes and sizes.

be creative with our meals

POLISH BEANS Vitalpol company offers polish orgin beans like: large white beans (35-55 pcs/100 g), medium white beans (85-140 pcs/100g), dark red kidney beans (190-210 pcs/100 g), “Igolomska” white kidney beans (280-320 pcs/100 g). The beans sizes are approximate and in every season available bean sizes may be different. Some beans types can be calibrated to different sizes according to customer needs.




D e a r C u s t o m e r, We i n v i t e y o u t o v i s i t o u r s t a n d at the International Food Fair ISM i n Co l o g n e f r o m 2 7. 0 1 t o 3 0 . 0 1 . 2 0 1 9 Co l i a n , H a l l 1 1 . 2 , s t a n d D - 0 2 8 C- 0 2 1 Co l i a n E x p o r t D e p a r t m e n t : e x p o r t @ c o l i a n . c o m

W h a t e v e r w e d o , w e d o i t t h i n k i n g o f Yo u

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