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Guatemala y Ecuador fortalecen comercio

Guatemala and Ecuador strengthen trade

Rodrigo Pérez DCA Mundo y que inicialmente abarcaba a 614 productos.


De esa cuenta, se extendieron las preferencias arancelarias a 160 artículos más de los sectores de bebidas, textiles y confecciones, frutas y elaborados, confites, cuadernos y papel, snacks,entre otros.

The exchange of goods between Guatemala and Ecuador shows an average annual growth of 16.7 percent and 16.5 percent, in the last four years, according Ecuador’s Embassy Trade Office report.

As indicated, the Central American country’s non-oil sales to the Andean people went, between 2018 and 2022, from US $44.5 million to US $82.5 million and those of that country from US $37.6 million to US $69.5 million.

“Trade has been growing steadily; it is diverse and consolidated. Guatemala is not a marginal partner; it is an impor- tant partner and, I would say, the most important in Central America”, the Ecuadorian ambassador Hernán Yáñez said.

The diplomat considers that the recent year’s trend will continue in 2023.

Closer ties

In April 2022, an extension to the Partial Scope Agreement of Economic Complementation between both countries, in force since February 2013 and initially covering 614 products, came into force.

This extended the tariff preferences to 160 more items in beverages, textiles and clothing, fruits and processed products, confectionery, notebooks and paper, and snacks.

Rodrigo Pérez/ DCA Mundo

El comercio entre ambas naciones muestra un incremento constante en los últimos años, en buena medida, impulsado por el Acuerdo de Alcance Parcial vigente desde el 2013 y ampliado en 2022.

16.7 por ciento 16.5 por ciento Crecimiento promedio anual de exportaciones de 2018 a 2022

Rodrigo Pérez/ DCA Mundo

Trade between the two countries has increased steadily in recent years, largely driven by the Partial Scope Agreement in force since 2013 and extended in 2022.

Guatemala - Ecuador

Guatemala - Ecuador

US $82.5 millones US $ 69.5 millones Monto de las exportaciones en 2022

Average annual export growth from 2018 to 2022. Amount of exports in 2022

87.8 miles

45.6 miles

Toneladas exportadas en 2022

Tons exported in 2022

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